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Hitting the Hutts

Reward Level Range: -
Hitting the Hutts
Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's: 0/2
Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers: 0/2
Destroy the Artillary Cannon
Contact Shalim via Holoterminal
Broadcast False Marching Orders
Broadcast a False Attack Strategy
Deactivate the Light Bridge
Hijack the Shuttle to Brakan Mesa
Overload Sub-Reactor 1
Overload Sub-Reactor 2
Overload the Primary Reactor
Defeat Grevin
Access the Emergancy Escape Hatch
Return to Shalim
Requires:Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Trooper
Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's: 0/2
Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers: 0/2
Destroy the Artillary Cannon
Contact Shalim via Holoterminal
Broadcast False Marching Orders
Broadcast a False Attack Strategy
Deactivate the Light Bridge
Hijack the Shuttle to Brakan Mesa
Overload Sub-Reactor 1
Overload Sub-Reactor 2
Overload the Primary Reactor
Defeat Grevin
Access the Emergancy Escape Hatch
Return to Shalim
Command XP: 0
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 1.1.5e
Removed In: 1.2.0
Star Wars Name: Hitting the Hutts
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(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • Starts:
  • Progresses: light_bridge_controls, emergency_escape_panel, power_reactor, fingers_holoterminal
  • Ends:
  • 1026. - We'll be safe here, for now.
  • 321. Player - [CINEMATICS: Shalim addresses a throng of civilians. He begins a speech in Players' honor as they arrive.]
    • 765. - People of Makeb--your heroes return!
      • 766. Player - [CINEMATICS: Lemda whispers a warning as Players approach Shalim]
        • 773. - Look out. Shalim's in politician mode.
          • 774. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 776. - This honorable Jedi led us to victory against the Hutt treachery. Now we have freedom and an ark that will deliver us to safety!
            • 769. - This distinguished Jedi has protected our oppressed people and bestowed hope on Makeb. The mercenaries are retreating, the ark secured!
            • 767. - The Republic sent none less than the heroic Havoc Squad to save us. They drove back the mercenaries and secured the ark!
            • 768. - Makeb's most revered star is now our savior. Thank you, Captain, for driving back the mercenaries and securing the ark!
            • 779. - These champions of Makeb not only bring us hope of freedom from Hutt oppression, but deliverance in the form of the ark!
              • 790. Player - I know you're all scared. You have good reason--but the time for fear is ending.
                • 831. Player - The Hutts only control you when you are broken and despaired. Look to your neighbors, your friends, your loved ones for strength.
                  • 839. Player - Through compassion and hope you will survive this. May the Force be with you.
              • 791. Player - Makeb is a paradise. You built this planet, with blood and sweat, patience and love. Now your home is dying, as all things must.
                • 832. Player - But you won't die with it. You will survive. Gather your memories and your friends close.
                  • 843. Player - Cherish the legacy of Makeb, and your world will live on. The Force is with you!
              • 787. Player - Makeb is a proud member of the Republic and we are all Republic citizens. Whatever happens to this world, we stand united.
                • 833. Player - The Hutts want to crush your spirits--assault your freedom. But the Republic protects its own. You will have a new home.
                  • 835. Player - Stand against your oppressors, and know that Havoc Squad will be there for you. For Makeb! For the Republic!
              • 792. Player - When I first landed on Makeb, everyone here knew me. Now, I know you.
                • 794. Player - I've felt your pain. I know the sting of Hutt fury, the destruction of a groundquake.
                  • 826. - I love you!
                    • 918. Player - You too, sugar.
                  • 919. - I love you!
                    • 920. Player - Back atcha, gorgeous.
                      • 922. Player - Anyway, my point is this: Makeb's got a bright future, and you're its stars!
              • 781. Player - Your planet's collapsing beneath you and the Hutt Cartel remains in power. We've given you hope, but we're a long way from being safe.
                • 802. - [CINEMATICS: Shocked silence from the crowd.]
                  • 803. Player - [CINEMATICS: Shalim WHISPERS to Player]
                    • 824. - Are you trying to cause a panic?
                      • 825. Player - [CINEMATICS: Shalim addresses the crowd.]
                        • 804. - Just a cautionary reminder, given out of love and concern. Three cheers for our heroes!
              • 796. Player - Keep the spotlight to yourself, Shalim.
                • 797. - A hero who believes in deeds, not words! How about a round of applause?
                  • 798. Player - [CINEMATICS: Refugees cheer. The crowd disperses, leaving players alone with Shalim and Lemda.]
                    • 801. - I meant what I said. Every word.
                      • 848. - The ark is safe and we'll soon have it ready to fly. We've earned a moment to celebrate--especially you.
                        • 1546. Player - The Hutt mercenaries are broken, but the Cartel surely has contingency plans.
                          • 1552. - We'll soon know all about the Hutts' plans.
                        • 1545. Player - When we faced Grevin, he said this "Isotope-5" the Hutts are mining will change everything--but he wouldn't tell us how.
                          • 1555. Player - Back in Talaos City, Representative Ecklin said he'd never heard of Isotope-5. Does that name mean anything to you?
                            • 1560. - No, but my old business rival will be here to help us any moment.
                        • 1549. Player - It's no fun celebrating alone. Maybe if I had a local guide....
                          • 1550. - As it happens, I am presently between meetings.
                        • 1547. Player - I hate celebrating alone--but I wouldn't mind taking a long walk with someone who knows the terrain.
                          • 1551. - I surveyed this mesa when Shalim started building. I know every meter.
                            • 1558. - By the time you get back, Ilosov should have returned with Representative Ecklin.
                              • 1563. - I set Ilosov to retrieve Ecklin from Talaos City. Ecklin's time in the Hutt embassy should prove useful to us.
                                • 1564. Player - [CINEMATICS: Shalim Avesta answers his personal holo and Ilosov's image appears. Ilosov is wounded and panicked.]
                                  • 1565. - Sir! Ecklin's dead! Some kind of Hutt droid! They're all over us!
                                    • 1569. Player - [CINEMATICS: Ilosov dies and his image is replaced by KOR-1, a special Isotope-5 Battle Droid.]
                                      • 1570. - Your friends have been deactivated. Please identify yourselves.
                                        • 1572. Player - What are you? Another Hutt lackey?
                                        • 1573. Player - We represent Supreme Chancellor Saresh of the Galactic Republic. You just murdered our citizens.
                                          • 1581. - You are mistaken. Makeb is not Republic territory.
                                        • 1574. Player - Don't bother learning our names. We're just going to rip out your memory circuits.
                                          • 1575. - It is unlikely you will bypass my shielding.
                                            • 1577. - I am KOR-1, first generation Isotope-5 battledroid. Please be advised that your insurrection against His Majesty King Toborro will not end successfully.
                                              • 1579. - I have run over seventeen million scenario algorithms. You consistently lose in all of them. Goodbye, for now.
                                                • 1584. Player - [CINEMATICS: The holo ends and Shalim Avesta bows his head in sorrow.]
                                                  • 1585. - Ecklin... and poor Ilosov. I should have seen this coming. Taken steps.
                                                    • 1589. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                      • 1590. Player - We'll grieve later. The Hutts have a new weapon to use against us. We need to learn more about what we're facing.
                                                      • 1591. Player - Your friends are at peace, but our war goes on--and the Hutts have unleashed a new weapon.
                                                      • 1592. Player - The only good we can do those men now is stopping the Hutts' new war machine. We need intel on that droid.
                                                      • 1593. Player - We'll drink ourselves numb later. What's this nonsense about "His Majesty" Toborro? Where'd that blasted droid come from?
                                                    • 1586. Player - You couldn't have known about the Hutts' new droid--or that it discovered Ecklin was on our side.
                                                      • 1594. - Someday I'll believe that.
                                                    • 1587. Player - You were careless. You shouldn't have sent anyone but us to bring back Ecklin.
                                                      • 1595. - You're right.
                                                        • 1599. - Toborro has declared himself king of Makeb--and he doesn't need mercenaries to enforce his rule any more.
                                                          • 1597. - Everything we've learned about the Hutts' plans points to Isotope-5. We need to find out what that substance is.
                                                            • 1608. - That's not going to be enough. We have to buy our people time to finish the ark. Now we take this war to the Hutts!
                                                              • 1610. - [TO BE CONTINUED!]
                                                                • 1611. <Conversation Exit>
  • 316. - Stop the mercenaries. We can't defend the ark against them.
  • 315. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 928. - We can't thank you enough for securing the ark, master Jedi. You turned certain death into a chance for survival.
    • 929. - Thank you for securing the ark, Major. No mercenary on this planet fights with Havoc Squad's heart. You honor us.
    • 930. - You really stuck it to the Hutts this time, Captain. Without the ark, the Cartel can't profit from Makeb's destruction.
    • 489. - Word is spreading about the ark. The only reason my people are holding together is because you've given them hope.
      • 938. Player - The Hutts won't give up the ark without a fight--and they have an army. Our battles have just begun.
      • 939. Player - We've bought a reprieve, but now the Hutts have something to fight for--and their forces outnumber ours.
      • 588. Player - The battles we've fought till now are nothing compared to what's coming. Every mercenary will be gunning for the ark.
      • 937. Player - Hutts are sore losers. If they can't have the ark, they may blast her just to spite us.
      • 587. Player - The ark's missing more than a few vital components. We're still a long way off from loading it with evacuees.
      • 578. Player - I wouldn't trust that hunk of junk as a doorstop. If you don't have your own way off this rock, find it.
        • 579. - The foreman on the site, Tiero, is actually one of the best ship men on Makeb. He'll get the job done--if we protect his construction site.
          • 947. - Alarms have sounded across Makeb. Every mercenary on the planet is preparing to march on the Giant's Spear and lay siege to the ark.
            • 582. Player - Ilosov, organize a defense force. Anyone willing to fight gets a blaster and a ride to the ark's construction site. Go now.
              • 948. - [CINEMATICS: Ilosov nods and exits.]
                • 949. Player - Shalim, contact your allies. We'll need all the help we can get.
                  • 950. - Already done. Impending doom was an excellent motivator.
            • 584. Player - If we knew the mercenary army's staging point, we could potentially cut them off.
              • 591. - The surest way to close any deal is by blocking the competition from bidding.
            • 585. Player - Maybe the ark could fly somewhere safe to complete repairs?
              • 586. - That was my first thought as well. Unfortunately, the ark's engines won't be online for hours.
                • 1541. - Some of the refugees here know how to use a blaster. I'll organize a security force to protect the ark.
                  • 1542. Player - [CINEMATICS: Ilosov exits.]
                    • 951. - My contacts are scouting for mercenary activity and reporting what they find. We've identified one major staging area.
                      • 590. - The Fingers were originally one mesa, until early groundquakes broke it to splinters. Now it's all held together with a network of energy bridges.
                        • 594. - Our enemy stores heavy artillery and weapon caches there. They'll blast us to oblivion unless you storm the Fingers and destroy everything.
                          • 595. Player - Without its most powerful weapons, the mercenaries won't be nearly as dangerous. They might even surrender.
                            • 1002. - I wouldn't count on our foes retreating--but we'll certainly give them something to think about.
                          • 962. Player - The mercenaries place too much confidence in material weapons. Destroying those will collapse our enemy's resolve.
                            • 974. - I hadn't considered that, Master Jedi--but the thought makes me smile.
                          • 961. Player - The construction site's not built to withstand artillery fire. Best that we take that out first.
                            • 971. - It'll make a fitting display of power, Major. Anything to slow down the enemy.
                          • 960. Player - The fireworks will let every merc on Makeb know that we're coming for them.
                            • 966. - I'm sure you'll put on a good show, Captain.
                          • 963. Player - If this splintered mesa is barely held together, what happens if a strong groundquake hits it?
                            • 964. - One medium quake would destroy it and the caches, but groundquakes are rarely that convenient. Still, if it shakes, run.
                          • 596. Player - Weaponry's useless without someone to wield it. Shouldn't we target the mercenary forces directly?
                            • 965. - The enemy is still gathering numbers, but their biggest weapons are clustered at the Fingers. We won't get a better chance to eliminate them.
                          • 597. Player - After we take out the weaponry, what do we hit?
                            • 600. - We know the mercenary army also includes war droids and a huge floating battle platform, but we're still scouting for those.
                              • 617. - Once you've destroyed the artillery and weapon caches in the Fingers, contact me. I should have additional targets by then. Good luck.
                                • 620. <Conversation Exit>
  • 313. - The ark is our only hope.
  • 756. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 697. - Master Jedi. Good work at the embassy.
    • 698. - Major, excellent work storming the embassy.
    • 624. - Captain, I was just admiring your handiwork at the embassy.
    • 451. - Ah, there you are. Excellent work at the Hutt embassy.
      • 1294. - Representative Ecklin transmitted Project Failsafe's plans. It's sickening. First off, Makeb is irretrievably lost. There is nothing that will save this world.
        • 453. - Toborro the Hutt is pulling the biggest profit grab in history. With Veedrig's ark, the Hutts will escape Makeb and leave us to die. We have to stop them.
          • 712. Player - The Devaronian is more salesman than soldier. If we pressure him, he'll turn against the Hutts and give us the ark.
            • 714. - Good thought, Master Jedi. No doubt Veedrig's sticking close to his project until he's paid.
          • 710. Player - The Devaronian promises much. We need to know if this ark can accomplish everything he guarantees.
            • 713. - Every other word's misspelled and I'm no expert on engineering jargon. But the basics are sound.
          • 709. Player - If we want to stop the Hutts from leaving in their fancy ark, Veedrig's the man to see.
            • 711. - Calling these schematics "fuzzy" is a compliment. We need the source of this data.
          • 707. Player - I know this Devaronian's type. A thousand credits says he'll switch sides if we point a blaster in his face.
            • 708. - I don't normally condone threats of violence, but these are extraordinary circumstances. Threaten away.
          • 454. Player - The only way that ark's leaving is with us at the helm and Makeb's people safe inside it.
            • 458. - If there's any justice in the galaxy, we'll get to see the look on Toborro's face as we depart in his starship.
          • 455. Player - Representative Ecklin was searching for the ark's construction site. Did he find it?
            • 1322. - We were just reviewing that data.
              • 457. - The files Representative Ecklin transmitted matched old topographic readings. The ark is being built at a secret facility inside the Giant's Spear.
                • 467. - That's an enormous mesa with a cavernous hollow interior. Too dangerous to colonize, but perfect for hiding an ark's construction.
                  • 475. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 744. Player - If the ark is the Hutts' only escape, they'll have it locked down tight. What security measures will we face?
                    • 743. Player - An unplanned assault could result in irreparable damage to the ark. What's the safest way to secure the ship?
                      • 1287. - Not sure, Master Jedi. Veedrig's data is light on details, but I'll keep looking.
                    • 733. Player - Commandeering a ship that size won't be easy. What objectives do we hit to secure the ark?
                      • 737. - Can't say yet, Major. Veedrig's data is a disorganized mess, but we'll keep hunting through it.
                    • 732. Player - Stealing ships is easy. Getting to them is the tough part. Any clue how many guards they have?
                      • 734. - No idea, Captain. Veedrig's data is sketchy to say the least. We'll keep looking.
                  • 469. Player - With all these groundquakes, we'll be lucky if that place doesn't collapse and take the ark with it.
                    • 1619. - All the more reason to move quickly.
                  • 471. Player - There's no way the Hutts could've started a major construction project inside a planetary landmark without attracting attention.
                    • 731. - The Giant's Spear was quarantined when the groundquakes first began--at Toborro's urging. He manipulated us.
                      • 747. - Contact me when you're at the Giant's Spear. I'll place my expertise at your disposal. Help you plan the attack.
                        • 749. - There could be more mercenaries, maybe even Cartel forces. We have no idea what's out there.
                          • 754. - We have no choice. Capture the ark, and bring us hope. We'll be waiting.
                            • 755. <Conversation Exit>
  • 308. - Find this Project Failsafe. Chief Hurkwill is standing by to assist you.
  • 189. Player - [ART + CINEMATICS: Shalim's office is in shambles after the last big quake. Shalim and Ilosov listen as Doctor Trun gestures around the office.]
    • 395. - It's only getting worse. Two days, maybe less, you'll be governing from a sinkhole.
      • 540. - Someday, doctor, you'll astonish me with good news.
        • 541. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 546. - Master Jedi! Thank you, for everything. Doctor Trun told me of your incredible rescue.
          • 545. - Major, welcome back. Doctor Trun told me all about Havoc Squad's daring rescue.
          • 542. - Captain, come in. Doctor Trun told me of your incredible heroics.
          • 397. - Welcome back. Doctor Trun told me everything: the mercenaries, the quake, your amazing rescue.
            • 328. - We suspected the planet was becoming unstable. Now that we know Hutt mining's to blame we finally have a chance to stop Makeb's collapse.
              • 334. Player - The longer the Hutts carve at Makeb's core, the less hope we have of saving the planet.
                • 341. - Seismic activity's growing exponentially, but there's still hope.
              • 1510. Player - Whatever the Cartel's mining for, it must be valuable enough to warrant sacrificing an entire planet.
                • 1512. - That's a mystery we'll have to solve another day. For now let's concentrate on stopping them.
              • 333. Player - Doctor, did you find a way to stop this disaster?
              • 644. Player - If I'm going to help you, I need to know everything--especially the part about Makeb exploding!
                • 1368. - We didn't want to cause a panic--and we didn't have proof. Makeb needed to stand together and be positive.
                  • 1505. - Make speeches later. I have information we can use now.
                    • 1451. - Kazac's mercenaries liked to talk. Mostly boasting and filthy language. But one of their leaders said something interesting.
                      • 1454. - He mentioned a "Project Failsafe:" the Hutts' emergency plan if the mining went bad. He believed the Hutts can instantly stabilize Makeb.
                        • 1455. Player - The Hutts clearly don't care who gets hurt by these groundquakes. We need to find this failsafe now.
                          • 1525. - Agreed, Master Jedi. We're running out of time.
                        • 1517. Player - The Cartel wouldn't have a failsafe if they didn't plan on pushing Makeb to the brink of destruction. We can't allow that.
                          • 1518. - We need this failsafe activated now.
                        • 1516. Player - We can't count on the Hutts. We need to seize that failsafe and put it to use immediately.
                          • 1515. - You're right, Major. It's the only hope for us, for the people of Makeb.
                        • 1460. Player - The Hutts only care about saving their own oily hides. We'd better grab this Project Failsafe before it's too late.
                          • 1523. - I like your approach, Captain.
                        • 1456. Player - Did the mercenaries say anything else about Project Failsafe? Where it is, how it works?
                          • 1458. - The conversation dried up when you started attacking their camps.
                        • 1461. Player - Could anyone stabilize an entire planet's core and crust instantly? It doesn't seem feasible.
                          • 1496. - Agreed--but if the Hutts think they can do it, we need to know how.
                        • 1457. Player - If the Hutts can save Makeb, what are we worried about?
                          • 1463. - Millions could die while we wait for the Hutts to act. We need to claim this Project Failsafe for Makeb before it's too late.
                            • 1465. - Talaos City. The Hutt Embassy database. It's our best shot.
                              • 1477. - Ilosov's right. Any data on Project Failsafe will be stored in the Hutt Embassy's computers. Unfortunately, Talaos City is under their control.
                                • 1618. - We need Chief Hurkwill, Talaos City's former security commander. He and a few loyal men have a hidden camp outside the city. He'll get you into the city and the embassy.
                                  • 1480. Player - We'll head for Talaos City now. Contact Chief Hurkwill, set up our meeting.
                                    • 1483. - He'll be fully briefed before you arrive.
                                  • 1481. Player - How does Chief Hurkwill know a way into the Hutt Embassy?
                                    • 1486. - Hurkwill set up the Hutts' original defenses. He built it. He knows how to break it.
                                  • 1482. Player - Why is he hiding outside the city? Did he get fired as security commander?
                                    • 1507. - In a manner of speaking. The Hutts put a death mark on his head.
                                      • 1485. - Take a shuttle to Maktaba Mesa and meet Chief Hurkwill outside Talaos City. Good luck.
                                        • 1489. <Conversation Exit>
  • 49. - My personal shuttle will take you to the landing zone. Our volunteer forces will be waiting for you.
  • 1. - Still no word from Doctor Trun. The mercenaries got her for sure.
    • 7. - Don't think like that--and don't look so grim. Help has arrived.
      • 8. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 24. - You honor my home, master Jedi. The Supreme Chancellor promised relief, but you're more than I ever expected.
        • 11. - The Supreme Chancellor pledged support, but Havoc Squad? It's a real honor, Major.
        • 25. - Captain, welcome! Big fan. The Supreme Chancellor never said I'd be hosting a celebrity.
        • 12. - Come in, please. The Supreme Chancellor said she'd send the best, but it's not every day a politician delivers on a promise.
          • 14. - I'm Shalim Avesta--head of Avesta Mining, leader of the Business Consortium and current interim president of Makeb. This is Ilosov, my bodyguard and de facto War Minister.
            • 1533. - I'm the only one who knows which way to point the guns.
              • 1535. - I'd give you a tour, but my home has seen better days.
                • 54. Player - The Republic won't stand by while the Hutts steal your world.
                  • 57. - Exactly what the Supreme Chancellor promised. I hope you can deliver.
                • 17. Player - Makeb will join a long legacy of planets consumed by Hutt avarice unless we stop them.
                  • 61. - I'll die before I watch my home become another Hutta.
                • 53. Player - Sightseeing can wait until we evict the Hutts and free the people of Makeb.
                  • 70. - That's the Republic spirit I was counting on.
                • 48. Player - Those slime balls sure know how to muck up a perfectly good planet.
                  • 56. - I've had all I can stand of these slugs.
                • 191. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 194. Player - The Hutt Cartel wouldn't risk a massive occupation without good cause.
                  • 192. Player - Planetary conquests aren't typical of the Hutts. Whatever they're after on Makeb, it must be extremely valuable.
                  • 193. Player - Hutts tend to wallow in their riches, not stage invasions. Any idea what lit the fire under their tails?
                    • 47. - They never gave a reason. And unless they're after mines or prime vacation real estate, I have no idea.
                • 199. Player - First let's see about saving Makeb. Then you can give me the full tour.
                  • 200. - It would be my pleasure.
                • 64. Player - The Supreme Chancellor sent us to free you from the Hutts, not take in the sights.
                  • 67. - Force of habit. This is usually our peak tourist season.
                    • 69. - Makeb's a paradise, rich in minerals and proud, hard-working people. People who built Makeb's mining industry in return for wealth and freedom.
                      • 82. - Hutt Cartel tried to buy us out decades ago. We refused, but a few Hutts wormed into our business deals.
                        • 87. - For years we did a cautious business with the Hutts. Last week they invaded. It seems Grevin, Makeb's ex-security leader, helped the Hutts buy off our mercenary army.
                          • 89. Player - The Hutts' built their invasion on deceit and disloyalty. That foundation will be easy to crack.
                            • 112. - You're a welcome inspiration, Master Jedi. Makeb's light on optimism these days.
                          • 94. Player - Makeb is still a young world. The Hutts preyed on that weakness and turned your independence against you.
                            • 95. - I hate to say it, but you're right.
                          • 92. Player - You can't trust soldiers who only fight for credits. If Makeb had joined the Republic sooner, the Hutts wouldn't have bought off your defenders.
                            • 93. - Lesson learned, Major.
                          • 88. Player - Mercs work for the richest master. Can't you top the Hutts' offer?
                            • 91. - The Hutts seized the Makeb Bank and Trust. Our assets are frozen.
                          • 85. Player - Who is this security leader, and why would he betray you to the Hutts?
                            • 86. - Grevin's a two-faced Chagrian who wanted more power than Makeb could give him. The Hutts smelled his greed and turned him against us.
                          • 90. Player - The only thing bigger than a Hutt's appetite is his capacity for corruption.
                            • 105. - Conventional wisdom, I know. But they negotiated in good faith for almost a decade....
                          • 96. Player - Sounds like a textbook "Sleheyron Stranger" grift. The crook plays friendly while an inside man tightens the noose.
                            • 97. - Of course. And only myself to blame.
                              • 98. Player - [CINEMATICS: A massive groundquake rattles the room.]
                                • 101. - Fifth groundquake since the Hutts' lockdown. The last one leveled Tigon Mining Colony. We're still pulling bodies from the rubble.
                                  • 122. Player - Is there a connection between the Hutt takeover and the quakes?
                                    • 124. - There's only one person who can answer that question.
                                  • 102. Player - What's a groundquake?
                                    • 103. - Tremors in the planet's crust. They're common enough, but never this frequent... or violent.
                                  • 115. Player - The Supreme Chancellor said nothing about these groundquakes.
                                    • 116. - The tremors weren't exceptionally notable. Not until recently, anyway.
                                  • 104. Player - Groundquakes, explosions and all the Hutts a body could want. Real paradise you've got here.
                                    • 114. - Hopefully we can restore its glory.
                                      • 126. - Doctor Lemda Trun, our top geophysicist, has been investigating a link between the groundquakes and the Hutt mining operation. Courageous woman.
                                        • 1330. - My personal security team accompanied her to Frinn Mesa. Hours after they arrived, the Hutts sent half their mercenary army. She must have been on the right track.
                                          • 1333. Player - It sounds like Doctor Trun stumbled on the secret of why the Hutts are here. We'll go to the Frinn Mesa and find her before it's too late.
                                          • 1331. Player - If it's so dangerous there, why'd you let her go?
                                            • 1334. - Before she went it was just a few animals. Nothing a security team couldn't handle. Those mercs came to stop her.
                                          • 1332. Player - A geophysicist wouldn't stand much chance against heavily-armed thugs. How good is your security team?
                                            • 1336. - She's a remarkable woman, but no good with a blaster--and my team is outnumbered.
                                              • 1345. - Please - if the Republic is serious about helping Makeb, you have to find Doctor Trun.
                                                • 1346. Player - Chancellor Saresh promised you our full support. The Republic delivers on its promises.
                                                  • 1349. - And that's why we pledged Makeb to you.
                                                • 1347. Player - I don't care about some doctor. I want to know why the Hutts have taken over Makeb.
                                                  • 1350. - Doctor Trun's the only one who can answer that. We need her.
                                                • 1348. Player - Just once I'd like to meet someone who can handle his own problems.
                                                  • 1351. - If we could do that, Makeb wouldn't be joining the Republic.
                                                    • 1355. - I sent a volunteer force to secure a landing zone on the Frinn Mesa, but they're encountering heavy mercenary resistance.
                                                      • 1361. - Take my personal shuttle. Lane Ferow is our man at the landing zone. Good luck!
                                                        • 1362. <Conversation Exit>
  • 207. - Welcome to Makeb.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68633180000cb06b8a5"
    "Name": "Hitting the Hutts",
    "NameId": "2200681112928344",
    "LocalizedName": {
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        "frMale": "hitting_the_hutts",
        "frFemale": "hitting_the_hutts",
        "deMale": "hitting_the_hutts",
        "deFemale": "hitting_the_hutts"
    "Icon": "",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
    "XpLevel": 50,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
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    "CategoryId": "0",
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                            "String": "Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's",
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                                "frMale": "Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's",
                                "frFemale": "Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's",
                                "deMale": "Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's",
                                "deFemale": "Destroy Mercenary Weapons cache's"
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                                "frMale": "Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers",
                                "frFemale": "Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers",
                                "deMale": "Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers",
                                "deFemale": "Destroy Mercenary Missile Launchers"
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                            "Id": 3,
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                                "frFemale": "Destroy the Artillary Cannon",
                                "deMale": "Destroy the Artillary Cannon",
                                "deFemale": "Destroy the Artillary Cannon"
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                                "frMale": "Contact Shalim via Holoterminal",
                                "frFemale": "Contact Shalim via Holoterminal",
                                "deMale": "Contact Shalim via Holoterminal",
                                "deFemale": "Contact Shalim via Holoterminal"
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                                "frFemale": "Broadcast False Marching Orders",
                                "deMale": "Broadcast False Marching Orders",
                                "deFemale": "Broadcast False Marching Orders"
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                                "frFemale": "Broadcast a False Attack Strategy",
                                "deMale": "Broadcast a False Attack Strategy",
                                "deFemale": "Broadcast a False Attack Strategy"
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                                "frFemale": "Deactivate the Light Bridge",
                                "deMale": "Deactivate the Light Bridge",
                                "deFemale": "Deactivate the Light Bridge"
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                                "deFemale": "Hijack the Shuttle to Brakan Mesa"
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                                "deFemale": "Overload Sub-Reactor 2"
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                                "frFemale": "Overload the Primary Reactor",
                                "deMale": "Overload the Primary Reactor",
                                "deFemale": "Overload the Primary Reactor"
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                                "frFemale": "Defeat Grevin",
                                "deMale": "Defeat Grevin",
                                "deFemale": "Defeat Grevin"
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                                "deFemale": "Access the Emergancy Escape Hatch"
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                                "frFemale": "Return to Shalim",
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                                "deFemale": "Return to Shalim"
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    "Fqn": "qst.test.expansion_1.makeb.world_arc.republic.hitting_the_hutts",
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