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Galen Besk

Galen Besk
Level 45 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tatooine
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Galen Besk
Other Sites:


  • 2. - Get your boy inside. We've got ten minutes before the wind picks up.
    • 4. - What about Chesla?
      • 6. - She's not stupid, she'll be here--just go!
        • 8. - You should get inside, too--there's a sandstorm coming, and the spaceport's a designated shelter. No flights in or out for a while.
          • 17. Option - My duty's to help, not hide.Player - You can't get word out to everyone yourself. I'll bring people back--just keep the shelter open.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 9. Option - I volunteer to assist.Player - The Force can be a beacon in a storm. I can help those who're lost find their way here.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 19. - I'd expect that from a Jedi. All right, but we lock down in twenty. Move!
          • 14. Option - I'll make sure everyone's in.Player - I appreciate the advice, but I don't like sitting around. Let me sweep the town, I'll find anyone left behind.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 24. - Good to see the Republic has a heart. Now move.
          • 15. Option - I can lend a hand.Player - Rough flying doesn't scare me. Why don't I grab a speeder, shuttle people back here before the storm hits?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 16. - You're a lifesaver, Captain. Just get yourself inside before we lock down!
              • 180. Player - We've done all we can. Now we wait.
          • 10. Option - Are sandstorms common?Player - I've been on Tatooine awhile, and I haven't seen any storms.
            • 22. - They mostly die out crossing the Jundland Wastes, but when they hit, they hit hard.
          • 11. Option - No way I'm staying here.Player - I'll take my chances. My ship is tough.
            • 12. - Not that tough. Besides, hangars are already sealed--you'll have to wait things out like everyone else.
              • 18. - Galen! Dozen more from the farmsteads coming in!
                • 26. - Guess we'll make room. Come on, they'll stay out of your way....
                  • 29. - We'll be buried alive in here.
                    • 36. - You'll be just fine. Don't worry.
                      • 40. - Looks like we got out okay--pretty much everyone did, though we lost three power generators.
                        • 44. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 46. - Guess that's not exciting next to flying around the galaxy, fighting Imperials on Nar Shaddaa and whatnot.
                          • 47. - Doesn't compare to fighting--what was it, some Sith Lord causing groundquakes in the desert?
                          • 49. - Doesn't compare to tracking down some crazed Jedi Master, I suppose.
                          • 50. - Doesn't compare to stopping the "mad bomber of Anchorhead" and his Imperial cronies, but what does?
                          • 51. - Not that it compares to the excitement of chasing Jedi and Sith, meeting big-time gangsters....
                            • 48. Option - How do you know about me?Player - You're very well informed, for a--what did you say your job was?
                              • 64. - Name's Galen. I'm just a man enjoying his retirement, trying to give something back to the community.
                            • 57. Option - It's not all about excitement.Player - I deal with my share of violence, but I don't look down on people who aren't fighting for their lives.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 88. - Not even a little bit?
                            • 55. Option - My business is private.Player - I'm not sure I'm supposed to talk about it.
                              • 58. - Of course--I'm pushing my luck keeping you here, I know.
                                • 60. - Look, these people have it rough in the best of times, but between pirates and sandstorms and Sand People... we can't take much more.
                                  • 62. - If you leave without finishing the job you started, how long before the Empire claims this planet?
                                    • 69. Option - "The job I started"?Player - You're asking me to stay--but I've done what I came for.
                                      • 182. - And along the way, you helped out all sorts of people; would it hurt to focus on that, for once?
                                    • 63. Option - The Empire won't bother you.Player - Tatooine isn't a threat or a strategic asset. I wouldn't worry about the Empire.
                                      • 92. - The Empire's already here! Digging up dirt, testing bombs... they've got a garrison in Mos Ila.
                                    • 101. Option - I took care of the Imperials.Player - I wouldn't worry. The Empire won't be bothering you anymore.
                                      • 102. - I'm grateful for what you did, but we both know they're still out there.
                                    • 67. Option - That isn't my problem.Player - Tatooine isn't part of the Republic, and your fate isn't my concern.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 68. Option - I don't really care.Player - No one's paying me to babysit this planet. What goes on here is up to you.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 72. - You've helped us out already--I'm only asking for a day or two more.
                                        • 74. - Tatooine's only chance is unity--making communities that can stand together against warlords and monsters.
                                          • 86. - Espelar's our best hope--it's a trading post where farmers, Jawas and leaders from half a dozen towns swap information. The Empire means to burn it to the ground.
                                            • 95. Option - Tell me about the threat.Player - How will the Empire "burn it to the ground"?
                                            • 96. Option - Why would one outpost matter?Player - I'm sure Espelar is important to Tatooine, but I can't see why the Empire would care.
                                              • 100. - With a strong trade outpost, there's strong community and strong resistance. Without....
                                            • 105. Option - You can't be serious.Player - How would you know?
                                              • 106. - I've got pals in the militia, all sorts of places; I'm asking you to trust me.
                                                • 108. - Sandstorm broke Espelar's defenses, and the Imperials will send in saboteurs. You need to give the people breathing room, help them rebuild.
                                                  • 110. - Stop the Imperials, head into town and help put this planet on the path to being a proud, independent society. Or give up and go--your choice.
                                                    • 199. <Conversation Exit>
  • 119. - Tatooine's a safer place, thanks to you. The shadow of Sith won't cross here.
  • 118. Player - Galen. I've done all I can to help the locals.
    • 121. - That's what I keep hearing.
      • 123. - Mayor Airen says her outpost's reopened for trade. She's got visitors from as far as Mos Maran, talking and working together.
        • 125. - There are farmers who aren't afraid of Sand People anymore, militiamen you inspired... you've given Tatooine a reason to fight.
          • 126. Option - What about the Empire?Player - You said if I did this, Tatooine could stop an Imperial takeover.
          • 127. Option - I didn't do anything notable.Player - The people who live here did the real work. I just lent a hand.
            • 133. - That's all anyone really needs.
          • 128. Option - I've been helping idiots.Player - I could be on Coruscant or Alderaan right now. Instead, I've been risking my life for nobodies.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 129. - Who would you rather be risking your life for?
              • 131. - We'll never be strong enough to beat the Empire, but united, we can convince them we're too much trouble to conquer.
                • 136. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 137. - Now get out of here before another sandstorm hits. If you can save Tatooine in a day, I imagine the galaxy needs you.
                  • 138. - Now get out of here before another sandstorm hits. I imagine Darth Angral won't wait much longer.
                    • 143. Option - My duties come first, true.Player - If I fail at my mission, everything I did here will mean nothing. Tatooine will fall along with many other worlds.
                  • 139. - Now get out of here before another sandstorm hits. I imagine those lost Masters you're after can't wait anymore.
                    • 144. Option - My duties won't be easy.Player - The Force itself seems troubled by what I face. But I must prevail.
                      • 170. - You'll do what the Force requires of you. I can sense that much.
                  • 140. - Now get out of here before another sandstorm hits. You must be eager to stop those traitors.
                    • 145. Option - I'm just a dutiful soldier.Player - I follow my orders and serve the Republic. That's all I ask.
                      • 167. - The Force will provide.
                  • 141. - Now get out of here before another sandstorm hits. The treasure hunt can't wait, can it?
                    • 142. Option - All right--who are you really?Player - It's time I got a real answer. Who are you, and how do you know about me?
                      • 174. - I suppose I owe you that much.
                        • 176. - Some Jedi boldly save worlds. Others fight empires. And some put their lightsabers aside and help in smaller ways.
                    • 146. Option - Time to make some money.Player - No offense, but I barely broke even here. I've got to start turning a profit.
                      • 164. - You will, someday--but the Force will guide you to interesting places.
                    • 147. Option - Go away, old man.Player - Wipe that smirk off your face. When you're dead and buried, I'll have the Republic eating out of my hand.
                      • 160. - When I'm dead and buried, I'll know I tried my best.
                        • 162. - Go on. We won't meet again--and though this planet won't remember you, what you've done will change it forever.
                          • 201. <Conversation Exit>
  • 116. - If you don't save that outpost, no one else will.
  • 1. - There's nothing I can do for you, I'm afraid.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141032520985272526
Body Typebmf
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