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Lord Scourge

Lord Scourge
Level 1 Lord Scourge
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Jedi_knight
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lord Scourge
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  • 2. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 595. - I did not think you would speak to me willingly, Jedi.
      • 615. - Now that our... alliance of convenience is no longer necessary.
        • 596. Option - What will you do now?Player - Will you abandon me, then?
          • 609. - If we are to remain allies, Jedi, what is your cause?
            • 611. - Right now, the jackals of the Empire snap at each other over the corpse you left them.
        • 597. Option - I was hoping you've changed.Player - Has your time among Jedi opened your eyes, Sith?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 604. - Has your time with me removed your Jedi blinders?
            • 606. - Consider your path, Jedi, before you dismiss mine.
        • 598. Option - You're mine, Sith.Player - Alliance nothing! You work for me.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 599. - Just as I would have said it, Jedi.
            • 601. - But if I am to work for you, you must strive towards something.
              • 603. - Perhaps together, we can fill the void on the Emperor's throne....
    • 25. - I thank you for your trust, Jedi.
      • 32. - I might not have given mine so freely were our positions reversed.
        • 33. Option - It is the Jedi way.Player - The light is always waiting. +50
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 39. - I'm not here for your Jedi sermons.
            • 53. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 34. Option - I don't trust you.Player - I'll hear you out, but nothing more.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 42. - We work well together. In time, you will believe me.
        • 163. Option - I need you... for now.Player - Until the Emperor's death, we are allies. Not friends.
          +200 Influence : approves.
    • 26. - I understand you do not trust me.
      • 28. - But were the Emperor to find me here, he would subject me to a thousand years of torture.
        • 30. - You have no need of this collar to control me.
          • 35. Option - Why are you here?Player - Tell me more about this vision. What makes someone like you bow to me?
          • 37. Option - I will remove it.Player - Fine. The collar can come off. But I'm not letting you out of my sight.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 41. - Thank you.
              • 58. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 38. Option - I like it on you.Player - Who wouldn't want the Emperor's Wrath on a chain?
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 40. - Perhaps there is less difference between Jedi and Sith than I was taught.
              • 48. - As I told your Council, the Emperor's plan is not to rule the galaxy, but to consume it. I've devoted centuries to stopping him.
                • 699. - For a time, I worked with the greatest of your Jedi heroes--Revan and the Jedi Exile. But they did not have the strength to complete their task.
                  • 700. Option - Who?Player - Revan? Jedi Exile? Should I know what you're talking about?
                    • 703. - Revan was both Jedi Master and Sith Lord. His student, the Exile, defeated the Sith triumvirate. They were your greatest heroes. I hoped to help them kill my lord Emperor.
                  • 701. Option - You knew Revan?Player - That's quite a claim.
                    • 710. - You will find no proof. I hid my association with them well. Nonetheless, I was their ally in the shadows, helping them oppose my lord Emperor.
                  • 702. Option - Forget the history lesson.Player - You're wandering. Talk about the vision.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 723. - Revan and the Jedi Exile were some of the Republic's greatest heroes. I had hoped to work with them, to aid their quest to kill my lord Emperor.
                      • 51. - Until my vision: Jedi, shining with the Force, lined up to destroy him. All were swept aside. Revan and the Exile were cast at my feet.
                        • 73. - Then out of the shadows, one Jedi emerged to cut the Emperor down. That Jedi wore your face.
                          • 78. Option - Wasn't this centuries ago?Player - I hadn't even been born yet.
                            • 81. - I waited three hundred years for your birth. When I saw your face on Quesh....
                          • 79. Option - I will do my best. Player - If the hopes of so many rest with me, I will do my best to honor them.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 87. - If you succeed, there will truly be a void left to fill.
                          • 80. Option - That's it?Player - Doesn't give me much to go on.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 82. - It is a vision, Jedi, not a battle plan.
                              • 84. - In the vision, I bowed to you and took a crown from the Emperor's head.
                                • 86. - It ended when you held his power in your hands.
                                  • 92. <Conversation Exit>
            • 47. - I will speak of my vision in detail to your Council. Suffice it to say, I have long opposed my lord Emperor.
  • 408. - You have surprised me, Jedi.
    • 410. - You have the heart of a Sith. Had you been born on Korriban, you would be sitting on the Dark Council now.
      • 412. - It is too late to turn you fully from the light--but should your children have a connection to the Force, I will see them properly trained.
        • 413. Option - That's creepy.Player - Was that a compliment or a threat?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 416. - How did you take it?
            • 418. - The Force is strong in you. Too strong for the restrictions the Jedi impose.
        • 414. Option - I won't let you!Player - Any children of mine will be Jedi! +50
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 423. - Ha. Were you true to Jedi teachings, your protest would be that you will never have children of your body.
            • 425. - But you will turn against those shackles as you have so many others.
              • 420. - Had you been instructed in the true way of the Force, the galaxy could not match your power. I will make sure that mistake does not happen again.
        • 415. Option - Thank you.Player - A Sith Lord of my blood... it's an intriguing thought. +100
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 428. - He would have power such as the galaxy has never seen.
            • 430. - It would be my greatest honor to train him.
              • 727. <Conversation Exit>
  • 380. - I now understand why your Council tries to control your pleasure as well as your anger.
    • 382. - Pleasure is a far more powerful motivator.
      • 747. Option - Why do you say that?Player - What makes pleasure more dangerous than other emotions?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 750. - Pleasure is the foundation of all desires. There is nothing that inspires so much anger as thwarted longing.
      • 746. Option - Pleasure is for the weak.Player - Jedi have no need for comfort or amusement. We're beyond self-indulgence.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 751. - All beings crave what they do not have. Do not pretend you are different.
      • 748. Option - It makes life worth living.Player - What good is having power if you can't enjoy how it feels?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 749. - Power is only one life's pleasures.
          • 753. - I still remember the feel of sunlight on my skin. The scent of favorite foods. The color of my first love's eyes.
            • 759. - To experience those simple pleasures again would be worth anything.
              • 760. Option - You're dangerous.Player - This is why Jedi don't form attachments. Desire unbalances you.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 763. - You misunderstand everything. My equilibrium never deviates. I feel... nothing.
              • 761. Option - There's hope for you, yet.Player - See? You haven't lost your humanity, after all.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 762. Option - Give up on that dream.Player - The Emperor took all that away from you. Don't fool yourself into believing you can get it back.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 772. - At least I have the satisfaction of knowing he paid for what he took from me.
                • 765. - Perhaps, but there is satisfaction in having revenge. The Emperor will pay for what he took from me.
                  • 745. - I understand why your Council controls you. What I'll never comprehend is why you let them.
                    • 389. <Conversation Exit>
  • 8. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 247. - The Emperor was the only constant in my three hundred years of life. It is hard to grasp his death.
    • 248. - I have sought the Emperor's death for so long, yet I cannot picture the galaxy without him.
      • 251. - When I was born, the Emperor was the Empire. Everything existed to feed his whims.
        • 253. - He was so far above us. No one, Sith or slave, would have dared even form an opinion about him.
          • 257. Option - Tell me about the Emperor.Player - You served him personally. What is he like?
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 255. Option - You did. Player - I'd say joining Revan to kill him counts as an opinion.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 269. - When I began serving him, I thought it was far simpler than that.
          • 256. Option - He made himself a god.Player - It is in the nature of the dark side to crave worship.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 273. - It is more than the dark side. I thought that when I first served him.
              • 271. - The Emperor was just a man, isolated by unimaginable power and the inability to trust the scheming sycophants who served him.
                • 278. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 280. - I was wrong. He was a plague. And I am the only one in the galaxy who understands the full service you did us by destroying him.
                    • 295. Option - What will you do now?Player - Where does that leave you?
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 294. Option - He was beyond salvation.Player - I tried to reach him, but there was no light left inside.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 301. - This is not a matter of light versus dark.
                    • 293. Option - It's over.Player - You're welcome. Now why are we still talking?
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 296. - Because I am caught between him and what I once was.
                        • 298. - The immortality he gave me, it has a terrible price. Taste, smell, touch, color, emotion--I have felt none of these for three hundred years.
                          • 300. - I do not wish to become as the Emperor and lose all tie to what once made me a man.
                  • 279. - I was wrong. He is a disease that must be stopped before it ravages us.
                    • 281. Option - I'm working on it.Player - I will stop him.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 282. Option - There is still a man inside.Player - Even the Emperor can be turned back to the light. +50
                      +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                      • 287. - You have heard nothing! He is not a man. He will not break down in tears of regret for what he's done.
                    • 283. Option - Is this just a pep talk?Player - Are you going somewhere with this? Because I'm already planning to kill him.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 284. - Only to warn you that the Emperor is not just a man. He changed long ago.
                        • 734. - Immortality comes at a terrible price. Taste, smell, touch, color, emotion--the Emperor and I experience none of these things.
                          • 741. - We are no longer mortal. When you face the Emperor, do not forget that.
          • 258. Option - He doesn't matter now.Player - And now he's worm food.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 261. - He lived more than a thousand years. Even to me, that is almost unthinkable.
              • 263. - The cost of immortality is high. To live this long, I have sacrificed all ability to feel. Touch, taste, smell, color, emotion. I have not experienced these in centuries.
                • 265. - It is no wonder the Emperor lost all ties to other beings.
                  • 268. <Conversation Exit>
  • 659. - It has been... enlightening to spend so much time among you and your Jedi.
    • 661. - For three hundred years, I have spoken to no one but Sith. And they do not change.
      • 663. - They are the same on Korriban now as in my childhood. The same tricks, the same fights, the same groveling and mind control.
        • 664. Option - But you've learned from us?Player - Was that almost a compliment?
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 665. Option - They are scared to try.Player - What reward would they get if they moved out of lockstep? A stab in the back.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 673. - Most likely. Sith traditions are powerful... but very specific. Sometimes it takes an outsider to open our eyes to new facets of the Force.
        • 666. Option - What are you talking about?Player - I don't like it when you get nostalgic.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 667. - I am only surprised that I have learned the most of the Force from a Jedi.
            • 669. - Revan taught me to be effective when I became the Emperor's Wrath.
              • 671. - And now I have learned as much from you.
                • 678. Option - And I from you.Player - You have opened my eyes, as well. +50
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 679. - And here I thought you weren't listening....
                • 677. Option - It is the power of the light.Player - Your people have always underestimated the strength of the light side of the Force. +50
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 680. - I have nothing to learn from the light side!
                    • 682. - There may be powers you Jedi have mastered, but they do not require that I weep and beat my brow and hide behind the Council's skirts to achieve them!
                      • 684. - No more than what I learned from Revan.
                • 676. Option - Was that a threat?Player - I know what you did to your last teacher.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 685. - Indeed you do.
                    • 687. - It is always a dangerous time, no, when the pupil begins to exceed the master?
                      • 729. <Conversation Exit>
  • 6. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 169. - The Emperor is dead at your hand, Jedi.
      • 617. - Yet you do not follow up on your victory. Any Sith would have seized the throne by now!
        • 619. - Even Revan and the Jedi Exile would have been hard-pressed to resist so tempting a target.
          • 714. Option - Who?Player - Who are you talking about?
            • 715. - It is astonishing what you accomplish with so little knowledge. Revan caused your Jedi Civil War, centuries ago.
              • 717. - He was even a Dark Lord for a time, but turned back to the light. The Jedi Exile was his protege, and partner in his quest to kill the Emperor.
          • 622. Option - Take the throne?Player - You think I could... take the Emperor's place? +50
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 625. - Perhaps I should not have sown such thoughts. They will be difficult to weed out now, no? Even for the scion of the Jedi?
              • 628. - You remind me of Revan. He always had more darkness in him than the Jedi Exile.
    • 168. - I do not know how more to prepare you to face the Emperor.
      • 171. - What has your training been?
        • 173. - All I know of Jedi ways is from Revan. Surely they have changed in three hundred years.
          • 178. Option - I'd rather hear about you.Player - How does someone become the Emperor's Wrath?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 181. - There has only ever been one.
              • 631. - My training as a Sith was not far different than Korriban today.
          • 177. Option - My training is sufficient.Player - I am prepared. I need nothing more from you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 180. - You do not lack for confidence, Jedi.
              • 203. - Revan and the Exile were much like you.
                • 205. - They truly believed that they could destroy the Dark Lord. I believed them, too.
          • 176. Option - They haven't changed.Player - Not as much as you'd think.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 179. - That is the great failing of both our peoples. We do not change.
              • 183. - When I step onto Korriban, I'm always surprised to see the same training I saw three centuries ago.
                • 185. - Only my visions set me apart, made them bring me before the Emperor. In his presence, I first saw who he was and what he planned.
                  • 189. Option - What did you do?Player - You still chose to serve him?
                    • 200. - I chose to live. Long enough to find one who could defeat him.
                  • 191. Option - He didn't notice?Player - It must have taken great will to conceal such thoughts.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 197. - Showing anything but submission would have been my death.
                  • 190. Option - I would have killed him then.Player - You should have cut his throat, saved us all a lot of trouble.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 192. - I would have been rent to pieces before my hand touched the hilt of my lightsaber.
                      • 194. - I alone could not defeat him, so I chose to wait for one who could.
                        • 196. - I thought Revan and the Jedi Exile were my chance.
                          • 206. Option - Tell me about them.Player - Revan and the Jedi Exile are legends. What were they like?
                            • 209. - It should not have surprised anyone that Revan turned Sith. He knew you cannot fight the dark side without understanding it.
                              • 211. - The Exile was harder to read. Even with all she had done, she never trusted herself. With Revan, she was his student again.
                          • 693. Option - What happened?Player - That was three hundred years ago. Obviously, it didn't work out.
                          • 207. Option - But you betrayed them.Player - I met Revan. He says you turned against him.
                            • 215. - I turned to them. As my only hope of defeating the Emperor.
                              • 217. - I was their eyes and ears in the Sith Academy. Their most trusted ally.
                                • 213. - I liked them. I would have served them, but my vision told me they would fail. I cut down the Exile and brought Revan to the Emperor as a gift.
                                  • 219. Option - But I should trust you?Player - Is that what you're planning to do to me?
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 230. - You have killed the Emperor. You were all that I saw in my vision.
                                    • 231. - If you are not the one who will stop the Emperor's madness, then I will await the one who will.
                                  • 220. Option - You can still be redeemed.Player - You regret betraying them. There is room in the Force to forgive even such heinous crimes. +50
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                  • 221. Option - I guess he liked it?Player - Is that when he made you his executioner?
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 224. - The only way to live long enough to find the Jedi who would kill the Emperor--to find you--was to convince him to trust me.
                                      • 226. - He took my offering and gave me a place at his side. He gave me immortality.
                                        • 245. - It was a gift. But not without its price....
                          • 208. Option - This is ancient history.Player - What does any of this matter?
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 236. - Perhaps it does not.
                              • 238. - When you have lived centuries, you see that everything is a pattern that grows out of itself. Sometimes you can no longer see the trees, only the roots.
                                • 240. - It is the smallest part of the price of immortality.
                                  • 243. <Conversation Exit>
  • 94. - Your people speaking of the Empire sound like a distorted echo.
    • 96. - When I was born, we thought the rest of the galaxy to be mystery and legend.
      • 98. - We had been alone for a thousand years.
        • 99. Option - Tell me about that time.Player - What was it like? I can't even imagine.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
        • 100. Option - We should have helped you.Player - If we had known, the Jedi would not have let the Emperor hold you like that.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 111. - Jedi! Do you think we waited for rescue? The Jedi destroyed us.
            • 113. - In my youth, Jedi were how you threatened errant children. "Obey your masters or the Jedi will obliterate you."
              • 115. - For thousands of years, we had total control of a hundred star systems. Then the Jedi drove us to the farthest fringe of the galaxy.
                • 120. Option - It was a reign of terror.Player - The Emperor had subjugated thousands of species. Every non-Force user was enslaved!
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 123. - They were safe and served to their own capability.
                • 119. Option - Sore subject?Player - That was generations ago. Do people really still care?
                  • 122. - Did your people still care to fear us when we re-emerged?
                • 121. Option - Drop the propaganda.Player - You're in Republic space now. That's skirting dangerous ground, talking like that.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 128. - This is hardly worth debating. I gain nothing from understanding how your Republic's fools view the galaxy.
                    • 132. - I am surprised that once your Council finishes its brainwashing, any Jedi has a spine left to oppose the Emperor.
                      • 134. - Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith.
                        • 135. Option - I will never be Sith!Player - If you came here to turn me to the dark side, you'll be disappointed. +50
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 138. - I came to defeat the Emperor, and we have done that.
                          • 139. - I came to defeat the Emperor.
                            • 141. - Turning you to the dark side is purely for my own amusement.
                        • 136. Option - Jedi have our own strength.Player - Revan, the Exile and I were all Jedi-trained. We all resisted the Emperor. What Sith have done so?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 146. - That was... a surprise. In three centuries, I expected to see one test his strength against the Dark Lord....
                            • 148. - But those strong enough to challenge him are killed young, or co-opted into the Dark Council.
                              • 150. - Perhaps you are right. Jedi strengths are different... not necessarily lesser.
                        • 137. Option - What can you teach me?Player - I'm open to Sith tricks. What have you got? +50
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 152. - The dark side is no trick, Jedi.
                            • 154. - When you release the control the Jedi Council has drilled into you, when you feel anger in your every connection to the Force....
                              • 155. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 157. - When you accept that a woman must use any means necessary to prove her strength....
                                • 156. - When you can accept that a man of authority must use any means necessary to achieve his ends....
                                  • 159. - Then you will have discovered the dark side.
        • 101. Option - Spare me.Player - You're here to be useful. Not to chat.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 104. - I am impressed the Jedi allowed you to graduate their ranks with such a... pragmatic outlook.
            • 106. - Most would be busy trying to sell me their vision of the light side.
              • 108. - I'm glad you realize I'm not buying.
                • 142. <Conversation Exit>
  • 22. - There are things we should speak of. In private.
  • 23. - There are things you should know. Tell me when you are ready to hear them.
  • 776. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 21. - There is no more to be said.
    • 777. - I follow you for what you do, not what you say.
    • 778. - You're wise to keep such close tabs on me.
    • 779. - I understand.
    • 780. - Right.
    • 781. - The Force is strong in you. Too strong for the restrictions the Jedi impose.
    • 783. - I understand why your Council controls you. What I'll never comprehend is why you let them.
    • 784. - Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith.
    • 786. - I will always be Sith--but that does not mean we can't work together.
    • 787. - Reckonings arrive at their own pace. No need to rush them.
    • 789. - We have no time to waste. Be done with this.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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Appearance FQNnpp.companion.jedi_knight.scourge_naked
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