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Explosive Conflict

Reward Level Range: -
Explosive Conflict
The Trandoshan warlord Kephess has betrayed the Republic and seized the planet Denova for his own purposes. Along with his veteran mercenaries, Kephess has convinced the legion of Imperial soldiers who previously battled him for the world to defect to his cause. Supreme Chancellor Saresh recruited you to join the military operation led by Captain Exteen to take Denova back for the Republic.

Take the shuttle to Denova's surface, join the assault, and defeat Kephess.
Defeat Kephess
Return to GE-31
Requires:Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Trooper
Mission Rewards
Explosive Conflict
Defeat Kephess
2) You defeated Kephess, the Trandoshan warlord who seized control of the planet Denova. Denova and its baradium supplies are now under the control of the Republic....
You defeated Kephess, the Trandoshan warlord who seized control of the planet Denova. Denova and its baradium supplies are now under the control of the Republic.

Return to GE-31 in the Denova operations hangar to report your success to Captain Exteen.
Return to GE-31
Command XP: 600
Category: Operation
Can Abandon: Yes
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.2.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Explosive Conflict
Other Sites:
Influence Gains (click to expand)
ChoiceAffection Gains
I didn't realize Jedi were serving in the Republic military these days. How does that work?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • M1-4X:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
We're not here to reminisce. What's the situation?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Doc:
  • Scourge:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Yuun:
  • Zenith:
Datapads won't teach you how to be a soldier. You only learn that in the field.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • M1-4X:
  • Tanno Vik:
It's rare to see a Jedi focused on the art of war.
  • Scourge:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
The major is impressive, but I hope we won't need his expertise. Peace should always be a Jedi's first path.
  • Nadia:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Zenith:
That's great, kid--but there's more to this galaxy than uniforms and salutes. I'll show you how to retire a rich man.
  • Bowdaar:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Risha:
There were far too few Jedi starfighters in the sky that day. The Force was with you to survive against those odds.
  • Doc:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • T7-O1:
So much has happened since those days. My battle with Nalen Raloch feels like another life.
  • Nadia:
  • Qyzen Fess:
It's hard to believe the Jedi trials were ever our biggest worry. Of course, neither of ours were exactly by the book....
  • Doc:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • T7-O1:
I was far from Tython when that battle occurred. When this mission is over, perhaps you two can tell me about it?
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Qyzen Fess:
I knew she had a thing for me. Even Jedi women find me irresistible.
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Risha:
I should call her. She still owes me a drink for what I did on Corellia.
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Risha:
Don't let the flattery go to your head, Captain. Jedi are above hero worship.
  • Nadia:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I love going on missions with celebrities. They're great at drawing fire.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Tanno Vik:
Gaining a Jedi Master's respect is no small feat, Captain. I trust you achieved that through legitimate means?
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Scourge:
  • T7-O1:
How did a Jedi fighter pilot wind up in charge of a Republic cruiser? Did you even go through officer training school?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Tanno Vik:
Piloting a chair strapped to a bunch of bombs... that takes a special kind of crazy.
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Guss Tuno:
You Jedi have all the luck. For my first mission, my CO sold me out to the Empire.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Tanno Vik:
I don't know what half those words meant, but you sure make them sound fancy.
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Risha:
It's an honor just to serve. We're all heroes in this war.
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • T7-O1:
  • Tanno Vik:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Yuun:
I assume this substance we're fighting over is rare enough to warrant a major assault?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I don't see any Imperial warships in orbit. If the enemy is still on Denova, they must have landed some heavy forces.
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
The Supreme Chancellor took her sweet time sending reinforcements. Why the holdup?
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Tanno Vik:
  • Yuun:
  • Zenith:
Mercenaries work for the highest bidder. Obviously, the Empire offered Kephess more.
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Tanno Vik:
Was there anything in Kephess's background to suggest he'd turn against us?
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Yuun:
None of those details matter. Kephess stabbed us in the back, and his Warstalkers will pay the price with him.
  • Bowdaar:
  • HK-51:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Scourge:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Zenith:
Sounds like Kephess isn't as trustworthy as he was cracked up to be--and he's taking orders from someone else.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Risha:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Zenith:
I've met some overconfident fools in my time, but he is by far the ugliest. I'll enjoy putting him out of the galaxy's misery.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Doc:
  • HK-51:
  • M1-4X:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Zenith:
Follow a puppet's strings far enough and there's usually a Sith holding them.
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Nadia:
  • Scourge:
  • T7-O1:
  • Yuun:
  • Zenith:
I wouldn't take his ranting too seriously. For all we know, he was just hearing voices in his head.
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Doc:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • HK-51:
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Risha:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
The Jedi will never submit--and we won't be swept aside. We will defend the Republic to our dying breath.
  • Doc:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • T7-O1:
Your negotiating skills leave much to be desired. May I offer you some instruction?
  • Felix Iresso:
  • Nadia:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Zenith:
Havoc Squad never backs down from a fight--and those robes look plenty flammable. I'd say the choice is yours.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • M1-4X:
  • Tanno Vik:
  • Yuun:
"We will crush you," blah, blah, blah. Don't you Sith ever get sick of hearing yourselves talk?
  • Akaavi Spar:
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Guss Tuno:
  • Risha:
When you put it like that, there's only one response.
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Felix Iresso:
  • HK-51:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • T7-O1:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
  • Zenith:
Imprisonment is no longer an option. Time to kill that scum.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • HK-51:
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • Scourge:
  • Sergeant Rusk:
  • Zenith:
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.

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(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 250. Player - Captain... Supreme Chancellor... Kephess is dead and his army is broken. Denova is back under Republic control.
    • 251. - You delivered a message to everyone who thinks they can defy us without consequence.
      • 253. - We monitored the battle transmissions. Kephess kept referring to his "masters." Any clue who he was talking about?
        • 254. Option - None.Player - Whoever these "masters" are, they weren't on Denova.
          • 257. - We have intel on forces invading Hutt Space. Could this be related?
        • 255. Option - Could this be a Sith plot?Player - Follow a puppet's strings far enough and there's usually a Sith holding them.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 256. Option - The Trandoshan was insane.Player - I wouldn't take his ranting too seriously. For all we know, he was just hearing voices in his head.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 259. - Regardless, you've done us a great service by eliminating him.
            • 261. - Empty victories, celebrated by dead heroes.
              • 265. - The Republic mistakes nightfall for dawn.
                • 267. - The six herald rebirth. Of power... order... domination.
                  • 269. - Submit, and be spared. Resist, and be swept aside. Choose.
                    • 270. Option - You've picked the wrong fight.Player - The Jedi will never submit--and we won't be swept aside. We will defend the Republic to our dying breath.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 271. Option - That's no choice at all.Player - Your negotiating skills leave much to be desired. May I offer you some instruction?
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 272. Option - That's not going to happen.Player - Havoc Squad never backs down from a fight--and those robes look plenty flammable. I'd say the choice is yours.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 273. Option - Better idea: You shut up.Player - "We will crush you," blah, blah, blah. Don't you Sith ever get sick of hearing yourselves talk?
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 274. Option - Who are you?Player - How did you get in here? Identify yourselves.
                    • 275. Option - Choose this. [Attack]Player - When you put it like that, there's only one response.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 278. - We are prisoners no more. Free of the Republic. Free of the Empire. Both will fall before the Dread Masters.
                        • 291. - I will find you again, Republic children. Next time, you will die.
                          • 292. - I've never felt fear like that before, not even as a Padawan. Who were those people? How is Kephess alive?
                            • 294. - They appeared in my Senate chamber, as well. Security systems didn't register their presence.
                              • 296. - But we know their names. The Dread Masters were powerful Sith serving the Emperor. They laid waste to whole fleets during the last war.
                                • 321. - We imprisoned them on Belsavis. When the Empire stormed our maximum security wing, the Dread Masters broke free.
                                  • 297. Option - But now they're on their own.Player - They're no longer serving the Empire. They want the galaxy all for themselves.
                                  • 298. Option - How did they get away?Player - Escaping their cells is one thing--how did they get off the planet? We had ships in orbit.
                                  • 299. Option - This time, we execute them.Player - Imprisonment is no longer an option. Time to kill that scum.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
  • 117. - Captain Exteen, Jedi Knight and commanding officer of the Vanguard's Blade. Welcome.
    • 118. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 21. - This is a genuine honor. I flew bombing runs on Darth Angral's battle cruiser when he attacked Tython. That's a fight I'll never forget.
        • 45. Option - Nice to meet a fellow veteran.Player - There were far too few Jedi starfighters in the sky that day. The Force was with you to survive against those odds.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 48. - Once you boarded his ship, Darth Angral didn't stand a chance.
        • 49. Option - I want to hear about this.Player - I was far from Tython when that battle occurred. When this mission is over, perhaps you two can tell me about it?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 51. - I'd be honored, Master. I'd just arrived for my final trials the day you saved Tython's ancient Forge.
        • 96. Option - Interesting career you've had.Player - How did a Jedi fighter pilot wind up in charge of a Republic cruiser? Did you even go through officer training school?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 97. Option - Fighter jockeys amuse me.Player - Piloting a chair strapped to a bunch of bombs... that takes a special kind of crazy.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 99. - It was much worse than it sounds, Captain--and it's a pleasure to meet you. Master Sumalee praised your actions on Corellia.
      • 22. - Master, it's an honor. I'd just arrived on Tython when you saved the ancient Forge from Nalen Raloch. Your trials inspired all the Padawans.
        • 46. Option - That was a long time ago.Player - So much has happened since those days. My battle with Nalen Raloch feels like another life.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 53. - Masters at the temple still talk about what you did then--and everything since.
        • 47. Option - We've all come a long way.Player - It's hard to believe the Jedi trials were ever our biggest worry. Of course, neither of ours were exactly by the book....
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 55. - I'm surrounded by heroes. I flew bombing runs on Darth Angral's battle cruiser over Tython. Quite a day.
        • 107. Option - Your trials sound easy.Player - You Jedi have all the luck. For my first mission, my CO sold me out to the Empire.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 113. - You remade Havoc Squad into the greatest special ops team in the Republic, Major. I've tried to follow your example.
        • 108. Option - I suppose I'm impressed.Player - I don't know what half those words meant, but you sure make them sound fancy.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 109. - Captain, it's a pleasure. Master Sumalee told me about your heroism on Corellia.
      • 23. - Major, it's an honor to serve Havoc Squad. When I assumed command, I learned everything about military service by studying your career.
        • 32. Option - Then you didn't learn much.Player - Datapads won't teach you how to be a soldier. You only learn that in the field.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 69. - Yes, sir. That's why I logged two hundred deep recon missions before accepting this promotion.
        • 33. Option - You seem right at home here.Player - It's rare to see a Jedi focused on the art of war.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 72. - I flew bombing runs on Darth Angral's cruiser when he attacked Tython. Your victory over him inspired me to follow this path.
        • 34. Option - War is never our best choice.Player - The major is impressive, but I hope we won't need his expertise. Peace should always be a Jedi's first path.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 75. - As you learned saving the ancient Forge, peace is only possible when both sides pursue it. I'm honored to meet you, Master.
        • 35. Option - Now learn from me.Player - That's great, kid--but there's more to this galaxy than uniforms and salutes. I'll show you how to retire a rich man.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 78. - Unnecessary, Captain--but it's a pleasure. I heard of your heroism on Corellia from Master Sumalee.
      • 24. - You're becoming a celebrity even in Jedi circles, Captain. Master Sumalee can't stop talking about you.
        • 62. Option - Admit it. She thinks I'm cute.Player - I knew she had a thing for me. Even Jedi women find me irresistible.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 63. Option - She's my kind of Jedi.Player - I should call her. She still owes me a drink for what I did on Corellia.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 84. - She mentioned that, too. Master Sumalee is... unconventional.
        • 66. Option - Impressive, if true.Player - Gaining a Jedi Master's respect is no small feat, Captain. I trust you achieved that through legitimate means?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 87. - The hero of Tython. I flew bombing runs against Darth Angral's cruiser when he attacked our homeworld. Never thought I'd meet you in person.
        • 64. Option - Jedi don't have celebrities.Player - Don't let the flattery go to your head, Captain. Jedi are above hero worship.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 90. - That isn't entirely true. I was a Padawan when you saved the ancient Forge on Tython, Master--and I'm truly honored to meet you.
        • 65. Option - The captain can take point.Player - I love going on missions with celebrities. They're great at drawing fire.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 93. - Major, it's an honor to meet you in person. Your mission records were required reading when I joined the military.
      • 25. - When High Command said special reinforcements were coming, I wasn't expecting anyone so high profile. Your accomplishments are legendary to my troops.
        • 125. Option - No need to flatter me.Player - It's an honor just to serve. We're all heroes in this war.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 126. - I don't know how you maintain that humility, considering all you've done.
        • 26. Option - You're a Jedi soldier?Player - I didn't realize Jedi were serving in the Republic military these days. How does that work?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 27. - I'm part of a new program initiated by Chancellor Saresh to integrate the Jedi Order and Republic military.
        • 28. Option - No time for pleasantries.Player - We're not here to reminisce. What's the situation?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 31. - Stand by. We're making the jump to hyperspace. I'll continue your briefing on arrival.
            • 317. - Launch delta wing. Initiate aerial reconnaissance.
              • 315. - This is Denova. Republic scouts discovered it last year. An unremarkable planet, except for its vast deposits of baradium--a key component in high-yield explosives.
                • 68. - Three months ago, the Empire discovered Denova's location, learned of the baradium deposits, and invaded.
                  • 129. Option - Baradium must be worth a lot.Player - I assume this substance we're fighting over is rare enough to warrant a major assault?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 132. - Our stockpile of rockets and torpedoes is running out. We can't resupply our ground and space forces without more baradium. Neither can the Empire.
                  • 130. Option - Tell me about the invaders.Player - I don't see any Imperial warships in orbit. If the enemy is still on Denova, they must have landed some heavy forces.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 133. - The Empire lacks enough ships to control the airspace--so they landed an entire armored battalion.
                  • 131. Option - We're late to the party.Player - The Supreme Chancellor took her sweet time sending reinforcements. Why the holdup?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 134. - Until last week, we had defenders holding off the Empire.
                      • 136. - We couldn't spare our own forces to secure Denova, so we contracted a Trandoshan mercenary army: the Warstalkers. Tough warriors. Never lost a fight.
                        • 142. - The Warstalkers' leader, Kephess, has honored every contract he's taken--he's no Imperial sympathizer. His betrayal caught us completely off guard.
                          • 143. Option - It shouldn't have.Player - Mercenaries work for the highest bidder. Obviously, the Empire offered Kephess more.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 146. - The Warstalkers aren't working for the Empire. They've gone rogue--and taken our enemies with them.
                          • 144. Option - What do we know about Kephess?Player - Was there anything in Kephess's background to suggest he'd turn against us?
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 148. - The Republic doesn't normally hire mercenaries to defend its territory, but Kephess had a reputation for loyalty. We don't know what changed.
                          • 145. Option - All traitors will die.Player - None of those details matter. Kephess stabbed us in the back, and his Warstalkers will pay the price with him.
                            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 149. - We aren't just facing traitorous mercenaries down there.
                              • 155. - Kephess convinced the Imperial forces to desert the Empire and side with him. They've combined armies and declared Denova independent territory.
                                • 235. - Republic children... you could not hold Denova--and Imperial fools will not take it. My masters gave me all I need to destroy you. Stay away, or die.
                                  • 236. Option - So much for loyalty to us.Player - Sounds like Kephess isn't as trustworthy as he was cracked up to be--and he's taking orders from someone else.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 239. - That's the strangest part. We've monitored Denova's communications since the invasion. This was the only transmission.
                                  • 237. Option - His masters?Player - Who does Kephess serve? The Empire? The Hutts?
                                    • 240. - No idea. We initially thought he was referring to the Trandoshan "Scorekeeper" deity, but this is something else.
                                  • 238. Option - Don't count on it, freak.Player - I've met some overconfident fools in my time, but he is by far the ugliest. I'll enjoy putting him out of the galaxy's misery.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 241. - I think that's the reaction High Command was hoping for.
                                      • 222. - The Supreme Chancellor's orders are clear: Take down Kephess and neutralize his army. The Republic needs Denova and its baradium stores.
                                        • 246. - A strike shuttle's waiting for you. This vessel and its fighters will provide support. May the Force be with us.
                                          • 249. <Conversation Exit>
  • 330. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 124. Option - No need to flatter me.Player - I'm just doing what I can to win this war. Becoming a celebrity wasn't part of the plan.
      • 119. - Regardless, it'll be an honor to see you in action.
    • 339. <Conversation Exit>
    • 345. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 6. - It's been an honor serving with you.
      • 20. - I'm overseeing a delicate op. Excuse me.
      • 8. - The shuttle to Denova is standing by. We'll monitor your progress as best we can. May the Force be with you.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3f37c33180000cb07c236"
    "Name": "Explosive Conflict",
    "NameId": "2838110094229592",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Explosive Conflict",
        "frMale": "Conflit explosif",
        "frFemale": "Conflit explosif",
        "deMale": "Explosiver Konflikt",
        "deFemale": "Explosiver Konflikt"
    "Icon": "cdx.qtr.1x2.lore.denova",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 50,
    "XpLevel": 50,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyVeryHard",
    "CanAbandon": true,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611284",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Operation",
        "frMale": "Op\u00e9ration",
        "frFemale": "Op\u00e9ration",
        "deMale": "Operation",
        "deFemale": "Operation"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Trandoshan warlord Kephess has betrayed the Republic and seized the planet Denova for his own purposes. Along with his veteran mercenaries, Kephess has convinced the legion of Imperial soldiers who previously battled him for the world to defect to his cause. Supreme Chancellor Saresh recruited you to join the military operation led by Captain Exteen to take Denova back for the Republic.\n\nTake the shuttle to Denova's surface, join the assault, and defeat Kephess.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Trandoshan warlord Kephess has betrayed the Republic and seized the planet Denova for his own purposes. Along with his veteran mercenaries, Kephess has convinced the legion of Imperial soldiers who previously battled him for the world to defect to his cause. Supreme Chancellor Saresh recruited you to join the military operation led by Captain Exteen to take Denova back for the Republic.\n\nTake the shuttle to Denova's surface, join the assault, and defeat Kephess.",
                        "frMale": "Le chef de guerre Trandoshan Kephess a trahi la R\u00e9publique et pris le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te Denova. Accompagn\u00e9 de ses mercenaires v\u00e9t\u00e9rans, Kephess a convaincu la l\u00e9gion de soldats imp\u00e9riaux qu'il a affront\u00e9e pour le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te de se rallier \u00e0 sa cause. Le Chancelier Supr\u00eame Saresh vous a engag\u00e9 pour rejoindre l'op\u00e9ration militaire men\u00e9e par le Capitaine Exteen visant \u00e0 reprendre Denova pour la R\u00e9publique.\n\nPrenez une navette pour la surface de Denova, rejoignez l'assaut et \u00e9liminez Kephess.",
                        "frFemale": "Le chef de guerre Trandoshan Kephess a trahi la R\u00e9publique et pris le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te Denova. Accompagn\u00e9 de ses mercenaires v\u00e9t\u00e9rans, Kephess a convaincu la l\u00e9gion de soldats imp\u00e9riaux qu'il a affront\u00e9e pour le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te de se rallier \u00e0 sa cause. Le Chancelier Supr\u00eame Saresh vous a engag\u00e9e pour rejoindre l'op\u00e9ration militaire men\u00e9e par le Capitaine Exteen visant \u00e0 reprendre Denova pour la R\u00e9publique.\n\nPrenez une navette pour la surface de Denova, rejoignez l'assaut et \u00e9liminez Kephess.",
                        "deMale": "Der trandoshanische Kriegsherr Kephess hat die Republik verraten und den Planeten Denova f\u00fcr seine eigenen Zwecke beansprucht. Zusammen mit seinen erfahrenen S\u00f6ldnern hat er es geschafft, die imperialen Soldaten, die k\u00fcrzlich noch gegen ihn k\u00e4mpften, auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Die oberste Kanzlerin der Republik Saresh hat dich rekrutiert, um dich der milit\u00e4rischen Operation anzuschlie\u00dfen, die von Captain Exteen angef\u00fchrt wird, um Denova f\u00fcr die Republik zur\u00fcckzuerobern.\n\nNimm eine F\u00e4hre nach Denova, schlie\u00df dich dem Angriff an und besiege Kephess.",
                        "deFemale": "Der trandoshanische Kriegsherr Kephess hat die Republik verraten und den Planeten Denova f\u00fcr seine eigenen Zwecke beansprucht. Zusammen mit seinen erfahrenen S\u00f6ldnern hat er es geschafft, die imperialen Soldaten, die k\u00fcrzlich noch gegen ihn k\u00e4mpften, auf seine Seite zu ziehen. Die oberste Kanzlerin der Republik Saresh hat dich rekrutiert, um dich der milit\u00e4rischen Operation anzuschlie\u00dfen, die von Captain Exteen angef\u00fchrt wird, um Denova f\u00fcr die Republik zur\u00fcckzuerobern.\n\nNimm eine F\u00e4hre nach Denova, schlie\u00df dich dem Angriff an und besiege Kephess."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat Kephess",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat Kephess",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre Kephess",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre Kephess",
                                "deMale": "Besiege Kephess",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege Kephess"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "You defeated Kephess, the Trandoshan warlord who seized control of the planet Denova. Denova and its baradium supplies are now under the control of the Republic.\n\nReturn to GE-31 in the Denova operations hangar to report your success to Captain Exteen.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "You defeated Kephess, the Trandoshan warlord who seized control of the planet Denova. Denova and its baradium supplies are now under the control of the Republic.\n\nReturn to GE-31 in the Denova operations hangar to report your success to Captain Exteen.",
                        "frMale": "Vous avez vaincu Kephess, le chef de guerre Trandoshan qui a pris le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te Denova. Denova et son baradium sont d\u00e9sormais sous contr\u00f4le de la R\u00e9publique.\n\nRejoignez GE-31 dans le hangar des op\u00e9rations Denova pour annoncer votre r\u00e9ussite au Capitaine Exteen.",
                        "frFemale": "Vous avez vaincu Kephess, le chef de guerre Trandoshan qui a pris le contr\u00f4le de la plan\u00e8te Denova. Denova et son baradium sont d\u00e9sormais sous contr\u00f4le de la R\u00e9publique.\n\nRejoignez GE-31 dans le hangar des op\u00e9rations Denova pour annoncer votre r\u00e9ussite au Capitaine Exteen.",
                        "deMale": "Du hast Kephess besiegt, den trandoshanischen Kriegsherrn, der die Kontrolle \u00fcber Denova an sich gerissen hat. Denova und dessen Baradium-Vorr\u00e4te geh\u00f6ren jetzt der Republik.\n\nKehre zu GE-31 im Denova-Operationshangar zur\u00fcck, um Captain Exteen von deinem Erfolg zu berichten.",
                        "deFemale": "Du hast Kephess besiegt, den trandoshanischen Kriegsherrn, der die Kontrolle \u00fcber Denova an sich gerissen hat. Denova und dessen Baradium-Vorr\u00e4te geh\u00f6ren jetzt der Republik.\n\nKehre zu GE-31 im Denova-Operationshangar zur\u00fcck, um Captain Exteen von deinem Erfolg zu berichten."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Return to GE-31",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Return to GE-31",
                                "frMale": "Rejoindre GE-31",
                                "frFemale": "Rejoindre GE-31",
                                "deMale": "Kehre zu GE-31 zur\u00fcck",
                                "deFemale": "Kehre zu GE-31 zur\u00fcck"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
    "Items": [],
    "Rewards": [],
    "ReqPrivacy": "",
    "CreditRewardType": "777615897300770849",
    "CreditsRewarded": 10765,
    "XP": 0,
    "SubXP": 0,
    "F2PXP": 0,
    "CommandXP": 600,
    "HashedIcon": "3347752836_3151084896",
    "BranchCount": 1,
    "ClassesB62": [
    "ConversationGains": {
        "CompanionsParsed": {
            "6nGxa01": {
                "enMale": "Felix Iresso",
                "frMale": "Felix Iresso",
                "frFemale": "Felix Iresso",
                "deMale": "Felix Iresso",
                "deFemale": "Felix Iresso"
            "pzuUyyJ": {
                "enMale": "Sergeant Rusk",
                "frMale": "Sergent Rusk",
                "frFemale": "Sergent Rusk",
                "deMale": "Sergeant Rusk",
                "deFemale": "Sergeant Rusk"
            "Q2JoNeD": {
                "enMale": "M1-4X",
                "frMale": "M1-4X",
                "frFemale": "M1-4X",
                "deMale": "M1-4X",
                "deFemale": "M1-4X"
            "5FtJ3I7": {
                "enMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "frMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "frFemale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "deMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "deFemale": "Aric Jorgan"
            "xvKYzd0": {
                "enMale": "Zenith",
                "frMale": "Zenith",
                "frFemale": "Zenith",
                "deMale": "Zenith",
                "deFemale": "Zenith"
            "ifIMuBA": {
                "enMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frFemale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deFemale": "Tharan Cedrax"
            "uggdVZ6": {
                "enMale": "Scourge",
                "frMale": "Scourge",
                "frFemale": "Scourge",
                "deMale": "Scourge",
                "deFemale": "Scourge"
            "02vGMCA": {
                "enMale": "Doc",
                "frMale": "Doc",
                "frFemale": "Doc",
                "deMale": "Doc",
                "deFemale": "Doc"
            "E6mQvzF": {
                "enMale": "Yuun",
                "frMale": "Yuun",
                "frFemale": "Yuun",
                "deMale": "Yuun",
                "deFemale": "Yuun"
            "hQf5ofD": {
                "enMale": "Tanno Vik",
                "frMale": "Tanno Vik",
                "frFemale": "Tanno Vik",
                "deMale": "Tanno Vik",
                "deFemale": "Tanno Vik"
            "iZ4l338": {
                "enMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "frMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "frFemale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "deMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "deFemale": "Qyzen Fess"
            "cA9dGg6": {
                "enMale": "Nadia",
                "frMale": "Nadia",
                "frFemale": "Nadia",
                "deMale": "Nadia",
                "deFemale": "Nadia"
            "ZrTz6aC": {
                "enMale": "Guss Tuno",
                "frMale": "Guss Tuno",
                "frFemale": "Guss Tuno",
                "deMale": "Guss Tuno",
                "deFemale": "Guss Tuno"
            "GPzcEo3": {
                "enMale": "Risha",
                "frMale": "Risha",
                "frFemale": "Risha",
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                "deFemale": "Risha"
            "dtOd209": {
                "enMale": "Bowdaar",
                "frMale": "Bowdaar",
                "frFemale": "Bowdaar",
                "deMale": "Bowdaar",
                "deFemale": "Bowdaar"
            "EnMAMg0": {
                "enMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "frMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "frFemale": "Kira Carsen",
                "deMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "deFemale": "Kira Carsen"
            "Z2FFed2": {
                "enMale": "T7-O1",
                "frMale": "T7-O1",
                "frFemale": "T7-O1",
                "deMale": "T7-O1",
                "deFemale": "T7-O1"
            "YQU1qtC": {
                "enMale": "Akaavi Spar",
                "frMale": "Akaavi Spar",
                "frFemale": "Akaavi Spar",
                "deMale": "Akaavi Spar",
                "deFemale": "Akaavi Spar"
            "BIWNCz6": {
                "enMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "frMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "frFemale": "Corso Riggs",
                "deMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "deFemale": "Corso Riggs"
            "hhqIyzA": {
                "enMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "frMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "frFemale": "Elara Dorne",
                "deMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "deFemale": "Elara Dorne"
            "K55lFqE": {
                "enMale": "HK-51",
                "frMale": "HK-51",
                "frFemale": "HK-51",
                "deMale": "HK-51",
                "deFemale": "HK-51"
        "NodeText": {
            "D2XOUNF_26": {
                "enMale": "I didn't realize Jedi were serving in the Republic military these days. How does that work?",
                "frMale": "J'ignorais que les Jedi servaient dans l'Arm\u00e9e de la R\u00e9publique. Comment cela se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "J'ignorais que les Jedi servaient dans l'Arm\u00e9e de la R\u00e9publique. Comment cela se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Ich wusste nicht, dass die Jedi heutzutage im republikanischen Milit\u00e4r dienen. Wie funktioniert das?",
                "deFemale": "Ich wusste nicht, dass die Jedi heutzutage im republikanischen Milit\u00e4r dienen. Wie funktioniert das?"
            "D2XOUNF_28": {
                "enMale": "We're not here to reminisce. What's the situation?",
                "frMale": "Nous ne sommes pas l\u00e0 pour parler du bon vieux temps. Quelle est la situation\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Nous ne sommes pas l\u00e0 pour parler du bon vieux temps. Quelle est la situation\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Wir sind nicht hier, um in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen. Wie ist die Lage?",
                "deFemale": "Wir sind nicht hier, um in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen. Wie ist die Lage?"
            "D2XOUNF_32": {
                "enMale": "Datapads won't teach you how to be a soldier. You only learn that in the field.",
                "frMale": "Les blocs de donn\u00e9es ne font pas de vous un soldat. C'est sur le terrain qu'on le devient.",
                "frFemale": "Les blocs de donn\u00e9es ne font pas de vous un soldat. C'est sur le terrain qu'on le devient.",
                "deMale": "Datenpads bringen Euch nicht bei, ein Soldat zu sein. Das lernt man nur im Einsatz.",
                "deFemale": "Datenpads bringen Euch nicht bei, ein Soldat zu sein. Das lernt man nur im Einsatz."
            "D2XOUNF_33": {
                "enMale": "It's rare to see a Jedi focused on the art of war.",
                "frMale": "Il est rare de voir un Jedi se vouer \u00e0 l'art de la guerre.",
                "frFemale": "Il est rare de voir un Jedi se vouer \u00e0 l'art de la guerre.",
                "deMale": "Es ist selten, einen auf die Kriegskunst spezialisierten Jedi zu sehen.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist selten, einen auf die Kriegskunst spezialisierten Jedi zu sehen."
            "D2XOUNF_34": {
                "enMale": "The major is impressive, but I hope we won't need his expertise. Peace should always be a Jedi's first path.",
                "frMale": "Le major est impressionnant mais j'esp\u00e8re que nous n'aurons pas besoin de lui. La paix devrait toujours \u00eatre la priorit\u00e9 du Jedi.",
                "frFemale": "Le major est impressionnant mais j'esp\u00e8re que nous n'aurons pas besoin de lui. La paix devrait toujours \u00eatre la priorit\u00e9 du Jedi.",
                "deMale": "Der Major ist beeindruckend, aber ich hoffe, dass wir seine Expertise nicht ben\u00f6tigen. Frieden sollte immer der erste Weg eines Jedi sein.",
                "deFemale": "Der Major ist beeindruckend, aber ich hoffe, dass wir seine Expertise nicht ben\u00f6tigen. Frieden sollte immer der erste Weg eines Jedi sein."
            "D2XOUNF_35": {
                "enMale": "That's great, kid--but there's more to this galaxy than uniforms and salutes. I'll show you how to retire a rich man.",
                "frMale": "C'est tr\u00e8s bien mais cette galaxie n'est pas faite que d'uniformes et de saluts. Je vous montrerai comment finir riche.",
                "frFemale": "C'est tr\u00e8s bien mais cette galaxie n'est pas faite que d'uniformes et de saluts. Je vous montrerai comment finir riche.",
                "deMale": "Das ist toll, Junge, aber in der Galaxis geht es um mehr als Uniformen und Salutieren. Ich werde Euch zeigen, wie man sich als reicher Mann zur Ruhe setzt.",
                "deFemale": "Das ist toll, Junge, aber in der Galaxis geht es um mehr als Uniformen und Salutieren. Ich werde Euch zeigen, wie man sich als reicher Mann zur Ruhe setzt."
            "D2XOUNF_45": {
                "enMale": "There were far too few Jedi starfighters in the sky that day. The Force was with you to survive against those odds.",
                "frMale": "Il y avait bien trop peu de chasseurs Jedi dans le ciel, ce jour-l\u00e0. C'est gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la Force que vous avez surv\u00e9cu.",
                "frFemale": "Il y avait bien trop peu de chasseurs Jedi dans le ciel, ce jour-l\u00e0. C'est gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 la Force que vous avez surv\u00e9cu.",
                "deMale": "An jenem Tag waren viel zu wenige Jedi-Raumj\u00e4ger am Himmel. Die Macht war mit Euch, dass Ihr trotzdem \u00fcberlebt habt.",
                "deFemale": "An jenem Tag waren viel zu wenige Jedi-Raumj\u00e4ger am Himmel. Die Macht war mit Euch, dass Ihr trotzdem \u00fcberlebt habt."
            "D2XOUNF_46": {
                "enMale": "So much has happened since those days. My battle with Nalen Raloch feels like another life.",
                "frMale": "Il s'est pass\u00e9 tellement de choses, depuis. J'ai l'impression que mon combat contre Nalen Raloch remonte \u00e0 une autre vie.",
                "frFemale": "Il s'est pass\u00e9 tellement de choses, depuis. J'ai l'impression que mon combat contre Nalen Raloch remonte \u00e0 une autre vie.",
                "deMale": "Seit diesen Tagen ist so viel geschehen. Mein Kampf gegen Nalen Raloch f\u00fchlt sich an wie ein anderes Leben.",
                "deFemale": "Seit diesen Tagen ist so viel geschehen. Mein Kampf gegen Nalen Raloch f\u00fchlt sich an wie ein anderes Leben."
            "D2XOUNF_47": {
                "enMale": "It's hard to believe the Jedi trials were ever our biggest worry. Of course, neither of ours were exactly by the book....",
                "frMale": "Difficile de s'imaginer que les \u00e9preuves Jedi aient un jour \u00e9t\u00e9 notre principale pr\u00e9occupation. Bien s\u00fbr, les n\u00f4tres n'\u00e9taient pas ordinaires...",
                "frFemale": "Difficile de s'imaginer que les \u00e9preuves Jedi aient un jour \u00e9t\u00e9 notre principale pr\u00e9occupation. Bien s\u00fbr, les n\u00f4tres n'\u00e9taient pas ordinaires...",
                "deMale": "Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass die Jedi-Pr\u00fcfungen jemals unsere gr\u00f6\u00dfte Sorge waren. Nat\u00fcrlich waren unsere nicht gerade der Durchschnitt ...",
                "deFemale": "Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass die Jedi-Pr\u00fcfungen jemals unsere gr\u00f6\u00dfte Sorge waren. Nat\u00fcrlich waren unsere nicht gerade der Durchschnitt ..."
            "D2XOUNF_49": {
                "enMale": "I was far from Tython when that battle occurred. When this mission is over, perhaps you two can tell me about it?",
                "frMale": "J'\u00e9tais loin de Tython quand cette bataille a eu lieu. Apr\u00e8s la mission, peut-\u00eatre que vous pourriez m'en parler\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "J'\u00e9tais loin de Tython quand cette bataille a eu lieu. Apr\u00e8s la mission, peut-\u00eatre que vous pourriez m'en parler\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Ich war weit von Tython entfernt, als diese Schlacht stattfand. Wenn diese Mission vorbei ist, k\u00f6nnt Ihr mir vielleicht davon berichten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich war weit von Tython entfernt, als diese Schlacht stattfand. Wenn diese Mission vorbei ist, k\u00f6nnt Ihr mir vielleicht davon berichten."
            "D2XOUNF_62": {
                "enMale": "I knew she had a thing for me. Even Jedi women find me irresistible.",
                "frMale": "Je savais qu'elle en pin\u00e7ait pour moi. M\u00eame les femmes Jedi me trouvent irr\u00e9sistible.",
                "frFemale": "Je savais qu'elle en pin\u00e7ait pour moi. M\u00eame les femmes Jedi me trouvent irr\u00e9sistible.",
                "deMale": "Ich wusste, dass sie auf mich steht. Selbst Jedi-Frauen finden mich unwiderstehlich.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wusste, dass sie auf mich steht. Selbst Jedi-Frauen finden mich unwiderstehlich."
            "D2XOUNF_63": {
                "enMale": "I should call her. She still owes me a drink for what I did on Corellia.",
                "frMale": "Il faudrait que je l'appelle. Elle me doit un verre pour ce que j'ai fait sur Corellia.",
                "frFemale": "Il faudrait que je l'appelle. Elle me doit un verre pour ce que j'ai fait sur Corellia.",
                "deMale": "Ich sollte sie anrufen. Sie schuldet mir noch einen Drink f\u00fcr alles, was ich auf Corellia getan habe.",
                "deFemale": "Ich sollte sie anrufen. Sie schuldet mir noch einen Drink f\u00fcr alles, was ich auf Corellia getan habe."
            "D2XOUNF_64": {
                "enMale": "Don't let the flattery go to your head, Captain. Jedi are above hero worship.",
                "frMale": "Ne laissez pas la flatterie vous monter \u00e0 la t\u00eate, Capitaine. Les Jedi ne v\u00e9n\u00e8rent aucun h\u00e9ros.",
                "frFemale": "Ne laissez pas la flatterie vous monter \u00e0 la t\u00eate, Capitaine. Les Jedi ne v\u00e9n\u00e8rent aucun h\u00e9ros.",
                "deMale": "Lasst Euch die Schmeicheleien nicht zu Kopf steigen, Captain. Jedi stehen \u00fcber Heldenverehrung.",
                "deFemale": "Lasst Euch die Schmeicheleien nicht zu Kopf steigen, Captain. Jedi stehen \u00fcber Heldenverehrung."
            "D2XOUNF_65": {
                "enMale": "I love going on missions with celebrities. They're great at drawing fire.",
                "frMale": "J'adore aller au combat avec des c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s. Ils attirent le feu ennemi.",
                "frFemale": "J'adore aller au combat avec des c\u00e9l\u00e9brit\u00e9s. Ils attirent le feu ennemi.",
                "deMale": "Ich gehe gern mit Ber\u00fchmtheiten auf Missionen. Sie ziehen den Beschuss auf sich.",
                "deFemale": "Ich gehe gern mit Ber\u00fchmtheiten auf Missionen. Sie ziehen den Beschuss auf sich."
            "D2XOUNF_66": {
                "enMale": "Gaining a Jedi Master's respect is no small feat, Captain. I trust you achieved that through legitimate means?",
                "frMale": "Gagner le respect d'un Ma\u00eetre Jedi, ce n'est pas rien, Capitaine. Je suppose que vous y \u00eates parvenu par des moyens l\u00e9gitimes\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Gagner le respect d'un Ma\u00eetre Jedi, ce n'est pas rien, Capitaine. Je suppose que vous y \u00eates parvenue par des moyens l\u00e9gitimes\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Den Respekt einer Jedi-Meisterin zu erlangen ist nicht einfach, Captain. Ich hoffe, Euch ist das auf legalem Wege gelungen.",
                "deFemale": "Den Respekt einer Jedi-Meisterin zu erlangen ist nicht einfach, Captain. Ich hoffe, Euch ist das auf legalem Wege gelungen."
            "D2XOUNF_96": {
                "enMale": "How did a Jedi fighter pilot wind up in charge of a Republic cruiser? Did you even go through officer training school?",
                "frMale": "Comment un pilote de chasseur Jedi se retrouve-t-il en charge d'un croiseur de la R\u00e9publique\u00a0? \u00cates-vous au moins pass\u00e9 par l'\u00e9cole des officiers\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Comment un pilote de chasseur Jedi se retrouve-t-il en charge d'un croiseur de la R\u00e9publique\u00a0? \u00cates-vous au moins pass\u00e9 par l'\u00e9cole des officiers\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Wie bekommt ein Jedi-J\u00e4gerpilot das Kommando eines republikanischen Kreuzers? Wart Ihr \u00fcberhaupt in der Offiziersausbildungsschule?",
                "deFemale": "Wie bekommt ein Jedi-J\u00e4gerpilot das Kommando eines republikanischen Kreuzers? Wart Ihr \u00fcberhaupt in der Offiziersausbildungsschule?"
            "D2XOUNF_97": {
                "enMale": "Piloting a chair strapped to a bunch of bombs... that takes a special kind of crazy.",
                "frMale": "Piloter un si\u00e8ge coll\u00e9 \u00e0 un tas de bombes... Il faut \u00eatre un peu d\u00e9rang\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Piloter un si\u00e8ge coll\u00e9 \u00e0 un tas de bombes... Il faut \u00eatre un peu d\u00e9rang\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Einen Sitz zu steuern, der an einen Haufen Bomben geschnallt ist ... Da muss man auf eine ganz eigene Art verr\u00fcckt sein.",
                "deFemale": "Einen Sitz zu steuern, der an einen Haufen Bomben geschnallt ist ... Da muss man auf eine ganz eigene Art verr\u00fcckt sein."
            "D2XOUNF_107": {
                "enMale": "You Jedi have all the luck. For my first mission, my CO sold me out to the Empire.",
                "frMale": "Les Jedi ont de la chance. Pour ma premi\u00e8re mission, mon OC m'a livr\u00e9 \u00e0 l'Empire.",
                "frFemale": "Les Jedi ont de la chance. Pour ma premi\u00e8re mission, mon OC m'a livr\u00e9e \u00e0 l'Empire.",
                "deMale": "Ihr Jedi habt ein Gl\u00fcck. Auf meiner ersten Mission hat mich mein Kommandant an das Imperium verraten.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr Jedi habt ein Gl\u00fcck. Auf meiner ersten Mission hat mich mein Kommandant an das Imperium verraten."
            "D2XOUNF_108": {
                "enMale": "I don't know what half those words meant, but you sure make them sound fancy.",
                "frMale": "Je n'ai pas compris la moiti\u00e9 de ce que vous avez dit mais \u00e7a avait l'air important.",
                "frFemale": "J'ai pas compris la moiti\u00e9 de ce que vous avez dit mais \u00e7a avait l'air important.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df bei der H\u00e4lfte der W\u00f6rter nicht, was sie bedeuten, aber sie klingen wichtig.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df bei der H\u00e4lfte der W\u00f6rter nicht, was sie bedeuten, aber sie klingen wichtig."
            "D2XOUNF_125": {
                "enMale": "It's an honor just to serve. We're all heroes in this war.",
                "frMale": "Servir est un honneur en soi. Dans cette guerre, nous sommes tous des h\u00e9ros.",
                "frFemale": "Servir est un honneur en soi. Dans cette guerre, nous sommes tous des h\u00e9ros.",
                "deMale": "Es ist eine Ehre zu dienen. In diesem Krieg sind wir alle Helden.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist eine Ehre zu dienen. In diesem Krieg sind wir alle Helden."
            "D2XOUNF_129": {
                "enMale": "I assume this substance we're fighting over is rare enough to warrant a major assault?",
                "frMale": "J'imagine que cette substance est assez rare pour justifier un assaut majeur\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "J'imagine que cette substance est assez rare pour justifier un assaut majeur\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Ich nehme an, diese Substanz, um die wir k\u00e4mpfen, ist selten genug, um einen Gro\u00dfangriff zu rechtfertigen?",
                "deFemale": "Ich nehme an, diese Substanz, um die wir k\u00e4mpfen, ist selten genug, um einen Gro\u00dfangriff zu rechtfertigen?"
            "D2XOUNF_130": {
                "enMale": "I don't see any Imperial warships in orbit. If the enemy is still on Denova, they must have landed some heavy forces.",
                "frMale": "Je ne vois aucun vaisseau imp\u00e9rial en orbite. Si l'ennemi est toujours sur Denova, ses forces au sol doivent \u00eatre importantes.",
                "frFemale": "Je ne vois aucun vaisseau imp\u00e9rial en orbite. Si l'ennemi est toujours sur Denova, ses forces au sol doivent \u00eatre importantes.",
                "deMale": "Ich sehe keine imperialen Kriegsschiffe im Orbit. Wenn der Feind immer noch auf Denova ist, m\u00fcssen sie ein paar schwere Truppen gelandet haben.",
                "deFemale": "Ich sehe keine imperialen Kriegsschiffe im Orbit. Wenn der Feind immer noch auf Denova ist, m\u00fcssen sie ein paar schwere Truppen gelandet haben."
            "D2XOUNF_131": {
                "enMale": "The Supreme Chancellor took her sweet time sending reinforcements. Why the holdup?",
                "frMale": "Le chancelier supr\u00eame a pris son temps pour appeler les renforts. Pourquoi ce retard\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Le chancelier supr\u00eame a pris son temps pour appeler les renforts. Pourquoi ce retard\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Die Oberste Kanzlerin hat sich mit dem Schicken von Verst\u00e4rkung ganz sch\u00f6n Zeit gelassen. Wieso?",
                "deFemale": "Die Oberste Kanzlerin hat sich mit dem Schicken von Verst\u00e4rkung ganz sch\u00f6n Zeit gelassen. Wieso?"
            "D2XOUNF_143": {
                "enMale": "Mercenaries work for the highest bidder. Obviously, the Empire offered Kephess more.",
                "frMale": "Les mercenaires travaillent pour le plus offrant. De toute \u00e9vidence, l'Empire a fait une meilleure proposition \u00e0 Kephess.",
                "frFemale": "Les mercenaires travaillent pour le plus offrant. De toute \u00e9vidence, l'Empire a fait une meilleure proposition \u00e0 Kephess.",
                "deMale": "S\u00f6ldner arbeiten f\u00fcr den H\u00f6chstbietenden. Offenbar hat das Imperium Kephess mehr geboten.",
                "deFemale": "S\u00f6ldner arbeiten f\u00fcr den H\u00f6chstbietenden. Offenbar hat das Imperium Kephess mehr geboten."
            "D2XOUNF_144": {
                "enMale": "Was there anything in Kephess's background to suggest he'd turn against us?",
                "frMale": "Y avait-il quelque chose dans le pass\u00e9 de Kephess qui aurait pu nous laisser penser qu'il nous trahirait\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Y avait-il quelque chose dans le pass\u00e9 de Kephess qui aurait pu nous laisser penser qu'il nous trahirait\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Gab es irgendetwas in Kephess' Vergangenheit, das seinen Verrat erahnen lie\u00df?",
                "deFemale": "Gab es irgendetwas in Kephess' Vergangenheit, das seinen Verrat erahnen lie\u00df?"
            "D2XOUNF_145": {
                "enMale": "None of those details matter. Kephess stabbed us in the back, and his Warstalkers will pay the price with him.",
                "frMale": "Peu importe. Kephess nous a poignard\u00e9s dans le dos. Lui et ses Guerroyeurs le paieront.",
                "frFemale": "Peu importe. Kephess nous a poignard\u00e9s dans le dos. Lui et ses Guerroyeurs le paieront.",
                "deMale": "Diese Details spielen keine Rolle. Kephess hat uns verraten und seine Kriegspirscher werden mit ihm daf\u00fcr bezahlen.",
                "deFemale": "Diese Details spielen keine Rolle. Kephess hat uns verraten und seine Kriegspirscher werden mit ihm daf\u00fcr bezahlen."
            "D2XOUNF_236": {
                "enMale": "Sounds like Kephess isn't as trustworthy as he was cracked up to be--and he's taking orders from someone else.",
                "frMale": "On dirait que Kephess n'est pas aussi loyal qu'on le dit... Et il re\u00e7oit ses ordres de quelqu'un d'autre.",
                "frFemale": "On dirait que Kephess n'est pas aussi loyal qu'on le dit... Et il re\u00e7oit ses ordres de quelqu'un d'autre.",
                "deMale": "Klingt, als sei Kephess nicht so vertrauensw\u00fcrdig, wie behauptet wurde - und er erh\u00e4lt Befehle von jemand anderem.",
                "deFemale": "Klingt, als sei Kephess nicht so vertrauensw\u00fcrdig, wie behauptet wurde - und er erh\u00e4lt Befehle von jemand anderem."
            "D2XOUNF_238": {
                "enMale": "I've met some overconfident fools in my time, but he is by far the ugliest. I'll enjoy putting him out of the galaxy's misery.",
                "frMale": "J'en ai vu, des imb\u00e9ciles trop s\u00fbrs d'eux, mais celui-ci est le plus laid. Je me ferai un plaisir de le faire dispara\u00eetre de la galaxie.",
                "frFemale": "J'en ai vu, des imb\u00e9ciles trop s\u00fbrs d'eux, mais celui-ci est le plus laid. Je me ferai un plaisir de le faire dispara\u00eetre de la galaxie.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin schon einigen vermessenen Narren begegnet, aber er ist mit Abstand der h\u00e4sslichste. Es wird mir eine Freude sein, ihn vom Leiden der Galaxis zu erl\u00f6sen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin schon einigen vermessenen Narren begegnet, aber er ist mit Abstand der h\u00e4sslichste. Es wird mir eine Freude sein, ihn vom Leiden der Galaxis zu erl\u00f6sen."
            "D2XOUNF_255": {
                "enMale": "Follow a puppet's strings far enough and there's usually a Sith holding them.",
                "frMale": "Suivez les ficelles de la marionnette et vous trouverez s\u00fbrement un Sith.",
                "frFemale": "Suivez les ficelles de la marionnette et vous trouverez s\u00fbrement un Sith.",
                "deMale": "Wenn man den F\u00e4den einer Marionette weit genug folgt, findet man in der Regel einen Sith, der sie f\u00fchrt.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn man den F\u00e4den einer Marionette weit genug folgt, findet man in der Regel einen Sith, der sie f\u00fchrt."
            "D2XOUNF_256": {
                "enMale": "I wouldn't take his ranting too seriously. For all we know, he was just hearing voices in his head.",
                "frMale": "Ne prenez pas ses d\u00e9clamations trop au s\u00e9rieux. De ce que je sais, il entendait simplement des voix dans sa t\u00eate.",
                "frFemale": "Ne prenez pas ses d\u00e9clamations trop au s\u00e9rieux. De ce que je sais, il entendait simplement des voix dans sa t\u00eate.",
                "deMale": "Ich w\u00fcrde sein Gerede nicht allzu ernst nehmen. Vielleicht hat er nur Stimmen in seinem Kopf geh\u00f6rt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich w\u00fcrde sein Gerede nicht allzu ernst nehmen. Vielleicht hat er nur Stimmen in seinem Kopf geh\u00f6rt."
            "D2XOUNF_270": {
                "enMale": "The Jedi will never submit--and we won't be swept aside. We will defend the Republic to our dying breath.",
                "frMale": "Les Jedi n'abdiquent pas... Et ils ne seront pas balay\u00e9s. Nous d\u00e9fendrons la R\u00e9publique jusqu'\u00e0 notre dernier souffle.",
                "frFemale": "Les Jedi n'abdiquent pas... Et ils ne seront pas balay\u00e9s. Nous d\u00e9fendrons la R\u00e9publique jusqu'\u00e0 notre dernier souffle.",
                "deMale": "Die Jedi werden sich niemals unterwerfen. Und wir werden nicht beiseite gefegt werden. Wir werden die Republik bis zum letzten Atemzug verteidigen.",
                "deFemale": "Die Jedi werden sich niemals unterwerfen. Und wir werden nicht beiseite gefegt werden. Wir werden die Republik bis zum letzten Atemzug verteidigen."
            "D2XOUNF_271": {
                "enMale": "Your negotiating skills leave much to be desired. May I offer you some instruction?",
                "frMale": "Vos talents de n\u00e9gociateur laissent \u00e0 d\u00e9sirer. Puis-je vous donner une le\u00e7on\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Vos talents de n\u00e9gociateur laissent \u00e0 d\u00e9sirer. Puis-je vous donner une le\u00e7on\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Eure Verhandlungsk\u00fcnste lassen sehr zu w\u00fcnschen \u00fcbrig. Darf ich Euch ein paar Tipps geben?",
                "deFemale": "Eure Verhandlungsk\u00fcnste lassen sehr zu w\u00fcnschen \u00fcbrig. Darf ich Euch ein paar Tipps geben?"
            "D2XOUNF_272": {
                "enMale": "Havoc Squad never backs down from a fight--and those robes look plenty flammable. I'd say the choice is yours.",
                "frMale": "L'escouade du Chaos ne recule devant aucun combat... Et ces tuniques semblent bien inflammables. \u00c0 vous de choisir.",
                "frFemale": "L'escouade du Chaos ne recule devant aucun combat... Et ces tuniques semblent bien inflammables. \u00c0 vous de choisir.",
                "deMale": "Der Chaostrupp schreckt vor keinem Kampf zur\u00fcck. Und diese Roben sehen ziemlich entz\u00fcndlich aus. Ich w\u00fcrde sagen, die Wahl liegt bei Euch.",
                "deFemale": "Der Chaostrupp schreckt vor keinem Kampf zur\u00fcck. Und diese Roben sehen ziemlich entz\u00fcndlich aus. Ich w\u00fcrde sagen, die Wahl liegt bei Euch."
            "D2XOUNF_273": {
                "enMale": "\"We will crush you,\" blah, blah, blah. Don't you Sith ever get sick of hearing yourselves talk?",
                "frMale": "\"Nous vous \u00e9craserons\", bla, bla, bla... Vous, les Sith, \u00e7a vous fatigue pas de vous entendre parler\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "\"Nous vous \u00e9craserons\", bla, bla, bla... Vous, les Sith, \u00e7a vous fatigue pas de vous entendre parler\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "\"Wir werden Euch zermalmen\", bla, bla, bla. Kriegt Ihr Sith nie genug davon, Euch selbst beim Reden zuzuh\u00f6ren?",
                "deFemale": "\"Wir werden Euch zermalmen\", bla, bla, bla. Kriegt Ihr Sith nie genug davon, Euch selbst beim Reden zuzuh\u00f6ren?"
            "D2XOUNF_275": {
                "enMale": "When you put it like that, there's only one response.",
                "frMale": "Pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 comme \u00e7a, je ne vois qu'une r\u00e9ponse possible.",
                "frFemale": "Pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 comme \u00e7a, je ne vois qu'une r\u00e9ponse possible.",
                "deMale": "Wenn Ihr es so sagt, kann es nur eine Antwort geben.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn Ihr es so sagt, kann es nur eine Antwort geben."
            "D2XOUNF_299": {
                "enMale": "Imprisonment is no longer an option. Time to kill that scum.",
                "frMale": "L'emprisonnement n'est plus une option. L'heure est venue d'\u00e9liminer cette vermine.",
                "frFemale": "L'emprisonnement n'est plus une option. L'heure est venue d'\u00e9liminer cette vermine.",
                "deMale": "Inhaftierung ist keine Option mehr. Zeit, diesen Abschaum zu t\u00f6ten.",
                "deFemale": "Inhaftierung ist keine Option mehr. Zeit, diesen Abschaum zu t\u00f6ten."
        "AffectionGainTable": {
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            "D2XOUNF_28": [
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            "D2XOUNF_143": [
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                    "AffectionGainType": 200
            "D2XOUNF_144": [
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