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Qyzen Fess

Qyzen Fess
Level 7 Qyzen Fess
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Balmorra_republic
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Qyzen Fess
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  • 1057. - Must thank you.
    • 1059. - To travel with Scorekeeper's Herald is great blessing. I am grateful for honor.
      • 1060. Option - The honor is mine.Player - I've seen your prowess as a hunter, Qyzen. I'm glad to have you at my side.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1062. Option - This will be a tough journey.Player - Don't thank me just yet. We still have many tasks ahead of us.
        • 1063. - What is to fear? There is hunt; then success, or death.
      • 1066. Option - I'm really not your "Herald."Player - You don't need to call me that. I'm not anyone's Herald.
        • 1067. - I saw on Tython. You are Herald, marked by Scorekeeper. Is so, even if you cannot see.
          • 1069. - Fighting Nalen Raloch together. Great, glorious victory.
            • 1071. - But was terrible to lose score. To wake up caged, and be nothing.
              • 1072. Option - Explain this "score" again.Player - These points and your score are everything to you, correct?
                • 1073. - Hunt is life. Honorable kill earns points, tallied by Scorekeeper. She sees all.
                  • 1075. - Bigger score earns glory in afterlife. But capture... erases score. Gone. Is worse than death.
              • 1078. Option - Focus on getting it back.Player - Don't think about that; imagine how good it will feel to reclaim those lost points.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1079. - Yes. Will take time. Many, many points lost.
              • 1082. Option - Don't be so melodramatic.Player - It was only a number. It's not like you were mutilated when you lost it.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1083. - Score is not "number." Is measure of life's worth, Scorekeeper's favor. Without, I do not exist.
                  • 1085. - But, also gained much on Tython. I met Scorekeeper's Herald. Is all balance.
                    • 1086. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1471. - Have spoken to Elders on Trandosha, Herald.
    • 1544. - Lek Svaal told of Veneb's treachery and murder. I thank you, for everything.
      • 1545. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1546. - But, suddenly having clan to lead? I never, ever sought, Herald, and is all at once.
          • 1548. Option - You'll be a great leader.Player - Don't worry. You're intelligent, capable and devout, exactly the role model they need.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1549. Option - Picked a clan name yet?Player - Names have power. Renaming the clan is a good way to make a clean break with the past.
            • 1567. - Hmm. "Scorekeeper's Grace"? Or "Herald's Teeth"? Must think on it.
          • 1550. Option - No getting out of it now.Player - You're all those youngsters have. Do good by them.
            • 1559. - Is so much to teach. To honor Scorekeeper, and self. How points are rightly earned. How to be silent, strike sure....
              • 1561. - Must have patience. Stalk ignorance, step by step--both clan's, and mine.
                • 1564. Option - The Scorekeeper must be proud.Player - You do honor to your goddess, Qyzen. Perhaps she'll grant you points for this.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1601. - I did only necessary thing. But, yes, is always my hope she smiles on me.
                • 1592. Option - I will help, if you need me.Player - If you ever want advice, I'll be here.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1594. - Is great comfort to have Scorekeeper's Herald at my shoulder.
                • 1593. Option - So one day you'll be leaving.Player - Someday you'll want to rejoin your clan, and lead them in person.
                  • 1598. - In time, yes, I will rejoin. But for now, first duty is to you, though clan must be close behind.
                    • 1600. - Come, Herald. Standing still helps no hunter, or clan. Work is to be done.
        • 1547. - Veneb's young clan has returned also. Time with others, on Trandosha, will clear minds. Teach them much.
          • 1551. Option - What will happen to them?Player - Where will those young Trandoshans go, without a leader?
            • 1565. - Join other clans, or strike out alone, to succeed or fail. Same chance for all, Herald.
          • 1553. Option - Then Veneb will be truly gone.Player - When the last of his "teachings" are forgotten, Veneb will be too.
            • 1570. - Is so. He turned back on Scorekeeper, so now is nothing.
          • 1552. Option - Or they'll pollute others.Player - It is possible Veneb's methods and ideas will take root, instead of disappearing.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1572. - Elders are wise, Herald. Over years, have seen such notions come, and always, go.
              • 1574. - Has all been great lesson for me. Clan, politics--better left sleeping.
                • 1576. - Simple life is mine. Travel, hunt, points. And serving Scorekeeper's Herald.
                  • 1581. Option - Not a servant. A friend.Player - You don't serve me, Qyzen. We hunt side by side, as equals.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1586. - I am... no equal of Scorekeeper's Herald. Cannot be. But is... great kindness and courtesy to say.
                  • 1579. Option - You honor me.Player - Thank you, Qyzen. It means a lot to hear you say that.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1584. - I speak truth only, Herald. But if truth pleases you, is greater blessing.
                  • 1580. Option - Our lives are rarely simple.Player - If you want a life without complications, you may have picked the wrong traveling companion.
                    • 1582. - No, Herald. I chose rightly. This I know. As does Scorekeeper.
                      • 1588. - Come, Herald. Still many points to be gained. Always, there is work.
                        • 1758. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1373. - You have heart of Trandoshan hunter, Herald.
    • 1666. Option - Thank you.Player - Coming from you, that's quite the compliment, Qyzen.
      • 1671. - I say truth.
        • 1674. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1668. Option - I must still act as a Jedi.Player - Perhaps, but my first responsibility is to protect others and the Republic, not gather points.
      • 1672. - Is your duty. I know. As Scorekeeper must, to keep hand on your shoulder.
        • 1673. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1669. Option - That's a worrying statement.Player - I hope you mean that figuratively, Qyzen.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 1667. - Is compliment I mean, Herald.
        • 1670. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1681. - You learn, test yourself. Spare prey beneath you, for others to hunt.
            • 1683. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1682. - You know battle, truly; you fight without fear, hunt great evils.
            • 1680. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1679. - You understand predator and prey have bond. Know when to spare, when to strike.
            • 1685. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1693. - And you led me to clan. To guide back to Scorekeeper. As long as you need, Herald, I will be here.
              • 1675. - You do Scorekeeper honor, as Herald. I wish nothing, than to hunt by your side.
                • 1698. Option - I'm touched, Qyzen.Player - This is a "great goodness." I don't know what to say.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1676. Option - I'm glad to hear it.Player - The ship would never be the same without you.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1697. Option - Retirement wouldn't suit you.Player - I understand. I can't imagine you settling down to a quiet life.
                  • 1715. - For clan, I could... slow. But to sit and be quiet? Always? Is not for me.
                  • 1701. - Indeed. I hope is not for me to die in sleep.
                    • 1703. - I am past middle of life. Not so many years ahead. But plenty to see us win glory.
                      • 1707. - Now come, Herald. Galaxy moves around us.
                        • 1721. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1462. - Choice is made about Veneb Drassk, treacherous Clan Speaker-to-be. I thought, prayed, then issued ghrajath.
    • 1510. - Ghrajath is claim of dispute. Law says, no one becomes Clan Speaker with ghrajath unresolved.
      • 1514. - Veneb must meet me and resolve, peacefully or no, or lose prize he kills and schemes for.
        • 1513. Option - That was a clever idea.Player - So you've not only trapped Veneb into facing you, you've placed the law on your side. Good work.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1518. - Law and justice must hunt, or is only chaos.
        • 1515. Option - You've struggled with this.Player - This can't have been easy for you, to go against the Scorekeeper's wishes.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1519. - Cannot know this is right thing. But, is necessary thing. If is wrong, I ask Scorekeeper's forgiveness.
        • 1511. Option - He'll probably just ignore it.Player - Do you really think Veneb is going to respect your people's laws, after what he's done?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1516. - Perhaps yes, perhaps no. But Elders respect law, and them, Veneb cannot defy.
            • 1520. - Have sent word, through Elders. I meet Veneb, and clan, on ruined world of Taris.
              • 1523. Option - Will you fight him?Player - If Veneb will not surrender peacefully, what happens then?
                • 1528. - Is great evil, to kill brother Trandoshans. But Veneb is criminal. I talk first, then decide.
              • 1524. Option - I should go, as a peacemaker.Player - Maybe I could help settle this dispute.
                • 1530. - Yes. Yes, you are Herald of Scorekeeper. If you witness, all is done in her eyes.
              • 1525. Option - You know he'll betray you.Player - If he's bringing his clan, this would be the perfect opportunity for an ambush.
                • 1532. - Is true. But you hunted the Jedi Tykan on Taris. We know terrain, and match Veneb's strength.
                  • 1534. - Please accompany, as Scorekeeper's Herald. All must be done rightly.
                    • 1539. - We meet Veneb's clansman, Brek, on Taris. Soon. Veneb must answer for crimes.
                      • 1540. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1376. - Herald. Have sought out this Veneb Drassk, clan leader who used Wookiees to kill. But is... troubling things I find.
    • 1448. - Veneb has fattened on blood of rivals. Recruited clan of young ones, built many alliances. Is respected.
      • 1450. - Is so respected, Veneb may become Clan Speaker to Elders--position of great power.
        • 1451. Option - What's a Clan Speaker?Player - Why is being a Clan Speaker so important?
          • 1454. - Clan Speaker represents all clans to Elders. Should become so by hard work, trustworthiness, not tricks!
        • 1452. Option - But he's a murderer!Player - Surely he can't be unchallenged--someone must know what he has done.
          • 1480. - Seems only hunter's trick Veneb knows is covering tracks.
        • 1453. Option - We must expose his misdeeds.Player - If we go to the Elders and explain Veneb's crimes, they'd never make him Clan Speaker.
          • 1457. - Is no evidence we have. And is... more complex.
            • 1459. - Veneb has begun rites to become Clan Speaker, and ensure Scorekeeper's favor.
              • 1473. - Veneb is justice's prey--I feel this. But... Scorekeeper knows Veneb's heart, past and future, and still favors.
                • 1475. - If I accuse, if I stand against Veneb, is standing against Scorekeeper's wishes.
                  • 1478. Option - She knows you'd seek justice.Player - If the Scorekeeper sees Veneb's heart, then she must also see yours. She understands you can't let him escape judgment.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1499. - Am I to say, "I am judge"? To say, "I am wiser, because I feel"?
                  • 1476. Option - You can't simply do nothing.Player - Allowing Veneb to become Clan Speaker would defile both your people, and the Scorekeeper.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1500. - Good hunter wastes nothing. Perhaps Scorekeeper sees purpose, even for broken thing like Veneb.
                  • 1477. Option - Perhaps you would.Player - If you wish to pursue this, and accuse Veneb, then you must accept that possibility.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1483. - I am hunter, not Elder. I seek points, give life to Scorekeeper--is all I need.
                      • 1503. - But if I belong to her, what is belonging for? What good is to see and do nothing?
                        • 1507. - Is much to think on.
                          • 1756. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1369. Player - You wanted to talk, Qyzen?
    • 1370. - Herald, soft thing is Mako, information seller I spoke of. To help us find treacherous Trandoshan we hunt.
      • 1378. - Not if you keep calling me a soft thing. I remember what that means, y'know.
        • 1380. - Huh. Qyzen says you're a herald? You look like a Jedi to me.
          • 1382. Option - It's a Trandoshan title.Player - According to Qyzen, I'm the Scorekeeper's Herald. It's a long story.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1396. - As nicknames go, I'd look for something a little... snappier.
          • 1384. Option - We need you to find someone.Player - We're looking for a Trandoshan called Veneb.
            • 1427. - And all you know is his name? Sure, I like a challenge.
          • 1381. Option - Appearances can be deceptive.Player - Those who trust their eyes over their intelligence often regret it.
            • 1385. - Sheesh. You could write a book of those--you'd make a fortune.
              • 1389. - Mako, we hunt Trandoshan named Veneb. He sold information to Wookiees, got hunters killed. Is very important we find.
                • 1426. - Hunt, hunt, hunt. You know, if you hunted crooks instead of animals, you'd be a household name.
                  • 1392. - Okay. I got a "Veneb Drassk." Trandoshan, former bounty hunter--retired. That him?
                    • 1393. Option - That sounds plausible.Player - Going from hunting for money to selling information is a small step. He may be the man we want.
                    • 1395. Option - How did you do that so fast?Player - Even the Jedi Archives rarely recover information that quickly.
                      • 1401. - I'm all wired up to the HoloNet. If it's out there, it's up here.
                    • 1394. Option - I just need a location.Player - Perhaps. Where is he?
                      • 1399. - No idea. HoloNet's got a little more.
                        • 1404. - After he retired, this Veneb became some bigshot Trandoshan clan leader. Just... suddenly shot up the ranks.
                          • 1406. - Oh. Shot up the ranks, after a lot of his rivals "went missing." Usually on hunts. Interesting, huh?
                            • 1410. - By Scorekeeper! Explains all. Wookiee Gwarror wanted Trandoshans to hunt, Veneb wanted dead rivals....
                              • 1408. Option - They were working together.Player - Veneb identified Trandoshans going through shko-yagu, ones who challenged his power, and told Gwarror who to kill.
                              • 1409. Option - This is about clan politics.Player - Veneb wasn't helping Gwarror for credits, he was maneuvering himself into becoming a clan leader.
                              • 1411. Option - Quite a clever strategy.Player - Veneb found a perfect way to dispose of his rivals. Who'd think twice about Wookiees and Trandoshans killing each other?
                                • 1417. - That's all I've got on this Veneb. But it should be enough for you two to find him.
                                  • 1421. - So Qyzen. We're square now, right? No more "favor is owed"?
                                    • 1422. Option - I think that's fair.Player - You've been very helpful, I think we can consider this even.
                                      • 1439. - Yes, no more is owed. Was kindness, Mako.
                                    • 1423. Option - It's up to you, Qyzen.Player - What do you think? This is your friend, and your favor.
                                      • 1430. - Is repaid, Mako. Is great kindness you have done.
                                        • 1440. - Hey, now. Don't go soft on me. I like you fine as you are.
                                          • 1443. - See you around, Qyzen. Take care of yourself, and your Herald.
                                    • 1424. Option - Don't. You might need her.Player - That's not much to go on. I think she could still be of use to you.
                                      • 1425. - Hmm. Is so. If hunt fails, will need you again, Mako.
                                        • 1434. - Fine, fine. But next time I owe you a favor, I'm giving it an expiry date.
                                          • 1436. - If Veneb is clan leader, Elders back home will know where to find. Snare tightens, Herald.
                                            • 1754. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1095. - Herald, Mako sends no word yet. But shko-yagu is complete.
    • 1360. - Body, mind are renewed. New skin and muscle grow.
      • 1275. - Was all earned in pain. But am strong enough now to hunt for rest of my life.
        • 1276. Option - How long will that be?Player - I must admit, I'm not sure what the average Trandoshan's lifespan is.
          • 1279. - Average? I passed thirty-second year; to live past fifty is rare thing. I am not Jedi, to go on and on forever.
        • 1277. Option - You could always settle down.Player - Why not find a mate and raise a family?
          • 1284. - Hatchlings, raising, squabbling? Hmph. I need only hunt.
        • 1278. Option - Good. I need you.Player - I'm glad you'll be at your peak. I can't do without you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1291. - Is a goodness to be needed so.
            • 1293. - You have been... good example, Herald. I push harder, train harder to match.
              • 1295. - Will be worthy of you, and to serve Scorekeeper. This is new beginning.
                • 1752. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1273. - Have thought of Gwarror, Wookiee who hunted my people.
    • 1287. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1744. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1288. - Lek Svaal helped recover Gwarror's pelt. Is impressive. For my people, such Wookiee pelt is exceptional courting gift.
          • 1299. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 1300. - As Herald, I offer pelt to you. Perhaps your mate, Lieutenant Iresso, would like?
              • 1305. Option - Um, no thanks.Player - That's... very generous, Qyzen. But perhaps you should keep it.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1306. Option - I really doubt that.Player - I think Felix prefers women who don't surprise him with Wookiee pelts.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1308. - Truly? Is unworthy mate for Scorekeeper's Herald, then.
            • 1301. - As Herald, I offer pelt to you. Perhaps your mate, little Nadia, would like?
              • 1302. Option - No, thank you.Player - A... generous gift, but I cannot accept it, even for Nadia.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1310. - I offer gift to win any heart, Herald, and you turn away. Is shame.
              • 1303. Option - It's not really her thing.Player - Nadia's not the sort of woman who truly appreciates a Wookiee pelt. She's funny that way.
                • 1311. - Ah. Is so hard to please females.
              • 1317. Option - All right, I'll take it.Player - Thank you, Qyzen. What a thoughtful gift.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1318. - I will scrape pelt, salt and prepare--will take time, to be perfect for Herald's mate.
        • 1289. - Missed chance by sparing him. Pelt of Gwarror would be exceptional courting gift, for your mate.
          • 1323. Option - Is that a Trandoshan custom?Player - So, if you gave such a pelt to a female of your species--?
            • 1335. - Would show strength of love. Perhaps gain her favor.
          • 1322. Option - We have a Trandoshan to find.Player - We have to focus on tracking down Veneb, the one who told Gwarror which Trandoshans to hunt.
          • 1321. Option - I can manage fine without one.Player - I don't need a pile of mangy Wookiee fur to win anyone's heart.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1325. - If you deny your mate best things, Herald, is false love you have.
      • 1290. - We must attend to hunt. Veneb, Trandoshan who betrayed hunters to Gwarror--we must find, and punish.
        • 1338. - Is strange to hunt with no tracks or scent. Must find Veneb's trail, but even Lek knew nothing.
          • 1341. Option - We need more information.Player - We only know Veneb's name and what he's done. That's not enough.
            • 1350. - Knowledge. Yes. I know where to get.
          • 1339. Option - You must have some contacts.Player - You've hunted across this galaxy for years. Surely someone owes you a favor?
          • 1340. Option - Let's draw Veneb out.Player - If he wants Trandoshan hunters dead, we can set an ambush.
            • 1345. - If Veneb knows of Gwarror's dying, will be skittish, hard to snare.
            • 1347. - Is good idea, but Gwarror could have given Veneb warnings.
              • 1349. - Hmm. Once, I was bounty hunter for man called Braden. He had daughter, Mako--his eyes and ears.
                • 1353. - Mako was soft thing, but knew of trading information, of hunts and hunters. And to me, she owes debt.
                  • 1354. Option - Why?Player - What debt does she owe?
                    • 1362. - Is private thing, Herald. Debt exists, all that matters.
                  • 1355. Option - Then we should talk to her.Player - If Mako might know something of Veneb, let's not waste any time.
                  • 1356. Option - Good, so she'll work for free.Player - Information brokers tend to be expensive; I'd much rather pay with a favor.
                    • 1364. - Braden and Mako moved often. May take time to find. I begin.
                      • 1750. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - Molt is over. I am living thing again, Herald.
    • 1178. Option - Is your rite finished?Player - Does this mean your shko-yagu is over?
    • 1179. Option - Congratulations.Player - You must feel much better now that your ordeal is over.
    • 1177. Option - You still look the same.Player - Seems like a lot of effort for no visible difference.
      • 1226. - Is within, Herald. Already body is changing.
        • 1230. - To begin final stage of shko-yagu, I ate piece of molted skin.
          • 1232. - Life and death, all feed on each other. To eat piece of molt, proves I know this.
            • 1234. Option - The past, feeding the future?Player - So, the person you were nourishes the person you're becoming.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1242. - Yes, Herald, is exactly so.
            • 1233. Option - That can't be good for you.Player - Trandoshan skin is incredibly tough. Can you even digest it?
            • 1235. Option - How disgusting.Player - Just when I think you're civilized, you start eating pieces of yourself.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1237. - No, Herald, of old self. Should not be wasted.
                • 1241. - Skin provides nourishment for last changes, but is... uncomfortable. Like stone in the belly. But, must focus.
                  • 1247. - Have spoken to Lek Svaal again, little hunter from Tatooine. Says hunting opportunity still waits on Alderaan.
                    • 1251. - Now I am living thing, with points to gain, would be goodness to go.
                      • 1249. Option - What "opportunity" is this?Player - Did Lek say what sort of hunt this would be?
                        • 1253. - No, only is "chance of lifetime hunt."
                      • 1252. Option - Then we should go.Player - It'll be a good way to celebrate your return to life.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1250. Option - You said you were sick.Player - You shouldn't go hunting if you're still feeling ill.
                        • 1255. - Exercise would be help, Herald.
                        • 1257. - Have endured sickness of nakkis leaf medicine, this is little more. Exercise would be help.
                          • 1259. - Please. I have fitness to hunt. And still have points to regain.
                            • 1260. Option - We should go, then.Player - This is a special opportunity; you should take full advantage of it.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 1261. Option - All right. But stay well.Player - I suppose we can go. But if you feel any worse, let me know.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1266. - Thank you, Herald. We meet Lek Svaal on Alderaan, soon. Or chance will be lost.
                            • 1262. Option - I'll think about it.Player - If we have time to spare, perhaps we can make a detour to Alderaan.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 1265. - Lek said chance is soon lost, Herald. But is your starship. I must accept.
                                • 1267. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1092. - Shko-yagu continues, and rebirth begins, with Scorekeeper's blessing.
    • 1174. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1175. - Has been no sickness, and molt goes smoothly. Is thanks to your medicine, Herald.
        • 1180. Option - You don't need to thank me.Player - That's what friends are for, Qyzen.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1187. - I... I still hope to repay one day, Herald.
        • 1182. Option - I needed you fit for combat.Player - I couldn't risk you keeling over in the middle of battle.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1186. - Then was very wise. Capture again would be disaster.
      • 1176. - Nakkis leaf medicine brings... pains. But I endure. Has caused molting, as was meant.
        • 1183. Option - I hope you feel better.Player - You may raid our medical supplies--take what you need.
          • 1194. - Sickness will not last, Herald.
        • 1181. Option - When does your molt finish?Player - How long does it take to shed your skin?
          • 1190. - Normally is few days. But this is deep molt, will take longer. Am sorry if I scratch.
        • 1185. Option - This is a sadistic ritual.Player - Your goddess seems to delight in forcing you to risk your life.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1193. - My life is Scorekeeper's. Without challenge, I am soft thing.
            • 1197. - Herald, until skin is fully shed, before Scorekeeper I am not dead, not alive.
              • 1199. - For short time, I gain no points, until rebirth is complete.
                • 1201. Option - What's the next stage?Player - After you've completed your rebirth, what happens then?
                  • 1207. - Shko-yagu nears end. Need molted skin to complete fully. I will explain when is time.
                • 1200. Option - Seems like an odd restriction.Player - What's the rationale behind that?
                  • 1217. - Is... strange question you ask. How could thing not dead or alive gain points?
                • 1202. Option - But you'll still be fighting.Player - Whether you're gaining points or not, I need you to defend my back.
                  • 1223. - I know duty, Herald.
                    • 1209. - Is shame. Remember Lek Svaal? Little one from Tatooine, who hunted Dusk Shadow?
                      • 1211. - He called, to speak of great hunting chance on Alderaan. But I cannot gain points, so is not proper.
                        • 1213. - Lek said opportunity would soon pass. But perhaps when shko-yagu is over, will still be time.
                          • 1742. <Conversation Exit>
  • 831. - Herald, I... would be goodness to speak with you.
    • 1096. Option - You don't look well.Player - Pardon my asking, but are you feeling alright?
      • 1099. - Am fine. Only... hungry.
    • 1097. Option - Of course.Player - Talk about whatever you wish, Qyzen.
    • 1098. Option - Then speak.Player - If you have something to say, out with it.
      • 1100. - No point to make. But would be distraction, from fasting.
        • 1102. - Is part of shko-yagu, rite of passage, to deny food. But, always when I hunger, I hunt. To hunger for days is new.
          • 1103. Option - Talk about your shko-yagu.Player - Let's take your mind off it. Explain this rite of passage a little more.
            • 1109. - Shko-yagu marks mature hunter. Kills earn greater points. After, some retire, become Elders. Others pursue hunt until death.
          • 1105. Option - You can handle it.Player - This hunger is just another foe, one you defeat with strength and focus.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1110. - Is true, Herald. I will remember.
          • 1104. Option - What are you craving?Player - If you could eat, what would you have?
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1111. - Toasted mealworms would be goodness. Bowl after bowl.
              • 1113. - Hmm. Has been long since I heard of anyone completing shko-yagu.
                • 1115. - Is rare for hunters to live long enough for shko-yagu, true. But none completing for years? Has never been so.
                  • 1117. Option - Traditions do change.Player - In turbulent times, the first changes are often cultural. Maybe your people's customs are evolving.
                    • 1129. - Shko-yagu is honored rite of passage. Would be shame to lose.
                  • 1116. Option - Any idea why?Player - What has changed, do you think?
                    • 1125. - Is dangerous time, Herald, and shko-yagu is hard. Perhaps hunters lose heart.
                  • 1118. Option - Or, you just haven't heard.Player - There's been little opportunity for you to catch up on the news from your people.
                    • 1124. - Is true, but word travels.
                      • 1132. - After fasting, shko-yagu continues. I drink nakkis leaf medicine on empty stomach. Force skin to molt--is rebirth.
                        • 1136. Option - But nakkis leaf is poisonous.Player - Such medicine would certainly induce a molt. Along with vomiting, fever and burning pain in the sinuses.
                          • 1149. - Is part of shko-yagu. Is tradition. Sickness is nothing.
                            • 1151. Option - I know a safer alternative.Player - I could make you a medicine from our supplies that will induce molting, without any side effects.
                              • 1154. - Nakkis leaf is tradition. But... perhaps Scorekeeper speaks through you, Herald?
                                • 1158. - I will trust. Make this medicine.
                                  • 1161. Player - Drink this in some hot water. You'll start molting by tomorrow.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 1162. - Is great kindness you do, Herald. I will not forget.
                            • 1152. Option - Very well. Please be careful.Player - Don't use too much of the herb, and eat a good meal as soon as you can.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1155. - Am not your hatchling, Herald. But, you mean kindness. Thank you.
                            • 1153. Option - Fine. Do whatever you like.Player - If you want to make yourself ill because some tradition demands it, that's your business.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 1164. - Yes, Herald. My business, and Scorekeeper's.
                        • 1138. Option - Molting sounds painful.Player - Does it hurt when you shed your skin?
                          • 1163. - I shed yearly. No pain, but... itching. This is special deep molt, to purify.
                            • 1167. - Will be fast molt, I hope. My thanks for talk.
                        • 1137. Option - Just don't make a mess.Player - If you're going to be shedding skin on the ship, do it somewhere near the cargo ramp.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 1150. - Should I sleep in cargo hold, too? Like old times.
                            • 1740. <Conversation Exit>
  • 834. - Is great peace in me since visiting father's bones, Herald. Thank you.
    • 836. - Have spoken to Lek Svaal, young hunter we met. Was shocked the Dusk Shadow could be slain without tricks.
      • 838. - Lek promises to be worthier. Scorekeeper will judge.
        • 839. Option - You should mentor him.Player - Lek needs guidance from a more experienced hunter, like you.
          • 840. - I... perhaps, but I am hunter, no teacher. Lek must become on his own.
        • 843. Option - At least he wasn't hurt.Player - I'm glad Lek managed to learn this lesson without being maimed by the Dusk Shadow, or his own explosives.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 844. - Pain teaches well. But yes, hatchling mistakes should be small.
        • 847. Option - He won't last five minutes.Player - Lek doesn't have the skill to survive a proper hunt.
          • 848. - Then Scorekeeper will have judged. Though, would be a goodness if he lives.
            • 850. - Herald, there is... something. Seeing father's bones reminded. I am coming to middle of life.
              • 852. - This time begins new life phase, marked by rite of passage called "shko-yagu." I must fast, contemplate, train.
                • 853. Option - How will this change you?Player - So once your shko-yagu is completed, what will be different?
                  • 854. - Skin regrows and matures. Body grows new muscle, to stay strong.
                • 857. Option - I know nothing of this ritual.Player - I've never heard of the shko-yagu before.
                  • 858. - Is rare for hunters to live long. So shko-yagu is rare also.
                • 861. Option - I'll still need you to fight.Player - If pursuing this "shko-yagu" doesn't interfere with your service to me, do as you wish.
                  • 862. - I must hunt throughout shko-yagu--shows devotion to Scorekeeper. But must be cautious.
                    • 864. - Shko-yagu is... painful time. Must be on guard, always. Pain must not distract.
                      • 1738. <Conversation Exit>
  • 868. - I thank for patience, Herald. Have thought on wrongness I feel, and have answer.
    • 870. - Is because of capture on Tython. I suffer shame over loss of my score.
      • 872. - I must make special effort; purge all disgrace, and make amends to Scorekeeper.
        • 873. Option - Qyzen, you're not disgraced.Player - You don't need to "purge" anything. This sense of shame is all in your mind.
          • 874. - If I think I am shamed, is same as being shamed. Yuon taught this.
        • 877. Option - Make amends, how?Player - What are you going to do?
        • 879. Option - She seems very hard to please.Player - You're regaining your score, serving her Herald--what more does this Scorekeeper want?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 880. - Scorekeeper's favor is life or death, even if I still breathe. I must appease.
            • 882. - My father was great hunter. Died with exceptional score, hunting in sands of Tatooine.
              • 884. - I must find father's bones in Tatooine desert, pay homage to him and points. This will please Scorekeeper, and end disgrace.
                • 885. Option - I should come with you.Player - The Scorekeeper's Herald should witness such an act of reverence.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 886. - Would be great kindness, Herald. Thank you.
                • 889. Option - That'll be a difficult search.Player - Tatooine's deserts are vast; there must be thousands of bones out there.
                  • 890. - I know beginning place. And Scorekeeper will guide.
                • 893. Option - I hope this works.Player - If it doesn't, you'll need another way to keep the Scorekeeper happy.
                  • 894. - Is no wrongness to honor father. If nothing else, is good beginning to redeem myself.
                    • 896. - I ask that you accompany, Herald, as witness. Then Scorekeeper cannot fail to see.
                      • 898. - We should search on Tatooine soon. Shame grows by the day.
                        • 899. <Conversation Exit>
  • 902. - Is strange, Herald. I feel... wrongness. All around, everywhere.
    • 904. - You do not feel?
      • 905. Option - Maybe you're ill.Player - You could have picked up some Trandoshan sickness on our travels.
        • 906. - No, is no sickness of body.
      • 909. Option - I sense nothing wrong.Player - There's no tremor in the Force that I can perceive.
        • 910. - Hmm. Perhaps is not of your Force.
      • 913. Option - Just deal with it, Qyzen.Player - I really don't have time for this.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 914. - Hunter must listen to feelings, or dies fast.
          • 916. - I take time to think, Herald. Please excuse.
            • 1736. <Conversation Exit>
  • 920. - Herald, I bartered away small hunt trophies. Two ghest skins, rack of horax teeth.
    • 922. - I earned credits, but would like you to have. As tribute, for Scorekeeper's Herald.
      • 923. Option - I can't take what you earned.Player - Thank you, Qyzen, but I won't take money for trophies you claimed.
      • 925. Option - No tribute is necessary.Player - Surely the Scorekeeper's Herald has no need for credits.
        • 926. - If you wish, Herald. Shall save for future hunts, then.
      • 929. Option - Credits? Hand them over.Player - Very well. The Scorekeeper surely smiles on your generosity.
        • 930. - Is good to give thanks.
          • 932. - Once, I saved credits to be smuggled onto Kashyyyk. Is Wookiee homeworld. Deep forests, and Shadowlands full of monsters.
            • 934. - Three weeks to stalk through Shadowlands. Gained dozen pelts of Wookiee hunters. Was magnificent.
              • 935. Option - How could you hunt Wookiees?Player - The Wookiees are a noble people--not animals for you to kill.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 936. - Are prey of choice for us, Herald. Silverback Wookiee pelt earns many, many points.
              • 939. Option - You took a risk going there.Player - A Trandoshan in Wookiee hunting grounds--you're fortunate to have all your limbs.
                • 940. - Trandoshan arms and legs regrow, Herald. Was worthwhile.
              • 943. Option - I wish I'd been with you.Player - It sounds magnificent indeed.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 944. - Could have earned many points together, Herald.
                  • 946. - Beasts run in Shadowlands that live nowhere else. I thought I knew all.
                    • 948. - But one night, enormous beast came to camp and attacked. Beast I could not see.
                      • 949. Option - But you can see in the dark.Player - Don't Trandoshans have infrared vision? You must have seen something.
                        • 950. - Is true, but I saw nothing. Was shadow, barely scent.
                      • 953. Option - A dark-side beast, maybe.Player - I've heard that vicious terentatek hunt in the Kashyyyk Shadowlands.
                        • 954. - These I know. This was something other.
                      • 957. Option - Let me guess, you killed it.Player - All your stories eventually end the same way.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 958. - Spent many days as hunter and hunted, chasing through Shadowlands. But with Scorekeeper's help, I learned creature's movements, sound, spoor.
                          • 960. - Finally, I ambushed from above with blade. Beast fell, but... battle took my eye.
                            • 961. Option - It's a shame about your eye.Player - That seems a high price to pay for victory.
                            • 963. Option - Did you get a trophy?Player - You must have something to show for such a hunt, besides a scar.
                              • 964. - No. Creature fell into Shadowland swamps, and was lost.
                                • 966. - Was lesson from Scorekeeper, I think.
                            • 969. Option - You should have it replaced.Player - Why settle for being half-blind, when there are substitutes available?
                              • 970. - Not for me to heal. Injury was lesson from Scorekeeper.
                                • 972. - Hunter must have humility, respect prey. Thanks to scar, I always remember.
                                  • 1734. <Conversation Exit>
  • 976. - See, Herald. Was cleaning out pack, and found this.
    • 978. - Is from long-ago hunt. Claw of rancor beast.
      • 979. Option - I've read much about rancors.Player - From the dark striation on the claw, I'd say this rancor was... male, probably in the prime of life.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 980. - Yes, was so! You have true hunter's knowledge, Herald.
      • 987. Option - That's enormous!Player - If that's just the claw, I'd hate to encounter the creature it came from.
        • 988. - Ha. Beast will no longer trouble anyone.
          • 990. - I was working as bounty hunter, for man named Braden. But I heard of hunting opportunity. Mandalorians, hunting beasts.
            • 992. - I followed Mandalorians to small forest world, and found many rancors, with one giant. Was difficult hunt.
              • 993. Option - How did you kill it?Player - So how do you hunt such a beast?
                • 994. - First, planted special karg grease lure--irresistible to rancors. Then built a hide, and got perfect shot.
              • 997. Option - I can imagine.Player - Such a rancor wouldn't have gone down easily.
                • 998. - No, rancor dies like any other beast.
              • 1001. Option - But it must have been fun.Player - A whole planet of rancors and Mandalorians--you must have enjoyed that.
                • 1002. - True challenge was Mandalorians. Clumsy. Trampled game trails, lit fires, made hatchling mistakes.
                  • 1004. - Scorekeeper blessed me. Mandalorians never knew there was other hunter, until they found rancor carcass.
                    • 1006. - War forces competition. But, war has honed Sith into worthy prey for you, Herald. So all is fortunate.
                      • 1007. Option - Sith aren't our "prey."Player - We don't "hunt" the Sith. We protect innocent people from them, and only kill them when necessary.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1008. - Yet Sith force battles, and you earn points. So, Scorekeeper provides.
                      • 1011. Option - True, I do like fighting Sith.Player - Imagine. Without the war, there'd be only soft acolytes and crazed hermits to challenge us.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1012. - Is terrible thought. No points in those.
                      • 1015. Option - What a callous attitude.Player - I wouldn't call the deaths of millions of people "fortunate."
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1016. - Cannot bring back, Herald. Can only make best of what death brings.
                          • 1018. - Hmm. Rancor claw needs own bag. Memories must be safe.
      • 1020. Option - I don't care what it is.Player - I'm not interested in your trophies.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1021. - Is proof of valor. But is no matter to you. +200
          • 1732. <Conversation Exit>
      • 983. Option - Where did you get it?Player - I don't think I've ever heard of a world with rancors this big.
        • 984. - From hunt on far away planet. Do not know name.
  • 1025. - Is strangeness to travel at Jedi's side. Soft things show you great respect.
    • 1027. - Is often problems for my people to travel. Ships do not like Trandoshan passengers.
      • 1029. - Often captains say we must pay more, or tell to sleep in cargo hold.
        • 1030. Option - That's a disgrace.Player - It's shameful such a thing happens in the Republic.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1031. - Is fault of some Trandoshans. Thugs, have no honor or goodness. Make worse for everyone.
        • 1034. Option - Why not get your own ship?Player - If you had a starship, you wouldn't have to put up with such nonsense.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1035. - I am hunter, not pilot. Credits must maintain rifles, repair armor, buy supplies. Not go flying.
        • 1038. Option - You are a violent species....Player - Trandoshans have a bad reputation in the Republic.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1039. - I serve Scorekeeper, and hunt with honor. But ship captains? No caring of that.
            • 1041. - Always I was "Trandoshan," not Qyzen Fess. Until Yuon Par showed kindness. Was surprise that Jedi understood.
              • 1042. Option - Understanding is what Jedi do.Player - Every culture has something to teach us.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1043. - Was good lesson. Not to judge all as same, like I was judged.
              • 1046. Option - How did you meet Yuon?Player - She never told me how you first ran across each other.
                • 1047. - Was years ago, on Belkadan. Many ruins there, sinking into swamps. Yuon had camp nearby, to study.
                  • 1049. - First I avoided. Then traded findings from ruins, for snake-bite medicine. Then, stayed to talk at night.
              • 1052. Option - A crazy Jedi, anyway.Player - Back then, Yuon had a rather unique perspective on the world.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1053. - Yuon was always good friend to me. Is my hope you will be, also.
                  • 1729. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1468. - Herald, I have been silent, but now... must speak.
    • 1610. - To be Scorekeeper's Herald is great honor, at price of honoring talent and responsibility. You do not do.
      • 1613. Option - I apologize if I upset you.Player - I didn't realize my actions were so offensive to you.
        • 1621. - Is not me you offend, Herald. Is Scorekeeper.
      • 1615. Option - Your religion doesn't bind me.Player - I don't have to behave a certain way, just because your goddess thinks I should.
        • 1616. - If you are Scorekeeper's Herald, must be so. Else you dishonor self, and her.
      • 1611. Option - I'll ask forgiveness later.Player - I'm sure the Scorekeeper can overlook the occasional slipup. I'll make it up to her.
        • 1619. - Scorekeeper is not... plaything to be bought! She is beyond all, and does not forgive!
          • 1618. - Please. Is great effort, I know, but Scorekeeper's favor is worth all sacrifice.
            • 1727. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1608. - Is strangeness how Scorekeeper could mark you as Herald. Is clear you do not deserve.
    • 1627. Option - And if I wished to change?Player - How could I become more deserving, Qyzen?
      • 1639. - Is... is noble question. Must perform deeds that please Scorekeeper. Honorable kills, great achievements, act of penance....
        • 1642. - Work will earn lost honor. Is good to seek higher path, Herald.
    • 1640. Option - I am your Herald. Handle it.Player - The fact is that she chose me, whether you approve or not.
      • 1644. - Only proves what I say, "Herald."
    • 1628. Option - Yes, it's a great mystery.Player - I imagine she had her reasons--goddesses are hard to understand.
      • 1629. - I speak of gravest matters, and you laugh.
        • 1631. - Maybe Scorekeeper only can see your "worth."
          • 1725. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1647. - I finally see truth.
    • 1465. - I see soft thing in Herald's guise. Serving only itself.
      • 1650. - Is sickening Scorekeeper could be so blind.
        • 1651. Option - This is my failing, not hers.Player - Perhaps I'm not what you imagined the Scorekeeper's Herald to be. But that's my fault, not the Scorekeeper's.
          • 1654. - Is... is very hard, to hear wisdom from you.
        • 1652. Option - Your standards are too high.Player - I can't fight to save the galaxy and stand on a pedestal for you.
          • 1660. - I am least of Scorekeeper's hunters, but I do her honor!
        • 1653. Option - You still have to serve me.Player - I may be a bad Herald, but I'm still the Herald. And you swore obedience.
          • 1656. - Is bitter to swallow. But... yes. I did swear.
            • 1658. - I will stay on ship. Is still good hunting, if I stomach softness and corruption.
              • 1662. - Herald in name, I know truth of you. When Scorekeeper has vengeance, I will be there to see.
                • 1723. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1088. - Must speak with you back at ship, Herald.
  • 1087. - Herald, must speak with you.
  • 1810. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1089. - Hunter's luck to you.
    • 1812. - At your shoulder.
    • 1813. - This all shall please Scorekeeper, I hope.
    • 1814. - To glory, we walk on together.
    • 1815. - Rancor graveyards. Night desert skies. I remember...
    • 1816. - Beware. Be vigilant always.
    • 1817. - Soft things cannot stand against us.
    • 1818. - Devour fear, or be devoured.
    • 1819. - Often I think on Yuon's teachings. Great wisdom, and kindness.
    • 1820. - To hunt, to serve, is to live.
    • 1821. - How is it to be Jedi? What do you see?
    • 1822. - Hmph. Skin itches. Perhaps moult comes.
    • 1823. - To where now? Prey does not wait.
    • 1824. - A moment, to check weapons, then I stand ready.
    • 1826. - To be hunter, one must first know silence, stillness, then strength.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.jedi_wizard.qyzen_fess
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