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Jaen Kett

Jaen Kett
Level 10 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Ord_mantell
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Jaen Kett
Other Sites:


  • 1. - I've heard the Republic might actually send some troops to get all of these children out of here. Thank you.
  • 2. - Go on and talk to the Republic. See if they'll actually do anything for these children.
  • 4. - Please, Doctor Jaen? Please?
    • 6. - Just a minute, Daek.
      • 8. - You're not with the separatists, judging from the bloodbath. What are you doing here? What do you want?
        • 157. - If you mean to harm these children, I won't let it happen.
          • 140. Option - I'm here to help.Player - I'm here to rescue you.
            • 10. - Rescue me? You're kidding.
              • 11. <Conversation Exit>
          • 13. Option - Doctor?Player - You're Doctor Jaen Kett, I take it.
            • 14. - Yes--the Republic sent you to get me out of here, didn't they?
          • 21. Option - Get ready to leave.Player - Put your swimming trunks on, doc. We're leaving.
            • 22. - The Republic sent you, didn't they?
              • 24. - There are people on this island who need saving more than I do. The Republic shouldn't waste its time on one man.
                • 26. - And besides, I can't leave the island.
                  • 158. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 159. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 29. Option - I have a job to do.Player - I have orders to bring you back, and I'm not leaving without you.
                      • 31. Option - I have a job to do.Player - Listen, I was hired to bring you back, and you'll go.
                        • 32. - I told you--I can't leave the island.
                      • 35. Option - That sounds like treason.Player - Are you deliberately disobeying the Republic? Don't make me arrest you.
                        • 36. - No--I'm loyal to the Republic, through and through. But I can't leave.
                      • 141. Option - Can't swim?Player - What's the matter? Afraid?
                        • 40. - No, I'm not afraid--but I just can't leave.
                          • 42. - It's--it's the children. They need me. They're orphans, most of them. Their parents were killed during the fighting over Mannett Point.
                            • 44. - A few of them have family on the other side, but they're too young to swim that far. They all need food and medicine. I won't leave them here.
                              • 45. Option - We'll move them also.Player - Can't we get them off the island, too?
                                • 46. - It's too far a swim....
                              • 49. Option - You're needed.Player - Republic troops are dying without your aid.
                                • 50. - These children will die without my aid.
                              • 53. Option - Don't make me force you.Player - I will take you at gunpoint if necessary.
                                • 56. - How can you be so callous?
                                  • 58. - I am a doctor. If I don't help the innocent, who will? The separatists focus blindly on their cause while food and supplies dwindle daily.
                                    • 60. - The Republic won't help, either. I've seen the corruption in their ranks. They don't care about the people of Mannett Point.
                                      • 61. Option - That's not true.Player - I'm sure the Republic would help if they knew.
                                        • 64. - You have more faith than I have. But I'll cut you a deal--if you can convince the Republic to send help for these children, I'll return to Fort Garnik.
                                      • 68. Option - Watch what you say.Player - I'd caution you not to speak poorly of the Republic during a war, doctor.
                                        • 69. - Last I heard, the Republic wasn't in the business of convicting people of treason for simply speaking their minds. I'm no separatist, but I won't let these children suffer.
                                      • 150. Option - Not my problem.Player - You say that like I should care.
                                        • 73. - I won't go back without these children. And since it's clear that you're not interested in helping, I'm not going back at all.
                                          • 142. Option - Fine, I'll help.Player - I'll do everything I can.
                                            • 75. - I doubt the Republic's going to requisition boats just because you said so. Here, I'll write out what I need and sign it.
                                          • 112. Option - Come with me.Player - Plead your case before the commanders.
                                          • 89. Option - No, you are. [Threaten him]Player - You don't have a choice. +50
                                            • 90. - You wouldn't--you're heartless, and in front of the children even! I'd expect this from the separatists but not the Republic!
                                              • 121. - If you kill me, then everyone loses. The children will have no one, and you'll still have failed your job.
                                                • 123. - Here--take this list to whoever sent you. It's everything these children will need to make it out of here. Tell them I'm not coming back without these kids.
                                                  • 153. Option - Deal.Player - You've got yourself a deal.
                                                  • 127. Option - You can't do this.Player - A lot of good soldiers will die without your help.
                                                    • 128. - At least soldiers get a fighting chance. These children won't.
                                                  • 133. Option - I'd better still get paid.Player - If I lose my pay on this, I'll make you regret it.
                                                    • 116. - Nice try. But I'm not going back until I know for sure these kids will be safe.
                                                      • 118. - Here--I wouldn't want to send you back empty-handed. I'll write down everything these kids will need and sign it.
                                                        • 77. - At least they won't laugh at you then. And if you can get them to come and save these children, then I'll come back, too.
                                                          • 151. Option - Deal.Player - You've got yourself a deal.
                                                          • 84. Option - We won't fail you.Player - The Republic won't let you down.
                                                          • 86. Option - Goodbye.Player - See you at Fort Garnik!
                                                            • 87. - I'll believe it when I see it.
                                                    • 135. - I have no doubt.
                                                  • 134. Option - Watch it.Player - You're really pushing me, doctor.
                                                    • 137. - Someone has to push for the people who can't.
                                                      • 130. - Now hurry, please.
                                                        • 88. <Conversation Exit>
  • 110. - Don't worry, kids. Doctor Jaen's taking good care of you.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141072283311934452
Body Typebmn
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    "MinLevel": 10,
    "MaxLevel": 10,
    "Faction": 11,
    "DetFaction": {
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "FqnSubCategory": "ord_mantell",
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    "Base62Id": "qY3uAk5",
    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "3218507696",
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