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Hidden Wealth

Reward Level Range: -
Hidden Wealth
Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.

Scan local ore deposits for traces of exonium.
Locate Exonium Deposits: 0/3
Return to Larvon
Mission Rewards
Provided Rewards:
Level 1-75
Hidden Wealth
Locate Exonium Deposits: 0/3
2) Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search. ...
Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.

Deliver your data on exonium deposits to Larvon.
Return to Larvon
Command XP: 600
Category: Rishi
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 3.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Hidden Wealth
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 17. - We're not here to fight--just taking mineral readings.
  • 23. - Exonium's no hollinium, but it's worth a few credits.
  • 18. Player - You were scanning for exonium deposits?
    • 21. - Stars... you could power an army with ore like that. Guess you've earned a share, whatever you need it for.
  • 7. - Unexplored territory means big risk, big reward jobs. Could be worse.
  • 25. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 9. - This isn't like those meteor mining jobs. These people will kill us for sure!
      • 11. - You want to walk away? You've seen the orbital scans. There could be enough exonium here to supply half the galaxy.
        • 13. - Or it could be a sensor glitch.
          • 15. - Won't know until we survey the place, will we?
    • 19. - We were. We were about to pull out. Are those the readings?
      • 20. <Conversation Exit>
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb4389633180000cb08c65d"
    "Name": "Hidden Wealth",
    "NameId": "3384361214804056",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Hidden Wealth",
        "frMale": "Richesse cach\u00e9e",
        "frFemale": "Richesse cach\u00e9e",
        "deMale": "Versteckter Reichtum",
        "deFemale": "Versteckter Reichtum"
    "Icon": "cdx.lore.rishi.exonium",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
    "XpLevel": 57,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
    "CanAbandon": false,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611300",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Rishi",
        "frMale": "Rishi",
        "frFemale": "Rishi",
        "deMale": "Rishi",
        "deFemale": "Rishi"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
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                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": true,
                    "JournalText": "Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.\r\n\r\nScan local ore deposits for traces of exonium.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.\r\n\r\nScan local ore deposits for traces of exonium.",
                        "frMale": "Des prospecteurs sont \u00e0 la recherche de gisements d'exonium sur Rishi, mais les contr\u00e9es sauvages de l'\u00eele Cr\u00eate c\u00e9leste sont trop dangereuses pour qu'ils les inspectent.\r\n\r\nScannez les d\u00e9p\u00f4ts de minerais pour y trouver des traces d'exonium.",
                        "frFemale": "Des prospecteurs sont \u00e0 la recherche de gisements d'exonium sur Rishi, mais les contr\u00e9es sauvages de l'\u00eele Cr\u00eate c\u00e9leste sont trop dangereuses pour qu'ils les inspectent.\r\n\r\nScannez les d\u00e9p\u00f4ts de minerais pour y trouver des traces d'exonium.",
                        "deMale": "Prospektoren suchen auf Rishi nach wertvollen Exonium-Vorkommen, aber die Gefahren der Wildnis auf der Himmelsgrat-Insel verhindern, dass sie dort Nachforschungen anstellen k\u00f6nnen.\r\n\r\nScanne \u00f6rtliche Erzvorkommen nach Exonium-Spuren.",
                        "deFemale": "Prospektoren suchen auf Rishi nach wertvollen Exonium-Vorkommen, aber die Gefahren der Wildnis auf der Himmelsgrat-Insel verhindern, dass sie dort Nachforschungen anstellen k\u00f6nnen.\r\n\r\nScanne \u00f6rtliche Erzvorkommen nach Exonium-Spuren."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Locate Exonium Deposits",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Locate Exonium Deposits",
                                "frMale": "Localiser les gisements d'exonium",
                                "frFemale": "Localiser les gisements d'exonium",
                                "deMale": "Finde Exonium-Vorkommen",
                                "deFemale": "Finde Exonium-Vorkommen"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": true,
                            "CountMax": 3,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                            "Id": 2,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 5,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcIds": [
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.\r\n\r\nDeliver your data on exonium deposits to Larvon.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "Prospectors are searching for valuable exonium deposits on Rishi, but the wilds of Sky Ridge Island are too dangerous for them to search.\r\n\r\nDeliver your data on exonium deposits to Larvon.",
                        "frMale": "Des prospecteurs sont \u00e0 la recherche de gisements d'exonium sur Rishi, mais les contr\u00e9es sauvages de l'\u00eele Cr\u00eate c\u00e9leste sont trop dangereuses pour qu'ils les inspectent.\r\n\r\nRemettez vos donn\u00e9es sur les d\u00e9p\u00f4ts d'exonium \u00e0 Larvon.",
                        "frFemale": "Des prospecteurs sont \u00e0 la recherche de gisements d'exonium sur Rishi, mais les contr\u00e9es sauvages de l'\u00eele Cr\u00eate c\u00e9leste sont trop dangereuses pour qu'ils les inspectent.\r\n\r\nRemettez vos donn\u00e9es sur les d\u00e9p\u00f4ts d'exonium \u00e0 Larvon.",
                        "deMale": "Prospektoren suchen auf Rishi nach wertvollen Exonium-Vorkommen, aber die Gefahren der Wildnis auf der Himmelsgrat-Insel verhindern, dass sie dort Nachforschungen anstellen k\u00f6nnen.\r\n\r\nBring deine Daten \u00fcber die Exonium-Vorkommen zu Larvon.",
                        "deFemale": "Prospektoren suchen auf Rishi nach wertvollen Exonium-Vorkommen, aber die Gefahren der Wildnis auf der Himmelsgrat-Insel verhindern, dass sie dort Nachforschungen anstellen k\u00f6nnen.\r\n\r\nBring deine Daten \u00fcber die Exonium-Vorkommen zu Larvon."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Return to Larvon",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Return to Larvon",
                                "frMale": "Rejoindre Larvon",
                                "frFemale": "Rejoindre Larvon",
                                "deMale": "Kehre zu Larvon zur\u00fcck",
                                "deFemale": "Kehre zu Larvon zur\u00fcck"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
    "Items": {
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            "Id": "16141009971439328083"
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    "CreditsRewarded": 5630,
    "XP": 0,
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    "F2PXP": 0,
    "CommandXP": 600,
    "HashedIcon": "3153037031_3580331310",
    "BranchCount": 1,
    "ClassesB62": [],
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    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.1a",
    "hash": "55071196",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "ClassesAllowed": []