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Talos Drellik

Talos Drellik
Level 1 Talos Drellik
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Sith_sorcerer
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Talos Drellik
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  • 484. - I just wanted to thank you again for having me along.
    • 486. - I'm honored to work with someone of your expertise. The archaeological pursuits of the Sith and Empire have been separate for too long.
      • 488. - It is our common history. We have a shared duty to unearth it.
        • 493. Option - Don't get too attached.Player - This is strictly a business relationship. I want items of power, and you have the knowledge to find them for me.
          • 494. - The path to items of power is paved with pottery shards and broken carvings. But I'll try to spare you the boring bits.
        • 489. Option - That's not why you're here.Player - I didn't bring you along as part of some archaeological manifesto.
          • 490. - I'm sorry, my lord. I have a tendency to get carried away.
        • 497. Option - I think we'll get along.Player - Sith rarely seek knowledge for its own sake. Your purity is refreshing.
          • 498. - I wouldn't consider myself purer than anyone else in my line of work. I am honored to do what I do.
            • 500. - From the depths of the ground, history calls us to save it from obscurity. I do my best to answer that call.
              • 502. - I can tell you do the same. You remind me of my old mentor, Auselio Gann.
                • 503. Option - Thank you.Player - I'll take that as a compliment.
                  • 504. - I meant it as a compliment. He was the best there ever was.
                • 514. Option - That's hardly flattering.Player - So you're saying I look like an old man?
                  • 515. - Uh, no, my lord, I didn't mean--the resemblance is in spirit. I was referring to your love of knowledge.
                • 509. Option - You mentioned him before. Player - He was the one who discovered... something about Naga Sadow's secret apprentice?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 510. - Advanced archaeology a hundred years--no detail ever escaped him.
                    • 512. - But what am I doing talking when there's work to be done. As we say in the service, the dead aren't getting any younger.
                      • 513. <Conversation Exit>
  • 783. - My lord, I just wanted to thank you, again. The wonders I have seen working by your side are more than I could have ever hoped.
    • 785. - Truly, you are a paragon among Sith and the Empire.
      • 786. Option - How nice of you to say.Player - Thank you for your kind words.
      • 787. Option - What do you want?Player - Are you angling for something here?
        • 790. - Only the honor of continuing to serve you.
      • 788. Option - I'm just following my passion.Player - I seek only knowledge. If it serves the Empire, then good.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 789. - That's precisely what I admire about you, my lord. Your love of knowledge.
          • 792. - It's gone out of practice, but there's evidence that certain non-Force users used to pledge themselves as loyal vassals to true Sith.
            • 794. - These vassals and their families were bound to the Sith and their family for generations. Will you accept my pledge to you and your heirs?
              • 800. Option - I accept.Player - I would be remiss to turn down such a heartfelt offer.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 801. Option - You're too kind.Player - I couldn't possibly ask that of you.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 805. - Your humility is one of your most admirable traits, but this is not the place for it.
              • 802. Option - I can see profit in this.Player - I won't reject an offer of servitude, no matter how pathetic.
                • 803. - Yes, I suppose to you it must seem pathetic. To me, it is a great honor. Thank you.
                  • 804. <Conversation Exit>
  • 934. - My lord! My lord! I've solved it. The chain in the medallion contained a holofrequency. I wanted you here when I called it.
    • 935. Option - Go on.Player - Don't waste any time, call.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 936. Option - Very odd.Player - Why would your mentor hide a holofrequency in the chain? Why wouldn't he just tell you?
      • 993. - I'm confident Auselio Gann had his reasons.
    • 937. Option - Not interested.Player - This isn't my problem.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 938. - It seems too good to be true. I must rely on your judgment that it's not a trick.
        • 942. - Talos, my student. If you are receiving this message, then you have understood the riddle I gave you.
          • 944. - I've gone to the tomb of Vaius Antinus's unnamed apprentice, on Aduba Six. I don't understand why, but both Sith and Jedi are after this tomb and its secrets.
            • 946. - It's the duty of the Imperial Reclamation Service to preserve this history. If I do not return, come find me, and finish my work.
              • 886. - Auselio Gann is in trouble. He needs me. I must find him!
                • 887. Option - Such loyalty.Player - You really care about him, don't you?
                  • 532. - I suppose he was like a father to me. Not my father, but other people's fathers. Or an uncle. An older, smiling uncle. Who brings treats.
                • 888. Option - Assuming he's still alive.Player - This was an automated message. Who knows what has happened in the meantime?
                  • 985. - I know what could have happened. That won't stop me from going to Aduba-6.
                • 889. Option - Go.Player - Find your mentor. Help him. Good luck.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 932. - I can think of no more fitting place to die than a tomb, but I will do my best to return safely.
                    • 881. - My lord. I return, but Auselio Gann does not. He's dead.
                      • 998. Option - I'm so sorry.Player - I'm sorry to hear that.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 999. Option - What happened?Player - How did he die?
                      • 1000. Option - The he got what he deserved.Player - People die.
                        • 1001. - My mentor was not weak.
                          • 1003. - He was pursued by both Jedi and Sith. He managed to use the tomb's traps against them. But in the process, he imprisoned himself.
                            • 957. - His discoveries are amazing. They will make a wonderful paper. But I can't help but wonder if it was worth dying for.
                              • 958. Option - I don't understand.Player - What do you mean by that?
                                • 971. - Well, I don't know. I suppose you're right. It's silly of me to doubt.
                              • 959. Option - That depends on my gains...Player - Were there any artifacts of power in this tomb? If not, then no.
                                • 966. - I suppose you're right. What's the point of going after old, dead things if they don't give you some advantage in the present?
                                  • 968. - No, what am I saying? Auselio Gann would die if he were alive to hear that!
                              • 961. Option - Don't give up on me.Player - You've given your life to reclaiming the Empire's past. Are you telling me it's not worth dying for?
                                +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                                • 962. - You know, you're right! How silly it was of me to doubt.
                                  • 963. - And to think, I was considering tendering my resignation. Oh what would Auselio Gann think if he could see me now?
                                    • 965. - I must continue his work. Thank you for restoring my faith, my lord.
                                      • 974. Option - My pleasure.Player - You're welcome.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 975. Option - It's what friends are for.Player - I'm glad you're so pleased.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 976. Option - You give me too much credit.Player - You know, I'm not sure I'd go that far....
                                        • 977. - No, my lord. No need to be modest.
                                          • 979. - The historical mind is ever curious and never sated!
                                            • 980. <Conversation Exit>
  • 601. - Cruel nemesis, torment me no further! I surrender! I'm not worthy of finding Auselio Gann. He was depending on me, and I failed.
    • 602. Option - Let me help.Player - Don't give up so easily. We can crack this.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 603. - My lord, I would welcome your expertise.
    • 606. Option - You're a mess.Player - You're an officer in the Imperial military. Pull yourself together.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 610. Option - How pathetic.Player - Are you telling me that the best archaeologist in the galaxy can't figure this out?
      +200 Influence : greatly approves.
      • 611. - The best archaeologist? Well, I'm flattered, my lord, but I'm hardly--I mean, I wouldn't say that.
        • 880. - I've tried everything. I've even gone back to the medallion to see if my mentor left me any other clue.
          • 615. - If the Imperial Reclamation Service knew how many codes I violated trying to decipher this medallion, they'd have me stripped of my rank.
            • 922. Option - Try a new approach.Player - Is it possible the solution is not on the medallion itself? Did your mentor give you anything else?
              • 625. - The only thing that came with the medallion was the chain, but it clearly wasn't part of the original.
                • 927. - That's it! The chain was new when Auselio Gann gave it to me. That means he's the one who attached it in the first place! Thank you, my lord.
            • 923. Option - Your secret's safe with me.Player - Don't worry. I won't report you.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 924. - Thank you, my lord. I suppose I will just have to let it rest. Perhaps when my mind is fresh, I can evaluate the situation from a new angle.
                • 926. - Wait! Why didn't I see this before. The medallion came with a chain. It wasn't the original, so I thought it wasn't important. How wrong I was.
                  • 634. Option - You're welcome.Player - Best of luck finding your mentor.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 638. Option - How pathetic.Player - How could you overlook something so obvious?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 822. - I know. I'm ashamed. I would resign the service entirely if it wasn't imperative I find my mentor.
                  • 640. Option - Keep an open mind.Player - I often find when something's difficult it helps to approach it from another direction.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 641. - Once again, my limitations are exposed.
                      • 643. - If you'll excuse me, I must examine the chain more closely. I'm confident it's the key to finding him.
            • 650. Option - I don't care.Player - Don't trouble me with this until you have a solution.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 651. - Yes, my lord. I'm sorry. I'll let you know when I know something.
                • 652. <Conversation Exit>
  • 579. - My lord. I think we make an excellent team. Truly, destiny herself has conspired to bring us together!
    • 580. Option - You're welcome.Player - Your help has been extremely valuable.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 582. Option - Are you flirting with me?Player - I'm sorry, Talos, I like you, but I just don't think of you that way.
      • 583. - No! No, that's not, I mean, I didn't mean it that way, of course.
    • 586. Option - I'm stuck with you then.Player - Great. So I'll never be rid of you.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 587. - Um, yes, never mind then. I thought... I'm sorry.
        • 588. Option - That was sarcasm.Player - I was just joking with you. You're an important member of this team, and I value your support.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 589. - Thank you, my lord.
            • 591. - I've learned so much at your side; my archaeologist's instincts are honed to a razor's edge. Or a pick's point, as the case may be.
        • 593. Option - Don't let it happen again.Player - Watch your familiarity in the future.
          • 594. - Of course, my lord.
            • 596. - I was just trying to express my gratitude. I'm a better archaeologist than I've ever been, thanks to your expertise.
              • 597. <Conversation Exit>
        • 598. Option - Go away.Player - Just leave me alone.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
  • 223. - My lord! I've solved it! I've figured it out!
    • 225. - I don't understand how I could've missed it. The outer layer of the medallion responds to heat! It melted away and revealed this!
      • 227. - It's a heat-resistant casing, with a data chip inside!
        • 228. Option - What a dumb thing to do.Player - Applying heat to an object like that--you could've destroyed it!
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 229. - Unofficial motto of the Imperial Reclamation Service: When all else fails, try a blowtorch.
            • 231. - Actually, that would be disastrous. I did a chemical sampling first.
              • 233. - I suspected the medallion was not uniform all the way through. I was right.
                • 234. Option - I don't understand.Player - Why would your mentor bother sending you secret messages?
                  • 235. - I'm sure there's a perfectly logical, not-remotely-scary explanation. I just haven't thought of it yet.
                • 238. Option - Any new information?Player - What did you discover?
                • 240. Option - You're slow.Player - It certainly took you long enough.
                  • 241. - We archaeologists can be a bit narrow-minded sometimes. I assumed that because the medallion was a fake, it wasn't important.
        • 244. Option - Fascinating.Player - I'm beginning to believe your claims that your mentor was a genius.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 245. - He was certainly one of a kind.
            • 247. - The chip said he was looking for the tomb of Vaius Antinus. He said he was going to Malachor Three, but everyone knows the tomb is on Alderaan!
        • 266. Option - Why are you telling me this?Player - Remind me again why I care.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 267. - Since you'd shown an interest so far, my lord, I thought you'd like to know how my search was going.
            • 249. - I believe Auselio Gann went to Alderaan. I'm going to find him.
              • 851. Player - Did you have any luck finding your mentor?
                • 872. - No, my lord. I'm afraid the trip was all for nothing. Auselio Gann was already gone, and nobody could tell me where.
                  • 878. - He was definitely in the tomb of Vaius Antinus--his workmanship was all over the site. But he left no clue that I could find.
                    • 879. Option - So it was a waste of time.Player - Next time you won't be in such a hurry to run off on a foolish errand.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 904. - Hm. Perhaps it was foolish to go chasing after such a tiny clue. Still, I won't stop looking.
                    • 898. Option - That's a shame.Player - I'm sorry you couldn't find him.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 899. Option - Don't give up hope.Player - I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere.
                      • 900. - Don't you worry. I've not given up hope.
                        • 902. - Detective work such as this isn't much different from archaeology, after all. It's all about observation and deduction, and Auselio Gann taught me well.
                          • 908. - Oh! I almost forgot--I found this in the tomb of Vaius Antinus. I thought you might find it handy.
                            • 909. Option - Great. What is it?Player - Um, I'm not sure what this is supposed to be.
                            • 910. Option - Hooray!Player - I do love presents.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 911. Option - I don't want it.Player - I don't need your trifles.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 912. - A trifle! My lord, I think you misunderstand.
                                • 914. - Vaius Antinus was a meticulous record-keeper. These are the geneologies of all the great Sith Lords of his day. Look--here is your ancestor, Lord Kallig.
                                  • 916. - Bloodlines are very important in the Empire, my lord. Not to mention the historical value!
                                    • 919. <Conversation Exit>
  • 268. - My lord, remember I told you about my mentor, Auselio Gann? He took me under his wing after I discovered the domesticated rancor tooth.
    • 270. - I was polishing the rancor tooth and placing it among my things, when I noticed a medallion he gave me last time we met.
      • 821. - I decided to call him, but none of his frequencies work anymore.
        • 271. Option - Did you see him recently?Player - When was the last time you spoke to him?
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 273. Option - I'm sure it's nothing.Player - He might just be on a dig somewhere remote.
          • 274. - Never go to a dig site on your own, and never go without making sure someone knows. Second rule of archaeology.
            • 276. - I spoke to him only a little while ago. We met at a cantina on Nar Shaddaa for a little light archaeological talk.
        • 308. Option - What makes you think I care?Player - One old archaeologist is nothing to me.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 309. - My lord, with all respect, how can you say that? Doctor Gann is the Empire's premiere Naga Sadow scholar!
            • 311. - You wouldn't have found the ghost on Hoth without me, and I wouldn't have been able to help you if it hadn't been for Auselio Gann.
              • 312. Option - That makes no sense.Player - By that logic, I should thank your mother and father for your birth as well.
              • 314. Option - I don't owe you anything.Player - You fulfilled your duty as an Imperial soldier. You receive your payment from the Empire.
                • 315. - Fine, my lord. But with your permission, I'm going to start looking for him myself.
                  • 316. Option - It doesn't matter to me.Player - You do as you wish on your own time.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 319. Option - No, you may not.Player - You do not have my permission.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 322. Option - My work comes first.Player - Just don't neglect your service to me.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 323. - Of course not. I meant no disloyalty to you.
              • 325. Option - Fine. Tell me about it.Player - When was the last time you spoke to him?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 326. - It was before I went to Hoth. We met at a cantina on Nar Shaddaa for a little light archaeological talk.
                  • 278. - He said he was on his way to Malachor Three. That's when he gave me the medallion. It's the last I saw of him.
                    • 279. Option - Medallion?Player - What was this medallion he gave you?
                      • 280. - Oh, it was just a knockoff. He said some Hutt tried to pass it off as the real thing. It was quite canny, though.
                    • 283. Option - How was he then?Player - Did he act strange at the time?
                      • 284. - Not really. Maybe a little at the end.
                    • 287. Option - It's a big galaxy.Player - Malachor Three is pretty remote. He probably just fell out of touch.
                      • 288. - You're probably right.
                        • 290. - I can't help but think of something odd he said just before we left. He gave me the medallion and said something like "in case you need me."
                          • 292. - I just thought he'd had too much to drink. He did love to imbibe.
                            • 293. Option - Let me know how I can help.Player - If you need my help searching for him, you'll have it.
                            • 297. Option - Perhaps it's a clue.Player - Does the medallion have anything written on it?
                              • 298. - No, just old runes. Most of it nonsense.
                            • 301. Option - He doesn't sound too bright.Player - Maybe he got drunk and fell in a tomb.
                              • 302. - No! Auselio Gann never drank on the job. Well, maybe a little. But only enough to keep warm.
                                • 304. - I'm sure it's nothing. You can't keep an Imperial Reclamation Service man down.
                                  • 306. - I guess I'll keep an ear and an eye out. I'll let you know if I discover anything.
                                    • 307. <Conversation Exit>
  • 329. - You'll never believe what I found! I thought I'd left this behind planets ago!
    • 330. Option - What is it?Player - Is it some kind of artifact?
    • 332. Option - Something dull, I suspect.Player - The anticipation is killing me.
      • 333. - This is the tooth off a four-thousand-year-old proto-rancor. But look, see this? It's some kind of metal, not cortosis, but very similar.
        • 335. - This rancor was tamed! It was my very first discovery. I carry it with me everywhere, for luck.
    • 338. Option - Sounds worthless to me.Player - Much as I admire your enthusiasm, Lieutenant Drellik, do not forget I am your superior.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 339. - Of course, my lord. I apologize. My excitement sometimes gets the better of me.
        • 341. - It's just this was my first discovery--the tooth of a tamed rancor--and I've carried it around with me for ages.
          • 343. - I thought I'd lost it when I fell into an old tomb a couple digs ago. It turns out it was caught in the lining of my pocket!
            • 344. Option - I remember my first discovery.Player - On Korriban, I pulled an artifact from an ancient holocron that was supposed to be unopenable.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 345. - You mean from the pyramid in the tomb of Marka Ragnos? How did you do it? With a sonic excavator? Or some device of your own?
                • 346. Option - I don't tell.Player - A Sith must have some secrets.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1008. - I suppose I will have to live with disappointment.
                    • 351. - Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some findings to analyze.
                      • 352. <Conversation Exit>
                • 353. Option - [Lie] It was quite messy.Player - I killed thirty tuk'ata and covered myself in their blood.
                  • 354. - Remarkable. How did you come by the number thirty exactly? Was there a clue on the device, or did you simply experiment?
                    • 356. - Sith methods are an endless source of fascination to me.
                      • 357. Option - I lied about the blood.Player - Actually, I just used lightning. It was a disappointingly obvious solution.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 359. Option - I used trial and error.Player - I killed tuk'ata until it opened. Simple.
                        • 360. - The experimental approach, then. Interesting.
                          • 362. - Speaking of which, I have some new findings to analyze, if you'll excuse me.
                      • 364. Option - It was rather elaborate.Player - I took one of the faces of the pyramid and created a circle by connecting each of the triangle's corners....
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 365. - Fascinating....
                          • 367. - What a dizzying process. No wonder it took so long to discover. I am in awe of you, my lord.
                • 370. Option - I just zapped it.Player - It was painfully obvious, really. I used lightning.
                  • 371. - Hmm. You know, there's a theory in the archaeological world that certain ancient devices, holocrons especially, have resonances.
                    • 373. - It's something to do with the Force. Just as only Sith can activate holocrons, some ancient devices can only be activated by certain Sith bloodlines.
                      • 375. - Most archaeologists reject it as unscientific. But there's so much about the galaxy we don't understand...who am I to say what's scientific?
                        • 376. Option - Do you know a lot of Sith?Player - Have you worked with many Sith in the past?
                          • 377. - Never closely. Usually in a for-hire arrangement.
                            • 379. - The Imperial Reclamation Service may be part of the army, but we get much less funding than our more martial comrades in arms.
                        • 382. Option - You are nobody.Player - People with no knowledge of the Force should not speculate on its workings.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 383. - I'm sorry, my lord. I was not attempting to explain the unexplainable. We in the broader archaeological community have great respect for the Sith.
                            • 385. - Such theories are only offered to better understand the nature of the items we research, and to improve our techniques.
                        • 388. Option - It's a fascinating theory.Player - I'm not one to dismiss an idea just because it seems a little crazy.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 389. - Yes, my lord, I thought so.
                            • 391. - But if you'll excuse me, I have some new findings to analyze.
                              • 392. <Conversation Exit>
            • 393. Option - What a dumb story.Player - You built that up way too much.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 394. - Are you kidding? This thing has more secrets than half the Sith artifacts you own.
                • 400. - It made my career. Renowned Naga Sadow scholar Auselio Gann caught wind of it and had me assigned to his team.
            • 397. Option - But you're a Sith scholar.Player - So how did you go from discovering evidence of domesticated rancors to digging up Sith Lords?
              • 398. - I know. Night and day, aren't they? That was Auselio Gann's doing. He was sort of my mentor.
                • 402. - I've been digging up Sith artifacts ever since. Speaking of which, I have some new findings to analyze. If you'll excuse me.
                  • 403. <Conversation Exit>
  • 404. - If you don't mind my asking, how is it you became Sith, my lord? The process is completely foreign to me.
    • 406. - I had a brother who was Force sensitive. Darth Marr came and took him to Korriban, but we didn't hear from him again after that.
      • 408. - "Ungrateful little rat thinks he's too good for us now," my father said. But really, I think he just missed him.
        • 409. Option - Your brother's probably dead.Player - Most of the people who go to Korriban to become Sith die in training.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 410. - You don't know my brother. He never took no for an answer. We Drellik boys might not look like much, but we fight back!
        • 413. Option - Your father was right.Player - Many Sith get an extreme sense of superiority and stop talking to their families.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 415. Option - I'm sorry.Player - If I ever run into your brother, I'll let you know.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 416. - It's alright. We didn't really get along anyway. He was always faster. And stronger. And he usually had a stick in his hand.
            • 418. - Father always wanted one son in the Sith and one in the military.
              • 420. - Admittedly, the Imperial Reclamation Service wasn't his first choice, but after all the cursing stopped, I think he warmed up to the idea.
                • 421. Option - Why was he so angry?Player - What did your father have against the Imperial Reclamation Service?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 423. Option - I can't blame him.Player - When people think of military heroism, they don't generally think of digging in ancient tombs.
                  • 424. - No, but we serve a vital purpose.
                • 427. Option - Sounds like a loser.Player - Your father is a bit of a jerk, isn't he?
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 428. - The Drelliks are a proud family line, and my father is simply the proudest of the lot.
                    • 430. - The Imperial Reclamation Service shores up the Empire's foundations against the flood of forgetfulness and misinformation that threatens our history.
                      • 432. - I'd like to see a fighter pilot establish the lineage of a three-thousand-year-old Sith Lord with nothing but rocks and a dead language.
                        • 520. Option - It's a noble profession.Player - I have always believed that knowledge will ultimately win out over the lightsaber and the blaster.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 526. - Thank you, my lord. It is my honor to serve.
                        • 521. Option - Both roles are weak.Player - You and the fighter pilot must bow to the Sith.
                          • 524. - But who can compare to a Sith, my lord? No one in the Republic or the Empire.
                        • 433. Option - I smell cowardice.Player - It sounds as if you were too frightened to pick up a blaster and fight for your Empire.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 522. - Destiny calls each to his own duty. Who am I to argue with destiny?
                            • 523. <Conversation Exit>
  • 434. - So explain this to me. The tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban was built by Tulak Hord before Naga Sadow was even born?
    • 436. - And that's where you found the Dashade shadow-killer?
      • 438. - And when your master tried to steal your body, you used the artifacts of Tulak Hord to put her being into this Dashade?
        • 439. Option - It made more sense back then.Player - Somehow when you describe it, it sounds completely nuts.
          • 440. - It's our job to piece together the puzzle of history.
        • 443. Option - Don't forget Kallig.Player - You forgot the part where I received aid from my long-dead ancestor who was murdered by Tulak Hord.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 444. - Kallig! He was one of the most powerful Sith Lords of his time. Perhaps the most powerful. And an alien too.
          • 447. - Kallig! He was one of the most powerful Sith Lords of his time. Perhaps the most powerful. Oddly pro-alien.
            • 449. - To think how the Empire might have been different if he had killed Tulak Hord and not the other way around.
        • 452. Option - How did you know?Player - Where did you hear all this?
          • 453. - Darth Zash and I have been talking. Well, when she's around. I would love to speak more with Khem Val, but I don't think he likes me.
            • 454. Option - Don't worry about him.Player - He only eats Force users.
              • 455. - Yes, I'd read much about his species but never seen one in person. Still, when he gets that hungry glint in his eye....
            • 458. Option - I'm sure he'll come around. Player - Being locked in stasis for hundreds of years was hard on him.
              • 459. - Heh. You know, I never thought of it that way. Yes, I'm sure that's it. Perhaps I could give him a few social pointers.
                • 460. Option - You should.Player - I'm sure he'd appreciate that.
                  • 461. - Excellent. I will speak with him at the next opportunity.
                • 464. Option - I wouldn't advise it.Player - I would leave him alone, if I were you. He's liable to become violent.
                  • 465. - Nonsense. The monsters I've encountered in the dark corners of tombs make Khem Val look positively civilized.
                • 468. Option - You'd be a terrible teacher.Player - You're hardly the model of social grace yourself.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 472. Option - I can see why.Player - Khem Val respects strength. You're a little on the weak side.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 816. - Well, I'd say that's a matter of debate. They don't give lieutenant stripes to just everyone you know.
                • 473. - But your adventures sound fascinating. Five artifacts of Tulak Hord!
                  • 475. - I understand you inherited quite the archive from Zash. I would love to see it some time.
                    • 476. Option - Certainly.Player - I would love to show it to you.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 834. - Excellent. The quest for knowledge is eternal!
                    • 478. Option - You presume too much.Player - The knowledge of the Sith is not meant for weaklings like you.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 479. - My apologies. The quest for knowledge is neverending, but perhaps I overstepped.
                    • 481. Option - We'll see.Player - Some knowledge isn't meant to be seen, you understand.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 482. - Nonsense. For people like us, the quest for knowledge is neverending.
                        • 483. <Conversation Exit>
  • 868. - If I could have a moment of your time the next time we're on the ship, that would be wonderful.
  • 867. - When you have a moment, can we talk?
  • 1036. <Non-dialogue segment.>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.sith_sorcerer.talos_drellik_naked
Appearance ID16141044324518309785
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