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Message in a Bottle

Reward Level Range: -
Message in a Bottle
Requires:Jedi Consular
Message in a Bottle
Command XP: 600
Category: Companion
Can Abandon: Yes
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: Personal Starship
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Message in a Bottle
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Influence Gains (click to expand)
ChoiceAffection Gains
So being sought out and admired for creating wonders of technology; that meant nothing to you?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If it makes you feel more welcome, go ahead.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I don't want you "improving" my ship without permission. Understand?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
However much attention you lavish on her, Holiday's still just an image.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Don't draw this out more than you need to.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
So you heroically rescued Holiday from the grip of a cruel Hutt, and won her heart.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
That's very gracious.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I didn't realize my company was so stimulating.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Stop trying to sweet-talk me.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
We should get rid of it, just in case.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Tharan's technological work is famous. Perhaps someone is trying to get his attention.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Probably some old flame getting revenge on Tharan.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
We'll never know if we don't try.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You really are full of good ideas.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I don't think so. Besides, you have a chemical to synthesize.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Even so, I don't want to risk hurting Holiday. I'm sorry.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Let no one say I didn't ask.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
And I won't tell if you don't.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Our encounter was short, but sweet. Thank you.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Is there anything I can do for you?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Your approach to science is quite... unique, Tharan.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You must be very proud of yourselves.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
As I recall, a Vandrayk Generator runs on a form of energy that doesn't exist.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If I can do something to make your generator a success, just ask.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I don't like the sound of this.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
The Council won't mind, I'm sure.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Lounging around drinking spiced wine isn't going to win the symposium, whatever your excuse.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Don't fall back into bad habits. If you wish, I can teach you a technique to improve your mental discipline.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Give me the note and I'll guarantee payment for you.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Settling your debts will improve your reputation, and your suppliers will be more helpful.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You created this situation, get yourself out of it.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If it's really going to cost that much, you'll need time to get the money together.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If you cut back on your lifestyle, I'm sure you'll survive.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If you want to talk, I'm always happy to listen.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You're going to win that symposium, and be written about in scientific journals from here to Geonosis.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
When you crave something too much, desire often serves to blind you.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You've made scientific history today.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Don't my contributions count for anything?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Then I hope it's a lovely wedding, and you have a dozen holo-children.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You're helping the person you care for, at the cost of your own dream.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You're a better scientist than all of them put together.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Thank you both, very much.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Trouble is eternal. I'll be glad to have you.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I'm glad I met you, Tharan.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You're welcome.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
This invitation is a great honor, but don't let it go to your head.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Would you rather be a poor man with a Vandrayk Generator, or a rich man whose dreams are unfulfilled?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
This Shorjin is a stranger. I should come with you.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Don't start gambling and end up too poor for a shuttle back.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Your generator's going to be a landmark discovery. Is there nothing we can do?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
If the generator will break the moment you turn it on, what's the use of making one?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I'm sorry to hear that.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
This is your future we're discussing. You deserve a say.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 18. - I never thought I'd say it, but good riddance to Nar Shaddaa. Nobody on that wretched moon has a speck of imagination.
    • 28. - Take my little business. If I wasn't building devices to cheat the casinos, I was being nagged for new weapons.
      • 32. Option - By the same people, I bet.Player - I imagine only heavily-armed cheaters prosper on Nar Shaddaa.
        • 34. - Quite. Everyone has a system, few have an escape plan.
      • 31. Option - Admit it, you love your work.Player - So being sought out and admired for creating wonders of technology; that meant nothing to you?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 36. - You do have a way with words, my dear.
        • 37. - Well. I suppose there were compensations.
      • 33. Option - Why didn't you just leave?Player - Your talents could have found you a home anywhere in the galaxy, if you wanted to leave.
        • 38. - Oh, Nar Shaddaa has benefits, like opportunities to "acquire" new property. Sadly everyone else is thinking the same thing.
          • 42. - Now, we get to travel in the most darling ship.
            • 45. - Although... I just can't bear your ship's computer architecture. It's so frumpy. Mind if I give it a little flair?
              • 49. Option - Feel free.Player - If it makes you feel more welcome, go ahead.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 56. - Oh good! I know just where to start: that horrible algorithm for the hyperdrive.
              • 50. Option - "Flair" sounds ominous.Player - Will this "flair" interfere with it being completely operational?
                • 55. - No no, don't you worry about a thing.
                  • 61. - Holiday has quite the talent for making herself at home. Better leave her to it.
                    • 63. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 51. Option - No. Leave it alone.Player - I don't want you "improving" my ship without permission. Understand?
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 57. - Hmph. Spoilsport.
                  • 58. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 70. - Now. I'm sure there are more... stimulating matters for you to attend to.
                    • 66. - So! Lead on, Jedi.
                      • 1393. <Conversation Exit>
  • 24. - Jedi, Holiday and I have an announcement to make.
    • 929. Option - This looks serious.Player - I don't think I've ever seen you looking so resolute.
    • 1050. Option - I'm intrigued.Player - I'm listening.
    • 931. Option - You're getting married?Player - Then I hope it's a lovely wedding, and you have a dozen holo-children.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 932. - Oh, Tharan, that's a thought.
        • 934. - Moving along!
          • 936. - We've become rather... addicted to the adventuring life. So we've decided to stay with you, indefinitely.
            • 1055. - And my projected lifespan is long enough to keep you, and any... little Jedi, out of trouble.
              • 1056. Option - I'm flattered.Player - Thank you both, very much.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1062. Option - It's good to have friends.Player - Trouble is eternal. I'll be glad to have you.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1058. Option - Children? Not a chance.Player - I assure you, there will be no "little Jedi" for you to worry about.
                • 1063. - Aw. I wanted to be someone's Aunt Holiday.
                  • 1097. - We're getting off topic, my dear.
                    • 1091. - Wherever you go, you can always rely on Holiday and myself.
                      • 1093. - That's a promise.
                        • 1421. <Conversation Exit>
  • 732. - My work is finally complete. The Vandrayk Generator. Dare I say, a masterpiece among masterpieces.
    • 857. - Tharan, I'm so proud of you! I think I'm going to cry.
      • 858. Option - You look exhausted, Tharan.Player - Yes, well done, but perhaps you should sit down for a minute.
        • 861. - There'll be time for a week-long sleep later.
      • 859. Option - This is a great achievement.Player - You've made scientific history today.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 867. - But it won't do any good sitting on the ship like a paperweight.
      • 860. Option - What about me? I helped.Player - Don't my contributions count for anything?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 863. - Of course, of course. Your moral support was... er, invaluable.
          • 1309. - The Lumenatus Club symposium only runs for a day. I must secure the generator for transport--its core needs to be perfectly shielded.
            • 1311. - The core is very sensitive to nearby electronic systems, you see. Its processes could... its...
              • 1314. Option - Go on.Player - The core's processes could what?
              • 1317. Option - What's the matter?Player - Are you alright?
              • 1325. Option - Start making sense.Player - Huh?
                • 1321. - Jedi, I am a complete idiot. The core of my Vandrayk Generator could have an application that I never considered. For Holiday.
                  • 1323. - If I linked that core to Holiday's central processor, it could increase her sentience by a factor of ten. Or more!
                    • 1326. Option - Won't the core be destroyed?Player - I thought this core was too fragile to be used more than once.
                      • 1333. - In the Vandrayk Generator, yes. But Holiday's systems are very different, far more efficient.
                    • 1327. Option - What would that mean for her?Player - How would Holiday change if you gave her this core?
                      • 1331. - She'd be able to transcend most of her remaining technical limitations. Her slicing capability could increase--her personality would evolve.
                        • 1335. - But if I remove the core, my Vandrayk Generator is useless. I won't have a hope of winning the symposium.
                    • 1328. Option - But you'd lose your generator.Player - Without the core, there's no Vandrayk Generator. You'll have nothing to demonstrate at the symposium.
                      • 1334. - Everyone is waiting to see my work. Jedi, even for Holiday I can't... Winning the symposium is my dream!
                        • 1383. Option - Give the core to Holiday.Player - Glory is transient. Think about what, and who, really matters to you.
                        • 1384. Option - Holiday, what do you want?Player - This is your future we're discussing. You deserve a say.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1385. - But... but Tharan's upset. I just want him to be happy.
                        • 1342. Option - Then use the generator. Win.Player - Keep the core for your Vandrayk Generator. Prove to the Lumenatus Club you're the finest scientist in the galaxy.
                          • 1343. - You're right! I don't need the core. But someone has to show those stuffy old bores what real genius is!
                            • 1345. - There's no time to decide, the symposium's starting soon. The entire Lumenatus Club is expecting me.
                              • 1349. - I have to attend. I... I'll be back soon.
                                • 1351. - It appears I have secured my place in scientific history. As a laughing-stock.
                                  • 1353. - There I stood at the podium, my fellow scientists hanging on my every word. I had only to turn on the Vandrayk Generator.
                                    • 1365. - But I couldn't do it. I saw Holiday, and... I couldn't. When I tried to explain, I was booed off the stage.
                                      • 939. Option - You did it for Holiday.Player - You're helping the person you care for, at the cost of your own dream.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 948. - Indeed. Thank you, for giving me perspective.
                                      • 940. Option - The Club doesn't deserve you.Player - You're a better scientist than all of them put together.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 1066. Option - There'll be other symposiums.Player - Can't you just enter again next year?
                                        • 943. - I suspect I may be blacklisted, now. But, we shall see.
                                          • 949. - Now, Holiday. I think the core is ready. We can begin the installation.
                                            • 951. - Tharan, I'm... scared. What if it changes me? What if I don't love you any more?
                                              • 959. - Holiday. I am a fool, dancing in your shadow. But whether you favor me or not, I will always belong to you.
                                                • 961. - Tharan... Install it now. Before I change my mind.
                                                  • 963. - Stacks two and three reinitializing. Transfer. Transfer.
                                                    • 964. Option - Holiday?Player - Can you hear me? Is everything all right?
                                                    • 965. Option - Stop this immediately.Player - Whatever you're doing isn't helping her.
                                                    • 978. Option - Something's wrong.Player - That doesn't sound good.
                                                      • 967. - Holiday, please speak to me.
                                                        • 969. - Ahem! Oh my, how embarrassing. That core's potent stuff.
                                                          • 970. Option - How do you feel?Player - Has the core made any difference yet?
                                                          • 971. Option - What a relief.Player - You had us worried for a moment.
                                                          • 972. Option - I knew you'd be fine.Player - You're tougher than you look, Holiday.
                                                            • 975. - I've... got more space. Like there's huge empty rooms waiting to fill up. It's exciting!
                                                              • 977. - It'll take time for the change to fully propagate--Holiday's systems are very complex.
                                                                • 981. - But in the end, her personality and sentience will increase. Exponentially. I hope we'll be able to keep up.
                                                                  • 1419. <Conversation Exit>
  • 726. - Er, what? Oh! Please excuse me, Jedi.
    • 795. - The last pieces of the Vandrayk Generator must have a precise exposure to the ship's engine core. I'll be right back!
      • 790. - Jedi, could I please talk to you for a minute? It's... it's about Tharan.
        • 792. Option - He does seem distracted.Player - Something isn't quite right with him.
        • 791. Option - I'm here to help.Player - Don't be upset. Just say what's on your mind.
          • 800. - You're so kind.
        • 793. Option - It always is, with you.Player - Tharan, always Tharan. Can't you think about anything else?
          • 796. - I need help, and you just want to be mean to me.
            • 799. - Tharan's been working so hard for the symposium. It's all he talks about.
              • 803. - It's just so rare for him to get a real challenge. I don't think he's handling it very well.
                • 808. - Please, he listens to you. Is there anything you can do?
                  • 810. Option - I'll keep an eye on him.Player - I'll watch out for Tharan, and step in if things go too far.
                    • 813. - Oh, thank you.
                  • 811. Option - This may be good for Tharan.Player - Having his genius tested will teach Tharan more than years of success.
                    • 814. - I hope that's true.
                      • 821. - You're a good friend to us, Jedi. Both me and my sweet Tharan.
                        • 823. Option - Are your feelings a program?Player - Holiday, did Tharan reprogram you to fall in love with him, or is it your choice?
                          • 837. - Ha. Well, what makes "real" people like you fall in love, hmm?
                            • 845. Option - But you're a unique case.Player - It's different for you. Your personality can be reprogrammed, mine can't.
                            • 843. Option - I... don't know.Player - I suppose I can't answer that question.
                              • 847. - I use software to feel, but feelings are more than that. Like your feelings are more than... reacting chemicals.
                            • 846. Option - Mutual delusion.Player - A willingness to overlook the faults of others, and hope they do the same for you.
                              • 844. - Oh, Jedi. That's so sad.
                                • 851. - I love Tharan. So does it matter where that feeling came from? Nope. Not one bit.
                        • 828. Option - It's my pleasure.Player - You're welcome.
                        • 824. Option - You've become a real project.Player - Compared to keeping you two happy, the Jedi Trials were simple.
                  • 812. Option - No. And stop being selfish.Player - The galaxy doesn't revolve around you and Tharan. Other people have problems too.
                    • 815. - Sometimes you're a real sourpuss.
                      • 827. - Just in time! A moment longer and the irradiation would have gone too far.
                        • 831. - Tharan, honey, why don't you take a break? With me?
                          • 833. - Hmm? No, no. Too much to do. Sorry, Jedi, I'll speak to you another time.
                            • 1417. <Conversation Exit>
  • 883. - I do believe I'm really feeling the benefits of some fresh air and exercise. Who would have thought?
    • 1052. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1053. - And your delightful company has been most beneficial.
        • 1071. Option - More sweet-talk, I see.Player - Can't you ever simply talk to me?
          • 1080. - Loveliness is rare. Is it so bad to be appreciated?
      • 1067. - And the company of a true intellectual equal hasn't hurt either.
        • 1068. Option - You're good company too.Player - I'm glad I met you, Tharan.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1074. Option - Thank you.Player - You're welcome.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1070. Option - "Equal"? I'll remember that.Player - So next time you complain about the agony of genius, I'll know you're full of nonsense.
          • 1088. - Blast my thoughtless candor.
            • 1079. - I've refitted my equipment, and streamlined Holiday's programming even further. Hopefully, we should be of greater use to you.
              • 1083. - Besides, I should showcase my best work. Even in the thick of battle, you never know who's watching.
                • 1415. <Conversation Exit>
  • 729. - Do you, er, have a moment?
    • 733. Option - How's the project coming?Player - I thought you'd be hard at work.
      • 768. - Oh, it's fine. Everything's absolutely fine.
    • 735. Option - Of course.Player - If you want to talk, I'm always happy to listen.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 743. - You are a rare comfort in difficult times.
      • 744. - You're a good friend, Jedi.
    • 736. Option - You seem nervous.Player - Are you alright?
      • 737. - Ah, the rarefied awareness of the female.
      • 738. - Ah, the instant perceptiveness of a Jedi.
        • 742. - I just spoke to Maven Wedder, head of the Lumenatus Club. The symposium's coming up very soon.
          • 752. - He said he's heard rumors about my Vandrayk Generator. Everyone's very... excited.
            • 753. Option - But you're not.Player - You don't sound especially happy.
            • 754. Option - Isn't that a good thing?Player - I thought you wanted them to recognize your talents.
            • 755. Option - Jealous is more likely.Player - If they know the truth, they must realize they don't have a hope of winning.
              • 756. - I'm... not so sure.
                • 760. - I've nearly finished the generator, but Shorjin Challas was right. When I turn it on, its core will be destroyed.
                  • 762. - That core is irreplaceable. Meaning, I have no way to test the generator before the symposium.
                    • 767. - Jedi, to be truly accepted by the scientific community's elite... I can't lose when I'm so close.
                      • 772. Option - Needing to win causes failure.Player - When you crave something too much, desire often serves to blind you.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 779. - And what if it's the only thing you've ever wanted?
                          • 781. - You Jedi can avoid the searing highs and lows of success and failure. I have no such luxury.
                      • 771. Option - Be calm. It'll be fine.Player - You're going to win that symposium, and be written about in scientific journals from here to Geonosis.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 774. - My dear Jedi. I can always count on your words of wisdom.
                        • 778. - Your confidence is... a great comfort. Thank you.
                      • 773. Option - Fretting won't help.Player - You'll certainly lose if you're too overwrought to work.
                        • 775. - Yes. Only the Gen'Dai flourish as a bundle of nerves, and they're all nervous tissue to begin with.
                          • 777. - I stand poised on the brink of finally proving my worth. The view is... dizzying. But so is the drop.
                            • 1413. <Conversation Exit>
  • 685. - The Vandrayk Generator is finally taking shape. We're a step closer to victory at the symposium!
    • 691. - Now we begin the most crucial stage--the generator's core. And another Lumenatus Club member, Shorjin Challas, has offered to help with that.
      • 697. Option - What a kind gesture.Player - That's very generous of him.
        • 699. - True. Plus he doesn't know his entry is doomed to fail against mine.
      • 710. Option - But you're competitors.Player - Isn't Shorjin taking part in the symposium too?
        • 1234. - Until the symposium itself we're brothers in science. Besides, whatever his entry is, it can't possibly compete.
      • 698. Option - He could steal your idea.Player - This might be a ruse to copy the Vandrayk Generator.
        • 701. - Copying a masterpiece isn't so easy, Jedi.
          • 704. - Shorjin wants to trade some exo-tech for components I need. But, I left my juicier exo-tech artifacts back at my store.
            • 1237. - You'll pardon me if I take a brief trip home to make the trade? We shan't be away for long.
              • 1238. Option - You shouldn't go alone.Player - This Shorjin is a stranger. I should come with you.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1241. - A kind offer, but Shorjin seems harmless. If I can't defend myself in my own store, I have greater problems than being attacked.
                  • 1246. - Don't you worry, Jedi. No one hurts my Tharan while I'm around.
              • 1239. Option - So what tech are you trading?Player - Is there a particular piece that Shorjin is interested in?
                • 1245. - Nothing. A mere technological curiosity. It's perfectly legal, in several star systems.
              • 1240. Option - Stay out of the casinos.Player - Don't start gambling and end up too poor for a shuttle back.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1252. - Hopefully Shorjin will have all the components I need. The Vandrayk Generator's core is crucial to this entire endeavor.
                  • 1259. - It's gratifying to know the security systems at my store are still intact.
                    • 1261. - Shorjin Challas sends his regards, by the way. Charming fellow. Wrote his thesis on planetary shielding mechanics.
                      • 1271. Option - A real colleague, then.Player - It sounds like you've made a friend.
                        • 1268. - He was kind enough to express some concerns, about the components he was trading with me.
                      • 1265. Option - Did you get what you needed?Player - Was Shorjin willing to trade with you?
                        • 1285. - Indeed. In fact, we got to talking, and he brought an issue to my attention.
                      • 1262. Option - Don't forget he's a rival.Player - Remember, you'll be competing against him later at the symposium.
                        • 1288. - Oh. I'd quite forgotten that. Still, Shorjin actually had some salient advice to offer.
                          • 1276. - Shorjin's components will certainly build the core of the Vandrayk Generator, but he claimed the stress of its operation will soon burn them out.
                            • 1278. - My Vandrayk Generator will work. But it will work for a minute, at most, before it is destroyed forever.
                              • 1279. Option - Surely we can save it.Player - Your generator's going to be a landmark discovery. Is there nothing we can do?
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1291. Option - This must be hard on you.Player - I'm sorry to hear that.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1281. Option - Then all this was pointless.Player - If the generator will break the moment you turn it on, what's the use of making one?
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 1295. - The Vandrayk Generator is an impossible machine, Jedi. To make an impossible machine work at all is a scientific marvel.
                                  • 1297. - A moment's operation should be enough to win the symposium. But after that...
                                    • 1303. - Forgive me, Jedi, I should double-check Shorjin's calculations. There may be something else I've overlooked.
                                      • 1411. <Conversation Exit>
  • 458. - The equations are done, and we're about to start building the actual Vandrayk Generator itself.
    • 1223. - But we're finding components hard to come by. My suppliers are being ludicrously unreasonable. What's an unpaid bill here or there?
      • 609. - If only I could regain my suppliers' favor. With, say, a note promising payment will be made. Signed by someone trustworthy.
        • 610. Option - You mean me, don't you?Player - You're hoping I'll sign this note and get you out of this mess.
        • 611. Option - Well, Qyzen's trustworthy....Player - No one's more honorable than Qyzen. Let's ask him.
          • 615. - Jedi, don't be silly, you know who he means.
        • 612. Option - I'm not signing it.Player - I know what you're asking, and the answer is no.
          • 1225. - You have the power to do me an immense kindness with one little signature. I'd be eternally grateful.
            • 618. Option - All right, I'll sign it.Player - Give me the note and I'll guarantee payment for you.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 619. Option - You should pay your bills.Player - Settling your debts will improve your reputation, and your suppliers will be more helpful.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 625. - That'll take every credit I possess! Do you want me destitute?
                • 639. Option - Fine, I'll sign your note.Player - If it's really going to cost that much, you'll need time to get the money together.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 626. - Such generosity. I promise, this is the last time I will intrude upon you.
                    • 635. - Thank you. I'll have the parts I need in no time.
                • 1231. Option - But you'll win the symposium.Player - Would you rather be a poor man with a Vandrayk Generator, or a rich man whose dreams are unfulfilled?
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 640. Option - Try being more frugal.Player - If you cut back on your lifestyle, I'm sure you'll survive.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 651. - That's so unfair!
                    • 633. - If you won't help, bankruptcy may be my only salvation. I'd better get it over with.
            • 620. Option - No. This is your own fault.Player - You created this situation, get yourself out of it.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 624. - I come to you in my hour of need and get turned away.
                • 643. - I hope the history of scientific progress is kind to you, Jedi.
                  • 1409. <Conversation Exit>
  • 455. - We've made some progress on the Vandrayk Generator.
    • 504. - The initial equations have been... difficult, but with Holiday's help, I'm almost ready to progress.
      • 502. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 506. - I've just hit a minor obstacle. I find myself needing your help, dear Jedi.
        • 505. - I've just hit one small obstacle, and I'm sure you and I can handle that.
          • 507. Option - Anything to help the project.Player - If I can do something to make your generator a success, just ask.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 522. Option - Go on.Player - What kind of help do you need?
          • 510. Option - I'm suspicious already.Player - I don't like the sound of this.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 511. - It's a moment's diversion, nothing more.
              • 525. - I find myself in need of inspiration. On Nar Shaddaa, a particular spiced wine was a marvelous tonic.
                • 535. - A friend has offered to send me a case, if I get him an audience with the Jedi Council.
                  • 536. Option - And I'm to arrange it.Player - So my role is to facilitate this audience.
                    • 545. - It's such a small favor. Practically insulting to your talents.
                  • 537. Option - An audience? What for?Player - Why does he want to speak to the Council?
                    • 542. - He's searching for new trade routes, I believe.
                  • 538. Option - How "friendly" of him.Player - If he was a true friend, he would just send you the wine.
                    • 549. - He sees an opportunity, there's nothing wrong with that.
                      • 553. - Now, I have a message for the Council, ready for your signature. What do you say?
                        • 555. Option - I'll sign it.Player - The Council won't mind, I'm sure.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 571. - You are a paragon of compassion and understanding.
                          • 570. - Excellent! I'll send word to him at once.
                            • 587. - My case of wine should arrive forthwith, and all shall be well. Thank you.
                        • 557. Option - No, but I'll help you focus.Player - Don't fall back into bad habits. If you wish, I can teach you a technique to improve your mental discipline.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 564. - My "bad habits" and I have come far together without Jedi navel-gazing.
                            • 566. - Oh, I'll try it. On the condition that you arrange the audience if it's not a success.
                              • 568. - How interesting. I... Do excuse me, Jedi, I think I see where I've been going wrong.
                        • 556. Option - No. Get back to work.Player - Lounging around drinking spiced wine isn't going to win the symposium, whatever your excuse.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 563. - This is no "excuse". The wellspring of genius must be carefully nurtured.
                            • 581. - If my request has fallen on stony ground, I suppose my work is now my only consolation.
                              • 1407. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1197. - Do you have time for a chat with your fellow intellectuals?
    • 1199. - We've been trying to think of the absolute perfect entry for the Lumenatus Club's symposium.
      • 1203. - Nothing we've come up with has quite the spectacular edge I'm looking for. Any ideas?
        • 1202. Option - Something to help people.Player - You could try curing a disease, or creating tech to restore war-devastated planets.
          • 1213. - That sounds like a lot of hard work.
        • 1204. Option - What about Holiday?Player - Holiday's a technological marvel, and unique. Why not submit her?
          • 1209. - No, no! What if they wanted to examine her--disassemble her? No, Holiday's out of the question.
        • 1200. Option - A super-weapon.Player - Defense technology would be impressive. Something powerful enough to, say, destroy a whole Imperial fleet?
          • 1216. - Building weapons of that caliber attracts tiresome attention.
            • 1205. - Still, you're on the right track. I need an unprecedented creation. Something no one else could possibly be making.
              • 472. - Yes.... perfect. I'll build a Vandrayk Generator. It was theorized by Doctor Gorman Vandrayk centuries ago, but never realized.
                • 474. Option - That's an impossible machine.Player - As I recall, a Vandrayk Generator runs on a form of energy that doesn't exist.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 475. Option - How long will that take?Player - Will you be done in time for the symposium?
                  • 481. - Considering the Vandrayk Generator is theoretically impossible... I hope so.
                • 476. Option - I hope it's useful.Player - Sounds good, as long as this generator has benefits beyond winning a rosette.
                  • 487. - Well, theoretically, a Vandrayk Generator is an impossible machine. So who knows what a working one could do?
                    • 498. - Besides, old Gorman Vandrayk never knew about exo-tech. And he didn't have me to help!
                      • 489. - A functioning Vandrayk Generator would prove a dozen theories. And cement my place in scientific history.
                        • 491. - Such a project! Sorry, Jedi, I really must get started.
                          • 1405. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - Success! Our mystery capsule has finally yielded its secrets!
    • 418. - Converting the chemical to a gas was the ticket. We managed to fill the capsule.
      • 1144. - And all these words started glowing on the inside. We found the real message! Isn't that super?
        • 422. Option - Congratulations!Player - You must be very proud of yourselves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 427. - It gets better.
        • 1146. Option - What does it say?Player - Please tell me we've finally got an answer.
        • 1150. Option - I won't know until I hear it.Player - Just spit it out already!
          • 1149. - The message is from the Lumenatus Club, a veritable "who's who" of the galaxy's finest scientific minds. An invitation to join them.
            • 1156. - The Lumenatus Club only accepts the best. The pioneers in their field. All these years in obscurity, and my genius has finally been recognized!
              • 1159. Option - But why the secret message?Player - This all seems rather extravagant for a simple invitation.
                • 1166. - A test, obviously. The Lumenatus Club's final exam, as it were.
              • 1160. Option - You must be very proud.Player - Good to hear it.
              • 1158. Option - I've never heard of this Club.Player - These scientists must keep a low profile.
                • 1168. - There's no point being an elite group if any riffraff can apply to join.
                  • 1170. - This means I can enter the Club's annual symposium--my creations against those of my fellow scientists.
                    • 1175. - The symposium winner will be the darling of the Lumenatus Club. It wouldn't be unreasonable to consider them the greatest scientist in the galaxy.
                      • 1177. Option - Don't over-reach yourself.Player - This invitation is a great honor, but don't let it go to your head.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1194. - Over-confidence is for lesser men.
                      • 1192. Option - It'll be quite the challenge.Player - You'll need something truly special to stand a chance of winning.
                      • 1180. Option - I see where this is going.Player - Let me guess, you have a plan.
                        • 1182. - I think universal adoration and the symposium's grand prize are worth pursuing, don't you?
                          • 1187. - Pardon me, Jedi. I must accept the Club's invitation, then start thinking of the finest symposium entry ever created.
                            • 1403. <Conversation Exit>
  • 6. - I have unfortunate news.
    • 359. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 360. - I regret that our liaison must... come to an end.
        • 363. Option - Holo-girlfriend found out?Player - So Holiday has spoken to you.
        • 364. Option - I enjoyed the time we had.Player - Our encounter was short, but sweet. Thank you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 370. - You are most welcome. But our troubles don't end there.
        • 365. Option - I don't accept that.Player - We work well together. Why should we let anything interfere?
          • 368. - An agreement has been reached. I cease any advances to you, and in return, Holiday will not... electrify my bunk at random intervals.
            • 376. - Our tragic parting only compounds my current troubles.
      • 361. - Do you remember our mystery capsule, and the letter? Holiday made the chemical, just as she promised.
        • 380. - I thought applying it to the letter was the answer. But when I tried, it completely dissolved. We are left only with vapors.
          • 381. Option - I'm sorry.Player - What a shame. You and Holiday worked so hard on this.
            • 386. - Poor Holiday blames herself--she shut herself down for a long cry.
          • 406. Option - Don't give up.Player - There must be something else you can try.
            • 394. - That chemical is the answer, I know it! But without another lead... Wait!
          • 383. Option - Now we'll never solve this.Player - That letter was our only lead to whatever's going on here.
            • 385. - No. Not our only lead, Jedi!
              • 391. - The capsule the letter came in. I kept it to study the lock. I could apply the chemical to that instead!
                • 404. Option - And if that dissolves too?Player - One clue's already gone up in smoke. What happens if we lose the capsule?
                  • 412. - Then I'll eat this blasted chemical, and see if that does anything.
                • 387. Option - Let me lend a hand.Player - Is there anything I can do for you?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 407. - Your generosity does you credit, but I have everything under control.
                • 405. Option - Here we go again.Player - Your approach to science is quite... unique, Tharan.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 409. - Holiday? Come back online, my dear, we have a new avenue of enquiry!
                    • 1401. <Conversation Exit>
  • 9. - This is absolutely intolerable.
    • 226. - I finally get that blasted capsule's lock open, and the letter inside? Pure gibberish.
      • 1134. - Jedi, you can make this all better, can't you?
        • 228. - Listen to this. "A, H, three, two, O, S, H, four..." And that's just one line!
          • 229. Option - Sounds like a code.Player - The message is probably encrypted.
            • 232. - Yes, that occurred to me too. But all our deciphering attempts have failed.
          • 1107. Option - It could be damaged.Player - Perhaps some letters are missing, or distorted somehow.
            • 1108. - No, the writing is clear as day. But its meaning is utter nonsense.
          • 230. Option - A droid's love poem?Player - Maybe you've attracted a mechanical admirer.
            • 233. - I know my limits, Jedi.
              • 236. - "A.H. three." Three, three... ah. This isn't a message, it's a chemical formula!
                • 241. - And the letter itself smells strange. I thought it was the capsule. But what if applying the chemical to the letter had some effect?
                  • 242. Option - Can you make this chemical?Player - That formula looks very complex, and you don't have a laboratory.
                  • 244. Option - Let's just do it.Player - We'll never know if we don't try.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 243. Option - This is all very suspicious.Player - Don't get carried away. We still don't know who it's from, or what they want.
                    • 245. - What harm could one little letter do?
                      • 1135. - Oh! Oh! Let me make that chemical! I can do it in a snap, and I simply have to know what's on that letter!
                        • 251. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 262. - I'll get started right away!
                            • 264. - At last, an answer. However do you do it? Your very presence sparks my inspiration.
                              • 265. Option - You'd have got it eventually.Player - You didn't need me to solve this.
                                • 279. - I will not hear a lovely woman denigrate her gifts.
                              • 266. Option - [Flirt] Just inspiration?Player - Does my presence spark anything else?
                                • 281. - You bring out the very best in me, Jedi--you have ever since Nar Shaddaa.
                                  • 299. - Let me express my gratitude properly. In private, perhaps.
                              • 267. Option - That's a cheap line.Player - Do you say that to every woman who's nearby when you get an idea?
                                • 287. - Now I've offended you. Let me make amends.
                                  • 292. - Some time to ourselves, in private, could smooth over this little misunderstanding.
                                    • 294. Option - What about Holiday?Player - There's already a woman in your life, Tharan.
                                      • 301. - What Holiday and I have is... complex. It has its pleasures.
                                        • 313. - But there are simpler pleasures. No less valuable, but... unconnected. So there's no need for concern.
                                          • 314. Option - No, I won't do this to her.Player - Even so, I don't want to risk hurting Holiday. I'm sorry.
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                            • 317. - Then we were not to be? I... Please, excuse me.
                                          • 315. Option - I was just checking.Player - Let no one say I didn't ask.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                          • 316. Option - She'll never know, anyway.Player - And I won't tell if you don't.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 293. Option - I'd enjoy that.Player - You really are full of good ideas.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 302. - Then let's find somewhere to get acquainted.
                                        • 323. - You are a rare find in this galaxy.
                                          • 326. - I regret that I must leave such delectable company so soon, but work calls. Until later, my Jedi.
                                    • 295. Option - Don't you have work to do?Player - I don't think so. Besides, you have a chemical to synthesize.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 300. - Ah. Yes. Thank you for the reminder.
                          • 254. - Thank you for the inspiration, Jedi. Please excuse us, there's so much to do.
                            • 1399. <Conversation Exit>
  • 12. - Ah, excellent!
    • 186. - We have a mystery. A package was hand-delivered to the ship. No name--aside from mine--no return address.
      • 1128. - The package contained a letter on flimsiplast, sealed inside a glass capsule. Nothing else.
        • 191. Option - So open it.Player - Maybe the letter has some answers.
        • 198. Option - How intriguing.Player - Interesting.
          • 1129. - The capsule has a marvelously puzzling lock, I've never seen such craftsmanship.
        • 192. Option - It's likely dangerous.Player - We should get rid of it, just in case.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 196. - But the lock on this capsule is a work of art, I can't destroy it.
            • 201. - Once I get it open and read the letter, hopefully I can assuage my curiosity.
              • 206. - This is so exciting! I wonder who it's from.
                • 207. Option - Maybe it's from a fan.Player - Tharan's technological work is famous. Perhaps someone is trying to get his attention.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 208. Option - Could be a blackmailer.Player - I wouldn't be surprised if someone's demanding money.
                  • 215. - Few blackmailers are this creative. Trust me.
                • 209. Option - An ex-girlfriend's prank?Player - Probably some old flame getting revenge on Tharan.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 211. - They know better than to try getting Tharan's attention again.
                    • 220. - I'll get to work on this lock. If you're right, we'll know soon enough.
                      • 1397. <Conversation Exit>
  • 15. - Just one moment, Jedi.
    • 1126. - Holiday's latest viral safeguards need to upload--quite a weighty update this week.
      • 77. - Mm-hm, someone's been busy. I should give this my full attention. Goodnight!
        • 79. - Ah, Holiday. You are unique indeed.
          • 81. Option - You two seem very close.Player - You and Holiday clearly care for each other.
            • 87. - My affections are all-encompassing, Jedi. Though Holiday is special.
            • 88. - Naturally. She's proof that science and beauty can coexist.
          • 80. Option - What is Holiday, again?Player - She mentioned being more than a hologram, but little else.
            • 83. - Holiday? She's a holographic life form. "Alive" in all important ways, but without the inconveniences of a physical body.
          • 82. Option - She's not real, you know.Player - However much attention you lavish on her, Holiday's still just an image.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 91. - I thought a Jedi would be more considerate of one's metaphysical state.
              • 111. - Her former owner never appreciated Holiday's potential. That's a Hutt for you.
                • 112. Option - Sounds intriguing.Player - Holiday's last owner was a Hutt, then.
                • 113. Option - Was he on Nar Shaddaa?Player - You'd crossed paths with the Hutt Cartel before we met?
                  • 123. - Oh, no. I encountered him on Hutta.
                    • 125. - Glorzo, his name was. He collected rare technology, but he thought Holiday was just a novelty hologram. Imagine.
                      • 127. - I made a generous offer, but some scavenger had already struck a deal for her. So, Glorzo saw the chance for a little fun.
                        • 136. Option - Why not make a higher offer?Player - You make a good living. How could a simple scavenger compete with your funds?
                          • 139. - I was... between clients, and Hutta has expensive diversions.
                        • 133. Option - Go on.Player - What happened next?
                        • 132. Option - Never a good thing to hear.Player - Hutts have strange ideas about what constitutes "entertainment."
                          • 137. - Glorzo proposed a contest. The scavenger and I would head into the Vaal asteroid field--hopefully surviving more than two minutes.
                            • 142. - The first to bring back a stone from the Rukabi Major asteroid would win dear Holiday.
                              • 143. Option - That's no mean feat.Player - I hear approaching Rukabi Major is suicidal. There's too much debris around it.
                              • 144. Option - By risking your life?Player - This contest hardly seems fair.
                                • 150. - Of course not. How could Glorzo have fun if it was fair?
                              • 145. Option - And clearly, you won.Player - Holiday isn't in the scavenger's hands, so I can guess how it ended.
                                • 149. - I had the last laugh. Clever piloting is no match for knowing certain navigational algorithms.
                                  • 153. - I got the stone, returned days before the scavenger, and exchanged it for sweet Holiday.
                                    • 154. Option - A very chivalrous rescue.Player - So you heroically rescued Holiday from the grip of a cruel Hutt, and won her heart.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 165. - Someday it'll make an excellent holonovel.
                                        • 166. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 155. Option - And the scavenger?Player - I imagine your competitor wasn't happy about being beaten.
                                      • 162. - Pfft. What do I care? Holiday was safe.
                                        • 163. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 156. Option - I don't believe a word.Player - That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard.
                • 114. Option - Give me the short version.Player - Don't draw this out more than you need to.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 118. - Suffice to say, then, that I won Holiday in a little wager from a Hutt named Glorzo.
                    • 120. - My competitor, some scavenger from the Outer Rim, wasn't too happy to lose Holiday. But such is life.
                      • 121. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 122. - Still, this is all past. And you, my Jedi, have provided a most invigorating change from my usual activities.
                          • 167. Option - Thank you.Player - That's very gracious.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 179. - Sadly, I often find words inadequate to fully express myself.
                          • 268. Option - Enough. I'm spoken for.Player - I'd prefer to finish this conversation here. You know there's someone else.
                            • 269. - Though it pains me to acknowledge it. Very well.
                          • 175. Option - [Flirt] Oh really?Player - I didn't realize my company was so stimulating.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 182. - Indeed. Who knows what ideas you may inspire.
                          • 176. Option - I'm not "your" Jedi.Player - Stop trying to sweet-talk me.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 177. - A mere slip of the tongue. I'll guard it more carefully in future.
                        • 129. - Ah, but what's the past to the present? And we have things to do.
                          • 1395. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1112. - Could I discuss something with you? Preferably on the ship?
  • 1111. - Jedi, when you're free, could I have a moment of your time?
  • 1438. <Non-dialogue segment.>
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68733180000cb06bf0d"
    "Name": "Message in a Bottle",
    "NameId": "777814282338392",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Message in a Bottle",
        "frMale": "Un message dans une bouteille",
        "frFemale": "Un message dans une bouteille",
        "deMale": "Flaschenpost",
        "deFemale": "Flaschenpost"
    "Icon": "cdx.persons.consular.theran_cedrax",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
    "XpLevel": 27,
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        "frMale": "Partenaire",
        "frFemale": "Partenaire",
        "deMale": "Gef\u00e4hrte",
        "deFemale": "Gef\u00e4hrte"
    "Branches": [
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
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    "ClassesB62": [
    "ConversationGains": {
        "CompanionsParsed": {
            "ifIMuBA": {
                "enMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frFemale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deFemale": "Tharan Cedrax"
        "NodeText": {
            "K7dGzA2_31": {
                "enMale": "So being sought out and admired for creating wonders of technology; that meant nothing to you?",
                "frMale": "Alors \u00e7a ne repr\u00e9sente rien pour vous d'\u00eatre recherch\u00e9 et admir\u00e9 pour votre g\u00e9nie cr\u00e9atif ?",
                "frFemale": "Alors \u00e7a ne repr\u00e9sente rien pour vous d'\u00eatre recherch\u00e9 et admir\u00e9 pour votre g\u00e9nie cr\u00e9atif ?",
                "deMale": "Dass Ihr f\u00fcr die Erfindung technologischer Wunder bewundert wurdet, bedeutete Euch gar nichts?",
                "deFemale": "Dass Ihr f\u00fcr die Erfindung technologischer Wunder bewundert wurdet, bedeutete Euch gar nichts?"
            "K7dGzA2_49": {
                "enMale": "If it makes you feel more welcome, go ahead.",
                "frMale": "Pas de probl\u00e8me, si \u00e7a vous met plus \u00e0 l'aise.",
                "frFemale": "Pas de probl\u00e8me, si \u00e7a vous met plus \u00e0 l'aise.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du dich dadurch besser f\u00fchlst, nur zu.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du dich dadurch besser f\u00fchlst, nur zu."
            "K7dGzA2_51": {
                "enMale": "I don't want you \"improving\" my ship without permission. Understand?",
                "frMale": "Je vous interdis \"d'am\u00e9liorer\" mon vaisseau sans ma permission. Compris ?",
                "frFemale": "Je vous interdis \"d'am\u00e9liorer\" mon vaisseau sans ma permission. Compris ?",
                "deMale": "Ich will nicht, dass du mein Schiff ohne Erlaubnis \"verbesserst\", verstanden?",
                "deFemale": "Ich will nicht, dass du mein Schiff ohne Erlaubnis \"verbesserst\", verstanden?"
            "K7dGzA2_82": {
                "enMale": "However much attention you lavish on her, Holiday's still just an image.",
                "frMale": "Vous avez beau la traiter comme un \u00eatre vivant, Holiday n'est rien de plus qu'une image.",
                "frFemale": "Vous avez beau la traiter comme un \u00eatre vivant, Holiday n'est rien de plus qu'une image.",
                "deMale": "Egal, wie viel Aufmerksamkeit Ihr ihr schenkt, Holiday ist trotzdem nur ein Bild.",
                "deFemale": "Egal, wie viel Aufmerksamkeit Ihr ihr schenkt, Holiday ist trotzdem nur ein Bild."
            "K7dGzA2_114": {
                "enMale": "Don't draw this out more than you need to.",
                "frMale": "\u00c9pargnez-moi les d\u00e9tails et allez droit au but.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c9pargnez-moi les d\u00e9tails et allez droit au but.",
                "deMale": "Holt nicht weiter aus als unbedingt n\u00f6tig.",
                "deFemale": "Holt nicht weiter aus als unbedingt n\u00f6tig."
            "K7dGzA2_154": {
                "enMale": "So you heroically rescued Holiday from the grip of a cruel Hutt, and won her heart.",
                "frMale": "Alors en vrai h\u00e9ros, vous avez arrach\u00e9 Holiday des griffes d'un Hutt cruel et vous avez conquis son c\u0153ur.",
                "frFemale": "Alors en vrai h\u00e9ros, vous avez arrach\u00e9 Holiday des griffes d'un Hutt cruel et vous avez conquis son c\u0153ur.",
                "deMale": "Also habt Ihr Holiday heldenhaft aus den F\u00e4ngen eines grausamen Hutten gerettet und so ihr Herz gewonnen.",
                "deFemale": "Also habt Ihr Holiday heldenhaft aus den F\u00e4ngen eines grausamen Hutten gerettet und so ihr Herz gewonnen."
            "K7dGzA2_167": {
                "enMale": "That's very gracious.",
                "frMale": "C'est gentil \u00e0 vous.",
                "frFemale": "C'est gentil \u00e0 vous.",
                "deMale": "Das ist sehr freundlich.",
                "deFemale": "Das ist sehr freundlich."
            "K7dGzA2_175": {
                "enMale": "I didn't realize my company was so stimulating.",
                "frMale": "J'ignorais que ma compagnie \u00e9tait aussi stimulante.",
                "frFemale": "J'ignorais que ma compagnie \u00e9tait aussi stimulante.",
                "deMale": "Ich wusste nicht, dass meine Gesellschaft so anregend wirkt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wusste nicht, dass meine Gesellschaft so anregend wirkt."
            "K7dGzA2_176": {
                "enMale": "Stop trying to sweet-talk me.",
                "frMale": "Inutile d'essayer de me s\u00e9duire.",
                "frFemale": "Inutile d'essayer de me s\u00e9duire.",
                "deMale": "H\u00f6rt auf, S\u00fc\u00dfholz zu raspeln.",
                "deFemale": "H\u00f6rt auf, S\u00fc\u00dfholz zu raspeln."
            "K7dGzA2_192": {
                "enMale": "We should get rid of it, just in case.",
                "frMale": "On devrait s'en d\u00e9barrasser, au cas o\u00f9.",
                "frFemale": "On devrait s'en d\u00e9barrasser, au cas o\u00f9.",
                "deMale": "Wir sollten sie loswerden, sicher ist sicher.",
                "deFemale": "Wir sollten sie loswerden, sicher ist sicher."
            "K7dGzA2_207": {
                "enMale": "Tharan's technological work is famous. Perhaps someone is trying to get his attention.",
                "frMale": "Tharan est c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour ses dons en mati\u00e8re de technologie. Quelqu'un cherche peut-\u00eatre \u00e0 attirer son attention.",
                "frFemale": "Tharan est c\u00e9l\u00e8bre pour ses dons en mati\u00e8re de technologie. Quelqu'un cherche peut-\u00eatre \u00e0 attirer son attention.",
                "deMale": "Tharans technologische Arbeit ist ber\u00fchmt. Vielleicht will jemand seine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken.",
                "deFemale": "Tharans technologische Arbeit ist ber\u00fchmt. Vielleicht will jemand seine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich lenken."
            "K7dGzA2_209": {
                "enMale": "Probably some old flame getting revenge on Tharan.",
                "frMale": "C'est s\u00fbrement une ancienne conqu\u00eate qui cherche \u00e0 se venger de Tharan.",
                "frFemale": "C'est s\u00fbrement une ancienne conqu\u00eate qui cherche \u00e0 se venger de Tharan.",
                "deMale": "Wahrscheinlich irgendeine alte Flamme, die sich an Tharan r\u00e4chen will.",
                "deFemale": "Wahrscheinlich irgendeine alte Flamme, die sich an Tharan r\u00e4chen will."
            "K7dGzA2_244": {
                "enMale": "We'll never know if we don't try.",
                "frMale": "On saura jamais si on n'essaie pas.",
                "frFemale": "On saura jamais si on n'essaie pas.",
                "deMale": "Wir werden es nie herausfinden, wenn wir es nicht versuchen.",
                "deFemale": "Wir werden es nie herausfinden, wenn wir es nicht versuchen."
            "K7dGzA2_293": {
                "enMale": "You really are full of good ideas.",
                "frMale": "Vous \u00eates plein de bonnes id\u00e9es.",
                "frFemale": "Vous \u00eates plein de bonnes id\u00e9es.",
                "deMale": "Ihr steckt wirklich voller guter Ideen.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr steckt wirklich voller guter Ideen."
            "K7dGzA2_295": {
                "enMale": "I don't think so. Besides, you have a chemical to synthesize.",
                "frMale": "Sans fa\u00e7on. De toute mani\u00e8re, vous avez une solution \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer.",
                "frFemale": "Sans fa\u00e7on. De toute mani\u00e8re, vous avez une solution \u00e0 pr\u00e9parer.",
                "deMale": "Ich halte das f\u00fcr keine gute Idee. Au\u00dferdem wollt Ihr eine Chemikalie synthetisieren.",
                "deFemale": "Ich halte das f\u00fcr keine gute Idee. Au\u00dferdem wollt Ihr eine Chemikalie synthetisieren."
            "K7dGzA2_314": {
                "enMale": "Even so, I don't want to risk hurting Holiday. I'm sorry.",
                "frMale": "Non, je ne veux pas risquer de blesser Holiday. Je suis d\u00e9sol\u00e9e.",
                "frFemale": "Non, je ne veux pas risquer de blesser Holiday. Je suis d\u00e9sol\u00e9e.",
                "deMale": "Trotzdem m\u00f6chte ich nicht riskieren, Holiday zu verletzen. Es tut mir leid.",
                "deFemale": "Trotzdem m\u00f6chte ich nicht riskieren, Holiday zu verletzen. Es tut mir leid."
            "K7dGzA2_315": {
                "enMale": "Let no one say I didn't ask.",
                "frMale": "Personne pourra dire que j'ai pas demand\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Personne pourra dire que j'ai pas demand\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Nicht, dass hinterher jemand behauptet, ich h\u00e4tte nicht gefragt.",
                "deFemale": "Nicht, dass hinterher jemand behauptet, ich h\u00e4tte nicht gefragt."
            "K7dGzA2_316": {
                "enMale": "And I won't tell if you don't.",
                "frMale": "Et \u00e7a restera entre nous.",
                "frFemale": "Et \u00e7a restera entre nous.",
                "deMale": "Und ich sage nichts, wenn Ihr nichts sagt.",
                "deFemale": "Und ich sage nichts, wenn Ihr nichts sagt."
            "K7dGzA2_364": {
                "enMale": "Our encounter was short, but sweet. Thank you.",
                "frMale": "Notre relation fut courte, mais pleine de tendresse. Merci.",
                "frFemale": "Notre relation fut courte, mais pleine de tendresse. Merci.",
                "deMale": "Unsere Begegnung war kurz, aber sch\u00f6n. Danke.",
                "deFemale": "Unsere Begegnung war kurz, aber sch\u00f6n. Danke."
            "K7dGzA2_387": {
                "enMale": "Is there anything I can do for you?",
                "frMale": "Je peux me rendre utile\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Je peux me rendre utile\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Gibt es etwas, das ich tun kann?",
                "deFemale": "Gibt es etwas, das ich tun kann?"
            "K7dGzA2_405": {
                "enMale": "Your approach to science is quite... unique, Tharan.",
                "frMale": "Votre approche de la science est... unique, Tharan.",
                "frFemale": "Votre approche de la science est... unique, Tharan.",
                "deMale": "Euer wissenschaftlicher Ansatz ist ziemlich ... einmalig, Tharan.",
                "deFemale": "Euer wissenschaftlicher Ansatz ist ziemlich ... einmalig, Tharan."
            "K7dGzA2_422": {
                "enMale": "You must be very proud of yourselves.",
                "frMale": "Vous devez \u00eatre tr\u00e8s fiers de vous.",
                "frFemale": "Vous devez \u00eatre tr\u00e8s fiers de vous.",
                "deMale": "Ihr m\u00fcsst sehr stolz auf Euch sein.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr m\u00fcsst sehr stolz auf Euch sein."
            "K7dGzA2_474": {
                "enMale": "As I recall, a Vandrayk Generator runs on a form of energy that doesn't exist.",
                "frMale": "De m\u00e9moire, un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur Vandrayk fonctionne \u00e0 partir d'une forme d'\u00e9nergie qui n'existe pas.",
                "frFemale": "De m\u00e9moire, un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur Vandrayk fonctionne \u00e0 partir d'une forme d'\u00e9nergie qui n'existe pas.",
                "deMale": "So weit ich mich erinnere, wird ein Vandrayk-Generator mit einer Energieform betrieben, die es gar nicht gibt.",
                "deFemale": "So weit ich mich erinnere, wird ein Vandrayk-Generator mit einer Energieform betrieben, die es gar nicht gibt."
            "K7dGzA2_507": {
                "enMale": "If I can do something to make your generator a success, just ask.",
                "frMale": "Si je peux vous aider \u00e0 fabriquer votre g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur, alors il suffit de demander.",
                "frFemale": "Si je peux vous aider \u00e0 fabriquer votre g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur, alors il suffit de demander.",
                "deMale": "Wenn ich etwas daf\u00fcr tun kann, dass Euer Generator ein Erfolg wird, sagt es einfach.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn ich etwas daf\u00fcr tun kann, dass Euer Generator ein Erfolg wird, sagt es einfach."
            "K7dGzA2_510": {
                "enMale": "I don't like the sound of this.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a ne me dit rien de bon.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a ne me dit rien de bon.",
                "deMale": "Das klingt nach Problemen.",
                "deFemale": "Das klingt nach Problemen."
            "K7dGzA2_555": {
                "enMale": "The Council won't mind, I'm sure.",
                "frMale": "Je suis s\u00fbr que le conseil n'y verra aucun inconv\u00e9nient.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis s\u00fbre que le conseil n'y verra aucun inconv\u00e9nient.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin sicher, dass es dem Rat nichts ausmachen wird.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin sicher, dass es dem Rat nichts ausmachen wird."
            "K7dGzA2_556": {
                "enMale": "Lounging around drinking spiced wine isn't going to win the symposium, whatever your excuse.",
                "frMale": "C'est pas en tra\u00eenant et en buvant du vin \u00e9pic\u00e9 que vous remporterez le symposium, quelle que soit votre excuse.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pas en tra\u00eenant et en buvant du vin \u00e9pic\u00e9 que vous remporterez le symposium, quelle que soit votre excuse.",
                "deMale": "Mit Faulenzen und Gew\u00fcrzwein trinken werdet Ihr das Symposium nicht gewinnen - egal, was Eure Ausrede ist.",
                "deFemale": "Mit Faulenzen und Gew\u00fcrzwein trinken werdet Ihr das Symposium nicht gewinnen - egal, was Eure Ausrede ist."
            "K7dGzA2_557": {
                "enMale": "Don't fall back into bad habits. If you wish, I can teach you a technique to improve your mental discipline.",
                "frMale": "Ne reprenez pas vos mauvaises habitudes. Si vous voulez, je peux vous enseigner une technique pour am\u00e9liorer votre discipline mentale.",
                "frFemale": "Ne reprenez pas vos mauvaises habitudes. Si vous voulez, je peux vous enseigner une technique pour am\u00e9liorer votre discipline mentale.",
                "deMale": "Lasst blo\u00df keine schlechten Angewohnheiten wieder aufleben. Wenn Ihr wollt, kann ich Euch eine Technik beibringen, um Eure geistige Disziplin zu verbessern.",
                "deFemale": "Lasst blo\u00df keine schlechten Angewohnheiten wieder aufleben. Wenn Ihr wollt, kann ich Euch eine Technik beibringen, um Eure geistige Disziplin zu verbessern."
            "K7dGzA2_618": {
                "enMale": "Give me the note and I'll guarantee payment for you.",
                "frMale": "Donnez-moi cette lettre. Je vais me porter garant du paiement.",
                "frFemale": "Donnez-moi cette lettre. Je vais me porter garante du paiement.",
                "deMale": "Gebt mir die Nachricht und ich werde f\u00fcr Euch b\u00fcrgen.",
                "deFemale": "Gebt mir die Nachricht und ich werde f\u00fcr Euch b\u00fcrgen."
            "K7dGzA2_619": {
                "enMale": "Settling your debts will improve your reputation, and your suppliers will be more helpful.",
                "frMale": "Vous gagneriez en r\u00e9putation en honorant vos dettes, et vos fournisseurs coop\u00e9reraient plus facilement.",
                "frFemale": "Vous gagneriez en r\u00e9putation en honorant vos dettes, et vos fournisseurs coop\u00e9reraient plus facilement.",
                "deMale": "Die Begleichung Eurer Schulden verbessert Euren Ruf, und Eure Lieferanten w\u00e4ren hilfsbereiter.",
                "deFemale": "Die Begleichung Eurer Schulden verbessert Euren Ruf, und Eure Lieferanten w\u00e4ren hilfsbereiter."
            "K7dGzA2_620": {
                "enMale": "You created this situation, get yourself out of it.",
                "frMale": "Vous vous \u00eates mis tout seul dans ce p\u00e9trin, \u00e0 vous de vous en sortir.",
                "frFemale": "Vous vous \u00eates mis tout seul dans ce p\u00e9trin, \u00e0 vous de vous en sortir.",
                "deMale": "Ihr habt Euch selbst in diese Lage gebracht, also m\u00fcsst Ihr auch selbst wieder aus ihr herauskommen.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr habt Euch selbst in diese Lage gebracht, also m\u00fcsst Ihr auch selbst wieder aus ihr herauskommen."
            "K7dGzA2_639": {
                "enMale": "If it's really going to cost that much, you'll need time to get the money together.",
                "frMale": "Si \u00e7a co\u00fbte aussi cher que \u00e7a, vous aurez besoin de temps pour r\u00e9unir une telle somme.",
                "frFemale": "Si \u00e7a co\u00fbte aussi cher que \u00e7a, vous aurez besoin de temps pour r\u00e9unir une telle somme.",
                "deMale": "Wenn das wirklich so viel kostet, werdet Ihr lange brauchen, um das Geld zusammen zu bekommen.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn das wirklich so viel kostet, werdet Ihr lange brauchen, um das Geld zusammen zu bekommen."
            "K7dGzA2_640": {
                "enMale": "If you cut back on your lifestyle, I'm sure you'll survive.",
                "frMale": "Adoptez un style de vie plus modeste et je suis s\u00fbr que vous survivrez.",
                "frFemale": "Adoptez un style de vie plus modeste et je suis s\u00fbre que vous survivrez.",
                "deMale": "Wenn Ihr Euren Lebensstil einschr\u00e4nkt, k\u00f6nnt Ihr sicher \u00fcberleben.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn Ihr Euren Lebensstil einschr\u00e4nkt, k\u00f6nnt Ihr sicher \u00fcberleben."
            "K7dGzA2_735": {
                "enMale": "If you want to talk, I'm always happy to listen.",
                "frMale": "Je suis toujours dispos\u00e9 \u00e0 vous \u00e9couter, vous le savez.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis toujours dispos\u00e9e \u00e0 vous \u00e9couter, vous le savez.",
                "deMale": "Wenn Ihr reden wollt, h\u00f6re ich immer gerne zu.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn Ihr reden wollt, h\u00f6re ich immer gerne zu."
            "K7dGzA2_771": {
                "enMale": "You're going to win that symposium, and be written about in scientific journals from here to Geonosis.",
                "frMale": "Vous allez remporter le symposium et on parlera de vous dans toutes les revues scientifiques d'ici \u00e0 G\u00e9onosis.",
                "frFemale": "Vous allez remporter le symposium et on parlera de vous dans toutes les revues scientifiques d'ici \u00e0 G\u00e9onosis.",
                "deMale": "Ihr werdet das Symposium gewinnen und Ihr werdet in wissenschaftlichen Magazinen von hier bis Geonosis Erw\u00e4hnung finden.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr werdet das Symposium gewinnen und Ihr werdet in wissenschaftlichen Magazinen von hier bis Geonosis Erw\u00e4hnung finden."
            "K7dGzA2_772": {
                "enMale": "When you crave something too much, desire often serves to blind you.",
                "frMale": "L'envie qu'on nourrit au plus profond de nous finit souvent par nous aveugler.",
                "frFemale": "L'envie qu'on nourrit au plus profond de nous finit souvent par nous aveugler.",
                "deMale": "Wenn man etwas zu sehr begehrt, wird man von der Sehnsucht oft geblendet.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn man etwas zu sehr begehrt, wird man von der Sehnsucht oft geblendet."
            "K7dGzA2_859": {
                "enMale": "You've made scientific history today.",
                "frMale": "Vous entrez aujourd'hui dans les annales de la science.",
                "frFemale": "Vous entrez aujourd'hui dans les annales de la science.",
                "deMale": "Ihr habt heute Wissenschaftsgeschichte geschrieben.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr habt heute Wissenschaftsgeschichte geschrieben."
            "K7dGzA2_860": {
                "enMale": "Don't my contributions count for anything?",
                "frMale": "On dirait que vous oubliez que je vous ai aid\u00e9 !",
                "frFemale": "On dirait que vous oubliez que je vous ai aid\u00e9 !",
                "deMale": "Z\u00e4hlt mein Beitrag denn gar nichts?",
                "deFemale": "Z\u00e4hlt mein Beitrag denn gar nichts?"
            "K7dGzA2_931": {
                "enMale": "Then I hope it's a lovely wedding, and you have a dozen holo-children.",
                "frMale": "J'esp\u00e8re que vous aurez un beau mariage et une dizaine d'holob\u00e9b\u00e9s.",
                "frFemale": "J'esp\u00e8re que vous aurez un beau mariage et une dizaine d'holob\u00e9b\u00e9s.",
                "deMale": "Dann hoffe ich, dass es eine wundervolle Hochzeit wird, aus der ein Dutzend Holokinder folgen werden.",
                "deFemale": "Dann hoffe ich, dass es eine wundervolle Hochzeit wird, aus der ein Dutzend Holokinder folgen werden."
            "K7dGzA2_939": {
                "enMale": "You're helping the person you care for, at the cost of your own dream.",
                "frMale": "Vous avez aid\u00e9 une personne qui vous est ch\u00e8re, au prix de votre propre r\u00eave.",
                "frFemale": "Vous avez aid\u00e9 une personne qui vous est ch\u00e8re, au prix de votre propre r\u00eave.",
                "deMale": "Ihr helft der Person, die Euch wichtig ist, auf Kosten Eures eigenen Traums.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr helft der Person, die Euch wichtig ist, auf Kosten Eures eigenen Traums."
            "K7dGzA2_940": {
                "enMale": "You're a better scientist than all of them put together.",
                "frMale": "Vous \u00eates plus brillant que tous ces scientifiques r\u00e9unis.",
                "frFemale": "Vous \u00eates plus brillant que tous ces scientifiques r\u00e9unis.",
                "deMale": "Ihr seid ein besserer Wissenschaftler als der ganze Club zusammen.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr seid ein besserer Wissenschaftler als der ganze Club zusammen."
            "K7dGzA2_1056": {
                "enMale": "Thank you both, very much.",
                "frMale": "Merci beaucoup \u00e0 vous deux.",
                "frFemale": "Merci beaucoup \u00e0 vous deux.",
                "deMale": "Ich danke Euch beiden sehr.",
                "deFemale": "Ich danke Euch beiden sehr."
            "K7dGzA2_1062": {
                "enMale": "Trouble is eternal. I'll be glad to have you.",
                "frMale": "L'aventure n'arr\u00eate jamais. Je serai ravi de vous avoir \u00e0 mes c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
                "frFemale": "L'aventure n'arr\u00eate jamais. Je serai ravie de vous avoir \u00e0 mes c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
                "deMale": "\u00c4rger wird es immer geben. Ich bin froh, Euch zu haben.",
                "deFemale": "\u00c4rger wird es immer geben. Ich bin froh, Euch zu haben."
            "K7dGzA2_1068": {
                "enMale": "I'm glad I met you, Tharan.",
                "frMale": "Je suis content de vous avoir rencontr\u00e9, Tharan.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis contente de vous avoir rencontr\u00e9, Tharan.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin froh, Euch getroffen zu haben, Tharan.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin froh, Euch getroffen zu haben, Tharan."
            "K7dGzA2_1074": {
                "enMale": "You're welcome.",
                "frMale": "De rien.",
                "frFemale": "De rien.",
                "deMale": "Gern geschehen.",
                "deFemale": "Gern geschehen."
            "K7dGzA2_1177": {
                "enMale": "This invitation is a great honor, but don't let it go to your head.",
                "frMale": "Cette invitation est un honneur, mais que cela ne vous monte pas \u00e0 la t\u00eate.",
                "frFemale": "Cette invitation est un honneur, mais que cela ne vous monte pas \u00e0 la t\u00eate.",
                "deMale": "Diese Einladung ist eine gro\u00dfe Ehre, aber lasst Euch das nicht zu Kopf steigen.",
                "deFemale": "Diese Einladung ist eine gro\u00dfe Ehre, aber lasst Euch das nicht zu Kopf steigen."
            "K7dGzA2_1231": {
                "enMale": "Would you rather be a poor man with a Vandrayk Generator, or a rich man whose dreams are unfulfilled?",
                "frMale": "Vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rez \u00eatre un homme pauvre avec un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur Vandrayk ou un homme riche ayant renonc\u00e9 \u00e0 ses r\u00eaves ?",
                "frFemale": "Vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rez \u00eatre un homme pauvre avec un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur Vandrayk ou un homme riche ayant renonc\u00e9 \u00e0 ses r\u00eaves ?",
                "deMale": "W\u00e4rt Ihr lieber ein armer Mann mit einem Vandrayk-Generator oder ein reicher Mann, dessen Tr\u00e4ume unerf\u00fcllt bleiben?",
                "deFemale": "W\u00e4rt Ihr lieber ein armer Mann mit einem Vandrayk-Generator oder ein reicher Mann, dessen Tr\u00e4ume unerf\u00fcllt bleiben?"
            "K7dGzA2_1238": {
                "enMale": "This Shorjin is a stranger. I should come with you.",
                "frMale": "Ce Shorjin est un inconnu. Je ferais mieux de vous accompagner.",
                "frFemale": "Ce Shorjin est un inconnu. Je ferais mieux de vous accompagner.",
                "deMale": "Dieser Shorjin ist ein Fremder. Ich sollte mit Euch kommen.",
                "deFemale": "Dieser Shorjin ist ein Fremder. Ich sollte mit Euch kommen."
            "K7dGzA2_1240": {
                "enMale": "Don't start gambling and end up too poor for a shuttle back.",
                "frMale": "T\u00e2chez de ne pas perdre vos cr\u00e9dits au jeu. Vous avez une navette de retour \u00e0 prendre.",
                "frFemale": "T\u00e2chez de ne pas perdre vos cr\u00e9dits au jeu. Vous avez une navette de retour \u00e0 prendre.",
                "deMale": "Fangt nicht an zu spielen, damit Ihr nicht am Ende zu arm seid, um Euch die F\u00e4hre zur\u00fcck leisten zu k\u00f6nnen.",
                "deFemale": "Fangt nicht an zu spielen, damit Ihr nicht am Ende zu arm seid, um Euch die F\u00e4hre zur\u00fcck leisten zu k\u00f6nnen."
            "K7dGzA2_1279": {
                "enMale": "Your generator's going to be a landmark discovery. Is there nothing we can do?",
                "frMale": "Votre g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur sera une d\u00e9couverte majeure. Nous ne pouvons rien faire ?",
                "frFemale": "Votre g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur sera une d\u00e9couverte majeure. Nous ne pouvons rien faire ?",
                "deMale": "Euer Generator wird eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung sein. K\u00f6nnen wir denn nichts dagegen tun?",
                "deFemale": "Euer Generator wird eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung sein. K\u00f6nnen wir denn nichts dagegen tun?"
            "K7dGzA2_1281": {
                "enMale": "If the generator will break the moment you turn it on, what's the use of making one?",
                "frMale": "Si le g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur est d\u00e9truit imm\u00e9diatement apr\u00e8s son d\u00e9marrage, quel est l'int\u00e9r\u00eat d'en fabriquer un ?",
                "frFemale": "Si le g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur est d\u00e9truit imm\u00e9diatement apr\u00e8s son d\u00e9marrage, quel est l'int\u00e9r\u00eat d'en fabriquer un ?",
                "deMale": "Wenn der Generator zerst\u00f6rt wird, sobald Ihr ihn anschaltet, was soll dann der Sinn der Sache sein?",
                "deFemale": "Wenn der Generator zerst\u00f6rt wird, sobald Ihr ihn anschaltet, was soll dann der Sinn der Sache sein?"
            "K7dGzA2_1291": {
                "enMale": "I'm sorry to hear that.",
                "frMale": "Je suis navr\u00e9 de l'entendre.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis navr\u00e9e de l'entendre.",
                "deMale": "Das h\u00f6rt man nicht gern.",
                "deFemale": "Das h\u00f6rt man nicht gern."
            "K7dGzA2_1384": {
                "enMale": "This is your future we're discussing. You deserve a say.",
                "frMale": "Il s'agit de votre avenir. Vous avez votre mot \u00e0 dire.",
                "frFemale": "Il s'agit de votre avenir. Vous avez votre mot \u00e0 dire.",
                "deMale": "Wir diskutieren hier \u00fcber deine Zukunft. Du verdienst es, mitzuentscheiden.",
                "deFemale": "Wir diskutieren hier \u00fcber deine Zukunft. Du verdienst es, mitzuentscheiden."
        "AffectionGainTable": {
            "K7dGzA2_31": [
                    "CompanionId": "ifIMuBA",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "K7dGzA2_49": [
                    "CompanionId": "ifIMuBA",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "K7dGzA2_51": [
                    "CompanionId": "ifIMuBA",
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