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Level 5-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Dhayden
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: onslaught_conv_starter_02
Other Sites:


  • 16. Player - So, what do you know about Onderon, Arn?
    • 17. - Well, we've just landed in the heart of the capital. Not that there are any other major cities. Planet is mostly wilderness.
      • 19. - The wildlife is famously dangerous. The plant life is hardy enough to seed barren planets and spark new ecosystems.
        • 21. - So that definitely makes Onderon an important resource world. What else... ah, the planet is ruled by a king named Petryph, who's been on the throne for just over three years.
          • 23. Option - You did your research!Player - Impressive. Somebody did their homework.
            • 28. - I can't take the credit. Master Gnost-Dural gave me the full lecture back at Carrick. You know how much he loves history.
          • 24. Option - Tell me about Petryph.Player - What do you know about the king?
            • 27. - Only that he's not very popular. I didn't really get a chance to dig into his policies and find out why.
          • 25. Option - Cyborg encyclopedic knowledge?Player - You must have a whole database of information stored in your implants, huh?
            • 26. - Or maybe I just pay attention when Master Gnost-Dural speaks.
              • 29. Player - Let's find Lana and hear what she's learned about the Imperials' plans.
                • 30. - Lana Beniko, right? The... Sith lord that works for you?
                  • 33. Option - No need to worry.Player - Lana isn't like most Sith. You've got nothing to worry about.
                  • 34. Option - She's more than that.Player - Lana and I don't just work together. We are together.
                    • 39. - Oh! Yeah... I'm sure she's great. I've just never, you know... talked to a Sith lord before.
                  • 35. Option - [Taunt] Don't make her angry!Player - Oh, yes. Head-to-toe black armor, claws, fangs, everything.
                    • 37. - All right, sorry. I didn't mean... I've just never actually had a conversation with a Sith before, you know?
                  • 36. Option - The very bossy Sith lord.Player - She's supposed to work for me, but it feels like the other way around a lot of the time.
                    • 40. - I have to be honest, I've never talked with a Sith before, you know?
  • 50. - Commander, welcome to Onderon. This must be your new friend.
    • 52. - Arn Peralun.
      • 54. - Jedi Padawan. Hmm...
        • 56. - Uh... nice to meet you?
          • 57. Option - Tell us the situation here.Player - Why don't you tell us what you've learned so far?
          • 58. Option - Having fun?Player - You're enjoying this a little too much.
            • 63. - I so rarely get to menace innocent young Jedi anymore.
          • 59. Option - Stop wasting time.Player - Can we focus, please? I want to know what we're up against.
            • 60. - Certainly.
              • 62. - Onderon is a powder keg. King Petryph has been at odds with his noble council for months.
                • 66. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 67. - From what Theron and I have learned, he wants to strip mine the planet to line his coffers. The nobles aren't interested in that plan.
                  • 68. - From what I've learned, the king's goal is to strip mine the planet to line his own pockets. His nobles aren't going along with the plan.
                    • 71. - As a result, Petryph has changed residence to his hunting lodge in the wilderness, where the nobles can't keep track of his activities or visitors.
                      • 74. - The nobles are led by Senator Nebet, the planet's Republic representative. She was kind enough to lend us her office.
                        • 97. - Nebet's people have detected coded transmissions from the hunting lodge. The code used is highly sophisticated, and not Onderonian.
                          • 98. Player - An Imperial code?
                            • 99. - Nebet suspects as much. I have Doctor Oggurobb analyzing it to confirm, but in the meantime, the Senator is preparing the city for a potential attack.
                              • 78. - To that end, our people are spread across the capital, shoring up the city's defenses. I believe you'll find Tau Idair in the central marketplace.
                                • 79. Option - Always on top of things.Player - Good work, Lana. I'll take Arn to meet with Tau. Can you arrange an audience with Senator Nebet?
                                  • 82. - Certainly. I'll contact you once I have the details.
                                • 80. Option - Have you also been teasing Tau?Player - Have you given Tau as much trouble as her padawan?
                                  • 84. - We haven't been introduced, though we did see her across the marketplace this morning. Rest assured, I did my best to appear sinister while browsing the produce.
                                • 81. Option - Let's take the initiative.Player - We shouldn't be waiting around for an attack. Send our people to look for the Imperials.
                                  • 86. - I'll do what I can, Commander. They'll need guides in these savage jungles, but I believe I can find some.
                                    • 87. Player - All right, Arn. Ready to meet your new master?
                                      • 88. - Ready as I'll ever be. It was nice to meet you, lord... lady... uh...
                                        • 90. - Just "Lana" will do.
                                          • 93. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.npc.default.chagrian.bmn
Appearance ID16140964185854315838
Body Typebmn
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.exp.03.onderon.world_arc.republic.scene_1_lana_arn",
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    "Fqn": "npc.test.dhayden.testing.onslaught_conv_starter_02",
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    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "4216627628",
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