- Yoo-hoo. Won't you spare a moment? The only thing that makes all of this slogging tolerable is the chance to rub shoulders with so many influential figures.
- High Command assigned my platoon some musty old outpost they thought was worth reclaiming. Abandoned, they said. It wasn't. Now I'm the illustrious commander of three half-dead survivors.
157. Option - Enemy ambush?Player - Tell me what's been done to you.
- The base was crawling with those disgusting "rakghoul" things. Exterminating them would be simple if we could keep the outpost's power on, but that's impossible.
215. Option - What makes it so dangerous?Player - Why do you say that?
Link to Node 29
214. Option - How would power help things?Player - How will that help?
- Someone started the destruction sequence before the outpost fell, but it obviously never completed. Restoring power would restart the countdown, and getting to the overrides through the rakghouls is hopeless.
169. Option - Leave the outpost to me.Player - I'm on it.
Link to Node 177
Link to Node 178
171. Option - Nothing I can't handle.Player - It will be done.
Link to Node 177
Link to Node 178
172. Option - Rakghouls won't stop me.Player - Watch and see what a (class) can do.
Link to Node 177
Link to Node 178
146. Option - You just need the right help.Player - Sounds dangerous. I'm in.
- Oh, you're such a darling, not like those back-biters I roomed with at the academy. My briefing datapad has all the Imperial security protocols you'll need.
189. <Conversation Exit>
148. Option - Yup, too bad. [Refuse quest]Player - Then you're out of luck.
<Aborts Conversation>
Link to Node 173
174. Option - Yup, too bad. [Refuse quest]Player - Good luck with that, then.