- Why bother? What's the universe ever done for you?
320. Option - I want to do the right thing.Player - What use is fighting the universe? The world would be a better place if we all helped our fellow victims.
8. Option - I was a convicted criminal.Player - Some Imperial thought it would be funny to shoot my kind for sport. I shot back. They wanted to kill me, but made me Sith instead.
- I wasn't always the scoundrel you met on Tatooine. I used to run in the Republic military, made captain before I wised up and deserted. Call it misspent youth.
1808. Option - Why the confession?Player - Why are you telling me this now?
Link to Node 1836
1806. Option - Remember who you serve.Player - Just as long as your former loyalties don't cloud your vision, we should be okay.
- Can I ask you something? If you could live anywhere, do anything, what would you do?
1700. Option - I like what I'm doing now. Player - I have power, my own ship, I can do pretty much whatever I want. Why would I want to do anything else?
- There's some times you just don't want to get out of bed without a couple adrenals or a good, stiff drink. And then there's times that are just alright.
1935. Option - You're cheerful.Player - I never thought of you as an optimist.
Link to Node 1937
1936. Option - Is today one of those days?Player - What's got you in such a good mood?
- Kind of crazy, but a great pilot, great fighter. Blade's just ornamental, but he sure liked to wave it around. Worth a lot of credits from what I hear.
1512. Option - Thank you.Player - And now you're giving it to me? I'm honored.
7. Option - I was a runaway slave.Player - I killed an Imperial guard, and they rewarded me by making me Sith. The fact that he was electrocuted probably helped.