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Madon Drees

Madon Drees
Level 1-60 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Event
SubCategory: Swoop_gang
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.1.2
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Madon Drees
Other Sites:


  • 273. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 357. - I am so pleased to see you! Even more so than all the previous times you have graced us with your presence.
      • 359. Player - And I'm happy to have helped you and the Razors, Madon.
      • 360. Player - You should be. I handled this whole thing with ease.
      • 361. Player - Of course you are. This whole thing was a snap.
      • 362. Player - Why are you happy to see me? Did something happen?
        • 366. - Oh, dear! I had no idea your sense of humor was so sharp!
      • 365. Player - Enjoy it while you can, I'm done running your errands.
        • 375. - You have more than earned a rest, my friend. I cannot overstate the value of what you have done for us.
          • 377. - Not only did you accomplish your task with ease, but you have succeeded where the rest of us could not.
            • 379. - You returned Rida to us, to me, and that is something for which we could never possibly repay you.
              • 380. Player - You don't have to repay me. I was glad to do it.
              • 382. Player - It was the right thing to do.
              • 384. Player - You owe me, a lot. I wasted a lot of time on all this.
                • 385. - Then we will just have to think of a way to adequately compensate you.
                  • 387. - We are immensely grateful to count you among us, friend.
                    • 483. - May the things that move you be forever swift!
                      • 388. <Conversation Exit>
    • 274. - How did the meeting with the Night Brokers go? What am I saying, there is no doubt in my mind that you were a success!
      • 283. Player - Your debt with the Night Brokers is clear. They won't bother you anymore.
      • 282. Player - Of course, it was trivial.
      • 281. Player - I was. Whole thing was a snap.
        • 285. - Splendid! When we first met, something told me that you were a gift to us in our hour of need.
          • 485. - I could have never foreseen the true extent of your value.
      • 284. Player - It's done, your debt is finished. And I'm finished being your courier.
      • 298. Player - It's over, your debt's gone. And I'm through running errands for you.
        • 289. - You have more than earned a rest, my friend. I cannot overstate the value of what you have done for us.
          • 318. Player - Madon, there's something I have to tell you.
            • 319. - Is there? I am listening, share what you must.
              • 321. Player - It's about Rida. I know where she is. She thought she could erase your debt to the Night Brokers, and... she sold herself to them.
                • 326. - She... sold herself? I do not understand, how do you know this?
                  • 328. - You must have spoken to her. Why is she not with you? Why did you do nothing to free her?
                    • 331. Player - [Lie] I did try, but she refused to come with me. She said she was where she belonged.
                      • 334. - If that is what she sincerely believes, then there is nothing for it.
                        • 487. - Maybe knowing this will finally bring the closure we have all desperately longed for.
                    • 329. Player - There wasn't anything I could've done. It was too dangerous to try and free her.
                      • 342. - I... you are right.
                        • 489. - It was wrong of me to expect you to do something so much bigger than what I asked. Especially considering all that you have already done.
                    • 330. Player - She abandoned you, Madon. When you needed her most, where did she go? To work for your rival! Horizon's Razor doesn't need Rida. You'll do just fine on your own.
                      • 337. - I... I cannot argue with what you say.
                        • 491. - We have excelled thus far. The Razors must simply continue on this path without her.
                          • 336. - Thank you, for at least telling me the truth about what happened to Rida.
              • 320. Player - Never mind. Forget I said anything.
                • 322. - Oh, alright. If you insist.
          • 309. Player - I was glad to be of service.
          • 316. Player - I was happy to help out.
          • 310. Player - Is that all? I have other matters to attend to.
          • 437. Player - Is that it? I need to get going.
            • 311. - That is all. I have nothing more to say at the moment, beyond this.
  • 245. - A true friend of Horizon's Razor is among us!
    • 247. - You have done so much for this crew, above and beyond anything we have asked of you.
      • 468. - But I must infringe upon your generosity, one last time.
        • 249. Player - Of course, Madon. Always happy to help.
          • 269. - And I am happy to share this news with you.
        • 248. Player - What is it this time?
        • 469. Player - There's always something else with you.
          • 470. - I assure you, this will be a task like no other!
            • 250. - We have done it! Our most savvy mechanics have solved the puzzle and turned this starship ion accelerator into an astounding piece of swoop ingenuity.
              • 474. - It will fit any bike, and it's worth a mountain of credits!
                • 252. - In fact, the price this will fetch is so high, it will square our debts with the Night Brokers. Once and for all!
                  • 254. - We require a trusted mediator to take the accelerator to them and ensure they uphold their end of the bargain.
                    • 267. Player - You can count on me.
                    • 256. Player - Why are you giving the ion accelerator to the Night Brokers? Why give them this advantage?
                      • 257. - After all that you have done for us, we do not require such a mechanism.
                        • 476. - Morale is the highest it's ever been--watching you ride, Rida's good luck charm, learning that we can build miracle swoop engines...
                          • 263. - We will do just fine on our own. The only thing we need is freedom from the Night Brokers' cage of debt.
                            • 259. - Their lieutenant is expecting you in the Night Brokers' garage, on Nar Shaddaa.
                              • 478. - When you return, we will celebrate like we did in our prime!
                                • 265. <Conversation Exit>
                    • 255. Player - [Refuse Quest] I don't have time for this.
                      • 260. - I know you are quite busy, but please, do not wait too long to return.
                        • 480. - Who knows how long the Night Brokers will extend this offer?
                          • 262. <Conversation Exit>
  • 218. - Ah, you are back! I am torn between excitement and dread, but how did you fare?
    • 233. Player - Successfully. And it was no trouble at all.
    • 219. Player - Are these the ion accelerators?
    • 221. Player - It was annoying, but I found the accelerators.
    • 222. Player - That was a pain, but I pulled it off. Here.
      • 220. - I... do not remember the last time this happened to me...
        • 466. - I have no idea what to say. I truly cannot believe they were there!
          • 235. - But that means... Rida never made it to the parts before she disappeared.
            • 460. - At least... at least we learned a new piece of the puzzle.
              • 223. Player - Why was Rida after these parts? What's so special about them?
              • 345. Player - I wish I could do more to help you find her.
                • 346. - Maybe one day, we will know more, and you will be able to do so.
                  • 348. - But for now, we must be content to see her work to completion.
              • 351. Player - I hope you're not about to ask me to waste more time on this.
                • 352. - You have done enough. More than enough, really.
                  • 354. - For now, our mechanics will need some time to make Rida's vision a reality.
                    • 224. - These accelerators offer first-rate propulsion to starships. Rida believed we could modify them, scale down their output, and outfit them on our swoop bikes.
                      • 226. - If we could do this, something no other crew in recent memory is capable of, we would be unstoppable.
                        • 462. - No one could touch us, not even the Night Brokers.
                          • 228. - Now that you've found the accelerators, we can finally fulfill Rida's plan. And we will never be obligated to the Night Brokers again!
                            • 238. - I should go and share this news with the others. It will be a bittersweet story, but it is one that must be told. Thank you again, friend.
                              • 241. <Conversation Exit>
  • 143. - Every time you take to the swoop course, you impress us more and more!
    • 145. - Soon, you will be almost as fast as Rida Denru was!
      • 147. Player - Who was Rida again?
        • 150. - Rida Denru was my friend, and the fastest swoop rider Horizon's Razor ever had.
      • 146. Player - I'm sure I'm already faster.
        • 149. - You may well be, but sad to say, we will never know. If only Rida were here, we could find out!
      • 148. Player - What happened to Rida?
        • 151. - I wish, more than anything, that I could say.
          • 157. - Rida felt responsible for our plight. We believed we would never fully pay the debt we owed to the Night Brokers, and she wanted to change that, however she could.
            • 159. - She said she knew of a way to release us from our commitment to them, but when she left in search of it, she never returned.
              • 161. - Horizon's Razor was never the same again. It will never be the same.
                • 162. Player - I'm so sorry, Madon.
                  • 163. - Thank you, friend. It has been a long time since I've seen her face, but missing her is a constant occurrence for us all.
                • 168. Player - Why haven't you looked for her?
                  • 169. - We tried, of course. But the world of swoop riding is a big place, the galaxy is even bigger... and Rida left few clues.
                • 171. Player - It's time to move on. Forget about her.
                  • 172. - Horizon's Razor has moved forward. We fight, we ride every day to bring us back to our former splendor.
                    • 464. - But we will never forget about Rida.
                      • 165. - I truly mean it when I say you remind me of her. Not just your skill on a swoop, but your persistence as well.
                        • 167. - It is why you are the only one who can finish the journey that Rida started.
                          • 453. - I know it is a substantial risk, but I wouldn't ask if I did not think you were capable.
                            • 177. Player - I'll do whatever I can to help.
                            • 183. Player - What am I supposed to do? What was Rida's "plan?"
                              • 188. - Rida had a multitude of contacts in the Corellian shipyards. She procured many interesting parts for our swoop bikes through these channels.
                                • 193. - She spoke of one of her associates, an unscrupulous mechanic, who was willing to sell her ion accelerators ripped from starships.
                                  • 195. - Rida used several hidden dead drop locations on Corellia to pick up parts from her contacts.
                                    • 455. - I can show you where they are, and you must search them for these ion accelerators.
                                      • 206. Player - Why aren't you going to look for the accelerators?
                                        • 207. - I could not possibly abandon Horizon's Razor now. Not while we are slowly regaining our reputation, and...
                                          • 457. - I don't want them to fear that I am following in Rida's footsteps.
                                      • 196. Player - I understand. If I can find the accelerators, I'll bring them to you.
                                        • 208. - And I will anxiously anticipate your return.
                                      • 197. Player - After all this time, do you think the accelerators will still be there?
                                      • 198. Player - You're sending me on a wild orobird chase.
                                        • 200. - I admit, there is no small possibility that the accelerators could've been stolen, or even worse--Rida could have taken them and never looked back.
                                          • 202. - But it would be the greatest disservice to Horizon's Razor, to Rida, to myself... even to you, if we do not attempt to find these parts.
                                            • 204. - Here is where you should begin your search. Luck and the speed of Horizon's Razor go with you, friend.
                                              • 211. <Conversation Exit>
                            • 179. Player - [Refuse Quest] You've asked enough of me already.
                              • 180. - It is true, I have asked much of you. But should you decide to help us, you would earn our unending appreciation.
                                • 182. <Conversation Exit>
  • 118. - You have returned! Successfully, I hope?
    • 120. Player - Here's the pendant. I hope it brings you good fortune.
    • 121. Player - Here you go. Hope this helps.
    • 122. Player - It wasn't easy, but I found the pendant.
    • 119. Player - Was there ever any doubt?
      • 123. - Outstanding! We cannot possibly begin to thank you enough for this gift.
        • 127. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 128. - However, word has reached me that someone associated with Horizon's Razor has been threatening guiltless bystanders.
            • 130. - While I admire your tenacity, if we are to work together in the future, I humbly ask that you apply some restraint.
              • 132. - Regardless, you aptly completed the task, and for this, my fellow Razors and I will forever be grateful.
          • 136. - Now that Horizon's Razor once again possesses this reminder of our prowess, I'm sure a new beginning is just around the turn.
            • 138. - I must go show this to the others! Eternal thanks to you, my friend!
              • 239. <Conversation Exit>
  • 48. - We are so pleased you chose to share your skills with us on the challenge courses. Watching your speed has been a most satisfying experience!
    • 50. - How I wish you could have seen the Horizon's Razor at the height of our acclaim. We were truly a sight to behold!
      • 51. Player - I'm sure you were very impressive!
      • 52. Player - What happened? You said Horizon's Razor were the fastest riders in the galaxy.
        • 53. - We became victims of our own pride.
      • 54. Player - Really? I find that hard to believe.
        • 89. - That may be, but regardless, it was the truth.
          • 55. - For so long, there were none who could match our speed. My friend, Rida Denru, was the fastest of us. Her guidance led us to an age of triumph and prosperity.
            • 57. - But like all good things, our prestige came to an end. We met a new gang, the Night Brokers, on the challenge course.
              • 443. - We believed that they, like so many others, would be no match for our quickness.
                • 59. - We bet in our favor, heavily. And we lost, once, two times, a third time.
                  • 445. - Rida urged us to keep going, that eventually, we would all be richer than any of us could imagine.
                    • 60. Player - How did the Night Brokers beat you so many times?
                      • 63. - No one knows for sure. We all had theories about unethical advantages we were sure the Night Brokers possessed, but was that the true explanation?
                        • 447. - Or were they conspiracies born from our wounded ego?
                    • 64. Player - She believed in your skill.
                      • 65. - We all thought we would succeed. Though Rida encouraged us, we all willingly went along with the wagers.
                    • 66. Player - That was foolish of her.
                      • 67. - It was foolish of us all. Rida never forced us to continue raising the stakes. That decision was on all of us.
                        • 69. - Soon, we were drowning in debt to the Night Brokers. And what's worse, our reputation among the world of swoop riding has never fully recovered.
                          • 73. - So, we've come to the All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally. You couldn't ask for a better opportunity to restore the glory of Horizon's Razor!
                            • 74. Player - I look forward to seeing you back on top.
                              • 75. - Thank you, friend. If that is truly what you wish to see, there is something you can do make this a reality.
                            • 76. Player - Will that really work?
                              • 77. - I can hope. Never before have we had the chance to showcase our speed to substantial turnout, on such a multitude of worlds! We are sure to impress many.
                            • 78. Player - I don't think anything will change.
                              • 79. - There are many who share your opinion, but we must try!
                                • 449. - This is a chance to showcase our speed to substantial turnout, on such a multitude of worlds! We are sure to impress many.
                                  • 81. - But to do this, I must humbly ask you to help make our endeavors a reality.
                                    • 83. - I want to present my fellow Razors with a good luck charm, something to raise their spirits: a Nexu claw pendant that Rida wore in every race.
                                      • 85. - She sold it to scrape together a debt payment for the Night Brokers. I would like you to retrieve the trinket, and return it to us.
                                        • 104. Player - Of course. I'd be happy to help.
                                          • 108. - Thank you. The stars were kind to bring you to us.
                                        • 101. Player - Where would I even start?
                                          • 102. - I wish I had more information to start your search, but I only have a small detail. The rest will be up to you.
                                            • 105. - Rida sold the pendant to a merchant, on Alderaan, whom she met in a cantina.
                                              • 451. - Start at their meeting place, and I am sure your effectiveness will guide you the rest of the way.
                                                • 106. <Conversation Exit>
                                        • 97. Player - [Refuse Quest] I don't think so.
                                          • 98. - That is unfortunate to hear, friend. But, if you change your mind, please let me know.
                                            • 99. <Conversation Exit>
  • 494. - Who do we have here? Hello, visitor! Are you a fan, a friend, a competitor?
    • 495. Player - Do you usually let competitors just stroll into your pit?
      • 496. - Certainly! It is no problem at all.
        • 498. - Though we are adversaries on the swoop track, the bonds formed by this sport are not so easily broken by petty rivalries.
          • 500. - Besides, we are secure in the knowledge that no other rider at this event will ever match our speed.
    • 503. Player - I'm just getting to know everyone.
      • 504. - Is that a fact? Well, I am thrilled you have counted us among those you wish to associate with.
    • 507. Player - None of the above. This whole thing is completely unnecessary.
      • 508. - Hmm, perhaps you are right. Regardless, you are here, and that means you are part of something historic!
        • 510. - Might I humbly suggest that you make the best of it?
          • 512. - My name is Madon Drees, and I have the distinct privilege of introducing you to the fastest swoop riders in the galaxy: Horizon's Razor!
            • 514. - I am honored and esteemed that these talented admirers of speed have chosen to follow me.
              • 515. Player - Why did they choose you to lead them?
              • 517. Player - You seem like an odd choice.
                • 518. - Ah... You are unfamiliar with the skills that Horizon's Razor holds in high regard. I will explain.
              • 521. Player - They chose to follow you? Or you forced them to?
                • 522. - No one can force a Razor to do anything they do not choose for themselves. It is simply not in our nature.
                  • 524. - Since our inception, the signature of Horizon's Razor has always been speed--the likes of which only our swoops achieve.
                    • 526. - Naturally, as the fastest of the fastest, it was only logical that I lead Horizon's Razor to many victories!
                      • 527. Player - Impressive! I'm looking forward to seeing how fast the Razors can go.
                        • 528. - Wonderful! Destiny is so kind to have brought us someone who shares our affinity for acceleration.
                          • 530. - Would you like to try your hand at matching the Razors' velocity? You're more than welcome to participate in one of our challenge courses!
                            • 531. Player - Count me in!
                      • 534. Player - Everything you've described sounds incredibly reckless.
                        • 535. - Not at all! It's true that we would go to any lengths in order to make our swoops faster, but we would never stoop to endangering the lives of anyone.
                          • 537. - But enough of my rambling. I think it would serve you better to judge one of our challenge courses yourself! Please, you're more than welcome to try one.
                            • 538. Player - I think I will.
                              • 539. - Then we shall see you on the track. Farewell!
                            • 542. Player - I don't know. Maybe later.
                              • 543. - Well, should you change your mind, we'll extend the invitation again. Our door will remain open to you!
                      • 546. Player - I've had enough of this conversation. I'll be going.
                        • 547. - That is most unfortunate.
                          • 549. - But before you go, if you are so inclined, we'd like to invite you to try one of our challenge courses. Start any time you like.
                            • 551. - It was a pleasure speaking with you!
                              • 553. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.event.swoop_gang.story.shared.razors.razors_gang_leader
Appearance ID16141113130899963063
Body Typebfa
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    "MaxLevel": 60,
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        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "Fqn": "npc.event.swoop_gang.story.shared.razors.razors_gang_leader",
    "first_seen": "6.1.2",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.1.2",
    "hash": "571634223",
    "removed_in": ""