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Level 11 Melee Droid
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Flashpoint
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: NR-02
Other Sites:


  • 637. - We will be arriving on Dromund Kaas shortly. Please proceed to disembark.
  • 1139. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 468. - Welcome back. I'm pleased to see that you have returned whole.
      • 470. - I do apologize for the condition of the bridge. As I'd intended to explain earlier, there was an incident.
        • 473. Option - That's an understatement.Player - There are corpses all over the floor. This is what you call an "incident"?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 471. Option - What's this?Player - What happened here?
        • 472. Option - Explain now.Player - You'd better tell me what happened, or I'm going to be very unhappy.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 474. - Several of the crew were extremely agitated by your behavior. Ensign Hetter feared you might execute anyone who failed to contribute to the mission.
            • 476. - A group of officers attempted to flee the ship before you returned. Lieutenant Sylas objected, and a firefight broke out.
              • 480. - There was a large number of casualties. But don't worry--I'm fully capable of piloting the ship back to Dromund Kaas.
                • 481. Option - The crew did this?Player - You're telling me they panicked and killed one another?
                  • 484. - That is correct. It was unexpected.
                • 483. Option - So now what?Player - What now?
                • 482. Option - That's horrible. Player - Couldn't you have stopped them?
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 485. - I saw no effective way to intervene.
                    • 458. - Grand Moff Kilran is eagerly awaiting your report. Shall I put him through?
                      • 461. Option - Very well.Player - Go ahead. There's no sense waiting.
                      • 630. Option - Guess we should.Player - With the crew dead, I suppose there's not much left to do.
                      • 561. Option - Your choice, Captain.Player - It's your command again. Make the call.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 459. Option - Be my guest.Player - Be my guest.
                        • 574. - Opening channel now.
                          • 463. - Well--how fortunate I could reach my friends aboard the Black Talon.
                            • 629. - The droid's been keeping me apprised of your work, but I very much wanted to hear from you. How did the attack go?
                              • 569. Option - Mission successful.Player - The Brentaal Star has been disabled and the general captured. He'll be in your hands soon.
                                • 595. - Excellent. I'll let Korriban and Imperial Intelligence fight over him.
                              • 571. Option - The mission was successful.Player - The Brentaal Star has been disabled, and the general is dead.
                                • 592. - A pity you couldn't bring him back alive--but really, it makes little difference.
                              • 572. Option - There's not much to say.Player - What's to hear? I did what you wanted.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 587. - Please respond appropriately to the Grand Moff.
                                  • 589. - Please--I'm in good cheer. There's no need for poisonings tonight.
                              • 573. Option - It was sadly violent.Player - There was a lot of blood shed today, Kilran. I hope it was worth it.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 581. - Oh, I'm quite certain it was. Blood is cheap, after all.
                                  • 583. - You should be proud. This is only one of many operations we're conducting across the galaxy; it's a new beginning to the war.
                                    • 585. - The general was one of the greatest weapons the Republic had--a defector!--and you've snatched him from enemy hands. I'll remember this, and I'll make sure you're rewarded.
                                      • 603. Option - It was my privilege.Player - It is an honor to strike a blow against our enemies.
                                        • 625. - You'll strike many more in the future, I'm certain. Darth Baras will be pleased.
                                      • 604. Option - It was diverting.Player - It livened up the journey. I appreciate the distraction.
                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                        • 622. - Ah, yes. When military strategy and Sith entertainments combine, it's surely a good day.
                                      • 605. Option - Pleased to help.Player - I'm glad I could assist, sir.
                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                        • 619. - So dutiful. I wish I had more soldiers with your attitude.
                                      • 606. Option - It's my job.Player - No trouble. This is how I make my living.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 616. - Of course. And the Empire can always use more dedicated mercenaries.
                                      • 586. Option - Make sure I get credit.Player - Make sure everyone knows who helped you.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 613. - I'll make sure your heroism is mentioned when I report to the other Moffs.
                                      • 602. Option - Don't involve me again.Player - Don't expect help in the future.
                                        • 607. - We'll see about that if the day comes, won't we?
                                          • 609. - But my words hardly matter. Soon you'll be joining us on the homeworld, and you can see for yourself what you've been fighting for.
                                            • 611. - It should be inspiring. Enjoy the rest of your journey; Kilran out.
                                              • 1140. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                • 1141. <Conversation Exit>
                                                • 1142. <Conversation Exit>
    • 1084. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 536. - Well--the heroes of the day return.
      • 537. - Well--the hero of the day returns.
        • 538. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 539. - Welcome back, my lord.
          • 540. - Welcome back, sir.
            • 543. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 546. - My men will take the general to the brig. Congratulations. I never expected the mission to go off this cleanly.
              • 547. - Indeed. I had my doubts, but you pulled this mission off.
                • 551. Option - No problem.Player - I ran into some trouble, but it's all over now.
                  • 559. - I've no doubt. You've shown impressive judgment.
                • 549. Option - You're very chipper.Player - I'm glad you're so pleased.
                  • 558. - What's not to be pleased about? You spared my life, and we eliminated an enemy of the Empire.
                • 550. Option - Fool.Player - Don't ever underestimate me again, Captain. Next time, it might not work out so well for you.
                  • 556. - I understand. You gave me a chance--you have my eternal gratitude for that.
  • 439. - This is protocol unit NR-02. If you are receiving this message, I urge you to return to the Black Talon as quickly as possible.
    • 442. Option - Talk.Player - Explain yourself. What's going on?
    • 440. Option - Oh?Player - Is there something wrong?
      • 444. - There has been an incident aboard the bridge. Your tactics have inspired--
    • 441. Option - I'm going.Player - I'm on my way.
      • 450. - Excellent. Please be advised that there has been an incident aboard the bridge--
        • 446. - Idiots! You'll get us damn well killed!
          • 447. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1130. <Conversation Exit>
  • 406. - This is protocol unit NR-02. I hope you're receiving this message clearly, and that your flight was free of incident.
    • 408. - Please hold for security coordinator Ensign Brukarra.
      • 411. - The marines are on their way. They'll follow you in and hold each junction you secure.
        • 413. - Try not to take too long--we're not a military ship. What you have is all you're getting.
          • 415. Option - That's insufficient.Player - I'm not interested in excuses. If I need more marines, you'll pick up a blaster yourself.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 414. Option - Understood.Player - Thanks for the warning.
          • 416. Option - Reinforcements are pointless.Player - I don't need an army. I can handle this myself.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 417. - Yes, but I--I understand.
              • 420. - I've been scanning the Brentaal Star's communications, and security forces appear to be moving to protect the escape pods.
                • 423. - It is extremely likely that the crew is attempting to evacuate the general. You must retrieve or eliminate him before he escapes.
                  • 426. Option - I'll take him.Player - We'll have the general before the crew knows what's happening.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 424. Option - Got it.Player - Consider it done.
                    • 433. - Excellent news.
                  • 425. Option - Quiet, machine.Player - I don't need a droid telling me how to do things.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 427. - Understood. I'm simply looking after Grand Moff Kilran's interests.
                      • 429. - I'll be in contact if the situation changes. Proceed to assault all defense points between you and the target.
                        • 430. <Conversation Exit>
  • 405. - Please proceed to the shuttle bay to board the Black Talon.
  • 1132. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 819. - Damage reports from all decks. We're holding together, sir--but I don't know for how long.
      • 820. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 821. - Make it last, Ensign. Don't let us down.
          • 822. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 825. - Make sure it's long enough, Ensign. Your life and career are at stake.
          • 826. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 827. - Please stand alert. Grand Moff Kilran's representatives have returned.
              • 828. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 832. - Please stand alert. Grand Moff Kilran's representative has returned.
              • 833. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 834. - I see you took care of the Republic assault. Welcome back to the bridge.
                  • 835. Option - Status report?Player - What's the situation?
                  • 837. Option - Appreciated.Player - Thank you, Captain.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 839. Option - Respect your betters.Player - I am Sith, and you will address me as "my lord."
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 843. Option - Respect your superiors.Player - You mean, "Welcome back to the bridge, sir."
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 844. - ...Yes. Welcome back to the bridge, sir.
                      • 846. - We've survived the first wave of attacks from the Brentaal Star. Things will be calm until we enter fighter range--another minute, maybe two.
                • 849. - Congratulations, my lord. Security reports that the sabotage droids have been destroyed.
                • 853. - Congratulations, sir. Security reports that the sabotage droids have been destroyed.
                  • 854. Option - Status report?Player - What's the situation?
                  • 857. Option - I'm talented.Player - What can I say? I'm good at what I do.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 860. Option - Don't try fawning over me.Player - I don't need your praise, Lieutenant. Only your obedience.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 861. - Oh, please, please don't kill us....
                    • 866. - Yes. Yes, of course.
                      • 868. - We've penetrated the Brentaal Star's outer defenses. Their next assault won't come until we enter fighter range--another minute, maybe two.
                        • 870. - Transmission coming in! Long range... it's a message, but it's not from the Brentaal Star.
                          • 871. Option - Let's hear.Player - Put it through, Ensign.
                          • 873. Option - What?Player - How is that possible?
                            • 874. - The Brentaal Star must have sent a distress signal. Someone's responding.
                          • 877. Option - Yes? And?Player - Well, don't keep me in suspense.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 878. - I'll patch the message through immediately.
                              • 880. - This is Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan hailing unidentified Imperial vessel.
                                • 882. - I'm en route to your location with sixteen Republic vessels. I'm asking you to retreat before more lives are lost.
                                  • 883. Option - Fool.Player - Your pleading is pointless, Jedi. I am Sith, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
                                    • 884. - I have heard those same words from others of your kind. They're never true.
                                  • 887. Option - Mine or yours?Player - Are you afraid there won't be a ship left to find? That I'll destroy your friends before you can reach me?
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 888. - It is not fear I feel. I'm concerned--for you.
                                  • 891. Option - This is an Imperial concern.Player - The Empire doesn't turn and run so easily. Your ship brought this upon itself.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 892. - You can make those claims if you wish, but we both know they're lies.
                                  • 895. Option - I'm sure not worried.Player - All you're going to do is earn me hazard pay. You don't scare me, Jedi.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 896. - I'm not trying to scare you. I want you to see reason.
                                  • 1153. Option - You honor me, Master.Player - Pleased to meet you.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 900. - I'm glad to hear a voice of reason. Let us end this conflict together.
                                  • 903. Option - Keep attacking, Ensign.Player - Disregard the transmission. Continue closing on the Brentaal Star.
                                    • 904. - Understood. Maintaining course and speed.
                                      • 906. - The Brentaal Star is under my protection. Our convoy was ambushed and I sent the Star ahead. We will reunite.
                                        • 908. - I just crippled three Imperial dreadnaughts. I don't wish to destroy you--the peace between Republic and Empire is fragile enough already.
                                          • 909. Option - I know what's on that ship.Player - What about the stolen secrets aboard the Brentaal Star? Is the general upholding the "peace"?
                                            • 910. - The general can speak for himself--but I believe he does work for peace.
                                          • 913. Option - All I want is one man.Player - Tell the Brentaal Star to hand over the general. No one needs to be hurt.
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                            • 914. - The general has a role to play with the Republic.
                                          • 917. Option - Fragile like bone.Player - Fragile enough to be crushed like glass. The same way I'll crush you.
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                            • 918. - Your base aggression serves no one--not even your Empire.
                                          • 921. Option - Foolish Knight.Player - Peace is a lie, Jedi. The Sith know this.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 922. - I won't be drawn into a philosophical debate.
                                          • 925. Option - Don't hide behind "peace."Player - If you're afraid of the diplomatic consequences, why not meet us alone? Without Republic backing?
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 926. - Because there are lives at stake here--not my pride.
                                          • 929. Option - I'm not Imperial.Player - I don't play politics. Take it somewhere else.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 930. - Even Mandalorians respect life. This isn't about politics.
                                              • 932. - Incidents like this are happening across the galaxy, but only because we let them. Leave the Brentaal Star to me.
                                                • 934. - If you don't, then may the Force be with you--because the men and women aboard that ship can hold you off until we arrive. And you will be defeated.
                                                  • 935. Option - No, I won't.Player - You're deluding yourself. The ship is already mine.
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 937. Option - Close the channel.Player - We'll see about that. End transmission.
                                                  • 941. Option - You're still talking?Player - Why are you still talking?
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                    • 942. - You've made yourself clear. But I suggest you prepare to face a Jedi--and you may want to consider what that means.
                                                      • 944. - Entering fighter range. The Brentaal Star is launching its first squadron.
                                                        • 945. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                          • 946. - It's time for us to do the same. I assume you'll lead the boarding party to go after the general?
                                                          • 950. - All right. All right. We're close enough to fly in and send a raiding party. I assume you're going?
                                                            • 951. Option - I am.Player - Whatever's necessary to finish this.
                                                            • 956. Option - Prepare to be amazed.Player - Watch and see what a (class) can do.
                                                              +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              • 958. - Good luck. I'm sure you'll have the general in your hands in no time.
                                                              • 960. - Before you go, you should know something. Most of the marines will back you up, but we had to execute a few for refusing to fight.
                                                              • 963. - We'll be awaiting your successful return.
                                                            • 965. Option - Why me?Player - Is there a reason your marines can't handle this?
                                                              • 966. - We suffered heavy losses in the attack. The marines can back you up, but they can't raid that ship on their own.
                                                                • 967. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                  • 968. - There's one other thing. I promised you my help, so--I brought you some supplies from the cargo bay.
                                                                    • 970. - Someone on Dromund Kaas may be disappointed when they don't receive the delivery, but I thought our situation took precedence.
                                                                      • 971. Option - That should help.Player - You're doing well, Captain. Continue, and we may make it out of this.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                      • 973. Option - Great!Player - I'm very impressed.
                                                                        • 974. - Thank you. We're all doing our best, here.
                                                                      • 976. Option - You're pathetic.Player - I don't need your sniveling, Captain. I have a task to perform.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              • 981. - Not enough of them in the first place. Then half were injured when the droids attacked, and we had to shoot another dozen for not fighting.
                                                                • 983. - They were terrified, after what happened to the captain. They panicked.
                                                                  • 985. - They're dead now, anyway.
                                                                    • 987. - We did retrieve their equipment. It's yours. We're doing our very best to serve you, I swear.
                                                                      • 988. Option - Excellent.Player - You've done well--so far. Continue, and all will end well.
                                                                      • 990. Option - Don't worry.Player - You're doing fine, Ensign. I'm not going to hurt you.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                      • 992. Option - Idiot.Player - Grow up.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                        • 993. - Ignore him--I'll make sure he doesn't trouble you in the future.
                                                              • 995. - Not enough of them in the first place, and now half of them are injured. They can back you up, but that's about it.
                                                                • 1000. - I advise that you proceed to the shuttle bay. The flight to the Brentaal Star may be hazardous--but Grand Moff Kilran has complete faith in your abilities.
                                                                  • 1001. <Conversation Exit>
  • 387. - I will supervise operations on the bridge. Please proceed to defend the Black Talon.
  • 164. - All marines have been neutralized. Scanning for additional threats.
    • 166. - What's going on? Sir....
      • 168. - Stay calm, Ensign. Everyone stay calm.
        • 170. - No threats found. The bridge is now secure.
          • 174. Option - Where's the captain?Player - Who's in charge here?
          • 172. Option - Listen up, scum.Player - Do what I say, or you die.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 173. Option - We need to aid the wounded.Player - Call the medbay. I want help for the injured--now.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 175. - Acknowledged. Medical assistance will be properly rendered.
              • 197. - I do appreciate that.
                • 177. - I'm Captain Revinal Orzik; I'm pretty sure I know what this is about. For the record, I take complete responsibility for my actions.
                  • 200. Option - You ignored a command.Player - Captain Orzik, I'm told you disobeyed a direct order from Grand Moff Kilran.
                    • 208. - Yes. I had no idea he'd respond this brutally--he must want the Brentaal Star's passenger pretty badly. Maybe he just hates me.
                  • 201. Option - Very admirable.Player - I understand, Captain. If nothing else, that should make it easier on the crew.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 199. Option - So what?Player - You say that like I should care.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 202. - I'm not looking for a pardon. I just don't want my crew punished.
                      • 204. - You're here because of the Moff, aren't you? He must want the Brentaal Star's passenger pretty badly. Or maybe he just hates me.
                        • 206. - The Black Talon would be destroyed chasing a battleship. I fought in the war before, and I'll fight again--but I don't do suicide missions.
                          • 715. Option - You're relieved. [Kill him.]Player - +100
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 211. Option - You're relieved. [Kill him]Player - "Suicide" was deciding you could ignore your superiors. +100
                              • 220. - The captain's dead. The captain's dead....
                                • 221. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 223. - Shut up. You have our attention, my lord. What would you have us do?
                                  • 222. - Shut up. You have our attention, sir. What would you have us do?
                                  • 215. - Shut up. Bounty hunter--you have our attention. What would you have us do?
                                    • 216. Option - We have a mission.Player - Someone clean up this mess. We have business to take care of.
                                    • 217. Option - All of you--learn from this!Player - Let this be a lesson--your only hope for survival is complete and utter loyalty.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 218. Option - Let's put this behind us.Player - I'm sorry it came to this. The rest of you don't have to suffer the same fate.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 302. - But what about--
                                        • 304. - You have your instructions.
                                          • 283. - In accordance with Article 27-A of the Imperial Code of Military Conduct, command of this vessel has been lawfully transferred.
                                            • 286. - New orders are being downloaded to your consoles. Priority one: Intercept the Brentaal Star.
                                              • 297. - Brukarra! Do as the droid says and prepare to jump to lightspeed....
                          • 212. Option - This won't be suicide.Player - I'm not looking to make a martyr of anyone. We can complete this mission and survive. +100
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 238. - I expect you believe that. I see it differently.
                              • 230. - Listen to me--you managed to hijack one ship, and that's certainly impressive. But taking on the Brentaal Star is something else altogether.
                                • 232. - I might be able to get us close--but then you'd have to board it, fight an army of Republic soldiers and somehow find the general. It's unacceptable.
                                  • 233. Option - I don't care what you think.Player - I didn't ask for your analysis, Captain. We're going after that ship.
                                    • 243. - I see. Thank you for making that clear.
                                  • 235. Option - We need your help.Player - We don't have a choice--those were Moff Kilran's instructions. So if we're going to survive, we need to work together.
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    • 258. - I see. You're as much a victim here as I am, aren't you? Damn Kilran and his fleet.
                                      • 260. - All right. I'm not ready to be branded a traitor just yet. We'll get the general. I'm not sure how, but we'll get him.
                                        • 263. Option - I can do it.Player - I can do it.
                                  • 234. Option - Should be easy.Player - I like a challenge.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 240. - Moff Kilran found an accomplice crazier than he is.
                                      • 242. - Seems I have very little choice in the matter. You have my crew--I'll cooperate. For now.
                                        • 249. Option - Time to move, then.Player - Let's get to work. We don't have much time.
                                        • 247. Option - This is for the best.Player - You're doing the right thing.
                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                        • 248. Option - Don't cause trouble.Player - Just don't give me a reason to change my mind.
                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                          • 250. - I'll do my best to remember that.
                                            • 253. - Downloading new orders to all bridge consoles. Priority one: Intercept the Brentaal Star.
                                              • 256. - You heard the droid, everyone. Prepare to jump to lightspeed....
                                                • 308. - Emerging from hyperspace now. One Thranta-class warship on the scanners. Powering up....
                                                  • 321. - Enemy is firing! Turbolasers, missiles--and what looks like transport pods. I'm not sure....
                                                    • 324. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                      • 325. - Evasive maneuvers. Keep the pods at a distance--they look harmless, but they'll latch onto the hull and cut at us with sabotage droids.
                                                        • 357. - Evasive maneuvers--aye, sir.
                                                          • 361. - Sir, three shuttles on an intercept course!
                                                            • 363. - An assault party. We don't have sufficient defenses to keep them from landing.
                                                              • 365. Option - I'll deal with it.Player - Let them land. I can handle any boarders.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                • 382. - This course of action is deemed advisable.
                                                              • 366. Option - Advice?Player - What do you suggest we do?
                                                                • 367. - Once those vessels make it to the shuttle bay, Republic troops will swarm the Black Talon.
                                                                  • 369. - Imperial security forces may be insufficient to contain the enemy boarding party.
                                                                    • 371. - The droid's right. Once we're engaged in corridor-to-corridor fighting, we'll never get back on the offensive.
                                                                      • 373. - If you can get to the shuttle bay and deal with the Republic troops, we can handle things up here. Otherwise... I don't know what happens.
                                                              • 672. Option - This'll be amusing.Player - This is going to be fun.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                • 378. - Security will meet you at the entrance to the shuttle bay. Defend the ship at all costs--and we'll get you to the Brentaal Star.
                                                                  • 379. <Conversation Exit>
                                                      • 326. - The pods are a distraction. Return fire--aim for their power generators! So long as they're damaged and we're not, we have the advantage.
                                                        • 654. - Lieutenant--Captain Sylas, sir. Engineering is reporting blaster fire... they just cut out.
                                                          • 336. Option - I'll head to engineering.Player - Continue the assault. I'll deal with this.
                                                          • 332. Option - The pods had soldiers, idiot.Player - This crew is becoming a disappointment. We'll have to address that some day.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                          • 331. Option - The pods had soldiers, idiot.Player - If we weren't in the middle of battle, I'd kill you for incompetence.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                          • 334. Option - The pods had soldiers, idiot.Player - Remind me to report your incompetence when we get to Dromund Kaas.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                          • 333. Option - The pods had soldiers, idiot.Player - I wasn't expecting much from the Imperial military--but you are a sad bunch.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                          • 656. Option - This'll be amusing.Player - This is going to be fun.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            • 337. - Damn it. It must be some sort of boarding action.
                                                              • 655. - If they're in engineering, they could destroy this ship. With due respect--I recommend you lend a hand down there.
                                                                • 346. Option - Nobody else could.Player - I'm on it.
                                                                • 347. Option - Yes, battle!Player - Time to do some damage.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                • 348. Option - Pathetically easy.Player - Hardly worthy of my talents, but sure.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
  • 163. - We must proceed to the bridge immediately.
  • 4. - Identity confirmed! Good day--I am advanced protocol unit NR-02. My functions are diplomacy, translation, manslaughter and calumniation.
    • 18. - I have an urgent message for you from my master. Please stand by for delivery.
      • 7. Option - I have questions.Player - Who's your master and how does he know I'm here?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 5. Option - Let's hear it.Player - I'm listening.
      • 8. Option - Why should I?Player - What makes you think I care what your master has to say?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 9. - I am certain you will be interested. Anyone traveling through Imperial space must listen to my master.
          • 22. - This is unit NR-02 to Grand Moff Kilran. You are now in contact with the Black Talon.
            • 23. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 13. - Well--so I am. And it seems you've brought me just the people I've been looking for.
              • 24. - Well--so I am. And it seems you've brought me just the person I've been looking for.
                • 43. - My name is Rycus Kilran. I'm commander of the Fifth Fleet, second to the Minister of War, and--my personal favorite--the so-called "Butcher of Coruscant."
                  • 29. Option - Talk, now!Player - You speak to the apprentice of Darth Baras. Explain this interruption.
                  • 28. Option - Hello there!Player - An Imperial Grand Moff--what a delightful surprise. What can I do for you?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 30. Option - This is a surprise, Moff.Player - I wasn't aware that the military would be contacting me, sir--it's an unexpected honor.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 54. - No need for that. Military or Intelligence, we're all on the same side.
                  • 26. Option - Oh yeah?Player - There a reason an Imperial big shot is interrupting my trip?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 34. Option - What's this about?Player - I don't understand. What's going on here?
                    • 88. - It's apparent I need another pair of hands. So, I asked NR-02 to check the ship's passenger manifest.
                      • 642. - My good fortune that I was in a position to contact you; I was already aboard the Black Talon.
                  • 35. Option - Well, aren't you ugly?Player - Something wrong with the hologram? Or is your face supposed to look like that?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 38. - The scars? They're an old gift from a Jedi friend. I barely notice them anymore.
                      • 64. - Six hours ago, the Republic engaged in an illegal border skirmish on the edges of Imperial territory. One enemy warship escaped.
                        • 66. - That warship--the Brentaal Star--is carrying a passenger of vital strategic importance. Yours is the only vessel placed to intercept.
                          • 73. Option - Passenger?Player - This passenger the Brentaal Star is carrying--who is it?
                          • 74. Option - And my part?Player - So what do you need me to do?
                          • 72. Option - Too bad.Player - Then you're out of luck.
                            • 75. - I don't believe you're right. Let me explain.
                              • 77. - The warship's passenger is code-named "the general." We don't know his identity, but the Republic believes he possesses military secrets--our military secrets.
                                • 80. - I trust the reports; the general must be captured or killed. Captain Orzik--the man commanding your transport--doesn't share my enthusiasm. He's disobeyed my orders to attack.
                                  • 94. - Feel free to show him what the Empire does to cowards. Then commandeer his ship, find the Brentaal Star and deal with the general.
                                    • 98. Option - I'll do that.Player - Sounds like a good excuse for action.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    • 95. Option - You paying?Player - Sounds interesting, but you realize I don't work for free.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                      • 123. - I certainly understand--as will the Imperial treasury. We need individuals like you if we're to survive the next great war.
                                    • 100. Option - Very well.Player - I'll take care of it. If you're right, it's a job that needs to be done.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 129. - Truly, it's comforting to find patriots in this age of skirmishes and border disputes. We need individuals like you if we're to survive the next great war.
                                    • 99. Option - It's a tall order.Player - Not exactly a simple request, you know.
                                      • 126. - This is not a simple age. Our millennia-old war against the Republic simmers while we engage in skirmishes and border disputes.
                                        • 399. - Yet we cannot grow complacent. Traitors like your captain and threats like the general must be eliminated.
                                    • 97. Option - I have other priorities.Player - Right now, I'm more interested in getting to Dromund Kaas.
                                      • 101. - Oh, I can sympathize. But I'm sure I can convince Darth Baras to forgive a bit of tardiness.
                                      • 102. - Oh, I can sympathize. But I'm sure Lord Zash appreciates that the Empire comes before her research.
                                      • 103. - Oh, agent. I may not serve the Minister of Intelligence, but I'm sure he'd agree that the military needs you now.
                                      • 104. - I do sympathize. But you'll find that while you're operating in Imperial space, our needs sometimes take priority.
                                        • 139. - The general will be dead or in custody by day's end. If he's not, I assure you--your ship will never reach port.
                                          • 160. - I will lead the way to the bridge. Once Captain Orzik is deposed and our hijacking is complete, we may proceed to the Brentaal Star.
                                            • 161. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Communication with this unit is not permitted. Goodbye.
  • 1029. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1052. - We must proceed to the bridge immediately.
    • 809. - If you are concerned about the loss of life, I assure you--the deaths of all injured crew members will be strategically insignificant.
    • 14. - Excellent. Then I will proceed.
  • 1003. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 709. <Conversation Exit>
    • 1005. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 454. - I apologize for letting Lieutenant Sylas pursue her vendetta. She disabled my security systems before I could contact you.
        • 456. - However, I'm certain that the remainder of the crew now realizes the futility of resistance.
      • 1080. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 453. - I apologize, but my systems have been damaged.
        • 498. - Sir, should we--
          • 500. - Stand down. Everyone, stand down.
            • 502. - You made it back after all. Seems I underestimated you--again.
              • 503. Option - You tried to kill me.Player - You left me on the Brentaal Star to die, "Captain."
                • 504. - So I did. I don't deny it.
                  • 505. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 508. Option - I wish this hadn't happened.Player - I'm sorry it came to this, Captain. I never wanted to fight you.
                • 509. - Nor I, you.
                  • 510. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 513. Option - Moron.Player - You're an idiot.
                • 514. - It's hard for me to argue with that.
                  • 515. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 516. - My men will take the general to the brig. If I might have a word before you pass judgment....
                    • 519. - I'd like a word before you pass judgment on me. I'll only take a moment.
                      • 521. - I take full responsibility for trying to strand you. The crew only followed orders. My... misjudgment--as well as my failure--is unforgivable.
                        • 522. Option - Indeed. [Kill him]Player - You're right. I gave you your chance, and you wasted it.
                        • 524. Option - I'm locking you up.Player - Your fate isn't for me to decide. You'll be imprisoned--along with the general--until we dock.
                          • 527. - Thank you for your... mercy. It was unexpected.
                            • 529. - I apologize for letting the captain pursue his vendetta. His crew disabled my security systems before I could stop him.
                              • 530. <Conversation Exit>
      • 779. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 780. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 40. - It's hardly proper, contacting you this way, but urgency must supersede propriety. You see, you and your vessel are in a very special position.
            • 63. <Conversation Exit>
          • 155. - I'll be in touch. NR-02? Please show the way.
            • 159. <Conversation Exit>
          • 117. - The Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic have battled for millennia. We can't lose our edge during these years of skirmishes and border disputes.
            • 122. - To prepare for the next great war, we must purge ourselves of disloyal men like Captain Orzik and threats like the general. You agree?
              • 135. Option - Partly.Player - It's not the grand scheme that I'm worried about. It's the details.
              • 134. Option - Definitely.Player - You're right.
              • 136. Option - I don't.Player - You want a direct answer, I'll give you one: No.
                • 137. - Then perhaps I need to be clearer. Dromund Kaas is no place for those unwilling to fight.
                  • 138. <Conversation Exit>
          • 141. - My protocol droid can take you to the bridge and navigate to the Republic warship. The rest, I'll gladly leave up to you.
            • 150. Option - I decide how to handle it?Player - You won't interfere? I take the Black Talon and the Brentaal Star on my terms?
              • 154. - So long as the general is in our hands or a bloodstained mess by the end of it all? You have my complete confidence.
            • 153. Option - Time to act.Player - Let's do it.
            • 152. Option - Looks like there's no choice.Player - I don't like this, but it has to be done.
          • 2. - Please hold. Now confirming your identity. This will only take a moment.
            • 3. <Conversation Exit>
          • 19. - I am certain my master can answer to your satisfaction.
            • 20. <Conversation Exit>
          • 11. - Transmitting signal now. Acknowledging Citadel security programs. Communications are initiated.
            • 12. <Conversation Exit>
          • 781. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 82. Option - I'm not sure...Player - I don't like the sound of this.
              • 90. - Captain Orzik believes that your vessel can't possibly defeat a Republic warship--and rather than hear me out, he staged a "communications malfunction."
                • 93. <Conversation Exit>
            • 87. Option - For what reason?Player - Why? The captain must have known you wouldn't be happy.
            • 85. Option - So you came to me.Player - You've contacted me instead of him.
          • 782. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 60. Option - Oh?Player - How? We're a transport ship in deep space.
            • 61. Option - You're planning something?Player - And you have something "very special" in mind for us?
            • 58. Option - Get to it.Player - Get to the point.
              • 62. - My--we're irritable, aren't we? Fortunately, I find impatience to be a virtue.
        • 45. - Grand Moff Kilran is also personally responsible for the deaths of thirteen Jedi Masters.
      • 343. - Security forces may be insufficient to destroy all sabotage droids before irreversible damage is inflicted.
        • 345. - With all due respect, I strongly recommend you lend a hand down there--or else we're all going to be floating in space.
      • 359. - I saw tactics like this on the eastern galactic front. If we can avoid the pods, they'll--
        • 360. <Conversation Exit>
      • 310. - Maybe we have a chance against that thing after all.
      • 311. - It seems we got lucky. What's our position?
        • 313. - We're almost on top of them--we'll be in fighter range in a few minutes.
          • 317. Option - That's our target.Player - We need to get aboard that vessel.
          • 316. Option - What now?Player - What now?
            • 319. - We must pass through their outer defenses before attempting to seize the general. However--
          • 318. Option - This'll be amusing.Player - This is going to be fun.
      • 328. - Lieutenant--Captain Sylas, sir. Those pods are latching onto the hull. We're getting damage reports.
        • 330. - Something's cutting into the Black Talon. We're being boarded by sabotage droids!
    • 1086. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 899. Option - Let's talk this out.Player - Master Tannar Va--it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure we can resolve this peacefully.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 577. Option - Lieutenant?Player - With the captain gone, it's your command now. Make the call.
        • 578. - Of course--thank you. Put the Grand Moff through, then.
      • 460. Option - After what just happened?Player - I just killed the second-in-command, and you want to know if I can report to your master?
        • 462. - That is correct. Opening channel now.
    • 1154. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 282. - The crew is yours. As second-in-command, I'll make sure of it. We were not aware of the captain's treason.
        • 293. Option - Fine.Player - I believe you. Now let's go--we have a Republic warship to catch.
        • 291. Option - Idiots.Player - You people are totally useless.
          • 295. - We'll do our best to be more... competent in the future.
        • 292. Option - Don't double-cross me.Player - If you try to double-cross me, you're dead.
          • 294. - There won't be anymore problems. Unlike the captain, I believe in my Empire.
            • 296. <Conversation Exit>
      • 773. - The captain's dead. The captain's dead....
      • 213. - Argh!
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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Appearance FQNnpp.droid.protocol_droid.po12_a01
Appearance ID16141027846348648407
Body Typeprotocol
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68f33180000cb06f356"
    "ParentSpecId": "16141164491919810440",
    "ParentSpecB62Id": "Y5y3zgL",
    "Name": "NR-02",
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    "MinLevel": 11,
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    "Faction": 11,
    "DetFaction": {
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        "NameId": "1173582633762823",
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [
        "FactionId": "3780939478746129694",
        "FactionString": "friendly",
        "OpposingFactionIds": [],
        "Id": "3780939478746129694",
        "Base62Id": "7kNfSsC"
    "Toughness": "Standard",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "LocalizedToughness": {
        "enMale": "Standard",
        "frMale": "Standard",
        "frFemale": "Standard",
        "deMale": "Standard",
        "deFemale": "Standard"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.imperial_transition.world_arc.imperial.nr_02",
    "CnvB62": "NEybEz4",
    "CodexId": "0",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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