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Doctor Camily Avan

Doctor Camily Avan
Level 50 Unknown
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Expansion_1
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 1.1.5e
Removed In: 1.2.0
Star Wars Name: Doctor Camily Avan
Other Sites:


  • 45. - Captain, are you there? It's Doctor Avan. How are things on Makeb?
    • 4. Player - Good news? I'm fine. Bad news? The Hutts are redecorating Makeb into a flaming asteroid field.
      • 82. Player - Long story short, this planet's doomed. Thoughts? Opinions? Random comments?
        • 7. - Our mission hasn't changed. The Cartel must be stopped.
    • 8. Player - The planet's falling to pieces, but things just brightened up. I've missed you, sweetheart.
    • 6. Player - Not a great place for life expectancy or leisurely chats.
    • 5. Player - You seem vaguely familiar. Refresh my memory.
      • 46. - Xenopsychology expert on Hutts. We spoke aboard your ship.
        • 47. Player - Right. You're my assistant, or whatever. Go ahead.
          • 11. - The SIS found a solid lead: Hutt underboss named Barabbula. Psych profile indicates superiority complex, narcissism and transgressive tendencies. Standard species neuroses.
            • 16. - But a search of the galactic auction network shows Barabbula has bid heavily on all collectible items associated with you.
              • 48. Player - People are making money off my reputation, and I'm not getting a percentage? That's piracy!
                • 49. - If it makes you feel better, most items are counterfeits....
              • 24. Player - You getting outbid, sweetheart? I'll give you a keepsake free of charge.
              • 25. Player - I hear Hutt men have a thing for humanoid females. Sounds like I have a fan.
                • 29. - Hutts only possess one biological gender--and this isn't infatuation.
              • 26. Player - Great. He's a fan. How does this help us kick the Hutts off Makeb?
                • 30. - Barabbula is more than a "fan."
                  • 35. - Hutts are known to develop powerful fixations--what they call "haku'powa." It means "strange lure" in Basic. You're Barabbula's haku'powa. We can exploit that.
                    • 63. Player - I always knew fame would make me rich. Who needs the Challon Run when I can sell my autograph to crazy Hutts?
                      • 67. - Autographs aren't enough. This requires a personal touch.
                    • 65. Player - Do you mean this Hutt has a crush on me? Just saying those words makes me want to get deloused.
                      • 69. - It isn't like that. Haku'powas are respected and admired.
                    • 66. Player - Skip the lecture, Doctor Windbag. How do I get at this Hutt?
                      • 62. - We don't have Barabbula's personal holofrequency, but you're headed to Talaos City. That's under Hutt control. Stand by....
                        • 40. - Interesting. Barabbula has a private vault there. If you breached it--and left a calling card--it'd get his attention.
                          • 23. Player - I see where you're going. Barrabula's my ticket to the Cartel if I dazzle him with personal attention.
                            • 31. - Without being crude. Hutts appreciate elegance.
                              • 32. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 43. Player - The last thing Hutts like is people breaking into their vaults. I've got enough prices on my head.
                            • 54. - You're Barabbula's haku'powa. He'll be flattered.
                              • 57. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 42. Player - I'm sure Barabbula won't mind if his personal hero borrows a few things while I'm in his vault.
                            • 53. - The goal is not to antagonize. We need him to like you.
                              • 56. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 83. - Barabbula is the weakest link in the Cartel's chain. We have to find him before Makeb is destroyed.
                                • 58. - Barabbula is the weakest link in the Cartel's chain. We won't get a better shot at the Hutts.
                                  • 79. - I'm transmitting the vault's coordinates. Get inside. Leave Barabbula your holo-frequency. I'll be in touch.
                                    • 80. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.test.expansion_1.makeb.class.smuggler.doctor_camily_avan
Appearance ID16141085347136332402
Body Typebfa
    "_id": {
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    "MinLevel": 50,
    "MaxLevel": 50,
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.test.expansion_1.makeb.class.smuggler.doctor_camily_avan",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
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    "last_seen": "1.1.5e",
    "current_version": "1.0.0a",
    "hash": "3494815379",
    "removed_in": "1.2.0"