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Master Satele Shan

Master Satele Shan
Level 1-50 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Master Satele Shan
Other Sites:


  • 217. - Go to Belsavis. If the Emperor seeks to destroy other worlds, we'll find them.
  • 96. - It's been so long. We thought you were lost forever.
    • 97. Player - The mission to seize the Emperor has failed. He's more powerful than we realized. Master Braga, Leeha Narezz and Warren Sedoru are still missing.
      • 104. Player - The Emperor's Wrath helped us escape. He betrayed his master to join our side.
        • 139. - Sith serve no one but themselves.
          • 108. - I altered my loyalties to avert a threat to myself--and you. Jedi are not alone in seeing the future.
            • 102. - Centuries ago, I had a vision of the Emperor destroying the galaxy. Republic, Empire, everything--gone. This Jedi has the power to stop him.
              • 105. Option - We should trust him.Player - I have good reason to believe he's telling the truth.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 106. Option - How can he destroy everything?Player - Extinguishing all life in every star system? No one could do that.
                • 111. - He wields power no Jedi or Sith has dreamed of.
              • 107. Option - Then we'll face him now.Player - We'll fly back to his fortress. You can betray him, and I'll strike the final blow.
                • 112. - You aren't strong enough to win that confrontation. Not yet.
                  • 114. - The renewed war is merely a diversion to conceal the Emperor's designs. His true plans are already in motion across the galaxy.
                    • 119. - One by one, every star system will simply die. Trillions will perish.
                      • 121. - How does that benefit the Emperor?
                        • 123. - He'll feed on those deaths to become more powerful than all the Jedi and Sith combined. An immortal being of unlimited power.
                          • 126. Option - He's already too powerful.Player - The Emperor defeated my strike team without a fight. He's stronger than we realized.
                          • 127. Option - Do the other Sith know?Player - Are you the only Sith who learned the truth of his plans?
                            • 125. - If others have, they're dead--or serving him without realizing the cost.
                          • 128. Option - And Emperor of nothing.Player - Once everyone's dead, who will he rule over?
                            • 129. - Domination holds no appeal to him. Only power. And this is not the sole galaxy in the universe.
                              • 130. - A thousand years ago, the Emperor tricked an entire Sith world into aiding a dark ritual. He promised great power.
                                • 142. - Only for himself, of course. The ritual consumed every living thing on the planet. He absorbed those life essences through the Force.
                                  • 199. Option - And became stronger.Player - That explains how he's lived so long--and where all his power comes from.
                                    • 213. - That was merely one world. Imagine what he'll become after consuming millions.
                                  • 200. Option - Not every Sith died.Player - He didn't kill all you people. Where did your Empire come from?
                                    • 203. - The True Sith occupied many worlds at the galaxy's edge. Losing one planet was hardly crippling.
                                  • 201. Option - He did us a favor.Player - One less planet of Sith to worry about.
                                    • 211. - Don't speak like that. This is beyond our worst nightmares.
                                      • 206. - The Emperor has manipulated events for centuries toward one goal: performing an even greater ritual that will destroy this galaxy.
                                        • 150. - But the ritual requires a great sacrifice to begin: billions of simultaneous deaths. He seeks to commit genocide on Belsavis.
                                          • 236. - That prison world holds the worst filth captured by the Republic. Mass murderers, tyrants--even captured Sith Lords.
                                            • 238. - We've kept the planet's location secret for decades. If the Emperor has found it....
                                              • 183. - Once the sacrifice occurs, the Emperor's ritual cannot be stopped. We must save Belsavis.
                                                • 163. - "We"? Your role in this is over, Sith.
                                                  • 166. Option - There's no need for threats.Player - Put away your weapon, Master Kaedan. The Sith is cooperating. He'll come with me.
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 167. Option - You don't decide that.Player - Master Satele will determine what we do with him. Don't overstep yourself.
                                                    • 177. - I confess, I agree with Master Kaedan. Leaving the Emperor's executioner free is a terrible risk.
                                                  • 168. Option - Lock up the Sith.Player - He's served his purpose. If we need more information, it'll be easy to get from a prison cell.
                                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                    • 169. - Leave me here, and your mission will fail.
                                                      • 171. - I know the Emperor's ways. Belsavis is not the only world in danger.
                                                        • 241. - We must find the others, and I cannot help you from a prison cell. Like it or not, we need each other.
                                                          • 175. - He's right. I can feel the truth. Without his help, we are all dead.
                                                            • 181. - The Council will concentrate on locating other worlds at risk--and finding our missing friends. I'm counting on you to stop the Emperor's plans.
                                                              • 182. Option - May the Force be with you.Player - I know this has been hard for you to accept, but it's our best hope. I promise I won't fail.
                                                              • 185. Option - You're not coming with me?Player - We'll need all the help we can get. There's room on my ship for you.
                                                                • 218. - The order needs leadership. This war is stretching us to the limit.
                                                              • 186. Option - Don't waste time on them.Player - Even if Master Braga and the others aren't dead, they're of no use to us.
                                                                • 187. - If they're alive, we won't leave them in captivity. And they may possess information we need.
                                                                  • 189. - Contact me when you reach Belsavis--and don't rely too closely on your "ally."
                                                                    • 191. - I'm disrupting the fabled Jedi calm. I suggest we depart.
                                                                      • 192. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. Player - I brought the sensor logs, Master Satele.
    • 56. - I'm sure you have many questions. Master Tol Braga will answer them.
      • 58. - It's good to finally meet you in person. They say you're the greatest Jedi the order has seen in generations.
        • 7. - I believe the Force has guided you to me. Together we'll defeat the Empire.
          • 11. Option - That's my life's work, Master.Player - Restoring peace to the galaxy is the reason I became a Jedi.
          • 12. Option - Just the two of us?Player - I'm good with a lightsaber, but that's an awful lot of work.
          • 13. Option - Finally, we're going to fight.Player - It's about time someone on the Council got serious about this war.
            • 14. - Still impatient as ever. You're sure about this one, Braga?
              • 16. - I'm organizing a top secret strike team of our best and brightest. Jedi who don't know the meaning of failure.
                • 18. - Twice you've saved the Jedi Order from destruction. Bengel Morr and Darth Angral were formidable opponents.
                  • 20. - Now I ask you to confront the ultimate evil--and help me capture the Sith Emperor.
                    • 27. Option - A bold plan.Player - You don't dream small, do you, Master?
                    • 28. Option - That may not be possible.Player - The Emperor is the most powerful Sith. What if we can't capture him?
                    • 29. Option - Don't you mean destroy him?Player - Wouldn't it be easier to kill the Emperor?
                      • 30. - If the opportunity presents itself, we shouldn't hesitate.
                        • 22. - Killing the Emperor only creates a power vacuum. My plan will end the Sith Empire forever.
                          • 37. - There's an ancient fortress orbiting the Imperial homeworld Dromund Kaas. It's hidden by a powerful cloaking device.
                            • 40. - The Emperor rules his people from this cloaked fortress. Not even the highest-ranking Sith can find him.
                              • 90. - But we're going to locate that fortress, get inside it and seize the Emperor.
                                • 41. Option - Then may the Force be with us.Player - If there's a way to achieve these goals, we must find it.
                                • 42. Option - It's a suicide mission.Player - If even the Sith can't find the Emperor, what hope do we have? We'll just get ourselves killed.
                                  • 51. - Let go of your fears. The Force is with us. We will not fail.
                                • 43. Option - Getting out is the real trick.Player - Unless you plan to hold the Emperor hostage, leaving will be a bigger problem.
                                  • 44. - Our entire operation will be conducted in secret. The Empire won't know we're there.
                                    • 83. - We've already made great strides toward our objective.
                                      • 46. - The man you saved on Tatooine scouted the Dromund Kaas system. His sensor logs will help us plan this assault.
                                        • 49. - We'll plot a hyperspace route through the Imperial Navy's defenses. Slip right past them.
                                          • 54. - Other members of my strike team are uncovering ways to pierce the cloaking device and defeat the security around the Emperor's fortress.
                                            • 55. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                              • 222. - I could use your expertise on Balmorra. The Empire and Republic are at war there, and the fighting has endangered our mission.
                                                • 61. Option - I'll leave immediately.Player - My ship's ready for departure. Tell your people I'm on my way.
                                                • 225. Option - We're at war?Player - Open war on Balmorra? When did this happen?
                                                  • 232. - The invasion just began. Balmorra belonged to the Republic before the Sith conquered it during the last war. Now, the Republic wants it back.
                                                • 63. Option - My expertise?Player - What would I bring to your little strike team?
                                                  • 65. - We're on a mission of peace, but we'll need the Jedi Order's greatest warrior to achieve that goal.
                                                    • 67. - We've placed great responsibility on you, but I know you won't fail us.
                                                      • 68. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 229. - Contact your fellow strike team member, Warren Sedoru, when you reach Balmorra. He'll explain the mission.
                                                        • 81. - I'll give you the holofrequencies of your fellow strike team members. Contact them when you reach Hoth and Balmorra.
                                                          • 69. - We're going to save the galaxy. May the Force be with us.
                                                            • 221. <Conversation Exit>
                                              • 48. - They could use your particular expertise on Hoth and Balmorra.
                                                • 62. Option - Where should I go first?Player - Which objective is more pressing, Hoth or Balmorra?
                                                  • 64. - They're both mission-critical. Neither will be easy to accomplish. Do what you feel is right.
  • 95. - May the Force be with you.
  • 94. - You travel with one of our order's greatest champions. Welcome.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.universal.master_satele_shan
Appearance ID16141126311232565390
Body Typebfn
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "2658571819",
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