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Master Kutri O'a

Master Kutri O'a
Level 55 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Exp
SubCategory: 02
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 3.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Master Kutri O'a
Other Sites:


  • 161. - Time I saw myself out. Good luck.
  • 78. - Barsen'thor. The equipment is ready--try to relax during the brain scan.
    • 80. - The crystal matrix is developing, but it has to anchor itself on your experiences and knowledge.
      • 82. - I'll ask you questions as the Force guides me. The holocron will record your answers.
        • 83. Option - Let's begin.Player - Ask your questions, Master O'a.
        • 84. Option - What sort of questions?Player - The Force grants you visions, and you ask me about them?
          • 133. - Just about. I've been doing this a long time; don't worry.
        • 85. Option - My responses must be secret.Player - Swear not to repeat what you hear. The galaxy may not be ready for my teachings.
          • 86. - It's the role of the holocron to share your words and thoughts with those you'd choose. I won't share them with anyone.
            • 87. Player - Then begin.
              • 92. - The Republic may not fall tomorrow--but in a thousand futures, it falls eventually, one way or another.
                • 94. - I see a half-trained Jedi in the forests of Sarkhai, where your apprentice bore your holocron after your death.
                  • 96. - The half-trained Jedi wants weapons to fight those who destroyed the Republic. She wants vengeance. What answer do you give?
                    • 98. Option - She must fight without anger.Player - I've fought every day since I became a Jedi. But nothing good comes of vengeance. I can help her control her emotions. +50
                      • 162. - So she learns, and she fights, and she wins victories and dies. I can't see if the Republic is restored.
                    • 97. Option - I teach diplomacy and healing.Player - I've no desire to show people how to kill. Let me teach her to heal the galaxy, not cause more bloodshed. +100
                      • 163. - It's a difficult path for her, but she walks it well in the end. She teaches others. She learns her enemies aren't her enemies.
                    • 99. Option - The old war machines are hers.Player - Teach her of the Rakata and the Esh-kha. Show her the galaxy's great weapons. +100
                      • 100. - So she makes war, and stars die. Her name is etched in history, at least for a while.
                        • 102. - In another time, I see a Sith find your holocron. He loathes you. Your soldier died to defeat his great-grandsire.
                          • 104. - He seeks to learn what made you strong; walk your path on the now-ruined world of Tython. Will you guide him?
                            • 106. Option - Yes. There is wisdom in truth.Player - If he walks my path, sees what I've seen and learns what I've learned, then the galaxy will have nothing to fear from him.
                              • 168. - He does see what you saw, but he resists it--he kills--before the lesson takes. In the end, though, he redeems his home.
                            • 105. Option - He is not ready.Player - No. He doesn't even understand what he's looking for. My teachings aren't for him.
                              • 169. - His fury is something to behold--but he never grows strong. He dies in battle, unmourned, unremarkable.
                            • 107. Option - He'll find death or growth.Player - I'll show him my path in all its peril. If he survives, he'll emerge stronger. We gain enlightenment through fire.
                              • 108. - He does walk your path, and he does survive. He's not Sith, by the end. He spreads your ways to the galaxy.
                                • 110. - You already have many titles: Jedi Master, Barsen'thor, Herald. You could bear others: Seneschal, Hierophant of the Jal Shey, Betrayer of Balmorra.
                                  • 112. - Which will you choose as your legacy? When your holocron is activated, how will it name itself?
                                    • 113. Option - My duty is as Barsen'thor.Player - I was named Barsen'thor, Warden of the Order, by the Jedi Council. I aspire to be worthy of the name. It's how I'd like to be remembered.
                                    • 114. Option - No titles. Just my true name.Player - I'm not my titles. I'm a person, nothing more or less, and my real name will do.
                                    • 115. Option - Every title is important.Player - I've sought knowledge and understanding in the galaxy's darkest places. I am more than a Jedi. Let them remember every facet.
                                      • 127. - Then we're done. You've got yourself a holocron; now all you need to do is spend your life filling it.
                                        • 141. - I don't know where your next fight is, my friend. I don't know if any of us will make it through the year.
                                          • 145. - But if I outlast you, I promise to protect what we built today, if I can.
                                            • 146. Option - Thank you, Master O'a.Player - You've done me a great kindness. It's good to know that whatever happens, I'll leave behind something of value.
                                              • 158. - It's my privilege to serve a Council member.
                                            • 147. Option - Stay and fight with me.Player - You're a Jedi Master. I could use you at my side--there's a battle coming to Rishi.
                                              • 155. - I'm clumsy with a lightsaber and frankly a bit of a coward. On Tython, at least I can do some good.
                                            • 148. Option - Legacies never last.Player - It won't matter in the end. Holocrons are memories, and memories fade. Only the living count.
                                              • 149. - Perhaps. But soon, memories may be all that remain.
                                                • 151. - May the Force be with you.
                                                  • 152. Player - And you.
                                                    • 154. <Conversation Exit>
  • 74. - Prepare your mind. I'll make sure I'm ready here.
  • 22. - Ah! Barsen'thor! You know how long I've been meaning to find you? Kept hoping we'd do this on Tython.
    • 24. - But when the Force gets pushy--says "Be on Rishi in three days! You'll know why!"--well, I make an extra effort. And here you are!
      • 25. Player - You're Master O'a?
        • 26. - That I am, here to help build your holocron. Can't disappoint Lara Cordan when she's trying to form the New Rift Alliance!
          • 28. - Oh, or the first of the Esh-kha neo-Savants, a century or so from now. He'll need good advice.
            • 29. Option - You saw that in the future?Player - Those aren't guesses. You've had such visions through the Force?
              • 37. - One of my talents, but it's not always a blessing.
            • 30. Option - Then let's not disappoint.Player - If the future demands my holocron, then far be it from me to get in the way.
              • 42. - I like you, Barsen'thor. Shall we get to work, then?
            • 31. Option - Prophecies are meaningless.Player - If those are visions, what you've seen can change; the future is ours to reshape.
              • 32. - Oh, I understand how volatile the future can be.
                • 34. - These days I see mostly darkness, dead planets... lots of ways the future could go.
                  • 36. - Still, if anyone survives this war, they'll need your holocron to rebuild! Ready to start?
                    • 40. Player - What do we do?
                      • 41. - There are some nuances. It's not just a recorded message--it's an interactive program, a reflection of your mind.
                        • 45. - A holocron can speak, answer questions... it can't think, but it will have the knowledge and memories you provide.
                          • 47. Option - I've used holocrons before.Player - On Tython, I worked with our ancestors' teaching holograms. On Coruscant, I recovered the Noetikons, which contained recordings of multiple Jedi.
                            • 71. - The Noetikons! Fabulous devices. You understand, then.
                          • 46. Option - How'd you learn to build them?Player - Your expertise in holocrons--where does it come from?
                            • 75. - Habit of tinkering in my youth and a very stern Master who made me fix what I broke. But it is my calling.
                          • 48. Option - Suppose I record falsehood?Player - If the holocron only contains what I record, what if I record a lie?
                            • 49. - It might still work, or it might destabilize the personality matrix, crash the whole system. Try not to lie.
                              • 51. - First thing is to scan your brain, establish a baseline. For that, we need you at a very particular level of consciousness.
                                • 53. - On Tython, you'd use a meditation chamber to achieve a "Susheer State" of serenity. But every culture has similar rituals--we'll make do with what Rishi provides.
                                  • 54. Option - How do the natives meditate?Player - The Rishii people must have traditions for reaching higher states of consciousness. What do we know of them?
                                  • 55. Option - Could that be dangerous?Player - We don't know much about the Rishii people. What's meditative for them could end up killing me.
                                    • 63. - Granted, but the odds of it going that wrong seem slim. I did some reading--found a Rishii shamanic blessing that should work.
                                  • 56. Option - More primitive solutions.Player - Just once, I'd like to visit another planet without indulging in superstitious gibberish.
                                    • 57. - If you're volunteering to return to Tython, I'm more than willing.
                                      • 58. Player - Speak, O'a. Tell me about the Rishii techniques.
                                        • 59. - I did some reading. There's a Rishii shamanic blessing similar to one used by the Jawas of Tatooine.
                                          • 61. - I'll walk you through it--it starts with the gathering of kishu reeds. Wear gloves if you don't want scars.
                                            • 66. Player - Anything else?
                                              • 67. - The Susheer State attunes your mind to the Force. That could mean dreams, visions, of the past and future. Embrace them.
                                                • 69. - I'll take you through each step on the comm, but best you make this journey alone. When you're finished, we'll begin construction.
                                                  • 70. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Not now, please!
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.exp.02.rishi.class.jedi_wizard.barsenthors_legacy.master_oa
Appearance ID16141013025315994253
Body Typebmn
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    "LocalizedName": {
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        "frMale": "Ma\u00eetre Kutri O'a",
        "frFemale": "Ma\u00eetre Kutri O'a",
        "deMale": "Meister Kutri O'a",
        "deFemale": "Meister Kutri O'a"
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    "ClassB62Id": "psOBGp5",
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            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "first_seen": "3.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "310120603",
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    "changed_fields": [
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