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Halidrell Setsyn

Halidrell Setsyn
Level 20-65 Ranged
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Nar_shaddaa
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Halidrell Setsyn
Other Sites:


  • 319. - My lord! My base...! My base is under attack!
    • 321. - The last of my men and I are holed up in the command center. But the doors are about to give!
      • 322. Option - I'm coming.Player - I'll be right there, Halidrell. Try to hold on.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 325. - Doing the best I can. But I... I got a bad feeling about this. Ahh!
      • 324. Option - What are you up against?Player - Who is responsible for the attack?
      • 323. Option - Calm down!Player - Calm yourself!
        +200 Influence : approves.
  • 291. - Rathari's forces are close to defeating the Republic garrison in the upper industrial sites. There isn't time to waste.
  • 262. - Word's spread through the streets that Rathari's conference with the Hutts was invaded and his apprentice killed.
    • 268. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 269. - Seems like you missed your calling as a diplomat. The Hutts are in a holding pattern to see what comes of your challenge.
      • 270. - No one knows who slaughtered the Hutts, so I'm very impressed. The Empire's alliance is intact.
        • 264. - It's too bad Rathari wasn't in attendance. But man, I bet he's fuming.
          • 265. Option - I wish he'd been there.Player - If he'd been there, his corpse would be steaming.
            • 277. - All in good time. He's not the type to duck a fight.
          • 267. Option - Your tip was good.Player - I'm sure our message was heard loud and clear.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 266. Option - I'm disappointed with you.Player - Your guess proved to be unreliable.
            • 273. - I'm sorry about that. Still, I'm sure the message was heard.
              • 135. - Rathari's also on the verge of taking over the Republic's base of operations in the upper industrial sites.
                • 276. - With his work with the Cartel dashed, he's sure to pour himself into squashing the Republic garrison.
                  • 156. Option - Persistence, then.Player - I'll keep banging down doors until I find him.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 281. Option - On my way.Player - I'm on my way.
                  • 280. Option - You better be right this time.Player - If he's not there, you will have failed me twice.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 283. - Even if Rathari isn't there, when his operations are all thwarted, I know he'll come to you. A confrontation will be inevitable.
                      • 286. <Conversation Exit>
  • 316. - The Hutt Cartel is likely to give in to Rathari's demands any minute. I hope you're in time to stop them.
  • 13. - You have a flair for dramatic entrances. I probably could have handled that, but I'm grateful for your timing.
    • 15. - You're the apprentice Darth Baras prepped me for, yes?
      • 37. Option - How much do you know?Player - What exactly did he tell you about me?
        • 40. - He briefed me on your mission here and my part in it.
        • 38. - Baras told me why you're here and how I can help. He neglected to tell me how dashing you are.
          • 56. Option - He is all business.Player - Our master's introductions are as thin as his patience.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 57. - The Darth is rather stunted when it comes to interpersonal relations.
          • 41. Option - [Flirt] What an oversight.Player - And Baras failed to tell me what an alluring woman you are.
          • 49. Option - Don't bother flirting.Player - Focus on the tasks at hand, madam.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 50. - Apologies, my lord. The Darth encourages me to use my feminine wiles.
      • 36. Option - Correct.Player - Exactly.
        • 68. - The obvious is my specialty. That's why I keep petitioning the Darth for a raise.
      • 39. Option - Skip the pleasantries.Player - We don't have time for questions. Just do what you've been told.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 44. - I see you and the Darth are a lot alike--all business.
          • 72. - Halidrell Setsyn. So you're here to take out Lord Rathari. Won't be easy, he usually just appears, devastates then disappears.
            • 80. - You'll have to draw him out. He's been making some major power plays, and disrupting them will get his attention.
              • 86. Option - I value accuracy.Player - You'd better be sure about that.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 107. - You ruin his business, he's gonna want to chop you into little bitty pieces.
              • 106. Option - I like the way you think.Player - Let's do it.
              • 84. Option - Can't wait to confront him.Player - I'll enjoy ruining Rathari's plans.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 108. - He's going to go nuts, so be ready.
                  • 110. - First, Rathari's been strong-arming the Hutt Cartel. From what I hear, they're close to signing over some important territories to him.
                    • 112. - He and his apprentice Girik are in conference with the Hutts at Cartel Headquarters. If you burst in....
                      • 113. Option - I'd get under his skin.Player - Rathari would be none too pleased.
                      • 114. Option - It would be a big mess.Player - I'd be facing a lot of fire power.
                        • 121. - Well yeah, if you just went in there lightsaber blazing.
                      • 115. Option - He's playing politics?Player - Rathari doesn't sound like the type to negotiate.
                        • 116. - You're right, he doesn't like talk, but he knows how to apply political pressure.
                          • 118. - The Cartel is an Imperial ally. Rathari can't just beat on them, he has to play diplomat. Unfortunately, the same applies for you.
                            • 120. - If things turn violent between you and the Hutts, better if there's no one left to identify you.
                              • 127. Option - Giving me advice is a mistake.Player - Don't tell me how to do my job.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 133. - Just trying to cover all the options, my lord. Force of habit working for the Darth.
                                  • 134. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 130. Option - The Hutts are not my mission.Player - I'll do my best to keep the peace with our allies.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 131. - The other possibility won't carry as many restraints.
                                  • 143. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 129. Option - I never leave survivors.Player - I'll make sure no one survives.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 132. - Could get hairy. Those oversized slugs have some pretty buff bodyguards.
                                  • 167. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 164. - When all this intrigue is over and Rathari is a memory, maybe we can get to know each other better.
                                      • 234. Option - You're flirting with me again?Player - I already warned you, you're barking up the wrong tree.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 235. - Force of habit, my lord. Won't happen again.
                                          • 232. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 174. - Hey, Twi'lek, is he always like this?
                                              • 175. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                • 177. - No comment.
                                                • 178. - He's got really high standards.
                                            • 179. - Hey, soldier, your boss always this much fun?
                                            • 182. - Guess that means I'll celebrate alone.
                                              • 169. - I've got a shipment of slaves to send out, but I'll be here if you need me. Good luck, my lord.
                                                • 340. <Conversation Exit>
                                      • 173. Option - Not interested.Player - I know you well enough, I think.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 231. - Apologies, my lord. Just thought we might get along.
                                          • 373. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 170. Option - Yes.Player - That will definitely be in order.
                                        • 193. - I look forward to it. I have a feeling you and I will get along real well.
                                      • 171. Option - Perhaps.Player - We'll see if I'm in the mood.
                                        • 172. - If killing a Sith Lord doesn't make you feel social, not much will.
  • 337. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Sweet talk me all day, darlin', the Exchange is movin' in on this operation of yours. No amount of sugar gonna change that.
    • 5. - Believe me, you're going to prefer the sugar to the spice. Take one step closer, and there will be two dozen Sith surrounding you.
      • 9. - Two dozen? That's a dead giveaway, darlin'. You got none.
        • 10. Option - She's not bluffing.Player - One is all she's going to need.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 11. Option - Excuse the interruption.Player - What's going on?
          • 252. - These, ahem, gentlemen say they're taking over Darth Baras's slave operations.
            • 22. - So you do got a Sith up your sleeve. Well, we've been trained to take out Sith. Time to flex our muscles.
              • 23. Option - I'm warning you....Player - Muscles don't flex when they've been flayed off the bone.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 26. Option - This is tiresome. [Attack]Player - I've suffered you long enough. +50
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 25. Option - Let's talk this over.Player - I'm sure we can work this out peacefully. +50
                • 28. - Unless you're planning on just killing yourself, I beg to differ.
        • 12. Option - You're about to die.Player - These are your last breathing moments. +50
  • 357. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 275. - More than likely, Rathari's spearheading the charge in the upper industrial sites.
    • 137. - He might want to be there to see the Republic garrison crumble, or to lord it over the Hutts when they cave in to his demands.
      • 168. <Conversation Exit>
      • 157. Option - Sounds right.Player - Those are excellent leads. Thank you.
      • 158. Option - A waste of time most likely.Player - Feels like whistling in the wind to me.
        • 159. - Well, then pucker up and blow. Like I said, make enough noise and he'll come gunning for you.
    • 301. - With his plans to take out the Republic and occupy their territory lost, all his attention is sure to be on the Hutt Cartel.
      • 303. - It's very likely he's overseeing the treaty agreement with the Hutts this very moment.
        • 282. Option - Too bad for him.Player - He's going to wish he wasn't there.
    • 292. - You can't walk outside without hearing about Rathari's forces being wiped out and General Kligton killed.
      • 293. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 294. - You really rubbed his nose in it by allowing the Republic soldiers to stand victorious.
        • 295. - And it really chafed him that you stole his thunder and took down the Republic garrison yourself.
    • 255. - I hope there's still time. Rathari's meeting with the Hutt Cartel, and his army's advance on Republic operations are close to complete.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.nar_shaddaa.class.sith_warrior.multi.halidrell_setsyn
Appearance ID16141037791385085069
Body Typebfn
    "_id": {
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    "LocalizedName": {
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        "frMale": "Halidrell Setsyn",
        "frFemale": "Halidrell Setsyn",
        "deMale": "Halidrell Setsyn",
        "deFemale": "Halidrell Setsyn"
    "ClassId": "16140963006707226272",
    "ClassB62Id": "e5Q12r6",
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    "MinLevel": 20,
    "MaxLevel": 65,
    "Faction": 4,
    "DetFaction": {
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            "enMale": "Empire",
            "frMale": "Empire",
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        "FactionString": "empire_utility_npc",
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    "LocalizedToughness": {
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.nar_shaddaa.class.sith_warrior.halidrell_setsyn",
    "CnvB62": "y3KPMMN",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
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    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.npc.regular",
    "WanderPackage": "pkg.wander.npc.none",
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            "RangedWepId": "16141173282837695788",
            "RangedWepB62Id": "B0sHnP4",
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            "AppearanceFqn": "npp.location.nar_shaddaa.class.sith_warrior.multi.halidrell_setsyn",
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    "CharRef": "chr.halidrell_setsyn",
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    "FqnSubCategory": "nar_shaddaa",
    "CommandXP": 16,
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    "Base62Id": "a1kyAhH",
    "Fqn": "npc.location.nar_shaddaa.class.sith_warrior.multi.halidrell_setsyn",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "3991306500",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [