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Fates Unsealed

Reward Level Range: -
Fates Unsealed
The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.

Begin by traveling to the Temple Courtyard.
Go to the Temple Courtyard
Activate the Shards for the First Locking Mechanism: 0/4
Disable the Second Locking Mechanism
Disable the Third Locking Mechanism
Requires:Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Trooper
Mission Rewards
Provided Rewards:
Level 1-75
Select One Reward:
Commando 1-75
Sky Ridge Boltblaster's Assault Cannon
Sky Ridge Med-tech's Assault Cannon
Jedi Guardian 1-75
Sky Ridge Bulwark's Lightsaber
Jedi Knight 1-75
Sky Ridge Pummeler's Lightsaber
Jedi Sage 1-75
Sky Ridge Force-Lord's Lightsaber
Sky Ridge Force-Healer's Lightsaber
Jedi Shadow 1-75
Sky Ridge Force-Lord's Saberstaff
Sky Ridge Duelist's Saberstaff
Scoundrel 1-75
Sky Ridge Mender's Blaster Pistol
Smuggler 1-75
Sky Ridge Targeter's Blaster Pistol
Vanguard 1-75
Sky Ridge Boltblaster's Assault Cannon
Sky Ridge Demolisher's Blaster Rifle
Fates Unsealed
Go to the Temple Courtyard
2) The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter. ...
The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.

Determine the correct way to activate the shards to disable the first locking mechanism.
Activate the Shards for the First Locking Mechanism: 0/4
3) The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter. ...
The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.

The first lock is taken care of; now you'll need to unlock the second.
Disable the Second Locking Mechanism
4) The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter. ...
The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.

The first two locks have been dealt with. Disable the third locking mechanism.
Disable the Third Locking Mechanism
Command XP: 600
Category: Shadow of Revan
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 3.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Fates Unsealed
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • Starts: camp_rep
  • Ends: unlock_3
  • 375. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 376. - Your actions are... confusing, to say the least. I don't appreciate being left in the dark.
      • 378. - Does the Supreme Commander share these concerns, Chancellor?
        • 380. - He does not. But that is hardly--
          • 382. - The two of us have been fighting this war for quite some time now. We know what we're doing--and we appreciate your trust in us.
            • 384. - Just as I'll appreciate being informed when your fleet is back in position. Saresh out.
              • 386. - I guess ignoring the boss runs in the family.
                • 387. Option - What's our next move?Player - Where are we planning to go from here?
                  • 619. - Back to toeing the line, at least for a while.
                • 388. Option - We were done here anyway.Player - There's nothing left for us on Yavin Four anyway. No point in staying.
                • 389. Option - I've never liked Saresh.Player - Ignoring Saresh is always a good idea.
                  • 390. - Never knew you were so political.
                    • 392. - Our forces are preparing to launch.
                      • 394. - I should make sure ours are ready to do the same.
                        • 396. - It's strange. The next time we meet, our circumstances will be... quite different.
                          • 398. - Well, don't take it personally, but I'm hoping that you'll never see me again.
                            • 400. - Hah. And I'll hope that I do.
                              • 401. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 403. - I'm gonna see if Satele needs any help. Catch me later.
                                  • 405. - Well. Our time has come, even sooner than I'd feared.
                                    • 408. - Revan is gone. We've accomplished what we set out to do. But now we have an entirely new problem, and no truce to face it.
                                      • 409. Option - Does the Empire have a plan?Player - Do you know if the Dark Council has a plan for how to move forward?
                                        • 626. - I don't, though Marr did ask to speak with me as soon as we've launched.
                                          • 627. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 410. Option - So let's get the truce back.Player - We've shown that it's possible to ignore our differences. Maybe there's hope for a real treaty.
                                        • 631. - Despite our work here, trust is still in short supply. We can thank the Revanites for that.
                                          • 632. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 411. Option - We can handle it.Player - I'm not afraid of the Emperor. He'll be taken care of soon enough.
                                        • 412. - I wish I shared your optimism.
                                          • 413. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 414. - What's next for the illustrious Jedi? It sounded as though your Grand Master is about to become quite busy.
                                              • 417. Option - Whatever the Order requires.Player - I will go wherever the Council decides I'm needed. That's the life of a Jedi.
                                                • 420. - We aren't so different after all.
                                              • 418. Option - We'll see.Player - I walk whatever path the Force lays out for me.
                                                • 422. - You always seem to find your way into the middle of grand things regardless.
                                              • 419. Option - Depends, will you defect?Player - If you were to abandon the Sith, I imagine I'd be busy teaching you our ways.
                                                • 424. - I'm afraid that won't be possible.
                                            • 415. - What's next for the Republic's most decorated soldier? Surely even Havoc Squad gets vacations every now and then?
                                              • 426. Option - No time for a break.Player - With everything that's happened, I doubt I'll have the chance for any vacation.
                                              • 427. Option - Vacation would be nice.Player - Maybe I'll just disappear for a bit. Surely the Republic can get by without me for a little while.
                                                • 639. - I'd say you've earned it. Though I doubt your superiors would be interested in my opinion.
                                              • 428. Option - Depends, will you defect?Player - Bringing in a Sith defector will mean lots of forms to fill out. It'd be worth it, though.
                                                • 642. - I appreciate the offer, but... no.
                                            • 416. - What's next for the galaxy's most notorious smuggler? After everything that's happened, I imagine you're even more in-demand than ever.
                                              • 429. Option - You've got that right.Player - I go where the work is, and the Republic's bound to have a lot of it coming up.
                                              • 430. Option - A break would be nice.Player - I'm sure the Republic will ask me for one thing or another. Parades, banquets... few medals, of course.
                                                • 645. - Of course.
                                                  • 646. Player - But I'll probably just take off on my own for a bit first. It's about time I enjoyed some of my credits again.
                                                    • 647. - As sound a plan as I've ever heard.
                                              • 431. Option - Depends--will you come with me?Player - I was figuring we'd be going on a tour of the galaxy's finer hot spots.
                                                • 432. - If only.
                                                  • 434. - I'm not at all sure what my future holds. But the future doesn't have to start for a while yet.
                                                    • 436. - For now... I'd like to make the most of the present.
                                                      • 440. Player - There's nothing I'd like more.
                                                        • 443. - I'm going to miss you.
                                                          • 444. Option - The feeling is mutual.Player - I'm going to miss you, too, Lana.
                                                          • 445. Option - You can still defect.Player - Give me a call if you ever want to change sides.
                                                            • 459. - You'll be the first to know.
                                                          • 446. Option - Don't get sentimental.Player - Come on. Sith aren't supposed to go in for all that mushy nonsense.
                                                            • 447. - Sith do whatever they like.
                                                      • 438. Option - We need to move on.Player - We've gone as far as we can go, Lana. Any further, and we'll both regret it.
                                                        • 462. - Hm. Suit yourself. But I would rather regret something I did, than something I was afraid to do.
                                • 407. - I'm glad we could put aside our differences and achieve so much. It's been quite interesting.
                                  • 467. Option - Agreed.Player - It's been a pleasure working with you, Lana. Strange, but a pleasure.
                                  • 468. Option - Why return to the Empire?Player - You don't have to go back, Lana. You aren't like them.
                                    • 656. - I appreciate the invitation. But the Empire is my home.
                                  • 469. Option - From now on, you're the enemy.Player - This truce ends the moment you're gone. If we meet again, don't expect any mercy.
                                    • 471. - A traditional Sith farewell. You're so thoughtful.
                                      • 473. - Until next time.
                                        • 475. - Well. Quite a ride, huh? Revan's down, the conspiracy's over... I even got my job back. Wonders never cease.
                                          • 476. Option - Well deserved.Player - The SIS is lucky to have you back.
                                            • 659. - Can I get that in writing?
                                              • 660. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                          • 477. Option - The ride isn't over yet.Player - With the Emperor back, I have a feeling things are going to get even more interesting.
                                            • 664. - I'd bet on it.
                                              • 665. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                          • 478. Option - We could've done better.Player - The Emperor still managed to come back. I'd call that a mixed result at best.
                                            • 479. - We did everything we possibly could have.
                                              • 480. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                • 481. - It's funny. You're this famous Jedi, but since we started working together, you've been a spy, a saboteur, a fake pirate... How'd you pull it all off so well?
                                                  • 484. Option - Jedi must be adaptable.Player - A Jedi's responsibilities can lead to many different situations. Adaptability is important.
                                                    • 669. - Our jobs have a lot in common.
                                                  • 486. Option - Teamwork is everything.Player - With help as good as you, everything is easy.
                                                    • 672. - I could say the same about you.
                                                  • 485. Option - I never fit in with the Jedi.Player - Honestly, I feel more at home with all of that than I ever have meditating in the temple.
                                                    • 675. - Can't say that surprises me too much.
                                                • 482. - I always knew you were one hell of a soldier. But it turns out you can swing the spy game, work undercover, even run with a bunch of pirates.
                                                  • 684. Option - Training is everything.Player - Soldiers are only as good as their training, and I went through my share.
                                                    • 687. - Then your teachers deserve some medals.
                                                  • 685. Option - It's all about teamwork.Player - I did it all because I had your help every step of the way.
                                                    • 690. - Other than when I was captured. But I appreciate the sentiment.
                                                  • 686. Option - This was the fun stuff.Player - Following orders, staying in formations... I've never been big on any of it. Missions like this are much more exciting.
                                                    • 693. - Don't have to convince me.
                                                • 483. - I wasn't surprised that you could hold your own with the underworld crowd. But all this spycraft, sabotage, tracking down targets... not exactly textbook smuggler stuff.
                                                  • 487. Option - I'm just that good.Player - I don't know how else to explain it. I'm just really good at everything.
                                                  • 488. Option - There's a textbook?Player - If I'd known there was a textbook, I'd have pretended to read it by now.
                                                    • 678. - There can't be much left to learn anyway.
                                                  • 489. Option - You may have helped a little.Player - It's possible you might have pitched in a little bit along the way.
                                                    • 490. - I guess there's at least an outside chance.
                                                      • 492. - Before we get going... there's just one last thing I had in mind. If you think you can keep up.
                                                        • 755. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                          • 493. Option - You're on. [Kiss him]Player - ...Is that what you had in mind?
                                                            • 500. - It's a start.
                                                              • 501. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                • 504. - Just like I thought. Good at everything.
                                                                  • 506. - Come on. Let's go see what's next for the best in the Republic.
                                                        • 494. Option - We shouldn't.Player - I've had fun, Theron. But you have your life, and I have mine. We'd never match up.
                                                          • 495. - Hm. Can't win 'em all, I guess.
                                                            • 497. - Come on. Let's go check up on the bosses.
                                                • 723. - Come on. We'd better go check up on the bosses.
    • 454. - The Imperials are leaving a small force of volunteers behind to watch for any further activity from the Revanites or the Emperor. We'll be doing the same.
      • 508. - Don't count me as one of your volunteers!
        • 510. - As it happens, Jakarro and I have received several lucrative business offers. Various acquaintances made on Rishi, nothing to concern yourselves with.
          • 512. - That being said, we have sincerely enjoyed our time with you, and would gladly provide our services again at any time!
            • 514. - The droid babbles, but speaks the truth. This has been fun!
              • 515. Option - Good luck to you both.Player - I hope these new opportunities go better than the Manaan job. Take care.
                • 529. - We will do that! No one will fool the mighty Jakarro again!
              • 516. Option - You should join my crew.Player - Why go work with someone else? I'd be happy to have you stick around and join my crew.
                • 523. - A tempting offer!
                  • 525. - The mighty Jakarro will consider it--but for now, these deals are too good to pass up!
                    • 527. - Farewell!
              • 517. Option - Good riddance.Player - I honestly can't believe we put up with you as long as we did. Beat it.
                • 518. - How dare you! After everything we've done!
                  • 520. - Forget this, we have credits to make!
                    • 696. - There's more for us to discuss.
                      • 697. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 522. - Your work against Revan and his followers has been truly exceptional. And your expertise in combating the Emperor is second to none.
                          • 535. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 536. - You embody every ideal in the Jedi Code. The Council is unanimous in its decision to name you Battlemaster of the order.
                            • 537. - The Council has often sensed darkness in your actions, and we hope to guide you away from such influence. But your prowess cannot be dismissed.
                            • 538. - You do not always follow a path the Council understands. But we have seen the results of your unorthodox approach time and again.
                              • 540. - I hereby name you Battlemaster of the Jedi Order.
                                • 544. - As Battlemaster, your strategic insights will guide the Council's decisions, and you will share your lightsaber skills with the order's most promising students.
                                  • 548. - But most important of all, you will lead the charge against the Sith Emperor, along with any who choose to follow him.
                                    • 549. Option - Thank you very much.Player - I am honored to be chosen for this role in the order. I will do everything I can to fulfill my duties with wisdom and skill.
                                      • 594. - With your help, I believe we can finally bring an end to the Emperor's assaults on the galaxy.
                                    • 550. Option - When do we start?Player - I'm ready. How should we begin?
                                    • 551. Option - Finally, proper acknowledgment.Player - It's good to know that the Council finally appreciates what I'm capable of.
                                      • 552. - What we are capable of and what we accomplish are often different. We're hoping you'll accomplish a great deal of good in the galaxy.
                        • 532. - Your role in bringing light to the Revanites' conspiracy is only further proof of your tremendous skill and connection to the Force.
                          • 554. - What's more, you've battled against the Children of the Emperor and triumphed where so many others fell.
                            • 555. - The order needs to remain vigilant against the Emperor's influences, and to uncover the true origins of his power so that we can fight him more effectively.
                              • 558. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 556. - The Council is proud to have such an ideal Jedi to lead those efforts.
                                • 559. - Despite the darkness we have sensed in you, the Council can think of no one better suited to lead those efforts.
                                • 560. - You walk a... unique path, but your insights are equally unique, and the council believes that you are the best choice for our investigations.
                                  • 562. - Congratulations, Barsen'thor. You will be the light that guides us through the coming darkness.
                                    • 563. Option - Thank you very much.Player - This is a grave task, and I'm honored that you would entrust it to me.
                                      • 601. - Knowledge will be our greatest weapon in the battles to come.
                                    • 564. Option - I should begin immediately.Player - There's no time to waste--the Emperor is already far ahead of us. Where can I begin?
                                    • 565. Option - Not much of a reward.Player - After all that I've accomplished, you think this is a suitable reward?
                                      • 699. - It was not intended as a reward.
                        • 533. - Thanks to your old boss, SpecForce division is going through some changes. We can't afford to lose Havoc Squad in that mire of bureaucracy.
                          • 571. - A special joint task force is being assembled between the Jedi, the SIS, and the military. Destroying the Sith Emperor is the group's sole purpose.
                            • 573. - On the recommendation of Supreme Commander Malcom, you have been appointed to serve as the task force's primary military advisor. Congratulations.
                              • 574. Option - Thank you very much.Player - I can't think of a more important mission to be a part of. I'm honored.
                                • 706. - We're lucky to have you.
                              • 575. Option - What do we know so far?Player - Do we have any intel to act on yet?
                              • 576. Option - Don't pull me out of the field.Player - I'll take whatever title you want. But don't expect me to sit behind a desk.
                                • 702. - Wouldn't dream of it. "Primary military advisor" just sounded nicer than "head bad-guy killer."
                        • 534. - If this situation with the Revanites has proven anything, it's the value of having eyes and ears outside of the Republic.
                          • 578. - You've done good work as a licensed privateer, but the SIS wants you to be able to go even further.
                            • 580. - This card is programmed with authorization codes from the director of the SIS himself. Complete immunity from Republic prosecution of any kind.
                              • 582. - Take any job you can find, if you think it might lead to information on the Emperor and his followers. I mean it.
                                • 583. Option - You can count on me.Player - The minute I hear anything useful, I'll send it your way.
                                • 584. Option - I can't wait to try it!Player - This has to be the best reward I've ever gotten for a job. I can't decide where to go first!
                                  • 712. - Just remember, that only works for Republic security forces. You get arrested on some unaligned planet nobody's heard of, you're on your own.
                                • 585. Option - [Lie] Of course! You've got it!Player - Yeah, sure, I'll get right on that.
                                  • 586. - Just don't make us regret trusting you, all right?
                                    • 588. - We're attempting to calculate where the Emperor might have gone, but we don't know enough about his capabilities to determine anything for sure.
                                      • 590. - While we get the task force up and running, we're going to need you out there, acting on your own. Follow every lead you can find.
                                        • 715. - And remember, the threat of the Empire remains--they will not hesitate to use this situation to gain an advantage over us.
                                          • 592. - Until the Emperor is destroyed for good, the entire galaxy is in danger. We must be ready.
                                            • 740. <Conversation Exit>
  • 733. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 188. Player - My team shut down the Sith device. Revan tried to intervene, but we managed to drive him away.
      • 189. - Impressive. We have prepared a joint assault force to secure the area and pacify any remaining enemies.
        • 372. - All units report success. The temple is secured, and all remaining Revanites have been downed. Just one left, now.
    • 202. Player - Are we ready?
      • 203. - All teams report ready. You've done very well--all of the soldiers here look up to you, Imperial and Republic both.
        • 205. - Let's proceed.
          • 207. - All units--move out!
            • 211. - All units report success. The weapon has been shut down, and all Revanites neutralized. Only one more left to deal with.
              • 191. - Iven told us where Revan might go. The Emperor's final sanctuary.
                • 192. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 193. - We've got speeders prepped. You won't be facing him alone.
                    • 194. Player - Then let's begin.
                    • 195. Player - I'll take all the backup I can get. Let's move.
                    • 196. Player - Well, then. Let's settle this so we can all go home.
                      • 198. <Conversation Exit>
                  • 780. <Conversation Exit>
  • 105. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 227. - This was an Imperial matter. Your Jedi had no place in it.
    • 225. - I told you this was an Imperial matter. Your soldier's involvement was... unwelcome.
    • 228. - This was an Imperial matter. Your... associate... was not needed.
      • 231. - We're supposed to be working together. If the situations were reversed, wouldn't you have done the same thing?
        • 235. - You don't trust us.
          • 236. Option - And you trust us?Player - If you trusted us, having me involved wouldn't have been an issue.
            • 244. - This is a dangerous game you play.
          • 237. Option - You're right--and we're sorry.Player - We were concerned, and we acted. We should have left this to you. Apologies.
            • 243. - You don't speak for them.
          • 238. Option - Get over it.Player - Betrayal is the core of your beliefs! You can't honestly find this surprising.
            • 239. - Is it surprise that you hear in my voice?
              • 241. - Kill each other now, wait until later, it's all the same! It all fuels the flame!
                • 106. - Enough. I will wrench the information we need from this... man. The rest can be settled later.
                  • 107. Option - Satele should question him.Player - Why not let Master Satele have a try at that? +50
                    • 109. - Do not push me further.
                      • 110. Player - Violence is what drove him into his current state. More will only make him worse.
                        • 114. Player - You're welcome to observe everything. But a gentler hand will be more successful--I'm sure of it.
                      • 111. Player - I'm betting the Guard are trained to resist torture.
                      • 112. Player - I've got a feeling torture is something this guy has seen plenty of.
                        • 119. Player - It can't hurt to try something different. You're free to watch--no secrets.
                          • 115. - Let's get this over with.
                            • 744. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 117. - It's more like therapy in there than an interrogation. I think we're close to a breakthrough, though.
                              • 127. - Master Satele's techniques are... interesting. And rather effective, I must admit. I think we'll have the information we need very soon.
                  • 108. Option - Proceed, Marr.Player - Interrogate him however you see fit. +50
                    • 122. - I encourage you to observe. I have no need for secrets.
                      • 254. - Allowing this torture makes us no better than Revan.
                        • 255. Player - We can be better than Revan after he's dealt with.
                          • 256. - I need to meditate on the path ahead. There must be a way forward without such sacrifices.
                            • 258. - And at least a few of us had better check up on Marr and Lana.
                              • 742. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 251. - It's not pretty in there. Don't think the guy can hold out much longer, though.
                                  • 213. - We cut it pretty close on this one. Doesn't take a Jedi to see how angry Marr was.
                                    • 215. - How are you holding up? Everything has been happening so fast....
                                      • 217. Option - I'll be all right.Player - I've been through my share of tough times. I can handle this.
                                        • 262. - Good to hear. I have a feeling things are only going to get tougher.
                                      • 218. Option - What about you?Player - You had mentioned that you weren't particularly close to your mother... has working together been good or bad?
                                        • 223. - Honestly, I'm not sure. There hasn't been a lot of time to think about it. But we work well together.
                                      • 219. Option - I'm ready to finish this.Player - We've been chasing Revan down long enough. I just want to end this.
                                • 125. - Darth Marr's techniques are quite effective. I don't believe we'll have much longer to wait.
                                  • 307. - I want you to know, I advised against Marr's plan with the Guard facility.
                                    • 309. - We've come so far together... I'd hate to see that progress ruined by territoriality.
                                      • 310. Option - I agree.Player - This truce is only as strong as our trust in each other.
                                        • 313. - Then with our guidance, I think it can only become stronger as we proceed.
                                      • 311. Option - Is this about the truce, or us?Player - Are you worried about keeping the truce together, or were you thinking more about the two of us?
                                      • 312. Option - So take Marr down.Player - If you don't agree with Marr, why follow him? Just kill him and take his place--that's how it works for Sith, isn't it?
                                        • 315. - Short-sighted infighting is what brought the Empire to its current state. I won't take part in that.
                                • 267. - The guard broke! He is telling them everything!
                                  • 268. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 265. - I thought the interrogation we faced on Manaan was severe... Darth Marr made that little session seem like a picnic!
                                    • 266. - I must say, Master Satele is quite a pleasant interrogator. Theron should be quite proud!
                                      • 269. Player - Let's find out what we're up against.
                                        • 274. - A "device for mass ritual sacrifice"? That's seriously what he called it?
                                          • 277. - Capable of killing every living thing on this moon, as fuel for the Emperor's resurrection.
                                            • 279. - And housed within the very temple the Revanites are using as their base of operations.
                                              • 286. Player - So we'll have to breach the temple and shut the weapon down before Revan can activate it.
                                                • 289. - Getting inside at all will be challenging enough.
                                                  • 291. - The temple entrance has a locking system that can be overridden from the outside, provided we find the right mechanisms.
                                                    • 293. - On it.
                                                      • 295. - It is strange that one bad deal could lead us to such bizarre circumstances.
                                                        • 299. - I certainly never thought we'd be killed by an ancient Sith murder machine!
                                                          • 301. - The life of Jakarro has been full of fine adventures, but this one is the greatest of all.
                                                            • 728. - I thank you, tiny friends.
                                                              • 296. Option - I'm glad to have your help.Player - We're fortunate to have run into each other.
                                                                • 612. - This has all been much more fun than dying at the bottom of an ocean!
                                                              • 297. Option - Thank me when we win.Player - You might not be so grateful if we don't get that weapon shut down.
                                                                • 609. - I have never seen you fail before! You will not start now.
                                                              • 302. Option - I can't seem to get rid of you.Player - We didn't exactly have a choice. Everywhere we go, you follow.
                                                                • 303. - You need our help! There is no shame in admitting it.
                                                                  • 607. - Think I've found the locks Iven mentioned. You'd better get out there and take a look--we'll feed you info as we find it.
                                                                    • 608. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 39. - You sense it too. Not the ancient Sith, or the Emperor. Not Revan. Another presence... different from the rest.
    • 41. - Yes. It is more like you.
      • 42. Player - I sense it too. Is it really possible that a light side presence could exist here?
      • 43. Player - Are you saying there's another Jedi somewhere near us?
        • 48. - No Jedi could survive here alone. It is a vestige at most.
          • 50. - You sell us a bit short, Marr.
            • 52. - But, in answer to your question, no: the presence isn't exactly that of a Jedi, either. It's still very difficult to pinpoint.
              • 54. - Sensors are picking up something a bit more solid. Large structures, mixture of ancient and modern materials... looks like they've been ransacked. Lots of debris.
                • 56. - Check for broadcasts in signal range forty-seven point two.
                  • 58. - What am I seeing here? It's encoded.
                    • 60. - The facts behind a rumor. That signal range is used only by the Imperial Guard. The structure we've found must be their training facility.
                      • 61. Option - The Imperial Guard are tough.Player - I fought the Imperial Guard on Corellia. They were dangerous opponents.
                        • 339. - Among the most dangerous in the galaxy.
                      • 63. Option - What are they broadcasting?Player - They might be broadcasting something we could use. Can you decode it?
                        • 68. - No--only the Guard has that capability. But given the destruction Theron describes, it's most likely a distress call.
                      • 62. Option - A rumor? What do you mean?Player - Rumor? Are you telling us you never knew where the Imperial Guard came from?
                        • 64. - The Emperor's inner circle guards its secrets carefully.
                          • 66. - If the Guard has a facility here, they may have information on the Emperor's hiding place--that would lead us straight to Revan.
                            • 83. - Agreed. As this concerns only Imperial interests, I will assemble a team of my own to investigate. Beniko--with me.
                              • 85. - We can't sit back and watch. There's no telling what they might pull out of that facility--we can't just take their word for it.
                                • 87. - Hurry--while Marr is gathering his team. Make your way out of the camp and search the Imperial Guard base, as quickly as possible.
                                  • 103. - We'll stall the Imps as much as we can. Let's just hope this doesn't turn ugly....
                                    • 94. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 92. Player - We'll need our full strength to defeat Revan when the time comes. Don't do anything to jeopardize that.
                                      • 91. Player - The Sith are prone to aggression as it is. Don't give them a reason to indulge their darkness.
                                      • 90. Player - Don't start a fight just to cover for me. It's not worth the risk.
                                      • 89. Player - Just don't get in over your heads. That's more my specialty.
                                    • 96. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 74. Player - No one knows betrayal better than Sith. They won't ignore what we're doing here.
                                      • 75. Player - Trust is in very short supply right now. I'm not sure it's best to gamble what little we have.
                                      • 80. Player - I've seen more than one covert op that backfired when the truth came out. Is this worth the risk?
                                      • 81. Player - Nobody likes getting conned, and Sith aren't exactly forgiving. Doing this could wreck the truce for good.
                                        • 349. - We don't have any other options. Trust is hard enough when we're on even footing. If they get an edge on us? Forget it.
                                          • 365. - Please, hurry. And may the Force be with you.
                                    • 97. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 98. Player - Try not to start any serious fighting until I'm back. I wouldn't want to miss out.
                                      • 99. Player - If I return, and all of the Imperials are dead? All the better.
                                      • 100. Player - If things get bloody, just be sure to leave some Imps for me.
                                      • 101. Player - I wouldn't mind seeing a few less Imps around camp when I get back.
                                        • 352. - Let's just hope it doesn't come to that, huh?
                                          • 357. - May the Force be with you.
                                            • 345. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - This place is worse than Rishi! No cantinas, no sabacc games, no fun at all!
    • 5. - My master wishes to report that the surrounding terrain is quite rugged. The Revanites are based in an ancient temple nearby. We found no usable supplies or shelter.
      • 7. - The other scouts gave similar reports. There has been some contact with Revanite patrols, but no heavy resistance as yet.
        • 31. Player - I can feel the Emperor's presence here. I'd know it anywhere. But that presence isn't alone.
        • 16. Player - There is so much darkness here... it's difficult to get any sense of specifics in the environment.
          • 28. - The Emperor isn't the only Sith to have left his mark on this place.
        • 8. Player - We've got a base camp, elevation, decent perimeter... bring me up to speed on the rest.
        • 17. Player - Looks like you've settled in pretty well. Catch me up.
          • 9. - We need better eyes on the region around us. Scouts can only patrol so far in brush this dense.
            • 11. - It is more than that. I sense their fear. Their distrust. This world is mired in ancient hatreds, and we have brought more than our share already.
              • 13. - Was there a suggestion somewhere in all that?
                • 15. - The troops are too distracted by each other to keep a proper lookout. They're expecting to be stabbed in the back.
                  • 19. - Then we'll set an extended perimeter past the outer guards, and make it impartial. Sensor equipment doesn't pick sides.
                    • 20. Player - I can take care of that.
                      • 26. - Good, I'm sick of this place already.
                        • 24. - Once our position is secure, we can focus on Revan.
                          • 25. Option - I'd better get to it, then.Player - I'm going to get those sensors running. Keep me informed.
                          • 21. Option - Any word on Revan's plans?Player - Do we know any more about how Revan is intending to bring the Emperor back?
                            • 329. - Everything about the Emperor is a mystery, even to the Dark Council. Speed is our only ally now.
                              • 332. - We'll keep in touch while you're getting those sensors up.
                          • 22. Option - Don't try anything, Marr.Player - If you're thinking about attacking the others while I'm gone? Think again.
                            • 718. - ...I'm sure we'll be fine. I'll stay in contact while you're getting those sensors up.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
Shadow of Revan603.0.0
Shadow of Revan603.0.0
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
Shadow of Revan583.0.0
Shadow of Revan583.0.0
Shadow of Revan603.0.0
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
Shadow of Revan593.0.0
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4389333180000cb08c605"
    "Name": "Fates Unsealed",
    "NameId": "3421950768578648",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Fates Unsealed",
        "frMale": "Destins incertains",
        "frFemale": "Destins incertains",
        "deMale": "Schicksal in der Schwebe",
        "deFemale": "Schicksal in der Schwebe"
    "Icon": "cdx.lore.yavin_4.temple_ruins",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 55,
    "XpLevel": 59,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyVeryHard",
    "CanAbandon": false,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611303",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Shadow of Revan",
        "frMale": "L'Ombre de Revan",
        "frFemale": "L'Ombre de Revan",
        "deMale": "Shadow of Revan",
        "deFemale": "Shadow of Revan"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
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                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nBegin by traveling to the Temple Courtyard.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nBegin by traveling to the Temple Courtyard.",
                        "frMale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nPour commencer, rendez-vous dans la cour du temple.",
                        "frFemale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nPour commencer, rendez-vous dans la cour du temple.",
                        "deMale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nReise als erstes zum Tempelhof.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nReise als erstes zum Tempelhof."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Go to the Temple Courtyard",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Go to the Temple Courtyard",
                                "frMale": "Aller \u00e0 la cour du temple",
                                "frFemale": "Aller \u00e0 la cour du temple",
                                "deMale": "Begib dich zum Tempelhof",
                                "deFemale": "Begib dich zum Tempelhof"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nDetermine the correct way to activate the shards to disable the first locking mechanism.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nDetermine the correct way to activate the shards to disable the first locking mechanism.",
                        "frMale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nTrouvez comment activer les fragments pour d\u00e9sactiver le premier m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage.",
                        "frFemale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nTrouvez comment activer les fragments pour d\u00e9sactiver le premier m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage.",
                        "deMale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nFinde heraus, wie man die Scherben aktiviert, um den ersten Verriegelungsmechanismus zu deaktivieren.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nFinde heraus, wie man die Scherben aktiviert, um den ersten Verriegelungsmechanismus zu deaktivieren."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Activate the Shards for the First Locking Mechanism",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Activate the Shards for the First Locking Mechanism",
                                "frMale": "Activer les \u00e9clats du premier m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "frFemale": "Activer les \u00e9clats du premier m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "deMale": "Aktiviere die Scherben f\u00fcr den ersten Verriegelungsmechanismus",
                                "deFemale": "Aktiviere die Scherben f\u00fcr den ersten Verriegelungsmechanismus"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": true,
                            "CountMax": 4,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                            "Id": 2,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
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                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                            "Id": 3,
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                            "Id": 4,
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                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                            "Id": 5,
                            "DbId": 0,
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
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                    "Id": 4,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nThe first lock is taken care of; now you'll need to unlock the second.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nThe first lock is taken care of; now you'll need to unlock the second.",
                        "frMale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nLe premier verrou est neutralis\u00e9. Vous devez maintenant d\u00e9verrouiller le deuxi\u00e8me.",
                        "frFemale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nLe premier verrou est neutralis\u00e9. Vous devez maintenant d\u00e9verrouiller le deuxi\u00e8me.",
                        "deMale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nDie erste Verriegelung ist offen - jetzt musst du die zweite \u00f6ffnen.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nDie erste Verriegelung ist offen - jetzt musst du die zweite \u00f6ffnen."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Disable the Second Locking Mechanism",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Disable the Second Locking Mechanism",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9sactiver le deuxi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9sactiver le deuxi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "deMale": "Deaktiviere den zweiten Verriegelungsmechanismus",
                                "deFemale": "Deaktiviere den zweiten Verriegelungsmechanismus"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 5,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nThe first two locks have been dealt with. Disable the third locking mechanism.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Revanites are based in a Sith temple containing an ancient device capable of wiping out all life on Yavin 4, To gain access to the temple and stop Revan, you have to disable several locking mechanisms spread across the temple's perimeter.\r\n\r\nThe first two locks have been dealt with. Disable the third locking mechanism.",
                        "frMale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nLes deux premiers verrous ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ouverts. D\u00e9sactivez le troisi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage.",
                        "frFemale": "Les R\u00e9vanites ont \u00e9tabli leur base dans un temple Sith contenant un dispositif ancestral capable d'an\u00e9antir toute forme de vie sur Yavin\u00a04. Pour acc\u00e9der au temple et arr\u00eater Revan, vous devez d\u00e9sactiver plusieurs m\u00e9canismes de verrouillage dispers\u00e9s sur tout le p\u00e9rim\u00e8tre du temple.\r\n\r\nLes deux premiers verrous ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ouverts. D\u00e9sactivez le troisi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage.",
                        "deMale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nDie ersten beiden Verriegelungen sind offen - jetzt musst du die dritte deaktivieren.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Revaniter haben ihren St\u00fctzpunkt in einem Sith-Tempel eingerichtet, in dem sich ein altes Ger\u00e4t befindet, welches alles Leben auf Yavin 4 ausl\u00f6schen kann. Um Zugang zum Tempel zu erhalten und Revan zu stoppen, musst du mehrere Verriegelungsmechanismen im Tempel-Perimeter deaktivieren.\r\n\r\nDie ersten beiden Verriegelungen sind offen - jetzt musst du die dritte deaktivieren."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Disable the Third Locking Mechanism",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Disable the Third Locking Mechanism",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9sactiver le troisi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9sactiver le troisi\u00e8me m\u00e9canisme de verrouillage",
                                "deMale": "Deaktiviere den dritten Verriegelungsmechanismus",
                                "deFemale": "Deaktiviere den dritten Verriegelungsmechanismus"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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    "Rewards": [
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