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The Killing Blow

Reward Level Range: -
The Killing Blow
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

Disarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.
Disarm the Bomb in the Main Hall
Disarm the Bomb in the Service Hall
Disarm the Bomb at the Primary Reactor
Confront the Talz Sergeant
Defeat the Talz Sergeant and his Troopers
Defeat the Talz Champion
Talk to Lieutenant Orawn
Return to Commander Tritan
Requires:Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior
Mission Rewards
Select One Reward:
Bounty Hunter 1-75
Thermal Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Thermal Relic of Focused Retribution
Imperial Agent 1-75
Thermal Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Thermal Relic of Focused Retribution
Powertech 1-75
Thermal Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Thermal Relic of Reactive Warding
Sith Assassin 1-75
Thermal Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Thermal Relic of Reactive Warding
Sith Inquisitor 1-75
Thermal Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Thermal Relic of Focused Retribution
Sith Juggernaut 1-75
Thermal Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Thermal Relic of Reactive Warding
Sith Warrior 1-75
Thermal Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Thermal Relic of Focused Retribution
The Killing Blow
Disarm the Bomb in the Main Hall
2) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

Disarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.
Disarm the Bomb in the Service Hall
3) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

Disarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.
Disarm the Bomb at the Primary Reactor
4) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

You successfully disarmed the explosives, but have been confronted by the Talz. Speak to the Talz sergeant inside the Overrun Power Station.
Confront the Talz Sergeant
5) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

You successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.
Defeat the Talz Sergeant and his Troopers
6) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

You successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.
Defeat the Talz Champion
7) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

You successfully disarmed the explosives and defeated the Talz forces. Speak to Lieutenant Orawn.
Talk to Lieutenant Orawn
8) The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs....
The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.

Return to Commander Tritan at the Dorn Base Command Center.
Return to Commander Tritan
Command XP: 600
Category: Hoth
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: The Killing Blow
Other Sites:
Influence Gains (click to expand)
ChoiceAffection Gains
They weren't carrying handheld comms. They've probably got way-stations. I can bug those.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vette:
Killing is reliable. Technology isn't.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Khem Val:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
Not many non-humans have the ear of a base commander.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
I expected a commander's counsel to be more... exclusive.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
Ten enemies or ten thousand, I stand ready to strike them down.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
Whoever is behind this will be nothing but a blot on the snow.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Ashara:
  • Khem Val:
If a man-tracker is what you need, you've got the right person.
  • Gault:
  • Mako:
  • Torian Cadera:
You will soon know all you need to. You have my word.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Vector:
I will go if the ranking officer wishes.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Vector:
Sounds like a big problem. Can you tell it to me again in credits?
  • Gault:
Recordings don't frighten me. I'll go see if I can find out what happened.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Ashara:
  • Gault:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
I will find them, and they will die.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
Their destruction is assured. I only need their location.
  • Andronikos Revel:
When I'm done, this place will be carpeted in Talz fur.
  • Torian Cadera:
I don't normally do massacres. But today isn't normal.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Vector:
It is pleasant to be among such fine company.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Vector:
I am surprised you'd take an interest in this humble base.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Vector:
I'm honored.
  • Malavai Quinn:
Commander Tritan's leadership has been forthright and direct.
  • Vette:
Captain Yudrass's advice formed most of our key strategies. We relied on him heavily.
  • Vette:
It is one thing to promote an alien, it is another to expect humans to serve him.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Vector:
It seems you have broken down a few barriers, Colonel Yudrass.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
I wish you well, Colonel Tritan.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Torian Cadera:
Make it clear what happens to the disobedient, and you will do fine.
  • Ashara:
  • Mako:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
You could demonstrate your commitment by helping win the men over.
  • Ashara:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Vector:
I don't believe I've heard of a Chiss ranking so high before.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Mako:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
Tell me you cut off their retreat.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Pierce:
You couldn't have arrived while I was fighting an army?
  • Gault:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vette:
Good to hear it.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Malavai Quinn:
I'm going to enjoy killing you.
  • Ashara:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Pierce:
  • Vector:
I stand between you and your victory. One you will never claim.
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
Better to kneel before a tyrant than vanish with the vanquished.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
  • Vette:
Your pathetic gargling only displays your ignorance.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Vector:
The Empire fears me--a far more reliable standard.
  • Ashara:
  • Khem Val:
That's the great thing about employment. They don't have to care.
  • Mako:
  • Torian Cadera:
The Empire cares for its assets. As long as I am one, I've got no complaints.
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Vector:
Save your feeble attempts at recruitment for your own planet. This one is mine.
  • Khem Val:
I hear you talk. I don't see you fight.
  • Gault:
  • Torian Cadera:
Uh-huh. Show me a battle plan or shut up and fight.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
If you think I'm afraid, you have a lot to learn about body language.
  • Gault:
  • Mako:
  • Torian Cadera:
Just had to get that across before pulling a trigger, huh?
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
Only our opponents have been dying this day.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
If I die, it will be at the hand of someone vastly more important than you.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Khem Val:
Your men smell blood. Time to deliver it to them.
  • Ashara:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Khem Val:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
Planning makes the victory greater.
  • Ashara:
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Mako:
Now that we've tracked them, it is time to exterminate them.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Khem Val:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
What about their inevitable retaliation?
  • Eckard Lokin:
So instead of fighting Talz, you want us to fight hungry, angry Talz.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Mako:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
Is there anything important on this planet that isn't in some snow creature's freezer?
  • Vette:
I like a challenge.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Gault:
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Khem Val:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
You'd be surprised how much I can carry.
  • Ashara:
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Mako:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
  • Vette:
Between Talz and wampas, I'll need both hands free.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
Don't tell me you didn't think of this.
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Mako:
  • Vette:
Every available gun needs to be saving that station.
  • Ashara:
  • Eckard Lokin:
  • Gault:
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Kaliyo Djannis:
  • Malavai Quinn:
  • Pierce:
  • Torian Cadera:
  • Vector:
I crush foes and souls, not crates and barrels.
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Jaesa Willsaam (Light):
  • Pierce:
They will choose between retreating home or starvation.
  • Andronikos Revel:
  • Ashara:
  • Khem Val:
Blaster fire works faster than starvation.
  • Gault:
  • Torian Cadera:
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 857. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 597. Player - Here. Let it not be said that carrying such a load through wampas is impossible.
    • 598. Player - Your cargo, Captain Yudrass. In one piece, as am I.
      • 610. - Yes, my lord. You will be pleased to know that we have kept up our end of the plan.
        • 612. - The base is prepared for war. We have security fields, sensors, anti-personnel guns... we'll obliterate any Talz that dares approach.
    • 599. Player - Here you are. Watch out, the Talz will want this back.
    • 600. Player - I believe you requested Talz supplies, Captain Yudrass.
      • 634. - Excellent. I will search through this once the coming battle is over.
        • 636. - Which won't be long. Our sensors will catch the Talz, and our anti-personnel guns will obliterate them.
  • 544. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 601. Player - It is done. Everything the Talz owns is burnt or broken.
    • 602. Player - It is done. Nothing remains in the Talz cave but ice and debris.
    • 603. Player - The Talz will come home to find nothing but ashes.
      • 607. - Good. They will have no choice but to strike, and we are ready for them.
    • 604. Player - The Talz supplies are destroyed. Get ready for some angry payback.
      • 605. - We are more than ready. They will find us armed and deadly.
        • 556. - Commander! Commander! There's reports of a Talz attack.
          • 558. - Excellent! What wing are they headed for?
            • 560. - No wing, sir. They're at the power station. They're overrunning the guards. They brought bombs!
              • 563. - These Talz have no fear. Even when their army is at its last breath, they want to take us down with them.
                • 775. - If they kill the power station, we'll have no heat. We'll have to evacuate, or we won't last past nightfall.
                  • 561. Option - Now we find this out?Player - Don't tell me you didn't think of this.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 654. - The station's guards won't be able to hold off the entire Talz force.
                  • 564. Option - I'll stop them.Player - I'm on my way.
                  • 565. Option - Send in the troops!Player - Every available gun needs to be saving that station.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 648. - We can't send everyone. What if they expect that and surprise us here?
                      • 650. - I'll call for reinforcements from Adamas Orbital. They should be able to land within the hour.
                        • 652. - Just get to that power station, and quickly!
                          • 657. <Conversation Exit>
  • 251. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 451. - Yudrass is here... ah, sir! The reprisal was successful. Look to the holocom.
      • 227. - Good work. Has the base been informed? How is morale there?
        • 851. - Gentlemen, the commander wants to know how we feel about the Talz being struck down.
          • 852. - Excellent. That's a sound I have not heard in some time.
            • 231. - And I understand one of our patrols spotted Talz that fled rather than fight. The tides of war are with us.
              • 235. Option - They are frightened.Player - Without the advantage of surprise, the Talz are showing their true colors.
                • 236. - Yes, we'll let them panic for a while as they try to figure out which body is which.
              • 411. Option - Next moves?Player - So what happens now?
              • 232. Option - We will bury the Republic.Player - Your men smell blood. Time to deliver it to them.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 403. - I couldn't agree more.
                  • 247. - We have devised a plan to put the Talz in position for a killing blow.
                    • 481. - Their supplies--weapons, medical equipment and the high-calorie food they require--all of it is stored in one central location.
                      • 483. - They may be adapted to the cold, but without their supplies, they wouldn't last a week. So we will destroy their cache.
                        • 583. Option - This is beneath me.Player - I crush foes and souls, not crates and barrels.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 589. - Hear me out, my lord. With supplies cut off, all the Talz will be forced to gather and unite on a course of action.
                        • 584. Option - Forcing a miserable choice.Player - They will choose between retreating home or starvation.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 590. - That, or one other option that we think the more likely.
                        • 585. Option - Why not kill them directly?Player - Blaster fire works faster than starvation.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 586. - We'd have to stalk them through the snow. But without supplies, all the Talz will come together to plan retribution.
                        • 484. Option - The Talz would hit back.Player - What about their inevitable retaliation?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 525. - We expect it. No Talz commando will give up easily.
                        • 486. Option - And then what?Player - Tell me more.
                          • 528. - We want them to panic and launch an all-out, last-ditch attack on us. And we'll be waiting.
                        • 487. Option - That won't stop them long.Player - So instead of fighting Talz, you want us to fight hungry, angry Talz.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 488. - They should be able to mount one counterattack before hunger weakens them.
                            • 490. - If I were them, and suddenly without food, I would raid this base. So we will amplify our defenses here and spring the trap shut.
                              • 492. - Unfortunately, getting at their supplies may be difficult--they are in a series of ice caves overrun by wampas.
                                • 493. Option - How do the Talz survive?Player - That sounds like a pretty unforgiving security system.
                                  • 513. - Wampas can be fooled. A combination of synthetic pheromones and body language could make them think a Talz is part of their pack.
                                • 496. Option - Good. A proper fight.Player - I like a challenge.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 497. - If that is the case, I suggest an alternative.
                                    • 499. - We are desperately short on supplies here.
                                      • 501. - If you could bring back all you find, it could make a valuable difference.
                                        • 503. - But we'd need over a hundred kilos of food alone. How would anyone carry that and still fight?
                                • 494. Option - More ice and more caves?Player - Is there anything important on this planet that isn't in some snow creature's freezer?
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
    • 238. - Good to hear from you. We've been receiving the feed from the data arrays, and what we learned is quite interesting.
      • 240. - We had assumed there were one, perhaps two groups of Talz out there. We found six.
        • 242. - Had we attacked earlier, we would have gotten one group and the other five would have gone to ground.
          • 245. Option - They cannot run now.Player - Now that we've tracked them, it is time to exterminate them.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 248. - Commander Tritan and I believe we have the answer.
          • 244. Option - I did well... again.Player - What can I say? I'm good at what I do.
            • 399. - Hmm. I will not underestimate the Talz. Complacency is what got the colonel killed.
          • 243. Option - Let this be a lesson, Tritan.Player - Planning makes the victory greater.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 396. - It certainly paid off in this case. Unfortunately, we have one more step to take.
              • 250. - The good part is, we know how many Talz there are. The bad part is, we don't have enough forces to hit all six groups at once.
    • 450. - Yes? Yes, you're coming in loud and clear. Good to see you're all accounted for.
    • 448. - Hello? Good to see you, my lord, we feared the worst.
  • 1. [This holocommunicator is currently switched off.]
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68933180000cb06c83b"
    "Name": "The Killing Blow",
    "NameId": "452341660647512",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "The Killing Blow",
        "frMale": "Coup fatal",
        "frFemale": "Coup fatal",
        "deMale": "Der Todessto\u00df",
        "deFemale": "Der Todessto\u00df"
    "Icon": "cdx.locations.hoth.icefall_plains",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 34,
    "XpLevel": 38,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyHard",
    "CanAbandon": false,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611277",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Hoth",
        "frMale": "Hoth",
        "frFemale": "Hoth",
        "deMale": "Hoth",
        "deFemale": "Hoth"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": true,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Disarm the Bomb in the Main Hall",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Disarm the Bomb in the Main Hall",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe dans le hall principal",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe dans le hall principal",
                                "deMale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe in der Haupthalle",
                                "deFemale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe in der Haupthalle"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcIds": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Disarm the Bomb in the Service Hall",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Disarm the Bomb in the Service Hall",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe dans le hall de service",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe dans le hall de service",
                                "deMale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe in der Diensthalle",
                                "deFemale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe in der Diensthalle"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcIds": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 4,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nDisarm the explosives the Talz have planted throughout the Overrun Power Station.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nD\u00e9samorcez les explosifs que les Talz ont dispos\u00e9s dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nEntsch\u00e4rfe die von den Talz platzierten Sprengs\u00e4tze in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Disarm the Bomb at the Primary Reactor",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Disarm the Bomb at the Primary Reactor",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe au niveau du r\u00e9acteur principal",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9samorcer la bombe au niveau du r\u00e9acteur principal",
                                "deMale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe am Hauptreaktor",
                                "deFemale": "Entsch\u00e4rfe die Bombe am Hauptreaktor"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcIds": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 5,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but have been confronted by the Talz. Speak to the Talz sergeant inside the Overrun Power Station.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but have been confronted by the Talz. Speak to the Talz sergeant inside the Overrun Power Station.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Parlez au sergent Talz dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Parlez au sergent Talz dans la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique assaillie.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Sprich mit dem Talz-Sergeant in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Sprich mit dem Talz-Sergeant in der \u00fcberrannten Energiestation."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Confront the Talz Sergeant",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Confront the Talz Sergeant",
                                "frMale": "Confronter le sergent Talz",
                                "frFemale": "Confronter le sergent Talz",
                                "deMale": "Konfrontiere den Talz-Sergeant",
                                "deFemale": "Konfrontiere den Talz-Sergeant"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 6,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Supprimez les forces Talz.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Supprimez les forces Talz.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Besiege die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Besiege die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Talz Sergeant and his Troopers",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Talz Sergeant and his Troopers",
                                "frMale": "Battre le sergent Talz et ses soldats",
                                "frFemale": "Battre le sergent Talz et ses soldats",
                                "deMale": "Besiege den Talz-Sergeant und seine Soldaten",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege den Talz-Sergeant und seine Soldaten"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 7,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives, but were confronted by the Talz. Defeat the Talz forces.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Supprimez les forces Talz.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs, mais vous vous retrouvez face aux Talz. Supprimez les forces Talz.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Besiege die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft, wurdest aber von den Talz gestellt. Besiege die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Talz Champion",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Talz Champion",
                                "frMale": "Battre le champion Talz",
                                "frFemale": "Battre le champion Talz",
                                "deMale": "Besiege den Talz-Streiter",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege den Talz-Streiter"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 8,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives and defeated the Talz forces. Speak to Lieutenant Orawn.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nYou successfully disarmed the explosives and defeated the Talz forces. Speak to Lieutenant Orawn.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs et vaincu les forces Talz. Parlez au Lieutenant Orawn.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nVous avez d\u00e9samorc\u00e9 les explosifs et vaincu les forces Talz. Parlez au Lieutenant Orawn.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft und die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte besiegt. Sprich mit Lieutenant Orawn.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nDu hast die Sprengs\u00e4tze erfolgreich entsch\u00e4rft und die Talz-Streitkr\u00e4fte besiegt. Sprich mit Lieutenant Orawn."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Talk to Lieutenant Orawn",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Talk to Lieutenant Orawn",
                                "frMale": "Parler au Lieutenant Orawn",
                                "frFemale": "Parler au Lieutenant Orawn",
                                "deMale": "Sprich mit Lieutenant Orawn",
                                "deFemale": "Sprich mit Lieutenant Orawn"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
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                    "Id": 9,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nReturn to Commander Tritan at the Dorn Base Command Center.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Talz are retaliating for the destruction of their supplies and assaulting the power station. If the Talz destroy the station, the Imperials at Dorn Base will lose their heat and be forced to evacuate. Commander Tritan has asked you to protect the power station at all costs.\n\nReturn to Commander Tritan at the Dorn Base Command Center.",
                        "frMale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nRetournez voir le Commandant Tritan au centre de commandement de la base Dorn.",
                        "frFemale": "Les Talz veulent se venger de la destruction de leur mat\u00e9riel et attaquent la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique. S'ils la d\u00e9truisent, la base Dorn ne sera plus chauff\u00e9e et les Imp\u00e9riaux qui s'y trouvent seront oblig\u00e9s d'\u00e9vacuer. Le Commandant Tritan vous a demand\u00e9 de prot\u00e9ger la centrale \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique, \u00e0 tout prix.\n\nRetournez voir le Commandant Tritan au centre de commandement de la base Dorn.",
                        "deMale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nKehre zu Commander Tritan in der Kommandozentrale der Dorn-Basis zur\u00fcck.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Talz r\u00e4chen sich f\u00fcr die Vernichtung ihrer Vorr\u00e4te und greifen die Energiestation an. Wenn die Talz die Station zerst\u00f6ren, verlieren die Imperialen in der Dorn-Basis ihre W\u00e4rme und m\u00fcssen evakuieren. Commander Tritan hat dich gebeten, die Energiestation um jeden Preis zu besch\u00fctzen.\n\nKehre zu Commander Tritan in der Kommandozentrale der Dorn-Basis zur\u00fcck."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Return to Commander Tritan",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Return to Commander Tritan",
                                "frMale": "Retourner voir le Commandant Tritan",
                                "frFemale": "Retourner voir le Commandant Tritan",
                                "deMale": "Kehre zu Commander Tritan zur\u00fcck",
                                "deFemale": "Kehre zu Commander Tritan zur\u00fcck"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
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        "CompanionsParsed": {
            "UwY1oQ6": {
                "enMale": "Eckard Lokin",
                "frMale": "Eckard Lokin",
                "frFemale": "Eckard Lokin",
                "deMale": "Eckard Lokin",
                "deFemale": "Eckard Lokin"
            "MiywzCi": {
                "enMale": "Gault",
                "frMale": "Gault",
                "frFemale": "Gault",
                "deMale": "Gault",
                "deFemale": "Gault"
            "SqOKZq2": {
                "enMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "frMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "frFemale": "Torian Cadera",
                "deMale": "Torian Cadera",
                "deFemale": "Torian Cadera"
            "8vLmezN": {
                "enMale": "Pierce",
                "frMale": "Pierce",
                "frFemale": "Pierce",
                "deMale": "Pierce",
                "deFemale": "Pierce"
            "6o87zDR": {
                "enMale": "Vette",
                "frMale": "Vette",
                "frFemale": "Vette",
                "deMale": "Vette",
                "deFemale": "Vette"
            "sfnqiZ2": {
                "enMale": "Khem Val",
                "frMale": "Khem Val",
                "frFemale": "Khem Val",
                "deMale": "Khem Val",
                "deFemale": "Khem Val"
            "yONf4mS": {
                "enMale": "Kaliyo Djannis",
                "frMale": "Kaliyo Djannis",
                "frFemale": "Kaliyo Djannis",
                "deMale": "Kaliyo Djannis",
                "deFemale": "Kaliyo Djannis"
            "lETzdcN": {
                "enMale": "Vector",
                "frMale": "Vector",
                "frFemale": "Vector",
                "deMale": "Vector",
                "deFemale": "Vector"
            "qrizhK0": {
                "enMale": "Jaesa Willsaam (Light)",
                "frMale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "frFemale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "deMale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "deFemale": "Jaesa Willsaam"
            "H3TMYz4": {
                "enMale": "Mako",
                "frMale": "Mako",
                "frFemale": "Mako",
                "deMale": "Mako",
                "deFemale": "Mako"
            "59mPTyI": {
                "enMale": "Malavai Quinn",
                "frMale": "Malavai Quinn",
                "frFemale": "Malavai Quinn",
                "deMale": "Malavai Quinn",
                "deFemale": "Malavai Quinn"
            "VjNkmQ2": {
                "enMale": "Jaesa Willsaam (Light)",
                "frMale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "frFemale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "deMale": "Jaesa Willsaam",
                "deFemale": "Jaesa Willsaam"
            "JcWSLeE": {
                "enMale": "Andronikos Revel",
                "frMale": "Andronikos Revel",
                "frFemale": "Andronikos Revel",
                "deMale": "Andronikos Revel",
                "deFemale": "Andronikos Revel"
            "wxBEM0A": {
                "enMale": "Ashara",
                "frMale": "Ashara",
                "frFemale": "Ashara",
                "deMale": "Ashara",
                "deFemale": "Ashara"
        "NodeText": {
            "lQqm7c3_177": {
                "enMale": "They weren't carrying handheld comms. They've probably got way-stations. I can bug those.",
                "frMale": "Ils n'avaient pas de moyens de communication sur eux. Ils doivent avoir des stations \u00e0 distance. Je peux les mettre sur \u00e9coute.",
                "frFemale": "Ils n'avaient pas de moyens de communication sur eux. Ils doivent avoir des stations \u00e0 distance. Je peux les mettre sur \u00e9coute.",
                "deMale": "Sie hatten keine Komlinks bei sich. Wahrscheinlich haben sie station\u00e4re Systeme. Die kann ich verwanzen.",
                "deFemale": "Sie hatten keine Komlinks bei sich. Wahrscheinlich haben sie station\u00e4re Systeme. Die kann ich verwanzen."
            "lQqm7c3_178": {
                "enMale": "Killing is reliable. Technology isn't.",
                "frMale": "Tuer, c'est bien plus fiable que la technologie.",
                "frFemale": "Tuer, c'est bien plus fiable que la technologie.",
                "deMale": "T\u00f6ten ist zuverl\u00e4ssig. Technologie nicht.",
                "deFemale": "T\u00f6ten ist zuverl\u00e4ssig. Technologie nicht."
            "lQqm7c3_297": {
                "enMale": "Not many non-humans have the ear of a base commander.",
                "frMale": "C'est rare de voir des non-humains jouer aux conseillers aupr\u00e8s d'un commandant.",
                "frFemale": "C'est rare de voir des non-humains jouer aux conseillers aupr\u00e8s d'un commandant.",
                "deMale": "Nicht viele Nicht-Menschen finden das Geh\u00f6r eines St\u00fctzpunktkommandanten.",
                "deFemale": "Nicht viele Nicht-Menschen finden das Geh\u00f6r eines St\u00fctzpunktkommandanten."
            "lQqm7c3_301": {
                "enMale": "I expected a commander's counsel to be more... exclusive.",
                "frMale": "Je m'attendais \u00e0 un conseil un peu plus... s\u00e9lectif.",
                "frFemale": "Je m'attendais \u00e0 un conseil un peu plus... s\u00e9lectif.",
                "deMale": "Ich hatte mir die Berater eines Kommandanten etwas ... exklusiver vorgestellt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich hatte mir die Berater eines Kommandanten etwas ... exklusiver vorgestellt."
            "lQqm7c3_339": {
                "enMale": "Ten enemies or ten thousand, I stand ready to strike them down.",
                "frMale": "Qu'il y ait dix ennemis ou qu'il y en ait dix mille, je les an\u00e9antirai jusqu'au dernier.",
                "frFemale": "Qu'il y ait dix ennemis ou qu'il y en ait dix mille, je les an\u00e9antirai jusqu'au dernier.",
                "deMale": "Ob zehn Feinde oder zehntausend - ich schalte alle aus.",
                "deFemale": "Ob zehn Feinde oder zehntausend - ich schalte alle aus."
            "lQqm7c3_343": {
                "enMale": "Whoever is behind this will be nothing but a blot on the snow.",
                "frMale": "Ceux qui se cachent derri\u00e8re tout \u00e7a ne seront bient\u00f4t plus qu'une tache de sang dans la neige.",
                "frFemale": "Ceux qui se cachent derri\u00e8re tout \u00e7a ne seront bient\u00f4t plus qu'une tache de sang dans la neige.",
                "deMale": "Wer auch immer dahintersteckt - von ihm wird nichts als ein Klecks im Schnee \u00fcbrig bleiben.",
                "deFemale": "Wer auch immer dahintersteckt - von ihm wird nichts als ein Klecks im Schnee \u00fcbrig bleiben."
            "lQqm7c3_347": {
                "enMale": "If a man-tracker is what you need, you've got the right person.",
                "frMale": "Si vous avez besoin d'un bon chasseur, je suis l'homme qu'il vous faut.",
                "frFemale": "Si vous avez besoin d'une bonne chasseuse, je suis celle qu'il vous faut.",
                "deMale": "Wenn Ihr jemanden sucht, der Leute aufsp\u00fcren kann, seid Ihr bei mir an der richtigen Adresse.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn Ihr jemanden sucht, der Leute aufsp\u00fcren kann, seid Ihr bei mir an der richtigen Adresse."
            "lQqm7c3_351": {
                "enMale": "You will soon know all you need to. You have my word.",
                "frMale": "Vous aurez bient\u00f4t tous les d\u00e9tails qui vous manquent. Parole.",
                "frFemale": "Vous aurez bient\u00f4t tous les d\u00e9tails qui vous manquent. Parole.",
                "deMale": "Ihr werdet bald erfahren, was Ihr wissen m\u00fcsst. Ihr habt mein Wort.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr werdet bald erfahren, was Ihr wissen m\u00fcsst. Ihr habt mein Wort."
            "lQqm7c3_355": {
                "enMale": "I will go if the ranking officer wishes.",
                "frMale": "Je partirai si un responsable hi\u00e9rarchique m'en donne l'ordre.",
                "frFemale": "Je partirai si un responsable hi\u00e9rarchique m'en donne l'ordre.",
                "deMale": "Ich gehe, wenn der rangh\u00f6chste Offizier es w\u00fcnscht.",
                "deFemale": "Ich gehe, wenn der rangh\u00f6chste Offizier es w\u00fcnscht."
            "lQqm7c3_359": {
                "enMale": "Sounds like a big problem. Can you tell it to me again in credits?",
                "frMale": "\u00c7a a l'air assez grave. \u00c7a repr\u00e9sente combien, en cr\u00e9dits ?",
                "frFemale": "\u00c7a a l'air assez grave. \u00c7a repr\u00e9sente combien, en cr\u00e9dits ?",
                "deMale": "Klingt nach einem gro\u00dfen Problem. K\u00f6nnt Ihr es mir nochmal in Credits erkl\u00e4ren?",
                "deFemale": "Klingt nach einem gro\u00dfen Problem. K\u00f6nnt Ihr es mir nochmal in Credits erkl\u00e4ren?"
            "lQqm7c3_380": {
                "enMale": "Recordings don't frighten me. I'll go see if I can find out what happened.",
                "frMale": "J'ai pas peur d'un enregistrement. Je vais t\u00e2cher de d\u00e9couvrir ce qu'il s'est pass\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Je n'ai pas peur d'un enregistrement. Je vais t\u00e2cher de d\u00e9couvrir ce qu'il s'est pass\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Aufnahmen machen mir keine Angst. Ich werde herausfinden, was passiert ist.",
                "deFemale": "Aufnahmen machen mir keine Angst. Ich werde herausfinden, was passiert ist."
            "lQqm7c3_418": {
                "enMale": "I will find them, and they will die.",
                "frMale": "Je vais les trouver et les exterminer.",
                "frFemale": "Je vais les trouver et les exterminer.",
                "deMale": "Ich werde sie finden und sie werden sterben.",
                "deFemale": "Ich werde sie finden und sie werden sterben."
            "lQqm7c3_419": {
                "enMale": "Their destruction is assured. I only need their location.",
                "frMale": "Je vous garantis de les exterminer. Donnez-moi juste leur emplacement.",
                "frFemale": "Je vous garantis de les exterminer. Donnez-moi juste leur emplacement.",
                "deMale": "Ihre Vernichtung steht fest. Ich brauche lediglich ihren Aufenthaltsort.",
                "deFemale": "Ihre Vernichtung steht fest. Ich brauche lediglich ihren Aufenthaltsort."
            "lQqm7c3_420": {
                "enMale": "When I'm done, this place will be carpeted in Talz fur.",
                "frMale": "Quand j'aurai termin\u00e9, cet endroit sera retapiss\u00e9 \u00e0 la fourrure de Talz.",
                "frFemale": "Quand j'aurai termin\u00e9, cet endroit sera retapiss\u00e9 \u00e0 la fourrure de Talz.",
                "deMale": "Wenn ich fertig bin, ist dieser Ort mit Talz-Pelz ausgelegt.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn ich fertig bin, ist dieser Ort mit Talz-Pelz ausgelegt."
            "lQqm7c3_421": {
                "enMale": "I don't normally do massacres. But today isn't normal.",
                "frMale": "Je ne suis pas du genre \u00e0 commettre des massacres. Mais c'est un cas particulier.",
                "frFemale": "Je ne suis pas du genre \u00e0 commettre des massacres. Mais c'est un cas particulier.",
                "deMale": "Normalerweise veranstalte ich keine Massaker. Aber heute mache ich eine Ausnahme.",
                "deFemale": "Normalerweise veranstalte ich keine Massaker. Aber heute mache ich eine Ausnahme."
            "lQqm7c3_456": {
                "enMale": "It is pleasant to be among such fine company.",
                "frMale": "C'est un plaisir d'\u00eatre en aussi bonne compagnie.",
                "frFemale": "C'est un plaisir d'\u00eatre en aussi bonne compagnie.",
                "deMale": "Es ist sch\u00f6n, sich in so guter Gesellschaft zu befinden.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist sch\u00f6n, sich in so guter Gesellschaft zu befinden."
            "lQqm7c3_664": {
                "enMale": "I am surprised you'd take an interest in this humble base.",
                "frMale": "Je suis surpris de voir l'int\u00e9r\u00eat que vous portez \u00e0 cette petite base.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis surprise de voir l'int\u00e9r\u00eat que vous portez \u00e0 cette petite base.",
                "deMale": "Ich bin \u00fcberrascht, dass Ihr an so einem unbedeutenden St\u00fctzpunkt interessiert seid.",
                "deFemale": "Ich bin \u00fcberrascht, dass Ihr an so einem unbedeutenden St\u00fctzpunkt interessiert seid."
            "lQqm7c3_665": {
                "enMale": "I'm honored.",
                "frMale": "C'est un honneur pour moi.",
                "frFemale": "C'est un honneur pour moi.",
                "deMale": "Ich wei\u00df die Ehre zu sch\u00e4tzen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df die Ehre zu sch\u00e4tzen."
            "lQqm7c3_672": {
                "enMale": "Commander Tritan's leadership has been forthright and direct.",
                "frMale": "Les ordres du Commandant Tritan ont \u00e9t\u00e9 directs et pr\u00e9cis.",
                "frFemale": "Les ordres du Commandant Tritan ont \u00e9t\u00e9 directs et pr\u00e9cis.",
                "deMale": "Commander Tritans Anweisungen waren prompt und direkt.",
                "deFemale": "Commander Tritans Anweisungen waren prompt und direkt."
            "lQqm7c3_673": {
                "enMale": "Captain Yudrass's advice formed most of our key strategies. We relied on him heavily.",
                "frMale": "Les conseils du Capitaine Yudrass ont \u00e9t\u00e9 capitaux pour notre strat\u00e9gie. On s'est beaucoup repos\u00e9s sur lui.",
                "frFemale": "Les conseils du Capitaine Yudrass ont \u00e9t\u00e9 capitaux pour notre strat\u00e9gie. On s'est beaucoup repos\u00e9s sur lui.",
                "deMale": "Die Ratschl\u00e4ge von Captain Yudrass bildeten einen Gro\u00dfteil unserer Kernstrategien. Wir haben uns enorm auf ihn verlassen.",
                "deFemale": "Die Ratschl\u00e4ge von Captain Yudrass bildeten einen Gro\u00dfteil unserer Kernstrategien. Wir haben uns enorm auf ihn verlassen."
            "lQqm7c3_683": {
                "enMale": "It is one thing to promote an alien, it is another to expect humans to serve him.",
                "frMale": "Promouvoir un alien est une chose. Demander \u00e0 des humains de lui ob\u00e9ir, c'en est une autre.",
                "frFemale": "Promouvoir un alien est une chose. Demander \u00e0 des humains de lui ob\u00e9ir, c'en est une autre.",
                "deMale": "Einen Fremdling zu bef\u00f6rdern ist eine Sache, zu erwarten, dass die Menschen ihm dienen, eine ganz andere.",
                "deFemale": "Einen Fremdling zu bef\u00f6rdern ist eine Sache, zu erwarten, dass die Menschen ihm dienen, eine ganz andere."
            "lQqm7c3_684": {
                "enMale": "It seems you have broken down a few barriers, Colonel Yudrass.",
                "frMale": "On dirait que vous avez saut\u00e9 quelques \u00e9chelons, Colonel Yudrass.",
                "frFemale": "On dirait que vous avez saut\u00e9 quelques \u00e9chelons, Colonel Yudrass.",
                "deMale": "Es scheint, als h\u00e4ttet Ihr ein paar Mauern eingerissen, Colonel Yudrass.",
                "deFemale": "Es scheint, als h\u00e4ttet Ihr ein paar Mauern eingerissen, Colonel Yudrass."
            "lQqm7c3_686": {
                "enMale": "I wish you well, Colonel Tritan.",
                "frMale": "Tous mes v\u0153ux de r\u00e9ussite, Colonel Tritan.",
                "frFemale": "Tous mes v\u0153ux de r\u00e9ussite, Colonel Tritan.",
                "deMale": "Ich w\u00fcnsche Euch alles Gute, Colonel Tritan.",
                "deFemale": "Ich w\u00fcnsche Euch alles Gute, Colonel Tritan."
            "lQqm7c3_699": {
                "enMale": "Make it clear what happens to the disobedient, and you will do fine.",
                "frMale": "Montrez-leur ce qui arrive aux mauvaises t\u00eates et tout ira bien.",
                "frFemale": "Montrez-leur ce qui arrive aux mauvaises t\u00eates et tout ira bien.",
                "deMale": "Macht ihnen klar, was mit den Verweigerern passiert, und alles wird funktionieren.",
                "deFemale": "Macht ihnen klar, was mit den Verweigerern passiert, und alles wird funktionieren."
            "lQqm7c3_702": {
                "enMale": "You could demonstrate your commitment by helping win the men over.",
                "frMale": "Vous pourriez l'aider \u00e0 raisonner les troupes, en signe de bonne volont\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Vous pourriez l'aider \u00e0 raisonner les troupes, en signe de bonne volont\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Ihr k\u00f6nntet Eure Loyalit\u00e4t beweisen, indem Ihr die M\u00e4nner auf seine Seite bringt.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr k\u00f6nntet Eure Loyalit\u00e4t beweisen, indem Ihr die M\u00e4nner auf seine Seite bringt."
            "lQqm7c3_706": {
                "enMale": "I don't believe I've heard of a Chiss ranking so high before.",
                "frMale": "Je ne me rappelle pas avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu un Chiss avec un aussi haut rang.",
                "frFemale": "Je ne me rappelle pas avoir d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu un Chiss avec un aussi haut rang.",
                "deMale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass ich schon jemals von einem Chiss mit einem so hohen Rang geh\u00f6rt habe.",
                "deFemale": "Ich glaube nicht, dass ich schon jemals von einem Chiss mit einem so hohen Rang geh\u00f6rt habe."
            "720oXP8_5": {
                "enMale": "Tell me you cut off their retreat.",
                "frMale": "J'esp\u00e8re que vous avez emp\u00each\u00e9 leur fuite.",
                "frFemale": "J'esp\u00e8re que vous avez emp\u00each\u00e9 leur fuite.",
                "deMale": "Sagt mir, dass Ihr ihren R\u00fcckzug abgeschnitten habt.",
                "deFemale": "Sagt mir, dass Ihr ihren R\u00fcckzug abgeschnitten habt."
            "720oXP8_6": {
                "enMale": "You couldn't have arrived while I was fighting an army?",
                "frMale": "Vous ne pouviez pas arriver pendant que je combattais ?",
                "frFemale": "Vous ne pouviez pas arriver pendant que je combattais ?",
                "deMale": "Ihr h\u00e4ttet nicht schon eintreffen k\u00f6nnen, als ich gegen eine ganze Armee gek\u00e4mpft habe?",
                "deFemale": "Ihr h\u00e4ttet nicht schon eintreffen k\u00f6nnen, als ich gegen eine ganze Armee gek\u00e4mpft habe?"
            "720oXP8_7": {
                "enMale": "Good to hear it.",
                "frMale": "C'est une bonne nouvelle.",
                "frFemale": "C'est une bonne nouvelle.",
                "deMale": "Das h\u00f6re ich gern.",
                "deFemale": "Das h\u00f6re ich gern."
            "5mkyVo5_7": {
                "enMale": "I'm going to enjoy killing you.",
                "frMale": "Je vais me faire un plaisir d'en finir.",
                "frFemale": "Je vais me faire un plaisir d'en finir.",
                "deMale": "Ich werde meinen Sieg auskosten.",
                "deFemale": "Ich werde meinen Sieg auskosten."
            "5mkyVo5_8": {
                "enMale": "I stand between you and your victory. One you will never claim.",
                "frMale": "Je suis ce qui vous s\u00e9pare de la victoire. Et elle n'arrivera jamais.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis ce qui vous s\u00e9pare de la victoire. Et elle n'arrivera jamais.",
                "deMale": "Ich stehe zwischen Euch und Eurem Sieg. Einem Sieg, den Ihr niemals erringen werdet.",
                "deFemale": "Ich stehe zwischen Euch und Eurem Sieg. Einem Sieg, den Ihr niemals erringen werdet."
            "5mkyVo5_9": {
                "enMale": "Better to kneel before a tyrant than vanish with the vanquished.",
                "frMale": "Je pr\u00e9f\u00e8re ramper devant un tyran que de dispara\u00eetre avec les vaincus.",
                "frFemale": "Je pr\u00e9f\u00e8re ramper devant un tyran que de dispara\u00eetre avec les vaincus.",
                "deMale": "Es ist besser, vor einem Tyrannen niederzuknien, als mit den Unterjochten unterzugehen.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist besser, vor einem Tyrannen niederzuknien, als mit den Unterjochten unterzugehen."
            "5mkyVo5_11": {
                "enMale": "Your pathetic gargling only displays your ignorance.",
                "frMale": "Tes grognements inaudibles ne t\u00e9moignent que de ton ignorance.",
                "frFemale": "Tes grognements inaudibles ne t\u00e9moignent que de ton ignorance.",
                "deMale": "Euer armseliges Gebrabbel zeigt nur Eure Ignoranz.",
                "deFemale": "Euer armseliges Gebrabbel zeigt nur Eure Ignoranz."
            "5mkyVo5_30": {
                "enMale": "The Empire fears me--a far more reliable standard.",
                "frMale": "L'Empire a peur de moi... voil\u00e0 qui est plus juste.",
                "frFemale": "L'Empire a peur de moi... voil\u00e0 qui est plus juste.",
                "deMale": "Das Imperium f\u00fcrchtet mich - das ist weitaus verl\u00e4sslicher.",
                "deFemale": "Das Imperium f\u00fcrchtet mich - das ist weitaus verl\u00e4sslicher."
            "5mkyVo5_31": {
                "enMale": "That's the great thing about employment. They don't have to care.",
                "frMale": "C'est ce qu'on appelle le travail. \u00c7a n'a rien \u00e0 voir.",
                "frFemale": "C'est ce qu'on appelle le travail. \u00c7a n'a rien \u00e0 voir.",
                "deMale": "Das ist das Gute an einer Gesch\u00e4ftsbeziehung. Man kann sich ruhig egal sein.",
                "deFemale": "Das ist das Gute an einer Gesch\u00e4ftsbeziehung. Man kann sich ruhig egal sein."
            "5mkyVo5_32": {
                "enMale": "The Empire cares for its assets. As long as I am one, I've got no complaints.",
                "frMale": "L'Empire prend soin de ses agents. Tant que j'en serai un, je n'aurai pas \u00e0 m'inqui\u00e9ter.",
                "frFemale": "L'Empire prend soin de ses agents. Tant que j'en serai un, je n'aurai pas \u00e0 m'inqui\u00e9ter.",
                "deMale": "Das Imperium h\u00e4ngt aber an seinen Ressourcen. Und solange ich dazu geh\u00f6re, habe ich keinen Grund zum Klagen.",
                "deFemale": "Das Imperium h\u00e4ngt aber an seinen Ressourcen. Und solange ich dazu geh\u00f6re, habe ich keinen Grund zum Klagen."
            "5mkyVo5_36": {
                "enMale": "Save your feeble attempts at recruitment for your own planet. This one is mine.",
                "frMale": "Garde tes menaces pour ta v\u00e9ritable plan\u00e8te. Celle-ci est \u00e0 moi.",
                "frFemale": "Garde tes menaces pour ta v\u00e9ritable plan\u00e8te. Celle-ci est \u00e0 moi.",
                "deMale": "Spart Euch die erb\u00e4rmlichen Rekrutierungsversuche f\u00fcr Euren eigenen Planeten. Dieser hier geh\u00f6rt mir.",
                "deFemale": "Spart Euch die erb\u00e4rmlichen Rekrutierungsversuche f\u00fcr Euren eigenen Planeten. Dieser hier geh\u00f6rt mir."
            "5mkyVo5_37": {
                "enMale": "I hear you talk. I don't see you fight.",
                "frMale": "Tu parles beaucoup, mais je ne te vois pas te battre.",
                "frFemale": "Tu parles beaucoup, mais je ne te vois pas te battre.",
                "deMale": "Ich h\u00f6re Euch reden. Ich sehe Euch nicht k\u00e4mpfen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich h\u00f6re Euch reden. Ich sehe Euch nicht k\u00e4mpfen."
            "5mkyVo5_43": {
                "enMale": "Uh-huh. Show me a battle plan or shut up and fight.",
                "frMale": "Euh... Montre-moi un plan de bataille ou ferme-la et combats.",
                "frFemale": "Euh... Montre-moi un plan de bataille ou ferme-la et combats.",
                "deMale": "Uh-huh. Zeigt mir einen Schlachtplan oder seid ruhig und k\u00e4mpft.",
                "deFemale": "Uh-huh. Zeigt mir einen Schlachtplan oder seid ruhig und k\u00e4mpft."
            "5mkyVo5_48": {
                "enMale": "If you think I'm afraid, you have a lot to learn about body language.",
                "frMale": "Si tu crois que j'ai peur, il te reste encore beaucoup \u00e0 apprendre sur le langage corporel.",
                "frFemale": "Si tu crois que j'ai peur, il te reste encore beaucoup \u00e0 apprendre sur le langage corporel.",
                "deMale": "Wenn Ihr glaubt, dass ich Angst habe, m\u00fcsst Ihr noch einiges \u00fcber K\u00f6rpersprache lernen.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn Ihr glaubt, dass ich Angst habe, m\u00fcsst Ihr noch einiges \u00fcber K\u00f6rpersprache lernen."
            "5mkyVo5_49": {
                "enMale": "Just had to get that across before pulling a trigger, huh?",
                "frMale": "C'est exactement ce qu'il faut dire pour que j'appuie sur la d\u00e9tente.",
                "frFemale": "C'est exactement ce qu'il faut dire pour que j'appuie sur la d\u00e9tente.",
                "deMale": "Das wolltet Ihr noch loswerden, bevor Ihr den Abzug dr\u00fcckt, ja?",
                "deFemale": "Das wolltet Ihr noch loswerden, bevor Ihr den Abzug dr\u00fcckt, ja?"
            "5mkyVo5_52": {
                "enMale": "Only our opponents have been dying this day.",
                "frMale": "Seuls nos opposants sont morts aujourd'hui.",
                "frFemale": "Seuls nos opposants sont morts aujourd'hui.",
                "deMale": "Heute sind nur unsere Gegner gestorben.",
                "deFemale": "Heute sind nur unsere Gegner gestorben."
            "5mkyVo5_53": {
                "enMale": "If I die, it will be at the hand of someone vastly more important than you.",
                "frMale": "Si je meurs, ce sera par la main d'une personne bien plus importante que toi.",
                "frFemale": "Si je meurs, \u00e7a sera par la main d'une personne bien plus importante que toi.",
                "deMale": "Wenn ich sterbe, wird das durch die Hand von jemandem geschehen, der weitaus mehr Bedeutung hat als Ihr.",
                "deFemale": "Wenn ich sterbe, wird das durch die Hand von jemandem geschehen, der weitaus mehr Bedeutung hat als Ihr."
            "W6edS8D_232": {
                "enMale": "Your men smell blood. Time to deliver it to them.",
                "frMale": "Vos hommes ont soif de sang. Donnez-leur ce qu'ils veulent.",
                "frFemale": "Vos hommes ont soif de sang. Donnez-leur ce qu'ils veulent.",
                "deMale": "Eure M\u00e4nner riechen Blut. Es wird Zeit, es ihnen zu geben.",
                "deFemale": "Eure M\u00e4nner riechen Blut. Es wird Zeit, es ihnen zu geben."
            "W6edS8D_243": {
                "enMale": "Planning makes the victory greater.",
                "frMale": "Quand on est bien pr\u00e9par\u00e9, on remporte la victoire plus facilement.",
                "frFemale": "Quand on est bien pr\u00e9par\u00e9, on remporte la victoire plus facilement.",
                "deMale": "Planung vergr\u00f6\u00dfert den Sieg.",
                "deFemale": "Planung vergr\u00f6\u00dfert den Sieg."
            "W6edS8D_245": {
                "enMale": "Now that we've tracked them, it is time to exterminate them.",
                "frMale": "Maintenant qu'on a leur piste, il est temps de les an\u00e9antir.",
                "frFemale": "Maintenant qu'on a leur piste, il est temps de les an\u00e9antir.",
                "deMale": "Nun, da wir sie aufgesp\u00fcrt haben, ist es an der Zeit, sie auszul\u00f6schen.",
                "deFemale": "Nun, da wir sie aufgesp\u00fcrt haben, ist es an der Zeit, sie auszul\u00f6schen."
            "W6edS8D_484": {
                "enMale": "What about their inevitable retaliation?",
                "frMale": "On ne devrait pas craindre leurs repr\u00e9sailles ?",
                "frFemale": "On ne devrait pas craindre leurs repr\u00e9sailles ?",
                "deMale": "Was ist mit ihrer unvermeidlichen Rache?",
                "deFemale": "Was ist mit ihrer unvermeidlichen Rache?"
            "W6edS8D_487": {
                "enMale": "So instead of fighting Talz, you want us to fight hungry, angry Talz.",
                "frMale": "Donc au lieu de combattre des Talz, vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rez combattre des Talz affam\u00e9s et en col\u00e8re.",
                "frFemale": "Donc au lieu de combattre des Talz, vous pr\u00e9f\u00e9rez combattre des Talz affam\u00e9s et en col\u00e8re.",
                "deMale": "Also, anstatt Talz zu bek\u00e4mpfen, wollt Ihr hungrige, w\u00fctende Talz bek\u00e4mpfen ...",
                "deFemale": "Also, anstatt Talz zu bek\u00e4mpfen, wollt Ihr hungrige, w\u00fctende Talz bek\u00e4mpfen ..."
            "W6edS8D_494": {
                "enMale": "Is there anything important on this planet that isn't in some snow creature's freezer?",
                "frMale": "Est-ce que toutes les choses importantes de cette plan\u00e8te sont entrepos\u00e9es dans le cong\u00e9lateur d'une cr\u00e9ature des neiges ?",
                "frFemale": "Est-ce que toutes les choses importantes de cette plan\u00e8te sont entrepos\u00e9es dans le cong\u00e9lateur d'une cr\u00e9ature des neiges ?",
                "deMale": "Gibt es eigentlich irgendwas Wichtiges auf diesem Planeten, das nicht im K\u00fchlfach einer Schneekreatur steckt?",
                "deFemale": "Gibt es eigentlich irgendwas Wichtiges auf diesem Planeten, das nicht im K\u00fchlfach einer Schneekreatur steckt?"
            "W6edS8D_496": {
                "enMale": "I like a challenge.",
                "frMale": "J'excelle dans la difficult\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "J'excelle dans la difficult\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Ich mag schwierige Aufgaben.",
                "deFemale": "Ich mag schwierige Aufgaben."
            "W6edS8D_504": {
                "enMale": "You'd be surprised how much I can carry.",
                "frMale": "Vous seriez surpris de voir ce que je peux porter.",
                "frFemale": "Vous seriez surpris de voir ce que je peux porter.",
                "deMale": "Ihr w\u00e4rt \u00fcberrascht, wie viel ich tragen kann.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr w\u00e4rt \u00fcberrascht, wie viel ich tragen kann."
            "W6edS8D_505": {
                "enMale": "Between Talz and wampas, I'll need both hands free.",
                "frMale": "Entre les Talz et les wampas, j'aurai besoin d'avoir les mains libres.",
                "frFemale": "Entre les Talz et les wampas, j'aurai besoin d'avoir les mains libres.",
                "deMale": "Zwischen Talz und Wampas brauche ich zwei freie H\u00e4nde.",
                "deFemale": "Zwischen Talz und Wampas brauche ich zwei freie H\u00e4nde."
            "W6edS8D_561": {
                "enMale": "Don't tell me you didn't think of this.",
                "frMale": "Ne me dites pas que c'\u00e9tait pas pr\u00e9vu. ",
                "frFemale": "Ne me dites pas que c'\u00e9tait pas pr\u00e9vu. ",
                "deMale": "Sagt nicht, dass Ihr das nicht bedacht habt.",
                "deFemale": "Sagt nicht, dass Ihr das nicht bedacht habt."
            "W6edS8D_565": {
                "enMale": "Every available gun needs to be saving that station.",
                "frMale": "Il faut envoyer tous les soldats disponibles pour sauver la centrale.",
                "frFemale": "Il faut envoyer tous les soldats disponibles pour sauver la centrale.",
                "deMale": "Jede verf\u00fcgbare Kanone wird ben\u00f6tigt, um die Station zu retten.",
                "deFemale": "Jede verf\u00fcgbare Kanone wird ben\u00f6tigt, um die Station zu retten."
            "W6edS8D_583": {
                "enMale": "I crush foes and souls, not crates and barrels.",
                "frMale": "Je suis l\u00e0 pour d\u00e9truire l'ennemi, et non pas de vulgaires caisses.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis l\u00e0 pour d\u00e9truire l'ennemi, et non pas de vulgaires caisses.",
                "deMale": "Ich zerschmettere Feinde, nicht Kisten und F\u00e4sser.",
                "deFemale": "Ich zerschmettere Feinde, nicht Kisten und F\u00e4sser."
            "W6edS8D_584": {
                "enMale": "They will choose between retreating home or starvation.",
                "frMale": "Ils devront choisir entre mourir de faim et rentrer chez eux.",
                "frFemale": "Ils devront choisir entre mourir de faim et rentrer chez eux.",
                "deMale": "Dann k\u00f6nnen sie nur zur\u00fcck in ihre Heimat gehen oder verhungern.",
                "deFemale": "Dann k\u00f6nnen sie nur zur\u00fcck in ihre Heimat gehen oder verhungern."
            "W6edS8D_585": {
                "enMale": "Blaster fire works faster than starvation.",
                "frMale": "Le blaster, c'est plus rapide que de les priver de nourriture.",
                "frFemale": "Le blaster, c'est plus rapide que de les priver de nourriture.",
                "deMale": "Blasterfeuer funktioniert schneller als Verhungern.",
                "deFemale": "Blasterfeuer funktioniert schneller als Verhungern."
        "AffectionGainTable": {
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