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Tier 2 Longform Update

Reward Level Range: -
Tier 2 Longform Update
Command XP: 600
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: Yes
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Tier 2 Longform Update
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(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 203. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 204. - Commander. That C2 droid just did something kind of amazing. He's modified the food processors in our barracks, and now everything they're making is nutritionally optimized.
      • 206. - Some of the troops might complain a bit, but this will be great for keeping our forces in fit fighting shape. If you see that droid, thank him for me.
    • 207. - Hey, Commander... that C2 unit has started dropping off crates of packed meals in the barracks. I'm not really sure what's gotten into it, but it's not really helpful.
      • 209. - The meals aren't going to last in the field like our standard rations, and there's not really enough here to feed an army anyhow. Could you ask it to stop?
    • 210. - Commander, we either need to talk some sense into that protocol droid or just turn it off. It's carpeted the barracks in pillows!
      • 212. - Not to mention it's swapped the padding on just about every seat it could find to ultra-plush... stuff. It's not really appropriate for military quarters.
        • 270. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 274. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 277. Player - Maybe the droid figured soft pillows are perfect for you soft Pub soldiers?
              • 278. - Least we don't spend more time killing each other than the enemy. Maybe you'd actually win a war for once.
            • 282. Player - [Say nothing]
    • 213. - Sir, you care to tell me why my command room smells like some parlor in the red light sector? Ugh....
      • 214. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 266. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 267. Player - [Innocent Look] That's not normal for Republic military housing?
          • 269. Player - [Say Nothing]
        • 215. - This has to be that protocol droid's doing. Make it stop--please.
          • 424. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 427. <Conversation Exit>
  • 145. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 168. - Ah, Commander. I was just reading up on your newest recruit, Rusk. Excellent job in bringing him in.
      • 170. - A brilliant soldier according to his records. First to volunteer for impossible missions, and somehow always gets the job done.
        • 172. - He's certainly no stranger to being in the thick of it on the front line, or even behind it a lot of the time--his units have had high casualty rates.
          • 173. Player - [Trooper Background] Sounds like someone who could have been prime material for Havoc squad.
            • 175. - Maybe we could set him up as a SpecForce officer, have him train up the more talented volunteers.
          • 174. Player - He's used to risks and does what it takes to get the job done. He's exactly what we need.
          • 291. Player - He's a great soldier, but be careful about giving him command. I think he's reckless--the type to take unnecessary risks. His record seems to prove it.
            • 292. - Hmm. Noted. Maybe we set him up as an officer and have him train some of our better volunteers. Apply his experience without risking his battlefield decision making.
          • 177. Player - I question his ability to work alongside Imperials. He's holding on to old grudges.
            • 178. - I understand the concern, Commander, but there's nothing like necessity and a larger threat for bringing old enemies together.
              • 179. Player - [Say Nothing]
              • 295. Player - [Smirk] It does lead to you working with all kinds of interesting people, doesn't it?
              • 180. Player - [Imperial Background] But only until that threat is gone.
                • 181. - Well, I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it, won't we Imp?
                  • 183. - At any rate, I should get back to it, Commander. Just wanted to say good job on this one.
                    • 439. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 442. <Conversation Exit>
                      • 443. <Conversation Exit>
    • 331. - Commander. Is Rusk with you?
      • 339. Player - He was reckless, and couldn't see reason. We're better off without him.
      • 336. Player - It got complicated. He pulled a blaster on me--I won.
        • 340. - I see. I'm sorry to hear that, but it seems like you made the right call. We'll look elsewhere.
      • 337. Player - He was about to shoot an old crew mate, and I wasn't about to let it happen. Got a new recruit for Hylo out of it, though.
        • 342. - I see. Sorry to hear that. At least you got an old crewmate back--I'm sure Hylo will appreciate the help.
      • 332. Player - No--we don't need a slaver in the Alliance. His unit of "convicts" weren't actually convicted, so much as forcibly drafted off the streets.
        • 333. - That's... horrible! I had no idea. In fact, I'm going to report it. I've still got a lot of friends on Coruscant who can get to the bottom of this.
          • 335. - Also, I'll try to screen my information more carefully in the future.
            • 344. <Conversation Exit>
  • 301. - Qyzen Fess: fearless warrior, renowned hunter, expert survivalist, and respected as a leader amongst his people.
    • 302. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 325. - I guess none of that's news to you though, considering the extensive history the two of you have together.
      • 328. - He's even respected by the Jedi Order. Not many Trandoshans get invited into the Jedi Temple on Tython just to catch up with old friends.
        • 303. - By itself, word that Qyzen is working with us will give us huge inroads with most any Trandoshan clan out there.
          • 304. Player - Not to mention the Ex-Warstalkers Qyzen's bringing with him. They'll be a powerful addition to our forces.
            • 314. - Absolutely, Commander. Still, just to be sure, I've arranged psych check-ups for all of them, considering their background with the Dread Masters.
          • 317. Player - I don't think the Ex-Warstalkers he's bringing with him will be all that useful, though. They were crushed on Denova.
            • 318. - With respect, Commander, I couldn't disagree more. The Warstalkers were among the most effective and respected merc units in the galaxy. They never lost a fight before Denova.
              • 320. - The Warstalkers lost because the Dread Masters compromised their command and forced some pretty big mistakes.
                • 322. - Which reminds me, I should arrange regular psych check-ups for all of them. Can't be too careful.
          • 308. Player - We have to keep a close eye on the Ex-Warstalkers that have come with him, though. They used to fight for the Dread Masters.
            • 309. - I agree entirely. In fact, I've already had the lot scheduled for regular psych evaluations to be sure. I don't think it'll be an issue though.
              • 311. - It was mainly Kephess that the Dread Masters had control over. Most of the Warstalkers were freely following his strength.
                • 313. - Hmh. We've got ourselves a Trandoshan hero leading some of the strongest Trandoshan forces this galaxy's ever seen. Pretty good day in my book, Commander.
  • 189. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 217. - Commander. Oggurobb just sent me a holo, claiming you've authorized a dual assignment for Lokin. That he'll be spending half his time in the Research Lab. Tell me the Hutt is making this up.
      • 221. Player - He's not making it up. I think the Research Lab should have equal access to Lokin's expertise.
      • 218. Player - He's already called you about it? I've never seen a Hutt do anything that fast in my life.
        • 226. - C'mon, Commander, I'm serious.
          • 220. - I understand he knows a lot about genetics and whatnot, but splitting his time with research work's going to really undermine us here.
            • 229. Player - [Confirm Decision] I thought people in the Republic loved sharing and compromise? To think Oggurobb would be a better Rep than you...
              • 230. - You son of a... Rgh! Shoulda known better than to try reasoning with an Imp...
                • 231. Player - What was that, Admiral?
                  • 232. - Nothing at all, Commander! Must be your Imp paranoia acting up again.
                • 233. Player - [Ignore the remark]
                  • 234. - If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to being productive...
            • 238. Player - [Confirm Decision] I understand, Admiral, but Lokin's got talents useful to both you and Oggurobb. It's only fair that we give the lab equal access to Lokin's time.
            • 239. Player - [Reverse Decision] Okay, you've convinced me. You can keep Lokin assigned here full time.
      • 222. Player - [Close Discussion] Those are my orders as commander and I expect you to follow them.
        • 223. - Understood, Commander, it's your call to make.
          • 225. - If there's nothing else, I'll be getting back to work.
    • 243. - Commander, there you are. What happened with Lokin?
      • 244. Player - We had a disagreement. He attacked me and then ran off.
        • 255. - Ah, a shame. Would have loved to have access to his intel, but it sounds like he was too unstable to be worthwhile.
      • 245. Player - Lokin turned out to be more of a monster than I thought. We're better off without him.
        • 246. - Mmh. A shame we won't have access to his intel, but I trust your judgement.
          • 256. - Don't worry, we'll find others.
        • 252. - Wow. Enough of a monster that even an Imp says he's not worth it. Sounds like you made the right call, Commander. Oh, um... no offense intended.
          • 248. - Wonder if we'll ever run into him again down the road. There're a whole lot of stars out there, but the Galaxy seems like a smaller place every day.
            • 250. - Bah, I'm just babbling. Don't let me waste your time, Commander.
    • 190. - Commander, I just wanted to say thank you for speaking to Oggurobb and getting him to see reason.
      • 194. - I understand Lokin knows a lot about biology, genetics, and whatnot... but splitting his time with research duty would have really undermined our work here.
        • 192. - Oggurobb will be giving me a stink eye for a week over this, but it's worth it. Lokin's experience, knowledge, and contacts make him utterly invaluable here.
          • 196. - You've made the right decision, Commander. Thanks again.
            • 251. <Conversation Exit>
  • 420. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1. - Well, if it isn't the new Commander. It's a pleasure to be able to work with you again, sir. Your work at Kuat was impressive, to say the least.
      • 2. Player - It's been a long time, Admiral Aygo.
        • 27. - That it has! I really do wish we had more time to catch up, but the Eternal Empire's not sitting around, so neither can we.
          • 12. - If only it was as easy to send the Eternal Empire packing as you did those Imps back on Kuat.
      • 3. Player - I don't remember you.
        • 5. - Well, that bruises my ego a bit, but considering everything you've been tied up in--not to mention the years in stasis--can't say I really blame you.
          • 7. - I'm Admiral Bey'wan Aygo. We fought together at the Battle of Kuat. You really helped us out of a bad spot, and wow did you really send those Imps packing.
            • 9. - Err.... Sorry sir, that remark was totally inappropriate, given our current alliance.
              • 10. Player - [Flash a knowing smirk]
              • 15. Player - That kind of carelessness jeopardizes everything we're trying to build here.
                • 16. - You're entirely correct, Commander. I won't let it happen again.
              • 57. Player - [Lower your voice] Those Imps really had it coming.
                • 58. - Heheh... Didn't they, though?
                  • 17. - At any rate, my job is to coordinate the Alliance's military and strategic intelligence assets, and I'm looking forward to working with you to enhance our military capacity.
    • 26. - Sir. Welcome to your Alliance's military headquarters. Pleasure to have you here.
      • 36. Player - Likewise, Admiral. I look forward to working together.
        • 40. - I'm relieved to hear it, Commander.
      • 31. Player - [Agent Background] Aygo... You were a Fleet Admiral at the Battle of Kuat.
        • 32. - Hmph. I was. You were there too. You and that Admiral Ranken did quite a number on our forces.
      • 29. Player - It doesn't quite sound like it's a pleasure to you.
        • 30. - Forgive me, Commander. We've been on the opposite side of a war for a lot of years... old habits.
      • 33. Player - You know, I've never really liked Bothans....
      • 55. Player - I can't believe we're trusting our military command to a Republic officer.
        • 34. - Yeah well I've never really liked Imps either, so I guess we're kinda even there.
          • 38. - But that's all the past--it has to be.
            • 42. - We've got the Eternal Empire out there now, and it's going to take all of us working together to even have a chance of stopping them.
              • 48. - My job here is to coordinate the Alliance's military and strategic intelligence assets.
                • 61. - That said, we're too small to accomplish much right now. We're going to need to start by growing, which includes both recruitment, and securing additional materiel.
                  • 52. - Let me know if and when you're looking to help, we've got plenty of work to go around.
  • 62. - Hello, Commander. How can I help you?
    • 63. Player - How are things going here, Admiral?
      • 398. - We've come a long way, Commander.
        • 400. - It was not easy, but after all the training and cooperation, we've finally got everyone feeling more like they're part of a unified alliance force, rather than a bunch of cobbled factions.
          • 402. - We're trained, equipped, and we've got ourselves the makings of what I dare call a small fleet.
            • 404. - Sure, we can't take the Eternal-Fleet head-on, but we are mounting our own tactical operations. Initial results have been very encouraging, and fantastic for morale.
              • 406. - Things are only going to scale up from here, Commander. You keep bringing us everything you can find, we'll put every scrap to good use.
      • 391. - I'm happy to say that things are starting to come together a bit, Commander.
        • 393. - Our forces have all been training together for a while now. There's an incident here or there, but the old rivalries are pretty well smoothed over.
          • 395. - All the equipment you've been securing for us also has morale up, too. Nothing brightens your day like new set of cutting edge hardware.
            • 397. - Keep bringing it in, Commander. We're going to be mounting our first operations soon. We'll need everything and everyone we can get.
      • 367. - We've made a good start, Commander, but it's proving to be a lot harder than we thought to the merge Imperial and Republic forces. Differences in 'Command Philosophy'.
        • 368. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 369. - For example, I just had to remind a certain Imperial Officer that it's unacceptable to open fire on a friendly fighter craft because it's failed a patrol maneuver.
            • 370. Player - That's terrible. We're short enough on soldiers and craft as it is. +50
              • 371. - Something obvious to the two of us, but not to this one. Dunno how much more of this depravity I can take.
                • 416. Player - You have my sympathy, Admiral. I know this isn't easy.
                • 417. Player - Wow, that's pretty rough. Hang in there, Admiral.
                • 377. Player - [Say Nothing]
            • 383. Player - If you can't figure out how to work with old enemies, how can you ask everyone else to?
              • 384. - You're right, sir.... We have to learn how to make this work, and it starts with leadership.
            • 374. Player - Nothing inspires quite like fear.
            • 372. Player - What a waste. Should have let the craft return and then just shot the pilot. +50
              • 373. - Ugh. Forgot who I was talking to for a second....
                • 376. - Long story short, Commander: we're getting there, and we'll figure it out. You keep bringing in the allies and equipment, we'll be off the ground in no time.
      • 112. - I'll be blunt, Commander: We've got an awful lot of work ahead of us.
        • 114. - We're just starting to wrap our heads around this entire alliance, and smoothing over the old rivalries.
          • 116. - We're going to need to fill out our command structure, and buy, borrow, or steal a lot more hardware before we can mount any sort of credible operations.
            • 118. - I'm hoping you'll be able to lend us a hand in getting off the ground.
              • 408. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 65. Player - What sorts of things can I do to help the effort here?
      • 91. - It's pretty simple, really. We need what any war effort needs: minds and materiel.
        • 93. - While you're out in the field, keep an eye out for noteworthy recruits--candidates with experience in command, or specialists with any military or intelligence background.
          • 95. - Beyond that, we need war supplies, and lots of them. I'll take anything you've got on hand that you're willing to part with.
    • 126. Player - [Turn in Military Equipment] I've got some equipment for you, Admiral.
      • 127. - Outstanding, Commander. I'll see it put to good use.
        • 129. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 130. Player - [Turn in More Military Equipment]
          • 131. Player - [Back]
            • 133. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 67. Player - That's all, Admiral.
  • 142. - Good day, Commander.
  • 146. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 147. - Commander, I just wanted to say excellent job in recruiting Zenith.
      • 149. - The man is a master of tactical sabotage, has a lifetime of experience leading underground resistance movements, and he's well accustomed to working under resource limitations.
        • 152. Player - It seemed like the exact skillset we need.
          • 153. - I could not agree with you more.
        • 150. Player - He's not much for conversation, though.
          • 151. - Hmph. It's true, his type rarely are. That kind of life tends to leave its mark. There's no arguing about his skills, though.
        • 159. Player - He's a terrorist.
          • 160. - Nobody ever said war was pretty, Commander... and underground resistance can be a particularly messy business.
            • 162. - The line between terrorist and resistance fighter gets real thin real fast sometimes, but Zenith is on our side on this one. He has skills and knowledge we need.
              • 155. - Zenith has already drawn up proposals for additional resistance operations across several worlds.
                • 157. - At any rate, I should get back to it, Commander. Again, though, great work on this one.
                  • 158. <Conversation Exit>
    • 351. - Back so soon... I take it things didn't go so well.
      • 358. Player - Zenith made it pretty clear that he's not going to work with Imperials.
      • 352. Player - Not at all. He more or less cut comms as soon as he saw who I was, but not before threatening to kill me when I least expect it.
      • 357. Player - No, it didn't. He basically saw me, said he'd kill me when I least expect it, and then cut comms.
      • 354. Player - He did not react very well to my bringing up Balmorra. In hindsight, that may have been a mistake.
      • 355. Player - Yeah... I probably shouldn't have brought up Balmorra....
      • 361. Player - I made one small joke. Zenith blew up and threatened to kill me.
        • 362. - Come on, I warned you about this! Did you even read the alert I sent you?
          • 353. - Bah, I was afraid it might go down this way. Oh well, nothing to be done about it. Like I said, if he can't handle working alongside Imperials, there's no point in bringing him in.
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