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Sentry Yashia

Sentry Yashia
Level 10 Ranged
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Korriban
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Sentry Yashia
Other Sites:


  • 125. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 32. - Good day, my lord.
  • 127. - I hope Naman Fal took the news well.
  • 2. - You should go. Talk to Naman Fal.
  • 3. - You found him? That poor acolyte.
    • 4. Option - It wasn't pretty.Player - He got torn up pretty badly in there.
      • 5. - Ah--he was so brave and ready to prove himself to his father.
    • 8. Option - Here it is.Player - Yes, yes--one dead acolyte.
    • 119. Option - Yeah, was that all?Player - What now?
      • 15. - His father is--was--Naman Fal. As I said before, he's one of the dark honor guards in the Academy.
        • 17. - If you take the acolyte's remains to his father, I'm sure he'll be grateful.
          • 21. Option - Remind me about his father.Player - What exactly is a "dark honor guard," anyway?
            • 22. - They are the Sith chosen from the most loyal and brutal shock troops to defend the Dark Council and the Emperor himself.
          • 29. Option - Hopefully this will pay off.Player - I suppose it's always good to make powerful friends.
          • 122. Option - A good idea.Player - Sounds like a worthy cause.
            • 19. - Thank you. It's good to see that there are more feelings embraced by the Sith than just hate and fury.
              • 24. - You can find the acolyte's father outside the Chamber of the Dark Council. That's where he stands guard.
                • 31. <Conversation Exit>
  • 33. - Good luck.
  • 129. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 131. - My lord, may I speak to you for a moment?
    • 130. - Acolyte, may I speak to you for a moment?
      • 35. Option - Fine by me.Player - Sure, why not, sentry? Go ahead.
      • 106. Option - [Flirt] Oh, you're attractive.Player - I always have time for a beautiful woman.
        • 38. - Oh, yes. Um, thank you. You're too kind. Really.
          • 151. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 107. Option - Go ahead.Player - You may.
        • 41. - Thank you. I am honored that you would do me the courtesy.
          • 148. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 110. Option - Begone.Player - Out of my way, worm.
        • 46. - Please, I didn't mean to offend. I just... wanted to....
          • 147. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 138. - There was an acolyte. Not long ago, he entered this tomb and did not come back. He... he died in there.
            • 56. - There was another acolyte--not long ago, who entered this tomb and did not come back. He... he died in there.
              • 113. Option - So what happened?Player - How did he die?
                • 58. - I don't know, but I could tell he was dying. I heard him scream even through the great tomb doors.
              • 60. Option - [Flirt] You're sweet. Player - And you were worried to see a handsome man like me die too?
                • 61. - No! I mean, not that--but that's not what I meant... I mean, it's just that....
              • 63. Option - You're a softie!Player - And you were worried I might die as well? That's sweet.
                • 64. - No! I mean, of course you would survive if you went in there. It's just....
              • 115. Option - Weak acolytes fall.Player - People die.
                • 69. - That seems even more true on Korriban, I'm afraid.
                  • 71. - The acolyte who went in there, he--he was a good sort. Friendly and talkative. He said he was entering the tomb to prove himself to his father.
                    • 73. - I just thought it would be nice if somebody took his body back and told his father he didn't make it.
                      • 76. Option - That makes sense.Player - Yes, the father should be told that his son has fallen.
                      • 116. Option - Are all sentries this stupid?Player - You're an idiot.
                        • 79. - If you have no pity for the boy, think of the father then and the prestige you could gain from doing this. His father is a powerful man.
                      • 154. Option - You've got legs.Player - So go do it, you useless woman.
                      • 156. Option - You've got legs.Player - So go do it already, you useless woman.
                      • 82. Option - You've got legs.Player - So go do it already, you useless woman.
                        • 83. - I'd never survive in there, and even if I did, I wouldn't be allowed to see his father.
                          • 85. - He is a dark honor guard stationed in the Academy. None but Sith can ever set foot on the sacred ground where he stands watch.
                            • 87. - But you could find the body and bring it to his father. Please, do this and honor the fallen?
                              • 90. Option - I'll give it a shot.Player - If I see the acolyte's body, I will try to retrieve it.
                              • 94. Option - I expect a reward.Player - This dark honor guard better make it worth my while.
                              • 117. Option - Of course.Player - Of course.
                                • 95. - Thank you so much. If you find the acolyte's remains inside the tomb, let me know--I can tell you where to find his father in the Academy. Good luck.
                                  • 96. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - This is the tomb where acolytes take their final trials--I'm sure you'll be seeing it soon.
  • 102. - Good day to you.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141059225038421185
Body Typebfa
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