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Master Strayen

Master Strayen
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tython
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Master Strayen
Other Sites:


  • 1. - The Jedi Council will have much to say about your new recruit, I'm certain.
  • 2. - Forgive me, young Jedi, but I do not have time to give lessons these days.
    • 4. - My only concern is administering to the order's new recruits. If you are here on an unrelated matter, I fear I have no help to offer.
      • 5. Option - Let me explain the situation.Player - I'm here on business, Master. I found a Flesh Raider who wants to be a Jedi.
      • 11. Option - Tell me about your work.Player - How does one get a candidate into the Jedi Order?
        • 12. - The Jedi seek out young children with sensitivity to the Force. Older candidates are occasionally admitted with the approval of the Jedi Council.
          • 14. - But I don't think you came to discuss hypotheticals. If you know someone whose potential we've overlooked, please be frank with me.
      • 19. Option - I'm recruiting someone.Player - I've got a new student for you.
        • 20. - That's not how it works. You don't simply pick someone and hand him over to me.
          • 22. - You may reveal the student to me, and I will consider the matter. If necessary, I may take it up with the Jedi Council.
            • 23. Option - I'd like to bring him in.Player - Can I just send the student to you?
              • 24. - I suppose you could. I'd need to meet with him eventually in order to make my assessment.
            • 27. Option - It's one of the natives.Player - It seems there's a Flesh Raider strong in the Force. He's requested training.
              • 28. - A Flesh Raider? You're serious?
                • 30. - My understanding is that those creatures are primitive, cruel and bloodthirsty--not ideally prepared for the lifestyle of a Jedi.
                  • 35. Option - If we don't, someone dies.Player - This Flesh Raider will murder a child if we refuse to teach him. We don't have much of a choice.
                    • 46. - A wicked situation. The order is not a prison, nor a place for repentance--it is for the dedicated, the willing.
                  • 37. Option - That's why we should help.Player - If we want to change their ways, we have to start somewhere.
                    • 38. - I am reluctant to accept candidates purely to affect wider change. But I hear what you say, and I would know your thoughts.
                  • 111. Option - All true.Player - You understand correctly.
                    • 42. - And yet you come to me anyway.
                      • 48. - Even assuming this recruit is strong in the Force, do you really think such a dangerous student could be taught?
            • 54. Option - Talk to him, okay?Player - You should probably just meet him yourself.
              • 55. - I don't appreciate you being tight-lipped on this matter.
                • 57. - The life of a Jedi is difficult in the best of circumstances. There are those who simply aren't fit to join the order.
                  • 59. - Even assuming this recruit is strong in the Force, do you really think your mystery student can be taught?
                    • 60. Option - Perhaps.Player - I believe there's a chance.
                    • 68. Option - Without us, he's a danger.Player - If he stays untrained, he'll go to the dark side.
                    • 72. Option - You've had harder students.Player - The Jedi managed to teach me, didn't they?
                      • 73. - Indeed. I've heard stories.
                        • 75. - Very well. Send your recruit to the temple. Give him this medallion, and the watchmen will know to grant him passage.
                          • 77. - When he arrives, I will consult with the Jedi Council. We will do what we can.
                            • 78. <Conversation Exit>
  • 80. - You're finding your way around the temple, I hope? I know it can be confusing.
  • 117. - Are you certain you should be in the temple?
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141169514122215589
Body Typebmn
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