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Level 9 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tython
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Saylew
Other Sites:


  • 1. - She died in my arms. You should've seen what those filth did to her.
    • 3. - I'm sorry, Saylew. We all share your loss.
      • 7. - For every one of us the Flesh Raiders butcher, we should kill ten! No, a hundred!
        • 9. - Will that restore your loved one to life?
          • 11. - Don't lecture me, Jedi. My wife is dead! Our people, slaughtered! Where were you then?
            • 14. Option - I'm sorry for your loss.Player - Nothing I say will make you feel whole again, but we truly are doing everything we can.
              • 18. - What about exterminating those animals?
              • 21. - Saylew, this Jedi brought us the Flesh Raiders' weapons so we can defend our homes.
            • 12. Option - Crippling the enemy.Player - I sabotaged the Flesh Raiders' weapons. They'll pay for what they've done.
              • 17. - Sabotage? It's not enough. It'll never be enough.
            • 13. Option - Getting you weapons.Player - I took all the Flesh Raiders' weapons, so you can defend yourselves.
              • 16. - Finally, one of you who understands.
            • 15. Option - Shut your mouth.Player - I don't have to explain myself / justify myself to you.
              • 19. - You have an obligation to defend life--to stop evil. Isn't that what you people do?
                • 23. - The Flesh Raiders won't stop until we're all dead. Are you going to let that happen?
                  • 34. Option - Never.Player - I won't quit until the Flesh Raiders are defeated. That's a promise.
                    • 41. - We'll see what a Jedi's promise is worth.
                      • 43. - I hope you can fulfill that pledge. I fear he won't take disappointment well.
                  • 40. Option - You can always leave.Player - Perhaps your people would be safer if you left Tython.
                    • 44. - This is our home. No Flesh Raider--or Jedi--will drive us out.
                      • 46. - You made a good point. Shame he's too stubborn to hear it.
                  • 36. Option - Maybe I should.Player - If you're dumb enough to pick fights with Jedi, maybe you don't deserve to survive.
                    • 47. - I knew you weren't here to help. We'll just have to take justice for ourselves.
                      • 49. - Emotions are running high enough. All you did was stir things up.
              • 20. - Saylew, this Jedi risked everything to seize the Flesh Raiders' own weapons and bring them here.
                • 30. - Give me those weapons. We'll hunt down the Flesh Raiders. We'll have retribution.
                  • 39. Option - You'll die chasing revenge.Player - You're upset--the last thing you need is a blaster. Let me handle the Flesh Raiders. +50
                    • 115. - This Jedi is wise. Listen to her counsel.
                    • 54. - Your wife wouldn't want you to die for revenge. I promise we'll stop these attacks.
                      • 56. - Well done, Padawan. He may not feel better, but at least he'll stay out of trouble.
                  • 37. Option - Ranna's in charge here.Player - Your leader should decide how to use these weapons--not you. +50
                    • 112. - The Jedi is wise. You should listen to her.
                    • 51. - Go and mourn your wife, Saylew. I'll organize a militia to protect our village.
                      • 53. - He still wants revenge, but at least he isn't armed.
                  • 50. Option - Take them. [Give weapons]Player - The weapons are yours. I hope you find your enemies. +50
                    • 57. - I will. And they're going to pay.
                      • 59. - Emotions and weapons--never a good mix.
                        • 104. - Poor Saylew. I understand his grief more than he knows.
                          • 61. - People wonder why Jedi are forbidden to marry or have families. They don't see how attachments always lead to suffering.
                            • 63. - Passionate emotions can destroy a person--and Jedi destroyed by passion become something terrible.
                              • 71. - T7 = salutes Master Orgus // T7 reconnaissance report = ready for delivery
                                • 82. Option - I found this droid, Master.Player - Teeseven was captured by the Flesh Raiders. You'll want to see the holorecording he made.
                                • 84. Option - Do you know T7?Player - This droid says he works for the Jedi. Is that true?
                                  • 85. - Yes, he's one of our long-range probes. We sent out twenty. This is the only one to come back.
                                • 86. Option - He's all yours.Player - This thing's been a pain in my neck since the Flesh Raider camp.
                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                  • 99. - One of our long-range probes--I thought we'd lost all of them.
                                    • 87. - T7's holorecording = enemies of Jedi // T7 = play back for Master Orgus
                                      • 89. - While I deal with the droid, talk to Ranna. I think her people are ready to help us, thanks to you.
                                        • 119. <Conversation Exit>
  • 108. - What, another outsider who's come to mock us?
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.tython.class.jedi_knight.multi_new.saylew
Appearance ID16141097521392300604
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Republic",
            "frMale": "R\u00e9publique",
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            "deMale": "Republik",
            "deFemale": "Republik"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [],
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        "FactionString": "republic_utility_npc",
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.tython.class.jedi_knight_new.saylew",
    "CnvB62": "OcvONS7",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "3525775437",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
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