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General Garza

General Garza
Level 50 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Coruscant
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: General Garza
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  • 2. - You'll find your ship in the spaceport, Lieutenant. Good luck.
  • 1121. - You remember Senator Krasul from your meeting with the Senate earlier? Wraith kidnapped him from his home just afterward. We've tracked them to a remote space station called Port Raga.
    • 1117. Option - What is she planning?Player - Has Wraith made any demands? What's her objective?
      • 1166. - Our intelligence is very thin at the moment. No demands have been made as yet.
    • 1122. Option - You've got to be joking!Player - How could Wraith manage to kidnap a Republic Senator?
      • 1128. - Wraith was chosen for Havoc Squad for a reason. Her skills are exceptional.
    • 1118. Option - Who cares, he was a jerk.Player - I can't say I'd miss Senator Krasul's charming personality.
      • 1133. - It isn't your job to like him. It's your job to save him.
        • 1130. - One of our teams is already en route to Port Raga. They'll investigate the situation and give you a detailed report on arrival.
          • 1132. - You've already accomplished some amazing things, Lieutenant, but there's no time for a break yet. Whatever Wraith is planning, we cannot allow her to succeed. Understood?
            • 49. Option - You can count on me, General.Player - I won't rest until the job is done.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1137. Option - How will I get there?Player - What about transport, General?
            • 1138. Option - Let's get on with it.Player - No sense wasting time with more talk.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1140. - Agreed.
                • 1139. - Havoc Squad requires its own starship for operational flexibility. A ship has already been transferred to your command--it's waiting at the spaceport now.
                  • 589. Option - I appreciate it, General.Player - Thank you.
                  • 80. Option - Aw, you shouldn't have.Player - You're the best CO ever.
                    • 1146. - Put it to good use, Lieutenant.
                  • 1145. Option - She'd better be fast.Player - I hope you're not putting me in some second-rate junker.
                    • 1157. - I appreciate your confidence. Only the best for Havoc Squad.
                      • 1152. - Fly to Port Raga and meet with the advance team immediately. Your orders are to rescue Senator Krasul and capture or eliminate Wraith at all costs.
                        • 1154. - Good luck, Lieutenant. Dismissed.
                          • 1196. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 1198. - Let's get out there and take down some traitors.
                            • 1156. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - Ah, the hero of the hour. I'm proud of you, Lieutenant. You've done well.
    • 7. Option - Thank you, General.Player - Just doing my job.
    • 10. Option - Let's talk advancement.Player - Another promotion sounds about right to me.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 11. - Another promotion so soon might raise a few flags. As impressed as I am, we need to keep a low profile for now.
        • 12. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 580. Option - I know, my work is amazing.Player - What can I say? I'm good at what I do.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 16. - There's no denying that, Lieutenant. But please, try not to let your self-satisfaction affect your future performance.
        • 17. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 18. - Defeating a legend like Jek Kardan was no small feat.
            • 20. - Having him alive might have been useful, but his death will strike a terrible blow to morale among the former Havoc members.
              • 21. Option - I wish I'd gotten him alive.Player - Kardan just wouldn't listen to reason.
                • 22. - Yes, but what's done is done. We need to move on to our larger goals.
              • 26. Option - Kardan was just the beginning.Player - I've got a long list of people left to neutralize.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 29. - You couldn't be more right, Lieutenant.
              • 28. Option - I can't wait to tell Tavus.Player - I'll make sure those traitors know who took Kardan down.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 581. - Then we'd better get you started, Lieutenant.
          • 32. - Jek Kardan walked up to the Senate tower's front door and surrendered himself in broad daylight. I never thought I'd see the day.
            • 34. - Kardan's help will give us quite an edge against Tavus and the others. I'm glad you could change his mind.
              • 37. Option - Where is he now?Player - Do we have Kardan in a secure location?
                • 38. - Shortly. First, we'll make sure he doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve. I haven't come this far by taking chances.
              • 41. Option - I'm not sure this is wise.Player - Involving an enemy in our operation might not be a good idea.
                • 42. - Kardan will be kept in restraints, under heavy guard at all times. Trust me, this man is the last person I would underestimate.
              • 45. Option - That old man won't be useful.Player - Kardan is more trouble than he's worth.
                • 1104. - All the more reason to keep him where we can see him.
                  • 1106. - The Justicars' computer files included messages relayed between four locations. Our technicians are working to pinpoint those locations now.
                    • 1108. - There can be no doubt that the messages will lead us to the other traitors. Thanks to your efforts, we'll be able to bring them all to justice very soon.
                      • 1160. Option - That's good to hear.Player - I'm glad our plan has worked out so far.
                        • 1161. - Possibly a bit too well. One of the traitors has already moved against us: Wraith.
                      • 1110. Option - What happens until then?Player - What are my orders in the meantime?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1111. Option - I can't wait.Player - Tavus and the others won't even know what hit them.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1119. - As it happens, we've already discovered the location of one of the Havoc traitors: Wraith.
  • 115. - You should be down in the Works, Lieutenant. The relay station is still operational.
  • 673. - Good work, Lieutenant. My technicians are accessing the Justicars' files now.
    • 675. - Patrol schedules, supply manifests, prisoner records--ah!
      • 677. - Kardan, you... I think we've found what we were looking for, Lieutenant. You have a new target.
        • 678. Option - I'm ready, General.Player - Just tell me who and where.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 680. Option - What about Kardan?Player - Are you saying the old man isn't my objective anymore?
          • 681. - Kardan is still an objective, but not your only objective.
        • 684. Option - Another target?Player - What have I gotten myself into?
          • 685. - Kardan had the Justicars work with the Imperials to hijack and rebuild an abandoned Republic communications relay, down in an industrial area called the Works.
            • 949. - Apparently, Tavus and his followers are using this relay to route all of their interplanetary communications. If we destroy it, the traitors will be completely cut off from one another.
              • 950. Option - I like the sound of that.Player - Taking the traitors down will be a lot easier if they're isolated.
              • 952. Option - Why risk a secret relay here?Player - Why would the traitors depend on equipment like this?
                • 953. - They obviously can't rely on Republic channels, and Imperial frequencies would be useless because we could trace their source.
                  • 955. - Tavus and his followers need this relay to keep us from overhearing their comm traffic. It's critical to their operations, which makes destroying it critical to ours.
              • 958. Option - Why didn't we know about this?Player - Nobody noticed the Imps taking control of this relay? Heads better roll for this.
                • 959. - The relay was abandoned after it crashed down to the Works and went offline during the Imperial sack of Coruscant.
                  • 961. - According to their files, the Justicars found the relay on the surface several months ago and worked with the Imperials to rebuild it.
                    • 963. - I'm sending Sergeant Mathin to bring you the explosives you'll need to destroy the relay. He'll rendezvous with you shortly.
                      • 964. Option - Roger that, General.Player - I'll meet up with Sergeant Mathin ASAP.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 966. Option - This is my kind of mission.Player - This is going to be fun.
                      • 968. Option - Mathin better double-time it.Player - If your guy doesn't get here fast, I'll never catch up to Kardan.
                        • 969. - Mathin is already en route, Lieutenant. You won't have to wait.
                          • 971. - One last thing: Kardan didn't seem to mesh with the Imperials. I don't think he's as convinced of their supremacy as his proteges are.
                            • 973. - You're sure to find him guarding that comm relay. Kill him if you have to, Lieutenant, but try to persuade him to surrender peacefully first.
                              • 974. Option - Will do.Player - I'll give it my best shot, General.
                              • 978. Option - Can you give me any pointers?Player - What can I do to convince Kardan to come in?
                              • 980. Option - He's not worth the effort.Player - With all the trouble Kardan's given me, I'd rather just off him.
                                • 981. - Kill him if you have to, Lieutenant, but not just because you want to. He could still be a highly valuable source of intelligence.
                                  • 983. - Kardan's only concern is the safety of the former Havoc members. He may not be loyal to us, but he isn't loyal to the Empire, either.
                                    • 985. - Convince him that it's in the best interest of Tavus's and the others for him to surrender. That's the best way to sway him.
                                      • 986. Option - Understood, sir.Player - Sounds like a plan, General.
                                        • 987. - Kardan could help us convince everyone to surrender peaceably. Make him see that, otherwise we're only going to kill them all.
                                      • 990. Option - I guess it's worth a try.Player - Can't hurt to see if Kardan will listen to reason.
                                      • 992. Option - Kardan won't surrender.Player - There's no way that will work.
                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                        • 993. - I know Jek Kardan, Lieutenant. Convince him that surrendering is the only way that everyone comes out of this alive, and we'll have him.
                                          • 995. - Now hurry and rendezvous with Sergeant Mathin. You'll need those explosives regardless of what happens with Kardan.
  • 1046. - The Justicars' computer will tell us what we need to know, Lieutenant. Get there.
  • 737. - Come in, Lieutenant. Is it my imagination, or were those Imperial soldiers you just fought?
    • 738. Option - That's affirmative, General.Player - No mistake, sir. These were Imperial commandos.
    • 740. Option - You mean killed?Player - They were Imperial soldiers, sir. Now they're corpses.
    • 742. Option - No, you're crazy.Player - You must have finally lost it, Garza.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 743. - When I want a useless answer to a question, Lieutenant, I'll ask for it. This is serious.
        • 745. - Imperial soldiers, in uniform, operating on the lower levels of Coruscant--and Republic security knows nothing about it. Incredible.
          • 747. - We need to learn more about this link between the Justicars and the Empire. If they're hosting our enemies, they might have some useful information for us.
            • 748. Option - Roger that, sir.Player - I'll see what I can find down here, sir. Where should I start looking?
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 750. Option - What about Kardan?Player - Shouldn't I be chasing Kardan, sir?
              • 751. - We need to know where exactly Kardan has gone before you can pursue him. All the more reason to search the Justicar base for information.
            • 754. Option - We should wipe these guys out.Player - If the Justicars are hosting our enemies, they should be annihilated.
              • 755. - I agree, Lieutenant. But we should learn what we can before we grind these traitors into dust.
                • 757. - Surveillance shows that the Justicars have their primary computer terminal in that base.
                  • 759. - Find the necessary access card and activate that computer terminal. My technicians can then slice in and uncover everything the Justicars and Imperials have been up to.
                    • 760. Option - Understood, General.Player - You won't have to wait long.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 763. Option - Hope they have records.Player - You really think the Justicars keep data on all of Kardan's activities?
                      • 764. - As ex-military, I'm confident that they will have all their operations and personnel well documented.
                    • 767. Option - That's a waste of time.Player - The longer I'm here, the farther Kardan can run.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 768. - It didn't sound to me like Kardan was running. He seemed to be heading someplace specific--and the Justicars' files should tell us where.
                        • 770. - Just find the access card for the Justicars' primary computer terminal and activate it. My technicians will take care of the rest from here. Garza out.
                          • 771. <Conversation Exit>
  • 244. - You have your orders, Lieutenant. Get down to the Justicars' territory and capture Jek Kardan for questioning.
  • 245. - It's good you've arrived, Lieutenant. We have a great deal to discuss.
    • 247. - First, let me congratulate you for your work on the Black Sun operation. You did well, disabling that nerve gas.
      • 248. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 249. - Also, that prototype blaster you confiscated will teach us a great deal about the Black Sun's sources.
          • 252. Option - No problem, General.Player - Glad to be of service.
          • 254. Option - That was serious hardware.Player - Whoever the Black Sun's sources are, they're good.
          • 256. Option - I should have kept it.Player - That blaster would've been a lot more useful in my hands than in a lab.
            • 257. - We don't know where that weapon came from, Lieutenant. Relying on it for your missions would be risky at best.
              • 258. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 260. - It's unfortunate that you weren't able to confirm the contents of that strange red case Sergeant Jaxo spotted--but at least the primary objective was completed.
          • 261. Option - The gas was my only concern.Player - I thought it best to focus on the immediate threat, sir.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 262. - In the future, I would prefer you achieve all assigned objectives.
              • 263. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 265. Option - It won't happen again, sir.Player - Next time, I'll be more diligent.
            • 266. - I would appreciate that, Lieutenant.
              • 267. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 273. Option - The case doesn't matter.Player - I'm sure there was nothing important in the case anyway.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 274. - Opinion noted, Lieutenant. But I wouldn't ask you to do something I didn't think was important.
              • 275. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 278. - As for the Senators, they weren't very happy with your testimony. "Useless" and "disrespectful" were the words they used, actually.
                  • 279. Option - Then my goal was achieved.Player - Just trying to keep our backs clear, sir.
                  • 281. Option - Just following orders.Player - I only did as you requested, General.
                    • 282. - I don't believe I requested any such thing, Lieutenant. And I'm sure you'll find you don't recall me doing so, either.
                  • 287. Option - Worthless bureaucrats.Player - Glad to hear I made an impression.
                    • 288. - But, it's a fine line we walk, Lieutenant. Making the Senate too angry could have dire consequences.
                • 291. - And whatever you hoped to achieve with your Senate testimony, you certainly didn't make my job any easier.
                  • 294. Option - I did the right thing.Player - It's my duty to tell the Senate the full truth.
                  • 296. Option - Deal with it.Player - This isn't about making your job easy, General.
                    • 297. - The easier my job is, the easier your job is, Lieutenant. Try to keep that in mind.
                  • 300. Option - You're on your own.Player - I made sure I was covered. I won't burn for you, General.
                    • 301. - Our top operators have defected to the Empire. That should be a much larger concern to you than playing it safe with a pack of bureaucrats.
                      • 303. - On to more pressing issues. My agents have discovered a vital new link to Havoc Squad here on Coruscant.
                        • 305. - Jek Kardan, the founder of Havoc Squad and Commander Tavus's former mentor, has been spotted on the city's lower levels. He's serving as an officer in a local vigilante group.
                          • 308. Option - Do you think he's involved?Player - Is Kardan tied in with the defection, General?
                          • 310. Option - We're just now learning this?Player - This guy's on Coruscant, and we didn't know until now?
                            • 311. - No one knew where Kardan had gone. The man is a ghost.
                          • 314. Option - Big deal.Player - The guy must be a hundred years old by now. Who cares what he's doing?
                            • 315. - Don't underestimate this man, Lieutenant. He may not be young anymore, but he's no less dangerous for it.
                              • 317. - Kardan resigned his commission and disappeared after the debacle on Ando Prime. If he's turned up now, it can't be a coincidence.
                                • 318. Option - Agreed.Player - This guy's involved--I know it.
                                • 320. Option - What happened on Ando Prime?Player - Tavus told me that Ando Prime was the reason for Havoc's defection. What happened on that planet?
                                  • 323. - We sent Havoc to Ando Prime to cut off an Imperial offensive, but the enemy numbers were much higher than intel had led us to believe.
                                    • 325. - When we tried to dispatch an extraction team, the Senate shut down the entire operation. We were "causing an incident" and "breaching the peace." Bureaucrats.
                                      • 327. - Havoc was left with no support and no way home. But in spite of insurmountable odds, Kardan led Havoc out of there alive.
                                        • 330. Option - That's amazing.Player - What happened when the squad got back?
                                        • 332. Option - So Tavus wasn't lying.Player - Havoc Squad really was betrayed by the Senate.
                                          • 333. - They were put in a terrible situation, Lieutenant, but that doesn't excuse their actions.
                                        • 336. Option - How could you?Player - You left your own people to die out there!
                                          • 337. - No. The Senate made their order very clear, and none of the Republic forces in the area were willing to disobey it.
                                            • 339. - Kardan resigned as soon as he learned the truth, and Tavus took over the squad. They were never quite the same.
                                              • 341. - What is important now is that we've discovered Jek Kardan's location. I want you to bring him in at all costs.
                                                • 344. Option - Understood, General.Player - I'll take care of it.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 346. Option - You want him alive?Player - You don't want me to take Kardan out?
                                                • 348. Option - Why bother?Player - I really doubt Kardan will be any use to us.
                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                  • 349. - You just worry about getting him here, Lieutenant. His full usefulness can be determined later.
                                • 352. Option - I'll end this guy.Player - Consider Kardan neutralized, sir.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 353. - If possible, I'd like you to capture Kardan alive. If he is involved in the defection, he could provide us with invaluable intelligence.
                                    • 355. - The vigilante group Kardan is working with is called the Justicars' Brigade. They control a large area of Coruscant's lower levels and are openly hostile to all outsiders.
                                      • 362. Option - Sounds serious.Player - These vigilantes must be pros to control that much territory.
                                        • 363. - They're very popular on the lower levels, keeping the peace where the Republic won't. But make no mistake--the Justicars are no friends to the Republic.
                                      • 578. Option - No problem.Player - Nobody scares me.
                                      • 366. Option - We put up with this?Player - Why do we tolerate these hostile groups here on Coruscant?
                                        • 367. - Most areas are safe. These sectors are the last pockets of lawlessness--aftermath of the Imperial attack.
                                          • 369. - Our surveillance shows that Kardan spends most of his time in the Justicars' main base. You will attempt to capture him there.
                                            • 371. - Kardan is a crucial link to Tavus and the rest of the Havoc traitors, Lieutenant. Bring him in, no matter what it takes.
                                              • 372. Option - Understood, General.Player - I'll have Kardan back here on the double, sir.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                              • 579. Option - I'm sure it won't be too hard.Player - Hardly worthy of my talents, but sure.
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 377. - Kardan led the best soldiers in the entire Republic. Don't underestimate him.
                                              • 380. Option - He may not give me a choice.Player - If Kardan presents a threat, I can't promise I won't kill him.
                                                • 381. - I understand. Just don't let your trigger finger get the better of you.
                                                  • 383. - I'm counting on you, Lieutenant. Dismissed.
                                                    • 386. <Conversation Exit>
  • 565. - We can talk later, Lieutenant. Right now, you have some Senators waiting to speak with you.
  • 861. - Come in, Lieutenant. This is General Garza. A situation has developed with the Senate, and I need your help.
    • 862. Option - Very well, General.Player - What can I do to help, sir?
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 864. Option - A "situation," sir?Player - You need me to off a Senator or something?
      • 865. - No, absolutely not--tempting as it might be at times like this.
    • 868. Option - Forget it.Player - You're on your own, General.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 869. - I'm afraid your help is mandatory.
        • 871. - Despite my best efforts, three members of the Senate Defense Committee have learned about Havoc Squad's defection, and they want to know the specifics.
          • 873. - It's an "informal inquiry" for the time being. But you can bet it won't end there. I hate politics.
            • 874. Option - I'll answer their questions.Player - The Senate represents the people. It's our duty to aid them.
              • 875. - That's all well and good, Lieutenant, but every moment we waste on questions is a moment Tavus and his traitors have to prepare for us.
            • 878. Option - Who do they think they are?Player - These bureaucrats think they can question us?
              • 879. - These bureaucrats control our funding and our jobs, Lieutenant. When they ask, we answer.
            • 882. Option - This is ridiculous.Player - We don't have time for this, General.
              • 883. - I'm aware of that, Lieutenant, but we have no choice in the matter.
                • 885. - The Senators have asked that you appear in their office at the Senate tower immediately to testify in the inquiry.
                  • 887. - I'm barred from influencing your testimony, but I will remind you that the more information that becomes public, the harder our job becomes.
                    • 888. Option - You want me to lie?Player - Are you telling me to lie to the Senate, General?
                      • 889. - I never told you to lie, Lieutenant. That would be illegal. I have merely reminded you of a relevant fact.
                    • 892. Option - I won't hide anything, sir.Player - It's my duty to provide accurate information to the Senate.
                      • 893. - And I would certainly never advise you against keeping the Senate fully informed of our activities, Lieutenant.
                    • 896. Option - I'll keep my mouth shut.Player - The Senators won't get anything out of me.
                      • 897. - How you testify is your business, Lieutenant. I could never, say, show wholehearted approval of your decision beforehand.
                        • 899. - The Senators are already waiting for you. Hurry back to the Senate tower and try to get this over with quickly. Garza out.
                          • 1190. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 1191. - As if we didn't have enough problems already....
                            • 900. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1007. - Sergeant Jaxo is still in position in the Black Sun territory, waiting to brief you. Get to it.
  • 1219. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1256. - Ah. Lieutenant. I trust no more needs to be said about your work against the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
    • 1257. - Lieutenant. Congratulations again on your work against the Migrant Merchants' Guild. It was a difficult situation, and you handled it well.
      • 1218. - Let's move on to your next target: the Black Sun. A powerful organization composed of Coruscant's most violent criminals.
        • 1261. - Black Sun has a wide network of sources providing them with the deadliest weaponry available, including a powerful nerve agent that they're selling to Tavus in bulk.
          • 1262. Option - Then we have to stop them.Player - We can't let that nerve gas reach Tavus.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1264. Option - A nerve agent?Player - Just what is this stuff capable of?
            • 1270. - I don't have the exact specifications on hand, but it's among the most deadly nerve gases in existence. You'll need to be cautious.
          • 1263. Option - Coruscant is a real mess.Player - I can't believe these groups are operating on the capital of the Republic.
            • 1265. - Coruscant hasn't been the same since the Empire's attack, just before the treaty. I suppose we're fortunate that things aren't worse.
              • 1267. - A SpecForce sergeant, Jaxo, has carried out some advance reconnaissance of Black Sun's headquarters. You'll rendezvous with her for a detailed plan of attack.
                • 1273. - We can't risk any of this nerve gas falling into Tavus's hands, Lieutenant. Use all necessary force. Dismissed.
                  • 1274. <Conversation Exit>
  • 908. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 809. - Come in, Lieutenant. Good work. This was an unfortunate necessity, but you handled it well.
      • 810. Option - Thank you, General.Player - I don't feel good about it, but it had to be done.
      • 813. Option - It's all the same to me.Player - Killing is killing, sir.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 816. Option - I don't want to hear it.Player - Next time you want civilians killed, do it yourself, General.
        • 817. - We couldn't guarantee that they were civilians. The risk far outweighed the chance that we were making a mistake.
          • 1214. - Come back to my office now--we need to discuss your next assignment. Garza out.
    • 772. - Lieutenant! My orders were perfectly clear: Eliminate Krel's cyborgs.
      • 773. Option - I'm sorry, sir.Player - I couldn't do it, General. I just couldn't.
        • 774. - You had your weapon, you had them trapped and you had my orders. That should be all you need.
      • 777. Option - Your orders were out of line.Player - With all due respect, General, I could not obey those orders.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 778. - My orders are not polite suggestions, Lieutenant. You don't choose to follow them--you follow them.
      • 781. Option - I don't want to hear it.Player - If you want to court-martial me, Garza, you go right ahead.
        • 782. - I just might, once all of our work against Tavus is finished. If I can't trust you to follow orders, then I have no use for you.
          • 784. - Lieutenant, when you are on a mission, you listen to my orders, then your brain, then your heart. In that order.
            • 786. - There's no room for sentiment in our line of work. There should be similarly little room for it in you, or we're doomed to fail.
              • 787. Option - Understood, sir.Player - I'll try my best, General.
                • 788. - Don't try to do it, Lieutenant. Do it.
              • 792. Option - Where do we draw the line?Player - If we're heartless, what separates us from the Empire?
                • 793. - We are heartless so that the people of the Republic don't have to be, Lieutenant. So that the Republic does not become the Empire. Always remember that.
              • 797. Option - I don't care what you say.Player - I'm always gonna do what I think is right.
                • 798. - Then you won't last very long at all.
                  • 1210. - Return to my office now--we need to discuss your next assignment. Garza out.
                    • 1235. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1013. - Those cyborgs are a threat to the Republic, Lieutenant. Deal with them.
  • 834. - Come in, Lieutenant. I want you to move immediately and destroy the cyborgs that Krel created.
    • 836. - We need to deal with them now, before they can disappear into the normal population.
      • 838. - These situations are never easy--these people did not choose to be what they now are. But many more lives could be at stake. You have to eliminate Krel's creations.
        • 839. Option - Understood, General.Player - The threat will be neutralized.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 840. - Good. I'm glad I can count on you.
            • 842. - I'll contact you when it's finished. Garza out.
              • 1180. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 844. Option - What if Krel was bluffing?Player - We can't know for sure if Krel was telling the truth, sir.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 845. - Whether Krel was bluffing or not, these cyborgs are a risk we cannot allow.
        • 848. Option - I won't do it!Player - These people have done nothing wrong, General!
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 849. - What these people have or haven't done is irrelevant. I need to prevent what they will do.
            • 851. - I'm giving you the kill order, Lieutenant. I take full responsibility for the consequences. Now get it done.
              • 852. Option - Very well, General.Player - I'll take care of the situation.
              • 854. Option - Fine.Player - Let's get this over with.
              • 856. Option - This isn't right.Player - Killing these people is wrong, and you know it, Garza.
                • 857. - It's right for the Republic. That's our only concern.
                  • 859. - Garza out.
                    • 1178. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 1179. - This is a waste of time. We should be going after the traitors, not gunning people down just because some madman said they're dangerous.
                        • 1182. Option - Orders are orders.Player - We do what the general said. Talking about it just wastes more time.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1181. Option - We're not killing anyone.Player - I'm not going to murder these people. I don't care what Garza says.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1187. - Whatever we're going to do, let's do it fast.
                        • 1183. Option - Shut up, Jorgan.Player - Nobody asked for your opinion, Sergeant.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 860. <Conversation Exit>
  • 671. - Corporal Garrum is in position in the old Galactic Market, Lieutenant. He'll brief you on your next assignment--destroying the Migrant Merchants' Guild's shipment of war droids.
  • 397. - Yes, Senator, that's exactly what I'm saying. I can assure you that I've seen no shred of proof supporting these rumors of a defection within SpecForce division.
    • 399. - General, surely you understand, we need more than just your assurances in a matter of this--
      • 401. - My assurances are what you're getting, Senator. They'll have to be enough. Now if you'll excuse me, I seem to have a guest.
        • 403. - But Gen--
          • 405. - Impeccable timing, Lieutenant. I'm General Garza. It's good to finally meet you in person.
            • 410. Option - Reporting for duty.Player - It's an honor to be here, General.
            • 412. Option - What was that all about?Player - Did you just lie to a Senator?
              • 413. - Certainly not. You've only just arrived and told me about Commander Tavus and the rest of Havoc Squad defecting. Before this moment, I knew nothing of the matter.
                • 415. - I have to congratulate you--surviving the ordeal on Ord Mantell took skill and courage. I'm impressed.
            • 420. Option - You're supposed to be my CO?Player - For a Special Forces general, you don't look like much.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 421. - Given what you've just survived, I'll attribute that little jewel of disrespect to stress--this time.
                • 423. - Speaking of which, allow me to congratulate you. You accomplished some impressive things on Ord Mantell.
                  • 569. Option - Thank you, General.Player - Just doing my duty.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 428. - All the same, you got more done than most other soldiers would have in the situation.
                      • 429. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 432. Option - I am pretty impressive.Player - It's not easy being this good.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 433. - But I imagine the confidence comes naturally.
                      • 434. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 437. Option - Save your praise.Player - I don't need your approval, General.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 438. - And I don't need that tone, Lieutenant. It's good that we're learning so much about one another already.
                      • 439. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 440. - Sergeant Jorgan, I'm pleased to have you with us as well. General Vander holds you in very high regard.
                          • 442. - Thank you, sir. But General Vander has an odd way of showing his "regard."
                            • 444. - Vander did the best he could for you, Sergeant. And I'd say a position in the Republic's most decorated Special Forces squad is doing very well indeed.
                        • 447. - It's regrettable about Tavus and the others. I knew they were upset, but I never imagined they would be so foolish as to defect.
                          • 449. - Nevertheless, whatever your former squad-mates once were to us, they are now extremely dangerous enemies of the Republic.
                            • 455. Option - We will stop them.Player - Protecting the Republic from its enemies is our duty.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 457. Option - It seems we have no choice.Player - If we have to kill Tavus and the others, then we have to kill them.
                            • 459. Option - I can't wait to make them pay.Player - Those traitors will suffer for what they've done.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 460. - I'm glad I can depend on you to do what's necessary, Lieutenant.
                                • 461. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 462. - So, let's load up a strike shuttle and hunt Tavus and the rest of them down like the scum they are.
                                    • 464. - I would very much like to give that order, Sergeant, but I'm afraid we've discovered some new information since you left Ord Mantell.
                                  • 467. - Things would be bad enough if we only had Havoc to deal with, but--Havoc did not defect to the Empire alone.
                                    • 469. - Our intelligence shows that hundreds of other Special Forces soldiers have followed Tavus and defected to the Empire. In short, Lieutenant, we have a catastrophe on our hands.
                                      • 571. Option - How do we proceed?Player - What are you going to do?
                                      • 472. Option - This is insane.Player - I can't believe so many soldiers could abandon our cause.
                                        • 473. - It's a dire situation. But we aren't out of options yet.
                                      • 480. Option - Nothing shooting won't fix.Player - Give me ammo and body bags. I'll do the rest.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 481. - Actually, that's not far from what I have in mind, Lieutenant.
                                          • 483. - We have one powerful asset that Tavus and his followers haven't planned for: you. Tavus believes you're dead on Ord Mantell, and that Havoc's defection is still a secret.
                                            • 485. - Right now, Tavus will be securing his armament and supplies. We need to cut those supply lines while he isn't expecting it.
                                              • 572. Option - Sounds like a plan.Player - Makes sense to me.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                              • 490. Option - Why would he need supplies?Player - Tavus is with the Empire, now. Wouldn't they keep him supplied?
                                                • 491. - The Sith Empire welcomes our defectors, but they're not going to equip men whose loyalty isn't proven. Tavus will need other sources.
                                              • 494. Option - This is a waste of time.Player - We should use this opportunity to hit the traitors directly.
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 495. - Even if we knew precisely where they were--which we don't--it would be foolish to attack directly without weakening our enemies first.
                                                  • 497. - In the past, when Havoc needed supplies outside of the normal Republic channels, they purchased the items from underworld groups here on Coruscant.
                                                    • 499. - I have units working to cut off these underworld sources, but two organizations are proving difficult: the Black Sun and the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
                                                      • 500. Option - Let me handle them.Player - I'll take care of these people for you, sir.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                      • 506. Option - How tough can they be?Player - Can these groups really stand against us?
                                                        • 507. - These aren't simple gangs, Lieutenant. They control large territories and extensive resources.
                                                      • 510. Option - Is this really our job?Player - Since when are we police officers?
                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 511. - This isn't law enforcement. I want these people shut down, eliminated.
                                                          • 1244. - You'll begin with the Migrant Merchants' Guild. Our intelligence indicates that they're supplying Tavus with a full platoon of advanced war droids.
                                                            • 1246. - Your mission, in the broad strokes, will be to locate the droid shipments going to Tavus and destroy them.
                                                              • 575. Option - Understood, General.Player - It will be done.
                                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                              • 522. Option - There's another option.Player - What if we let the shipments go? Then we could follow them straight to Tavus.
                                                                • 523. - I can't risk the possibility that these items could fall into Tavus's hands.
                                                              • 526. Option - Why not shell the whole place?Player - Just mortar them all and save me the trouble, sir.
                                                                • 527. - This is Coruscant, not a war zone.
                                                                  • 1248. - One of my people, Corporal Garrum, will meet you outside the Migrant Merchants' Guild's territory with the full operational details.
                                                                    • 531. - These missions are critical, Lieutenant. Our future success or failure is contingent on how well-supplied Tavus and his followers are.
                                                                      • 576. Option - You can count on me.Player - I will not fail.
                                                                        • 533. - Good. The safety of the entire Republic depends on your success.
                                                                      • 536. Option - This will be easy.Player - After Ord Mantell, these thugs won't even be a challenge.
                                                                        • 537. - Don't underestimate these people. There's a reason why they've been so successful up to now, and it isn't their charming personalities.
                                                                      • 540. Option - Whatever you say.Player - I'd still rather be out hunting those backstabbers down.
                                                                        • 1254. - All in good time.
                                                                          • 1251. - I'll be observing your operations from here through your armor-cam. Good luck, Lieutenant--dismissed.
                                                                            • 1078. <Conversation Exit>
  • 594. - Lieutenant.
  • 1. - You must be lost. I can assure you this isn't the office you're looking for.
  • 1203. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1204. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 561. - You have orders to carry out, Lieutenant. Get to it.
    • 818. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 829. - Now, I'm afraid there's another matter we need to discuss.
      • 1034. - You should move on to the Black Sun territory, where Sergeant Jaxo is waiting to brief you on your second assignment.
        • 820. Option - Roger that, General.Player - I'm already on my way.
        • 822. Option - The fun never stops.Player - The party just keeps going on this planet, huh?
        • 824. Option - Hope it's worth my time.Player - This had better be good.
    • 46. - I don't think so, Lieutenant. Though, he might not be very cooperative if you start killing his proteges, so tread carefully.
      • 48. - It's time to begin your true mission. Commander Tavus and your former squad-mates have betrayed the Galactic Republic. The duty of bringing them to justice falls on you.
        • 51. Option - Do we know where they are?Player - Have we gotten any leads on the traitors' location?
        • 55. Option - It's about time.Player - Finally, I can go after my real targets.
          • 56. - Don't be so quick to write off your accomplishments here on Coruscant. You've definitely produced some very real results.
            • 58. - The Justicars' computer files included messages relayed between four locations: Taris, Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan. We believe the traitors are establishing operations on each of these worlds.
              • 60. - Your missions here severed the traitors' communications and supplies. They'll have to broadcast on other channels and reveal themselves, or stay blind and unwarned. Either way, we win.
                • 61. Option - That's good to hear, sir.Player - It sounds like I'll have every advantage.
                • 63. Option - Just the way I like it.Player - A weakened enemy is the best kind.
                  • 586. - We may have improved your chances, Lieutenant, but this will still be no ordinary mission.
                • 65. Option - They'll never see me coming.Player - Now we'll see how they like being stabbed in the back.
                  • 68. - There can be no doubt that Tavus will have former Havoc members overseeing the operations on each world. You may kill or capture them all as the situation warrants.
                    • 69. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 70. - I'd heard that you already owned a starship when you enlisted, so I took the liberty of having it transported to the spaceport here.
                        • 72. - I've also requisitioned a special upgrade for your ship to aid you in your mission. You'll find it on board.
                          • 73. Option - That's all I get?Player - One measly upgrade? Nothing else?
                            • 592. - The ship is more than adequate. It's important to stay inconspicuous.
                      • 75. - Since you'll need your own starship, I've obtained this voucher for you. You can exchange it for the ship of your choice at the spaceport shipyard.
                        • 84. Option - That's all I get?Player - Couldn't you have requisitioned a sleek new warship for me?
                          • 85. - You're trying to remain inconspicuous on this mission--nondescript, commercially available vessels only.
                            • 87. - Taris, Tatooine, Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan--four worlds, hundreds of elite soldiers and five deadly traitors to deal with. You have your work cut out for you, Lieutenant.
                              • 88. Option - I'm ready, General.Player - Tavus and the others won't know what hit them.
                              • 92. Option - My squad is still undermanned.Player - When am I going to get more recruits for Havoc Squad?
                                • 105. - That may take time since we don't want Havoc's manpower shortage to become common knowledge. But you're authorized to appoint new members while in the field.
                                  • 107. - It's time you were off. I'll contact you with updated intelligence as I receive it.
                              • 94. Option - Nothing could stop me.Player - I will make those traitors pay for what they've done.
                                • 111. - Get to it. I'll contact you on your ship's holocom with updated intelligence as you arrive at each location.
                                  • 113. - You're dismissed, Lieutenant. Good luck out there.
                                    • 1237. <Conversation Exit>
                          • 81. - Think nothing of it, Lieutenant.
    • 1247. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 513. - We know that Tavus has purchased nerve gas canisters from the Black Sun and a platoon of advanced war droids from the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
        • 515. - It will be your mission to raid the two organizations' hideouts and destroy these shipments before they can reach Tavus and his followers.
      • 529. - My people will meet you in each group's territory with the details of your operations: Sergeant Jaxo for the Black Sun and Corporal Garrum for the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
      • 547. - I'll be observing your operations from here through your armor-cam. You can proceed with these missions in either order, so get to it. Dismissed.
      • 541. - All in good time, Lieutenant. All in good time.
      • 804. - Now, we've got a different situation we need to discuss.
        • 1209. <Conversation Exit>
      • 276. - We've already discussed your work against Krel and the Migrant Merchants' Guild, so there's no need for any further review on that operation.
        • 277. <Conversation Exit>
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