You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
2) You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why. ...
You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
- Here, examine this droid's cognitive unit I recovered from the ruins. Twenty-thousand years old, yet still functional. Our forebears built things to last.
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb3e68433180000cb06b2c1"
"Name": "The Last Defenders",
"NameId": "373047974428760",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "The Last Defenders",
"frMale": "Les derniers d\u00e9fenseurs",
"frFemale": "Les derniers d\u00e9fenseurs",
"deMale": "Die letzten Verteidiger",
"deFemale": "Die letzten Verteidiger"
"Icon": "cdx.location.tython.ruins_of_kaleth",
"IsRepeatable": false,
"RequiredLevel": 1,
"XpLevel": 5,
"Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
"CanAbandon": true,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsClassQuest": false,
"IsBonus": false,
"BonusShareable": false,
"CategoryId": "2466269005611269",
"LocalizedCategory": {
"enMale": "Tython",
"frMale": "Tython",
"frFemale": "Tython",
"deMale": "Tython",
"deFemale": "Tython"
"Branches": [
"Id": "1",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
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"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
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"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
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"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [
"Name": "droid_scanner_full",
"Id": "16141102406840768580",
"Base62Id": "H5ZogXE",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "373047974428812",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "9366772090821410956",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": true,
"JournalText": "You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why. \n\nHe has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why. \n\nHe has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.",
"frMale": "Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi \u00e9tudie les anciens dro\u00efdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.\n\nIl vous a demand\u00e9 de braver les dro\u00efdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unit\u00e9s cognitives et de lui rapporter les r\u00e9sultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. P\u00e9n\u00e9trez dans les basses contr\u00e9es de Kaleth, d\u00e9sactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la m\u00e9moire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avanc\u00e9 situ\u00e9 entre Kaleth et la Vall\u00e9e de Tythos.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi \u00e9tudie les anciens dro\u00efdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.\n\nIl vous a demand\u00e9 de braver les dro\u00efdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unit\u00e9s cognitives et de lui rapporter les r\u00e9sultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. P\u00e9n\u00e9trez dans les basses contr\u00e9es de Kaleth, d\u00e9sactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la m\u00e9moire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avanc\u00e9 situ\u00e9 entre Kaleth et la Vall\u00e9e de Tythos.",
"deMale": "Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth \u00fcberbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegen\u00fcber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso. \n\nEr hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zur\u00fcck.",
"deFemale": "Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth \u00fcberbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegen\u00fcber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso. \n\nEr hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zur\u00fcck."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Disable and Scan Tythonian Seekers",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Disable and Scan Tythonian Seekers",
"frMale": "D\u00e9sactiver et scanner les chercheurs de Tython",
"frFemale": "D\u00e9sactiver et scanner les chercheurs de Tython",
"deMale": "Setz die tythonianischen Sucher au\u00dfer Gefecht und scanne sie",
"deFemale": "Setz die tythonianischen Sucher au\u00dfer Gefecht und scanne sie"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": true,
"CountMax": 6,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
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"BonusMissionsIds": [],
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"Min": 1,
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"Base62Id": "H5ZogXE",
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"Min": 1,
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"VariableId": "9366772090821410956",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why. \n\nHe has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why. \n\nHe has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.",
"frMale": "Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi \u00e9tudie les anciens dro\u00efdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.\n\nIl vous a demand\u00e9 de braver les dro\u00efdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unit\u00e9s cognitives et de lui rapporter les r\u00e9sultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. P\u00e9n\u00e9trez dans les basses contr\u00e9es de Kaleth, d\u00e9sactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la m\u00e9moire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avanc\u00e9 situ\u00e9 entre Kaleth et la Vall\u00e9e de Tythos.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi \u00e9tudie les anciens dro\u00efdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.\n\nIl vous a demand\u00e9 de braver les dro\u00efdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unit\u00e9s cognitives et de lui rapporter les r\u00e9sultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. P\u00e9n\u00e9trez dans les basses contr\u00e9es de Kaleth, d\u00e9sactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la m\u00e9moire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avanc\u00e9 situ\u00e9 entre Kaleth et la Vall\u00e9e de Tythos.",
"deMale": "Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth \u00fcberbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegen\u00fcber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso. \n\nEr hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zur\u00fcck.",
"deFemale": "Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth \u00fcberbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegen\u00fcber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso. \n\nEr hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zur\u00fcck."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Jedi Till'in",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Jedi Till'in",
"frMale": "Rejoindre le Jedi Till'in",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre le Jedi Till'in",
"deMale": "Kehre zum Jedi Till'in zur\u00fcck",
"deFemale": "Kehre zum Jedi Till'in zur\u00fcck"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
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"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
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"Min": 1,
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"UnknownLong": "0"
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"Base62Id": "vPFBht5",
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"NumberOfItem": 1,
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16140945550421496807"
"ReqPrivacy": "",
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"ClassesB62": [
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"NodeText": [],
"AffectionGainTable": []
"QuestsNextB62": [
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"Id": "16141043990095388020",
"Base62Id": "TDsMTVD",
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"B62References": {
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"QuestMpns": [
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"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "3173232088",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": [
"Jedi Knight",
"Jedi Consular"
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb3e68433180000cb06b2c1
[Name] => The Last Defenders
[NameId] => 373047974428760
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => The Last Defenders
[frMale] => Les derniers défenseurs
[frFemale] => Les derniers défenseurs
[deMale] => Die letzten Verteidiger
[deFemale] => Die letzten Verteidiger
[Icon] => cdx.location.tython.ruins_of_kaleth
[IsRepeatable] =>
[RequiredLevel] => 1
[XpLevel] => 5
[Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal
[CanAbandon] => 1
[IsHidden] =>
[IsClassQuest] =>
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[BonusShareable] =>
[CategoryId] => 2466269005611269
[LocalizedCategory] => Array
[enMale] => Tython
[frMale] => Tython
[frFemale] => Tython
[deMale] => Tython
[deFemale] => Tython
[Branches] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
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[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
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[ShowTracking] =>
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[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
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[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
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[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
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[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
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[UnknownLong] => 0
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] => 1
[JournalText] => You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
[frMale] => Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi étudie les anciens droïdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles à l'égard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.
Il vous a demandé de braver les droïdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unités cognitives et de lui rapporter les résultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. Pénétrez dans les basses contrées de Kaleth, désactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la mémoire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avancé situé entre Kaleth et la Vallée de Tythos.
[frFemale] => Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi étudie les anciens droïdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles à l'égard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.
Il vous a demandé de braver les droïdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unités cognitives et de lui rapporter les résultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. Pénétrez dans les basses contrées de Kaleth, désactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la mémoire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avancé situé entre Kaleth et la Vallée de Tythos.
[deMale] => Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth überbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegenüber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso.
Er hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zurück.
[deFemale] => Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth überbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegenüber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso.
Er hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zurück.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Disable and Scan Tythonian Seekers
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Disable and Scan Tythonian Seekers
[frMale] => Désactiver et scanner les chercheurs de Tython
[frFemale] => Désactiver et scanner les chercheurs de Tython
[deMale] => Setz die tythonianischen Sucher außer Gefecht und scanne sie
[deFemale] => Setz die tythonianischen Sucher außer Gefecht und scanne sie
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] => 1
[CountMax] => 6
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 1rBGIaD
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
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[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
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[Max] => 1
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[UnknownLong] => 0
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[0] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You delivered a holorecording from Padawan Fia to Jedi Till'in in the ruins of Kaleth. Jedi Till'in has been occupied examining the ancient droids that still wander the area. The droids have become increasingly hostile towards intruders, but Jedi Till'in doesn't understand why.
He has asked you to brave the hostile droids, scan their cognitive units and return the data to him for further analysis. Enter the lower ruins of Kaleth, disable Tythonian seekers and then scan them. Once the scanner's memory is full, return to Jedi Till'in at the forward camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley.
[frMale] => Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi étudie les anciens droïdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles à l'égard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.
Il vous a demandé de braver les droïdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unités cognitives et de lui rapporter les résultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. Pénétrez dans les basses contrées de Kaleth, désactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la mémoire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avancé situé entre Kaleth et la Vallée de Tythos.
[frFemale] => Vous avez remis un holo-enregistrement au Jedi Till'in, dans les ruines de Kaleth, de la part du Padawan Fia. Le Jedi étudie les anciens droïdes qui errent encore dans la zone. Ceux-ci deviennent de plus en plus hostiles à l'égard des intrus et le Jedi Till'in ignore la raison d'un tel comportement.
Il vous a demandé de braver les droïdes hostiles, de scanner leurs unités cognitives et de lui rapporter les résultats en vue d'une analyse approfondie. Pénétrez dans les basses contrées de Kaleth, désactivez les chercheurs de Tython, puis scannez-les. Une fois la mémoire du scanner pleine, rejoignez le Jedi Till'in au camp avancé situé entre Kaleth et la Vallée de Tythos.
[deMale] => Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth überbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegenüber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso.
Er hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zurück.
[deFemale] => Du hast eine Holoaufzeichnung von Padawan Fia an den Jedi Till'in in den Ruinen von Kaleth überbracht. Der Jedi Till'in untersucht die alten Droiden, die hier immer noch umherwandern. Die Droiden sind gegenüber Eindringlingen zunehmend feindselig geworden, aber Till'in versteht nicht wieso.
Er hat dich gebeten, dich zu den feindseligen Droiden zu wagen, ihre Kognitionseinheiten zu scannen und ihm die Daten zur Analyse zu bringen. Betritt die unteren Ruinen von Kaleth, schalte die tythonianischen Sucher ab und scanne sie. Wenn der Speicher des Scanners voll ist, kehre zum Jedi Till'in im Frontlager zwischen Kaleth und dem Tythos-Tal zurück.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Jedi Till'in
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Jedi Till'in
[frMale] => Rejoindre le Jedi Till'in
[frFemale] => Rejoindre le Jedi Till'in
[deMale] => Kehre zum Jedi Till'in zurück
[deFemale] => Kehre zum Jedi Till'in zurück
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[Items] => Array
[9366772090821410944] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[9366772090821410946] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[9366772090821410947] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[9366772090821410951] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[9366772090821410956] => Array
[Name] => droid_scanner_full
[Id] => 16141102406840768580
[Base62Id] => H5ZogXE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 373047974428812
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 9366772090821410956
[UnknownLong] => 0
[Rewards] => Array
[0] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] => 1
[Base62Id] => 9bQslF3
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => O1SBiJ5
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141001067385476648
[1] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] => 1
[Base62Id] => YlPYzlG
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => d1waHAE
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141034040934463116
[2] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] => 1
[Base62Id] => vPFBht5
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16140945550421496807
[ReqPrivacy] =>
[CreditRewardType] => 2693367092410997505
[CreditsRewarded] => 50
[XP] => 0
[SubXP] => 0
[F2PXP] => 0
[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 3403084641_4057049232
[BranchCount] => 1
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => d1waHAE
[1] => O1SBiJ5
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[NodeText] => Array
[AffectionGainTable] => Array
[QuestsNextB62] => Array
[0] => TDsMTVD
[QuestsPreviousB62] => Array
[0] => TDsMTVD
[1] => WKzPJ0B
[2] => QN2t2JF
[3] => cPu46TC
[Id] => 16141043990095388020
[Base62Id] => TDsMTVD
[Fqn] =>
[B62References] => Array
[conversationStarts] => Array
[0] => IwPjtyL
[conversationEnds] => Array
[0] => IwPjtyL
[QuestMpns] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[1] => 1rBGIaD
[stagedBonusQsts] => Array
[0] => cCGH98C
[first_seen] => 1.0.0a
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 3173232088
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => ClassesAllowed
[1] => hash
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 1.0.0a
[1] => 2.1.1
[2] => 2.2.0
[3] => 2.3.1
[4] => 3.0.0
[5] => 3.0.2
[6] => 4.0.0
[7] => 4.1.0
[8] => 5.0.0
[9] => 5.2.0
[10] => 5.2.1
[11] => 5.6.0
[12] => 5.9.0
[13] => 6.0.0
[14] => 6.2.0
[ClassesAllowed] => Array
[0] => Jedi Knight
[1] => Jedi Consular