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Ephran Zell

Ephran Zell
Heroic Mission
Level 8 Ranged
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Korriban
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Ephran Zell
Other Sites:


  • 3. - You made it! Did it work? Did the Red Engine produce an inscription?
    • 4. Option - After the fight, yes.Player - I fed it blood, and it gave me this tablet.
    • 8. Option - Take a look.Player - Yes. Can you translate the hieroglyphs on the stone?
      • 9. - The tablet of Tulak Hord? Inscribed in the language of the ancient Sith....
    • 162. Option - Yeah, yeah.Player - Take it. Let's get this over with.
      • 13. - Yes. Oh yes. These are Tulak Hord's teachings--the very methods he used to build the terrible machine below!
        • 15. - I have dreamed of this tablet--dreamed of looking upon Tulak Hord's teachings and studying the arcane science of the dark side. I am honored you give me this opportunity.
          • 184. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 186. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 39. Option - Learn well.Player - May your madness bring you knowledge.
              • 42. Option - Research isn't the Sith way.Player - Remember that power comes from hate, not study.
                • 43. - But I do not seek power. I seek only to learn.
                  • 31. - Take these--small relics I've unearthed that deserve to be used by a true Sith. Not a reward, but recognition of your strength.
                    • 33. - Now, I must excuse myself, and my research must continue. It will be some time before the tablet gives up all its secrets.
              • 158. Option - How will you proceed?Player - So what happens now?
                • 21. - I will complete my studies here. And when I am done... there will be other dead lords, other dreams, and perhaps other machines.
              • 28. Option - As you should be.Player - Don't waste it, archaeologist. I expect your studies to bear fruit.
                • 29. - Of course. When my studies here are complete, I shall lay all I have learned at the steps of the Academy... before leaving for another tomb.
                  • 172. - I must excuse myself. But take these--a few relics I've unearthed that deserve to be held by a true Sith.
                    • 47. <Conversation Exit>
  • 48. - I beg of you--find the machine, and fuel it with blood!
  • 188. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 49. - My lord! Allow me to approach. The wind outside has torn my ears to tatters, and my eyes grow strained and bloody in the dark.
    • 51. - Come closer, acolyte! The wind outside has torn my ears to tatters, and my eyes grow strained and bloody in the dark.
      • 53. - I've studied this tomb for years--slept on its stones and dreamed of its depths. Now, I need assistance to solve its final mystery.
        • 60. Option - Fascinating.Player - If you have secrets to share, I would learn them.
          • 61. - Then listen to me, and to my story. Listen close.
        • 64. Option - I'm not your laborer.Player - I don't dig through dirt for scholars.
          • 65. - Then you misunderstand the chance I am offering.
        • 145. Option - And you are?Player - Who are you?
          • 57. - I am Ephran Zell. For generations, my family has studied the tombs of Korriban, traveling from one to the next to learn the history of the Sith.
        • 68. Option - Crazy man.Player - Really? So are you mad or just obsessed?
          • 69. - Why should my sanity matter to you?
            • 71. - This tomb is the final resting place of Tulak Hord. The tomb's maze was built to his precise specifications.
              • 73. - But he built his maze to hold more than just his body. He built it to secure his greatest creation--his terrible machine. The Red Engine.
                • 76. Option - Machine?Player - Keep going. What "Red Engine"?
                • 147. Option - Where do I come in?Player - Why tell me this?
                  • 79. - Because I need you. The machine needs you.
                • 82. Option - Not interested.Player - I really don't share your fascination with history.
                  • 83. - Tulak Hord had power and knowledge unknown in this age! Surely, that interests you?
                    • 85. - The machine was his life's work--a perfect puzzle that hid all his secrets. It was a vault and a library all at once.
                      • 87. - The scholars in the Academy--they say the Red Engine was never completed. They say it never functioned. But I know how it works, and I know how to fuel it.
                        • 88. Option - Fuel?Player - What do you mean "fuel it"?
                        • 94. Option - So tell the Academy.Player - Then why not inform the scholars?
                          • 95. - They think that I--not a Sith, nor an educated man--couldn't discover the truth. They ignore my findings and are blinded by arrogance.
                        • 98. Option - It's probably broken.Player - You're talking about a machine that's been here for centuries. If it still worked, the Sith would know by now.
                          • 99. - A Sith's power comes from passion--not from decades of study and research. This is the only reason I've learned what they will not.
                            • 101. - Listen, now. Anyone can activate the Red Engine--but unless it receives its sacrifice, it will only sputter and die.
                              • 103. - The machine needs blood and hatred to become fully operational. If a Sith could slay the tomb's beasts in its presence, their deaths would be its fuel.
                                • 182. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 129. - Broaden your mind! See what your fellows refuse to see. I promise you--it will be worth your while.
                                    • 180. Option - We'll see.Player - I'll think about it.
                                      • 135. - Thank you. You are wise among the Sith.
                                        • 136. <Conversation Exit>
                                        • 179. Option - I'll look into it.Player - It may be worth an effort. You're certain this will work?
                                          • 105. - I have spent too many years learning the ways of the tomb, dreamed too many dreams, to be mistaken.
                                        • 150. Option - Why not go yourself?Player - Why don't you do it yourself?
                                          • 119. - My anger is not deep enough, nor my sword arm strong enough to satisfy the Red Engine's appetite. But you--you can do this.
                                    • 152. Option - Is there compensation?Player - What are you offering?
                                      • 125. - I've found many a lesser artifact in my time within the tombs. I can spare a few to compensate you for your time.
                                        • 137. - Find the machine within the tomb--work its mechanisms.
                                          • 139. - And when at last it reveals Tulak Hord's secrets, I beg of you--bring me its scripture. Bring me the knowledge I have dreamed of.
                                            • 140. <Conversation Exit>
                                    • 154. Option - We're done. [Refuse quest]Player - Enough of this!
                                      <Aborts Conversation>
                                      • 142. - Yes--yes, of course. I will wait for another, then.
                                        • 143. <Conversation Exit>
                                    • 163. Option - It seems unwise.Player - I don't think that's a good idea.
  • 2. - Ah! My old friend. Do forgive me--I'm quite busy with my research right now.
  • 1. - With respect, I suggest you stay away from this tomb--you are not ready for the darkness within.
  • 144. - Move along. There's nothing you can do to help with my research.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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    "LocalizedTitle": {
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    "Title": "Heroic Mission"