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Jedi Till'in

Jedi Till'in
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tython
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Jedi Till'in
Other Sites:


  • 6. - You've increased our understanding of this region and potentially saved many lives. Well done, my friend.
  • 5. - My scanner's memory is already full? Perfect timing. I'll collate your data with my own readings and analyze them together.
    • 134. - Hmm... it seems the droids were indeed built for war. Twenty thousand years later, they still pursue their primary function. How sad.
      • 136. - These ancient droids were soldiers in Tython's great Force Wars--a time before there were Jedi, Sith or even a Republic.
        • 139. Option - Force Wars?Player - I've never heard of these "Force Wars."
          • 142. - It was the first conflict between Force users--a horrific battle between light and darkness that lasted for a hundred years.
        • 140. Option - Quite a revelation.Player - Interesting.
        • 137. Option - What a waste of my time.Player - I almost got killed over a war that ended millennia ago?
          • 138. - That is why Jedi continually strive for peace. Once a war begins, it is difficult to end.
            • 144. - According to the droid logs, Kaleth was a stronghold of the dark side's forces. They made their last stand here.
              • 150. - As they died, the dark siders activated the droids as a doomsday weapon--hoping to ensure the light side's destruction as well.
                • 151. Option - They don't seem so tough.Player - For doomsday droids, they sure fall apart easy.
                  • 157. - I doubt either of us will hold up nearly as well after twenty thousand years. These machines were quite menacing for their epoch.
                • 155. Option - The droids failed.Player - Clearly, the light side survived these doomsday weapons.
                  • 158. - Indeed--and went on to found our Jedi Order. To think what might have been, if the dark siders' plans had succeeded....
                • 180. Option - Do you have a plan for them?Player - So what happens now?
                  • 156. - The Council must deliberate and decide what should be done about the droids. It isn't up to us.
                • 152. Option - Well, have fun with that.Player - Well, it's your problem now.
                  • 153. - I'll consult the Jedi Council at once about this. You've been extraordinarily helpful.
                    • 160. - By your efforts, we see Kaleth in a fresh light. I will commend you to the Council.
                      • 167. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 178. - Continue with your tasks. Make your Masters proud.
                        • 168. - Farewell, Jedi. May the Force be with you.
                        • 181. - I've delayed you enough. I know how important the work you and Orgus do is. Give him my best.
                        • 170. - I've delayed you enough, Padawan. Give Master Yuon my best wishes.
                          • 171. <Conversation Exit>
  • 4. - Use the scanner on any Tythonian droids you encounter--and take extra care in those ruins.
  • 13. - Here, examine this droid's cognitive unit I recovered from the ruins. Twenty-thousand years old, yet still functional. Our forebears built things to last.
    • 26. Option - Where's the droid's body?Player - What happened to the rest of the droid's parts?
      • 27. - Regrettably, I was forced to dismantle it with my lightsaber.
    • 28. Option - Forebears?Player - Are you saying the Jedi's ancestors built this?
      • 29. - Indeed--which makes the behavior of these machines all the more baffling.
    • 24. Option - That's amazing.Player - I'm very impressed.
      • 25. - A shame the cognitive unit's owner had to be destroyed. It was a magnificent machine, but quite hostile.
    • 30. Option - Old junk? Who cares?Player - You say that like I should care.
      • 31. - Are you not familiar with the ancient machines inhabiting these ruins? They're a great mystery.
        • 33. - The ruins of Lower Kaleth are filled with droids constructed during Tython's original colonization by the galaxy's first Force users.
          • 41. - We don't know the Tythonian droids' purpose--only that they attack anyone who enters the ruins. My mission is to learn why.
            • 132. Option - Not to destroy them?Player - Why not simply wipe out all the droids?
              • 91. - If we can reason with the droids, we stand to learn much about Tython's past.
            • 86. Option - Anyone been hurt?Player - What kind of damage can these droids do to people?
              • 89. - We've had several serious injuries. Left unchecked, the droids are going to kill someone. We can't let it come to that.
            • 87. Option - Whatever you say.Player - Good luck with that, then.
              • 88. - Wait, please. These droids are growing increasingly lethal. I could use your assistance dealing with them.
                • 93. - It's been millennia since the Tythonian droids were memory-wiped. Their programming lies buried amid trillions of accumulated databits.
                  • 99. - I've constructed a scanner to analyze the droids' cognitive units for command protocols, but I need several samplings to sort through the static.
                    • 102. Option - Let me take care of that.Player - I'll get those samplings for you in no time, Master Till'in.
                      • 103. - Good. This will greatly accelerate my efforts to solve this mystery and make the ruins safe.
                    • 100. Option - You need an assistant, right?Player - So that's a job offer, then?
                      • 122. - You passed your Jedi trials with ease. I know you can handle yourself in the ruins.
                      • 101. - Your Master has great confidence in your abilities, as do I. This task won't be simple, but I know you'll succeed.
                    • 105. Option - Sounds like a dull chore.Player - Seems like a waste of time.
                      • 106. - Until we understand why the ancient Tythonian droids are attacking us, these ruins won't be safe. Surely that's a problem worth solving?
                        • 107. Option - Oh, all right.Player - Fine, you've convinced me.
                          • 115. - Good. I'd hate to think you didn't feel some responsibility to the rest of the order.
                        • 108. Option - Fair enough.Player - I guess you do have a point.
                          • 112. - I'm glad you agree.
                            • 114. - Take this scanner. When you encounter Tythonian droids in Lower Kaleth, disable them and scan the remains.
                              • 126. - Bring the scanner back to me when its memory is full, so that I can analyze the data. Good luck.
                                • 127. <Conversation Exit>
                        • 109. Option - By another. [Refuse quest]Player - I have better things to expend effort on.
                          <Aborts Conversation>
                          • 110. - Very well. Thank you again for delivering Padawan Fia's message. Goodbye.
                            • 111. <Conversation Exit>
  • 206. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 207. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 10. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 174. - Tython's most promising newcomers visit me together? A rare honor, indeed.
    • 11. - Greetings, Padawan--but now I see I am mistaken, you have already completed your Jedi trials. Well done.
    • 14. - Welcome, Padawan to Orgus Din. Your Master speaks highly of your potential.
    • 15. - Ah, Master Yuon's new Padawan. A great Jedi-in-the-making, by all accounts. Greetings.
      • 42. Option - Know someone named Fia?Player - Padawan Fia sends her regards--and this holorecording.
        • 53. - The poor girl--no doubt apologizing again. She nearly shot me when I approached her on Raxus Prime.
      • 43. Option - I have something for you.Player - Someone asked me to deliver a message.
      • 44. Option - You're ugly! [Give message]Player - Good thing there aren't children around--you'd scare them to death.
        • 46. - Children are never frightened of me--or perhaps they're simply more polite than adults.
          • 56. - Let's see what you've brought me... ah yes. Fia. The poor girl is still apologizing for shooting at me on Raxus Prime.
            • 66. - I forget how violently some humans react when first meeting my species. I don't understand why they always seem to shoot before thinking.
              • 78. Option - At least you weren't hurt.Player - You seem to have survived the encounter.
                • 83. - Luckily, Fia's aim was unbalanced by her fear.
              • 79. Option - Don't ask me.Player - Not a clue.
                • 80. - Indeed. Ah, well--a riddle to be pondered some other time.
              • 69. Option - Humans are strange.Player - Who knows why humans do anything?
                • 70. - Now, now. Let us embrace tolerance. Not all beings are as enlightened as we are.
              • 68. Option - Isn't it obvious?Player - Maybe because you're a hideous monster?
                • 71. - Mind yourself, young one. While your honesty is admirable, your tone lacks respect.
                  • 73. - It was kind of you to deliver this holorecording, though I should gently instruct Padawan Fia to stop interrupting my work. Speaking of which....
  • 7. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 8. - Excuse me, Jedi. I must analyze these data readings.
    • 9. - Take care in the ruins of Kaleth, Padawan. The area is hazardous to all who enter.
  • 2. - Tython is a dangerous world even for Jedi. Maintain your visual scanning at all times.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
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Body Typebmn
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