- There's enough fuel transports for all those warships to cross half the galaxy. Darth Malgus is leaving nothing to chance. His fleet won't stop until they reach the objective.
- That's why they're committing so many ships to this mission. The Sith Empire will stop at nothing to destroy this new shipyard before it can save the Republic's war effort.
78. Option - Where do I come in?Player - The Alliance has warships, but not enough to challenge a fleet that large. Where do we come in?
Link to Node 85
79. Option - Any defenses at the shipyard?Player - How long can the shipyard's defenses hold out against a fleet that size?
- It's crucial that we redeploy the Republic fleet to defend the Meridian Complex immediately. Unlike Malgus, we can't move our ships to Corellia without refueling stops.
- We want you to defend and expedite those reinforcements as best you can. If we defeat the Empire at Corellia, we turn the tide of this war in our favor.
92. Option - Let's get started.Player - All right. Where am I going first?
- The eleventh fleet is gathering there to resupply and refuel before heading to Corellia. It's the only Republic port within range of their current position.
- Onderon has been a Republic world for centuries, but local politics have become strained and fractious. Tau Idair is already investigating. She suspects Imperial infiltration.
112. Option - We'll sort this out.Player - Whatever is happening on Onderon, we'll get to the bottom of it.
141. Option - What am I, a babysitter?Player - Padawan? So what, as long as I'm babysitting that Republic fleet, I might as well babysit your students too?
- Dakot Seven has advanced technology, but the locals can't use kolto or bacta. Genetically incompatible, they said. So they use cybernetics to treat all of their severe injuries.
- Thanks. It feels good to return to the Jedi path after so long.
Link to Node 176
163. Option - You can do it.Player - Anyone who can make it through that has to be determined. I don't think there's anything in this galaxy that could stop you.
- Hey... before we go. My new master. Tau. What can you tell me about her?
197. Option - Tau is a great Jedi.Player - Tau has all the best qualities we aim to uphold. She's courageous, dutiful, determined... she'll teach you well.
Link to Node 205
181. Option - Tau is a great Jedi.Player - I've worked with Tau, and I was impressed. I think you'll make a great team.
- Master Gnost-Dural thinks very highly of her. Glad to hear you share his opinion.
Link to Node 203
182. Option - She's conflicted.Player - Tau's skills are impressive, but her battles against the Sith weigh on her. She questions her place in the Jedi.
Link to Node 199
198. Option - She seems conflicted.Player - She's got skills. There's no doubt about that. But I don't think Tau feels she fits in with other Jedi.
- Thanks. I appreciate your insight. I'm ready to go whenever you are.
Link to Node 185
183. Option - You shouldn't rely on her.Player - Honestly, I'm surprised Gnost-Dural will have her train you. I'm not sure she knows enough about being a Jedi to teach someone else.