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Level 1 Andronikos Revel
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Alliance
SubCategory: Camp
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.4.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Andronikos
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  • 1. - So what's the story, Sith? Seems like you know all about me and I don't know nothing about you.
    • 2. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 3. - You always a sicko or did you just kind of fall into it, like I did?
        • 21. Option - I use what I'm given.Player - Power is wasted if you don't use it, and I'm not squeamish.
          • 25. - We're going to have a lot of fun together, huh?
      • 4. - You always this squeaky clean, or are you making up for something?
        • 20. Option - It's a struggle.Player - I didn't choose the Sith Order. It chose me. I do the best I can.
          • 26. - Why bother? What's the universe ever done for you?
            • 320. Option - I want to do the right thing.Player - What use is fighting the universe? The world would be a better place if we all helped our fellow victims.
            • 364. Option - Tell me about you.Player - It doesn't matter. Why did you become a pirate?
            • 371. Option - I've been treated okay.Player - I could be a slave, or dead right now. That must count for something.
              • 372. - If you're going to take that grim a view, I guess. Me, I prefer to take what I can while I can.
      • 5. - I honestly can't get a straight read on you.
        • 6. Option - I was a slave.Player - The Empire enslaved my family, but they decided I was special and made me Sith.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 8. Option - I was a convicted criminal.Player - Some Imperial thought it would be funny to shoot my kind for sport. I shot back. They wanted to kill me, but made me Sith instead.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 19. Option - That's the way I like it.Player - Secrecy is a Sith's best asset.
          • 316. - Then you're a master Sith. Still, I like to know who I'm working with.
        • 16. Option - Leave me alone.Player - That's none of your business.
          • 22. - Fair enough. I'll keep my nose where it belongs.
            • 27. Option - Tell me about you.Player - So how is it you became a pirate?
              • 345. - I was an accountant on Moneylend when I decided I wanted a little more adventure.
                • 347. - So I put a blaster to the head of the InterGalactic Banking Clan and walked off with a few million credits. Been robbing and murdering ever since.
                  • 350. Option - You lie.Player - I don't for one moment believe you were an accountant.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 351. Option - I have my doubts.Player - How much of that story is true?
                    • 355. - Does it matter?
                      • 359. - In three years, the Sky Princess took more cargo and harassed more Republic ships than half the Imperial fleet.
                        • 357. - I'm a liar, and a thief, and a murderer. But I'm good.
                  • 352. Option - Then I'll watch my back.Player - Well, it sounds like you made a good start. Just don't put a blaster to my head.
                    • 353. - Don't worry, Sith. I got a good survival instinct.
            • 319. Option - Good.Player - Make sure you do.
            • 341. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I didn't mean to lose my temper. I just don't like prying questions.
              • 342. - Didn't mean to pry. Just like to know who I'm working with.
                • 2089. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1336. - Hey, uh, can we talk?
    • 1337. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1339. - Don't tell anyone I said it, but you're alright. I wasn't sure this thing between us was going to work out.
        • 1344. Option - We're good for each other.Player - Come on. We're two beautiful, volatile people. What's to doubt?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1346. - Yeah, we haven't killed each other yet, huh.
      • 1338. - Don't tell anyone I said it, but you're alright. You know, I wasn't sure this whole thing was going to work out, traveling with a Sith.
        • 1340. Option - That's nice... right?Player - I guess I'll take that as a compliment.
          • 1359. - That's how I mean it. I got your back.
            • 1360. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1342. Option - I wasn't worried.Player - I knew it would work out.
          • 1351. - Yeah? Huh.
            • 1352. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1350. - I don't know if we'll have kids or anything like that. But if we do, or you have apprentices or whatever, I want to be there to look after them.
                • 1362. Option - Thank you.Player - I'd be honored.
                • 1364. Option - You surprise me.Player - You never struck me as the nurturing kind.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1366. Option - Are you dropping hints?Player - You thinking about having kids?
        • 1345. Option - We have a lot in common.Player - You're like me--you don't take nonsense from anyone.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1356. - Got that right.
            • 1353. - I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm in this for the long haul. Partners.
              • 1355. - You got kids, you got apprentices, I'll look after them. Maybe teach them a few things they can't do with the Force.
                • 1370. Option - I'm glad to have you.Player - It's good to know you have my back.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
  • 875. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1025. - So are we getting married or what?
      • 1026. Option - That's blunt.Player - You get right to the point, don't you?
        • 1030. - We've been messing around long enough. No point in being vague.
      • 1027. Option - No ring, no wedding.Player - Do you have a ring?
        • 1028. - As long as you don't ask where I got it.
          • 1034. Option - You are one of a kind. Yes.Player - What girl doesn't dream of the day her lover proposes with a stolen ring? Of course I'll marry you.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1039. Option - This will never work.Player - I'm a Sith, you're a pirate. This can never be anything more than what it is.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
      • 1029. Option - You sure about settling down?Player - I didn't think you were the type to get tied down.
        • 1031. - Neither are you. Makes us perfect for each other.
          • 1035. Option - What are you waiting for?Player - Hurry up and marry me before I change my mind.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1042. Option - Stow the sentiment.Player - Just don't turn soft on me.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
            • 1043. - Deal.
              • 1063. - I know you don't want me turning sentimental, but I have to say it: You're beautiful.
                • 1065. Option - I love you, too.Player - Are you saying you love me?
                • 1066. Option - So are you.Player - You're not so bad yourself.
                • 1067. Option - Hush.Player - Just shut up and kiss me.
          • 1038. Option - Marriage isn't for me.Player - You got one part right: I'm not the settling kind.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
            • 1048. - Is that it? That's all you're going to say?
              • 1679. - Guess I should've figured. Worth a shot, though.
                • 1680. Option - I still like you.Player - Try not to be too disappointed. We can still be together.
                  • 1056. - Forget it. What was I thinking? Me and a Sith. Stupid.
                • 1681. Option - You missed.Player - Your aim was off.
                • 1682. Option - How stupid are you?Player - I can't believe you thought I would marry you.
    • 1741. - Hey, uh, Sith. You ever get scared?
      • 1742. Option - What's the matter? Afraid?Player - The great Andronikos Revel isn't admitting weakness is he?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1749. - Not hardly.
          • 1751. - When you're running headlong into battlecruiser, you swerve or you shoot. You get scared, you think about it, you die.
      • 1743. Option - All the time.Player - Of course. A Sith's strength is emotion. I draw power from my own fear, and that of others.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1752. - Huh. I never would've expected it.
          • 1754. - Been a long time since I've been scared of anything. But when I was closing in on Rike, I thought, what if he gets away from me again?
            • 1930. - I'm glad that business is finally done with.
      • 1744. Option - Never.Player - Of what? There is nothing in the galaxy that can touch me.
        • 1745. - Just curious.
          • 1747. - I learned a long time ago not to worry about whether the next job will be my last. I'm a dead man, a ghost. Guess it's the same for a Sith.
            • 2077. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1885. - I've got him! Rike! The SIS agent who betrayed me. He's a dead man!
    • 1887. - My old girl, Casey, intercepted an encrypted message. He's moving on Trandosha of all places as we speak. I got to fly or I'll lose him.
      • 1888. Option - Be careful.Player - Watch yourself. If the Republic's on to you, this could be a trap.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1889. Option - Enough revenge already!Player - You can go, but you have to promise not to kill him.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1890. - Since when do you care who I kill? I haven't come this far just to let him get away.
          • 1894. Option - You must move on.Player - First it was Wilkes on Tatooine, now it's Rike. Eventually you have to let go.
          • 1900. Option - You don't have a choice.Player - It's either that, or you don't go. And don't try to lie to me. I'll find out.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1901. - Fine. I'll consider letting the scumbag live.
          • 1895. Option - I can't stop you.Player - Fine, do what you want.
      • 1891. Option - Get going.Player - It's not as if I can stop you.
        • 1892. - This the last bit of business tying me to my Republic days. This is the last time I'll run, I promise.
          • 1882. - Rike's dead. Was dead before I got to him, lucky jerk.
            • 1984. - Turns out I wasn't the only enemy he made, selling secrets. Imperial Intelligence sniper got him. Guess he was playing both sides.
              • 1985. Option - That must be disappointing.Player - I'm sorry you missed your chance at revenge.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1986. Option - He deserved to die then.Player - It sounds like he had it coming.
                • 1990. - I only wish I could have got an explanation. But I guess he was just rotten all around.
              • 1987. Option - It's better this way.Player - You have to learn to let these things go. Revenge doesn't get you anywhere.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1988. - It gets the anger out. Anyway, Rike's dead. That's good enough for me.
                  • 1884. - I'm done running off. You and Casey are the only friends I got, and, well, you're the only one with a ship, huh.
                    • 827. Option - Don't get sentimental.Player - I'm not going to start giving out hugs or anything.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 830. - No worries. I'll still shoot a man between the eyes if he looks at me wrong.
                    • 828. Option - Losing your edge?Player - Does this mean you're done being a bloodthirsty killer?
                      • 829. - Nah. But maybe I'm done going after revenge for a bit, huh.
                    • 831. Option - I like you, too.Player - You're not so bad yourself.
                      • 832. - Eh, I just point and shoot. But I'm happy to be along, if you'll have me.
                        • 2021. <Conversation Exit>
  • 873. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1113. - I got an itch that needs scratching. What do you say we take off for a bit, let the ship drift a while in open space?
      • 1116. Option - Not a bad idea.Player - I could use a break.
        • 1120. - Great. Start to feel boxed in after a while.
      • 1118. Option - How romantic.Player - An intimate moment under the stars?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1119. - Something like that. Start to feel boxed in after a while.
    • 1998. - Hey, I got an idea. You ever fly to the middle of nothing, cut the engines and just drift?
      • 1946. Option - I guess I have time.Player - I don't see why not.
      • 1958. Option - Sounds fun.Player - I'm always looking for an excuse to waste time.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1951. Option - Not now.Player - I have better things to expend effort on.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1121. - You sure? Won't take long. Just need to get out, get moving. Clears my head, you know?
          • 1615. Option - I said "no."Player - You just don't take a hint, do you?
            • 1616. - Hey, hey. I'm just taking the wrong ones I guess.
          • 1614. Option - Forget it.Player - Floating idly through space isn't my idea of a good time.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
          • 1953. Option - Sure.Player - I guess I can spare some time.
            • 1620. - You won't regret it. Promise.
              • 1623. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 1123. - You ever find it funny how, no matter where you are in the galaxy, it always looks like you're at the center of things?
                  • 1132. Option - It's not funny. It's true.Player - I am at the center of things.
                  • 1133. Option - You're a deep thinker.Player - I didn't know you were so philosophical.
                    • 1136. - When a pirate gets philosophical, it's just another word for "going crazy."
                  • 1134. Option - I like it.Player - I think it's beautiful.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1135. - It's freedom. It's endless possibilities, you know. Any direction you go.
                      • 1141. - I guess it's that normally I start feeling strangled right now. In a relationship. Like I got to run away.
                        • 1145. - This morning I woke up and thought, I'm out of here. Then I realized, I didn't want to go.
                          • 1147. Option - That's a relief.Player - I'm glad to hear that.
                          • 1148. Option - You don't have to stay.Player - You're free to do what you want. Don't worry about me.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1146. Option - Don't you dare go.Player - If you leave me, I'll kill you.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1956. - I love it out here. It's the one place you can really clear your head. Thanks for playing along.
          • 1968. Option - Take a hint.Player - Not a chance.
          • 1950. Option - No.Player - The answer's still "no."
  • 560. - Hey, uh, Sith, we make a pretty good team.
    • 562. - I was thinking I might take off after I found Rike, but the old job just doesn't sound quite as appealing.
      • 563. Option - I'm glad to hear it.Player - I'd be honored to have you with me.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 564. Option - So I'm stuck with you.Player - I'm never going to be rid of you, am I?
        • 568. - Hey, no need to get snappy about it. If I'm driving you nuts, I'll leave you alone.
          • 569. Option - It was a joke.Player - I was just playing with you.
          • 570. Option - Remain if you must.Player - You may stay, but don't pretend we're friends.
          • 571. Option - Finally, you speak sense.Player - You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear you say those words.
      • 565. Option - You may do as you please.Player - You've got all the freedom you need right here.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 566. - Maybe sometime I'll take you out into open space, show you the thrill of lying in wait for a big freighter and a big payoff.
          • 573. - I may be out of the game, but my skills are sharper than ever.
            • 2017. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1847. - Hey. I gotta run.
    • 1850. Option - Carl again?Player - Another friend of yours in trouble?
    • 1851. Option - What's the problem?Player - Is the Republic on to you?
    • 1852. Option - No.Player - You're not going anywhere.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 1855. - You don't give me orders. That was the deal.
        • 1994. - Someone from my Republic days has popped up. Someone I thought was dead.
          • 1996. - If I don't jump on this tip now, he might disappear again. I'll fill you in later.
            • 1861. - All right. I said I'd give you an explanation when I got back. Here it is.
              • 281. - We were chasing down a free-trader on a tip in neutral space when an Imperial fleet jumped on our position, blasted us to pieces.
                • 285. - Guy who gave us the tip? An SIS agent--that's spy, to the Empire--named Harman Rike.
                  • 286. Option - It was a trap.Player - So you think Harman Rike set you up.
                  • 287. Option - Why would he betray you?Player - Why would a Republic agent tip off an Imperial fleet?
                    • 293. - I hear lots of Republic boys were playing both sides. It's not just the Sith who have powers of persuasion.
                      • 292. - Could've just been bad intel, except Rike disappeared the same day.
                  • 288. Option - And the free-trader?Player - What about the smuggler who played bait?
                    • 289. - When the Imperial fleet jumped in, he jumped away in the panic. Harman Rike disappeared the same day.
                      • 1926. - One of my old underworld contacts traced one of his safehouses, but Rike slipped away before I could get to him.
                        • 291. - I can understand not wanting to fight somebody else's war. I skipped out myself. But Rike owes me an explanation.
                          • 298. Option - If your suspicions are right?Player - What if the explanation is that he betrayed you and your men and sent you to die?
                          • 304. Option - How restrained of you.Player - I'm surprised you don't just plan on slitting his throat.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 713. - I do, but like I said before, I want answers first.
                          • 712. Option - I understand your anger.Player - I can see why you would feel betrayed.
                            • 299. - Look, I don't want to talk about it anymore.
                              • 2016. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1845. - I gotta come clean with you, Sith.
    • 1827. - I wasn't always the scoundrel you met on Tatooine. I used to run in the Republic military, made captain before I wised up and deserted. Call it misspent youth.
      • 1808. Option - Why the confession?Player - Why are you telling me this now?
      • 1806. Option - Remember who you serve.Player - Just as long as your former loyalties don't cloud your vision, we should be okay.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1842. - Loyalties? I was just too dumb to know any better.
      • 1807. Option - You owe me an explanation.Player - Sounds like a story I should hear.
        • 1839. - There's not much to tell, which is why I didn't bring it up before.
          • 1836. - Carl sent me a message. I guess bailing him out got the Republic military's attention.
            • 1838. - Seems they've added "treason" to the charges of desertion and piracy. Guess they're not big on former officers traveling with a Sith.
              • 1907. - Anyway, if things get hot, I might need to hop off the radar for a while.
                • 1908. Option - I'll protect you.Player - If things get hot, this ship is the safest place for you. The Republic military police are no match for me.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1909. Option - You will do no such thing.Player - You serve on this ship, you stay on this ship.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1983. - I'll do what I do. Sometimes you got to just disappear a while, and you don't exactly keep a low profile.
                • 1921. Option - Do what you have to do.Player - I don't need my best pilot getting thrown in a Republic jail.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1920. - Heh. Thanks. Good to know you got my back.
                    • 2015. <Conversation Exit>
  • 871. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 949. - So what's proper manners for asking a Sith Lord out for a drink?
      • 954. Option - Just ask.Player - You might try "You want to get a drink?"
        • 960. - All right. You want to get a drink?
      • 951. Option - You wait for her to ask.Player - You don't. She invites you.
        • 956. - Well, then. You gonna ask me?
          • 950. Option - I'd rather play some more.Player - I was thinking we could find a quiet room again.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 953. - Hey, nothing says it won't end up there.
              • 955. Player - You know a good spot? And don't say Mos Ila. That stuff is swill.
              • 978. Option - Quiet room. Now.Player - That wasn't a question.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1586. - Sorry, I don't take orders. Broke that habit.
                  • 1588. - You want to play rough, I can give as good as I get. But you gotta let me buy you a drink.
                    • 1589. Option - Okay, but then it's my turn.Player - All right, but then we're doing what I want to do.
                    • 1590. Option - You won't win that easily.Player - You think you can beat me at my own game?
                    • 1591. Option - Watch how you speak to me.Player - You do not speak to a Sith that way.
                      • 1594. - What's the matter? I thought you liked a boy with backbone. Maybe tomorrow, then.
              • 972. Option - It's not going to happen.Player - I'm sorry, Andronikos, but we don't have that kind of relationship.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 967. Option - Sure.Player - Want to get a drink with me?
          • 973. Option - No. I'm not.Player - You're out of your place.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 974. - I wasn't out of my place the other night, was I?
              • 1583. - Come on. How many times do we get to just relax, show each other off, huh?
                • 1715. Option - Fine, but let me dress up.Player - In that case, I'd better put on something a little fancier.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1718. Option - Oh, all right.Player - Fine. Just one drink.
                  • 1719. - That a girl.
                    • 1699. - Can I ask you something? If you could live anywhere, do anything, what would you do?
                      • 1700. Option - I like what I'm doing now. Player - I have power, my own ship, I can do pretty much whatever I want. Why would I want to do anything else?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1701. Option - I like your career.Player - I always thought the pirate life sounded interesting.
                        • 1703. - Not as interesting as this. Sure, it's fun when you're pulling in a big freighter, but most of the time you're just hiding, waiting.
                      • 1702. Option - I don't know. Player - I was a slave before I was Sith. I'm only just getting used to the idea that I can do whatever I want.
                        • 1705. - After I ditched the army, I'd hear someone bark an order and stand to attention. Freedom's hard to get used to.
                          • 1709. - Used to think all I wanted to do was fly and fly and fly. Didn't matter where.
                            • 1713. - But I like working with you. Ship's nice, and the company's not bad either.
                              • 1725. Option - Not bad?Player - Granted, I'm no lunk-headed pirate, but I think I deserve better than "not bad."
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 1732. - I'm teasing--hey--who are you calling "lunk-headed"? Crazy Sith.
                              • 1726. Option - Well, thanks.Player - You're okay, too.
                              • 1727. Option - Don't be sentimental.Player - Aw, you like me. How sweet.
                • 1714. Option - I'd rather hide you.Player - Are you kidding? You're the last person I'd want to be seen with.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1721. - It's a little late for that, isn't it?
                    • 1723. - I understand. I'll wait 'til your mood clears. Maybe tomorrow, then.
    • 1932. - What a day, huh?
      • 1934. - There's some times you just don't want to get out of bed without a couple adrenals or a good, stiff drink. And then there's times that are just alright.
        • 1935. Option - You're cheerful.Player - I never thought of you as an optimist.
        • 1936. Option - Is today one of those days?Player - What's got you in such a good mood?
          • 1937. - I just got a good feeling about today, is all.
            • 1939. - Got a little shooting practice in, stretched my legs. Just a good feeling.
        • 1940. Option - I hate perky people.Player - Don't start getting cheerful, pirate. I need you grumpy and murderous.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1941. - Heh. Just give me a target. I'll hit it from five kilometers.
            • 2012. <Conversation Exit>
  • 73. - Hey, remember I was telling you about Carl Norn, great tech, bad cardplayer? Got me into the pirate racket?
    • 75. - I just got a call from him. He's in deep. The Hutt Cartel on Nar Shaddaa's got his number.
      • 77. - He deserves what he gets, but he's done good by me. I promised I'd meet him on Nar Shaddaa, help him out.
        • 79. Option - Go.Player - Then you'd better get going.
        • 78. Option - Why are you telling me?Player - What makes you think I'm interested?
          • 1792. - I thought it only polite to ask before I flew off. Not that it matters what you say.
        • 80. Option - Do you want my help?Player - I'd be happy to lend a hand if you need it.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1787. - I appreciate it, but it's nothing I need to drag you into.
            • 1789. - I'll try not to be long, huh.
              • 1801. Player - So what happened with your friend Carl? Were you able to help him?
                • 1829. - Yeah, thanks for asking. Carl's same as ever. Never got a hand he didn't want to play.
                  • 1831. - His debts weren't anything a few well-placed blaster shots couldn't settle.
                    • 1834. Option - You sound nostalgic.Player - Do you ever miss being a pirate?
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1916. - I miss some things I guess, but it's not like it's boring around here.
                    • 1835. Option - Don't do that again.Player - I can't have you running off every time you need to bail out a friend.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 1913. - Don't worry. I told him he's on his own from here out.
                    • 1878. Option - Sounds fun.Player - I wish I could have helped.
  • 869. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 895. - You busy?
      • 896. Option - Why? You want to play?Player - I can think of a number of things we could do.
      • 898. Option - Do you have any ideas?Player - Why? Did you have something in mind?
      • 897. Option - I'm afraid so. Player - Ancient riddles don't solve themselves.
        • 906. - I think I know something to clear your head.
          • 1645. - What say we find a quiet spot on the ship. Get to know each other better.
            • 1649. Option - I like the sound of that.Player - If you're thinking what I'm thinking, I can't wait.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 921. Option - You're out of your place.Player - I am a Lord of the Sith.
              • 922. - And? Have a little fun. Try not to think so much.
                • 911. Player - Let's find someplace quiet, then. And dark.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 926. Option - I'm in charge.Player - All right, but you do as I say.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 927. - We'll see about that.
                    • 1638. - Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?
                      • 1639. Option - Maybe.Player - You might have mentioned it.
                      • 1642. Option - Not that I've heard.Player - No, I don't think you have.
                      • 1640. Option - Spare me the mushiness.Player - Don't start getting sentimental on me.
                        • 1673. - Nothing sentimental about liking pretty things. Just means I have a good eye.
                      • 1641. Option - I'm done with you.Player - Are you still here?
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1674. - Heh. It's like that, huh? Don't let me keep you.
                • 928. Option - I said "no."Player - Nevertheless, you are out of your place.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 910. - Guess I read you wrong, then. All right. Gotta be something on this hunk of junk that needs fixing.
                    • 2010. <Conversation Exit>
    • 1764. - So what does a Sith do for fun?
      • 1765. Option - Sith things.Player - Oh, the usual. Lying, killing, manipulating. "Sith" is more of a lifestyle.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1774. - At least you have a sense of humor about it, huh.
      • 1766. Option - What's "fun"?Player - I haven't exactly had a vacation since I was recruited out of the slave pens.
        • 1771. - Well maybe you want to hit the tables with me sometime. I think you'd like the rush of a high-stakes game.
      • 1768. Option - That's my secret.Player - That's none of your business.
        • 1769. - Hey, didn't mean any offense. But I guess that answers my question.
          • 2009. <Conversation Exit>
  • 59. - Engine's fixed. Looks like we took on some rock on one of our last jumps. Nothing big.
    • 838. - Reminds me of the time I took the Sky Princess through an asteroid field. My ship mechanics were furious.
      • 840. - Cleaned rock out of our engines for weeks. Had to replace one of the rears, it was so badly damaged.
        • 842. Option - An asteroid field!Player - What were you doing in an asteroid field?
        • 841. Option - How idiotic of you.Player - You brag about it like it wasn't colossally stupid.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 843. Option - I can't believe you survived.Player - You're lucky you made it out alive.
          • 844. - Heh. Mechanics couldn't take me. Or did you mean the asteroid field? That was nothing.
            • 846. - When you got a fleet of Republic ships on your tail, you take whatever cover you can find. Rocks don't have cannons.
              • 848. - Besides, what's life without a little risk? That's why I became a pirate. The risk, the reward, the freedom.
                • 854. Option - I can appreciate that.Player - That's the same reason I became Sith. Though my freedom was perhaps more literal.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 858. - Freedom's all in the mind. But it helps to have a good blaster.
                • 853. Option - You're not free anymore.Player - Don't let romanticized notions of freedom get to your head. You work for me now.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 860. - And I'll do as I please. That's part of the deal. I'm not your servant.
                • 855. Option - Sounds like fun.Player - Perhaps I should take up piracy, then. The Sith have too many rules.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 856. - I think you'd be one of the best. The galaxy's only Sith pirate.
                    • 2008. <Conversation Exit>
  • 53. - Y'know, I think I heard the ship's engine making a strange noise earlier. Mind if I check it out sometime?
    • 54. Option - I don't care.Player - It doesn't matter to me either way.
      • 65. - I'm sure it's just some debris. But we don't want this thing tanking out on us in a pinch.
    • 55. Option - You're pretty smart.Player - I didn't know you knew anything about engines.
      • 56. - I've lived on ships most of my life. You don't do that without picking up something.
    • 72. Option - Is it broken?Player - Do you think it's a serious problem?
      • 91. - Won't know until I look. Probably just space dust, but got to be sure.
        • 58. - I'm no expert, but a buddy of mine back before the war taught me most of what I know. Carl Norn. Best technician I knew. Worst cardplayer.
          • 266. - Could never see when the deck was stacked against him, and it always was.
            • 391. Option - How did you know him?Player - Was this one of your pirate friends?
              • 396. - My old man ran a shop on one of those planets people only visit if they break down or they're running from something.
                • 398. - Carl stumbled in on a tin can held together by sheer willpower and the skills of the best mechanic in the galaxy.
            • 392. Option - Sounds like a real winner.Player - You have quite the colorful group of friends.
            • 401. Option - Where is he now?Player - So what happened to him?
              • 402. - Beats me. Sure he's alright. Always managed to stay a few light-years ahead of his creditors.
                • 395. - Made me first mate after the war. On a ship called the Bloodshot Rancor. I learned a lot before he gambled the ship away.
                  • 406. - But you're sick of hearing me jabber, huh.
                    • 2051. <Conversation Exit>
  • 867. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 882. - Hey, I got a surprise for you. Won it a few years ago in a fight against an Anomid pirate, called himself "the Fear."
      • 1511. - Kind of crazy, but a great pilot, great fighter. Blade's just ornamental, but he sure liked to wave it around. Worth a lot of credits from what I hear.
        • 1512. Option - Thank you.Player - And now you're giving it to me? I'm honored.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1526. - A beautiful weapon for a beautiful lady. I know you got a lightsaber, but I figure you need something to pretty up the walls around here.
            • 1527. Option - I never saw this side of you.Player - If I'm not mistaken, I'd say you have a bit of a romantic streak.
              • 1635. - Careful what you say. I got a reputation to protect.
            • 1631. Option - Lay off the compliments.Player - Now you're just flattering me.
            • 1632. Option - I wish I had a gift for you.Player - I'm sorry I didn't get anything for you.
        • 1520. Option - I'd prefer a bouquet.Player - Haven't you ever heard of giving a girl flowers?
          • 1521. - Sure, but the last florist we passed was closed and besides, they wilt real fast in space.
            • 1525. - You know, if you don't take this blade, you might hurt my feelings.
              • 1528. Option - I wish I'd got you something.Player - I'm just embarrassed that I didn't get you anything.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1546. - I don't need anything. Just like looking at you.
                  • 1570. Option - The feeling's mutual.Player - You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1580. - Heh. I wouldn't go with me. But I won't talk you out of it.
              • 1529. Option - Hurt your feelings? Unlikely.Player - I don't believe that for one moment.
                • 1541. - You sure? Maybe I like you.
                  • 1567. Option - Sentimentality. Yuck.Player - Don't get all sweet on me.
                    • 1578. - Don't worry. Got all the "sweet" beat out of me as a kid. Doesn't mean I don't know how to treat a girl right.
                  • 1569. Option - The feeling's mutual.Player - Maybe I like you, too.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1573. - Well, then we might just work out after all.
                  • 1545. Option - How sweet.Player - In that case, thank you for the gift.
                    • 1572. - It's nothing. Can't think of anyone I'd rather give it to.
              • 1530. Option - Keep your worthless gift.Player - Forget it. I don't need a stupid sword.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1513. Option - I don't want a useless sword.Player - Why would I want a stupid sword when I have a lightsaber?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1518. - The sword's a legend, and I had to go through the fire to get it.
            • 1514. - But if you don't want it, I can find another girl who'll take it.
              • 1515. Option - Don't do that.Player - I didn't say I didn't want it.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1538. - That's more like it. Maybe I'll teach you to say "thank you" next.
                  • 1539. Option - Should I remind you I'm Sith?Player - Watch your tone, pirate. Don't forget I can fry you at any second.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1560. Option - I dare you to try.Player - I warn you. I won't be an easy student.
                    • 1561. - Second I looked at you, I said "she's trouble." You're lucky. I like trouble.
                  • 1562. Option - You don't have to teach me.Player - Thank you for the gift.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1563. - Aw, that's sweet. You're welcome. See? Was that so hard?
              • 1517. Option - Go ahead.Player - Find another girl. See if I care.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1536. - I played that game before. You say something like that, you best make sure you won't miss me when I'm gone.
              • 1516. Option - That road goes both ways.Player - Perhaps I should find a man who gives better gifts.
                • 1534. - That's your business, but I don't think you mean it.
                  • 1542. - I'll just leave this here just in case you change your mind. Do what you want with it.
    • 1740. - Need something?
      • 1755. Option - How are you doing?Player - Just checking in on my favorite pirate.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1760. - Hey, I'm flying with the craziest son of a Hutt in the galaxy. No complaints here.
      • 1756. Option - A massage would be nice.Player - I do have this knot in my back....
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1759. - There's got to be a Twi'lek you can pay to take care of that, huh? I'm not your slave.
      • 1757. Option - Pilot's report?Player - How's the ship flying?
        • 1758. - Tight. Perfect. No complaints here.
          • 2095. <Conversation Exit>
  • 48. - Y'hear that, Sith? Nothing like it in the galaxy. The hum of an idling blaster. Potential energy, right there.
    • 50. - It's like waking up on your birthday, wondering what you got.
      • 52. - For a few minutes, it's anything. The whole galaxy. Just waiting for you to pull the trigger.
        • 70. Option - Does it have a name?Player - What do you call it?
          • 90. - Nah, don't name my blasters. It's a bad idea to get attached.
            • 339. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 68. Option - You talk too much.Player - For the strong silent type, you certainly have a way with words.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 69. - If you're going to say something, make it memorable.
            • 340. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 71. Option - Don't shoot me.Player - You just be careful where you point that thing.
          • 337. - I haven't shot you yet, have I?
            • 338. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 479. - Actually, I was wondering--these blasters are nice, but a pirate's only as good as his equipment.
                • 478. - We don't got fancy Force powers like you Sith.
                  • 486. Option - Here you go.Player - I think I have a spare set here if that's what you're asking for.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 493. - I'll pay it back, Sith. Don't worry. Thanks.
                  • 487. Option - I'll keep an eye out.Player - If I see a good pair come my way, you'll be the first person I think of.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 488. Option - Stop complaining.Player - You know what they say about a poor craftsman....
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 489. - Fair enough. Just remember it when you get in a spot and I miss because of an out-of-whack sensor.
                  • 495. Option - Are those not good enough?Player - What's wrong with the blasters you have?
                    • 496. - Nothing. Yet. Just asking you to keep me in mind.
                      • 498. - Won't be much help if my trigger breaks, or the calibration's off.
                        • 2003. <Conversation Exit>
              • 476. - I was wondering--I appreciate you helping me get my blasters back from Wilkes, but a pirate's only as good as his equipment.
  • 1257. - Hey, you got time to chat?
    • 1258. Option - [Flirt] Always.Player - I didn't think you were the chatting kind.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 1261. Option - I'm surprised you asked.Player - Odd. You never struck me as one for idle conversation.
    • 1259. Option - Always.Player - Sure, did you have something in mind?
    • 1260. Option - Not at the moment.Player - I'm a little busy right now.
      • 1273. - I don't want much time.
        • 1262. - Haven't been aboard too long. Like to know who I'm working with. Nothing touchy-feely, just enough to know you got my back.
          • 1267. Option - Just don't get in my way.Player - I like two things: ancient artifacts, and getting my way. Remember that and we'll be fine.
          • 1269. Option - Help me and I'll help you.Player - You get my back, I'll get yours. Simple as that.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1270. Option - [Flirt] I like a tough guy.Player - Good, because if you got all sensitive on me, I might not like you as much.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1277. - Last time I cried I was six years old; the old man shot me in the foot to shut me up. Besides, I got a reputation to protect.
              • 1287. Option - Why is that so important?Player - Oh, I know. Big, bad pirate has a nasty temper.
                • 1292. - I hear you've got a temper of your own.
                • 1293. - Sure. Make fun. Just wait'll I save your life, huh.
                  • 1441. - Let me get one thing straight. Are you teasing me or are you into me?
              • 1288. Option - [Flirt] Good to hear it.Player - You're a dangerous man. Lucky for you, I like dangerous men.
              • 1294. Option - [Flirt] Treat me well, okay?Player - Okay, but you still have to buy me flowers.
                • 1295. - Heh. All right, but let's get one thing straight.
                  • 1439. - I'm a pirate, you're a Sith. I'm happy as any guy to give a girl what she wants, but I'm not your slave, right? I'm free to go any time.
                    • 1445. Option - [Flirt] I'd miss you.Player - You're free to do what you want, but I'd prefer if you stayed.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1471. - Well, you're in luck. Can't think of anywhere I need to go.
                    • 1446. Option - No you're not.Player - I'm afraid Sith don't do equality. You do as I say, or this ends now.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 1449. - That's it, then. Thanks for being straight with me.
                    • 1447. Option - [Flirt] Just don't nag.Player - As long as you don't start getting needy. In that case, I'd have to send you away.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1271. Option - I'm in charge here.Player - I give the orders and you take them.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1272. - I see how it is. Thanks for explaining.
              • 1283. - Just one more thing: You ever butt heads with the Republic, let me have a shot.
                • 1286. - I got a score to settle, and it'll be a long time before I call it even.
                  • 2094. <Conversation Exit>
  • 28. - You know, you got a pretty nice ship. It's no Sky Princess but what is?
    • 30. - I had a ship like it once. No armor to speak of, but you don't need defense when you can maneuver like that.
      • 31. Option - What happened to it?Player - You didn't seem to have a ship when I met you.
      • 32. Option - Blah blah blah.Player - Don't get all sentimental on me.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 33. Option - [Flirt] I like hearing this.Player - You're cute when you reminisce.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 44. - Well don't expect me to get all nostalgic. That ship's space junk now.
      • 34. Option - I don't like being vulnerable.Player - Let's hope we're a little better defended than that.
        • 35. - No doubt. If that ship had had half the armor of this one, I'd still be flying it today.
          • 39. - But it was a thrill while it lasted. Nothing like playing chicken with a ship twice your size and then firing up his tail when he blinks.
            • 322. - The Sky Princess was great, but she couldn't do that.
              • 323. Option - Why didn't you replace it?Player - So why did you move on to the Sky Princess?
                • 324. - Nice as a little ship like that is, you can't carry enough cargo, and you burn too much fuel jumping to hyperspace.
                  • 326. - A pirate's got to make a living, and he's got to be able to escape when the pressure's on.
                    • 370. - But this ship here, best of both worlds. She'll fly like a dream and then she'll jump away.
                      • 366. Option - You could fly it.Player - I'd be glad to have you as a pilot, if you're half as good as you say you are.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 378. - In my line of work, you don't live long exaggerating.
                      • 367. Option - You seem like a wild flyer.Player - No offense, but I think I'll be doing the flying around here.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 382. Option - I demand the best.Player - Did you really expect a Sith to fly anything less?
                        • 383. - I guess there are two kinds of people: the Sith and everyone else.
              • 327. Option - Stay away from the controls.Player - I think I'll do the flying from here out.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 328. - What's the matter, Sith? Don't think I got the chops?
                  • 330. - Heh, don't worry. I'll look after her like she was my own mother. Not so much as a scratch.
              • 331. Option - Will you be my pilot?Player - Would you like to fly the ship?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 332. - Heh. How do you Sith say it? "My lord, it would be an honor."
                  • 334. - You just tell me where you want to go.
                    • 2000. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1738. - Hey, when you got time, let's head back to the ship. There's something I got to say.
  • 1736. - Let me know when you got a minute to talk.
  • 2115. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 2104. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2092. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 7. Option - I was a runaway slave.Player - I killed an Imperial guard, and they rewarded me by making me Sith. The fact that he was electrocuted probably helped.
    • 2093. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.sith_sorcerer.andronikos_naked
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