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Sergeant Jaxo

Sergeant Jaxo
Level 1-50 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Sergeant Jaxo
Other Sites:


  • 371. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1. - I'll talk to you later, Lieutenant. This cleanup is going to take a while.
    • 2. - Don't worry, Lieutenant. We'll take good care of our honorable guest, here.
  • 473. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - Well, look what we've got here, boys. Welcome to safety, Senator.
    • 5. - Who in blazes are you? Mercenaries? This is ridiculous!
      • 7. - Oh, yeah. General Garza hires mercs to rescue Republic Senators all the time.
        • 12. Option - Lose the attitude, Jaxo.Player - This is a Senator of the Republic, Sergeant. Show some respect.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 16. Option - You'll be fine, Senator.Player - These people are SpecForce troops in disguise, sir.
          • 17. - Fantastic. Now I almost wish they were mercenaries.
        • 354. Option - Poor, dumb politician.Player - You're an idiot.
          • 21. - By all means, continue insulting me, Lieutenant. Just wait until I return to the Senate.
            • 23. - So, you rescued our charming friend here, obviously. Nice work. Any luck taking down Wraith?
              • 26. Option - Unfortunately, no.Player - She fled the scene before I could confront her.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 28. Option - It was her or Krasul.Player - Rescuing the Senator tipped her off--she ran for it.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 30. Option - Don't even get me started.Player - She got away while I was busy rescuing this jerk.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 31. - Heh. Not sure you got a fair trade on that one, buddy.
                  • 32. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 467. - Wraith must be even better than they say. We were watching every inch of this place--nobody saw her leave.
                      • 35. - Is someone going to get me on a ship to Coruscant anytime soon?
                        • 37. - Oh, don't worry, Your Honorable Eminent Senatorness. You're catching a ride with us.
                          • 38. Option - Much obliged.Player - Thanks for taking care of everything, Sergeant.
                          • 42. Option - You're the best.Player - I owe you big time, Jaxo.
                            • 43. - Hey, happy to help. Garza doesn't want you wasting time running a taxi service, anyway.
                            • 46. - I'm sure we'll think of some way for you to make it up to me.
                          • 53. Option - Don't let him boss you around.Player - If Krasul doesn't play nice, you can leave him here.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 54. - Nah. Leaving the guy to get jumped for his organs would be a waste of all your effort.
                              • 56. - Besides, we're going to have a fun time together, aren't we, Senator?
                                • 58. - Yes. Delightful.
                                  • 59. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 449. - Hey--I know you need to contact Garza and report in, but you should come back by my place on Coruscant sometime soon.
                                      • 454. - We'll have a little victory celebration--just the two of us. What do you say?
                                        • 450. Option - I'd like that.Player - Count me in.
                                        • 451. Option - We'll see.Player - A celebration might not be in the cards right now.
                                          • 457. - If anybody can make it happen, it's you.
                                            • 459. - Just don't keep me waiting too long. Garza's bound to send me on another op sooner or later. Wouldn't want to miss our chance.
                                        • 452. Option - No.Player - Not going to happen, Sergeant.
                                          • 460. - Aww, you're no fun. Suit yourself.
                                    • 60. - Garza will want to hear from you ASAP, and we've got a ship to catch. Take care of yourself, okay?
                                      • 443. Option - You too, Jaxo.Player - Be safe.
                                      • 358. Option - You too, Jaxo.Player - Be safe.
                                      • 157. Option - It's been fun.Player - Hopefully we can work together again soon.
                                      • 164. Option - You know I will.Player - Taking care of myself is what I do best.
                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 33. - We had scopes on that warehouse from every direction--nobody saw Wraith slip out. She must be even better than they say.
  • 66. - Lieutenant! We heard the explosion--what happened? Is Senator Krasul alright?
    • 69. Option - Wraith got him.Player - Unfortunately, Wraith killed the Senator before I could stop her.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 70. - Ouch. Hey, I'm sure there was nothing you could've done, Lieutenant.
    • 77. Option - I had to let him die.Player - Rescuing Krasul would have compromised my mission.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 78. - I thought rescuing Krasul was your mission.
    • 73. Option - [Lie] He sacrificed himself.Player - The Senator gave his life so that I could catch Wraith.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 74. - You kidding me? Doesn't sound like the Krasul I've heard about. He must have really hated her.
        • 80. - Did you have any luck taking down Wraith? Come on, tell me we got something out of all this.
          • 81. Option - That's affirmative.Player - Target neutralized, Sergeant.
          • 83. Option - Getting her wasn't worth it.Player - I lost a Senator today. Taking Wraith down doesn't make up for that.
            • 84. - You shouldn't beat yourself up, Lieutenant--getting Wraith has to be pretty major.
              • 85. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 87. Option - I made her pay.Player - Wraith got the traitor's death she deserved.
            • 90. - That's something. Galaxy's bound to be a safer place without her in it.
              • 91. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 420. - We'll handle the cleanup here. But, hey--you should come by my place on Coruscant sometime soon. You know... take some time to relax?
                  • 421. Option - I'd like that.Player - I'll come by as soon as I can.
                  • 422. Option - We'll see.Player - It might not be possible.
                    • 427. - You're the big shot Havoc commander. Make it happen.
                      • 436. - Don't keep me waiting too long, though, or Garza will send me out on another op. Wouldn't want to miss our chance.
                        • 431. - All right, boys, let's go get this over with. See you soon, hon--take care out there.
                          • 468. <Conversation Exit>
                  • 423. Option - No.Player - It's not happening, Sergeant.
                • 92. - Look, we'll take care of the cleanup here. Garza will want your report ASAP.
                  • 93. Option - Thank you.Player - I appreciate all of your help, Sergeant.
                  • 441. Option - I could lend a hand.Player - Is there anything I can do for you?
                  • 137. Option - I could lend a hand.Player - Sure you don't want me to stick around and help?
                    • 138. - No, no. Get back to saving the Republic, Lieutenant Hero. We'll take care of this.
                  • 355. Option - Too bad I'll miss the fun.Player - Wish I had time to stay and see the fun / join the party /etc
                    • 142. - Oh, yeah, I'm sure it breaks your heart to miss cleanup detail.
                      • 144. - Come on, boys, let's see what bits of the late Senator we can find.
                        • 146. - See you around, Lieutenant. Take care of yourself out there.
                          • 171. <Conversation Exit>
  • 172. - Let's move, Lieutenant. Krasul isn't going to get himself out of there.
  • 173. - Hey, hey, my number-one sister-in-arms! Good to see you again, Lieutenant.
    • 175. - Hope you're ready to crack some skulls, because you've really got your work cut out for you on this one.
      • 176. Option - Give me a sitrep.Player - What do we have here, Sergeant?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 177. - A real good time in the making, that's what we've got here.
      • 356. Option - I like a challenge.Player - I like a challenge.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 181. - I've heard. You're starting to build up quite a rep--I'm getting a little jealous, here.
      • 184. Option - Show me some respect.Player - Are you ever going to learn to salute, Jaxo?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 185. - Sorry, Lieutenant, the deep cover habits die hard. Sir.
  • 192. - Well, if it isn't the man himself. I was hoping Garza would send you to handle this one.
    • 375. - I'd have preferred getting together somewhere a bit more private than a hostage situation, but this will just have to do.
      • 376. Option - Tell me what you've learned.Player - Give me a sitrep, Sergeant.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 377. Option - [Flirt] Next time.Player - I'm sure we can find a way to get alone together sooner or later.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 378. Option - Stick to the op.Player - Skip the come-ons and give me the situation here.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 228. - Sure, play coy. You don't know what you're missing.
          • 381. - Let's start with the accommodations. Port Raga is privately owned and officially neutral, but Wraith and her pals have taken over behind the scenes.
            • 390. - My boys and I managed to tweak the sensors and keep your landing inconspicuous. But as soon as you step out of this hangar, it's party time.
              • 392. Option - Any intel on the Senator?Player - Do you know where Krasul is being held?
                • 396. - We do, but there's some bad news on that front.
              • 391. Option - Tell me about the opposition.Player - How many am I up against?
                • 394. - We couldn't get a solid count without giving ourselves away. Somewhere between "a lot" and "a whole lot"--all Imperial.
              • 393. Option - You could've done more.Player - All you did was clear my landing?
                • 398. - Well, we also found the Senator for you. It's not a pretty scene, though.
                  • 400. - Wraith has Krasul locked up in a hangar at the other end of the station. There's heavy security plus a big bonus: explosives.
                    • 402. - Not enough "bang" to trash the station, of course, but plenty to ruin your day if you're in that hangar when they blow. Play it careful in there.
                      • 405. Option - Understood.Player - Thanks for the heads up, Sergeant.
                      • 409. Option - Are you backing us up?Player - Are you bringing your team in with us, Sergeant?
                      • 406. Option - Are you backing me up?Player - Will you and your team be going in with me?
                        • 410. - I'd love to, but Garza's orders were pretty clear: Havoc goes in alone. We'll get your back if things go bad, though.
                      • 407. Option - Skip the advice.Player - I'll make my own tactical assessments, Sergeant.
                        • 413. - Suit yourself, hot shot.
                          • 415. - I'd say it's time to get out there and get our Senator back. What do you say?
                            • 329. Option - Let's do it.Player - Havoc Squad, move out!
                            • 357. Option - Let's do it.Player - Let's do it.
                            • 362. Option - Get ready to be impressed.Player - Watch and see what a (class) can do.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 344. Option - I'd say it's not up to you.Player - I'll make the decisions here, Sergeant.
                              • 345. - Guess I'll take that as a yes, then.
                                • 347. - See you on the other side, Lieutenant. Good luck.
                                  • 348. <Conversation Exit>
  • 349. - Lieutenant.
  • 350. - Get lost, would you?
  • 97. Option - [Flirt] Let's meet later?Player - Say, I'd love to meet up. When will you be free?
    • 98. - Uh, well....
      • 100. - Unbelievable.
        • 106. Option - Oh--sorry.Player - It won't happen again, Elara.
          • 107. - Forget it--it's no business of mine, sir.
            • 108. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 101. Option - Come again?Player - Sergeant Dorne, do you have something to say?
          • 102. - No, sir, Lieutenant, sir. Nothing at all.
            • 103. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 116. Option - Jealous, honey?Player - Don't worry, Elara, you can come, too!
          • 117. - I... you... Lieutenant!
            • 118. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 120. - Listen--not this time, okay? You've got stuff to do, and I've never felt particularly romantic after a bombing cleanup.
    • 123. - Sorry, but I gotta take our friend here to Coruscant, then come back to smooth things over with some contacts.
      • 125. - I'll be in touch, though. Promise.
    • 128. - Uh, sorry. Call me crazy, but cleaning up bomb victims doesn't put me in a romantic kind of mood.
      • 130. - Some other time, though. Promise.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.trooper.sergeant_jaxo
Appearance ID16141078463975256412
Body Typebfn
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "5.2.0",
    "hash": "1383057637",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
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