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Lamalla Rann

Lamalla Rann
Level 10 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Ord_mantell
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lamalla Rann
Other Sites:


  • 1. - I'm sure they'll send me another holorecording specialist soon.
  • 2. - The holodiscs--you've got them! That's fantastic, amazing, unexpected even. I can't wait to see the footage from when the bodies were--wait. Where's Waxx?
    • 6. Option - He joined the enemy.Player - Turns out he joined the separatists.
      • 119. - Blast. And since he didn't come back with you, I'm guessing he didn't give up the holodiscs willingly.
        • 121. - Now it'll take a miracle to convince him to come home. Stupid kid--always sympathizing with the underdog a little too much.
    • 11. Option - No idea.Player - The only thing I found was the holodiscs.
      • 12. - I'm sure he'll turn up. Likely taken in by the romance of the movement and all that. He'll come toddling back when he gets bored.
    • 3. Option - Dead.Player - The separatists killed him.
      • 4. - Ah, poor kid. He was always getting caught up in the romance of different movements and societies. I guess it finally caught up with him.
        • 14. - Anyway, fair's fair. Here are your credits. Spend them in good humor.
          • 136. Option - Take care.Player - Be safe.
          • 17. Option - Make those discs count.Player - I really hope the recordings are worth it.
          • 137. Option - It's been fun.Player - It's been fun.
            • 22. - Right. It's footage like this that makes all the fighting and death worth it, you know?
              • 23. <Conversation Exit>
  • 24. - Look, I see your face and I know what you're gonna say, so don't even bother.
    • 125. - Waxx is with the separatists, right? Or he was adopted by a separatist family, or he's training in firearms, or some other blasted stupid thing. Am I right?
      • 29. Option - You're right.Player - He's gone completely native.
      • 126. Option - You knew?Player - How did you know?
        • 35. - He's just that type of kid, isn't he? On Tatooine, he went to live with the Jawas for three months--thought they were his spiritual kin.
      • 127. Option - I'd still like a reward.Player - He wouldn't give me the holodiscs. Do I still get a reward?
        • 38. - Yeah, I suppose you deserve something. After all, we know Waxx is alive, and he's got the footage.
          • 40. - One day he'll realize that the separatists are just as immoral as everyone else. And hopefully by then, he'll have some fantastic footage.
            • 42. - In the meantime, I'll get a new holorecorder sent out here and gather what I can. Here's a little something for your time and effort.
              • 135. Option - Thanks.Player - Thank you.
              • 134. Option - Take care.Player - Be safe.
              • 45. Option - You're nuts.Player - You're as crazy as Waxx is.
                • 50. - If you get yourself shot, I'll do a story on you!
                  • 51. <Conversation Exit>
  • 52. - Waxx has got to be over there across the bridge--or at least the footage has to be....
  • 53. - Listen, if you're here to tell me to clear out, then I'll tell you the same thing I told that uptight commander: Not going to happen. Got it?
    • 55. - I've got as much right as you do to be here--in fact, I've got more. I'm a model of free speech, a paragon for posterity.
      • 57. - What are you? A local grunt, that's what. No good to anybody. So don't go telling me to clear out. I won't do it and that's that.
        • 61. Option - That's not why I'm here.Player - I'm not here to tell you to clear out.
          • 62. - Nice try there, gunslinger. I know your type like I know the galaxy, which is like the back of my hand--
        • 64. Option - You sound frustrated.Player - Had some trouble with the local troops?
          • 65. - Are you trying to smooth-talk me, gunslinger? Con me? You trying to play good soldier and--
        • 133. Option - Bad attitude.Player - Nice attitude you've got there.
          • 68. - That's not attitude--I'll show you attitude. You like that, don't you? Seeing spirited citizens stand up for themselves and--
            • 70. - Oh damn, you're not actually with the locals, are you? Sorry about that, my mouth always engages first. Brain's working now, though, and I got an idea.
              • 72. - I need something done, and I don't have enough credits to bribe the whole corrupt Ord Mantell army. I've got enough to bribe a smaller army, though. You for hire?
                • 132. Option - Depends.Player - What's the mission?
                  • 74. - Think of it as an adventure. Wait--no, don't do that. You'll wander off aimlessly. Think of it as a job.
                • 76. Option - As long as you're paying.Player - I could always use more credits.
                  • 82. - Fantastic, good to see someone with the complete lack of scruples needed to protect justice and freedom in the Republic.
                • 78. Option - I'm not for sale.Player - I don't take bribes.
                  • 79. - So don't call it a bribe, call it... a spurious outpouring of generosity for a job well-done.
                • 84. Option - Not now.Player - A bit busy right now, actually.
                  • 85. - Then make yourself unbusy. Look, this is about bigger things than you and me and way more important than your schedule.
                    • 87. - My partner and I were in Mannett Point recording stories of the uprising when the separatists attacked, bombs everywhere, carnage like you wouldn't believe. Fabulous footage.
                      • 89. - My partner got lost--good kid but not a lot upstairs, you know. He's still out on that island somewhere.
                        • 90. Option - I'll go get him.Player - I'll find your partner.
                        • 92. Option - No one's offered help?Player - I take it the local troops weren't helpful?
                          • 93. - Don't make me laugh. The only time anything gets done on Ord Mantell is when there's a hefty bribe involved. That's why we're playing private contractor.
                        • 95. Option - You want him back?Player - So it's a rescue mission?
                          • 96. - Ha! Sure, why not? I mean, he was a nice kid. I'm more worried about the holorecordings we took of the uprising, though.
                        • 130. Option - No promises.Player - No promises, but I'll try.
                          • 103. - I don't care--just get it done. A girl who waits for other people to keep their promises is a girl who dies alone.
                            • 105. - Look, if you can find my partner and bring him back, great. His name is Waxx, and he's a self-important little holorecording specialist.
                              • 107. - If he's dead or whatever, I'll still pay you for the holodiscs if you can find them. Great footage on there, fantastic, gory stuff.
                                • 131. Option - I'll be back.Player - I'll come back when I know something.
                                • 112. Option - Sounds like a worthy cause.Player - Anything to support the arts.
                                • 114. Option - Sure, whatever. Just get away.Player - Goodbye, crazy woman.
                                  • 115. - Bring me those discs!
                                    • 116. <Conversation Exit>
  • 129. - I'm not moving until I have the story of my career!
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141007542437414983
Body Typebfn
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    "MinLevel": 10,
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        "LocalizedName": {
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "Toughness": "Standard",
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
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