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Level 30 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Keeper
Other Sites:


  • 1. - Time is running out. You need to get to the Artus system. Stop the Eradicators.
  • 2. - Cipher Nine. Come inside.
    • 4. - This should be a triumphant moment. It's a tremendous achievement, bringing down the Eagle.
      • 6. - But the crisis has only escalated. The Eradicators could begin firing at any moment.
        • 7. Option - Acknowledged.Player - I understand, sir.
        • 11. Option - Updates?Player - What's our current status?
        • 17. Option - I did my job.Player - The Eagle's dead. He was my assignment.
          • 18. - Your assignment is whatever I choose.
            • 20. - Watcher Two? Your report.
              • 22. - The Moffs have placed local forces on alert, and a search for the Eradicators is underway.
                • 24. - Unfortunately, trends suggest we can only find one device every five hours; it'll be weeks before we destroy them all.
                  • 26. - Disappointing, but not a surprise. Damage projections?
                    • 28. - Estimates are ten to fifty million deaths on each planet targeted. Forty percent military, sixty percent civilian.
                      • 35. Option - We can't allow it.Player - Even at the low end, that's unacceptable.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 36. - Agreed. It sends the message that the Empire is vulnerable.
                      • 189. Option - So what do we do?Player - Let me guess, you have a plan.
                      • 39. Option - Could be worse.Player - Not bad odds for survival, all things considered.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 40. - Better than the odds of a Cipher reaching retirement age.
                          • 42. - Enough. Snipe at each other on your own time.
                            • 44. - Sorry, sir.
                              • 46. - In order to deactivate the Eradicators en masse, we need the control codes.
                                • 48. - Half the codes were on the Eagle's computers. We can only surmise that the other half are with the Eagle's patron.
                                  • 50. - Yes. The "patron." A man whom the Eagle claims is inside the Empire.
                                    • 51. Option - "Claims"?Player - You sound skeptical.
                                    • 53. Option - We need to find him.Player - Any idea who it could be?
                                    • 59. Option - I don't believe it.Player - Doesn't sound very plausible.
                                      • 60. - I have my doubts that this patron is really a highly placed Imperial. It seems unlikely such a person could escape our scrutiny.
                                        • 62. - Nonetheless, we can't ignore the possibility of a traitor. That's why we're meeting privately; only the people in this room know the full situation.
                                          • 63. Option - Let's keep it that way.Player - Caution would seem prudent.
                                            • 64. - Indeed. Watcher Two?
                                          • 67. Option - One of us could be a traitor.Player - How do you know everyone here is trustworthy?
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 68. - I hope you're joking. Otherwise, I expect you to back up any allegations.
                                          • 71. Option - Us, and Watcher Three.Player - You sent Watcher Three to Hutta. He knows, too.
                                            • 72. - An oversight. Watcher Three has been instructed not to speak to anyone.
                                              • 78. - Finish the report, Watcher Two.
                                                • 80. - The Eagle had been sending periodic transmissions to someone in the Artus system.
                                                  • 82. - Artus is uninhabited, devoid of resources and off the major hyperlanes. Our patron could certainly hide there.
                                                    • 96. - I want you to lead a mission to Artus. You're to find the Eagle's patron and obtain his half of the control codes.
                                                      • 98. - Watcher Two will rendezvous with you there. She knows more about the Eradicators than anyone.
                                                        • 99. Option - Yes, sir.Player - I'll be glad to have her around. We'll get the job done.
                                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 103. Option - Your thoughts, Watcher?Player - Are you alright with this?
                                                          • 104. - I'll do what's necessary.
                                                        • 109. Option - Is this necessary?Player - I'd rather do this alone, sir.
                                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                                          • 110. - It's not up for debate. I want her with you.
                                                            • 112. - I won't be in your way; I'll monitor the mission, same as always.
                                                              • 114. - Your ships will be outfitted with cloaking devices; they'll only last one jump, but they'll get you into Artus unnoticed.
                                                                • 116. - After that, infiltrate whatever base the patron is using. Recover the Eradicator control codes and stop the threat.
                                                                  • 146. - Watcher Two--you're dismissed.
                                                                    • 148. - If you want to talk before the mission, I'll be at my station.
                                                                      • 150. - There is... one more thing. Darth Zhorrid heard you were returning to Dromund Kaas. She wants to speak to you.
                                                                        • 151. Option - Oh?Player - Any idea what she wants?
                                                                          • 152. - No. She tells me very little.
                                                                        • 157. Option - It's my fault she hurt you.Player - I'm sorry about before... when she tortured you.
                                                                          • 158. - You aren't to blame. Zhorrid is... unpredictable.
                                                                        • 161. Option - Zhorrid is a danger.Player - She's insane. You know that, right?
                                                                          • 162. - Yes. I know.
                                                                            • 164. - I've done my best to shield Intelligence from our new lord. You've been the unfortunate exception.
                                                                              • 166. - Do what it takes to survive Zhorrid's attentions a little longer. Beyond that... the Dark Council won't let this continue forever.
                                                                                • 169. Option - I don't follow you.Player - What's that supposed to mean?
                                                                                  • 170. - It means that even the Dark Council will police its members if the damage is great enough.
                                                                                • 192. Option - Yes, sir.Player - I understand.
                                                                                • 177. Option - We should stop her.Player - We can't wait for the Dark Council. Someone needs to act.
                                                                                  • 178. - Enough. Some things are too dangerous to think, let alone say. Even in private.
                                                                        • 181. Option - I like that woman.Player - We're getting pretty close, Zhorrid and me.
                                                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                          • 182. - I'm sure you are.
                                                                            • 184. - When you're through, head to the Artus system.
                                                                              • 186. - This is our only chance, Cipher. Fail, and we all pay a grievous cost.
                                                                                • 187. <Conversation Exit>
  • 264. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 265. - This is Keeper, recording a message for Cipher Nine. I understand you're running an errand for Darth Zhorrid.
      • 267. - She has asked me to relay instructions. You are to meet her in her new chambers on Dromund Kaas--the ones formerly occupied by her father.
        • 269. - I hope the mission's gone well. Keeper out.
          • 271. - He sound a little strange to you, too? Not that it matters...
    • 260. - This is Keeper to Cipher Nine. I understand you're running an errand for Darth Zhorrid.
      • 262. - It's not my place to know a Dark Council member's business, so I won't ask what she wants. I only want to advise you to take care.
        • 273. Option - Tell me about Zhorrid.Player - I've met her twice, now, but I don't know much about her.
          • 283. - I can't tell you much. But she's not beloved by the other Dark Lords--there was resistance to giving her her father's council seat.
        • 274. Option - Is everything alright?Player - That's unusually thoughtful of you, Keeper.
          • 280. - These are unusual circumstances. Would that they were different.
        • 275. Option - That sounds like disapproval.Player - I hope you're not speaking ill of our new lord.
          • 276. - Certainly not, and I'll thank you not to suggest it.
            • 278. - Zhorrid has relocated to Darth Jadus's old chambers on Dromund Kaas. She awaits you there; Keeper out.
              • 272. <Conversation Exit>
  • 188. - You have an assignment, and I have work to do.
  • 193. - This is Keeper. Suspend all nonessential activities, Cipher Nine; you are to respond to this message immediately.
    • 194. Option - Acknowledged.Player - I'm here, sir. What's going on?
    • 198. Option - Now's not a good time.Player - I'm sort of in the middle of things, Keeper.
      • 199. - Then disentangle yourself. This won't wait.
    • 202. Option - "Nonessential activities"?Player - You'll have to define "nonessential" first.
      • 203. - Unless you're fighting for your life, I need your full attention.
        • 205. - Since Darth Jadus's assassination, other Sith have been competing for his seat on the Dark Council. His successor has just been confirmed.
          • 250. - His daughter--Darth Zhorrid--has come to Dromund Kaas to take her father's position. She wants to meet with you.
            • 222. Option - Me?Player - Why me? I barely knew Jadus.
              • 223. - In truth, I'm not sure.
            • 226. Option - What's she like?Player - How much do we know? Background, personality--the works.
            • 228. Option - His what?Player - You're serious? Darth Jadus has a daughter?
              • 229. - It took me by surprise as well.
                • 231. - Zhorrid is Jadus's only known apprentice, which should've guaranteed her his seat. I understand there were... complications.
                  • 251. - Meet her in the Citadel, and treat her with the respect due one who speaks for the Emperor. But be cautious. Keeper out.
                    • 248. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.spy.keeper
Appearance ID16141079348537979581
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Keeper",
        "frMale": "Cerb\u00e8re",
        "frFemale": "Cerb\u00e8re",
        "deMale": "Der Aufseher",
        "deFemale": "Der Aufseher"
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    "MinLevel": 30,
    "MaxLevel": 30,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "Toughness": "None",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
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    "CnvB62": "SET5Z31",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "5.2.0",
    "hash": "2332669115",
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