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Lord Renning

Lord Renning
Level 20 Melee
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Korriban
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lord Renning
Other Sites:


  • 2. - Leave me to my research. I have much work to do.
  • 7. - You have the brain at last! Excellent work. I trust it wasn't too much trouble?
    • 12. Option - I made it pay.Player - I punished the foul creature for the trouble it caused you.
      • 13. - My apprentice Malora could learn from your example. She's much too soft-hearted.
        • 14. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 16. Option - No trouble at all.Player - The creature was hardly a match for my power.
      • 17. - Of course. After all, you're an expression of the dark side's will, too.
        • 18. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 260. Option - What a battle.Player - There was a good fight.
      • 9. - Yes, I would imagine so. Just look at the size of that specimen.
        • 10. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 24. Option - Don't bother asking.Player - You're not getting all the gory details.
      • 25. - Keeping the secrets of your success to yourself? As you wish.
        • 26. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 306. - You've done good work, my alien friend. Take your reward and run along.
          • 27. - I must continue my research at once. Great discoveries await. Take your reward and go.
            • 259. Option - I enjoyed this.Player - It was my pleasure.
            • 407. Option - Remember my name.Player - Don't forget who helped you to achieve this victory.
            • 409. Option - Remember my name.Player - Don't forget who helped you achieve this victory.
            • 32. Option - Remember my name.Player - Don't forget who helped you achieve this victory.
            • 34. Option - You stink worse than ever.Player - You might want to consider bathing sometime.
              • 35. - Yes, yes--you may stop talking now. Goodbye.
                • 36. <Conversation Exit>
  • 37. - I'm running out of patience. Have you finally acquired the mutant tuk'ata brain, or should I send someone else?
    • 262. Option - Here's the brain.Player - I have what you asked for. +50
      • 39. - Ah, ha! Wonderful! Let me see it.
        • 44. Option - That tuk'ata was a pushover.Player - Your beast died much too easily.
          • 45. - Then I release you back to the killing fields. May you find greater fulfillment there.
            • 46. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 48. Option - Don't forget who helped you.Player - Remember those who aided your research, my lord.
          • 49. - When I bestow my wisdom to the entire Empire, you will share some miniscule fraction of my glory.
            • 50. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 264. Option - It's in perfect condition.Player - I'm sure you'll find it meets your needs.
          • 41. - Look at the mottling along the frontal lobe. I can't wait to analyze this.
            • 42. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 56. Option - The brain is a bit messy.Player - Hope you don't mind if the brain got a little scrambled.
          • 57. - I don't need it to be in pristine condition. Half the fun of my work is poking through the layers.
            • 58. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 313. - You've done an impressive job, young alien. I have no qualms about rewarding your effort.
              • 59. - You've done me a great service, but now I must continue my research. If there's nothing else....
                • 265. Option - Just my fee.Player - Pay me. +50
                  • 61. - Yes, of course. Take your payment, and leave me to my work.
                    • 266. Option - Goodbye, Lord Renning.Player - I take my leave of you.
                    • 239. Option - Always happy to help.Player - I can find you a heart or liver if you need one.
                    • 240. Option - I can't wait to leave.Player - This slaughterhouse of yours gives me the creeps.
                      • 241. - Go now, young acolyte. May the dark side make you forever strong....
                        • 242. <Conversation Exit>
                • 66. Option - Malora is a traitor.Player - Malora asked me to sabotage your experiment. +100
                  • 67. - Is that so? Malora, if you can't show my work the appreciation it deserves, there's no place for you as my apprentice.
                    • 69. - Wait, master. It's a lie! I haven't betrayed you.
                      • 71. - I know the truth when I hear it, Malora. I'm releasing you from my service... eventually.
                        • 235. - Aah! Master, please! Stop! No! Aah!
                          • 73. - My dear, the pain for you is only beginning. Take your reward and leave. Malora and I have much to discuss.
                            • 76. Option - I deserve a bonus.Player - You should reward me for exposing this traitor.
                              • 247. - Eliminating an enemy of the Sith Empire is its own reward. Go now.
                                • 82. <Conversation Exit>
                            • 268. Option - Let me help interrogate her.Player - Sounds like you could use my services.
                              • 248. - I appreciate your kind offer, but I prefer to handle this myself. Farewell.
                            • 74. Option - Don't kill her.Player - Show her some mercy. She doesn't have to die.
                              • 246. - Oh, there are worse things than death. Goodbye, young one.
    • 83. Option - Give me more time.Player - Patience, my lord. You'll have it soon.
      <Aborts Conversation>
      • 84. - Don't bother me again until you have that brain!
        • 85. <Conversation Exit>
  • 86. - I'm still waiting for that brain....
  • 87. - My apprentice Malora is standing over there. Ask her where to find the mutant tuk'ata that escaped.
  • 89. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 303. - Ah! I'd heard we were evaluating alien competency to be Sith. How fascinating to finally meet a test subject.
    • 90. - Come closer, apprentice. Don't be afraid to examine my research.
    • 96. - A fresh young acolyte, come to view my experiments? Good.
      • 298. - I trust the sight of a messy operating table doesn't disturb you.
        • 97. Option - Not even a little.Player - I have no fear of dead things.
          • 98. - All fine and good--but lack of fear and genuine interest are not the same.
        • 101. Option - Nothing disturbs me.Player - The path to power is not for the fainthearted.
          • 102. - Heh. You remind me of myself at your age.
        • 270. Option - What are you doing?Player - What's going on?
          • 110. - Understanding the Force's mysteries requires that we seek answers everywhere--even inside a beast itself.
        • 113. Option - How disgusting.Player - Your lab looks like the inside of a beast's belly.
          • 114. - So quick to turn away in disgust? You're denying yourself knowledge and power.
            • 122. - This used to be a tuk'ata--the hound-like creatures infesting Korriban's tombs. On the surface, nothing special.
              • 124. - But I alone can see this creature is an expression of pure dark side energy--aggression made manifest.
                • 125. Option - I'm impressed.Player - Amazing. How did you learn that?
                  • 399. - The Force told me so. It speaks to me.
                • 133. Option - I doubt that.Player - If you're the only one who can see, maybe it isn't there.
                  • 134. - The ignorant often question the perceptions of the wise. You require enlightenment.
                • 278. Option - Quite an egomaniac, eh?Player - You think pretty highly of yourself.
                  • 138. - I have gazed into the depths of the abyss and found revelations there others only dream of.
                    • 331. - The Force is alive. It expresses its will in the physical world. This tuk'ata was one such form.
                      • 332. Option - What does that make us?Player - Are we another of these "forms"?
                        • 333. - Sith are the highest manifestation of the Force's will.
                      • 336. Option - I disagree.Player - The Force is no more alive than your beast.
                        • 337. - Your eyes are shut to possibilities. Open them!
                      • 340. Option - Find a new hobby.Player - You need a hobby / have too much free time
                        • 341. - You judge me, yet have no understanding of my work.
                          • 158. - I've dissected hundreds of tuk'ata, forging a direct connection to the dark side. Each beast I examine advances me toward perfect unity.
                            • 160. - I now stand at a new frontier but find myself thwarted. My most perfect specimen--a tuk'ata mutant--escaped to the tombs before I could analyze it.
                              • 163. Option - That's terrible news.Player - Your work is too important to fail, my lord.
                                • 164. - Indeed. Perhaps the Force has brought you to me for a reason.
                                  • 165. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 302. Option - Can I assist?Player - Perhaps I could help recover your specimen.
                              • 282. Option - Oh, well.Player - Bad stuff happens.
                                • 172. - You don't understand. I've lost a vital key to unlocking the dark side's true essence.
                                  • 173. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 176. - You're familiar with those areas from your trials. You could find this tuk'ata for me and retrieve its perfect brain.
                                    • 182. - You acolytes delve those tombs on your trials. You could hunt that tuk'ata for me and retrieve its perfect brain.
                                      • 204. - My apprentice Malora saw which tomb the mutant beast fled into. Find out what she knows, assist me, and you will be rewarded.
                                        • 205. Option - As you wish.Player - I'll speak with Malora and do whatever is necessary, my lord.
                                          • 206. - You've found a great calling in my service. I trust you appreciate that.
                                        • 213. Option - Can't Malora go?Player - Why not send your apprentice to recover this beast?
                                          • 214. - She is more suited to the laboratory than the tombs. She lacks your fire, I'm afraid.
                                        • 291. Option - Sorry, not interested.Player - I don't want any part of this.
                                          • 218. - Are you quite sure? You're passing up a golden opportunity to advance your knowledge of the Sith arts.
                                            • 294. Option - Oh, all right.Player - Fine, you've convinced me.
                                            • 221. Option - I'll see what I can do.Player - Fair enough. It can't hurt to keep my eyes open.
                                              • 222. - Ask Malora where to seek the tuk'ata and return to me when you have its brain.
                                                • 223. <Conversation Exit>
                                            • 226. Option - Forget it. [Refuse quest]Player - Sorry, but I don't work for psychos.
                                              <Aborts Conversation>
                                              • 227. - Then get out of my lab.
                                                • 233. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - I'm engaged in delicate experiments. If you seek my wisdom, return at a more opportune time.
  • 253. - You are not Sith. Get out of my lab!
  • 412. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 414. - Hello, my little alien friend. It's good to see you still thriving despite yourself!
    • 413. - My dear girl. It's Lord Renning. How wonderful you're still alive!
    • 415. - My dear boy. It's Lord Renning. You thrive, I hope?
      • 417. - I have completed a series of experiments based on that tuk'ata brain you retrieved. Fascinating stuff.
        • 422. Option - I'm glad to hear that.Player - Excellent news, Lord Renning.
        • 423. Option - Brain? Huh?Player - I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
          • 426. - How quickly the young forget! No matter.
        • 424. Option - I do love killing things.Player - No creature scares me.
          • 425. - Yes, delightful, isn't it? But I can't get distracted with such things just now.
            • 428. - I've sent a gift to be delivered. Just a small token of my esteem but perhaps it will lessen the rather high chances of you being killed.
              • 434. - Farewell, young Sith.
                • 435. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
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    "hash": "3733910898",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
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