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Aric Jorgan

Aric Jorgan
Level 1 Aric Jorgan
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Trooper
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Aric Jorgan
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  • 30. - So. Havoc Squad. Best of the best.
    • 1643. - Can't say I'm thrilled about the demotion, but it's an honor to be here. Sir.
      • 31. Option - Welcome aboard.Player - I realize the circumstances weren't ideal, but I'm glad you're with us, Jorgan.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 87. - A spot in Havoc was the least they could do.
      • 82. Option - Still angry?Player - How are you holding up?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 86. - You mean after watching Tavus flush my career down the 'fresher? What do you think.
      • 83. Option - You're in my world now.Player - I just love hearing you say that--"sir." Say it again.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 84. - Is this really how you want to start things off?
          • 1. - Four years at the academy, seven years in the field, decorations, commendations....
            • 3. - Would've made captain soon if Command hadn't hung me out to dry.
              • 4. Option - I agree, that was unfair.Player - We both know Tavus's defection wasn't your fault.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 9. - Tell that to the brass when they need a scapegoat.
              • 6. Option - You kind of deserved it.Player - Maybe if you'd been a little nicer....
                • 15. - My job was to keep soldiers alive, not pamper them.
              • 5. Option - Get over it.Player - I need you thinking about the mission, Jorgan, not your career.
                • 7. - I don't let personal grievances affect my mission performance.
                  • 746. - But hey, water under the bridge. Command put me in Havoc to help you find Tavus and I intend to do just that.
                    • 748. - I've hunted Imperials from one side of the galaxy to the next. Used to command the Deadeyes--finest sniper squad in the Republic.
                      • 45. Option - Glad to hear it.Player - I look forward to seeing what you can do, Jorgan.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 46. - You won't be disappointed.
                      • 25. Option - The Deadeyes?Player - I'm not familiar with that outfit.
                        • 26. - No? Maybe I'll tell you about them sometime.
                      • 42. Option - How good are you at cleaning?Player - That's why I'm putting you in charge of the Wax Hands, my new boot-polishing brigade.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 43. - So that's how it's going to be. Fine. I've had worse assignments.
                          • 1750. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2130. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1397. - You ever think we'll adopt our own litter of runts?
      • 1398. Option - I hope so.Player - I'd like that. I think you'd make a good father.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1437. - Yeah? I think you'd be up to the job, too.
      • 1399. Option - I don't know.Player - I honestly never gave it much thought.
        • 1438. - Really? You should start.
          • 1454. - If we do raise any of our own, I'll look forward to showing them around a blaster rifle--when they're old enough, of course.
      • 1400. Option - Hadn't planned on it.Player - I'm a soldier. I don't have time for children.
        • 1401. - That's too bad. You're a born leader--figured you'd be a natural at mothering.
          • 1404. - Hope you change your mind someday. I'd like to raise a few of my own, teach them how to handle a blaster--when they're old enough, of course.
    • 1405. - Whatever happens, just know that I'll always have your back, sir. I'm a Havoc man to the end.
      • 1407. - And you can count on me to train any recruits we might get.
        • 1461. - Give me a couple days, I can show any rookie how to handle a rifle properly.
          • 1752. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1716. - I wasn't sure when would be a good time to bring this up. Figure now is as good as any.
    • 1727. - For the Cathar, picking a mate... it's a lifelong commitment. Big decision, as you can imagine.
      • 1149. - Never really gave it much thought before. And then I met you.
        • 1150. Option - It's not just Cathar, silly.Player - My people have that, too. It's called "marriage."
        • 1724. Option - Why not?Player - You never thought about settling down?
          • 1725. - Didn't think I'd live long enough. Few soldiers get a ripe old death.
        • 1731. Option - I'm not surprised.Player - Couldn't find anyone else stubborn enough to stick with you?
          • 1258. - Not like you. You could train a gundark to curtsy if you put your mind to it.
            • 1157. - But lately I've been thinking--about you, me, the war, and what'll happen when it's all over.
              • 1159. - I've been thinking... I'd like to start a family someday. A family with you.
                • 1253. Option - Huh?Player - What are you trying to say?
                  • 1261. - Come on, you're a smart woman, always thinking ten steps ahead of the enemy. You know where this is going.
                • 1254. Option - Are you proposing?Player - Aric Jorgan, are you asking me to be your life-mate?
                  • 1255. - I--blast it, woman! I had this all planned out.
                    • 1267. - But yes--life-mate, wife, however you want to put it, the position's yours... if you want it.
                • 1192. Option - I'm not sure that fits me.Player - Can you really see me being a housewife?
                  • 1193. - Not exactly. But as long as you're with me, I'm not real picky.
                    • 1262. - I love you. Never thought I'd be saying those words, but there it is.
                      • 1264. - Also never thought I'd meet someone I'd want to spend the rest of my life with, but... well, you're it. So?
                        • 1268. Option - Yes!Player - Of course I'll marry you!
                          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                        • 1269. Option - It's about time you asked.Player - And here I was beginning to think the war was going to end before you proposed.
                          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                          • 1271. - I'll take that as a "yes."
                            • 1277. - Soon as we get the chance, we should go on leave, have this done all official-like.
                              • 1498. - Maybe take a vacation, go someplace quiet--someplace far away from the war. I'm thinking Ithor.
                                • 1499. Option - Sounds wonderful.Player - As long as there aren't any Imperials blasting at us, I'll be happy.
                                  • 1504. - A break from 4X's antics couldn't hurt, either.
                                • 1501. Option - What about Cathar?Player - I'd like to see your homeworld someday.
                                  • 1502. - Cathar? Hmm. Never been there myself, honestly.
                                    • 1712. - Not much left to see, from what I hear. Still... it's a thought.
                                • 1500. Option - Boring!Player - Think all you want, but I'm looking for a more action-packed honeymoon.
                                  • 1505. - You really are crazy. It's not too late for me to back out, is it?
                        • 1270. Option - I can't.Player - I care about you a lot, Jorgan--but that kind of commitment just isn't for me.
                          +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                          • 1390. - Right. I wouldn't want to push you into something you're not ready for.
  • 751. - I'm only going to say this once, so listen up.
    • 1022. - Being a soldier isn't just what I do--it's who I am. And I'm good at it.
      • 1194. - But when it comes to women, relationships... that's where things get messy for me.
        • 1195. Option - I know how you feel.Player - There aren't exactly a lot of men lining up to woo female commandos, either.
          • 1220. - And rightfully so, if they know what's good for them.
        • 1196. Option - [Flirt] That's not surprising.Player - I can think of a few reasons why that might be....
        • 1215. Option - You're not making sense.Player - Is there a reason you're telling me all this?
          • 1216. - I'm getting to that.
            • 1199. - Point is, I like you. A lot. I've never met a woman who got me the way you seem to.
              • 1134. Option - I think you're a catch.Player - You're a good man, Jorgan. I'm lucky to have found you.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1211. Option - We've got a lot in common.Player - We're a different breed, you and I.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1212. - All the more reason for us to appreciate what we have.
              • 1200. Option - You are kind of a jerk.Player - You've also never met a woman who could put up with you like I do.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1201. - There's that, too.
                  • 1207. - I've given up a lot for the Republic, and I'll keep on giving as long as I can.
                    • 1209. - But for all the rules and regulations telling me otherwise, you're the one thing I'll never give up.
                      • 1210. Option - I'm not going anywhere.Player - It'll take an army to pry me away from you.
                        +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                      • 1242. Option - [Flirt] You're getting soft.Player - I've never heard you talk so openly before.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1243. - Yeah, yeah. Just don't blab about it.
                          • 1213. - All right, I think that's enough heartfelt sentiment for one day. Let's get back out there and bag us some Imperials.
                            • 1758. <Conversation Exit>
                      • 1240. Option - Whoa, back off.Player - We've had some fun, but I don't know that I feel that strongly about you.
                        +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
  • 127. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 788. - Sir, I'd like to apologize for my behavior earlier.
      • 1471. - When I heard about Trace and Koplin... I just lost it. Would have done something stupid if you hadn't stopped me.
        • 1456. Option - I understand how you feel.Player - Losing a friend is no easy thing.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1523. - I can accept it when a comrade falls in battle. But those men were sold out.
        • 1458. Option - You okay?Player - You feeling better now?
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1459. - I don't feel like killing anyone, if that's what you're asking.
        • 1457. Option - Don't ever do that again.Player - Your conduct was unacceptable, soldier.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1476. - It won't happen again, sir.
            • 1478. - I'd have been no better than Zane if I'd pulled that trigger.
              • 1528. - I'd just be another thug doing whatever it took to get his way.
                • 1529. Option - You're better than that.Player - You're a good soldier, Jorgan. Don't forget that.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1530. Option - Zane was scum.Player - Still, it would have felt good to smack him around a bit.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1544. - Heh. Yeah. It would've.
                • 1531. Option - Can't always follow the rules.Player - Sometimes you have to follow your own path. Like we did when we rescued the Deadeyes.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1532. - True. But I'd rather not cross that line too often.
                    • 1534. - There's always going to be men like Zane calling the shots in the Republic. Can't kill all of them.
                      • 1536. - Better to work with the system than against it.
                        • 1537. Option - You'll go far.Player - The Republic needs more soldiers like you. You'll make it to the top someday.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1558. Option - So you're with me?Player - I can still count on you, right?
                        • 1540. Option - Better than the alternative.Player - Beats killing arrogant SIS agents.
                          • 1551. - Just barely.
                            • 1553. - Don't know that I'll ever trust the brass again. But I trust you, sir.
                              • 1555. - You kept me from making the biggest mistake of my life. I won't forget that.
                                • 2133. <Conversation Exit>
    • 128. - Sir, about what happened earlier....
      • 791. - Zane got what was coming to him. But I shouldn't have been the one to pull the trigger.
        • 793. - Killing an unarmed man, a Republic agent no less... that goes against everything I've been raised to do. Everything I've been trained to do.
          • 794. Option - It was necessary.Player - You did what had to be done.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1361. - If killing Zane saves even a few Republic soldiers, I'll accept that burden. But that doesn't make it right.
          • 795. Option - You were trained to kill.Player - You're a sniper. Taking down enemies is what you do.
            • 798. - Sniping a target during an approved op is one thing. What happened back there was completely different.
          • 796. Option - No one will ever know.Player - None of the Deadeyes are going to say anything, if that's what you're worried about.
            • 797. - It's not that. I know they'll keep their word.
              • 1364. - Honestly, it's not even Zane's death that's bothering me. It's everything--the Deadeyes, the operation and the Republic's part in all this.
                • 1366. - You heard Zane. Thousands of soldiers, all being fed to the Empire to find a place that may not even exist. It isn't right.
                  • 1374. Option - I agree. Player - The Republic sees us as expendable.
                  • 1375. Option - We ended that.Player - We put a stop to that when we killed Zane.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1376. - Did we? Who's to say another agent won't just pick up right where he left off?
                  • 1384. Option - I'm sure it exists.Player - Zane seemed pretty sure Dusk 9 was real.
                    • 1385. - That's not the point. Real or rumor, it doesn't matter.
                      • 1378. - We're stats to the brass, numbers to throw at the Empire for the Republic's convenience.
                        • 1380. - I'd have been proud to die for the Republic before, but after this....
                          • 1516. Option - Don't let this bring you down.Player - The actions of one man don't reflect the actions of the Republic as a whole.
                            • 1520. - Zane may have just been one man, but there are plenty of others like him calling the shots for us.
                          • 1515. Option - Don't quit on me.Player - You're still a part of this squad.
                            • 1517. - Don't worry. I'm not throwing in the towel yet.
                          • 1381. Option - Are you defecting?Player - You're starting to sound like Tavus.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 1382. - When Tavus defected, he turned his back on the very people he was sworn to protect. I'm nothing like him.
                              • 1473. - Won't ever trust Command again--but I'll keep fighting. Because the Republic is more than the bureaucrats running it.
                                • 1475. - It's the billions of people who can't fend for themselves, who are counting on us to defend them. I'll fight for them. And for you, sir.
                                  • 2153. <Conversation Exit>
  • 495. - Outstanding news, sir. We've got a positive fix on the Deadeyes' location.
    • 1000. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1001. - Garza's people just finished decrypting the coordinates we sent them.
      • 1469. - Balkar finally came through for us. Decrypted the rest of those coordinates we sent him.
      • 1470. - Took them long enough, but my sources finally got the rest of those coordinates decrypted.
        • 1482. - The data points to an Imperial outpost on Hoth. Another labor camp, most likely.
          • 1413. Option - What are we waiting for?Player - Let's get down there and bring those soldiers home.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1414. Option - Hoth? Ouch.Player - First Tatooine, now Hoth... the Imperials must really have it out for the Deadeyes.
            • 1479. - Picking off a few dozen Imperial officers will do that.
          • 1415. Option - Payback time.Player - A friendly visit from Havoc Squad ought to settle the score.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1483. - Right behind you, sir.
              • 1491. - Once we get those men out of there, we can put all this craziness behind us. I just hope we're not too late.
                • 1494. <Conversation Exit>
  • 686. - Just got off the holo with Torve. He asked me to thank you for getting him out of that labor camp.
    • 1550. - He's starting to see the danger the other Deadeyes are in. Anxious for us to find them.
      • 1564. Option - He should help us.Player - We could use him when we rescue the rest of the Deadeyes.
        • 1565. - SIS already has him tied up in debriefs. Pretty much exchanged one cell for another.
      • 1559. Option - How's the search going?Player - Any luck decoding the rest of those coordinates?
        • 1560. - Still waiting. Shouldn't be long now.
      • 1561. Option - He really messed up.Player - He ought to be demoted for taking on a dangerous mission like that.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1562. - As opposed to taking them on... a safe mission? We're not getting paid to deliver cookies, here.
          • 1569. - It was a mistake to trust a snake like Zane, but Torve's heart was in the right place.
            • 1573. - I just hope this mistake doesn't get any of those men killed.
              • 1764. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2181. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1684. - Attention all Havoc personnel. I'm instating some mandatory downtime, effective immediately. So... get out, have fun. That's an order.
    • 1679. - Attention all Havoc personnel. The colonel is instating some mandatory downtime, effective immediately. So... get out, have fun. That's an order.
    • 1678. - Attention all Havoc personnel. The major is instating some mandatory downtime, effective immediately. So... get out, have fun. That's an order.
    • 1676. - Attention all Havoc personnel. The captain is instating some mandatory downtime, effective immediately. So... get out, have fun. That's an order.
    • 1734. - Attention all Havoc personnel. We're instating some mandatory downtime, effective immediately. So... get out, have fun. That's an order.
      • 1024. - There. Thought a little R & R might do the squad some good.
        • 429. - I also figured a little alone time would do us some good.
          • 1056. Option - Good thinking.Player - Now that's the kind of initiative I like to see in a man.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1058. - Yeah? Well, how's this for initiative?
          • 736. Option - What'd you have in mind?Player - You think we should "rest and relax" together?
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 740. Option - Think you can handle me?Player - Report to my quarters in five minutes. Bring your body armor.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 734. - Ha... you're joking, right?
              • 739. - Well. That was... productive. Very relaxing.
                • 741. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 1112. - I'll have to schedule more R & R time for the squad. A lot more.
                  • 1113. - Have Elara schedule more R & R time for the squad. A lot more.
                    • 1799. <Conversation Exit>
  • 154. - I may have been wrong about you.
    • 1294. - Takes a lot to lead a squad like Havoc. Wasn't convinced you had it in you. Thought you were inexperienced, untested.
      • 1296. - But you've got good instincts. Turned out to be a first-class leader.
        • 162. Option - Thank you.Player - That means a lot coming from you, Jorgan.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1160. - I just call it like I see it.
        • 161. Option - This is a historic moment.Player - Wait, let me record this. I need proof.
          • 206. - Let's not make a big deal out of this.
        • 163. Option - Obviously.Player - When you're right, you're right.
          • 164. - Don't let it go to your head.
            • 166. - I'll admit, that business on Ord Mantell still irks me.
              • 1067. - But it landed me in the most elite squad in the Republic, under one of the finest commanders I've served with. So I can't complain too much.
                • 1801. <Conversation Exit>
  • 137. Player - You wanted to talk?
    • 1082. - I did.
      • 472. - You're my commanding officer. When we're on the field, I'm supposed to be following your lead and watching your back.
        • 721. - I'm watching your back, all right... and everything else, too. It's... unprofessional.
          • 722. Option - I'm flattered.Player - I didn't realize I looked so good in uniform.
            • 1078. - I didn't think it was possible to make thirty-two kilos of reinforced durasteel look good. But you manage.
          • 1089. Option - Oh, get over it.Player - You're a man, Jorgan. I'd be offended if you weren't sneaking an occasional peek.
            • 1090. - I'd like to do more than just peek.
          • 1084. Option - Don't let it become a problem.Player - As long as it doesn't affect your combat performance, stare away.
            • 1085. - Just keep that armor intact and we won't have a problem.
              • 503. - Look, I don't know if this thing between us is going anywhere. You're a remarkable woman--but you're still my CO.
                • 774. - I ever cross a line, go too far, you let me know.
                  • 776. Option - Don't hide behind your career.Player - If you've got something to say, then say it.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 777. Option - You haven't gone far enough.Player - Just shut up and kiss me.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1079. Option - You're hopeless. [Kiss him]Player - What you do need is a woman who can put up with you.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1088. - Whew. For the record, you kiss like most people punch.
                      • 1229. - Well. I think I've said my piece. We'll talk again. Soon.
                        • 1803. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1342. - I ever tell you about the time we were ordered to take out Moff Dalom? Dangerous mark. Wily as a--hang on.
    • 346. - Incoming transmission. Care to guess who it is?
      • 347. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 296. - Major. Senior Agent Zane, here. Apparently, I didn't make myself clear earlier.
        • 316. - Captain. Senior Agent Zane, here. Apparently, I didn't make myself clear last time.
        • 1737. - Senior Agent Zane, here. Apparently, I didn't make myself clear earlier.
          • 298. - Or perhaps you thought an unauthorized rescue mission wouldn't constitute as "interfering"?
            • 299. Option - No misunderstanding here.Player - We knew exactly what we were doing.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 301. Option - We're on to you.Player - Can it, Zane. Torve told us all about your involvement in the Deadeyes' capture.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 302. - Considering how incredibly classified that information was, I do hope you had to torture Lieutenant Torve.
            • 300. Option - I don't have time for this.Player - I've got the other Deadeyes to rescue, so if you don't mind....
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 321. - This'll only take a moment.
                • 304. - I understand you're concerned for your comrades, but you morons are only complicating things.
                  • 305. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 1667. - You're addressing the commander of Havoc Squad, Zane. You will show him the proper respect.
                    • 1669. - You're addressing the commander of Havoc Squad, Zane. You will show her the proper respect.
                      • 306. - Apologies. But this is a delicate operation and your continued involvement will only jeopardize its completion.
                        • 307. Option - You held out on me.Player - We could've worked together if you'd kept us in the loop.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 342. - I would have if this had been any of your business.
                        • 308. Option - Where are the others?Player - You know where the other Deadeyes are being held. Tell me.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 310. Option - Too bad.Player - You can expect a lot more interference from us in the future.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 312. - Then you can expect far worse than holocalls.
                            • 314. - Your operation's falling apart, Zane. Now either rescue the Deadeyes yourself or get out of our way.
                              • 317. - I don't take orders from grunts. This mission is over when I say it is.
                                • 319. - I've had it with this guy. Permission to cut him off, sir.
                                  • 349. Option - Please do.Player - Permission granted.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 991. Option - Allow me.Player - I'd rather do it myself.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 350. Option - Permission denied.Player - Stay out of this.
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    • 1372. - No more warnings. I so much as smell you again, and I'll deal with you. Personally.
                                      • 353. - I can't tell if he really dropped the ball on this one or if he's still just lying to us.
                                        • 355. - Either way, the SIS had their chance. Time for Havoc Squad to get the job done right.
                                          • 1921. <Conversation Exit>
  • 111. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 381. - Good news, sir. Balkar finally decoded that first set of coordinates.
      • 383. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 379. - Good news, sir. Garza's people decoded the first portion of those coordinates.
      • 380. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 382. - Finally heard back from my sources. They got the first part of those coordinates decoded.
      • 384. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 385. - The data points to an Imperial excavation site on Tatooine. Looks like my former XO, Torve, is being held there.
        • 708. - The data points to an Imperial excavation site right here on Tatooine. Looks like my former XO, Torve, is being held there.
          • 915. Option - Let's go get 'em.Player - Then let's load up and get them out of there.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 916. - Ready when you are, sir.
          • 386. Option - Why Tatooine?Player - Why are the Imperials taking prisoners to such a remote location?
            • 387. - We knew the Imps were anxious to work the Deadeyes to death. Can't think of a harsher, more miserable place than Tatooine.
              • 922. - We'll know more once we find Torve. He just better have some answers for us.
          • 914. Option - We shouldn't get involved.Player - Zane made it pretty clear that he doesn't want us interfering.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 921. - You'd let good men die because some spook says so?
              • 937. - A real soldier would never leave a comrade behind. But it's your call, sir.
                • 938. <Conversation Exit>
  • 399. - Still no word on the Deadeyes' location.
    • 400. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1333. - I checked with Garza, but she hasn't had any luck decrypting those coordinates we sent her.
      • 396. - Balkar hasn't had any success decrypting those coordinates we picked up.
      • 398. - Can't find a slicer good enough to decrypt those coordinates we found.
        • 402. - This is taking too long. For all we know, the Imperials have relocated the Deadeyes. That intel could be obsolete.
          • 403. Option - Then we'll keep on searching.Player - We can still pick up a new trail if we follow those coordinates.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 434. Option - Quit worrying.Player - Now you're just trying to be pessimistic.
            • 705. - I prefer to think of it as preemptive disappointment.
          • 435. Option - They could be dead.Player - We don't even know if the Deadeyes are still alive.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 711. - Way to keep up morale.
              • 872. - I'll keep monitoring the holo. Maybe something will turn up.
                • 1986. <Conversation Exit>
  • 439. - I never properly congratulated you on your promotion. You've come a long way since Ord Mantell. We should celebrate.
    • 1018. Option - This isn't like you....Player - Aric Jorgan--celebrating? I thought you were only interested in barking orders and sniping Imperials.
      • 1015. - You thought wrong. Give me some Rodian ale when I'm off duty and--well, the Deadeyes could tell you a few stories.
    • 458. Option - [Flirt] Can you cook?Player - You could make me dinner.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1070. - You wouldn't enjoy that. I spent the last ten years living off field rations.
    • 1019. Option - No, we shouldn't.Player - We don't have time for celebrations. We've got a war to fight.
      • 1020. - I'm sure we can spare ten seconds.
        • 459. - I got you a little something....
          • 999. - Bought the stone off a trader a few years back. Had a Theelin jeweler fit it for me. Thought it'd look nice on you.
            • 460. Option - I love it.Player - It's beautiful. Thank you.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 461. Option - [Flirt] It's kinda girlie....Player - Maybe next time you can get me something more practical. Like thermite.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 462. - Oh? And what makes you think there's going to be a next time?
                • 1009. - I should get back to my duties. Congratulations again, sir.
            • 464. Option - That's not appropriate.Player - I'm your commanding officer, Jorgan. Getting me gifts is unprofessional.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 719. - Right. Won't happen again, sir.
                • 2007. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1408. - Well, the search is officially underway. I transmitted those coordinates we picked up to Balkar's contact in SigInt.
    • 1410. - Won't be long before we find out where the Deadeyes are--well, look at that.
      • 359. - That you, Gav?
        • 361. - You know, you really ought to start encrypting your communications. Finding your frequency was child's play.
          • 392. Option - You've gone too far.Player - You're crossing the line, Zane. Stay out of our business.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 363. Option - What do you want?Player - You've got five seconds to explain yourself.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 362. Option - He seems familiar....Player - Your contact looks just like that nosy agent we met before. Weird.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 404. - Enough games.
              • 366. - I'll just leave you with a friendly suggestion: walk away.
                • 370. - That smug--! Why is he so interested in the Deadeyes?
                  • 372. - In any case, he knows about Balkar's contact at SigInt. We'll have to find someone else to decrypt those coordinates.
                    • 373. Option - How about Garza?Player - I'd like to see Zane outmaneuver General Garza.
                      • 376. - Now you're talking. I'll bring the general up now.
                        • 378. - This is General Garza. What can I do for you, Havoc?
                          • 413. Player - We've got a problem, General....
                            • 430. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 1740. - Hmm. I don't like you going off mission, Colonel. Then again, I don't like SIS snoops meddling in military affairs, either.
                              • 1423. - Hmm. I don't like you going off mission, Major. Then again, I don't like SIS snoops meddling in military affairs, either.
                              • 433. - Hmm. I don't like you going off mission, Captain. Then again, I don't like SIS snoops meddling in military affairs, either.
                              • 1741. - Hmm. I don't like you going off mission. Then again, I don't like SIS snoops meddling in military affairs, either.
                                • 969. - Send me the coordinates. I'll get our people working on them right away. Just don't let this interfere with your mission.
                                  • 970. Option - Thank you.Player - We won't forget this, General.
                                  • 1388. Option - Get on that, Jorgan.Player - You heard the general.
                                    • 971. - Transmitting the coordinates now, General.
                                  • 1389. Option - Will this take long?Player - Any chance of getting an ETA on those coordinates?
                                    • 1421. - They'll be ready when they're ready.
                                      • 1429. - I'll let you know if we learn anything. Garza out.
                                        • 1432. - There. If Zane manages to one-up Garza, I'll eat my rifle.
                    • 374. Option - Let's try Balkar again.Player - Balkar will know what to do. Let's get ahold of him.
                      • 388. - Fine. I'll put in the call.
                        • 389. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 2116. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 2123. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 569. - Balkar. This is Lieutenant Jorgan, with Havoc Squad. You read me?
                            • 390. - Balkar. This is Sergeant Jorgan, with Havoc Squad. You read me?
                          • 408. - Loud and clear, Havoc. What is it now?
                            • 409. Player - Zane's trying to stop us from decrypting those coordinates. We need your help.
                              • 1609. - Are you trying to get me suspended? Fired? Maybe arrested?
                                • 1611. - Yes or no, Balkar.
                                  • 1613. - Fine. Send me the coordinates.
                                    • 412. - I'll make a few calls, cash in a few favors. It'll take time, but I'll get those coordinates decrypted.
                                      • 416. Option - Thank you.Player - We appreciate this, Balkar.
                                        • 1435. - You owe me.
                                        • 417. - You're lucky I can't say "no" to a pretty face.
                                      • 1422. Option - Be discreet.Player - Make sure no one knows what you're up to. Especially Zane.
                                      • 1449. Option - Then get to it.Player - Be quick about it, Balkar.
                                        • 1450. - Discretion takes time.
                                          • 1443. - I'll contact you as soon as I learn anything. Balkar out.
                                            • 1447. - Let's hope he's half as good as he thinks he is.
                    • 375. Option - Figure it out.Player - Do what you have to do. Just don't bother me with it.
                      • 407. - Fine. I'll handle it.
                        • 1983. <Conversation Exit>
  • 105. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 254. - Sir. I'm not very good at this, but... thank you. For the XO spot.
      • 268. - My career took a big hit when Tavus defected. I wasn't sure it'd ever recover.
        • 539. Option - You deserve the XO spot.Player - You've proven yourself plenty of times on the field, Jorgan. You earned that promotion.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 540. Option - It was only fair.Player - This should help you get back on track.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 541. Option - Don't let me down.Player - I'm putting a lot of trust in you, Jorgan.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 843. - I won't let you down, sir.
            • 1633. - I'll make sure Havoc stays the top squad in the Republic. You can count on it.
    • 255. - Permission to speak freely, sir.
      • 259. Option - Let's hear it.Player - Permission granted.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 260. Option - Oh, brother.Player - This should be good.
        • 261. - Dorne's a fine soldier, but... come on. We both know that XO position had my name all over it.
          • 263. - Why would you sabotage my career even further? Is it personal? Or did you just forget I used to be a lieutenant?
            • 264. Option - It's nothing personal.Player - This isn't about you. Elara just has more of what I'm looking for in an XO.
            • 265. Option - That's enough! Player - It's my call and you will abide by it, soldier.
            • 266. Option - And now you're not.Player - The operative words being "used to."
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1629. - Still won't let that go, huh?
                • 534. - Fine. You can't see officer material when it's right in front of you, that's your business. Sir.
      • 256. Option - No.Player - Permission denied. As you were, soldier.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
  • 881. - Got a problem, sir. Weapons malfunction.
    • 191. - Had a couple misfires during that prison run. Think the barrel may be out of whack.
      • 443. - Not surprising, given all the action we've seen. With your permission, I'd like to inspect the rest of the squad's ordnance, make sure everything's up to code.
        • 453. Option - Good idea.Player - Way to think ahead, Jorgan.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 444. Option - If you think it's necessary.Player - Go for it. You seem to know what you're doing.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 447. - I ought to, after all these years.
        • 455. Option - [Flirt] Including mine?Player - Looking for an excuse to go through my personal effects, are we?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 456. - Maybe. There something you don't want me to find?
            • 457. Option - [Flirt] You could say that.Player - I've got a few things in my wardrobe that aren't exactly regulation.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 468. - What you wear while you're off duty isn't any of my business, sir--unless you make it my business.
            • 482. Option - [Flirt] I'm not telling.Player - A woman's got to have some secrets.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 485. - You're certainly welcome to try. Cathar don't miss much. Snipers miss even less.
        • 445. Option - Do you really have to ask?Player - You don't need to bother me with every little detail.
          • 446. - Weapon maintenance is serious business.
            • 452. - When you're sniping enemies from eight hundred meters, any imperfection in the blaster can ruin your shot.
              • 911. Option - Eight hundred meters? Nice.Player - You hit targets from that far? You're good.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 883. Option - Then get to it.Player - All the more reason for you to make sure our equipment is in optimal condition.
              • 440. Option - [Flirt] You big show-off.Player - Trying to impress me with your legendary sniping skills?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 441. - Maybe. Is it working?
                  • 913. Option - [Flirt] Almost.Player - Make it a thousand meters and we'll talk.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 952. - A thousand? You are one demanding CO.
                  • 951. Option - You like me, don't you?Player - If I didn't know any better, Jorgan, I'd say you were flirting.
                    • 953. - It's possible, sir. Just don't tell Elara. She'd probably write me up.
                  • 470. Option - [Flirt] Not exactly.Player - It'll take more than that to get me excited, hotshot.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 912. - Hmm. Good to know.
                      • 957. - Well, those weapons aren't going to inspect themselves. Sir.
              • 878. Option - Quit bragging.Player - I get it, you're an amazing shot. Now go clean those guns.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
  • 423. - No sign of them here. Balkar must've sent us on a wild--wait. I may have something.
    • 425. - It's an outgoing holomessage. Recent.
      • 427. - This is Captain Titch, confirming the details for outgoing prisoner transfer 993-B.
        • 567. - We've got three Gamorrean trespassers, a couple spice peddlers and our catch of the day--the legendary Deadeyes.
          • 568. Option - That's them.Player - At least we know they're alive.
            • 800. - Or were at the time of this transmission.
          • 700. Option - We're too late.Player - Looks like the Imperials already moved them.
          • 702. Option - Well, that was a waste.Player - All that work just to find out they're not even here?
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 713. - It'll be worth it if we can figure out where the Imperials shipped them off to.
              • 801. - As per protocol, we've split the Deadeyes up and transferred them to offworld labor camps.
                • 892. - I've encrypted the coordinates for their designated camps into this transmission. Those scum can spend their remaining years working off their debt.
                  • 1293. - Message ends there. Guess the Imps don't make things quick for their POWs. Lucky us.
                    • 1183. Option - We'd still better hurry.Player - That doesn't mean we have time to waste.
                      • 1184. - Agreed. I'll download those coordinates ASAP.
                    • 893. Option - Grab that data.Player - Make a copy of those coordinates.
                    • 1185. Option - Labor camps?Player - I'd be more grateful if the Deadeyes were still here.
                      • 1188. - We'll just have to settle for swiping these coordinates.
                        • 1187. - Hmm. The encryption here is good. Too good.
                          • 1288. - I can't crack it. Looks like we may need Balkar's services again.
                            • 1289. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1665. - Bad news, sir.
    • 988. - I just received a dispatch from Command. It's my old sniper squad, the Deadeyes--they've been captured.
      • 990. - Happened during a routine officer hunt. Somehow the Imps got the drop on them, rounded up the entire unit. Careless.
        • 829. Option - You're so unforgiving.Player - Would it kill you to show a little sympathy?
          • 848. - Sorry, sir. Hugs all around next time I see them.
        • 827. Option - When did this happen?Player - How long have the Deadeyes been in Imperial custody?
          • 851. - Weeks. More than enough time to be marched in front of a firing squad.
        • 828. Option - You're bad luck.Player - First Tavus and the others go rogue, then the Deadeyes get captured--you're jinxed.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 832. - Right. Somehow it's all my fault.
            • 838. - Look, something about all this doesn't sit right with me.
              • 839. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 840. - The Deadeyes' area of operation was on Nar Shaddaa. That's Hutt territory, neutral ground. They shouldn't have had any business operating there.
                • 1170. - The Deadeyes' area of operation was right here on Nar Shaddaa. This is Hutt territory, neutral ground. They shouldn't have had any business operating here.
                  • 841. Option - It must have been important.Player - I'm sure they had a good reason.
                    • 932. - The Republic would never risk a falling out with the Hutts just to bag a few Imperials.
                  • 842. Option - You suspect something?Player - You think there's more going on here?
                  • 898. Option - Maybe they've gone rogue.Player - What if the Deadeyes defected, and their capture is just a cover-up?
                    • 899. - I trained those men myself, sir.
                      • 1317. - I need to know what happened to the Deadeyes--and if they're still alive.
                        • 996. - Missions on Nar Shaddaa are usually green-lit by the SIS. With your permission, I'd like to meet with them, see what they know.
                          • 1279. Option - We know someone in the SIS.Player - Get ahold of Jonas Balkar. He may be able to help us.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1280. Option - Sounds like a plan.Player - Sounds as good a place to start as any. Make it happen.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 1283. - I'll contact that agent we dealt with last time. The annoying one... Balkar.
                              • 1320. - We'll rendezvous at that dive he hangs out in. With any luck, he'll have something for us.
                          • 997. Option - We don't have time for this.Player - We have our mission, Jorgan, and these Deadeyes of yours aren't part of it.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 1323. - At least let me contact that agent we dealt with last time. The annoying one... Balkar.
                              • 1325. - I'll tell him to wait for us at that dive he likes so much. You change your mind, great.
                                • 1326. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1641. - Sir, you should know... General Vander contacted me.
    • 1645. - Said he'd talked it over with the brass and finagled a way to get me back on Ord Mantell.
      • 1664. - Offered me my old post, a promotion and command of their operations there. Pretty sweet deal, overall.
        • 639. Option - I'd hate to see you leave.Player - I hope you turned him down. You're a part of Havoc Squad now.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 641. - You think I'd head back to some backwater planet like Ord Mantell?
        • 294. Option - What did you say?Player - Did you accept?
        • 638. Option - So I'm free of you?Player - Please tell me you said "yes."
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 640. - Afraid you're still stuck with me.
            • 644. - Fact is, I've been hitting the Empire harder than ever since I joined Havoc Squad.
              • 1703. - I didn't enlist to win medals or promotions. I enlisted to protect the Republic, to prove my people have a place here.
                • 648. Option - That's great, Jorgan.Player - Glad you're finally warming up to your assignment.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1704. Option - Of course they belong here.Player - The Cathar will always have a place in the Republic.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1710. - I hope so.
                    • 1705. - We already lost one home to the Mandalorians. I'm not about to let the Empire take another.
                • 1718. Option - Get your priorities straight.Player - The squad comes first. Everything else comes second.
                  • 1719. - I know where my loyalties lie, sir. You've got nothing to worry about.
                    • 1931. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1659. - Inventory report, sir. Food and medical supplies all look good, but our munitions are getting low.
    • 1655. - Thought we'd have enough to last us the year. Already requisitioned Command for more.
      • 1662. - Guess I shouldn't be too surprised. See more action in one day with Havoc than you see in a month with the Deadeyes.
        • 573. Option - We've been busy.Player - There's a lot of demand for a unit of our caliber.
        • 572. Option - Why's that?Player - What kind of work did you do for the Deadeyes?
        • 574. Option - Why, were you lazy?Player - So, what, you just sat around all the time?
          • 635. - Kind of.
            • 579. - We mainly ran decapitation strikes, neutralized enemy commanders before a Republic offensive. Left the opposition leaderless, disorganized.
              • 655. - Sometimes we'd camp outside the enemy's base for weeks, waiting for a clear shot. Eventually we'd hit our target, pull out and let the ground pounders mop up.
                • 584. Option - Sounds like you were busy.Player - You must've chalked up quite a kill count.
                  • 589. - Over two dozen confirmed.
                • 580. Option - That's... really underhanded.Player - Doesn't sound like the most honorable profession.
                  • 586. - Can't say there's anything particularly noble about killing a man from half a klick.
                • 585. Option - Sounds boring.Player - I prefer being on the front lines, where the action is.
                  • 591. - The sniper's life isn't for everyone. All about that one shot that'll make or break a battle.
                    • 593. - Eventually, I was offered a promotion and a post on Ord Mantell. I took it.
                      • 595. - Smart move, career-wise. More men, more responsibility. But I wasn't interested in fighting separatists.
                        • 597. Option - Why not?Player - What were you interested in?
                          • 1595. - I signed on to fight Imperials. Anything else I did was career dressing.
                        • 598. Option - That's quite a change.Player - Must've been an awkward transition.
                          • 599. - One day I'm picking off Imperial brass, the next I'm pacifying mobs of angry seps.
                        • 606. Option - You're never satisfied.Player - You'll complain about anything.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 607. - I enlisted for a lot of reasons. Killing seps wasn't one of them.
                            • 601. - After my transfer, command of the Deadeyes fell to my XO, Torve. Smart kid--a little green, but the potential was there.
                              • 613. Option - He had a good teacher.Player - If he learned from you, I'm sure he's a fine officer.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 614. - Only so much a person can be taught about leadership. You've either got what it takes, or you don't.
                              • 604. Option - You thought I was green, too.Player - You weren't sure I was fit to lead, and look how I turned out.
                              • 605. Option - I doubt you're missed.Player - I'm sure they prefer him over the hard-nosed CO they used to have.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 616. - At least I got them home every mission. Can't expect much more from an officer.
                                  • 671. - Come to think of it, I haven't been in contact with the Deadeyes for awhile. I should find out where they're stationed, catch up.
                                    • 1929. <Conversation Exit>
  • 95. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1592. - So, that Forex is... interesting. Eager, but won't shut up. Kept going on about his "superior Republic engineering."
      • 1594. - Finally called him on it, ran a weapons diagnostic. Loudmouth's packing some serious ordnance.
    • 1600. - Sir. Had a brief chat with Dorne. Interesting woman.
      • 1602. - A little too obsessed with regulations, but her knowledge of Imperial military protocol is invaluable.
        • 1598. - Guess Havoc is finally shaping into a real squad.
          • 1599. Option - This is only the beginning.Player - You haven't seen anything yet.
          • 1615. Option - What's that supposed to mean?Player - You're implying it wasn't before?
            • 1616. - We're rebuilding this unit from scratch. Wasn't exactly a "squad" back when it was just you and me.
          • 1617. Option - No thanks to you.Player - About time we found some real soldiers.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1620. - Hey. I earned the Havoc stripes, same as everyone else here.
              • 291. - Just remember, people's expectations of us--of you--are only gonna get bigger.
    • 1688. - You think Havoc will start shaping into an actual squad soon?
      • 1699. Option - I only accept the best.Player - I'll recruit more soldiers as soon as I find some Havoc-worthy candidates.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1695. Option - What are you implying?Player - You're saying it isn't now?
        • 1696. - Two people isn't a squad, sir. It's just... two people.
      • 1689. Option - Yeah, no thanks to you.Player - I hope so. Need to get some real soldiers in this unit.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1690. - I earned the Havoc stripes, same as you.
          • 1692. - Once this unit starts growing, people's expectations of us--of you--are only gonna get bigger.
            • 1640. - That CO post could get real heavy, real quick.
              • 209. Option - I love this job.Player - I was born to lead.
              • 273. Option - I'll take on that burden.Player - Someone needs to run Havoc Squad.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 274. Option - It still has its perks.Player - At least I get to boss you around.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 275. - I hope you're taking this seriously, sir.
                  • 279. - Commanding a squad is no cakewalk. Nothing worse than having to choose between the success of the mission and the lives of your men.
                    • 280. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 281. - That said, a leader can't be soft on his troops. Coddling your men will only get them killed.
                      • 282. - A leader who's too headstrong, too eager to get the job done, will only end up getting his unit killed. Remember that.
                      • 283. - A leader's got to be ready to make those kinds of life-or-death decisions. There's no room for doubt.
                        • 285. Option - That's good advice.Player - You've got a point. I'll keep it in mind.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 284. Option - I know what I'm doing.Player - Jorgan? I got it.
                          • 625. - Okay, I'll shut up.
                            • 1646. - I'm sure you'll do fine. You've gotten us this far.
                        • 622. Option - Who's running this unit?Player - When did Command put you in charge of Havoc? Oh, right--they didn't.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
  • 11. - I reviewed your service record before that ZR-57 op. Been meaning to discuss it with you.
    +200 Influence : greatly approves.
    • 12. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 13. - You made quite an impression at the Academy: accelerated training programs, instructor recommendations. Graduated top of your class.
        • 53. - Heck of a transcript, but a classroom's no substitute for field experience.
      • 48. - Says you served in the Outer Rim. Knew a lot of good men who fought out there. Heard it was brutal.
        • 54. - Warfare like that can change a person, make them reckless. Unstable.
      • 49. - Says you've been fighting the Empire since you were old enough to hold a blaster. Ran quite the underground resistance.
      • 56. - So you can kill Imperials; but a guerilla mentality won't cut it in the big time.
        • 63. Option - I can handle myself.Player - You saw how I handled things on Ord Mantell. I know what I'm doing.
          • 212. - Taking on that sep army single-handedly showed guts, not leadership.
        • 33. Option - You were snooping on me?Player - Why were you looking through my record?
          • 34. - I like to know who I'm serving with. Especially if they're giving the orders.
            • 36. - When I signed on with the Deadeyes, my CO was Lieutenant Vorne--certified war hero, as decorated as they come.
              • 155. - When he gave an order, we trusted it, followed it to the letter. A squad needs that kind of commitment to operate effectively.
                • 246. Option - Then do what I say.Player - I expect you to give me that same level of dedication.
                  • 475. - I always give a hundred percent. That's not the issue.
                • 156. Option - What are you implying?Player - You're saying you don't trust me?
                  • 158. - I'm saying trust requires more than a slick new promotion.
                • 905. Option - I didn't ask for a lecture.Player - Does a squad need annoying know-it-alls to operate effectively?
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 906. - I realize this is all textbook. But humor me.
                    • 38. - Havoc Squad is the Republic's most elite outfit. We tackle the missions no one else can handle.
                      • 214. - Traitor or no, Tavus is a tough act to follow. You think you're up to it?
                        • 41. Option - You bet.Player - I wouldn't be leading Havoc Squad if I didn't.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 39. Option - I've got nothing to prove.Player - My record speaks for itself.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 509. - I'll admit, you've seen and done more than most soldiers your age.
                            • 1580. - You've got confidence, and plenty of raw talent. Maybe you'll pull this off.
                        • 40. Option - Drop it.Player - General Vander thought I was qualified for the job. That should be good enough for you.
                          • 511. - I'm not questioning your ability.
                            • 659. - Just remember what happened to me when things went south. You get in over your head, they'll do the same to you.
        • 157. Option - Quit wasting my time.Player - Skip the lecture and do something useful--like inventorying our munitions.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 210. - I was just--yes, sir.
            • 1925. <Conversation Exit>
  • 687. - Look, I can accept that you outrank me.
    • 689. - But for this to work, I need to know you still respect me. As an equal.
      • 1131. Option - You know I do.Player - Of course I respect you, Jorgan.
        • 1308. - Then start acting like it.
      • 1132. Option - What brought this up?Player - Why would you think I don't respect you?
        • 1310. - The way you've been acting lately, I'd never know.
          • 1316. - But hey, you say you do, I'll take your word for it.
      • 1133. Option - I don't.Player - I'm your commanding officer. We're not equals.
        • 1311. - So that's how it is, huh? I'm just your subordinate? You're a real piece of work.
          • 2071. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1093. - I'd heard getting involved with a superior officer was trouble. Now I finally get it.
    • 1095. - You, me, the squad... it's all getting jumbled. Afraid to speak my mind. Half-expect you to pull rank on me if I say something you don't like.
      • 1105. Option - Don't give up on me.Player - We're used to beating the odds. We can make this work.
        • 1106. - This isn't some battlefield.
          • 1118. - But if you're willing to tough it out, I can give it another shot, too.
      • 1130. Option - It's my job.Player - As long as you're under my command, I have to treat you the same as everybody else.
        • 1176. - That's fine when we're on the field, but when it's just us, it's... weird.
          • 1417. - You better think long and hard how you want me to treat you--as my CO or as... something else.
      • 1103. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 2188. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1098. Player - We can talk about this another time. You're dismissed, Captain.
        • 2189. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1097. Player - We can talk about this another time. You're dismissed, Lieutenant.
        • 1096. Player - We can talk about this another time. You're dismissed, Sergeant.
          • 1099. - This is exactly what I'm talking about!
            • 2073. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1028. - It's over. You, me--it's just not a solid fit.
    • 1030. - We're creating tension in the ranks, putting the squad at risk. I can't have that.
      • 1031. Option - I understand.Player - It was fun while it lasted.
      • 1032. Option - It's over when I say it is.Player - As your commanding officer, I order you to stay with me.
        • 1033. - There are some things you can't order me to do. This is one of them.
          • 1035. - Let's just try and keep things professional from now on.
      • 1049. Option - See if I care.Player - Fine by me--I don't want to get involved with a subordinate anyway.
        • 1051. - Then everyone's a winner.
          • 2175. <Conversation Exit>
  • 759. - I hope you know what you're doing.
    • 761. - Some of your command decisions lately have been a little... unconventional. A few nearly got us killed.
      • 762. Option - You make a good point.Player - You're right, Jorgan. I'll try to be more careful in the future.
      • 766. Option - Danger is part of the job.Player - Sometimes you've got to take a few risks to get the mission done right.
        • 767. - There's risks and then there's stupid risks. Sir.
      • 765. Option - Too bad.Player - As long as you're a part of this unit, you'll do what I say.
        • 768. - May not be a unit if you keep this up.
          • 2079. <Conversation Exit>
  • 756. - You think this is a game? Some training exercise?
    • 758. - It's not. People's lives are on the line here, and unless you start doing your job, you're going to get those people killed.
      • 1347. Option - I'll do better.Player - If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them.
      • 2134. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 2138. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1352. Player - You're free to speak your mind, Captain, but you will address a superior officer properly.
        • 2141. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1351. Player - You're free to speak your mind, Lieutenant, but you will address a superior officer properly.
          • 1350. Player - You're free to speak your mind, Sergeant, but you will address a superior officer properly.
            • 1353. - No disrespect intended, sir.
              • 1357. - Just--just get us through this war in one piece, okay?
      • 1358. Option - Stand down!Player - How I operate this unit is my call. Not yours.
        • 1359. - Believe me, sir, I know.
          • 2081. <Conversation Exit>
  • 548. - That's it. I've had it.
    • 553. - I can't serve with you anymore. I'm putting in a transfer request first chance I get.
      • 556. Option - That's too bad.Player - Sorry to see you go, Jorgan.
      • 1171. Option - You don't have to go.Player - I'm sure we can talk this over, work something out.
        • 563. - We're way beyond that point, sir.
      • 554. Option - I knew you'd cut and run.Player - You've been jealous of me from the start.
        • 557. - If that's what you want to believe, fine. I'm through trying to reason with you.
          • 559. - I'll continue my duties, if only to make sure you don't get the others killed.
            • 561. - But once this is all over, I'm gone.
              • 2083. <Conversation Exit>
  • 886. - I'd like a word with you when we get back to the ship.
  • 885. - I need to talk to you. In private.
  • 2191. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 99. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 185. - I'm not seeing them anywhere. Let's check the central computer.
    • 186. - Nothing here. Let's keep looking.
    • 339. - They're not on this cell block. Let's move on to the next.
  • 887. - I'm busy, sir. We'll talk later.
  • 1675. - So. Looks like it's still just the two of us. A lieutenant and his sergeant.
    • 1687. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.trooper.aric_jorgan
Appearance ID16141089158731688325
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