518. Option - Anyone with doubts, speak up.Player - After everything we've been through, I understand if some of you are tired. But the galaxy is only getting more dangerous.
562. Player - If anyone has doubts--in me or our mission--speak now.
529. Option - It doesn't matter for you.Player - My meeting was confidential, and your jobs haven't changed. You work for me, you work for the good of the Empire. Is that clear?
- The Dark Council sent a ship to investigate after I broadcast our target list. I don't know if it reached the station intact--the scanners were picking up shadows.
Link to Node 505
173. Option - The Sith followed me aboard.Player - As the fighting wrapped up, Sith reinforcements arrived. They didn't make it back.
- But for better or worse, you've ensured that the Empire will continue on its course.
259. <Non-dialogue segment.>
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231. Option - Unlike you, I don't fear Sith.Player - The Sith are not the enemy--petty men hiding behind titles, however, have weakened the Empire for too long.
- There's already talk of your place in the new world of Sith Intelligence--head of a slate of black projects, with the conspirators' secrets as your weapons.
- May the Emperor help you, because I no longer can, Cipher--or whatever you'll be called.
270. Option - I'll protect the Empire.Player - Things will change. But the Star Cabal is gone; for the first time in a thousand years, we're free to determine our own future.
274. Player - And I'll see that no enemy, Republic or otherwise, ever destroys the Sith Empire.
Link to Node 275
271. Option - What will happen to you?Player - You're still Minister of Intelligence. You expect that to change?
272. Option - Power in my hands at last.Player - Under your watch, Kaas City was struck by terrorists, I was reprogrammed and Operations was disbanded. I can do without your help.
279. Player - Now you'll see what we can do with Sith as allies. No bureaucrats, no Star Cabal--things will change.
- That much I appreciate. But there are other consequences:
Link to Node 334
378. Option - I'm sick of what it stood for.Player - The Star Cabal was devoted to lies and manipulation. The Black Codex was the source of their power.
383. Player - Now it's gone. I won't apologize for that.
- You realize this invites chaos. The conspirators' weapons and resources won't disappear just because the data is gone, and we can't predict who'll obtain them.
324. Option - A little chaos can be healthy.Player - Consider the alternative: Putting a thousand years of secrets in the hands of one group would recreate the cabal we destroyed.
330. Player - Instead, those secrets return to the world from which they were stolen. A sort of justice.
- Imperial Intelligence is not being rebuilt. The secrets were your chance to buy protection; now you'll be branded a renegade working unsanctioned missions.
- So that for once in my life, I can do the right thing.
Link to Node 406
396. Option - That's a popular request.Player - You know, people keep asking for the Black Codex. Frankly, I'm surprised everyone finds it so interesting.
- You would answer to no one--not a new "Sith Intelligence," not superior officers. You'd serve the Empire as a free agent... maybe rediscover your conscience.
- You would answer to no one--not a new "Sith Intelligence," not superior officers. You'd serve the Empire as a free agent; exercise that conscience of yours.
Link to Node 485
451. Option - You want me to abandon ship?Player - Even if I escape, what about you and the others?
474. Option - I don't run from challenges.Player - Let the Sith reform our operation. Let them try to change what we do. I look forward to seeing what happens.
- Eliminate any members of the inner circle present, and obtain their records--the names of their followers, their resources, and every black project they've co-opted.
39. Option - Straightforward enough.Player - Search, destroy and retrieve. What about conspirators who aren't aboard?
Link to Node 46
40. Option - Why do you want the records?Player - You have plans for the information?
Link to Node 46
41. Option - You're not my boss anymore.Player - Operations Division was disbanded. I don't take orders from you.
Link to Node 43
42. Option - You don't give me orders.Player - You may have lost your authority--but I haven't. Watch your tone.