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Level 1-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Kjohnson
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.6.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: conv_starter_ewok
Other Sites:


  • 68. - Little Sith, I've grown weary of this place. Let us walk outdoors.
    • 166. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 70. - Your power is great, but your actions lack honor. I promised to serve you eternally, so I am bound by my words.
        • 73. - You have changed from the Sith I knew. I will train relentlessly, so that I may one day challenge you and win back my freedom.
          • 74. Option - Of course.Player - I'd expect nothing less.
            • 78. - Perhaps you will prove me wrong, Master, and earn my respect once more.
          • 75. Option - You've changed, too.Player - Time changes all of us. You finally gave up on Zash.
            • 140. - I heard whispers of her return, but the witch eluded me like a ghost. She vanished, and my hunger was great.
              • 77. - The red planet was hidden and full of delicious prey. I waited patiently for fools who fell easily into my traps.
                • 86. - I long to hunt again, my Master. Do not keep me waiting, for I grow hungry.
          • 76. Option - Unlikely.Player - My power grows each day. You'll never surpass me.
            • 81. - Only one as young as you could possess such arrogance.
              • 83. - I long to hunt again, Master. I grow ever more hungry.
                • 84. <Conversation Exit>
      • 71. - For years, I longed for the day when I would drain the witch's essence and spill her blood. You won that honor, and I hope she suffered dearly.
        • 89. - Since I awakened, I have been consumed by a desire for freedom, and revenge against the witch. Without them, I am only a shadow-killer.
          • 144. - I used to thrive in the shadows, feeding as I pleased. But now that life seems...desolate. Yet even here, among your people, I'm alone.
            • 90. Option - You're part of a team.Player - You're a part of the Alliance now. It may take some time for people to warm up to you, but we have many strong allies.
              • 97. - Yes. I will find one who smells strong and challenge them to a duel. Sparring is an excellent way to identify one's weaknesses.
                • 99. - Perhaps your allies are stronger than they look. But if anyone dishonors you, I will make them suffer.
            • 91. Option - [Flirt] You're never alone.Player - I'm back for good, Khem. You don't have to be alone again.
              • 101. - Truly? Then there is more I must say....
                • 103. - The Force used to satisfy my hunger, but no longer. I'm neither a slave nor a captive of the witch, and the freedom overwhelms me. I long to be bonded.
                  • 105. - Your scent is much changed--you are stronger, infused with the essence of the Force. Your aroma is intoxicating, and I fear I will soon lose control.
                    • 106. Option - You're attracted to me?Player - I didn't realize Dashades were interested in romance.
                      • 119. - It is rare, but there are certain steps which must be taken....
                    • 107. Option - [Flirt] You smell delicious, too.Player - I find your scent rather...intoxicating, too.
                      • 115. - Is this true? Then I must explain....
                        • 114. - If we wish to be together, we must be bonded using the ancient rituals. If I displease Mistress Death, she will drive me mad and force me to devour you.
                          • 116. Option - Yes, I'm in.Player - I've always wondered what ancient Dashade rituals looked like.
                            • 123. - I am honored, my Master. We will need many sacrifices for the blood rituals. I will leave immediately.
                              • 124. Player - A goodbye kiss, then?
                                • 125. - Forgive me, Master. It is forbidden. Mistress Death is the soul of envy--she must be appeased.
                                  • 127. - I will begin gathering the sacrifices. This will take much time. If you require me in the meantime, Master, you only need to ask.
                          • 117. Option - I can't.Player - I'm sorry, Khem. I'm not ready to make that kind of...commitment.
                    • 109. Option - This is creepy.Player - I've heard too much already, Khem.
                      • 110. - I'm ashamed, Master. I should not have spoken such things. Forgive me for speaking so openly.
                        • 149. - Nothing has changed. I will remain your ally in battle. Let us never speak of this again.
            • 92. Option - You're not exactly friendly.Player - If you're trying to make friends, you should stop harping on about "Mistress Death."
              • 93. - A shadow-killer does not put on false pretenses to impress others.
                • 153. - Your allies reek of weakness, but for now, I will hunt offworld. I seek stronger prey to sate my appetite.
                  • 154. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 162. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 163. <Conversation Exit>
                      • 164. <Conversation Exit>
                    • 161. <Conversation Exit>
  • 12. Player - There's a presence nearby. It's oddly...familiar.
    • 11. - Should I be worried?
      • 9. Player - No, Major. Go on ahead. I'll catch up in a moment.
        • 3. - Little Sith! At long last, you have returned. Stay, and watch me feast upon this Jedi.
          • 4. Option - Hungry as ever?Player - You always did have a large appetite.
            • 19. - Weaklings like him cannot satisfy my hunger.
          • 14. Option - Not much to see, now.Player - It appears I've already missed the best part.
            • 20. - I have hardly begun! Mistress Death will not be satisfied unless I devour him slowly, with relish.
          • 15. Option - I've seen enough.Player - I'd rather not. There's something about entrails....
            • 16. - You have the same parts, do you not?
              • 18. - There are many Force-users on this planet, so I hunt in the shadows, thinning their numbers. The strongest are too well-guarded.
                • 26. - When I hunted on other worlds, many fools sought revenge for their fallen allies. I swatted them away like gnats, but grew tired of their interference.
                  • 28. - After you disappeared, Little Sith, there was no one powerful enough to serve, save Mistress Death.
                    • 29. Option - You're finally free.Player - Your freedom is well-earned.
                      • 37. - Never had I imagined that it would come like this.
                    • 30. Option - Our bond is broken?Player - So my disappearance broke our agreement?
                    • 31. Option - You still obey me.Player - You promised to serve me eternally. You'd dare break your word?
                      • 44. - You may have returned, but much has changed. You are not the same Sith whom I served.
                        • 34. - I once believed you had the strength to rival Tulak Hord. Then you disappeared, imprisoned by one twisted by the Force.
                          • 36. - I am a shadow-killer, bound by honor only to serve Mistress Death. I cannot serve you now, when you carry the stench of weakness once more.
                            • 47. Option - I helped defeat Zash.Player - I'm powerful enough to defeat Zash. She perished on Nathema, and she'll never plague you again.
                              • 60. - The witch is...dead? It is a wonder she returned, but once again, I am in your debt.
                            • 48. Option - I'm a Commander now.Player - Hundreds of Force-users are at my command. I defeated Zash. I'm stronger than ever.
                              • 56. - Your titles mean nothing to me, but the say she is dead at last? You succeeded where I have failed.
                                • 58. - It appears that you did not break our agreement. I will lend you my strength once more, Little Sith.
                                  • 138. - I wish to speak further, but not here. I will find your people offworld, and await your arrival.
                                    • 64. <Conversation Exit>
                            • 49. Option - I'll show you power. [Shock him]Player - Don't question my strength, fool.
                              • 52. - Enough! I yield.
                                • 54. - Your power is formidable, but you act without regard for honor. I will serve you--for now.
                                  • 136. - Now I travel offworld, to find your people and await your arrival.
                                    • 67. <Conversation Exit>
  • 129. Option - It must be hard.Player - It must be lonely without other Dashades.
    • 131. - We are allied by our service to Mistress Death, but little more. You and Tulak Hord have been greater allies than my kin.
      • 132. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.others.treek.treek_01
Appearance ID16140988433037890172
Body Typedwarf
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    "MaxLevel": 60,
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        "LocalizedName": {
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.daily_area.ossus.imperial.khem_val_return",
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    "hash": "300966007",
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