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Level 35-37 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tatooine
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Fauler
Other Sites:


  • 1. - You should head out. I don't think there's anything more you can do here.
  • 3. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 4. - Well--if it isn't my favorite Jedi. You look like you just walked out of a sandstorm.
    • 7. - Well--if it isn't my favorite soldier. You look like a mess--must've been some fight.
    • 10. - Well--if it isn't my best freelancer. I don't know what your secret is, but I doubt I can afford it.
      • 12. - Was there a base? Did you see the device?
        • 14. - Kamus was worried that if you failed, it'd mean the end of the world.
          • 16. - Well, I--you saw Czerka's records!
            • 18. - Yeah, and I've been worried, too. So catch your breath, then let's hear it.
              • 23. Option - There was an alien.Player - That device... it had an ancient creature trapped inside. It had gone insane--I had to kill it.
                • 24. - You're kidding! I had no idea... but if it's settled, that's good enough for me.
              • 27. Option - The place was empty.Player - The upper levels were deserted. I found the device down below, but it was broken, useless.
                • 28. - After all that? Huh. Still, we deserve a little luck.
              • 31. Option - I ran into Czerka.Player - Leksende ambushed me--but I stopped him and the device.
                • 32. - Wish I could say I'm surprised--thanks for handling them.
              • 35. Option - You don't need details.Player - Let's say the problem's been solved, and leave it at that.
                • 36. - Huh. I'll let my superiors handle the debriefing, then.
                  • 38. - So this is over? We're sure?
                    • 54. - You'll still need to testify, Kamus. The investigation of Czerka won't end here.
                      • 56. - Get me to Coruscant, away from the Sand People and Czerka cyborg assassins--I'll testify all you want.
                        • 57. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 60. - You should know, scanners picked up a Czerka ship leaving orbit. Those goons packed up and left, but they'll be trouble, someday.
                            • 61. Option - You'll manage.Player - I'm sure the SIS can deal with a few corporate thugs.
                              • 64. - I just hope I get to tangle with Leksende again.
                            • 67. Option - Should I feel guilty?Player - Are you holding me responsible for that?
                              • 68. - Not unless there's something you're not telling me.
                            • 918. Option - Not my issue.Player - Well, it's your problem now.
                              • 72. - Never said otherwise. The Republic's had issues with Czerka for decades.
                          • 75. - You should know, scanners picked up a Czerka ship fleeing the system. They're running scared, now.
                            • 76. Option - They won't be a problem.Player - Without Leksende, they've lost their claws.
                            • 82. Option - A pity Czerka still exists.Player - Too bad we couldn't bring down the entire company.
                              • 83. - We stopped the device from hurting anyone. That's enough of a win.
                            • 86. Option - They should be terrified.Player - If they cause any more problems, they're dead men.
                              • 89. - Anyway, I promised you payment. Don't ever say the SIS isn't grateful.
                                • 138. - Now take care of yourself. And try not to get pulled back into these corporate schemes--Kamus can tell you, they never really end.
                                  • 143. <Conversation Exit>
  • 144. - Soon as you download the code fragments, the base is all yours. Watch out in there.
  • 233. - Still a few minutes before those scans are processed. Huh. What about...
    • 957. - Hey--look who made it back!
      • 958. Player - Bad news, Fauler. That reading was a Czerka listening post.
        • 242. - Blast. Leksende must've set it up.
          • 256. - Now the cyborg freak has our data. Czerka can find their lost base as easily as we can.
            • 257. Option - Why should they care?Player - Czerka abandoned that base; does it really matter if they find it now?
            • 263. Option - You found something, then?Player - I take it that means the readings came through?
              • 264. - Yeah. Machines are sorting through it now. But if Leksende's on the trail....
            • 267. Option - Hardly a surprise.Player - Czerka was bound to find their own base.
              • 268. - But I don't have to be happy about it.
                • 270. - We assumed Czerka came to keep us out of the facility. Maybe we were mistaken. Maybe they want what they left behind.
                  • 959. - Grommik's files. We saw some things...
                    • 145. - Yeah. Turns out Czerka didn't come to Tatooine to build or test the device.
                      • 147. - They found it here, underground. An artifact powerful enough to wipe out a planet just buried in the desert.
                        • 148. Option - Until things went wrong.Player - Disaster struck, and they left it behind.
                          • 149. - That's what I'm thinking.
                        • 152. Option - Czerka can't have it.Player - No corporation should control something that powerful.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 154. Option - But where did it come from?Player - If Czerka found the device on Tatooine, who created it?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 156. Option - But where did it come from?Player - How does a weapon like that get manufactured and left behind?
                          • 157. - I don't know. The files don't say--we only know a few facts for certain.
                        • 160. Option - And to make a profit.Player - Czerka probably wanted to mass-produce the things.
                          • 161. - Now there's a horrifying thought.
                        • 168. Option - Finders, keepers.Player - They shouldn't have left it behind. They're not getting it back.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 169. - I agree completely.
                            • 171. - Czerka discovered the device. They analyzed it. Then something happened that made them abandon it....
                              • 187. - Kamus? Has the computer cross-referenced the scans with Grommik's schematics?
                                • 962. - Um. Yes. It looks like the main entrance is a few kilometers away. What about the door codes?
                                  • 964. - There's a bunch of relay towers around the base. They'll have a mess of data, the codes along with old communications.
                                    • 966. - Downloading everything from the relay towers will allow you to get into that base and destroy the device. It can't fall into the wrong hands.
                                      • 180. Option - I wish we knew more, first.Player - We don't even know what the device does.
                                        • 181. - Czerka saw it as a doomsday weapon. That's enough.
                                      • 914. Option - On my way.Player - I'm on my way.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 208. Option - The Republic better be happy.Player - So, how many medals would you say I'll get?
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 209. - I'll have to check protocol on that one.
                                      • 212. Option - I don't need a pep talk.Player - Save the inspirational speech for someone else.
                                        • 213. - I'm no good at that sort of thing anyway.
                                          • 215. - Be careful in the base--in case they left traps, or if Leksende finds you....
                                            • 229. - That'll do, Kamus. Time to let professionals finish the job.
                                              • 232. <Conversation Exit>
  • 328. - All we need are those scans. Then we can find the Czerka base.
  • 373. - Try to appreciate the scenery, Kamus. Most people never get to visit a place like this.
    • 375. - This is a horrible place. No wonder Czerka built their base in the Dune Sea--no one would ever want to look for it here.
      • 379. - He'll adjust. How was your visit to old man Grommik?
        • 384. Option - Just a few problems.Player - Aside from Leksende burying us alive, it went alright.
          • 385. - Too much to hope we'd seen the last of him. Mind if I see what you got for your troubles?
        • 388. Option - Productive.Player - Take a look at what I found.
        • 390. Option - Barely worthwhile.Player - Grommik's senile--talked a lot of garbage.
          • 391. - Looks like you got something out of him, anyway. Mind if we take a look?
            • 393. - These are official Czerka records from Secret Weapons Division 7.
              • 397. - Schematics, survey maps--looks like Grommik came through for us. Don't go anywhere--I think we're going to need you.
                • 329. - ...all right. We should be able to determine a rough location of the base from these charts.
                  • 331. - Problem is, the sands have shifted over the last few decades. We'll need some geo-readings to determine the facility's exact coordinates.
                    • 332. Option - How do we do that?Player - What does taking these readings involve?
                    • 340. Option - Let's take out Leksende, first.Player - We need to deal with Czerka.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 341. - I agree, but Czerka's out of our reach. Our goal should be to rediscover their base before they do.
                    • 344. Option - Guess I'll just wait, then.Player - Call me when you're ready to go inside.
                      • 345. - Hold on. I promise, when this is all over, the Republic will make it worth your while.
                        • 347. - The data isn't hard to get, in theory. I can give you a field scanner that'll dip into the sand, put us on track.
                          • 349. - But... a lot of this territory is unexplored. Locals talk about Sand People communities, krayt dragons the size of starships.
                            • 352. Option - I can handle it.Player - Someone has to go, and I'm best-suited for the job.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 354. Option - I can handle it.Player - Jedi have always explored places others fear.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 356. Option - I can handle it.Player - There's nothing out there a well-aimed blaster can't take down.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 359. - Can't argue with that.
                            • 358. Option - It can't be that dangerous.Player - Hey, if Czerka could make it out there, why not me?
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 363. - Czerka probably had an army of employees and droids--but fair enough.
                            • 904. Option - That bad, huh?Player - This just keeps getting better.
                            • 366. Option - You trying to scare me off?Player - It's almost like you don't want me to risk my life.
                              • 369. - If you take readings in a couple of places, I can figure out the base location.
                                • 371. - Meet me back here when you're done. Take it slow and be careful.
                                  • 372. <Conversation Exit>
  • 416. - See if you can get information on the facility from Grommik while we set up the forward outpost.
  • 584. - Check in with me at the desert outpost. I'll have more information by then.
  • 717. - I'll feel a lot better when we change bases, Fauler. I don't like this.
    • 719. - You say that now, but just wait until you see the real desert.
      • 721. - Hey, look who's back! And alive! You able to find anything?
        • 724. Option - Trouble.Player - I found your data--along with Gamorreans and a Czerka strike team.
          • 725. - Blast. Guess they must be one step ahead of us.
        • 882. Option - Got the data.Player - Here you go.
        • 883. Option - Credits first.Player - Yes--now give me my credits.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 731. - Really...? Fine, here's some credits. Now let's see what you've got.
            • 733. - Ah, Master Fauler? It looks like there's a call coming in...
              • 737. - Why, hello everyone! Master Fauler! Master Orden!
                • 738. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 739. - And my good friends from the Gamorrean hideout--especially nice to see you again. You're doing well, I hope?
                  • 744. - And my little visitor from the Gamorrean hideout--especially nice to see you again. You're doing well, I hope?
                    • 747. Option - Fauler, I know this guy.Player - This man led the Czerka team I encountered.
                      • 748. - Not a friendly face, then.
                    • 880. Option - You again?Player - What do you want?
                    • 751. Option - I'm going to destroy you.Player - You tried to kill me back there. Glad to see I'll have my chance at you.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 752. - Granted, our friendship has been a rocky one. Let's work on that.
                        • 758. - Since I didn't get the chance before, I thought I'd formally introduce myself. I am Gayem Leksende, here on behalf of Czerka Corporation.
                          • 760. - I know that name...
                            • 764. - I understand that the Republic is disputing Czerka's property rights. I've come to Tatooine to retrieve our belongings--including Kamus Orden.
                              • 781. Option - Just Kamus? Really?Player - You're after more than an accountant.
                                • 782. - Perhaps--but one has to start somewhere.
                              • 767. Option - Don't threaten him.Player - Kamus is a person--he's not Czerka property.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 768. - No, no, Jedi. I have his employment records right here. He's very much our property.
                              • 771. Option - Let's talk.Player - Why don't we discuss this? Come meet us.
                                • 772. - Mm. I'm going to say "no," Jedi, although I do like your style.
                              • 775. Option - Kamus isn't going anywhere.Player - That man is under military protection.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 777. Option - Kamus is a "belonging"?Player - You corporate types think you own everything.
                              • 785. Option - Fine with me.Player - Go ahead, take the accountant. I'm not attached.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 786. - This person doesn't speak for the Republic, Leksende. We're not letting Kamus go.
                                  • 788. - I'm so very sorry to hear that.
                                    • 790. - Czerka will take any actions necessary to protect its interests. And I assure you, our representatives in the Senate can excuse any "incidents."
                                      • 804. - Leksende--they say he's the son of an executive. He's supposed to run the company's special enforcement branch.
                                        • 806. - Rich boy who took up wetworks as a hobby. Up to his neck in cybernetics.
                                          • 808. - Good news is, Czerka wouldn't have sent him if we were on the wrong track. He wants to keep us from the old facility.
                                            • 585. - Look, Kamus and I could use some time to review this data, but I still need you. If you're heading into the desert, give me a call.
                                              • 930. Option - What's in the desert?Player - You expect to find something out there?
                                                • 934. - I have suspicions. Hoping these files will confirm them.
                                              • 931. Option - I'm in until the end.Player - I started this mission. I intend to finish it.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                              • 932. Option - Don't make me regret this.Player - I'll keep working for you--but I don't like where this is going.
                                                • 933. - Frankly? Neither do I.
                                                  • 970. - You can reach me from a secure line at one of the militia bases. We'll talk soon.
                                                    • 716. <Conversation Exit>
  • 825. - Those Gamorreans can be crafty. Stay sharp out there.
  • 875. - What are you doing?
  • 292. - Fauler, here. The data's coming in. Looks like this'll give us what we need, but--huh.
    • 296. - I'm getting an energy signature not too far from you--some sort of installation, cloaked from long-range sensors.
      • 314. - If you would, head on over and see if there's anything there. Could just be a glitch in the scanners, but I doubt it.
  • 306. - All right. Could just be a glitch in the scanners... still, I don't like this.
    • 305. Option - Worth investigating.Player - Send me the coordinates and I'll take a look.
    • 301. Option - Any idea what it is?Player - I don't suppose it could be the Czerka base?
      • 302. - I don't think so. That base is old and deep underground--this looks like something new.
    • 311. Option - Maybe it's nothing.Player - For all we know, it's some local's spice lab.
      • 312. - Not with this sort of tech.
        • 907. Option - On my way.Player - I'll come back when I know something.
          • 955. - Acknowledged. Fauler out.
        • 909. Option - Don't be so pessimistic.Player - I'm sure everything is fine.
          • 318. - I didn't get this far in life by being overconfident.
        • 323. Option - I don't need your analysis.Player - Save your opinion for someone who cares.
          • 324. - Next time, I will.
            • 326. - Come on back to camp when you're done. Fauler out.
              • 327. <Conversation Exit>
        • 313. <Conversation Exit>
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