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Reward Level Range: -
Requires:Bounty Hunter
Command XP: 600
Category: Companion
Can Abandon: Yes
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: Private Spot
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: A-Okay
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Influence Gains (click to expand)
ChoiceAffection Gains
The least I could do for the old man was win this thing.
  • Mako:
Thought it might mean something to you, too.
  • Mako:
I'm in this for your sake more than his.
  • Mako:
We'll win this thing and avenge Braden. Just stick with me.
  • Mako:
Figure I ought to at least finish this for the old man.
  • Mako:
I think Braden would say that I didn't win this without your help.
  • Mako:
It's not exactly every day you get a shot at the Great Hunt.
  • Mako:
You say that like I should care.
  • Mako:
I didn't think there was anyone on Hutta who wouldn't sell their own mother for a quick credit.
  • Mako:
Got more than just armor I could show you.
  • Mako:
A guy's got to make an impression. Nothing can be small.
  • Mako:
You're so skinny, you could probably make that work.
  • Mako:
Wearing this stuff drives men crazy. You need a flamethrower to keep them away.
  • Mako:
I don't have time to talk about armor.
  • Mako:
You want any help, let me know.
  • Mako:
Least you can do for the old man is honor his wishes. See what you can find out.
  • Mako:
I need you to focus on what we're doing, Mako.
  • Mako:
There's a lot you don't know about me. Maybe I'm in disguise.
  • Mako:
I thought you'd know by now that nobody on the 'net ever agrees about anything.
  • Mako:
Doesn't matter what the other hunters are doing. Stick with me and we'll win this for Braden.
  • Mako:
We've got this thing in the bag, Mako. We'll do Braden proud.
  • Mako:
How impressed are you to be working with a legend?
  • Mako:
You never had to worry about her.
  • Mako:
I keep expecting Bloodworthy to call and say this was just more hazing.
  • Mako:
She was never my favorite person exactly.
  • Mako:
Not much of a fairy tale ending. Shouldn't I get a handsome prince, or something?
  • Mako:
Tell me something I need to know.
  • Mako:
If someone's gettin' shot, they're angry.
  • Mako:
Doesn't hurt to stay on their good side.
  • Mako:
I don't need to know about Mandalorian moods.
  • Mako:
Imperial officers need a few people trying to kill them. Keeps them on their toes.
  • Mako:
Makes no difference to me if they all die.
  • Mako:
Seems to me I should have a share of the credits for that.
  • Mako:
Wonder exactly how much he'll tell about his little "adventure."
  • Mako:
Aren't enough credits in the galaxy to get me to take that job.
  • Mako:
Might be interested in that.
  • Mako:
The guy's smart, using this to make some credits.
  • Mako:
Do I look like I care about your implant?
  • Mako:
You're the best slicer in the sector. You'll find something.
  • Mako:
Sounds like he's asking to get shot.
  • Mako:
Let's look him up, find out who sent him.
  • Mako:
You already thought he was SIS.
  • Mako:
Trying a little hard to dig up intel on a guy we left in the dust, aren't you?
  • Mako:
If there's any intel on this guy at all, you'll find it.
  • Mako:
This isn't important, Mako.
  • Mako:
All that stuff just gets in the way of business.
  • Mako:
Could be a bunch of people wondering where you are right now.
  • Mako:
You find your long-lost family, next thing you know, they're hitting you up for a loan.
  • Mako:
I followed you up to "poking." Everything after that coulda been in Huttese.
  • Mako:
There a point to this?
  • Mako:
No point risking your neck if there's no money in it.
  • Mako:
Anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do.
  • Mako:
I know you want to find out where you're from, but It's not doing Braden's memory any favors if you die.
  • Mako:
Anyone goes to that much trouble to keep a secret, it's got to be something serious.
  • Mako:
I need you focused on our target, Mako. Don't get sidetracked.
  • Mako:
Get it over with so we can get back to work.
  • Mako:
How could I pass this up? Go ahead when you're ready.
  • Mako:
I've got your back, Mako. Call her.
  • Mako:
Don't know if it's weirder that you're being hunted by multiple agents, or that you know 'em all personally.
  • Mako:
Seems to me you better start explaining.
  • Mako:
Got to be hiding something.
  • Mako:
She's your sister. We can look for Izak if you want. Your call.
  • Mako:
You finally talked to your sister. What's your take on her?
  • Mako:
Whatever it is, stay out of it. We don't need to borrow trouble.
  • Mako:
You're really upset about this.
  • Mako:
You don't look so good.
  • Mako:
I'm here if you need me.
  • Mako:
You're slowing me down. Pull yourself together.
  • Mako:
You've got the aim of a three-legged bantha.
  • Mako:
Guns and my favorite girl? Sign me up.
  • Mako:
Thought I told you not to waste time on that when we had real work?
  • Mako:
SIS probably won't mind at all, then. Seem like real understanding guys.
  • Mako:
Sounds like SIS is doing some cleanup.
  • Mako:
I know you got your hopes up. Wish it had turned out better.
  • Mako:
My time is yours. Say the word.
  • Mako:
That's what I'm here for, stopping angry looks from strangers.
  • Mako:
We want answers. Start talking.
  • Mako:
Think it might be in your best interest to talk sooner, rather than later.
  • Mako:
Funny how you just happen to be on your way out.
  • Mako:
She wanted you to fight those girls on Dromund Kaas, Mako. Got what she wanted no matter who won.
  • Mako:
Got to be where she's hiding.
  • Mako:
I don't think you want to be more involved in this than you already are.
  • Mako:
I'm a bounty hunter. I'm not getting paid to chat.
  • Mako:
You don't have to yell at me. I know I've screwed up lately.
  • Mako:
You got something to say, say it. Otherwise, get back to work.
  • Mako:
I start letting jobs eat at me, I'm not going to last long in this business, Mako.
  • Mako:
Lots of what I do gets to me. I just don't go around talking about it.
  • Mako:
We don't have time for this. Save it for later.
  • Mako:
Tell me something I don't know.
  • Mako:
If you've said what you have to say, get back to work.
  • Mako:
I've made some mistakes, but I'm trying to hang on to my honor.
  • Mako:
Exactly what does that make you, then?
  • Mako:
You could probably use some TLC, too.
  • Mako:
Might be time to take a break from business. Go get some R&R.
  • Mako:
Talk to me. Haven't heard much from you lately.
  • Mako:
We covered the ship, now what's your status?
  • Mako:
We should go somewhere, just you and me.
  • Mako:
Could show you some fun right here, if you want.
  • Mako:
A little trouble might be fun.
  • Mako:
We can talk about it later.
  • Mako:
You've got to admit, they're on to something.
  • Mako:
If you're one of them, I might just have to get closer to my fans.
  • Mako:
Don't suppose you've changed your mind about things?
  • Mako:
Unless they're offering me credits, I don't care.
  • Mako:
If you got nothing else useful to say, let's move on.
  • Mako:
If one of us was going to have fans, I'd think it would be you.
  • Mako:
I wouldn't mind having fans as pretty as you.
  • Mako:
So you've had some time. Change your mind about us?
  • Mako:
I don't care if we're meant to be. I still want you.
  • Mako:
I did it for you.
  • Mako:
You don't feel just a little bit unprofessional?
  • Mako:
I might, this once, accept payment in kisses.
  • Mako:
Guess we'll have to stop working together.
  • Mako:
Anyone who tells me you can't mix business and pleasure is looking to get shot.
  • Mako:
I can think of at least one good use for an empty ship...
  • Mako:
Sounds about perfect, doesn't it?
  • Mako:
Must've been pretty bad. Better not to think about, really.
  • Mako:
I know what you mean.
  • Mako:
This the part where things get mushy?
  • Mako:
Want me to say it, for you? I love you.
  • Mako:
Let's make this an official contract. What do you say?
  • Mako:
Scale of one to ten, how much do you think you want to get married?
  • Mako:
We've got to get back to work soon.
  • Mako:
I might get around to it.
  • Mako:
You think he's interested?
  • Mako:
It's a bad idea, Mako. Never date people you work with.
  • Mako:
He definitely looks at you. Go talk to him.
  • Mako:
I don't think he's interested.
  • Mako:
That's what I'm here for. And if he breaks your heart, I'll shoot him.
  • Mako:
Don't hurt him, or I'll probably have to shoot you.
  • Mako:
Wish it'd been different.
  • Mako:
Don't have time to deal with second thoughts right now.
  • Mako:
Things have been a little rocky, but they'll get better.
  • Mako:
Don't know why you think I'm interested in listening to you complain.
  • Mako:
Might help if I knew why you were upset.
  • Mako:
No point trying to talk about anything when you're this angry.
  • Mako:
I didn't want this to happen.
  • Mako:
Was wondering how long I'd have to put up with your whining.
  • Mako:
Suppose I could do worse than that.
  • Mako:
That's what I've been trying to tell you.
  • Mako:
I'm glad to have you around, Mako.
  • Mako:
And if someone put a bounty on your head, I'd shoot them for you.
  • Mako:
Bad idea ticking off SIS for no reason.
  • Mako:
You're getting pretty good.
  • Mako:
Wasn't much of an improvement.
  • Mako:
What are you standing around for? Go.
  • Mako:
  • Torian Cadera:
Gotta be ready with proof, if you're going to make claims like that, Torian.
  • Mako:
  • Torian Cadera:
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 39. - About the whole "Great Hunt" thing.... Thanks. It'd mean a lot to Braden that you stuck with it.
    • 162. Option - This was my victory.Player - I didn't do this as a favor to anyone.
      • 172. - Cool your engines, nobody's trying to steal your trophy or anything.
    • 160. Option - Figured I owed him.Player - The least I could do for the old man was win this thing.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 161. Option - [Flirt] This was for you.Player - Thought it might mean something to you, too.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 174. - That's really... sweet. Probably untrue, but sweet. Thanks.
    • 166. Option - He'd be proud of us both.Player - I think Braden would say that I didn't win this without your help.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 173. - You don't have to tell me how awesome I am: I already know. It's my moment of humility, just run with it, okay?
    • 167. Option - This isn't a favor.Player - This is my hunt. It's what I was born to do.
      • 168. - Just like the old man.
    • 165. Option - Don't mention it.Player - Figure I ought to at least finish this for the old man.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 171. - Thanks. Already said that, didn't I?
    • 164. Option - We'll make him proud.Player - We'll win this thing and avenge Braden. Just stick with me.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 170. - I'm not going anywhere.
    • 163. Option - [Flirt] What's it mean to you?Player - I'm in this for your sake more than his.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 169. - That's sweet in a "total and complete lie" kind of way.
        • 178. - Great Hunt was Braden's dream. Talked about it for years. Day he told me he'd found you...
          • 192. - Should've seen him. Grinning and laughing so much I thought his face would split in half.
            • 194. Option - I was lucky he found me.Player - It's not exactly every day you get a shot at the Great Hunt.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 193. Option - Are you sure it was Braden?Player - Laughing doesn't sound like something he did much of.
              • 197. - Thought maybe he'd gone crazy.
                • 198. - Winning this thing... it would've meant more to him than revenge.
                  • 204. - So... I'm going to skip saying "Thank you" again, because you get the idea already. Let's just get moving.
            • 200. Option - Great. Can we get to work now?Player - You say that like I should care.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 196. - Right. Never mind, then.
                • 199. <Conversation Exit>
  • 878. - So, Torian... he's kind of cute, don't you think?
    • 879. Option - He's a good shot.Player - Good aim, solid tracker.
      • 1028. - Way to miss the point of the question.
    • 880. Option - Definitely easy on the eyes.Player - I don't mind looking at him, that's for sure.
      • 1027. - So, you think maybe he's your type, then?
    • 881. Option - He's too docile.Player - He's okay, I guess. Sort of like a tame kath hound.
      • 1026. - You don't like him?
        • 1373. Option - We just work together.Player - I don't mix business and pleasure.
        • 1374. Option - I might be interested.Player - He's good-looking and Mandalorian. What's not to like?
          • 1384. - Well, you should say something to him, then! What are you waiting for?
            • 1387. Option - Maybe I will.Player - I might get around to it.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1400. - Right. I'm holding my breath.
            • 1388. Option - He doesn't seem to like me.Player - He's not exactly screaming encouragements.
            • 1389. Option - Think I should?Player - You think he's interested?
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1398. - You should see how he looks at you. Quit torturing the boy and go talk to him.
        • 1390. Option - We didn't work out.Player - We don't get along as well as you might think.
          • 1393. - Ouch, sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
        • 1375. Option - He's not my type.Player - He's just not what I'm looking for.
          • 1385. - Because I sort of... think I like him.
            • 1395. - I think he's interested in me, but... he's really good at the "Mandalorian" thing. It's hard to tell what he's thinking.
              • 1403. Option - Don't get involved.Player - It's a bad idea, Mako. Never date people you work with.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1407. - You're right. I should know better. I do know better!
                  • 1409. - It's his arms, they're just so-- I shouldn't have let them get to me.
              • 1404. Option - I think he likes you.Player - He definitely looks at you. Go talk to him.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1410. - Really? I will! Thanks! You're the best!
              • 1405. Option - He's not into you.Player - I don't think he's interested.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1406. - Yeah, you're probably right.
                  • 1411. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1542. - You can actually cook? You?
    • 1544. - Of course.
      • 1546. - I can't imagine you in a kitchen.
        • 1548. - Hardly ever been in a kitchen. Mostly cook in the field.
          • 1549. Option - Back to work, you two.Player - What are you standing around for? Go.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1554. Option - You should make her something.Player - Gotta be ready with proof, if you're going to make claims like that, Torian.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1561. Option - Don't mind me.Player - I won't interrupt. Just passing through.
            • 1566. - Enough chit-chat. We've both got stuff to do.
            • 1576. - Are you busy? Maybe you could help me work on my shot?
  • 1383. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1415. - Hey, about earlier? Thanks.
      • 1419. - Torian's a great guy! I think it it might actually work out.
        • 1426. Option - Don't lose your head.Player - Just don't get all lovesick on me.
          • 1429. - I'll go practice making puppy eyes somewhere else, then. Thanks again!
        • 1424. Option - No problem.Player - That's what I'm here for. And if he breaks your heart, I'll shoot him.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1428. - You're the best.
        • 1425. Option - Be good to him.Player - Don't hurt him, or I'll probably have to shoot you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1427. - Got it. Thanks again.
    • 1416. - Thanks for your advice earlier. About Torian, I mean.
      • 1421. - It probably wouldn't have worked out.
    • 1417. - So... that basically didn't work.
      • 1423. - I like Torian, but I don't think I get him.
        • 1431. Option - It's for the best.Player - You work together. Better this way.
          • 1439. - Yeah. It would've gotten weird and messy anyhow.
        • 1432. Option - I'm sorry.Player - Wish it'd been different.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1438. - Well, there's no shortage of good-looking Mandalorians out there. Maybe next time.
        • 1433. Option - He's just not your type.Player - I don't think you guys were right for each other.
          • 1437. - You're probably right.
            • 1440. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1324. - It's strange. I haven't always known you. It just doesn't seem possible.
    • 1330. - It's gotten hard to remember what life was like before we met.
      • 1331. Option - The past doesn't matter.Player - Don't waste time on it. Now is what's important.
      • 1332. Option - How did you live without me?Player - Must've been pretty bad. Better not to think about, really.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1335. - Yeah. Pretty traumatic, all the years I spent without your ego.
      • 1333. Option - I understand.Player - I know what you mean.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1336. - I love you, you know. You probably guessed that already.
          • 1341. Option - I know.Player - You don't have to tell me.
            • 1345. - Yeah, but I feel slightly better for saying it out loud.
          • 1342. Option - What happens now?Player - This the part where things get mushy?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1347. - No, this is probably where Blizz runs over, chased by ten angry droids.
            • 1348. - Probably this is where Torian wanders over and asks what we're doing.
          • 1343. Option - I love you, too.Player - Want me to say it, for you? I love you.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
            • 1346. - Man, I wish I'd gotten a holo recording of that.
              • 1349. Option - Marry me.Player - Let's make this an official contract. What do you say?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1361. - When you put it that way, how can a girl possibly say no?
                  • 1366. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1350. Option - What do you think of weddings?Player - Scale of one to ten, how much do you think you want to get married?
                +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1362. - If you're asking? Ten. If it's Gault: negative fifty.
                  • 1365. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 1580. - Just one to ten scale? That's not nearly good enough. Got to go at least to fifty...
                  • 1581. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1351. Option - Enjoy this while it lasts.Player - We've got to get back to work soon.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1363. - Mister Romance strikes again. I suppose we should get to work, huh?
                  • 1639. <Conversation Exit>
  • 78. - You know what? You're okay.
    • 1490. Option - I'm a pro.Player - "Okay" is for amateurs.
      • 1497. - No, I mean...
    • 1491. Option - Thanks.Player - Suppose I could do worse than that.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1498. - Hey, from me, that's the highest praise.
    • 1492. Option - [Flirt] You just notice that?Player - That's what I've been trying to tell you.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1495. - Sort of egotistical, but still okay.
    • 1493. Option - You're okay, too.Player - I'm glad to have you around, Mako.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1494. - When Braden first talked about you, I don't know what I expected, but whatever it was, you're better.
        • 1506. - What I want to say is: You're awesome, and if you were lost in the same sector, I would definitely give you directions.
          • 1507. Option - Good to know.Player - I'll keep that in mind.
          • 1508. Option - I am pretty awesome.Player - Can't argue with that kind of thinking.
          • 1509. Option - I'd do the same for you.Player - And if someone put a bounty on your head, I'd shoot them for you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1510. - You wouldn't collect on it, first? That's really sweet of you!
              • 1514. - All right, anyway, you get the point. Let's get back to work.
                • 1629. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1305. - Hey, I was scanning the holonet and lost track of time.
    • 1312. - Where is everybody? It's so quiet, I thought for a second I'd gotten on the wrong ship.
      • 1308. Option - Out and about.Player - We've got plenty of work to do. They should be busy.
        • 1313. - Then let's not waste our chance to be alone.
      • 1309. Option - [Flirt] Good opportunity.Player - I can think of at least one good use for an empty ship...
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1315. - Oh really?
      • 1310. Option - [Flirt] So, it's just us...Player - Sounds about perfect, doesn't it?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1314. - You might be on to something there.
          • 1316. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 1318. - You know, I could get used to this. Peace, quiet, total lack of Gault...
            • 1321. - Okay, admit it: You pitched the guys out an air lock. It's okay. I won't judge. This time, anyway.
              • 1637. <Conversation Exit>
  • 73. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1059. - Mind holding my hand while I do something stupid?
    • 74. - Feel like watching my back through another scary holocall? I survived the last one, but this... might just get me.
      • 1061. - Remember that datapad we got from Carteri about a million years ago? I cracked it.
        • 1064. - I got a holo frequency for Izak. Mister Project 32 himself. I can't... do this without you.
          • 1065. Option - Make the call.Player - Let's see this guy.
            • 1070. - Want to take bets on whether he's ten meters tall and breathes fire? Right. Quit stalling, Mako...
          • 1066. Option - Deadly holocalls. My favorite.Player - That's what I'm here for, stopping angry looks from strangers.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1069. - Perfect! Just sort of stand there and look imposing. Pretty much like you always do.
          • 1067. Option - He's not going to talk.Player - There's no way he'll answer questions for you.
            • 1068. - That's what you're here for. I thought having the biggest bounty hunter in the galaxy backing me up might help.
              • 1074. - What's this?
                • 1078. - Okay, before we get started, let's set something straight: My name is Mako. M-A-K-O. Got it?
                  • 1080. - Call me "Coral" and so help me, I will find a way to punch you through the holonet.
                    • 1082. - Mako? Now that's a name I never thought I'd hear again.
                      • 1083. Option - This isn't a social call.Player - We want answers. Start talking.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1088. - Believe me, I would love to talk to Mako. I've got plenty of questions, myself.
                      • 1084. Option - That's adorable, Mako.Player - It's like a family reunion with your long-lost SIS goon.
                        • 1087. - Yeah, I've got all kinds of warm fuzzies right now.
                      • 1085. Option - You know who she is?Player - You're the first person who didn't insist she was Coral.
                        • 1086. - I can imagine. Mako's been presumed dead for twenty years. No one was expecting her to turn up now.
                          • 1092. - Unfortunately for both of us, I don't have much time for conversation at the moment.
                            • 1095. Option - Make time.Player - Think it might be in your best interest to talk sooner, rather than later.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1103. - Normally, I'd agree with you on that.
                            • 1097. Option - What a coincidence.Player - Funny how you just happen to be on your way out.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1099. - You did manage to get me at a bad time.
                            • 1098. Option - Why not?Player - You got something better to do?
                              • 1096. - My team has pinpointed Coral's location. Finding her is my priority.
                                • 1107. - Mako, a word of warning: This isn't the life you want. Whatever happens, stay away from Coral.
                                  • 1109. - Why? What do you want with her? What did she do?
                                    • 1111. - She's killed most of the people involved in Project 32.
                                      • 1113. - I can only assume she'll try to kill you, too. She's gotten almost everyone else.
                                        • 1118. Option - Sounds like you need help.Player - She's killed a lot of SIS. Seems to me you need to hire some outside assistance.
                                          • 1121. - This operation fails, hunter, I might just give you a call.
                                        • 1114. Option - She set us up.Player - She wanted you to fight those girls on Dromund Kaas, Mako. Got what she wanted no matter who won.
                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                          • 1117. - That low-down, motherless rancor! I knew it was fishy, and I walked right into it! I am such an idiot!
                                        • 1119. Option - Why should we trust you?Player - You haven't given us a whole lot of reason to believe what you say.
                                          • 1120. - Believe what you like. I'm afraid I'm still out of time.
                                            • 1125. - Mako, I'll contact you after my team's taken Coral into custody. We have a lot to talk about. Izak out.
                                              • 1129. - I'm intercepting all his outgoing transmissions. Looks like... yes, I have the coordinates he's sending out.
                                                • 1130. Option - Coral's location.Player - Got to be where she's hiding.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 1133. - That's exactly what I was thinking.
                                                • 1131. Option - You're waiting patiently.Player - You're doing real well at this, "waiting to hear back from Izak" stuff so far.
                                                  • 1134. - Did you hear me say, "Sure, Izak, I'll just sit here, twiddling my thumbs, until you call back!"?
                                                • 1132. Option - Bad idea.Player - I don't think you want to be more involved in this than you already are.
                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                  • 1135. - Coral owes me answers, and I'm not going to get them unless I get to her first.
                                                    • 1139. - I've downloaded the coordinates to the nav computer. Let's go pay my sister a friendly visit.
                                                      • 1140. <Conversation Exit>
  • 72. - Remember the guy Coral said was after her? Izak? The one we were supposed to stop on Dromund Kaas?
    • 1029. Option - I remember.Player - Target didn't show up. Hard to forget that.
      • 1034. - Everything else has sort of dead-ended, thought maybe I'd try to see what I could find on him.
    • 1030. Option - What about him?Player - Find something out?
      • 1033. - A little bit.
    • 1031. Option - Not really.Player - Don't remember an "Izak."
      • 1032. - Can't exactly blame you for that, since we never actually met him.
        • 1038. - He's SIS, no surprise there. So there's not much to find.
          • 1042. - Except for this: He's assigned to Project 32. The same project all my relatives seem to be associated with.
            • 1043. Option - Meaning what?Player - You got any idea what that means?
              • 1048. - I don't know yet. He's important, though, I can tell you that much.
            • 1044. Option - Your lucky number.Player - You should head to one of Nar Shaddaa's casinos and play that number. Probably make some credits.
              • 1047. - Right now I feel like maybe gambling isn't a great idea.
            • 1045. Option - No surprise there.Player - I think we could've guessed that.
              • 1046. - Yeah, it's not exactly a huge revelation.
                • 1050. - Searching for his name tripped all kinds of security. So... don't be surprised if a lot of uniforms are looking for us.
                  • 1056. - I think I might take up a new hobby for a while. A safer one. Like nexu grooming.
                    • 1627. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1306. - Hey, got a minute? I wanted to talk to you.
    • 1283. - I just wanted to say... thanks. For the Coral thing. You didn't have to do all that.
      • 1284. Option - Yes I did.Player - I did it for you.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1287. Option - [Flirt] How grateful are you?Player - I might, this once, accept payment in kisses.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1285. - You can't go around saying stuff like that! We've got a business contract here, stay professional!
      • 1286. Option - You still want to be friends?Player - You don't feel just a little bit unprofessional?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1289. - It's not about what I feel! We've got work...
          • 1294. Option - We can work, too.Player - Anyone who tells me you can't mix business and pleasure is looking to get shot.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1298. - How can I argue with that? You're like some kind of romantic genius.
          • 1292. Option - [Kiss her] You're fired.Player - Guess we'll have to stop working together.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1293. Option - You don't mean that.Player - Stop pretending. It'll be okay. Trust me.
            • 1296. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1302. - Okay, so all that stuff I said before? The whole not mixing work and whatever? I've officially changed my mind.
                • 1635. <Conversation Exit>
  • 70. - Got a few minutes? Maybe you could give me a few pointers on my pistol technique?
    • 948. Option - Guess I can spare a minute.Player - Doesn't hurt to get some practice in.
      • 987. - Won't take long, I promise.
    • 949. Option - About time you practiced.Player - You've got the aim of a three-legged bantha.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 986. - It's a wonder you can put up with me, isn't it? Your patience is really the stuff of legend.
    • 950. Option - [Flirt] Love to.Player - Guns and my favorite girl? Sign me up.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 985. - You're so cute when you're thinking about shooting stuff.
      • 1522. - So now is good?
    • 983. Option - Of course.Player - My time is yours. Say the word.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 984. - How about now?
        • 990. - Because actually, I just wanted to show off. I've got a new shot, and I can't wait for you to see it!
          • 997. - In fact, I'm sort of looking forward to seeing it in action, myself.
            • 1523. - So, what do you think?
              • 1524. Option - Let's put it to use.Player - Ought to try it out on a real target, I think.
                • 1533. - Couldn't have suggested better myself.
              • 1525. Option - Not bad.Player - You're getting pretty good.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1530. - Thanks!
              • 1526. Option - I've seen better.Player - Wasn't much of an improvement.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 1529. - Hey! Next time we see some action, I'll show you an improvement!
                  • 1532. - Let's move. I kind of want to shoot something now.
                    • 1625. <Conversation Exit>
  • 65. - What is it they say about curiosity again? Does it involve lavish paid vacations? Maybe Trandoshani flatcakes?
    • 952. - So, I may have gone back into the SIS computers. Just a little.
      • 953. Option - Didn't I tell you to stop?Player - Thought I told you not to waste time on that when we had real work?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 956. - Okay, technically, maybe you said something like that. But it's really hard to verify.
      • 1518. Option - You're asking for trouble.Player - Bad idea ticking off SIS for no reason.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1519. - I've got a reason! Most of a reason, anyway.
      • 954. Option - It's only a little, huh?Player - SIS probably won't mind at all, then. Seem like real understanding guys.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 957. - Sure. I mean, what could go wrong?
      • 955. Option - And you found something.Player - You wouldn't be telling me this if you didn't see something in there.
        • 958. - Am I that obvious? Have to work on that.
          • 962. - Remember how I said I found birth certificates for my family? A dozen of them?
            • 966. - Well, I found out that ten of them also have death certificates.
              • 967. Option - Probably not natural causes.Player - Sounds like SIS is doing some cleanup.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 973. - Cleanup. Like they were all dirt someone tracked in.
              • 968. Option - No family dinners, then.Player - Guess that means there's nobody wondering why you don't call.
                • 972. - You know, I'd even planned my excuse for missing holidays, too.
              • 970. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I know you got your hopes up. Wish it had turned out better.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 971. - I'll get over it. Not like I haven't got tons of orphan experience already.
                  • 977. - I guess it's just me and Coral now.
                    • 981. - Well, on that cheery note, let's move on, huh?
                      • 1623. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1238. - So, you want to hear the latest news from the holonet?
    • 1247. - There's a lot of buzz about you. Apparently, you have a fan club now.
      • 1251. Option - Waste of time.Player - Unless they're offering me credits, I don't care.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1254. - It's got to be the armor. They can't possibly admire you for your charm.
      • 1248. Option - [Flirt] They got good taste.Player - You've got to admit, they're on to something.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1253. - They are. Admiring you from afar? Way better than being close enough to smell you.
          • 1262. Option - We done?Player - If you got nothing else useful to say, let's move on.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
            • 1270. - Yes, sir.
          • 1264. Option - [Flirt] You joining the club?Player - I wouldn't mind having fans as pretty as you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1263. Option - [Flirt] Smarter to admire you.Player - If one of us was going to have fans, I'd think it would be you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1265. Option - [Flirt] Think things over yet?Player - So you've had some time. Change your mind about us?
            +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1249. Option - [Flirt] You going to join it?Player - If you're one of them, I might just have to get closer to my fans.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1255. - You're really cute, you know that?
      • 1250. Option - [Flirt] Rather hear about us.Player - Don't suppose you've changed your mind about things?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1252. - What do you want me to say? I like you, but it's a bad idea.
          • 1257. - It's not going to work. It's a small ship. Nowhere to go when things get ugly.
            • 1261. - We're just not meant to be involved.
              • 1275. Option - If that's what you want.Player - That's how we'll play it, then.
              • 1274. Option - So that's it?Player - Just friends? End of story?
                • 1277. - Strictly business. No matter how much you give me that... sort of melty look.
              • 1276. Option - I'm not giving up.Player - I don't care if we're meant to be. I still want you.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1319. - There's that melty look again. I'm going to go back to work now.
                  • 1633. <Conversation Exit>
  • 884. - Sorry, did you say something? I'm sort of... half here. Not feeling so good.
    • 917. - I keep seeing those dead girls... my sisters... And I feel... queasy. Anyway, sorry. Did you need something?
      • 929. Option - Keep your head on straight.Player - That's past. Don't let it get in the way of what you're doing.
        • 933. - Yeah, I know. Sorry.
      • 930. Option - You okay?Player - You don't look so good.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 934. - I'm fine. Just... really weirded out. Don't think that's a medical condition.
      • 931. Option - You want to talk about it?Player - I'm here if you need me.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 935. - Thanks. Can you cure a massive case of being freaked out?
          • 937. - I don't exactly know how to get over seeing myself--two of me--die.
            • 943. - And you know the worst part? Coral didn't tell me. Didn't say a word about other sisters.
              • 944. Option - Get over it.Player - You're slowing me down. Pull yourself together.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 945. - Right. Because nothing helps like kicking a girl when she's down. Thanks.
              • 851. Option - Seem to be a lot of you.Player - Definitely plenty of Makos around these days.
                • 854. - One identical sister was sorta neat. Three is weird. Trying to kill me? Creepy.
              • 850. Option - We need some answers.Player - Coral has some explaining to do.
                • 855. - No kidding. I'm getting answers out of somebody if it kills me. Or them. Preferably them.
                  • 859. - Let's get moving before I get even more weirded out.
                    • 862. <Conversation Exit>
  • 59. - SIS should throw their ciphers a party! With clowns! And a juggling bantha.
    • 758. - Stupid datapad is impossible to decrypt. But! Not all is lost!
      • 760. - Found a holo address. For Coral. I think. I mean, it could be her. I sort of... wanted you around when I called her.
        • 762. Option - [Flirt] Wouldn't miss it.Player - How could I pass this up? Go ahead when you're ready.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 909. - Sure, because this will be fun. Sort of like flying into a black hole.
        • 763. Option - I'm here for you.Player - I've got your back, Mako. Call her.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 910. - What's the worst that can happen? It's not her. Or it is her, and she instantly hates me. Not a problem.
        • 761. Option - Just make it quick.Player - Get it over with so we can get back to work.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 908. - That's you, encouraging as always.
        • 764. Option - You don't need me for that.Player - Nobody can shoot you in a holocall. What're you scared of?
          • 765. - Right. Nothin' to worry about. Just a stupid call.
            • 770. - Hello?
              • 772. - Hi... Coral? It's Coral, right? I'm Mako.
                • 774. - Mother of--Mako? My little sister, Mako? I can't believe it! I thought... I thought you were dead! How did you find me?
                  • 778. - Wasn't exactly easy... ran into an SIS guy looking for you.
                    • 780. - Izak? The SIS agent, was his name Izak?
                      • 781. Option - Not Izak.Player - Name was Carteri.
                      • 782. Option - You know them by name?Player - Don't know if it's weirder that you're being hunted by multiple agents, or that you know 'em all personally.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 783. Option - What trouble are you in?Player - Seems to me you better start explaining.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 784. - Oh no! Mako, you've got to help me! Please!
                          • 789. - If you're going to tell me SIS is after you? I already figured that out.
                            • 793. - Carteri's just one of the agents after me. Izak's the one leading them. If he finds me...
                              • 795. - What? What's he want you for?
                                • 797. - I've got to go. I've been on this channel too long already.
                                  • 799. - He's on Dromund Kaas, looking for me right now. If there's anything you can do to stop him...
                                    • 801. - Wait, Coral, what's going on? Why is he after you?
                                      • 803. - They're already trying to trace my location! I have to go. Please! You're the only hope I've got!
                                        • 805. - What is it with people never answering my questions?
                                          • 806. Option - Suspicious.Player - Got to be hiding something.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 811. - That was weird, wasn't it? Wasn't just me, right?
                                          • 808. Option - So, what do you think?Player - You finally talked to your sister. What's your take on her?
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 812. - She's... really like me, isn't she? I really have a sister.
                                          • 807. Option - Want to help her?Player - She's your sister. We can look for Izak if you want. Your call.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 810. - Let's go to Dromund Kaas.
                                              • 817. <Conversation Exit>
  • 57. - Remember how I said I'd avoid SIS databases for the time being?
    • 741. - Decided this was a good time to take a crack at the encryption on that SIS creep Carteri's datapad.
      • 743. - The encryption is crazy! Someone threw a solid wall of credits into keeping this thing secure.
        • 745. Option - Sounds like something big.Player - Anyone goes to that much trouble to keep a secret, it's got to be something serious.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 896. - That's the scary part.
        • 746. Option - Don't waste time on it.Player - I need you focused on our target, Mako. Don't get sidetracked.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 895. - I'm not! I'm just fiddling around with it in my spare time.
        • 744. Option - You sound surprised.Player - SIS has deep pockets. Nothing newsworthy there.
          • 749. - The security on this datapad is tighter than anything I've seen. Even the classified stuff.
            • 897. - I mean, I'm seriously getting the creeps now.
              • 903. - What's my family involved in that's worth this kind of money to the Republic?
                • 905. Option - This is really eating you.Player - You're really upset about this.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 920. - I don't know if it's about my family, or Braden, or just a puzzle I can't solve. It's making me crazy.
                • 904. Option - Not our problem.Player - Whatever it is, stay out of it. We don't need to borrow trouble.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 919. - That's probably the smart approach.
                • 906. Option - You sure you want to know?Player - Whatever they're hiding could be pretty messy.
                  • 921. - Whatever it is, I've got to find out.
                    • 925. - Anyway, thanks for listening to me babble. Much appreciated.
                      • 1619. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1202. - Been running some diagnostics on the ship. Hyperdrive seems to need a little TLC.
    • 1204. - We ought to get it looked at. What's worse than a neglected hyperdrive?
      • 1205. Option - Thanks for the warning.Player - Don't want it breaking down on us. I'll deal with it.
        • 1208. - Nothing else to report. Should we get back to work?
          • 1211. Option - Yeah.Player - Let's get moving.
            • 1225. - You got it.
          • 1213. Option - [Flirt] What's the rush?Player - Talk to me. Haven't heard much from you lately.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1214. Option - [Flirt] How're you doing?Player - We covered the ship, now what's your status?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1220. - I'm okay. Better, now the Great Hunt's over. Could use a chance to unwind, though.
      • 1206. Option - [Flirt] A neglected Mako?Player - You could probably use some TLC, too.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1209. - All work and no play makes for a dull slicer. I wouldn't exactly say no to a vacation.
      • 1207. Option - [Flirt] All work and no play.Player - Might be time to take a break from business. Go get some R&R.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1210. - Taking a break sounds good. What did you have in mind?
          • 1212. Option - I'll think about it.Player - We might have to make some plans. I'll let you know.
            • 1228. - You planning a vacation... this should be something to see.
          • 1215. Option - [Flirt] We should get away.Player - We should go somewhere, just you and me.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1232. - Look, I like you. You're fun. And you look good in durasteel. But it's a really bad idea for us to get involved.
              • 1234. - Never mix business and pleasure, you know? Leads to trouble.
                • 1235. Option - You might be right.Player - I suppose you've got a point, there.
                  • 1239. - If that's settled, let's get back to work, huh?
                • 1236. Option - [Flirt] Could be worth it.Player - A little trouble might be fun.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1241. - Don't hold your breath, big guy.
                • 1237. Option - [Flirt] Think about it.Player - We can talk about it later.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1242. - Right. Let's get back to work, okay?
          • 1216. Option - [Flirt] Back of the ship?Player - Could show you some fun right here, if you want.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1217. - Smooth. Real smooth. But I'm pretty sure you couldn't.
              • 1631. <Conversation Exit>
  • 55. - Remember that SIS project number I found? 32?
    • 694. - Turns out, if you search for it in enough super-secret Republic databases, it gets noticed.
      • 696. - Ran into a little... trouble. Like, "If I keep doing this, the chance of mysteriously disappearing goes up dramatically" sort of trouble.
        • 700. Option - Is that all?Player - Doesn't sound so bad. You let that scare you off?
          • 703. - Thought I'd ask you to test it. Maybe the billion or so agents they'll send just hand out free candy!
        • 697. Option - Call it quits.Player - No point risking your neck if there's no money in it.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 704. - Well, I'm not poking around the SIS data for a while, anyway.
        • 698. Option - [Flirt] Be careful.Player - Anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 702. - You just know you can't find another slicer who'll put up with you.
        • 699. Option - Don't get yourself killed.Player - I know you want to find out where you're from, but It's not doing Braden's memory any favors if you die.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 701. - I'm actively working on the "not dying" thing, no worries.
            • 733. - Figure there are other, less... hazardous channels I can look into.
              • 738. - I'll... ah... let you know if I decide to do anything stupid. Or more likely, let you know after.
                • 1617. <Conversation Exit>
  • 53. - You know, SIS computers? Way easier to slice than I thought. Which is sort of worrying, now that I think about it.
    • 647. - Did some poking around in a few classified Republic databases. Found my birth certificate! Well, maybe.
      • 649. - Found a dozen birth certificates, all with a gene stamp a lot like mine.
        • 652. Option - Not real precise.Player - A dozen is a lot of targets. Doesn't tell us where to start looking.
          • 891. - Well, no. It doesn't. But it's still a great find.
        • 650. Option - You want to say that in Basic?Player - I followed you up to "poking." Everything after that coulda been in Huttese.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 651. Option - So?Player - There a point to this?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 653. - Cool your hyperdrive, I'm getting to the good stuff.
            • 658. - My family's records! It's got to be! Parents, siblings, maybe grandparents, who knows what else?
              • 661. - No names or dates, though. Just an SIS project number: 32. Have to keep looking, see what else I can find.
                • 1615. <Conversation Exit>
  • 252. - That new armor?
    • 253. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 254. - I like it. Makes your arms look bigger. Not that they needed it.
        • 258. Option - My armor's not important.Player - We've got work to do. Focus on that.
          • 265. - Sometimes I forget that you were raised by mynocks and never learned to carry a conversation.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 257. Option - [Flirt] I'm a big guy.Player - A guy's got to make an impression. Nothing can be small.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 267. - Except your ego. That's pretty dainty.
        • 256. Option - [Flirt] You checking me out?Player - Got more than just armor I could show you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 266. - Really? Because I have been curious about the targeting system for your rocket launcher....
      • 255. - How do you manage to make durasteel look good? If I wore that, people'd think I strapped on a shipping crate.
        • 261. Option - We've got work to do.Player - I don't have time to talk about armor.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 262. - Sorry, I forgot you were allergic to friendly conversation. Wouldn't want you to break out in hives.
        • 260. Option - Guys love a girl in durasteel.Player - Wearing this stuff drives men crazy. You need a flamethrower to keep them away.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 264. - I dunno... they probably like the flamethrower, too. I've seen the way they look at it.
        • 259. Option - You could pull it off.Player - You're so skinny, you could probably make that work.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 263. - More likely, I'd get loaded into a cargo compartment and smuggled to Corellia.
            • 274. - Anyway, we've got things to do, people to hunt.
              • 1611. <Conversation Exit>
  • 51. - That guy, Carteri from Nar Shaddaa? Remember him? Doesn't exist.
    • 603. Option - Pretty sure he does.Player - We met him so he's real. Fake identity?
      • 606. - I dunno. I'm not sure he wasn't a holo. Or maybe a bunch of mynocks in a human-suit.
    • 604. Option - Carteri's a false lead.Player - The guy was too much of a wuss to be important. Probably can't lead you to anything useful.
      • 605. - But the guy is... invisible or something.
    • 602. Option - He turn up dead?Player - Figured he'd get in front of a blaster sooner or later.
      • 607. - No, no. He's not dead. Not far as I know, anyway.
        • 611. - I can't find out anything about him. Nothing!
          • 614. Option - Can't find a spy.Player - You already thought he was SIS.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 622. - Yeah, but he was such a wimp, I sort of threw that theory out.
          • 618. Option - You're wasting time.Player - This isn't important, Mako.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 619. - Kinda important to me!
          • 617. Option - Something'll turn up.Player - If there's any intel on this guy at all, you'll find it.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 620. - I hope you're right.
          • 615. Option - [Flirt] Why so interested?Player - Trying a little hard to dig up intel on a guy we left in the dust, aren't you?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 621. - You jealous? Of a guy who squealed at the first sign of a blaster? Today just keeps getting better.
              • 627. - You know what's weird? More I look at that holo of Coral... more it makes me think.
                • 632. - If I've got a sister, what else've I got? Aunts? Uncles? Cousins? Maybe I've been missing family dinners my whole life.
                  • 633. Option - You don't need that.Player - All that stuff just gets in the way of business.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 638. - Yeah, probably right on that.
                  • 635. Option - They'll just ask for money.Player - You find your long-lost family, next thing you know, they're hitting you up for a loan.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 637. - Or asking me to do the dishes. Guess I'm better off.
                  • 634. Option - Maybe they missed you, too.Player - Could be a bunch of people wondering where you are right now.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 636. - Think so? Probably all torqued at me. "That Mako! She never calls! She never writes!"
                      • 640. - Still, I've got to wonder... how're they connected to SIS? Something I need to figure out.
                        • 1613. <Conversation Exit>
  • 47. - Been talking to some people.
    • 555. - One of my contacts just had some guy on Nar Shaddaa asking about me.
      • 558. Option - Asking what?Player - Exactly what's he want to know about you?
      • 556. Option - Could be trouble.Player - Sounds like he's asking to get shot.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 562. - Hear any objections? Me neither.
      • 559. Option - Ex-boyfriend?Player - Probably one of these in every spaceport. You should learn to let 'em down easy.
        • 560. - Cute. Real cute. No, not anyone I know.
          • 564. - My contact says the guy practically screams "spook." He's asking about my "whereabouts."
            • 569. - Goes by the name of Carteri. The spook, not my contact. I think we have time to pay him a visit, don't you?
              • 570. Option - We better.Player - I'm not leaving him loose to come after us. We'll deal with him soon.
              • 571. Option - I want to meet this guy.Player - Let's look him up, find out who sent him.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 574. - All right. Then we have a plan.
              • 572. Option - Might get around to it.Player - If we're in the neighborhood, maybe.
                • 573. - I'll be holding my breath.
                  • 576. <Conversation Exit>
  • 44. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 45. - Mandalorians really weren't kidding about wanting Jicoln Cadera out of the way.
      • 469. - There's all kinds of celebrating going on. Least I think that's what they're doing.
        • 471. - Sort of hard to tell celebrating Mandalorians from angry ones.
          • 474. Option - There a point to this?Player - I don't need to know about Mandalorian moods.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 500. - Excuse me for telling you what people say about you.
          • 472. Option - Here's a hint.Player - If someone's gettin' shot, they're angry.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 502. - I'll keep that in mind for next time we meet Mandalore.
          • 473. Option - Glad they're happy.Player - Doesn't hurt to stay on their good side.
            +200 Influence : approves.
    • 217. - Entire Imperial military went nuts over Admiral Ivernus' death.
      • 475. - So much backstabbing's going on, whoever finally gets his post'll have to be made of durasteel.
        • 482. Option - Any bounties posted?Player - Those Imperials want some of their rivals taken out, I could oblige.
          • 499. - I'll check into it. Got to be someone in the market for a hunter.
        • 483. Option - It's good practice.Player - Imperial officers need a few people trying to kill them. Keeps them on their toes.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 498. - In that case, whoever gets the job will be super qualified.
        • 484. Option - So? Player - Makes no difference to me if they all die.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 497. - There you go again, being all friendly and optimistic. Sort of sickening, really.
    • 218. - Remember Lord Dak-ah?
      • 464. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 465. - The Altacas announced his triumphant return home from harrowing captivity.
          • 481. - He's already being asked to travel and talk about it.
            • 485. Option - Ought to get a cut.Player - Seems to me I should have a share of the credits for that.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 496. - Good point! I'll see if I can't get in touch with his people.
            • 487. Option - Might be worth a laugh.Player - Wonder exactly how much he'll tell about his little "adventure."
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 495. - Might have to pick up a recording and find out.
            • 491. Option - Good for him.Player - The guy's smart, using this to make some credits.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 503. - Guy's got business sense, anyway.
        • 466. - Or rather, Lady Dak-ah? I found this posting... no names on it, but it sounds like her.
          • 479. - Think she's in the market for a new... toy. Gross.
            • 488. Option - No money is enough for that.Player - Aren't enough credits in the galaxy to get me to take that job.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 494. - You said it!
            • 489. Option - Any takers?Player - She find someone to take his place?
              • 493. - Didn't look that far into it. Tell you the truth, I... don't want to know.
            • 490. Option - How much is she offering?Player - Might be interested in that.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 492. - Nothing I can say to that except: Eww.
                • 509. - So... been sort of wondering what kind of people put classified government doodads in their kids' heads.
                  • 530. - Figured there had to be something in the official records I could dig up.
                    • 533. Option - Get anything useful?Player - Don't suppose you found something worth some credits?
                      • 885. - I wish.
                    • 535. Option - You found them?Player - Well, don't keep me in suspense.
                    • 531. Option - Why are you telling me this?Player - Do I look like I care about your implant?
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 888. - If I can put up with your smell, you can listen to me ramble once in a while.
                        • 536. - Nothing came up in official channels. Means I probably wasn't born on the Smuggler's Moon.
                          • 542. - But I figure, someone on Nar Shaddaa's got to remember them, right? Just have to keep asking.
                            • 543. Option - Doesn't narrow much down.Player - Lots of people go through the Smugglers' Moon and nobody notices. Might be a waste of time.
                              • 549. - I know, but I've got to try anyway.
                            • 546. Option - Got a theory?Player - You must have some notion who they were.
                              • 548. - No. But I like to imagine they're smugglers. Tragically shot down hauling a cargo of illegal gizkas.
                            • 544. Option - Keep looking.Player - You're the best slicer in the sector. You'll find something.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 547. - Thanks! I'll keep you posted.
                                • 1609. <Conversation Exit>
  • 42. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 43. - Word spreads fast. Whole HoloNet's in shock about what happened.
      • 364. - Bloodworthy dead, Defenestrator dead... no one can believe it.
        • 371. - No one's shedding any tears for Jewl'a Nightbringer, though.
          • 372. Option - We'll deliver their payback.Player - Sooner I get my hands on that Jedi, the better.
            • 379. - We'll find him.
          • 373. Option - [Flirt] Still jealous?Player - You never had to worry about her.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 378. - Don't know. I was pretty sure she could kill people with her breath.
          • 375. Option - I can't say I miss her either.Player - She was never my favorite person exactly.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 377. - I assume she killed her targets with her personality.
          • 374. Option - I can't believe it either.Player - I keep expecting Bloodworthy to call and say this was just more hazing.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 376. - Yeah. Just when we join ranks with living legends the list gets dramatically shortened. Not what I was expecting, really.
    • 215. - Death of the Durasteel Duke is the biggest news on the holonet.
      • 357. - Nobody's more surprised than the people of Alderaan. A lot of lords and ladies throwing around accusations about who's responsible.
        • 366. - I'll bet a bunch were just stunned that he turned out to be real.
          • 368. Option - I don't hunt stories.Player - Nobody pays you to kill boogeymen.
            • 382. - Could look into it, though. Might be good business hunting ghosts.
          • 369. Option - [Flirt] Guess I'm a big deal.Player - How impressed are you to be working with a legend?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 383. - I'm awestruck. Wonder how I haven't fainted from sheer excitement?
          • 380. Option - Shame it was all too real.Player - Not much of a fairy tale ending. Shouldn't I get a handsome prince, or something?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1589. - Hey, a baron isn't bad. You don't see me with any noble suitors.
            • 384. - Good question! Pretty sure we're owed at least one prince. Maybe more.
          • 367. Option - He wasn't anything special.Player - Barely even put up a fight.
            • 381. - Well, he was dead at the time. Still, imagine the reaction you'd get if anyone knew the truth.
    • 216. - Been poking around the holonet. Heard a few things that seem suspicious.
      • 347. - A Jedi, two Imperial colonels, and a Hutt came down with bad cases of dead within hours of each other.
        • 349. - Had to be Great Hunt targets.
          • 353. Option - Taro Blood's work?Player - Think they were Blood's targets? He ahead of me now?
            • 421. - Too hard to say. Blood's not the only one we're up against.
          • 354. Option - [Flirt] Don't worry.Player - Doesn't matter what the other hunters are doing. Stick with me and we'll win this for Braden.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 420. - Too bad we can't bottle that crazy optimism of yours. We'd make a fortune.
          • 355. Option - We'll catch up.Player - We've got this thing in the bag, Mako. We'll do Braden proud.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 438. - That's what I like about you. You're crazy. Inspiring, but crazy.
          • 404. Option - Do I look like I care?Player - Tell me something I need to know.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 405. - Don't mind me. I'm just here, warning you that you might suck at this competition, is all.
              • 407. - So, looked up the manufacturer of my implant. Weird stuff.
                • 446. - Exclusively government contractor. Everything on this model is classified.
                  • 447. Option - Probably expensive.Player - Tells you something, anyway. Must've had connections.
                    • 452. - Seems that way.
                  • 449. Option - They wanted you in SIS maybe.Player - Guess your parents had plans for you. Maybe following in their footsteps.
                    • 451. - You think they were SIS?
                  • 448. Option - What's that mean?Player - Want to translate that into basic for me?
                    • 450. - Whoever my parents were, they got their hands on one mother of a top-secret gadget.
                      • 458. - Don't know what that means yet, but I intend to find out.
                        • 1607. <Conversation Exit>
  • 40. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 41. - Seriously, nobody on the entire HoloNet has anything better to do than gossip about you?
      • 281. - At first, some of it was true, but now they're just trying to outdo each other with crazy stories.
        • 296. - Last I heard, you weren't a four-hundred-year-old Wookiee Jedi Master.
          • 297. Option - Let them talk.Player - Doesn't matter one way or another what they say.
            • 305. - You can be all stoic, good for you. It's my job to actually listen to this junk, though.
          • 300. Option - Are you sure?Player - There's a lot you don't know about me. Maybe I'm in disguise.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 304. - That explains so much!
          • 299. Option - They called me a wookiee?Player - Anyone who calls me a furball is in for a lot of hurt.
            • 301. - You realize you can't track down every idiot on the 'net, right? Not if you ever want to do anything else with your life.
    • 148. - Mandalorian Killer is about the only thing anyone talks about on the 'net these days.
      • 282. - Got the Mandalorians completely divided on this, you know.
        • 284. - One camp wants to declare this a holiday. Other is miffed they didn't get to kill him.
          • 311. Option - They had their chance.Player - If they wanted the kill, they should've been faster on the draw.
            • 317. - Want to tell them that? Pretty sure they'll take it well.
          • 312. Option - Are you surprised by that?Player - I thought you'd know by now that nobody on the 'net ever agrees about anything.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 316. - Got a point there.
          • 310. Option - Are they coming after me?Player - Should I be watching for angry Mandalorians now?
            • 313. - Pretty sure it's a load of bantha dung. Mandalorians really wanted you dead, it wouldn't be on the 'net.
    • 149. - So, this is pretty priceless: There's a ton of buzz on the 'net about "someone" breaking into Fa'athra's place.
      • 221. - Fa'athra has been throwing credits around to find out who did it. No takers.
        • 227. - Nem'ro is paying them to keep quiet. He's having way too much fun watching Fa'athra suffer.
          • 230. Option - Pick up anything else?Player - Holonet comin' up with any other info?
            • 233. - Republic politics. Rumors about the war. Nothing worth mentioning.
          • 229. Option - That can't be cheap.Player - I didn't think there was anyone on Hutta who wouldn't sell their own mother for a quick credit.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 232. - You'd think that'd be bigger news: "Beings with sense of humor located on Hutta! End of universe imminent!"
          • 228. Option - That's good to know.Player - Nice to be able to keep tabs on things.
            • 237. - You know, Braden used to say I was unique for having this HoloNet link. But I've no clue how I got it.
              • 241. - I've had this implant forever. Parents must have had me teched-out as a baby. Who does that?
                • 242. Option - Whatever works.Player - It gets the job done.
                  • 249. - Oh, no question. Still, you know, most people have to get their own implants.
                • 244. Option - Planning ahead, I guess.Player - Maybe they were thinking about your future.
                  • 247. - That's hard to imagine. The parents who abandoned me, thinking about my future?
                • 245. Option - Beats me.Player - I suppose that's a good question.
                  • 246. - Braden was always encouraging me to look for my past. I figured, street kid from Nar Shaddaa -- what's to know?
                    • 287. - Now... gotta admit, he was right. Something weird there.
                      • 295. Option - Don't get distracted.Player - I need you to focus on what we're doing, Mako.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 318. - Man, you're a great motivator. Gonna stand over me, cracking a whip?
                      • 292. Option - Look into it.Player - Digging around might turn up something useful.
                        • 319. - Maybe I will.
                      • 293. Option - [Flirt] Anything I can do?Player - You want any help, let me know.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 320. - Be careful about promises, buddy, or you'll wind up volunteering to wrestle rancors on Hutta.
                      • 294. Option - Do this for Braden.Player - Least you can do for the old man is honor his wishes. See what you can find out.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 321. - You're right. I owe this to Braden. I'll check into it.
                          • 325. - Thanks. Really. I appreciate it.
                            • 1605. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1446. - You know, things have gotten weird. I think... this was a bad idea. You and me, I mean.
    • 1448. - Shouldn't have messed with something that worked, you know?
      • 1449. Option - Not now, Mako.Player - Don't have time to deal with second thoughts right now.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1452. - This was definitely a bad idea.
      • 1450. Option - You worry too much.Player - Nothing is weird. We're fine.
        • 1453. - You think so? I hope you're right.
      • 1451. Option - Don't say that.Player - Things have been a little rocky, but they'll get better.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1454. - You're right. Could just be over-reacting.
          • 1458. - Forget I said anything. I'm already starting to feel stupid about freaking out over nothing.
            • 1603. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1462. - You know, I really am an idiot.
    • 1464. - I don't know what I was thinking, letting myself fall for a dumb thug!
      • 1467. Option - Calm down.Player - No point trying to talk about anything when you're this angry.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1468. - I suppose all the shouting just makes me look like an even bigger idiot.
      • 1466. Option - Want to tell me what I did?Player - Might help if I knew why you were upset.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1469. - See, I don't know if I should be glad you care, or upset that you don't know.
          • 1474. - I... have some thinking to do, I guess.
      • 1465. Option - Yeah, you're an idiot.Player - Don't know why you think I'm interested in listening to you complain.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1470. - Right. Thanks for confirming that "dumb thug" thing for me.
          • 1601. <Conversation Exit>
  • 80. - Okay, I've got to ask: What are you thinking lately?
    • 1144. - Because I can't tell if there's a brain in your head or just another blaster. You're all, "shoot first and ask questions later."
      • 1145. Option - I'm doing my job.Player - I'm a bounty hunter. I'm not getting paid to chat.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1149. - I know what we do. Just like to think that we're not running around shooting everything that moves.
      • 1147. Option - What do you want me to do?Player - You looking for an apology? Should I ask your permission before I take out a target?
        • 1150. - I want to know that you think about what you're doing.
          • 1155. - Like, once a week, maybe. Wouldn't want you to strain anything.
      • 1146. Option - I've made some bad calls.Player - You don't have to yell at me. I know I've screwed up lately.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1151. - I shouldn't have said anything. You've got this covered.
          • 1597. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1477. - This didn't work out. I know it, you know it.
    • 1480. - It's time to call it quits.
      • 1481. Option - We can still work together.Player - No reason to let this ruin our business.
        • 1484. - Yeah, wouldn't want anything to endanger your precious work.
      • 1482. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I didn't want this to happen.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1486. - I know. Me neither.
      • 1483. Option - Finally.Player - Was wondering how long I'd have to put up with your whining.
        +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
        • 1485. - And that's why this was a good call. Thanks a lot, big guy.
          • 1690. <Conversation Exit>
  • 82. - You never lose a wink of sleep over anything, do you? You could kick babies and still feel fine!
    • 1159. - Man, being a sociopath really does have its privileges, doesn't it?
      • 1160. Option - Your point is?Player - You got something to say, say it. Otherwise, get back to work.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1165. - No. I've got nothing to say to you.
      • 1161. Option - I can't let work get to me.Player - I start letting jobs eat at me, I'm not going to last long in this business, Mako.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1164. - I know you've got to do your job, but does that mean turning into a mindless killer?
        • 1166. - Sure, bounty hunters do some nasty stuff, but you're still a human being, right?
          • 1170. - I like to think we're better than just hired thugs. Helps me sleep at night.
            • 1176. - I guess you aren't troubled by little things like a conscience, though. Lucky you.
      • 1162. Option - I don't feel fine.Player - Lots of what I do gets to me. I just don't go around talking about it.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1163. - Sometimes you scare me. Can't read your mind, you know?
          • 1172. - I'm here if you want to talk, you know? Keep me in the loop.
            • 1595. <Conversation Exit>
  • 84. - I can't believe I was so stupid! Such a naive little idiot!
    • 1178. Option - Not now, Mako.Player - We don't have time for this. Save it for later.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 1179. - Tough. You're going to hear it now.
    • 1180. Option - What's the matter?Player - You want to tell me what's got you so upset?
    • 1181. Option - I could've told you that.Player - Tell me something I don't know.
      +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
      • 1183. - What you don't know could fill a quadrant.
        • 1185. - Here's a laugh-- I actually thought all bounty hunters were men of honor, like Braden.
          • 1190. - But I was wrong. You? You're just a thug.
            • 1191. Option - Noted.Player - If you've said what you have to say, get back to work.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1196. - Sure thing, boss.
            • 1193. Option - And you work for a thug.Player - Exactly what does that make you, then?
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1195. - An idiot.
            • 1192. Option - You weren't wrong.Player - I've made some mistakes, but I'm trying to hang on to my honor.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1194. - No offense, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for you to do right.
                • 1593. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1585. - Let's talk back at the ship.
  • 1588. - This is a bad time. We'll talk when it's safer.
  • 1668. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 37. - We'll talk later, okay?
    • 1669. - You need something?
    • 1670. - I'm a slicer, not a psychic. What's on your mind?
    • 1671. - This job never gets any easier, does it?
    • 1672. - Let's keep going, yeah?
    • 1673. - What do you want?
    • 1674. - Not a bad bit of work, if I do say so myself.
    • 1675. - We're a great team!
    • 1676. - I'm following your lead.
    • 1677. - Well, now what do we do?
    • 1678. - Ready when you are.
    • 1679. - Following your lead, as always.
    • 1680. - Will do.
    • 1681. - No sweat.
    • 1682. - Right! Let's do this!
    • 1683. - Right-o.
    • 1684. - We could use some R & R, that is for sure.
    • 1685. - Time to find out who's standing between us and a week on the beach.
    • 1686. - Just doing my job.
    • 1687. - Right behind you.
    • 1688. - So how do you want to spend the credits?
  • 1654. <Non-dialogue segment.>
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
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        "deFemale": "Besser geht's nicht"
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    "ClassesB62": [
    "ConversationGains": {
        "CompanionsParsed": {
            "H3TMYz4": {
                "enMale": "Mako",
                "frMale": "Mako",
                "frFemale": "Mako",
                "deMale": "Mako",
                "deFemale": "Mako"
            "SqOKZq2": {
                "enMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "frMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "frFemale": "Torian Cadera",
                "deMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "deFemale": "Torian Cadera"
        "NodeText": {
            "BCzMuUD_160": {
                "enMale": "The least I could do for the old man was win this thing.",
                "frMale": "Gagner ce truc \u00e9tait le moins que je puisse faire pour l'ancien.",
                "frFemale": "Gagner ce truc \u00e9tait le moins que je puisse faire pour l'ancien.",
                "deMale": "Dieser Sieg war das Mindeste, das ich f\u00fcr den alten Mann tun konnte.",
                "deFemale": "Dieser Sieg war das Mindeste, das ich f\u00fcr den alten Mann tun konnte."
            "BCzMuUD_161": {
                "enMale": "Thought it might mean something to you, too.",
                "frMale": "Je me suis dit que c'\u00e9tait important pour toi, aussi.",
                "frFemale": "Je me suis dit que c'\u00e9tait important pour toi, aussi.",
                "deMale": "Ich dachte, es w\u00fcrde dir auch etwas bedeuten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich dachte, es w\u00fcrde dir auch etwas bedeuten."
            "BCzMuUD_163": {
                "enMale": "I'm in this for your sake more than his.",
                "frMale": "Je le fais plus pour toi que pour lui.",
                "frFemale": "Je le fais plus pour toi que pour lui.",
                "deMale": "Ich mache das mehr f\u00fcr dich als f\u00fcr ihn.",
                "deFemale": "Ich mache das mehr f\u00fcr dich als f\u00fcr ihn."
            "BCzMuUD_164": {
                "enMale": "We'll win this thing and avenge Braden. Just stick with me.",
                "frMale": "On gagnera ce truc et on vengera Braden. Reste \u00e0 mes c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
                "frFemale": "On gagnera ce truc et on vengera Braden. Reste \u00e0 mes c\u00f4t\u00e9s.",
                "deMale": "Wir werden diese Sache gewinnen und Braden r\u00e4chen. Halte dich einfach an mich.",
                "deFemale": "Wir werden diese Sache gewinnen und Braden r\u00e4chen. Halte dich einfach an mich."
            "BCzMuUD_165": {
                "enMale": "Figure I ought to at least finish this for the old man.",
                "frMale": "J'ai pens\u00e9 que je devais au moins aller jusqu'au bout pour l'ancien.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai pens\u00e9 que je devais au moins aller jusqu'au bout pour l'ancien.",
                "deMale": "Ich dachte, ich sollte wenigstens das f\u00fcr den alten Mann zu Ende bringen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich dachte, ich sollte wenigstens das f\u00fcr den alten Mann zu Ende bringen."
            "BCzMuUD_166": {
                "enMale": "I think Braden would say that I didn't win this without your help.",
                "frMale": "Je crois que Braden dirait que j'aurais pas gagn\u00e9 sans ton aide.",
                "frFemale": "Je crois que Braden dirait que j'aurais pas gagn\u00e9 sans ton aide.",
                "deMale": "Ich denke, Braden w\u00fcrde sagen, dass ich sie nicht ohne deine Hilfe gewonnen habe.",
                "deFemale": "Ich denke, Braden w\u00fcrde sagen, dass ich sie nicht ohne deine Hilfe gewonnen habe."
            "BCzMuUD_194": {
                "enMale": "It's not exactly every day you get a shot at the Great Hunt.",
                "frMale": "C'est pas tous les jours qu'on peut participer \u00e0 la Grande Traque.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pas tous les jours qu'on peut participer \u00e0 la Grande Traque.",
                "deMale": "Man bekommt nicht jeden Tag die Chance, an der Gro\u00dfen Jagd teilzunehmen.",
                "deFemale": "Man bekommt nicht jeden Tag die Chance, an der Gro\u00dfen Jagd teilzunehmen."
            "BCzMuUD_200": {
                "enMale": "You say that like I should care.",
                "frMale": "Comme si \u00e7a m'int\u00e9ressait.",
                "frFemale": "Comme si \u00e7a m'int\u00e9ressait.",
                "deMale": "Das klingt fast so, als sollte es mich betreffen.",
                "deFemale": "Das klingt fast so, als sollte es mich betreffen."
            "BCzMuUD_229": {
                "enMale": "I didn't think there was anyone on Hutta who wouldn't sell their own mother for a quick credit.",
                "frMale": "Je pensais que n'importe quel Hutt l\u00e0-bas vendrait sa m\u00e8re pour quelques cr\u00e9dits faciles.",
                "frFemale": "Je pensais que n'importe quel Hutt l\u00e0-bas vendrait sa m\u00e8re pour quelques cr\u00e9dits faciles.",
                "deMale": "Ich h\u00e4tte nicht gedacht, dass es jemanden auf Hutta gibt, der f\u00fcr einen schnellen Credit nicht seine Mutter verkaufen w\u00fcrde.",
                "deFemale": "Ich h\u00e4tte nicht gedacht, dass es jemanden auf Hutta gibt, der f\u00fcr einen schnellen Credit nicht seine Mutter verkaufen w\u00fcrde."
            "BCzMuUD_256": {
                "enMale": "Got more than just armor I could show you.",
                "frMale": "Je peux te montrer autre chose que l'armure.",
                "frFemale": "Je peux te montrer autre chose que l'armure.",
                "deMale": "Ich kann dir noch mehr zeigen als nur meine R\u00fcstung.",
                "deFemale": "Ich kann dir noch mehr zeigen als nur meine R\u00fcstung."
            "BCzMuUD_257": {
                "enMale": "A guy's got to make an impression. Nothing can be small.",
                "frMale": "Un homme doit \u00eatre impressionnant. Rien ne doit \u00eatre petit.",
                "frFemale": "Un homme doit \u00eatre impressionnant. Rien ne doit \u00eatre petit.",
                "deMale": "Als Mann muss man eben Eindruck machen. Da darf nichts klein aussehen.",
                "deFemale": "Als Mann muss man eben Eindruck machen. Da darf nichts klein aussehen."
            "BCzMuUD_259": {
                "enMale": "You're so skinny, you could probably make that work.",
                "frMale": "Tu es toute mince, tu devrais pouvoir y arriver.",
                "frFemale": "Tu es toute mince, tu devrais pouvoir y arriver.",
                "deMale": "Du bist so d\u00fcrr, das k\u00f6nnte klappen.",
                "deFemale": "Du bist so d\u00fcrr, das k\u00f6nnte klappen."
            "BCzMuUD_260": {
                "enMale": "Wearing this stuff drives men crazy. You need a flamethrower to keep them away.",
                "frMale": "Ce truc rend les mecs compl\u00e8tement dingues. Il faut un lance-flammes pour les \u00e9loigner.",
                "frFemale": "Ce truc rend les mecs compl\u00e8tement dingues. Il faut un lance-flammes pour les \u00e9loigner.",
                "deMale": "Dieses Zeug l\u00e4sst die M\u00e4nner durchdrehen. Man braucht einen Flammenwerfer, um sie sich vom Leib zu halten.",
                "deFemale": "Dieses Zeug l\u00e4sst die M\u00e4nner durchdrehen. Man braucht einen Flammenwerfer, um sie sich vom Leib zu halten."
            "BCzMuUD_261": {
                "enMale": "I don't have time to talk about armor.",
                "frMale": "J'ai pas le temps de parler armure.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai pas le temps de parler armure.",
                "deMale": "Ich habe keine Zeit, mich \u00fcber R\u00fcstungen zu unterhalten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich habe keine Zeit, mich \u00fcber R\u00fcstungen zu unterhalten."
            "BCzMuUD_293": {
                "enMale": "You want any help, let me know.",
                "frMale": "Si tu veux que je t'aide, dis-le-moi.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu veux que je t'aide, dis-le-moi.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, sag mir Bescheid.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, sag mir Bescheid."
            "BCzMuUD_294": {
                "enMale": "Least you can do for the old man is honor his wishes. See what you can find out.",
                "frMale": "Le moins que tu puisses faire pour l'ancien, c'est respecter sa volont\u00e9. Vois ce que tu peux trouver.",
                "frFemale": "Le moins que tu puisses faire pour l'ancien, c'est respecter sa volont\u00e9. Vois ce que tu peux trouver.",
                "deMale": "Seinen W\u00fcnschen zu entsprechen, ist das Mindeste, was du f\u00fcr den alten Mann tun kannst. Schau mal, was du herausfinden kannst.",
                "deFemale": "Seinen W\u00fcnschen zu entsprechen, ist das Mindeste, was du f\u00fcr den alten Mann tun kannst. Schau mal, was du herausfinden kannst."
            "BCzMuUD_295": {
                "enMale": "I need you to focus on what we're doing, Mako.",
                "frMale": "J'aimerais que tu te concentres sur ce qu'on fait, Mako.",
                "frFemale": "J'aimerais que tu te concentres sur ce qu'on fait, Mako.",
                "deMale": "Du musst dich auf deine Arbeit konzentrieren, Mako.",
                "deFemale": "Du musst dich auf deine Arbeit konzentrieren, Mako."
            "BCzMuUD_300": {
                "enMale": "There's a lot you don't know about me. Maybe I'm in disguise.",
                "frMale": "Tu ignores beaucoup de choses sur moi. Je suis peut-\u00eatre d\u00e9guis\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Tu ignores beaucoup de choses sur moi. Je suis peut-\u00eatre d\u00e9guis\u00e9e.",
                "deMale": "Es gibt viel, das du \u00fcber mich nicht wei\u00dft. Vielleicht ist das nur eine Tarnung.",
                "deFemale": "Es gibt viel, das du \u00fcber mich nicht wei\u00dft. Vielleicht ist das nur eine Tarnung."
            "BCzMuUD_312": {
                "enMale": "I thought you'd know by now that nobody on the 'net ever agrees about anything.",
                "frMale": "Je pensais que tu savais que personne sur le Net n'est jamais d'accord sur rien.",
                "frFemale": "Je pensais que tu savais que personne sur le Net n'est jamais d'accord sur rien.",
                "deMale": "Ich dachte, du w\u00fcsstest allm\u00e4hlich, dass sich im HoloNetz niemand auf irgendwas einigen kann.",
                "deFemale": "Ich dachte, du w\u00fcsstest allm\u00e4hlich, dass sich im HoloNetz niemand auf irgendwas einigen kann."
            "BCzMuUD_354": {
                "enMale": "Doesn't matter what the other hunters are doing. Stick with me and we'll win this for Braden.",
                "frMale": "Peu importe ce que font les autres chasseurs. Reste aupr\u00e8s de moi et on gagnera, pour Braden.",
                "frFemale": "Peu importe ce que font les autres chasseurs. Reste aupr\u00e8s de moi et on gagnera, pour Braden.",
                "deMale": "Es ist egal, was die anderen J\u00e4ger treiben. Halt dich an mich und wir werden das hier f\u00fcr Braden gewinnen.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist egal, was die anderen J\u00e4ger treiben. Halt dich an mich und wir werden das hier f\u00fcr Braden gewinnen."
            "BCzMuUD_355": {
                "enMale": "We've got this thing in the bag, Mako. We'll do Braden proud.",
                "frMale": "On a plus d'un tour dans notre sac, Mako. On d\u00e9cevra pas Braden.",
                "frFemale": "On a plus d'un tour dans notre sac, Mako. On d\u00e9cevra pas Braden.",
                "deMale": "Wir haben den Sieg so gut wie in der Tasche, Mako. Wir werden Braden alle Ehre erweisen.",
                "deFemale": "Wir haben den Sieg so gut wie in der Tasche, Mako. Wir werden Braden alle Ehre erweisen."
            "BCzMuUD_369": {
                "enMale": "How impressed are you to be working with a legend?",
                "frMale": "Quel effet \u00e7a fait, de travailler avec une l\u00e9gende ?",
                "frFemale": "Quel effet \u00e7a fait, de travailler avec une l\u00e9gende ?",
                "deMale": "Wie sehr beeindruckt es dich, mit einer Legende zusammenzuarbeiten?",
                "deFemale": "Wie sehr beeindruckt es dich, mit einer Legende zusammenzuarbeiten?"
            "BCzMuUD_373": {
                "enMale": "You never had to worry about her.",
                "frMale": "Tu as jamais eu de raison de la craindre.",
                "frFemale": "Tu as jamais eu de raison de la craindre.",
                "deMale": "Wegen ihr musstest du dir nie Sorgen machen.",
                "deFemale": "Wegen ihr musstest du dir nie Sorgen machen."
            "BCzMuUD_374": {
                "enMale": "I keep expecting Bloodworthy to call and say this was just more hazing.",
                "frMale": "Je me dis encore que Santenace va m'appeler et me dire que c'\u00e9tait un bizutage.",
                "frFemale": "Je me dis encore que Santenace va m'appeler et me dire que c'\u00e9tait un bizutage.",
                "deMale": "Ich rechne immer damit, dass der Blutw\u00fcrdige sich meldet und sagt, das w\u00e4re nur noch eine Schikane gewesen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich rechne immer damit, dass der Blutw\u00fcrdige sich meldet und sagt, das w\u00e4re nur noch eine Schikane gewesen."
            "BCzMuUD_375": {
                "enMale": "She was never my favorite person exactly.",
                "frMale": "Elle a jamais vraiment fait partie de mes pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9s.",
                "frFemale": "Elle a jamais vraiment fait partie de mes pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9s.",
                "deMale": "Sie war sicher nicht das, was man eine beste Freundin nennen w\u00fcrde.",
                "deFemale": "Sie war sicher nicht das, was man eine beste Freundin nennen w\u00fcrde."
            "BCzMuUD_380": {
                "enMale": "Not much of a fairy tale ending. Shouldn't I get a handsome prince, or something?",
                "frMale": "La fin n'est pas tr\u00e8s f\u00e9\u00e9rique. J'aurais pas d\u00fb rencontrer un prince charmant ou un truc comme \u00e7a ?",
                "frFemale": "La fin n'est pas tr\u00e8s f\u00e9\u00e9rique. J'aurais pas d\u00fb rencontrer un prince charmant ou un truc comme \u00e7a ?",
                "deMale": "Nicht gerade ein Ende wie im M\u00e4rchen. Sollte da nicht ein gutaussehender Prinz oder so sein?",
                "deFemale": "Nicht gerade ein Ende wie im M\u00e4rchen. Sollte da nicht ein gutaussehender Prinz oder so sein?"
            "BCzMuUD_404": {
                "enMale": "Tell me something I need to know.",
                "frMale": "Donne-moi des informations utiles.",
                "frFemale": "Donne-moi des informations utiles.",
                "deMale": "Erz\u00e4hl mir was, das ich noch nicht wei\u00df.",
                "deFemale": "Erz\u00e4hl mir was, das ich noch nicht wei\u00df."
            "BCzMuUD_472": {
                "enMale": "If someone's gettin' shot, they're angry.",
                "frMale": "Si quelqu'un se fait tirer dessus, c'est qu'ils sont en col\u00e8re.",
                "frFemale": "Si quelqu'un se fait tirer dessus, c'est qu'ils sont en col\u00e8re.",
                "deMale": "Wenn jemand erschossen wird, sind sie w\u00fctend.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn jemand erschossen wird, sind sie w\u00fctend."
            "BCzMuUD_473": {
                "enMale": "Doesn't hurt to stay on their good side.",
                "frMale": "J'aime autant \u00eatre du m\u00eame c\u00f4t\u00e9 qu'eux.",
                "frFemale": "J'aime autant \u00eatre du m\u00eame c\u00f4t\u00e9 qu'eux.",
                "deMale": "Es kann nicht schaden, wenn sie uns gewogen bleiben.",
                "deFemale": "Es kann nicht schaden, wenn sie uns gewogen bleiben."
            "BCzMuUD_474": {
                "enMale": "I don't need to know about Mandalorian moods.",
                "frMale": "J'ai pas besoin de savoir l'humeur des Mandaloriens.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai pas besoin de savoir l'humeur des Mandaloriens.",
                "deMale": "Ich muss nicht wissen, wie die Mandalorianer drauf sind.",
                "deFemale": "Ich muss nicht wissen, wie die Mandalorianer drauf sind."
            "BCzMuUD_483": {
                "enMale": "Imperial officers need a few people trying to kill them. Keeps them on their toes.",
                "frMale": "Les Imp\u00e9riaux ont besoin de gens qui cherchent \u00e0 les tuer. \u00c7a les aide \u00e0 rester vigilants.",
                "frFemale": "Les Imp\u00e9riaux ont besoin de gens qui cherchent \u00e0 les tuer. \u00c7a les aide \u00e0 rester vigilants.",
                "deMale": "Imperiale Offiziere m\u00fcssen ein paar Leute haben, die ihnen ans Leben wollen. So rosten sie nicht ein.",
                "deFemale": "Imperiale Offiziere m\u00fcssen ein paar Leute haben, die ihnen ans Leben wollen. So rosten sie nicht ein."
            "BCzMuUD_484": {
                "enMale": "Makes no difference to me if they all die.",
                "frMale": "Qu'ils meurent tous ou pas, \u00e7a change rien pour moi.",
                "frFemale": "Qu'ils meurent tous ou pas, \u00e7a change rien pour moi.",
                "deMale": "F\u00fcr mich macht es keinen Unterschied, wenn sie alle sterben.",
                "deFemale": "F\u00fcr mich macht es keinen Unterschied, wenn sie alle sterben."
            "BCzMuUD_485": {
                "enMale": "Seems to me I should have a share of the credits for that.",
                "frMale": "J'estime que je devrais r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer une part des cr\u00e9dits pour \u00e7a.",
                "frFemale": "J'estime que je devrais r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer une part des cr\u00e9dits pour \u00e7a.",
                "deMale": "Es scheint mir, als sollte ich an den Credits daf\u00fcr beteiligt werden.",
                "deFemale": "Es scheint mir, als sollte ich an den Credits daf\u00fcr beteiligt werden."
            "BCzMuUD_487": {
                "enMale": "Wonder exactly how much he'll tell about his little \"adventure.\"",
                "frMale": "Je me demande jusqu'o\u00f9 il ira dans le r\u00e9cit de son \"aventure\".",
                "frFemale": "Je me demande jusqu'o\u00f9 il ira dans le r\u00e9cit de son \"aventure\".",
                "deMale": "Ich frage mich, wie viel er \u00fcber sein kleines \"Abenteuer\" erz\u00e4hlen wird.",
                "deFemale": "Ich frage mich, wie viel er \u00fcber sein kleines \"Abenteuer\" erz\u00e4hlen wird."
            "BCzMuUD_488": {
                "enMale": "Aren't enough credits in the galaxy to get me to take that job.",
                "frMale": "M\u00eame pour tous les cr\u00e9dits de la galaxie, je pourrais pas faire \u00e7a.",
                "frFemale": "M\u00eame pour tous les cr\u00e9dits de la galaxie, je pourrais pas faire \u00e7a.",
                "deMale": "Es gibt in der ganzen Galaxis nicht gen\u00fcgend Credits, dass ich diesen Job annehmen w\u00fcrde.",
                "deFemale": "Es gibt in der ganzen Galaxis nicht gen\u00fcgend Credits, dass ich diesen Job annehmen w\u00fcrde."
            "BCzMuUD_490": {
                "enMale": "Might be interested in that.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a pourrait m'int\u00e9resser.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a pourrait m'int\u00e9resser.",
                "deMale": "Vielleicht w\u00e4re das was f\u00fcr mich.",
                "deFemale": "Vielleicht w\u00e4re das was f\u00fcr mich."
            "BCzMuUD_491": {
                "enMale": "The guy's smart, using this to make some credits.",
                "frMale": "Il est intelligent. Il va s'en servir pour gagner des cr\u00e9dits.",
                "frFemale": "Il est intelligent. Il va s'en servir pour gagner des cr\u00e9dits.",
                "deMale": "Der Kerl ist schlau, dass er die Gelegenheit nutzt, um ein paar Credits zu verdienen.",
                "deFemale": "Der Kerl ist schlau, dass er die Gelegenheit nutzt, um ein paar Credits zu verdienen."
            "BCzMuUD_531": {
                "enMale": "Do I look like I care about your implant?",
                "frMale": "Est-ce que j'ai l'air de m'int\u00e9resser \u00e0 ton implant ?",
                "frFemale": "Est-ce que j'ai l'air de m'int\u00e9resser \u00e0 ton implant ?",
                "deMale": "Sehe ich so aus, als w\u00fcrde ich mich f\u00fcr dein Implantat interessieren?",
                "deFemale": "Sehe ich so aus, als w\u00fcrde ich mich f\u00fcr dein Implantat interessieren?"
            "BCzMuUD_544": {
                "enMale": "You're the best slicer in the sector. You'll find something.",
                "frMale": "Tu es la meilleure pirate du secteur. Tu finiras par trouver quelque chose.",
                "frFemale": "Tu es la meilleure pirate du secteur. Tu finiras par trouver quelque chose.",
                "deMale": "Du bist die beste Hackerin im Sektor. Du wirst etwas finden.",
                "deFemale": "Du bist die beste Hackerin im Sektor. Du wirst etwas finden."
            "BCzMuUD_556": {
                "enMale": "Sounds like he's asking to get shot.",
                "frMale": "On dirait qu'il veut se faire descendre.",
                "frFemale": "On dirait qu'il veut se faire descendre.",
                "deMale": "Klingt, als w\u00fcrde er darum betteln, erschossen zu werden.",
                "deFemale": "Klingt, als w\u00fcrde er darum betteln, erschossen zu werden."
            "BCzMuUD_571": {
                "enMale": "Let's look him up, find out who sent him.",
                "frMale": "On va le trouver et trouver qui l'envoie.",
                "frFemale": "On va le trouver et trouver qui l'envoie.",
                "deMale": "Schauen wir ihn uns an und finden heraus, wer ihn geschickt hat.",
                "deFemale": "Schauen wir ihn uns an und finden heraus, wer ihn geschickt hat."
            "BCzMuUD_614": {
                "enMale": "You already thought he was SIS.",
                "frMale": "Tu disais qu'il \u00e9tait du SIS.",
                "frFemale": "Tu disais qu'il \u00e9tait du SIS.",
                "deMale": "Du dachtest doch sowieso schon, er k\u00f6nnte vom SID sein.",
                "deFemale": "Du dachtest doch sowieso schon, er k\u00f6nnte vom SID sein."
            "BCzMuUD_615": {
                "enMale": "Trying a little hard to dig up intel on a guy we left in the dust, aren't you?",
                "frMale": "Il t'int\u00e9resse dr\u00f4lement, pour un type qu'on a laiss\u00e9 sur le carreau, non ?",
                "frFemale": "Il t'int\u00e9resse dr\u00f4lement, pour un type qu'on a laiss\u00e9 sur le carreau, non ?",
                "deMale": "Du versuchst ganz sch\u00f6n hartn\u00e4ckig, was \u00fcber einen Kerl herauszufinden, den wir schon lange hinter uns gelassen haben, oder?",
                "deFemale": "Du versuchst ganz sch\u00f6n hartn\u00e4ckig, was \u00fcber einen Kerl herauszufinden, den wir schon lange hinter uns gelassen haben, oder?"
            "BCzMuUD_617": {
                "enMale": "If there's any intel on this guy at all, you'll find it.",
                "frMale": "S'il y a la moindre info sur ce gars, tu la trouveras.",
                "frFemale": "S'il y a la moindre info sur ce gars, tu la trouveras.",
                "deMale": "Wenn es irgendwelche Informationen \u00fcber den Kerl gibt, wirst du sie finden.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn es irgendwelche Informationen \u00fcber den Kerl gibt, wirst du sie finden."
            "BCzMuUD_618": {
                "enMale": "This isn't important, Mako.",
                "frMale": "C'est pas important, Mako.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pas important, Mako.",
                "deMale": "Das ist nicht wichtig, Mako.",
                "deFemale": "Das ist nicht wichtig, Mako."
            "BCzMuUD_633": {
                "enMale": "All that stuff just gets in the way of business.",
                "frMale": "Tout \u00e7a, \u00e7a fait que ralentir les affaires.",
                "frFemale": "Tout \u00e7a, \u00e7a fait que ralentir les affaires.",
                "deMale": "All dieser Kram steht dir nur bei der Arbeit im Weg.",
                "deFemale": "All dieser Kram steht dir nur bei der Arbeit im Weg."
            "BCzMuUD_634": {
                "enMale": "Could be a bunch of people wondering where you are right now.",
                "frMale": "Peut-\u00eatre que ces gens se demandent o\u00f9 tu es en ce moment.",
                "frFemale": "Peut-\u00eatre que ces gens se demandent o\u00f9 tu es en ce moment.",
                "deMale": "K\u00f6nnte sein, dass sich ein Haufen Leute jetzt gerade fragen, wo du bist.",
                "deFemale": "K\u00f6nnte sein, dass sich ein Haufen Leute jetzt gerade fragen, wo du bist."
            "BCzMuUD_635": {
                "enMale": "You find your long-lost family, next thing you know, they're hitting you up for a loan.",
                "frMale": "Tu aurais \u00e0 peine retrouv\u00e9 ta famille qu'elle te tomberait dessus pour te demander de l'argent.",
                "frFemale": "Tu aurais \u00e0 peine retrouv\u00e9 ta famille qu'elle te tomberait dessus pour te demander de l'argent.",
                "deMale": "Sobald du deine verlorene Familie wiedergefunden hast, werden sie dich um Credits anhauen.",
                "deFemale": "Sobald du deine verlorene Familie wiedergefunden hast, werden sie dich um Credits anhauen."
            "BCzMuUD_650": {
                "enMale": "I followed you up to \"poking.\" Everything after that coulda been in Huttese.",
                "frMale": "Je t'ai suivie jusqu'\u00e0 \"farfouill\u00e9\". Tout ce que tu as dit apr\u00e8s, c'\u00e9tait du petit Hutt.",
                "frFemale": "Je t'ai suivie jusqu'\u00e0 \"farfouill\u00e9\". Tout ce que tu as dit apr\u00e8s, c'\u00e9tait du petit Hutt.",
                "deMale": "Ich konnte dir bis \"geheimen\" folgen. Alles danach h\u00e4tte auch Huttisch sein k\u00f6nnen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich konnte dir bis \"geheimen\" folgen. Alles danach h\u00e4tte auch Huttisch sein k\u00f6nnen."
            "BCzMuUD_651": {
                "enMale": "There a point to this?",
                "frMale": "Il y a une utilit\u00e9 \u00e0 tout \u00e7a ?",
                "frFemale": "Il y a une utilit\u00e9 \u00e0 tout \u00e7a ?",
                "deMale": "Was ist das Ende vom Lied?",
                "deFemale": "Was ist das Ende vom Lied?"
            "BCzMuUD_697": {
                "enMale": "No point risking your neck if there's no money in it.",
                "frMale": "Pas la peine de risquer ta peau s'il y a pas d'argent \u00e0 la cl\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Pas la peine de risquer ta peau s'il y a pas d'argent \u00e0 la cl\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Es lohnt sich nicht, den Kopf zu riskieren, wenn dabei nichts rausspringt.",
                "deFemale": "Es lohnt sich nicht, den Kopf zu riskieren, wenn dabei nichts rausspringt."
            "BCzMuUD_698": {
                "enMale": "Anything happens to you, I don't know what I'll do.",
                "frMale": "S'il t'arrivait quelque chose, je sais pas ce que je ferais.",
                "frFemale": "S'il t'arrivait quelque chose, je sais pas ce que je ferais.",
                "deMale": "Wenn dir etwas zust\u00f6\u00dft, wei\u00df ich nicht, was ich tun w\u00fcrde.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn dir etwas zust\u00f6\u00dft, wei\u00df ich nicht, was ich tun w\u00fcrde."
            "BCzMuUD_699": {
                "enMale": "I know you want to find out where you're from, but It's not doing Braden's memory any favors if you die.",
                "frMale": "Je sais que tu veux d\u00e9couvrir d'o\u00f9 tu viens, mais c'est pas en te faisant tuer que tu rendras cet hommage \u00e0 Braden.",
                "frFemale": "Je sais que tu veux d\u00e9couvrir d'o\u00f9 tu viens, mais c'est pas en te faisant tuer que tu rendras cet hommage \u00e0 Braden.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass du herausfinden willst, wo du herkommst, aber Braden h\u00e4tte nicht gewollt, dass du stirbst.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass du herausfinden willst, wo du herkommst, aber Braden h\u00e4tte nicht gewollt, dass du stirbst."
            "BCzMuUD_745": {
                "enMale": "Anyone goes to that much trouble to keep a secret, it's got to be something serious.",
                "frMale": "Si quelqu'un se donne autant de mal pour prot\u00e9ger un secret, c'est que c'est quelque chose de s\u00e9rieux.",
                "frFemale": "Si quelqu'un se donne autant de mal pour prot\u00e9ger un secret, c'est que c'est quelque chose de s\u00e9rieux.",
                "deMale": "Wenn jemand soviel Umst\u00e4nde auf sich nimmt, um ein Geheimnis zu bewahren, muss es etwas Ernstes sein.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn jemand soviel Umst\u00e4nde auf sich nimmt, um ein Geheimnis zu bewahren, muss es etwas Ernstes sein."
            "BCzMuUD_746": {
                "enMale": "I need you focused on our target, Mako. Don't get sidetracked.",
                "frMale": "J'aimerais que tu te concentres sur notre cible, Mako. Te disperse pas.",
                "frFemale": "J'aimerais que tu te concentres sur notre cible, Mako. Te disperse pas.",
                "deMale": "Du musst dich auf unser Ziel konzentrieren, Mako. Lass dich nicht ablenken.",
                "deFemale": "Du musst dich auf unser Ziel konzentrieren, Mako. Lass dich nicht ablenken."
            "BCzMuUD_761": {
                "enMale": "Get it over with so we can get back to work.",
                "frMale": "D\u00e9p\u00eache-toi de le faire, qu'on puisse se remettre au travail.",
                "frFemale": "D\u00e9p\u00eache-toi de le faire, qu'on puisse se remettre au travail.",
                "deMale": "Bring es hinter dich, damit wir uns wieder unserer Arbeit widmen k\u00f6nnen.",
                "deFemale": "Bring es hinter dich, damit wir uns wieder unserer Arbeit widmen k\u00f6nnen."
            "BCzMuUD_762": {
                "enMale": "How could I pass this up? Go ahead when you're ready.",
                "frMale": "Comment je pourrais manquer \u00e7a ? Fais-le d\u00e8s que tu es pr\u00eate.",
                "frFemale": "Comment je pourrais manquer \u00e7a ? Fais-le d\u00e8s que tu es pr\u00eate.",
                "deMale": "Wie k\u00f6nnte ich mir das entgehen lassen? Leg los, wenn du so weit bist.",
                "deFemale": "Wie k\u00f6nnte ich mir das entgehen lassen? Leg los, wenn du so weit bist."
            "BCzMuUD_763": {
                "enMale": "I've got your back, Mako. Call her.",
                "frMale": "Je suis avec toi, Mako. Appelle-la.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis avec toi, Mako. Appelle-la.",
                "deMale": "Ich gebe dir R\u00fcckendeckung, Mako. Rede mit ihr.",
                "deFemale": "Ich gebe dir R\u00fcckendeckung, Mako. Rede mit ihr."
            "BCzMuUD_782": {
                "enMale": "Don't know if it's weirder that you're being hunted by multiple agents, or that you know 'em all personally.",
                "frMale": "Je sais pas si le plus bizarre est que tu sois poursuivie par plusieurs agents ou que tu connaisses leurs noms.",
                "frFemale": "Je sais pas si le plus bizarre est que tu sois poursuivie par plusieurs agents ou que tu connaisses leurs noms.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df nicht, was seltsamer ist - dass du von mehreren Agenten gejagt wirst oder dass du sie alle pers\u00f6nlich kennst.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df nicht, was seltsamer ist - dass du von mehreren Agenten gejagt wirst oder dass du sie alle pers\u00f6nlich kennst."
            "BCzMuUD_783": {
                "enMale": "Seems to me you better start explaining.",
                "frMale": "Je crois que tu ferais mieux de commencer \u00e0 nous expliquer.",
                "frFemale": "Je crois que tu ferais mieux de commencer \u00e0 nous expliquer.",
                "deMale": "Mir scheint, du solltest besser mit dem Erkl\u00e4ren anfangen.",
                "deFemale": "Mir scheint, du solltest besser mit dem Erkl\u00e4ren anfangen."
            "BCzMuUD_806": {
                "enMale": "Got to be hiding something.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a doit cacher quelque chose.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a doit cacher quelque chose.",
                "deMale": "Sie verheimlicht bestimmt etwas.",
                "deFemale": "Sie verheimlicht bestimmt etwas."
            "BCzMuUD_807": {
                "enMale": "She's your sister. We can look for Izak if you want. Your call.",
                "frMale": "C'est ta s\u0153ur. On peut chercher ce Izak si tu veux. \u00c0 toi de voir.",
                "frFemale": "C'est ta s\u0153ur. On peut chercher ce Izak si tu veux. \u00c0 toi de voir.",
                "deMale": "Sie ist deine Schwester. Wir k\u00f6nnen nach Izak suchen, wenn du willst. Deine Entscheidung.",
                "deFemale": "Sie ist deine Schwester. Wir k\u00f6nnen nach Izak suchen, wenn du willst. Deine Entscheidung."
            "BCzMuUD_808": {
                "enMale": "You finally talked to your sister. What's your take on her?",
                "frMale": "Tu as enfin parl\u00e9 \u00e0 ta s\u0153ur. Qu'est-ce que tu penses d'elle ?",
                "frFemale": "Tu as enfin parl\u00e9 \u00e0 ta s\u0153ur. Qu'est-ce que tu penses d'elle ?",
                "deMale": "Du hast endlich mit deiner Schwester gesprochen. Was h\u00e4ltst du von ihr?",
                "deFemale": "Du hast endlich mit deiner Schwester gesprochen. Was h\u00e4ltst du von ihr?"
            "BCzMuUD_904": {
                "enMale": "Whatever it is, stay out of it. We don't need to borrow trouble.",
                "frMale": "Quoi que ce soit, t'en m\u00eale pas. On a pas besoin de s'attirer des ennuis.",
                "frFemale": "Quoi que ce soit, t'en m\u00eale pas. On a pas besoin de s'attirer des ennuis.",
                "deMale": "Was immer es auch ist, halt dich raus. Wir brauchen keinen zus\u00e4tzlichen \u00c4rger.",
                "deFemale": "Was immer es auch ist, halt dich raus. Wir brauchen keinen zus\u00e4tzlichen \u00c4rger."
            "BCzMuUD_905": {
                "enMale": "You're really upset about this.",
                "frMale": "Cette affaire te met dans tous tes \u00e9tats.",
                "frFemale": "Cette affaire te met dans tous tes \u00e9tats.",
                "deMale": "Du bist wirklich aufgebracht dar\u00fcber.",
                "deFemale": "Du bist wirklich aufgebracht dar\u00fcber."
            "BCzMuUD_930": {
                "enMale": "You don't look so good.",
                "frMale": "Tu as pas l'air bien.",
                "frFemale": "Tu as pas l'air bien.",
                "deMale": "Du siehst nicht gut aus.",
                "deFemale": "Du siehst nicht gut aus."
            "BCzMuUD_931": {
                "enMale": "I'm here if you need me.",
                "frMale": "Je suis l\u00e0 si tu as besoin de moi.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis l\u00e0 si tu as besoin de moi.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin hier, wenn du mich brauchst.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin hier, wenn du mich brauchst."
            "BCzMuUD_944": {
                "enMale": "You're slowing me down. Pull yourself together.",
                "frMale": "Tu me fais perdre du temps. Ressaisis-toi.",
                "frFemale": "Tu me fais perdre du temps. Ressaisis-toi.",
                "deMale": "Du h\u00e4ltst mich auf. Rei\u00df dich zusammen.",
                "deFemale": "Du h\u00e4ltst mich auf. Rei\u00df dich zusammen."
            "BCzMuUD_949": {
                "enMale": "You've got the aim of a three-legged bantha.",
                "frMale": "Tu vises aussi bien qu'un bantha borgne.",
                "frFemale": "Tu vises aussi bien qu'un bantha borgne.",
                "deMale": "Du zielst wie ein dreibeiniger Bantha.",
                "deFemale": "Du zielst wie ein dreibeiniger Bantha."
            "BCzMuUD_950": {
                "enMale": "Guns and my favorite girl? Sign me up.",
                "frMale": "Des armes et la fille de mes r\u00eaves ? O\u00f9 on signe ?",
                "frFemale": "Des armes et la fille de mes r\u00eaves ? O\u00f9 on signe ?",
                "deMale": "Waffen und das M\u00e4dchen meiner Tr\u00e4ume? Ich bin dabei.",
                "deFemale": "Waffen und das M\u00e4dchen meiner Tr\u00e4ume? Ich bin dabei."
            "BCzMuUD_953": {
                "enMale": "Thought I told you not to waste time on that when we had real work?",
                "frMale": "Je croyais t'avoir dit de pas perdre de temps avec \u00e7a quand on a du travail.",
                "frFemale": "Je croyais t'avoir dit de pas perdre de temps avec \u00e7a quand on a du travail.",
                "deMale": "Ich dachte, ich h\u00e4tte dir gesagt, keine Zeit darauf zu verschwenden, solange wir echte Arbeit haben.",
                "deFemale": "Ich dachte, ich h\u00e4tte dir gesagt, keine Zeit darauf zu verschwenden, solange wir echte Arbeit haben."
            "BCzMuUD_954": {
                "enMale": "SIS probably won't mind at all, then. Seem like real understanding guys.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a leur posera pas de probl\u00e8me, alors. Le SIS est plut\u00f4t compr\u00e9hensif.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a leur posera pas de probl\u00e8me, alors. Le SIS est plut\u00f4t compr\u00e9hensif.",
                "deMale": "Dann wird es den SID schon nicht st\u00f6ren. Das scheinen sehr verst\u00e4ndnisvolle Leute zu sein.",
                "deFemale": "Dann wird es den SID schon nicht st\u00f6ren. Das scheinen sehr verst\u00e4ndnisvolle Leute zu sein."
            "BCzMuUD_967": {
                "enMale": "Sounds like SIS is doing some cleanup.",
                "frMale": "On dirait que le SIS fait le m\u00e9nage.",
                "frFemale": "On dirait que le SIS fait le m\u00e9nage.",
                "deMale": "Klingt, als w\u00fcrde der SID aufr\u00e4umen.",
                "deFemale": "Klingt, als w\u00fcrde der SID aufr\u00e4umen."
            "BCzMuUD_970": {
                "enMale": "I know you got your hopes up. Wish it had turned out better.",
                "frMale": "Je sais que tu avais beaucoup d'espoirs. J'aurais voulu que \u00e7a se passe mieux.",
                "frFemale": "Je sais que tu avais beaucoup d'espoirs. J'aurais voulu que \u00e7a se passe mieux.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass du dir Hoffnungen gemacht hast. Ich w\u00fcnschte, es w\u00e4re besser ausgegangen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df, dass du dir Hoffnungen gemacht hast. Ich w\u00fcnschte, es w\u00e4re besser ausgegangen."
            "BCzMuUD_983": {
                "enMale": "My time is yours. Say the word.",
                "frMale": "Je suis \u00e0 toi. Y a qu'\u00e0 demander.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis \u00e0 toi. Y a qu'\u00e0 demander.",
                "deMale": "Meine Zeit geh\u00f6rt dir. Sag nur Bescheid.",
                "deFemale": "Meine Zeit geh\u00f6rt dir. Sag nur Bescheid."
            "BCzMuUD_1066": {
                "enMale": "That's what I'm here for, stopping angry looks from strangers.",
                "frMale": "C'est pour \u00e7a que je suis l\u00e0. Pour arr\u00eater les regards furieux des \u00e9trangers.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pour \u00e7a que je suis l\u00e0. Pour arr\u00eater les regards furieux des \u00e9trangers.",
                "deMale": "Daf\u00fcr bin ich da - um w\u00fctende Blicke von Fremden abzuhalten.",
                "deFemale": "Daf\u00fcr bin ich da - um w\u00fctende Blicke von Fremden abzuhalten."
            "BCzMuUD_1083": {
                "enMale": "We want answers. Start talking.",
                "frMale": "On veut des r\u00e9ponses. Parlez.",
                "frFemale": "On veut des r\u00e9ponses. Parlez.",
                "deMale": "Wir wollen Antworten. Sofort.",
                "deFemale": "Wir wollen Antworten. Sofort."
            "BCzMuUD_1095": {
                "enMale": "Think it might be in your best interest to talk sooner, rather than later.",
                "frMale": "Je crois qu'il est dans votre int\u00e9r\u00eat de parler maintenant plut\u00f4t qu'apr\u00e8s.",
                "frFemale": "Je crois qu'il est dans votre int\u00e9r\u00eat de parler maintenant plut\u00f4t qu'apr\u00e8s.",
                "deMale": "Ich denke, es ist in Eurem Interesse, sich lieber fr\u00fcher als sp\u00e4ter zu unterhalten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich denke, es ist in Eurem Interesse, sich lieber fr\u00fcher als sp\u00e4ter zu unterhalten."
            "BCzMuUD_1097": {
                "enMale": "Funny how you just happen to be on your way out.",
                "frMale": "Comme par hasard, vous \u00e9tiez justement sur le point de sortir.",
                "frFemale": "Comme par hasard, vous \u00e9tiez justement sur le point de sortir.",
                "deMale": "Schon komisch, dass Ihr gerade auf dem Sprung seid.",
                "deFemale": "Schon komisch, dass Ihr gerade auf dem Sprung seid."
            "BCzMuUD_1114": {
                "enMale": "She wanted you to fight those girls on Dromund Kaas, Mako. Got what she wanted no matter who won.",
                "frMale": "Elle voulait que tu combattes ces filles sur Dromund Kaas, Mako. Elle gagnait, quel que soit le vainqueur.",
                "frFemale": "Elle voulait que tu combattes ces filles sur Dromund Kaas, Mako. Elle gagnait, quel que soit le vainqueur.",
                "deMale": "Sie wollte, dass du gegen diese M\u00e4dchen auf Dromund Kaas k\u00e4mpfst, Mako. Sie wusste, sie bekommt, was sie will - ganz egal, wer gewinnt.",
                "deFemale": "Sie wollte, dass du gegen diese M\u00e4dchen auf Dromund Kaas k\u00e4mpfst, Mako. Sie wusste, sie bekommt, was sie will - ganz egal, wer gewinnt."
            "BCzMuUD_1130": {
                "enMale": "Got to be where she's hiding.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a doit \u00eatre l\u00e0 qu'elle se cache.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a doit \u00eatre l\u00e0 qu'elle se cache.",
                "deMale": "Das muss ihr Versteck sein.",
                "deFemale": "Das muss ihr Versteck sein."
            "BCzMuUD_1132": {
                "enMale": "I don't think you want to be more involved in this than you already are.",
                "frMale": "Je crois pas que tu veuilles t'impliquer l\u00e0-dedans plus que tu l'es d\u00e9j\u00e0.",
                "frFemale": "Je crois pas que tu veuilles t'impliquer l\u00e0-dedans plus que tu l'es d\u00e9j\u00e0.",
                "deMale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass du dich noch mehr einmischen solltest, als du es ohnehin schon getan hast.",
                "deFemale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass du dich noch mehr einmischen solltest, als du es ohnehin schon getan hast."
            "BCzMuUD_1145": {
                "enMale": "I'm a bounty hunter. I'm not getting paid to chat.",
                "frMale": "Je suis chasseur de primes. On me paie pas pour faire la discussion.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis chasseuse de primes. On me paie pas pour faire la discussion.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin ein Kopfgeldj\u00e4ger. Ich werde nicht f\u00fcrs Reden bezahlt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin ein Kopfgeldj\u00e4ger. Ich werde nicht f\u00fcrs Reden bezahlt."
            "BCzMuUD_1146": {
                "enMale": "You don't have to yell at me. I know I've screwed up lately.",
                "frMale": "Tu as pas besoin de me crier dessus. Je sais que j'ai pas assur\u00e9, r\u00e9cemment.",
                "frFemale": "Tu as pas besoin de me crier dessus. Je sais que j'ai pas assur\u00e9, r\u00e9cemment.",
                "deMale": "Du musst mich nicht anbr\u00fcllen. Ich wei\u00df, dass ich in letzter Zeit Mist gebaut habe.",
                "deFemale": "Du musst mich nicht anbr\u00fcllen. Ich wei\u00df, dass ich in letzter Zeit Mist gebaut habe."
            "BCzMuUD_1160": {
                "enMale": "You got something to say, say it. Otherwise, get back to work.",
                "frMale": "Si tu as quelque chose \u00e0 dire, dis-le. Sinon, retourne travailler.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu as quelque chose \u00e0 dire, dis-le. Sinon, retourne travailler.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du etwas loswerden willst, spuck es aus. Ansonsten zur\u00fcck an die Arbeit.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du etwas loswerden willst, spuck es aus. Ansonsten zur\u00fcck an die Arbeit."
            "BCzMuUD_1161": {
                "enMale": "I start letting jobs eat at me, I'm not going to last long in this business, Mako.",
                "frMale": "Si je laisse le boulot me bouffer, je ferai pas long feu dans le milieu, Mako.",
                "frFemale": "Si je laisse le boulot me bouffer, je ferai pas long feu dans le milieu, Mako.",
                "deMale": "Wenn ich damit anfange, mir meine Auftr\u00e4ge zu Herzen zu nehmen, muss ich fr\u00fcher oder sp\u00e4ter das Gesch\u00e4ft wechseln, Mako.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn ich damit anfange, mir meine Auftr\u00e4ge zu Herzen zu nehmen, muss ich fr\u00fcher oder sp\u00e4ter das Gesch\u00e4ft wechseln, Mako."
            "BCzMuUD_1162": {
                "enMale": "Lots of what I do gets to me. I just don't go around talking about it.",
                "frMale": "Beaucoup des choses que je fais m'affectent. C'est juste que j'en parle pas.",
                "frFemale": "Beaucoup des choses que je fais m'affectent. C'est juste que j'en parle pas.",
                "deMale": "Vieles von dem, was ich tue, geht mir nahe. Ich rede nur nicht mit jedem dar\u00fcber.",
                "deFemale": "Vieles von dem, was ich tue, geht mir nahe. Ich rede nur nicht mit jedem dar\u00fcber."
            "BCzMuUD_1178": {
                "enMale": "We don't have time for this. Save it for later.",
                "frMale": "On a pas le temps de parler. Garde \u00e7a pour plus tard.",
                "frFemale": "On a pas le temps de parler. Garde \u00e7a pour plus tard.",
                "deMale": "Wir haben keine Zeit f\u00fcr sowas. Heb's dir f\u00fcr sp\u00e4ter auf.",
                "deFemale": "Wir haben keine Zeit f\u00fcr sowas. Heb's dir f\u00fcr sp\u00e4ter auf."
            "BCzMuUD_1181": {
                "enMale": "Tell me something I don't know.",
                "frMale": "Dis-moi quelque chose que je sais pas d\u00e9j\u00e0.",
                "frFemale": "Dis-moi quelque chose que je sais pas d\u00e9j\u00e0.",
                "deMale": "Erz\u00e4hl mir was, das ich noch nicht wei\u00df.",
                "deFemale": "Erz\u00e4hl mir was, das ich noch nicht wei\u00df."
            "BCzMuUD_1191": {
                "enMale": "If you've said what you have to say, get back to work.",
                "frMale": "Si tu as dit tout ce que tu avais \u00e0 dire, remets-toi au travail.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu as dit tout ce que tu avais \u00e0 dire, remets-toi au travail.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du gesagt hast, was du sagen wolltest, geh wieder an die Arbeit.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du gesagt hast, was du sagen wolltest, geh wieder an die Arbeit."
            "BCzMuUD_1192": {
                "enMale": "I've made some mistakes, but I'm trying to hang on to my honor.",
                "frMale": "J'ai fait quelques erreurs, mais j'essaie de m'accrocher \u00e0 mon honneur.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai fait quelques erreurs, mais j'essaie de m'accrocher \u00e0 mon honneur.",
                "deMale": "Ich habe einige Fehler gemacht, aber ich versuche, meine Ehre zu behalten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich habe einige Fehler gemacht, aber ich versuche, meine Ehre zu behalten."
            "BCzMuUD_1193": {
                "enMale": "Exactly what does that make you, then?",
                "frMale": "Alors qu'est-ce que tu es au juste, toi ?",
                "frFemale": "Alors qu'est-ce que tu es au juste, toi ?",
                "deMale": "Und was genau sagt das \u00fcber dich aus?",
                "deFemale": "Und was genau sagt das \u00fcber dich aus?"
            "BCzMuUD_1206": {
                "enMale": "You could probably use some TLC, too.",
                "frMale": "Tu aurais besoin d'un peu d'attention, toi aussi.",
                "frFemale": "Tu aurais besoin d'un peu d'attention, toi aussi.",
                "deMale": "Du k\u00f6nntest vermutlich auch ein paar Streicheleinheiten brauchen.",
                "deFemale": "Du k\u00f6nntest vermutlich auch ein paar Streicheleinheiten brauchen."
            "BCzMuUD_1207": {
                "enMale": "Might be time to take a break from business. Go get some R&R.",
                "frMale": "Il est peut-\u00eatre temps de faire une pause. On va se d\u00e9tendre un peu.",
                "frFemale": "Il est peut-\u00eatre temps de faire une pause. On va se d\u00e9tendre un peu.",
                "deMale": "Es k\u00f6nnte an der Zeit sein, eine Pause einzulegen und sich ein wenig Erholung zu g\u00f6nnen.",
                "deFemale": "Es k\u00f6nnte an der Zeit sein, eine Pause einzulegen und sich ein wenig Erholung zu g\u00f6nnen."
            "BCzMuUD_1213": {
                "enMale": "Talk to me. Haven't heard much from you lately.",
                "frMale": "Parle-moi. Je t'ai pas beaucoup entendue, ces derniers temps.",
                "frFemale": "Parle-moi. Je t'ai pas beaucoup entendue, ces derniers temps.",
                "deMale": "Rede mit mir. Ich hab in letzter Zeit nicht viel von dir geh\u00f6rt.",
                "deFemale": "Rede mit mir. Ich hab in letzter Zeit nicht viel von dir geh\u00f6rt."
            "BCzMuUD_1214": {
                "enMale": "We covered the ship, now what's your status?",
                "frMale": "On s'est occup\u00e9s du vaisseau. Et toi, quel est ton statut ?",
                "frFemale": "On s'est occup\u00e9s du vaisseau. Et toi, quel est ton statut ?",
                "deMale": "Das Thema Schiff w\u00e4re erledigt, was gibt's \u00fcber deinen Status zu berichten?",
                "deFemale": "Das Thema Schiff w\u00e4re erledigt, was gibt's \u00fcber deinen Status zu berichten?"
            "BCzMuUD_1215": {
                "enMale": "We should go somewhere, just you and me.",
                "frMale": "On devrait aller quelque part, juste toi et moi.",
                "frFemale": "On devrait aller quelque part, juste toi et moi.",
                "deMale": "Wir sollten irgendwohin fliegen, nur du und ich.",
                "deFemale": "Wir sollten irgendwohin fliegen, nur du und ich."
            "BCzMuUD_1216": {
                "enMale": "Could show you some fun right here, if you want.",
                "frMale": "Je pourrais te faire passer du bon temps ici, si tu veux.",
                "frFemale": "Je pourrais te faire passer du bon temps ici, si tu veux.",
                "deMale": "Ich k\u00f6nnte dir direkt hier ein wenig Spa\u00df bieten, wenn du willst.",
                "deFemale": "Ich k\u00f6nnte dir direkt hier ein wenig Spa\u00df bieten, wenn du willst."
            "BCzMuUD_1236": {
                "enMale": "A little trouble might be fun.",
                "frMale": "Les ennuis, \u00e7a peut \u00eatre sympa.",
                "frFemale": "Les ennuis, \u00e7a peut \u00eatre sympa.",
                "deMale": "Ein wenig \u00c4rger k\u00f6nnte Spa\u00df machen.",
                "deFemale": "Ein wenig \u00c4rger k\u00f6nnte Spa\u00df machen."
            "BCzMuUD_1237": {
                "enMale": "We can talk about it later.",
                "frMale": "On en reparlera plus tard.",
                "frFemale": "On en reparlera plus tard.",
                "deMale": "Wir k\u00f6nnen sp\u00e4ter dar\u00fcber reden.",
                "deFemale": "Wir k\u00f6nnen sp\u00e4ter dar\u00fcber reden."
            "BCzMuUD_1248": {
                "enMale": "You've got to admit, they're on to something.",
                "frMale": "Reconnais-le, c'est pas pour rien.",
                "frFemale": "Reconnais-le, c'est pas pour rien.",
                "deMale": "Du musst zugeben, dass sie Recht haben.",
                "deFemale": "Du musst zugeben, dass sie Recht haben."
            "BCzMuUD_1249": {
                "enMale": "If you're one of them, I might just have to get closer to my fans.",
                "frMale": "Si tu es membre du club, je vais peut-\u00eatre me rapprocher de mes fans.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu es membre du club, je vais peut-\u00eatre me rapprocher de mes fans.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du auch zu ihnen geh\u00f6rst, muss ich vielleicht n\u00e4heren Kontakt zu meinen Fans suchen.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du auch zu ihnen geh\u00f6rst, muss ich vielleicht n\u00e4heren Kontakt zu meinen Fans suchen."
            "BCzMuUD_1250": {
                "enMale": "Don't suppose you've changed your mind about things?",
                "frMale": "Je suppose que tu as pas chang\u00e9 d'avis sur nous ?",
                "frFemale": "Je suppose que tu as pas chang\u00e9 d'avis sur nous ?",
                "deMale": "Ich nehme nicht an, dass du deine Meinung ge\u00e4ndert hast?",
                "deFemale": "Ich nehme nicht an, dass du deine Meinung ge\u00e4ndert hast?"
            "BCzMuUD_1251": {
                "enMale": "Unless they're offering me credits, I don't care.",
                "frMale": "S'ils m'offrent pas de cr\u00e9dits, je m'en fiche.",
                "frFemale": "S'ils m'offrent pas de cr\u00e9dits, je m'en fiche.",
                "deMale": "Solange sie mir keine Credits anbieten, ist mir das egal.",
                "deFemale": "Solange sie mir keine Credits anbieten, ist mir das egal."
            "BCzMuUD_1262": {
                "enMale": "If you got nothing else useful to say, let's move on.",
                "frMale": "Si tu as rien d'autre \u00e0 dire, on passe \u00e0 la suite.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu as rien d'autre \u00e0 dire, on passe \u00e0 la suite.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du sonst nichts N\u00fctzliches mehr zu berichten hast, machen wir weiter.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du sonst nichts N\u00fctzliches mehr zu berichten hast, machen wir weiter."
            "BCzMuUD_1263": {
                "enMale": "If one of us was going to have fans, I'd think it would be you.",
                "frMale": "Si quelqu'un devait avoir des fans, ce serait plut\u00f4t toi.",
                "frFemale": "Si quelqu'un devait avoir des fans, ce serait plut\u00f4t toi.",
                "deMale": "Wenn schon einer von uns beiden Fans hat, h\u00e4tte ich erwartet, dass du das bist.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn schon einer von uns beiden Fans hat, h\u00e4tte ich erwartet, dass du das bist."
            "BCzMuUD_1264": {
                "enMale": "I wouldn't mind having fans as pretty as you.",
                "frMale": "J'aimerais bien avoir des fans aussi belles que toi.",
                "frFemale": "J'aimerais bien avoir des fans aussi belles que toi.",
                "deMale": "Ich h\u00e4tte nichts gegen Fans einzuwenden, die so h\u00fcbsch sind wie du.",
                "deFemale": "Ich h\u00e4tte nichts gegen Fans einzuwenden, die so h\u00fcbsch sind wie du."
            "BCzMuUD_1265": {
                "enMale": "So you've had some time. Change your mind about us?",
                "frMale": "Bon, tu as eu un peu de temps. Tu as chang\u00e9 d'avis sur nous ?",
                "frFemale": "Bon, tu as eu un peu de temps. Tu as chang\u00e9 d'avis sur nous ?",
                "deMale": "Ein bisschen Zeit ist vergangen. Hast du deine Meinung \u00fcber uns ge\u00e4ndert?",
                "deFemale": "Ein bisschen Zeit ist vergangen. Hast du deine Meinung \u00fcber uns ge\u00e4ndert?"
            "BCzMuUD_1276": {
                "enMale": "I don't care if we're meant to be. I still want you.",
                "frMale": "Peu importe qu'on soit faits pour ou pas. Je veux \u00eatre avec toi.",
                "frFemale": "Peu importe qu'on soit faits pour ou pas. Je veux \u00eatre avec toi.",
                "deMale": "Mir ist es egal, ob wir f\u00fcreinander bestimmt sind. Ich will dich immer noch.",
                "deFemale": "Mir ist es egal, ob wir f\u00fcreinander bestimmt sind. Ich will dich immer noch."
            "BCzMuUD_1284": {
                "enMale": "I did it for you.",
                "frMale": "Je l'ai fait pour toi.",
                "frFemale": "Je l'ai fait pour toi.",
                "deMale": "Ich hab es f\u00fcr dich getan.",
                "deFemale": "Ich hab es f\u00fcr dich getan."
            "BCzMuUD_1286": {
                "enMale": "You don't feel just a little bit unprofessional?",
                "frMale": "Tu te sens pas un petit peu non-professionnelle ?",
                "frFemale": "Tu te sens pas un petit peu non-professionnelle ?",
                "deMale": "F\u00fchlst du dich nicht ein klein wenig unprofessionell?",
                "deFemale": "F\u00fchlst du dich nicht ein klein wenig unprofessionell?"
            "BCzMuUD_1287": {
                "enMale": "I might, this once, accept payment in kisses.",
                "frMale": "Pour cette fois, j'accepte le paiement en baisers.",
                "frFemale": "Pour cette fois, j'accepte le paiement en baisers.",
                "deMale": "Vielleicht mache ich eine Ausnahme und akzeptiere die Bezahlung in K\u00fcssen.",
                "deFemale": "Vielleicht mache ich eine Ausnahme und akzeptiere die Bezahlung in K\u00fcssen."
            "BCzMuUD_1292": {
                "enMale": "Guess we'll have to stop working together.",
                "frMale": "Dans ce cas, j'arr\u00eate de travailler avec toi.",
                "frFemale": "Dans ce cas, j'arr\u00eate de travailler avec toi.",
                "deMale": "Dann k\u00f6nnen wir wohl nicht mehr zusammenarbeiten.",
                "deFemale": "Dann k\u00f6nnen wir wohl nicht mehr zusammenarbeiten."
            "BCzMuUD_1294": {
                "enMale": "Anyone who tells me you can't mix business and pleasure is looking to get shot.",
                "frMale": "Le premier qui me dit qu'on m\u00e9lange pas le travail et le plaisir, je le descends.",
                "frFemale": "Le premier qui me dit qu'on m\u00e9lange pas le travail et le plaisir, je le descends.",
                "deMale": "Jeder, der behauptet, man k\u00f6nnte Gesch\u00e4ftliches nicht mit Vergn\u00fcgen verbinden, legt es darauf an, erschossen zu werden.",
                "deFemale": "Jeder, der behauptet, man k\u00f6nnte Gesch\u00e4ftliches nicht mit Vergn\u00fcgen verbinden, legt es darauf an, erschossen zu werden."
            "BCzMuUD_1309": {
                "enMale": "I can think of at least one good use for an empty ship...",
                "frMale": "Je vois au moins une bonne utilisation d'un vaisseau vide...",
                "frFemale": "Je vois au moins une bonne utilisation d'un vaisseau vide...",
                "deMale": "Ich kann mir mindestens einen Vorteil eines leeren Schiffs vorstellen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich kann mir mindestens einen Vorteil eines leeren Schiffs vorstellen."
            "BCzMuUD_1310": {
                "enMale": "Sounds about perfect, doesn't it?",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a m'a l'air tr\u00e8s bien, non ?",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a m'a l'air tr\u00e8s bien, non ?",
                "deMale": "Das klingt perfekt, oder?",
                "deFemale": "Das klingt perfekt, oder?"
            "BCzMuUD_1332": {
                "enMale": "Must've been pretty bad. Better not to think about, really.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a devait \u00eatre dur. Tu ferais mieux de pas y penser, vraiment.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a devait \u00eatre dur. Tu ferais mieux de pas y penser, vraiment.",
                "deMale": "Muss schlimm gewesen sein. Denk besser nicht dar\u00fcber nach.",
                "deFemale": "Muss schlimm gewesen sein. Denk besser nicht dar\u00fcber nach."
            "BCzMuUD_1333": {
                "enMale": "I know what you mean.",
                "frMale": "Je vois ce que tu veux dire.",
                "frFemale": "Je vois ce que tu veux dire.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df, was du meinst.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df, was du meinst."
            "BCzMuUD_1342": {
                "enMale": "This the part where things get mushy?",
                "frMale": "C'est l\u00e0 que \u00e7a devient fleur bleue ?",
                "frFemale": "C'est l\u00e0 que \u00e7a devient fleur bleue ?",
                "deMale": "Ist jetzt der Moment gekommen, wo es schnulzig wird?",
                "deFemale": "Ist jetzt der Moment gekommen, wo es schnulzig wird?"
            "BCzMuUD_1343": {
                "enMale": "Want me to say it, for you? I love you.",
                "frMale": "Tu veux que je te le dise ? Je t'aime.",
                "frFemale": "Tu veux que je te le dise ? Je t'aime.",
                "deMale": "Soll ich es auch sagen, nur f\u00fcr dich? Ich liebe dich.",
                "deFemale": "Soll ich es auch sagen, nur f\u00fcr dich? Ich liebe dich."
            "BCzMuUD_1349": {
                "enMale": "Let's make this an official contract. What do you say?",
                "frMale": "Si on officialisait \u00e7a par un contrat ? Qu'est-ce que tu en dis ?",
                "frFemale": "Si on officialisait \u00e7a par un contrat ? Qu'est-ce que tu en dis ?",
                "deMale": "Lass uns einen offiziellen Vertrag daraus machen. Was sagst du?",
                "deFemale": "Lass uns einen offiziellen Vertrag daraus machen. Was sagst du?"
            "BCzMuUD_1350": {
                "enMale": "Scale of one to ten, how much do you think you want to get married?",
                "frMale": "Sur une \u00e9chelle de un \u00e0 dix, \u00e0 quel point tu dirais que tu as envie de te marier ?",
                "frFemale": "Sur une \u00e9chelle de un \u00e0 dix, \u00e0 quel point tu dirais que tu as envie de te marier ?",
                "deMale": "Auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn, wie gern w\u00fcrdest du heiraten?",
                "deFemale": "Auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn, wie gern w\u00fcrdest du heiraten?"
            "BCzMuUD_1351": {
                "enMale": "We've got to get back to work soon.",
                "frMale": "On va bient\u00f4t devoir se remettre au travail.",
                "frFemale": "On va bient\u00f4t devoir se remettre au travail.",
                "deMale": "Wir m\u00fcssen bald wieder an die Arbeit.",
                "deFemale": "Wir m\u00fcssen bald wieder an die Arbeit."
            "BCzMuUD_1387": {
                "enMale": "I might get around to it.",
                "frMale": "Je tenterai peut-\u00eatre ma chance.",
                "frFemale": "Je tenterai peut-\u00eatre ma chance.",
                "deMale": "Ich k\u00f6nnte es mir ja \u00fcberlegen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich k\u00f6nnte es mir ja \u00fcberlegen."
            "BCzMuUD_1389": {
                "enMale": "You think he's interested?",
                "frMale": "Tu crois que je l'int\u00e9resse ?",
                "frFemale": "Tu crois que je l'int\u00e9resse ?",
                "deMale": "Du meinst, er h\u00e4tte Interesse?",
                "deFemale": "Du meinst, er h\u00e4tte Interesse?"
            "BCzMuUD_1403": {
                "enMale": "It's a bad idea, Mako. Never date people you work with.",
                "frMale": "C'est une mauvaise id\u00e9e, Mako. Ne sors pas avec tes relations de travail.",
                "frFemale": "C'est une mauvaise id\u00e9e, Mako. Ne sors pas avec tes relations de travail.",
                "deMale": "Das ist keine gute Idee, Mako. Man sollte nie was mit Leuten anfangen, die mit einem arbeiten.",
                "deFemale": "Das ist keine gute Idee, Mako. Man sollte nie was mit Leuten anfangen, die mit einem arbeiten."
            "BCzMuUD_1404": {
                "enMale": "He definitely looks at you. Go talk to him.",
                "frMale": "Il arr\u00eate pas de te regarder. Va lui parler.",
                "frFemale": "Il arr\u00eate pas de te regarder. Va lui parler.",
                "deMale": "Er hat definitiv ein Auge auf Dich geworfen. Geh hin und rede mit ihm.",
                "deFemale": "Er hat definitiv ein Auge auf Dich geworfen. Geh hin und rede mit ihm."
            "BCzMuUD_1405": {
                "enMale": "I don't think he's interested.",
                "frMale": "Je crois pas que tu l'int\u00e9resses.",
                "frFemale": "Je crois pas que tu l'int\u00e9resses.",
                "deMale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass er dich mag.",
                "deFemale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass er dich mag."
            "BCzMuUD_1424": {
                "enMale": "That's what I'm here for. And if he breaks your heart, I'll shoot him.",
                "frMale": "Je suis l\u00e0 pour \u00e7a. Et s'il te brise le c\u0153ur, je le descendrai.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis l\u00e0 pour \u00e7a. Et s'il te brise le c\u0153ur, je le descendrai.",
                "deMale": "Daf\u00fcr bin ich ja da. Und wenn er dir dein Herz bricht, erschie\u00dfe ich ihn.",
                "deFemale": "Daf\u00fcr bin ich ja da. Und wenn er dir dein Herz bricht, erschie\u00dfe ich ihn."
            "BCzMuUD_1425": {
                "enMale": "Don't hurt him, or I'll probably have to shoot you.",
                "frMale": "Lui fais pas de mal, ou je devrai certainement t'abattre.",
                "frFemale": "Lui fais pas de mal, ou je devrai certainement t'abattre.",
                "deMale": "Tu ihm nicht weh, sonst m\u00fcsste ich dich wahrscheinlich erschie\u00dfen.",
                "deFemale": "Tu ihm nicht weh, sonst m\u00fcsste ich dich wahrscheinlich erschie\u00dfen."
            "BCzMuUD_1432": {
                "enMale": "Wish it'd been different.",
                "frMale": "J'aurais voulu que \u00e7a se passe autrement.",
                "frFemale": "J'aurais voulu que \u00e7a se passe autrement.",
                "deMale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte, es w\u00e4re anders gelaufen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich w\u00fcnschte, es w\u00e4re anders gelaufen."
            "BCzMuUD_1449": {
                "enMale": "Don't have time to deal with second thoughts right now.",
                "frMale": "J'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de tes \u00e9tats d'\u00e2me pour l'instant.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai pas le temps de m'occuper de tes \u00e9tats d'\u00e2me pour l'instant.",
                "deMale": "Ich habe gerade keine Zeit f\u00fcr deine Zweifel.",
                "deFemale": "Ich habe gerade keine Zeit f\u00fcr deine Zweifel."
            "BCzMuUD_1451": {
                "enMale": "Things have been a little rocky, but they'll get better.",
                "frMale": "On a eu des moments difficiles, mais \u00e7a va s'arranger.",
                "frFemale": "On a eu des moments difficiles, mais \u00e7a va s'arranger.",
                "deMale": "Es war nicht gerade einfach in letzter Zeit, aber es wird besser werden.",
                "deFemale": "Es war nicht gerade einfach in letzter Zeit, aber es wird besser werden."
            "BCzMuUD_1465": {
                "enMale": "Don't know why you think I'm interested in listening to you complain.",
                "frMale": "Je vois pas ce qui te fait croire que j'ai envie de t'entendre te plaindre.",
                "frFemale": "Je vois pas ce qui te fait croire que j'ai envie de t'entendre te plaindre.",
                "deMale": "Keine Ahnung, wieso du glaubst, ich k\u00f6nnte an deinem Gemecker interessiert sein.",
                "deFemale": "Keine Ahnung, wieso du glaubst, ich k\u00f6nnte an deinem Gemecker interessiert sein."
            "BCzMuUD_1466": {
                "enMale": "Might help if I knew why you were upset.",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a aiderait peut-\u00eatre que je sache ce qui te met dans cet \u00e9tat.",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a aiderait peut-\u00eatre que je sache ce qui te met dans cet \u00e9tat.",
                "deMale": "Es k\u00f6nnte helfen, wenn ich w\u00fcsste, was dich so aufregt.",
                "deFemale": "Es k\u00f6nnte helfen, wenn ich w\u00fcsste, was dich so aufregt."
            "BCzMuUD_1467": {
                "enMale": "No point trying to talk about anything when you're this angry.",
                "frMale": "C'est inutile d'essayer de discuter dans un \u00e9tat de col\u00e8re pareil.",
                "frFemale": "C'est inutile d'essayer de discuter dans un \u00e9tat de col\u00e8re pareil.",
                "deMale": "Es bringt nichts, mit dir zu reden, wenn du so w\u00fctend bist.",
                "deFemale": "Es bringt nichts, mit dir zu reden, wenn du so w\u00fctend bist."
            "BCzMuUD_1482": {
                "enMale": "I didn't want this to happen.",
                "frMale": "Je voulais pas que \u00e7a arrive.",
                "frFemale": "Je voulais pas que \u00e7a arrive.",
                "deMale": "Ich wollte nicht, dass das passiert.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wollte nicht, dass das passiert."
            "BCzMuUD_1483": {
                "enMale": "Was wondering how long I'd have to put up with your whining.",
                "frMale": "Je me demandais combien de temps j'allais encore devoir t'entendre pleurnicher.",
                "frFemale": "Je me demandais combien de temps j'allais encore devoir t'entendre pleurnicher.",
                "deMale": "Ich hab mich schon gefragt, wie lange ich dein Gejammer noch ertragen muss.",
                "deFemale": "Ich hab mich schon gefragt, wie lange ich dein Gejammer noch ertragen muss."
            "BCzMuUD_1491": {
                "enMale": "Suppose I could do worse than that.",
                "frMale": "J'imagine que \u00e7a pourrait \u00eatre pire.",
                "frFemale": "J'imagine que \u00e7a pourrait \u00eatre pire.",
                "deMale": "Ich sch\u00e4tze, es k\u00f6nnte schlimmer sein.",
                "deFemale": "Ich sch\u00e4tze, es k\u00f6nnte schlimmer sein."
            "BCzMuUD_1492": {
                "enMale": "That's what I've been trying to tell you.",
                "frMale": "C'est ce que je me tue \u00e0 te dire.",
                "frFemale": "C'est ce que je me tue \u00e0 te dire.",
                "deMale": "Das habe ich versucht, dir klarzumachen.",
                "deFemale": "Das habe ich versucht, dir klarzumachen."
            "BCzMuUD_1493": {
                "enMale": "I'm glad to have you around, Mako.",
                "frMale": "Je suis content de t'avoir dans l'\u00e9quipe, Mako.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis contente de t'avoir dans l'\u00e9quipe, Mako.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin froh, dich dabeizuhaben, Mako.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin froh, dich dabeizuhaben, Mako."
            "BCzMuUD_1509": {
                "enMale": "And if someone put a bounty on your head, I'd shoot them for you.",
                "frMale": "Et si quelqu'un mettait ta t\u00eate \u00e0 prix, je le descendrais pour toi.",
                "frFemale": "Et si quelqu'un mettait ta t\u00eate \u00e0 prix, je le descendrais pour toi.",
                "deMale": "Und wenn jemand ein Kopfgeld auf dich aussetzt, w\u00fcrde ich ihn erschie\u00dfen.",
                "deFemale": "Und wenn jemand ein Kopfgeld auf dich aussetzt, w\u00fcrde ich ihn erschie\u00dfen."
            "BCzMuUD_1518": {
                "enMale": "Bad idea ticking off SIS for no reason.",
                "frMale": "Titiller le SIS sans raison est une mauvaise id\u00e9e.",
                "frFemale": "Titiller le SIS sans raison est une mauvaise id\u00e9e.",
                "deMale": "Keine gute Idee, den SID grundlos gegen sich aufzubringen.",
                "deFemale": "Keine gute Idee, den SID grundlos gegen sich aufzubringen."
            "BCzMuUD_1525": {
                "enMale": "You're getting pretty good.",
                "frMale": "Tu commences \u00e0 te d\u00e9brouiller.",
                "frFemale": "Tu commences \u00e0 te d\u00e9brouiller.",
                "deMale": "So langsam wirst du richtig gut.",
                "deFemale": "So langsam wirst du richtig gut."
            "BCzMuUD_1526": {
                "enMale": "Wasn't much of an improvement.",
                "frMale": "C'est pas un gros progr\u00e8s.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pas un gros progr\u00e8s.",
                "deMale": "Das war keine gro\u00dfe Verbesserung.",
                "deFemale": "Das war keine gro\u00dfe Verbesserung."
            "BCzMuUD_1549": {
                "enMale": "What are you standing around for? Go.",
                "frMale": "Qu'est-ce que tu fiches ici ? File.",
                "frFemale": "Qu'est-ce que tu fiches ici ? File.",
                "deMale": "Wieso steht ihr hier herum? Los.",
                "deFemale": "Wieso steht ihr hier herum? Los."
            "BCzMuUD_1554": {
                "enMale": "Gotta be ready with proof, if you're going to make claims like that, Torian.",
                "frMale": "C'est pas le tout de se vanter, Torian, il va falloir que tu lui donnes des preuves.",
                "frFemale": "C'est pas le tout de se vanter, Torian, il va falloir que tu lui donnes des preuves.",
                "deMale": "Wenn du solche Behauptungen \u00e4u\u00dferst, solltest du sie auch beweisen, Torian.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn du solche Behauptungen \u00e4u\u00dferst, solltest du sie auch beweisen, Torian."
        "AffectionGainTable": {
            "BCzMuUD_160": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_161": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_163": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_164": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_165": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_166": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_194": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_200": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 50
            "BCzMuUD_229": [
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                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_256": [
                    "CompanionId": "H3TMYz4",
                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "BCzMuUD_257": [
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