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Level 32 Gunslinger
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Ord_mantell
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Skavak
Other Sites:


  • 2. - Thanks for the blasters, Captain. And uh, good luck out there.
  • 4. - Can't believe you made it through that separatist shooting gallery, Captain. Your ship isn't even scratched.
    • 125. - It takes guts landing in the middle of a battlefield. Nice flying.
      • 5. Option - It was easy.Player - I owe it all to my lightning reflexes and crackerjack timing.
        • 8. - You've clearly had lots of practice getting shot at.
      • 6. Option - Battlefield?Player - What's going on?
        • 9. - The separatists are invading this village, attacking everybody who isn't one of them.
      • 7. Option - I hate this planet already.Player - Why would anyone fight over this dump of a world?
        • 10. - Why does anybody fight over anything? There's money to be made.
          • 12. - The name's Skavak. I'm picking up those blasters in your cargo hold. Excuse the rush, but I need to get out of here quick.
            • 116. - This village used to be safe, but the separatists are taking over. If I were you, I'd haul jets as soon as we're done.
              • 39. Option - What's with these separatists?Player - Who are these people? What are they after?
                • 51. - Separatists want to break away from the Republic. Judging by all the explosions, they're serious about the idea.
              • 36. Option - And go where?Player - Is there someplace else I can land on Ord Mantell?
                • 37. - This is the last free spaceport in the region. There's no place else to land unless you're Republic military.
              • 21. Option - Hurry up, then.Player - No time to waste.
                • 28. - Sounds like the bombing is getting closer. The separatists will be right on top of us any minute.
                  • 29. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 35. - We don't want to be here when they reach this docking bay.
                      • 140. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 43. Option - How safe are we?Player - Can the separatists get inside here?
                          • 44. - No, it's locked down tight--but if the separatists surround us, we'll be trapped.
                        • 23. Option - Pay me now.Player - Neither of us is going anywhere until I get my credits.
                        • 22. Option - They want this place?Player - What do the separatists need with a docking bay?
                          • 24. - Need has nothing to do with it. The separatists just don't want anyone else having it.
                            • 46. - Here's your payment for making this run, Captain. Soon as I have those blasters, you'll be free to fly.
                              • 58. - Skavak! We've got a big problem. Separatists took over the local air defense cannon!
                                • 61. - Whoa! Slow down, slow down, Corso. What are you talking about?
                                  • 63. - They deployed some kinda remote control stations. Hijacked the cannon's targeting computer. Damn separatists just destroyed an incoming Republic transport!
                                    • 66. Option - The soldiers can handle it.Player - I'm sure the Republic troops will get everything under control.
                                      • 67. - They've already got their hands full. Separatist rocket launchers just attacked a Republic walker. Knocked it down hard.
                                    • 70. Option - So?Player - I fail to see the problem.
                                      • 74. - Don't you get it? The separatists can attack any starship coming in or out of here.
                                    • 68. Option - Who are you?Player - Who are you?
                                      • 69. - Huh? Oh--Corso Riggs. I'm with Skavak. Nice to meet you.
                                        • 77. - With those remote control stations, the separatists can override the air defense cannon's computer--turn that firepower against us any time they want!
                                          • 65. - That's bad news, Captain. The separatists will blast you out of the sky if you even think about taking off.
                                            • 76. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                              • 127. - There's no way out of this mess... except maybe destroying the remote control stations. But that's a job for a crazy person.
                                                • 80. Option - Or crazy people.Player - How about you help me destroy those things?
                                                  • 83. - Sorry, but our job is to get these blasters out before this place falls to the enemy.
                                                • 78. Option - It'll be fun.Player - This is going to be fun.
                                                  • 79. - I admire your spirit, but don't expect us to tag along.
                                                • 81. Option - Sounds like suicide.Player - Sounds like a good way to get myself killed.
                                                  • 82. - Then you might be here a while--at least until the separatists bomb this hangar.
                                                    • 85. - I'll help you, Captain. I want to show the separatists my new best friend. Check out this blaster--I call it "Torchy."
                                                      • 86. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 92. - Forget it, Corso. We need to get those blasters to the people who need them. She can take care of herself. No offense, Captain.
                                                        • 87. - Forget it, Corso. We need to get those blasters to the people who need them. He can take care of himself. No offense, Captain.
                                                          • 93. Option - None taken.Player - I make suicide runs in my sleep.
                                                            • 99. - I hear it's easier that way.
                                                          • 105. Option - I can't believe this.Player - If I don't come back alive, I'm gonna be extra angry.
                                                          • 98. Option - Thanks for nothing.Player - Nice attitude you've got there.
                                                            • 94. - This isn't personal, it's business. We've got our own problems.
                                                              • 97. - Sorry I can't go with you, Captain. Whatever you're gonna do, you'd better hurry.
                                                                • 104. - The separatists have remote control stations all over the area. You'll probably have to hit several before they lose control of that cannon.
                                                                  • 131. Option - I'm not getting paid enough.Player - I should charge extra for my thrilling heroics.
                                                                  • 130. Option - Time for some mayhem.Player - Pardon me, but my trigger finger needs a little exercise.
                                                                  • 132. Option - Here's my last request....Player - If I die, I want to be buried with my ship.
                                                                    • 133. - Good luck. Hope we see you again.
                                                                      • 138. - Let's move, Corso. We're running out of time.
                                                                        • 110. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - I'm taking a little breather from all the explosions outside. Hope you don't mind.
  • 168. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc2 minutes30m100011.0.0
Npc12 seconds30m99011.0.0
Npc10 seconds30m98011.0.0
Npc15 seconds30m97011.0.0
Npc1 seconds011.0.0
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.smuggler.skavak
Appearance ID16140912087849233296
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68f33180000cb06ee47"
    "ParentSpecId": "16140962728312335258",
    "ParentSpecB62Id": "cclWEH5",
    "Name": "Skavak",
    "NameId": "291761423384576",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Skavak",
        "frMale": "Skavak",
        "frFemale": "Skavak",
        "deMale": "Skavak",
        "deFemale": "Skavak"
    "ClassId": "16141005206183937121",
    "ClassB62Id": "OGHJOB7",
    "AbilityPackageB62Id": "nmy2y8T",
    "MinLevel": 32,
    "MaxLevel": 32,
    "Faction": 39,
    "DetFaction": {
        "RepublicReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "NameId": "1173582633762818",
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Republic",
            "frMale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "frFemale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "deMale": "Republik",
            "deFemale": "Republik"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [],
        "FactionId": "-878620586690540766",
        "FactionString": "republic_utility_npc",
        "OpposingFactionIds": [],
        "Id": "-878620586690540766",
        "Base62Id": "8WltHJB"
    "Toughness": "Boss1",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "LocalizedToughness": {
        "enMale": "Elite",
        "frMale": "\u00c9lite",
        "frFemale": "\u00c9lite",
        "deMale": "Elite",
        "deFemale": "Elite"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.ord_mantell.class.smuggler.skavak",
    "CnvB62": "ETs9MaF",
    "CodexId": "0",
    "ProfessionTrained": 0,
    "CompanionOverrideId": "0",
    "LootTableId": "0",
    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.npc.regular",
    "WanderPackage": "pkg.wander.npc.none",
    "AggroPackage": "pkg.aggro.npc.standard",
    "VisualDataList": [
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            "ScaleAdjustment": 1,
            "MeleeWepId": "16141166261790294400",
            "MeleeWepB62Id": "WC673Z2",
            "MeleeOffWepId": "16141173282837695788",
            "MeleeOffWepB62Id": "B0sHnP4",
            "RangedWepId": "16141173282837695788",
            "RangedWepB62Id": "B0sHnP4",
            "RangedOffWepId": "16140916964360790298",
            "RangedOffWepB62Id": "6Y7DzBL",
            "AppearanceId": "16140912087849233296",
            "AppearanceFqn": "npp.location.multi.class.smuggler.skavak",
            "SpeciesScale": 0
    "CharRef": "chr.skavak",
    "Gender": "0x00",
    "FqnCategory": "location",
    "FqnSubCategory": "ord_mantell",
    "CommandXP": 240,
    "Id": "16140998486827115642",
    "Base62Id": "UgHovvA",
    "Fqn": "npc.location.ord_mantell.class.smuggler.landing_party.skavak",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "3205732572",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [