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Minister of Intelligence

Minister of Intelligence
Level 30 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Minister of Intelligence
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  • 520. Player - Prepare the ship to launch. We're leaving.
    • 525. - Analyzing jump trajectories.
      • 526. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 535. - Yeah, 'cause us hicks can't use a navicomputer.
          • 536. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 521. - How'd the meeting go? You get vacation? Jail time? Both?
        • 533. - How was your meeting? Is everything alright?
        • 532. - Everything alright with the Minister? He sounded serious.
        • 534. - I saw the Minister's expression. How was your meeting?
          • 522. Option - We're finally free.Player - Imperial Intelligence is gone, and Cipher Nine is dead. From now on, we choose our own fate.
            • 622. - Oh, you're making me very happy.
            • 625. - We never thought we'd hear that.
              • 630. - You don't cease to surprise me. Patching through a message, if you don't mind.
          • 530. Option - I'm rising in the ranks.Player - Imperial Intelligence is gone, and good riddance. The new Empire belongs to us.
            • 614. - Fascinating. Then tonight, we'll drink to progress.
              • 615. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 616. - I'm glad we did our duty, sir.
                • 617. - To progress. Yes.
          • 531. Option - We'll keep doing our jobs.Player - Imperial Intelligence has fallen, but it doesn't change our duty. We soldier on.
            • 603. - Dedication. One thing Imperials and Killiks have in common.
              • 604. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 605. - I think it's inspiring, sir.
                  • 607. - Did we imply otherwise?
                • 610. - Pretty thought. So--business as usual.
          • 518. Option - Anyone with doubts, speak up.Player - After everything we've been through, I understand if some of you are tired. But the galaxy is only getting more dangerous.
            • 562. Player - If anyone has doubts--in me or our mission--speak now.
              • 586. - This is our place. We intend to remain.
                • 587. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 588. - No one doubts your leadership, sir.
                    • 589. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 585. - Not like I have other plans.
                  • 590. - I'm not finished with you.
                    • 591. - And I, as always, am your humble servant.
                      • 597. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 598. - See? Everyone likes you.
                        • 599. - Patching in a message; one moment.
          • 529. Option - It doesn't matter for you.Player - My meeting was confidential, and your jobs haven't changed. You work for me, you work for the good of the Empire. Is that clear?
            • 563. - Crystal.
            • 564. - We won't fail you.
              • 569. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 565. - Sir!
                • 566. - Straightforward as always. Patching through a message, if you don't mind.
                  • 572. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 633. - This is command ship Tenebrous, sir. The Sith will want to know--what do you plan to do while we sort things out?
                    • 573. - This is command ship Tenebrous. I thought I'd see you off properly; it might be a while before we do this again.
                      • 637. Option - Then let's do this formally.Player - Secure transmission acknowledged, Keeper.
                        • 642. - Keeper was director of Operations. My name is Shara.
                      • 638. Option - We'll see each other again.Player - Somehow, I doubt it'll be that long. But I appreciate the thought.
                      • 641. Option - Why don't you come with me?Player - There's room aboard the ship. Join me.
                        • 645. - I can't, not with everything that's going on, but... my name is Shara. I'll find you.
                          • 649. - Ready to jump to lightspeed.
                            • 651. - Yes, apologies. For the record--what are you planning while we sort things here?
                      • 639. Option - Did you call for a reason?Player - I'm about a minute from the jump to lightspeed. Make it fast.
                        • 640. - We're getting questions from Dromund Kaas, and I was hoping to set the record straight:
                          • 576. - What's your plan while we sort things out here?
                            • 578. Option - You'll find out soon.Player - For the record? Better not to ask. But my people and I will be watching, and you'll hear from us again.
                            • 577. Option - Let's go where we're needed.Player - I'm going to find threats to the Empire, and I'm going to stop them. Isn't that what we do?
                              • 657. - Perhaps it is. Tenebrous out.
                            • 579. Option - Time to strike at our enemies.Player - I'm going to identify those who threaten the Empire--and one by one, you'll see them disappear.
                              • 655. - Understood. Good luck.
                                • 659. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 662. - There's a whole galaxy out there. Who do we lie to next...?
                                  • 663. - The song ends. The song begins.
                                  • 664. - People are never going to know what we've done. I think I like that...
                                  • 665. - Well, then. The great game continues....
                                  • 706. <Conversation Exit>
  • 723. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 149. - Hey! You all catch the show? 'Cause we messed them up!
    • 151. - If they gave medals for unsanctioned operations, sir, you'd be at the top of the list.
    • 150. - It seems word of our victory precedes us.
      • 165. - I'll start investigating potential leaks.
    • 154. - Cipher--I was able to monitor your life signs after we lost contact.
      • 157. - I'm glad you're still alive--and I'm glad you won.
        • 169. Option - Mission accomplished.Player - Hunter is dead, and the inner circle is broken. The Star Cabal has been decimated.
          • 222. - One last victory for Imperial Intelligence.
        • 171. Option - Time to cheer!Player - You could sound happier. Victories like this don't come around often.
          • 219. - I know. I'm exhausted, and there's a lot of cleanup to be done--but you do deserve to celebrate.
            • 194. - Self-admiration can wait. Keeper, I need you with the technical team. Cipher, with me, please.
              • 509. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 180. Option - I'm glad, too. [Kiss her]Player - Victories like this don't come along often.
          • 182. Player - We should celebrate.
            • 183. - Don't. You've moved on, and I--I....
              • 189. - Step away, mistress.
                • 190. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 188. - Yeah, go stutter at the med-bot.
                  • 191. - Yes, why don't you both step away?
                  • 192. - Blast you both.
            • 184. - We're in public--but I suppose neither of us works for Operations anymore. At least for a little while.
              • 186. - Our personal lives can wait. Keeper, I need you with the technical team. Cipher, with me, please.
                • 735. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 210. - I'll see you later. Fixer...?
                  • 211. - Duty first. I'll see you later.
        • 170. Option - Did you see anyone follow me?Player - Is there a chance someone came aboard the station after I did?
          • 174. - The Dark Council sent a ship to investigate after I broadcast our target list. I don't know if it reached the station intact--the scanners were picking up shadows.
        • 173. Option - The Sith followed me aboard.Player - As the fighting wrapped up, Sith reinforcements arrived. They didn't make it back.
          • 176. - They came to investigate after I broadcast our target list. We warned them of the danger.
        • 175. Option - The Sith followed me aboard.Player - As the fighting wrapped up, a group of Sith arrived. Did you expect that?
          • 177. - Lord Jadus hadn't informed us of that part of the plan, and we didn't pick them up until the comms were jammed.
          • 178. - The Dark Council sent a ship to investigate after I broadcast our target list. They refused to hold position.
            • 505. - The post-mortem can wait. Keeper, I need you with the technical team. Cipher, with me, please.
              • 201. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 202. - You call us, we'll come shooting.
                • 298. - We'll keep an eye on things here. Go.
                • 215. - Give the man my regards. I'll make sure you don't miss anything.
                  • 679. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 226. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 227. - I received word from Lord Ilikith. You delivered the conspirators' secrets to Darth Jadus.
                        • 234. Option - It was my duty.Player - He made me his Hand, and I swore to serve him.
                      • 228. - I received word from the Dark Council. You delivered the conspirators' secrets to the Sith.
                        • 229. Option - It was my duty.Player - We swore to serve the Emperor. I could do nothing less.
                        • 230. Option - I didn't have much choice.Player - To refuse would have been treason. Or have you forgotten that?
                          • 238. - Count your crimes in the line of duty. I think you'll find you've committed treason before.
                            • 258. - But for better or worse, you've ensured that the Empire will continue on its course.
                              • 259. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 231. Option - Unlike you, I don't fear Sith.Player - The Sith are not the enemy--petty men hiding behind titles, however, have weakened the Empire for too long.
                          • 235. - Well, if you believe our lords are guiding us in the right direction, I assure you--you've helped the Empire continue on its course.
                            • 236. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 243. - The Sith will be pleased. Imperial Intelligence will not be rebuilt, and women like you will head its successor. Your due reward.
                              • 237. - The Sith will be pleased. Imperial Intelligence will not be rebuilt, and men like you will head its successor. Your due reward.
                                • 742. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 745. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 300. Option - It's time an alien won respect.Player - Lord Jadus promised that species wouldn't matter in the new Empire. He kept his word.
                                    • 304. Option - It's time an alien won respect.Player - Perhaps the ruling powers are ready to acknowledge that my people are as capable as yours.
                                  • 743. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 244. Option - What are you talking about?Player - What do you mean, "Intelligence won't be rebuilt"?
                                      • 263. - The Star Cabal gave the Sith an excuse to cannibalize us. Why would they give power back now?
                                    • 245. Option - Please watch what you say.Player - Sir, listen to yourself. This isn't wise.
                                    • 246. Option - I could use a promotion.Player - I think a reward like that would suit me.
                                      • 257. - There's already talk of your place in the new world of Sith Intelligence--head of a slate of black projects, with the conspirators' secrets as your weapons.
                                        • 269. - May the Emperor help you, because I no longer can, Cipher--or whatever you'll be called.
                                          • 270. Option - I'll protect the Empire.Player - Things will change. But the Star Cabal is gone; for the first time in a thousand years, we're free to determine our own future.
                                            • 274. Player - And I'll see that no enemy, Republic or otherwise, ever destroys the Sith Empire.
                                          • 271. Option - What will happen to you?Player - You're still Minister of Intelligence. You expect that to change?
                                            • 256. - With luck, I may retire gracefully. Without, I expect to be hanged.
                                              • 286. - So it goes with all great servants of the Empire.
                                                • 288. Option - We'll see about that.Player - You may be right, but I aspire to something else.
                                                  • 292. Player - Goodbye, Minister. If they hang you, not everyone will forget your legacy.
                                                • 284. Option - I'm sorry, sir.Player - For what it's worth, I never intended this. I'll try to live up to your example.
                                                • 285. Option - You're boring me, Minister.Player - I've had enough speeches for one day. And I don't think I need to listen to you anymore.
                                          • 272. Option - Power in my hands at last.Player - Under your watch, Kaas City was struck by terrorists, I was reprogrammed and Operations was disbanded. I can do without your help.
                                            • 279. Player - Now you'll see what we can do with Sith as allies. No bureaucrats, no Star Cabal--things will change.
                    • 214. - Congratulations are due, but the surviving conspirators are going to ground. Did you recover their data?
                      • 313. Option - I wiped the Cabal's secrets.Player - I found the Black Codex, and I destroyed it.
                        • 373. - You what? Do you know what you've unleashed?
                          • 375. - The conspirators' weapons and resources aren't going to disappear, and we can't guess who'll obtain them now. What were you thinking?
                            • 377. Option - I kept it away from the Sith.Player - You didn't trust the Dark Lords with that power; now they'll never have it.
                            • 378. Option - I'm sick of what it stood for.Player - The Star Cabal was devoted to lies and manipulation. The Black Codex was the source of their power.
                              • 383. Player - Now it's gone. I won't apologize for that.
                      • 319. Option - I'm sorry I had to destroy it.Player - I found the Black Codex--but so did the Republic. I had to wipe it before they got away.
                      • 315. Option - There was nothing there.Player - I couldn't find anything. Maybe the data was deleted. Maybe the archive never existed.
                      • 314. Option - Someone must have taken it.Player - By the time I could search, the "Black Codex" was gone. It's out there somewhere.
                        • 316. - Not one survivor, but they managed to get their archives to safety. Quite an achievement.
                          • 320. - You realize this invites chaos. The conspirators' weapons and resources won't disappear just because the data is gone, and we can't predict who'll obtain them.
                            • 324. Option - A little chaos can be healthy.Player - Consider the alternative: Putting a thousand years of secrets in the hands of one group would recreate the cabal we destroyed.
                              • 330. Player - Instead, those secrets return to the world from which they were stolen. A sort of justice.
                            • 323. Option - We'll have to be prepared.Player - When the conspirators' legacy does turn up, we'll be waiting. Won't we?
                            • 325. Option - You worry too much.Player - Not everything ends in disaster, Minister.
                              • 318. - The present threat is dealt with, I grant you. But there are other consequences:
                                • 334. - Imperial Intelligence is not being rebuilt. The secrets were your chance to buy protection; now you'll be branded a renegade working unsanctioned missions.
                                  • 338. - There will be power struggles. Dark days are coming for the Empire, and I can't protect you.
                                    • 343. Option - What are you talking about?Player - What do you mean, they're not rebuilding Intelligence?
                                    • 344. Option - I've served loyally.Player - I've given the Empire everything. Why should I need protection?
                                    • 346. Option - The Empire needs me!Player - Without me, the Star Cabal would have won. Without me, the Shadow Arsenal would be in Republic hands!
                                      • 347. - You and I are a threat to the vision of Sith Intelligence. With luck, I may retire gracefully. Without, I expect to be hanged.
                                    • 345. Option - I don't need your "protection."Player - You've committed enough crimes against me. I can do without that help.
                                      • 367. - Fair enough. I'll ask the Sith to invite you to my hanging, but a word of advice:
                                        • 354. - Renegade or not, you will be needed. Don't share my fate.
                                          • 356. Option - Thank you for everything, sir.Player - We've had our disagreements. But I've always respected you.
                                            • 361. Player - Your work won't be forgotten.
                                          • 357. Option - You have no idea what I am.Player - You still don't really understand. Who I am, what I'm capable of.
                    • 397. - Congratulations are due, but if we're going to track and eliminate the surviving conspirators, I need their secrets. Give the data to me, please.
                      • 394. Option - Here you go.Player - They called it the Black Codex. It should be what you want.
                      • 395. Option - What are you planning?Player - Tell me, Minister: Why do you really want the Black Codex?
                      • 396. Option - That's a popular request.Player - You know, people keep asking for the Black Codex. Frankly, I'm surprised everyone finds it so interesting.
                        • 402. - I never did like your sense of humor.
                          • 406. - Despite all their evils, the Star Cabal did something remarkable. They stayed invisible for centuries, operating independent of the great powers.
                            • 408. - In my career, I can hardly scratch my nose without being stymied by a Dark Lord.
                              • 413. Option - I can sympathize.Player - Our superiors make service difficult sometimes.
                              • 414. Option - That's dangerous to say aloud.Player - With due respect, some people might interpret that the wrong way.
                              • 415. Option - You're afraid of the Sith.Player - I'm well aware that you see the Sith as enemies.
                                • 420. - I see them as an obstacle to serving the Empire.
                                  • 439. - The lives I've destroyed, the atrocities I've approved--all of it was to make the Empire a better place. I failed.
                                    • 441. - Now I turn to you, and to the Black Codex. Imperial Intelligence is not being rebuilt; you need to escape while you have the chance.
                                      • 447. Option - What are you talking about?Player - Escape from what? What's happening to Intelligence?
                                        • 467. - The Sith and the military have wanted our resources for years--now that we belong to them, things will change.
                                      • 448. Option - You've been plotting awhile...Player - How long have you been planning something like this?
                                      • 449. Option - I don't need to do anything.Player - Why should I escape? You're the one who's scared.
                                        • 459. - Damn it, listen to me.
                                          • 444. - The conspirators erased themselves from history. The Black Codex can help you go dark, destroy all records of your identity.
                                            • 445. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                              • 462. - You would answer to no one--not a new "Sith Intelligence," not superior officers. You'd serve the Empire as a free agent... maybe rediscover your conscience.
                                              • 446. - You would answer to no one--not a new "Sith Intelligence," not superior officers. You'd serve the Empire as a free agent; exercise that conscience of yours.
                                                • 451. Option - You want me to abandon ship?Player - Even if I escape, what about you and the others?
                                                  • 482. - With luck, I may retire gracefully; without, I expect to be hanged. But the others won't be blamed for my mistakes.
                                                    • 484. - They'll be your allies on the inside, while you operate in the shadows. It's the best I can offer.
                                                      • 485. Option - All right. Let's do it.Player - We have a deal, Minister. I get my freedom, the Empire gets an invisible ally. +150
                                                      • 487. Option - You might just regret this.Player - You're putting a lot of trust in me. +150
                                                        • 502. - We use the resources we have.
                                                          • 494. Player - Activate the Black Codex. Retrieve Imperial security codes and scan for references to agent "Cipher Nine"; eliminate them all.
                                                      • 488. Option - Too bad. I won't leave.Player - I'm sorry, Minister. Your best isn't enough.
                                                • 452. Option - I'm not interested.Player - I have no interest in "going dark."
                                                  • 476. - Very well.
                                                    • 469. - There will be power struggles, and I can't protect you. With luck, I may retire gracefully; without, I expect to be hanged.
                                                      • 471. - But if you want to remain, I wish you well, Cipher, however long that name lasts.
                                                        • 355. Option - I'll stay true to my path.Player - I stood by the Empire as they dismantled Operations. I'll survive whatever they do next.
                                                          • 359. Player - And even if I'm not wanted anymore... I still have work to finish.
                                                        • 473. Option - We can reform the Empire.Player - However bleak it may seem, we're not finished. I'll make the Empire a better place.
                                                        • 474. Option - I don't run from challenges.Player - Let the Sith reform our operation. Let them try to change what we do. I look forward to seeing what happens.
  • 144. - The Star Cabal awaits you.
  • 117. Player - You wanted to see me, Minister?
    • 116. - Yes, come in.
      • 118. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 5. - This ship and crew were gifts from Darth Jadus. Distracted as he may be, he isn't entirely out of the picture.
          • 86. - I suppose I should thank you. The Star Cabal ruined us quite thoroughly.
            • 93. Option - Let's focus on the job.Player - Leave the thanks for later and tell me what we've learned.
            • 89. Option - You've heard from Jadus?Player - Last I was aware, Lord Jadus had gone into seclusion.
              • 90. - Where he remains. I expect he allowed the dismantling of Operations--lull the enemy into a sense of security.
            • 15. Option - You let them dismantle us!Player - What happened was your responsibility. You should have been prepared.
              • 16. - I stretched my influence as far as I could. Pushing harder would only have guaranteed your colleagues reassignment as cannon fodder.
        • 112. - Last we talked, I sent you to hunt "invisible agents" manipulating the war. How did that mission turn out?
          • 113. Option - Not perfectly, to be honest.Player - It was more complicated than expected. It's been a while, sir.
            • 127. - Indeed. Welcome back from your tour of duty. I've spent my time calling in favors.
          • 114. Option - Keeper said you arranged this?Player - Sir. The ship, the crew--this is your doing?
            • 125. - Officially, I'm under house arrest in Kaas City--but even with the demise of Intelligence, certain Moffs owe me favors.
              • 123. - Now we face a conspiracy as old as the Emperor, and nearly as powerful. Pity we have to destroy it.
                • 134. Option - I'm ready to go.Player - Keeper thinks we're on the edge of victory. What's our status?
                • 135. Option - They want to rule the galaxy.Player - This war is meant to wipe us out. Remove the Jedi and Sith, Republic and Empire, and start over.
                • 133. Option - You want revenge; so do I.Player - They tried to ruin me. They did ruin Intelligence and they hurt our people.
                  • 137. - Along with our Watchers, Ardun Kothe's victims, the people of Isen Four--there will never be an accounting.
                    • 18. - Your work on Corellia allowed us to trace the conspirators' communications to a space station in the Null Zone.
          • 115. Option - You failed Intelligence.Player - The mission went sour. The conspirators struck back, and the man appointed to protect us did nothing.
            • 119. - I did what I could. This ship and its crew represent the last of favors owed to me.
              • 27. - But while Intelligence may be gone, your work on Corellia let us trace the conspirators' communications to a space station in the Null Zone.
                • 20. - We believe that station to be their base of operations.
                  • 21. Option - What's the plan of attack?Player - How do we make our approach?
                  • 22. Option - Tell me about their base.Player - What do we know about it? Size, specifications.
                    • 36. - Based on its hyperwave silhouette, it could pass as a deep space refueling post. But its energy readings are masked.
                  • 23. Option - It could be a hoax.Player - They've lured us into traps before.
                    • 30. - Not this time--they finally slipped, and we knew what to look for.
                      • 32. - I want you to take your team there immediately; any delay, and we risk the enemy escaping.
                        • 35. - Eliminate any members of the inner circle present, and obtain their records--the names of their followers, their resources, and every black project they've co-opted.
                          • 39. Option - Straightforward enough.Player - Search, destroy and retrieve. What about conspirators who aren't aboard?
                          • 40. Option - Why do you want the records?Player - You have plans for the information?
                          • 41. Option - You're not my boss anymore.Player - Operations Division was disbanded. I don't take orders from you.
                          • 42. Option - You don't give me orders.Player - You may have lost your authority--but I haven't. Watch your tone.
                            • 43. - Consider me the voice of experience.
                              • 46. - With the Star Cabal's secrets, we can scour the galaxy for what's left of their membership. Otherwise, they'll soon regroup.
                                • 50. - Of course, the conspirators' secrets have other uses. Once this crisis passes, the Sith will want them in safe hands.
                                  • 53. Option - I understand your meaning.Player - Safe hands. Of course.
                                  • 52. Option - What "other uses," exactly?Player - The conspirators used their secrets to blackmail, to brainwash--to disappear.
                                  • 54. Option - They will belong to Jadus.Player - I'm certain my lord will appreciate your consideration.
                                    • 69. - Cipher, I regret a great deal about our relationship. I put you in a place no one should be, and wiped my hands of you just as quickly.
                                  • 51. Option - It is our duty to serve.Player - What the Sith want, we must provide.
                                    • 55. - Cipher--when I began at Intelligence, I saw it as a distraction from my military career. Eventually, I grew to accept my role.
                                      • 57. - I developed goals in place of ideals, and I found ways to achieve those goals. I hoped authority would help me effect change.
                                        • 59. - But for us, there are limits to what authority can do.
                                          • 60. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 62. - Ship's overhaul is finished, sir--she'll get to the station out of sight.
                                            • 61. - Ship's overhaul is finished, sir--he'll get to the station out of sight.
                                              • 64. - The operation begins. Stop the conspirators, and take back everything they've stolen.
                                                • 77. Option - I will stop them.Player - You have my word.
                                                • 78. Option - Wait--what were you saying?Player - If you have something to say to me, Minister, be direct.
                                                • 79. Option - You have a lot to answer for.Player - You're the man who authorized my brainwashing. Don't give me advice, and don't ask for help.
  • 143. - I'm very busy, thank you.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.spy.minister_of_intelligence
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