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Master Relnex

Master Relnex
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tython
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Master Relnex
Other Sites:


  • 196. - We'll get this place in order, never fear.
  • 278. Player - The Padawans are a bit shaky, but they're alive. They wanted to stay so I cleared them a path.
    • 273. - That's brave of them--but not what the Council wanted. I hope they'll be alright.
      • 209. Option - They may be dangerous.Player - Take care of them. They're coming out of this angry.
        • 214. - I'll make sure their Masters know. It wouldn't be the first time a Jedi's scars ran deep.
      • 250. Option - There are still Flesh Raiders.Player - Many of the natives died, but there was no way to take them all out.
        • 350. - Don't worry, we have experienced Jedi coming to do just that.
          • 251. - No more Padawans will be allowed into the Gnarls until we've repelled the Flesh Raiders.
      • 210. Option - That's it?Player - That was a waste of time.
        • 252. - It may seem like it, but knowing the Padawans are safe is something. And there will be no more training here until we've cleared the area.
  • 271. - The beacon worked and a rescue speeder is on its way. You really came through for those Padawans.
    • 197. Option - The students will need help.Player - One of them was injured--you need to send a medic with the rescue team.
      • 340. - Standard procedure. They're in good hands.
    • 198. Option - I found enemies everywhere.Player - There were Flesh Raiders at every turn--I'm sure many of them are still out there.
      • 341. - Don't worry, we've got experienced Jedi on the way.
    • 199. Option - You really failed at your job.Player - Not much of a watchman, are you?
      • 201. - I do what I can. It's all any of us can do.
        • 343. - You probably want to get back to your trials. Again, thank you and may the Force be with you.
          • 185. <Conversation Exit>
  • 270. - Those Padawans are depending on you--I can't take down a Flesh Raider.
  • 27. - Padawan, come here quickly. The training grounds are not safe today.
    • 295. Option - That's why I'm here.Player - Knight Weller sent me to help with the Flesh Raiders. I'm combat trained and ready to help.
      • 301. - Then the Force is with us. Few Padawans here can make that claim.
    • 297. Option - Tell me what you know.Player - I got a basic briefing from Knight Weller, but I'd like a full report before going in.
    • 298. Option - Out of my way, guard.Player - I'm here to push back the Flesh Raiders, and I don't need you slowing me down.
      • 302. - If you're going out there, I'll make it short and sweet. Your fellow Padawans are going to need your help.
        • 304. - The Flesh Raiders moved into the training grounds organized and ready, attempting to isolate various groups of Padawans.
          • 306. - There's a group of students in the hills we lost track of. They're not combat trained.
    • 299. Option - I assume danger is the point.Player - I always expected my trials would be a challenge.
      • 311. - Normally we minimize the danger until a Padawan is settled in and trained.
    • 296. Option - What seems to be the matter?Player - Tell me what's going on, I may be able to assist.
      • 310. - You're Master Yuon's Padawan, yes? Then you've got combat training... okay, maybe you can help.
    • 300. Option - You don't scare me.Player - This where I'm supposed to run away and then be told later I failed the trial? Not likely.
      • 312. - That's disturbingly paranoid, Padawan. We are here to test, not trick you.
        • 314. - You're Yuon's apprentice though, aren't you? We could certainly put your combat training to use.
          • 316. - The short version is we have Flesh Raiders invading the training grounds, and a group of Padawans without combat skills is trapped in the hills.
            • 322. Option - What is a Flesh Raider?Player - Master Yuon mentioned the natives briefly.
              • 324. - They are a savage people who occasionally raid the local settlements and devour those they kidnap.
                • 326. - Before today, we thought they didn't understand technology, but they're packing blasters and vibroblades and turning them on Padawans who aren't trained to defend themselves.
                  • 364. Option - The natives need a lesson.Player - I'll go teach these Flesh Raiders to respect our borders.
                    • 365. - This isn't about aggression, Padawan, remember that.
            • 323. Option - We'll get them back.Player - Don't worry, those Padawans will get home safe. I promise.
            • 321. Option - What do you need me to do?Player - Just let me know what's required. I'm here to help.
              • 330. - I've got a beacon here. If you can find the Padawans and set the beacon, we'll send an evac shuttle fast as we can.
                • 336. - A group of Jedi from the temple is headed this way but maybe not fast enough. May the Force be with you.
                  • 138. <Conversation Exit>
            • 331. Option - I'm busy. [Refuse quest]Player - I understand your dilemma, but I've got my own mission to deal with.
              <Aborts Conversation>
              • 332. - Of course. Please be safe. Personally, I'd prefer if you just waited it out.
                • 368. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. - This area is meant for training Padawans, but it's not safe today.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16140946506580406071
Body Typebmn
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