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Choza Raabat

Choza Raabat
Level 65 Choza Raabat
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Star_fortress
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Choza Raabat
Other Sites:


  • 355. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 357. - I have been away from the galaxy for some time. Much has changed--especially the company.
    • 356. - The lone Bafforr tree is silent and unfulfilled, but the forest is all-wise and capable. Sow our seeds, Commander.
    • 358. - The Force will see us to victory.
    • 359. - We remain vigilant, Commander.
    • 360. - Find peace among your allies. Together, we preserve.
    • 361. - I'm happy to share stories with you, Commander. My wisdom is yours.
    • 362. - The path to the future requires that we trim away the thorns of the past. Let the Force be your guide.
    • 363. - This Alliance will see harmony and balance returned to the galaxy.
  • 35. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 59. - It is finally done, Commander. The sky over Alderaan is free of the Star Fortress's shadow.
      • 253. - I see my decision to join your Alliance was the correct one. I am only one Jedi, but I will serve you with the same loyalty I gave the Order.
        +3000 Influence : is extremely grateful for all you've done.
        • 255. - Whenever you need me, I stand ready to fight by your side. May the Force be with you.
          • 256. <Conversation Exit>
    • 60. - The enemy station over Alderaan is vulnerable, but it will take great effort to destroy the Star Fortress from within.
      • 258. - I'm coordinating strikes by our warships to keep the enemy off-balance. They're buying you time to enter the Star Fortress and bring it crashing down.
        • 260. - When the enemy stronghold falls, I'll be free to join you on other missions. Hurry, Commander. Alderaan needs your help.
          • 261. <Conversation Exit>
  • 247. - We've done all we can to help Alderaan from here. We must now go to Odessen and plan the assault on the Star Fortress.
    • 250. - I will meet you there, Commander. And when we've achieved total victory, I look forward to serving at your side.
      • 251. <Conversation Exit>
  • 39. - The Star Fortress has lost its defensive shield. Now, the final assault can begin.
    • 236. - I made a disturbing discovery about the motive behind Zakuul's actions on Alderaan. The enemy is more depraved than I thought possible.
      • 238. - Zakuul has orchestrated chaos here to record the resulting violence and broadcast it as entertainment for its people.
        • 239. Player - They're doing all this to entertain Zakuul's people? That's horrible!
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 240. Player - Do the people of Zakuul actually enjoy seeing this?
          +50 Influence : is concerned.
          • 241. - I don't know how many partake of the holofeeds, or why. Perhaps Zakuul's people don't realize what they're seeing is actually happening.
        • 244. Player - If they want a show, I'll give it to them.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 245. - We must not stoop to the enemy's level. The Alliance must be better, or all of this is for nothing.
  • 31. - The Force is with us, Commander. We must not fail.
  • 33. - The attack is underway. Our allies have engaged the enemy. The rest is up to us.
    • 233. - I have identified a perfect location to set the detonation charges. We'll go together, Commander.
      • 234. <Conversation Exit>
  • 27. - I will maneuver our allies into position and meet you inside the shield generator's bunker.
  • 24. - We are finally ready, Commander. I have signaled our allies we have the supplies they need to bolster our assault.
    • 230. - Go to the shield generator and breach its outer walls. I will find you inside, and together we will destroy the facility.
      • 231. <Conversation Exit>
  • 21. - Our allies will be ready to fight once we can supply them. I've found a few caches. How goes your search, Commander?
    • 289. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 40. Player - [Turn in supply crates.]
        • 273. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 274. Player - [Turn in Alien Research crate.]
          • 277. Player - [Turn in Ancient Artifact crate.]
          • 276. Player - [Turn in Military Equipment crate.]
          • 278. Player - [Turn in Smuggled Goods crate.]
            • 388. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 390. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 61. - Excellent. This will help our cause.
          • 282. Player - [Go Back.]
      • 41. Player - [Report the Alderaan Resistance Campaign is complete to receive a massive Influence gain.]
        • 45. - You have undermined Zakuul's efforts to destabilize Alderaan--and saved countless lives. Well done.
          • 48. - But our work is not yet finished. The supplies we have are still not enough to destroy that shield generator.
      • 43. Player - [Start a Heroic Mission to secure supply crates.]
        • 221. - There are many in need of our help. Anything we do to aid them will be rewarded with the supplies we need.
          • 222. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 44. Player - [Start an Eternal Empire Champion Duel.]
        • 223. - Zakuul has dispatched agents to Alderaan. They may be hunting us. Our best hope of remaining undetected is to eliminate these threats.
          • 225. - When you have more supplies, meet me back here. Until then, Commander.
            • 226. <Conversation Exit>
      • 345. Player - [Do Nothing.]
  • 13. - Good news, Commander. I have successfully negotiated an alliance of minor noble houses to help us assault the shield generator.
    • 199. - They were deeply impressed by your victory over the shield bunker's guardian. You proved Zakuul is not invulnerable.
      • 200. Player - Time to finish the job and destroy that shield generator.
      • 201. Player - Which noble houses have offered to join us?
        • 205. - None you would recognize. They are houses that have lost everything to this war except the will to free their home world.
      • 202. Player - Destroying the enemy would've been easier with you helping me.
        • 203. - We do not walk an easy path, unfortunately.
          • 207. - It will take a strong coordinated effort to bring down the shield generator. People, weapons, supplies.
            • 211. - Our allies have been beaten down by years of war. They can commit forces to the cause, but they lack adequate materiel.
              • 213. - The larger noble houses--and our enemy--have the supplies we need. We should split up and do what we must to secure them.
                • 215. - The more conflicts orchestrated by Zakuul that we can end now, the better-off Alderaan will be when the Star Fortress falls.
                  • 217. - Seek those in need of help, gather what supplies you can, and meet me here. Be safe, Commander.
                    • 218. <Conversation Exit>
  • 8. - Seek out the enemy's fortified shield generator. If you discover external defenses, destroy them.
  • 5. - You are the Commander I've heard so much about. Welcome. I am Choza Raabat of the Jedi Order. I serve your Alliance.
    • 63. Player - I'm relieved to meet a fellow Jedi. It seems like there aren't many of us left.
      +200 Influence : appreciates that.
      • 65. - There are not. Those who didn't fall to the Eternal Empire have scattered to the fringes. I've tried contacting them, without success.
        • 66. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 67. - That failure extends to reuniting your former crew. Kira Carsen has proved especially difficult to locate.
            • 89. Player - Kira and I were close, but I haven't felt her presence, either. I don't know what that means.
              • 92. - As Jedi, we must remain above such worries. If you and Kira are meant to be reunited, it will happen.
            • 72. Player - I'm more concerned about the Sith, Lord Scourge. If he isn't dead, then his silence after my return is troubling.
              • 91. - I admit, the records of your connection to the Emperor's Wrath surprised me. Such ties rarely last long.
            • 90. Player - Have you found anything about "Doc?" He isn't a Jedi.
              • 95. - A man matching his description is rumored to be wandering the Outer Rim, but I can't say if that information is true or not.
          • 68. - I had hoped to locate your old crew, Barsen'thor, but their whereabouts remain unknown. I offer myself in their place.
            • 71. Player - My padawan, Nadia Grell, was young and inexperienced. I worry what's become of her.
              • 110. - She's not the first padawan to lose her master. In the end, we can only hope she follows the path.
            • 108. Player - If anyone could cover his own tracks so well even a Jedi couldn't follow them, it's Tharan Cedrax.
              • 112. - The datafiles describing him and "Holiday" were... colorful, to say the least.
            • 109. Player - Lieutenant Iresso is Republic military. He shouldn't be that hard to locate.
              • 114. - He is officially listed as MIA. My access to unofficial records is limited, unfortunately.
            • 69. Player - I thank you for trying to find them.
              • 77. - I know how it feels to lose allies without warning.
            • 73. Player - Attachments are not the Jedi way. The past is behind us, and the future is uncertain. We must focus on the present.
              • 74. - I, too, was once forced by fate to release my old attachments.
    • 82. Player - I've worked with Jedi before, but I'm not used to ordering them around. How do you feel about this arrangement?
      +200 Influence : appreciates that.
      • 102. - I'll do whatever you require of me. I volunteered for this assignment.
    • 64. Player - You serve a Sith. That must be difficult for you.
      +200 Influence : appreciates your honesty.
      • 79. - It's not difficult at all, because I don't serve you. I follow a path laid before me by Grand Master Satele Shan.
        • 81. - I received a message from her, telling me you would come here. She wants your Alliance to succeed.
          • 120. - It's my job to ensure your victory over the Eternal Empire. No more, and no less.
            • 121. Player - I wish to speak with Satele Shan. Make it happen.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 123. - I would do so if it were within my power. Our communications are controlled by her. If that changes, I'll inform you.
            • 122. Player - Obey my commands and spare me your simpleminded Jedi rhetoric.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 125. - Of course. One cannot fill a closed vessel.
                • 130. - I will not pretend we're anything alike, but I can sympathize with your situation.
            • 127. Player - We might become friends. Give it a chance.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 128. - Jedi are taught to welcome new possibilities. I will try.
    • 83. Player - I've never had a Jedi under my command. Are you prepared to accept orders from someone like me?
      +200 Influence : appreciates your honesty.
      • 135. - I wouldn't be here if I weren't ready to serve.
    • 85. Player - No, you serve me. I command the Alliance, and everyone in it.
      • 86. - If my loyalties concern you, understand I have no attachments to anything or anyone.
    • 84. Player - Does the Jedi Order serve the Alliance, or just you?
      • 138. - I don't presume to speak for the entire Order. My path to this moment was long and difficult.
        • 88. - You and I have something unique in common. We both became exiles against our wills, and returned to a galaxy that had changed in our absence.
          • 143. - Twelve years ago, I was on a scouting mission in Wild Space. My ship crashed on a barren world. I had no way to summon rescue.
            • 145. - I was alone for ten years, until a survey vessel from Zakuul set down on my planet. First contact with its crew went... poorly.
              • 147. - I assumed command of their vessel and discovered everything had changed while I was stranded. War had resumed, but the only victor was Zakuul.
                • 148. Player - Twelve years... you missed a lot more than I did.
                  • 149. - The galaxy was at peace when I left it. I knew it couldn't last, but I never imagined all this.
                • 150. Player - What happened to the crew from Zakuul? Did you kill them all?
                  • 151. - I harmed no one. I subdued them, questioned them, and released them to safety.
                    • 152. Player - It was kind of you to let them go free.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 162. - There was no kindness to what I did. It was simply the Jedi way.
                    • 160. Player - Did you learn anything useful?
                      • 172. - I learned that I needed to redefine my place in the galaxy. I believe you understand what that is like.
                    • 159. Player - You're a fool. Zakuul's people don't deserve mercy. If they could've killed you, they would have.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 161. - I'm not defined by my enemy's actions--only my own.
                • 154. Player - How did you wind up with the Alliance?
                  • 155. - I visited Asylum on my way back to Republic space. I saw the suffering there, even before Emperor Arcann's attack.
                    • 168. - When I heard what happened to Asylum--and the rise of your Alliance in response--I knew I would join.
                      • 165. - But I have strayed far from our present concerns. The mission here is vital.
                        • 157. - Alderaan has suffered greater than any of the Core Worlds. Matters have only worsened since Zakuul placed its Star Fortress in orbit.
                          • 177. - I have tracked the enemy's activities, and one thing is clear: Zakuul is actively encouraging Alderaan's civil war. The noble houses are more hostile than ever.
                            • 179. Player - Alderaan's leaders are responsible for this conflict--not Zakuul. The civil war existed years before the Eternal Empire got here.
                              • 181. - While you were away, the houses made a concerted effort to settle things peacefully. Zakuul has undermined that process at every turn.
                            • 178. Player - How is Zakuul turning the noble houses against each other?
                              • 182. - The enemy has carried out a series of assassinations and sabotage operations. Each time, they've misdirected blame to an innocent noble house.
                            • 180. Player - Maybe all these worthless nobles will finally kill each other. Problem solved.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 183. - It's not the nobles who bear the brunt of this violence. It's their subjects. The poor and innocent die by the thousands.
                                • 185. - The Star Fortress is the heart of Zakuul's treachery on Alderaan. With it removed, this world might have a chance to rebuild.
                                  • 192. - But the battle station is protected by a powerful shield generator here on the surface. We must eliminate it, first.
                                    • 194. - I have an important meeting with potential allies. Your best course of action is to scout the shield generator's location and test its vulnerabilities.
                                      • 196. - May the Force be with you, Commander.
                                        • 197. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                          • 383. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 264. <Conversation Exit>
                                            • 263. <Conversation Exit>
  • 10. - Safe journeys on Alderaan. May the Force be with you.
  • 375. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 51. Player - I'll find more supplies.
      • 52. - May the Force be with us.
        • 53. <Conversation Exit>
    • 42. Player - [Start the Alderaan Resistance Campaign. Completion will grant a massive Influence gain.]
      • 219. - Zakuul's schemes to pit the noble houses against each other must be ended. Seek those in a position to settle these pointless conflicts and help them achieve victory.
      • 270. - Zakuul's schemes to pit the noble houses against each other must be ended. Seek those in a position to settle these pointless conflicts and help them achieve victory.
    • 376. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.flashpoint.star_fortress.story.local_contacts.alderaan_contact
Appearance ID16141084483339555337
Body Typeithorian
    "_id": {
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    "Name": "Choza Raabat",
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    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Choza Raabat",
        "frMale": "Choza Raabat",
        "frFemale": "Choza Raabat",
        "deMale": "Choza Rabaat",
        "deFemale": "Choza Rabaat"
    "ClassId": "16141098595072221517",
    "ClassB62Id": "JI7MAw7",
    "AbilityPackageB62Id": "iyXPu90",
    "MinLevel": 65,
    "MaxLevel": 65,
    "Faction": 11,
    "DetFaction": {
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            "enMale": "Friendly",
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.flashpoint.star_fortress.story.local_contacts.alderaan_contact",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "Fqn": "npc.companion.star_fortress.local_contacts.alderaan_contact",
    "B62References": {
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    "first_seen": "4.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "765870553",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [