1828. Option - Then you truly are a failure.Player - You should have stuck with labeling packages at the Ministry of Logistics. You have no place under my command.
- Besides, Makeb is not exploding, and I now have proof. Prepare to attack all Imperial positions; once the atmospheric interference clears, I will alert the fleet.
1836. Option - I have you now, Hutt.Player - Szajin, Archon of the Hutt Cartel. You have escaped my grasp for too long.
- Your dedication to your employer is admirable. Saving a planet when you were hired... what, as a thief?
Link to Node 1866
1857. Option - You figured out the truth.Player - Congratulations, Archon. Now you know--the Empire did what the Hutt Cartel couldn't, and Makeb is safe from disaster.
- Alas, it is the Hutt Empire that will receive Makeb's bounty. My people will no longer be mocked as we are envied. We will not be criminals... but kings.
1867. Option - You believe Hutts can rule?Player - A galaxy run by Hutts... you really think that could happen?
- The isotope-5 deposits in Makeb's core generate powerful gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Until recently, those fields maintained the core's equilibrium.
1740. Option - What about Makeb's citizens?Player - We're condemning this world's people. They may evacuate in time, but they'll never be able to return.
- They'll have a memorial, which is more than the Hutts offered.
Link to Node 1695
1691. Option - Be sure about this.Player - If all this works and we don't die horribly... if we still can't mine the isotope, then it was all for nothing.
- We've spotted isotope-5 droids advancing on the nearest platform--programmed to target you personally, according to intercepts. I'd take it as a compliment.
1721. Option - I will march to battle.Player - The Archon has declared war. I am an army, and I will triumph.
- There are massive life readings around the second and third, but no hard data. I'll update you when I know more.
Link to Node 1749
1719. Option - Make sure you don't mess up.Player - Leave the isotope-5 droids to me. But there is no margin for error--ensure that everything goes according to plan.
- Problem is, our team can barely operate these wretched things. We need experts--engineers and supervisors who can run the mining lasers under our command.
1607. Option - We'll need to recruit locals.Player - The people of Makeb know this machinery better than anyone. Where do we find workers?
- Not practical in the time we have. Local workers are possible, but it gets tricky:
Link to Node 1620
1609. Option - It can't be that hard.Player - You're telling me that with all the Empire's knowledge at our disposal, we can't work a few pieces of machinery?
- He's wrong about our goal, but it doesn't matter. The Archon's got black-ops mercs kidnapping the people we need.
1633. Option - We'll kidnap them back.Player - If they're still alive, they can still be made ours. Give me everything you know.
Link to Node 1638
1634. Option - That could be convenient.Player - It saves us the trouble of finding those workers ourselves. Now we just need to follow the mercenaries.
Link to Node 1638
1635. Option - The Archon is a problem.Player - This Hutt isn't going to leave us alone. We need to deal with him, and soon.
- Phobium Squad is an off-the-books team of Regulator mercenaries: assassins the Hutts bought out with cybernetics. They're holding the workers in groundquake shelters.
- One more thing: We're still decrypting the order, but it looks like the Archon sent an isotope-5 droid to help secure the caravan. Just to make things difficult.
- Once you are deep enough, you might induce the core's isotope-5 deposits to release a radiation burst. That would allow us to determine the core's status.
1420. Option - I know the mission.Player - I was there for the briefing. I'll begin descent shortly.
Link to Node 1419
1416. Option - How's your research coming?Player - Are you making progress? Are we on track to stabilize Makeb before it explodes?
- The Science Bureau is pursuing three lines of inquiry. I am coordinating, and I am hopeful that at least one stabilization technique will prove sound.