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Moff Dracen

Moff Dracen
Level 40 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: War_world
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Moff Dracen
Other Sites:


  • 1506. - Thanks to you, Quesh is nearly under Imperial rule. All that remains is the Republic army's complete annihilation.
  • 1668. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1498. Player - The Jedi and his Hutt are dead.
      • 1501. - Excellent! The Republic will be furious.
    • 1499. Player - Master Fraal's dead. Broga's still breathing, but is sworn to the Empire.
      • 1500. - Excellent! I'd prefer the Hutt dead, but his cooperation will further infuriate the Republic.
        • 1513. - You have my thanks, and that of my council. We'd still be fighting over Quesh's mines if not for your help.
          • 1520. Option - No need to thank me.Player - Just doing my duty.
            • 1532. - Your dedication won't be ignored. And if you're still invested in our war, there's more work to be done.
          • 1518. Option - What happens to Quesh now?Player - Does the Empire have something in store for this planet?
            • 1529. - In time we will take over the Quesh venom industry. As for our military, there's still plenty to do.
          • 1517. Option - My talents are unsurpassed.Player - What can I say? I'm good at what I do.
            • 1523. - I couldn't agree more. That is why Quesh still needs you.
              • 1521. - The Republic's still fighting. Help us pile up enough bodies here, they'll retaliate on other planets. Then we'll have our war.
                • 1525. - But first enjoy your victory. Quesh will soon be ours, and the Republic grows more furious by the day.
                  • 1672. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1225. - The Republic thinks Master Fraal can save them. Prove them wrong.
  • 1659. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1607. Player - Moff Dracen--I'm patched in to the Hutt's mainframe.
      • 1608. - This is it--everything the Three Families knew about processing Quesh venom. We can erase the Republic's head-start in minutes!
        • 945. Option - Fantastic.Player - Good to hear it.
          • 946. - The Empire owes you much. Thanks to you, the Republic is quickly losing control of Quesh.
            • 899. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 877. Option - I'll take your word for it.Player - Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
          • 909. - Excuse me. Our top researchers will pour over these findings. I can't thank you enough.
            • 910. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 924. Option - Where's your gratitude?Player - That's some gratitude.
          • 879. - Thank you, of course. The Republic will be furious once we use this data to ramp up our own Quesh venom operation.
            • 880. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 881. - I see you've killed Jeelta and Portho. Outstanding. I wish there was time to celebrate, but our fight's not over yet.
              • 882. - I see you've killed Jeelta and... Portho? You're still alive?
                • 884. - What? Oh, hello, Moff. Just took a few adrenals. Care to join me?
                  • 886. - Foolish slug. I suppose we can use him--after we fix his adrenal habit. But our fight's not over yet.
                    • 928. - We have a Hutt on the loose--Broga, the last leader of the Three Families. He escaped before your assault.
                      • 1606. - As if losing that Hutt slime wasn't enough, we have a new problem. A powerful Jedi Master named Berin Fraal just landed on Quesh.
                        • 1198. Option - I know. I met the Jedi.Player - Fraal was talking to the Hutts when I arrived. He didn't appreciate the interruption.
                          • 1216. - You must have scared him. Master Fraal is wasting no time.
                        • 1214. Option - The Republic's regrouping.Player - They're digging in for something big. We better hit them first.
                          • 1215. - I'll deploy our army at once. Master Fraal mustn't have time to strike.
                            • 1540. - He's already amassing forces with Broga the Hutt. Slay them both, and the Republic's stranglehold on Quesh will crumble.
                              • 1490. Option - As you wish.Player - They will bow to my power. Then they will die.
                                • 1553. - Thank you, my lord. Show the Republic how weak they are.
                              • 1492. Option - They won't live another day.Player - This planet will soon belong to the Empire. Leave the details to me.
                              • 1493. Option - They're as good as dead.Player - I'll bag the Jedi and his Hutt pet.
                              • 1560. Option - I'll give it a shot.Player - No promises, but I'll try.
                                • 1561. - Do your best to kill them. That's all I ask.
                              • 1537. Option - I'll kill 'em for the credits.Player - As long as I get my credits.
                                • 1543. - I assure you, the Empire will pay well for their deaths.
                              • 1634. Option - Anything to end this battle.Player - Quesh deserves some peace. If that means killing these agitators, so be it.
                                • 1635. - Don't forget--we're here to spark war, not extinguish it.
                                  • 1574. - Find Master Fraal and Broga in the Quesh venom plant. Tear the facility apart. Make sure they don't leave the place alive.
                        • 1199. Option - They'll both die by my hands.Player - All enemies of the (Empire / Republic) will die before me.
                          • 1200. - I was hoping you'd jump at their throats.
                            • 1485. - Master Fraal's hiding out with Broga the Hutt. They're in the central Quesh venom processing plant.
                              • 1488. - Tear that plant apart. Kill the Jedi and his Hutt friend.
                                • 1674. <Conversation Exit>
  • 869. - Kill the Republic's Hutt friends, and the Three Families will fall.
  • 713. - I just spoke with Graag. He said you shut down the factories, and the fight's under control. Well done.
    • 716. - Without adrenals or their Quesh venom supply, the Republic is finally vulnerable! We must hit the Three Families with everything we have.
      • 757. - Slay the Hutt slime, their secrets die with them--the Republic can't process Quesh venom.
        • 922. - And they'll be pushed to the brink of galactic war. All we must do is kill the leaders of the Three Families.
          • 847. Option - I will lead the assault.Player - The Hutts will fall under my lightsaber.
          • 848. Option - I'll slay them myself.Player - When I'm through, the Hutts will beg me to kill them.
            • 860. - I'm glad you're so eager, my lord. We'll prepare for your attack at once.
          • 849. Option - I'll execute them.Player - Hutts make easy targets.
            • 858. - No one is better equipped for the job. We'll prepare for your operation immediately.
          • 850. Option - Three bounties will cost you.Player - You want these Hutts dead? Pay me their weight in credits.
            • 857. - I'll see that your payment matches the prey.
          • 953. Option - They'll anticipate our attack.Player - We've got the Republic on edge. The Hutts will be well-guarded.
            • 954. - Indeed. We have an inside contact who should help us level the playing field.
          • 1624. Option - Is killing them necessary?Player - There are other routes than violence.
            • 1625. - We have no choice. Showing the Three Families mercy weakens our position.
              • 768. - Colonel, wake Portho the Hutt from whatever adrenal-addled haze he's drowning in.
                • 1620. - Moff Dracen? Should've known you'd attack soon--and during my afternoon adrenals!
                  • 1146. - Too bad my compatriots just upped security. There's no getting past the front doors now.
                    • 1147. Option - Nothing will hold me back.Player - Your pathetic Hutt defenses can't stop a Sith.
                    • 1149. Option - We'll see about that.Player - Even the best security can be bypassed.
                      • 1150. - You could try taking out the main gate's shields. But there's another way...
                    • 1153. Option - Wanna bet?Player - I've busted down plenty of doors. This won't be any different.
                      • 1154. - I didn't mean it's impossible. There's just another way you could get in...
                    • 1157. Option - Is there an alternate way in?Player - Prove your worth, Portho. There must be another entrance.
                      • 1158. - Well--I suppose there is one thing we could try.
                    • 1161. Option - Then why do we need you alive?Player - Remember, Portho: A useless Hutt is a dead Hutt.
                      • 1162. - Don't be hasty! I can work something out!
                        • 1164. - My Chevin adviser, Norvaan Kel--he could smuggle a small group past security using my best adrenals.
                          • 1166. - They're strong enough for Hutts--you'll be knocked out cold. Norvaan can give you the adrenal then sneak you in.
                            • 1169. Option - Seems risky.Player - I'd rather not be comatose in the middle of a firefight.
                              • 1170. - You'll be awakened once inside. And the after effects are clean, I promise.
                            • 1173. Option - You'll pay if this is a trap.Player - If you try to double-cross me, you're dead.
                            • 1177. Option - I love a nap before murder.Player - I could use some shut-eye before slaughtering your friends.
                              • 1178. - If you say so. I'll make the arrangements, just in case.
                                • 1180. - We'll take your recommendation under advisement, Portho. Use your adrenals. When you awake, you'll be the only surviving member of the Three Families.
                                  • 1184. - You heard the fool: either fight through the front, or take Portho's adrenals and be smuggled in. Your choice.
                                    • 1185. Option - I prefer a direct fight.Player - The Hutt can keep his concoction. I'd rather fight on my feet.
                                      • 1186. - Portho gave us schematics on the palace's security. You'll need these EMP charges to scramble the generators shielding the main door.
                                        • 1188. - Excellent. Once you're inside, kill the leaders of the Three Families--Portho, too. Then upload their data on Quesh venom processing to me.
                                          • 1189. <Conversation Exit>
                                    • 1190. Option - The adrenal's the safest path.Player - I'll take the Hutt's concoction. Best to save my energy for the fight inside the palace.
                                      • 1191. - Norvaan Kel's hiding out behind the palace grounds. Security should be light during the battle.
                                        • 1193. - Take that Chevin's adrenal to infiltrate the palace. Once inside, kill the leaders of the Three Families--including Portho. Then transmit their data on Quesh venom processing to me.
                                          • 1196. <Conversation Exit>
  • 659. - The factories won't fall without you!
  • 108. Player - The mines are poisoned. The Republic's running scared.
    • 1483. - Excellent work. You also did a fine job razing their emplacements. My forces will have no trouble cleaning up your scraps.
    • 109. - Fantastic. We won't give them a chance to recover.
      • 69. - Our next move is to hit the Republic again. Hard.
        • 588. - Hello, Imps. Graag the Hutt is here. You ready?
          • 269. - Send him in. Quickly.
            • 271. - Graag is a leader of the Hutt Cartel. He keeps repulsive company, but he's proven a valuable ally.
              • 610. Option - I don't need his help.Player - I can take down the next target without Hutt interference.
                • 634. - That may be. But we can't afford to turn away Graag's support just yet.
              • 272. Option - He's an ally?Player - Why is a Hutt working with the Empire?
                • 275. - You could say Graag was forced to cooperate.
              • 636. Option - Never trust a Hutt.Player - I don't think that's a good idea.
                • 637. - Don't worry--Graag is dependable.
                  • 277. - He's here to make amends for the Three Families, a band of venom-sniffing Hutts.
                    • 1603. - They violated the Cartel's neutrality to help the Republic's mining operation on Quesh.
                      • 281. - Such favoritism deeply upset the Empire. The Cartel claimed ignorance and disowned the Three Families.
                        • 649. Option - The Three Families are doomed.Player - With the rogue Hutts isolated, all that's left is the killing blow.
                          • 660. - But first we must sever their source of income: the Republic's adrenal factories. Only then can we destroy the Three Families.
                        • 641. Option - The Cartel must have known.Player - I'm sure they took kickbacks from the Three Families and looked the other way.
                          • 644. - You're probably right. To make amends, the Cartel sent Graag--one of their finest leaders--to help us punish the Three Families.
                        • 643. Option - Spare me the Hutt trivia.Player - Get to the point.
                          • 645. - I simply remind you that the Empire's not alone. As a Cartel leader, Graag kindly "volunteered" to help us punish the Three Families.
                            • 653. - Don't mention those traitors! They make my blood boil!
                              • 296. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                • 677. - Graag, good of you to join us! Allow me to introduce our newest allies on Quesh.
                                  • 700. Option - The honor is yours.Player - Gaze upon me, Hutt. You won't see someone so powerful again in your lifetime.
                                  • 679. Option - The honor is yours.Player - I'd ask you to bow to my magnificence, but... well, you know.
                                    • 706. - You've made quite the impression on Quesh, Sith. Finally, we'll have the Force on our side as well.
                                  • 680. Option - I'm watching you.Player - It's a pleasure, Graag. Imperial Intelligence will be glad to hear of your cooperation.
                                    • 701. - I--I understand. Good to have your organization's support.
                                  • 681. Option - Watch yourself, slug.Player - I've dealt with your kind before. Don't try me.
                                    • 682. - I thought I recognized you. Nem'ro's friend, right? If his stories are true, I'm glad you're on our side.
                                  • 1613. Option - Hello, Graag.Player - Pleased to meet you.
                                    • 1616. - The pleasure's mine. But I'm afraid I bring bad news--our forces are in trouble.
                                  • 1615. Option - Let's stick to business.Player - I didn't sign on for handshakes. What's the next target?
                                    • 684. - Jedi have joined the defense of the Republic's factories. Even the Cartel's droid army can't maintain the assault for long.
                                      • 690. - The Three Families won't be vulnerable until we sever their income. Are you ready to kill these Jedi and cripple the Republic's adrenal production?
                                        • 691. Option - Let's do it.Player - Time to hit the Republic where it hurts.
                                        • 347. Option - I guess I'm ready.Player - Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
                                        • 755. Option - This will be too easy.Player - Hardly worthy of my talents, but sure.
                                          • 693. - Don't discount the Republic's strength. They're far more familiar with Quesh.
                                            • 350. - Graag--have your army hold the factories. Don't allow the Republic a second's rest.
                                              • 354. - Cut down the Jedi defenders. Then either destroy the adrenal production lines or kill the Selkath scientists operating them.
                                                • 1591. Option - No Selkath will survive.Player - The scientists chose the wrong day to show up for work. +100
                                                • 1592. Option - The machinery will fail.Player - The scientists are just doing their job. I'll cripple their equipment. +50
                                                  • 1593. - If that's your choice. Just don't return until those factories have ground to a halt.
                                                    • 357. <Conversation Exit>
                                • 301. - Graag, you finally grace us with your presence! Let me introduce the Empire's greatest weapon on Quesh.
  • 254. - The Republic's held Quesh for too long. Rip those mines from their grasp.
  • 70. - The Empire can't afford another loss, major. We must crush the Republic immediately!
    • 72. - They've been on Quesh for years--we can't destroy their entire mining operation overnight!
      • 76. - Gentlemen. We have company.
        • 84. - I'm Moff Dracen. Head of Quesh Imperial forces. You're here to join our war against the Republic?
          • 358. Option - War? I can't wait.Player - My lightsaber's itching for Republic victims.
          • 411. Option - Consider me your best weapon.Player - Not just join--I'll win it.
            • 389. - This operation's under control. We don't need Sith running wild down here.
              • 613. Option - Oh good. I smell a fight.Player - Insult the dark side. Sith love that.
          • 360. Option - Correct, sir.Player - I can't pass up the Empire's favorite pastime.
            • 393. - The Imperial military has the situation well in hand. We don't need Intelligence down here playing games!
              • 617. Option - I'll keep things simple.Player - No games. Just tell me who to kill.
          • 361. Option - Sure, but it'll cost you.Player - My rates skyrocket during wartime.
            • 443. - I'm sure we can work out a deal.
              • 363. - The Empire has the situation in hand. We don't need stinking mercenaries to win!
                • 611. Option - But you do need a Sith.Player - Your forces are nothing compared to the power of the dark side.
                • 614. Option - I'll keep my people in line.Player - Don't worry, Major. I keep my companions on a tight leash.
                  • 621. - That's not my point. The Empire can win this war!
                    • 623. - The Empire must use all of its assets to crush the Republic.
          • 131. Option - Tell me about the conflict.Player - What's the situation?
            • 433. - Quesh is a valuable planet, if you can believe it. We're here to stop the Republic's operation.
              • 434. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 414. Option - It's your war, not mine.Player - Why should I care?
            • 415. - Quesh is valuable. To the Republic, and to the Empire.
              • 416. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 417. - This is absurd! We don't need their kind interfering with our war!
                  • 376. Option - Oh really? [Force Choke]Player - There's more power in my fist than in your entire army. +50
                  • 378. Option - Oh really? [Shock him]Player - Let me remind you of the dark side's power, Major. +50
                  • 380. Option - Is that so? [Punch him]Player - Your manners need polish, Major. +50
                  • 382. Option - Oh really? [Punch him]Player - Maybe a broken jaw will improve your perspective. +50
                    • 383. - Enough. Save it for the Republic.
                  • 366. Option - Go on, major.Player - I suppose you have your own victory plan.
                    • 367. - That's right. My men take the mines, make the Republic panic. Then we propose a truce and ambush their leaders.
                      • 441. - Quaint theatrics won't work. Brutality, carnage--that's how you break the Republic.
                  • 543. Option - What a pitiful display.Player - I find your empty chatter amusing.
                    • 585. - I won't stand for this outrage!
                      • 373. - Yes, you will, major. Take your anger out on the Republic.
                        • 124. - They're responsible for our assignment to this toxic rock. The Republic went digging and found the source of this planet's poison.
                          • 1610. - The miners call it "Quesh venom." Lies just below the planet's surface.
                            • 1612. - We distill the stuff into Quell, a lethal poison. But the Republic knows how to refine it into high-grade adrenals.
                              • 130. - They've been processing the toxins into adrenals for years, with Hutt help no less. We've come to conquer their operation and claim Quesh's venom for the Empire.
                                • 406. Option - Destroy them all.Player - Tear down the Republic. Grind them into Quesh's soil.
                                • 407. Option - Make the Republic suffer.Player - Turn Quesh into a monument of Imperial cruelty.
                                  • 445. - I knew you'd have the appetite for this work. The Republic's defeat must be devastating.
                                • 408. Option - Make a show of it.Player - Carve their defeat into Quesh.
                                  • 448. - My goal exactly. Their ruin must be cataclysmic.
                                • 409. Option - That's a tall order.Player - If this is Republic territory, they won't go down easy.
                                  • 457. - But they will be ruined. The Empire won't settle for less.
                                • 132. Option - You're after something else.Player - The Empire wouldn't wage war on this scale just for resources.
                                  • 428. - Correct. The adrenals are a bonus. Our primary goal is to test the Republic.
                                • 188. Option - Yet the Republic's still here.Player - So what are we waiting for?
                                  • 155. - The Republic's downfall must be cataclysmic. Devastation on that level takes time.
                                    • 146. - Push them enough on Quesh, and the Republic will be provoked into open warfare across the galaxy.
                                      • 148. - Once they violate the Treaty of Coruscant, the Empire can strike without risking neutral worlds joining in. We must rile their temper.
                                        • 1598. Option - Let me anger them.Player - I have a talent for rousing the Republic's fury.
                                          • 1599. - I can't wait to see you test their restraint.
                                        • 219. Option - They'll be hard to push.Player - Provoking them to all-out war won't be easy.
                                          • 222. - That's why we must bend them to their breaking point.
                                        • 234. Option - Politics aren't my concern.Player - You say that like I should care.
                                          • 235. - Let me rephrase. We must goad the Republic into open warfare. Help, and you'll be compensated.
                                            • 224. - First, we strike the Republic's venom mines.
                                              • 226. - The venom produces noxious gas. That's why Quesh is so lovely. It's most lethal in the mines, so the Republic installed specialized filters.
                                                • 228. - Destroy those filters, release the poisonous gas, and the Republic will have to flee the mines.
                                                  • 238. Option - Consider it done.Player - They'll declare the mines a disaster site when I'm finished.
                                                  • 239. Option - I'm kind of busy.Player - I'll see if I can find the time.
                                                    • 240. - Don't delay. Our forces already siege the mines.
                                                      • 242. - Take out every weapon emplacement you can, then get inside and destroy the filtration units. Don't stop until the mines are choked with poison.
                                                        • 243. <Conversation Exit>
                                                  • 161. Option - Count me out. [Refuse quest]Player - I don't want any part of this.
                                                    <Aborts Conversation>
                                                    • 162. - Then we'll proceed according to plan. Enjoy your time on Quesh.
                                                      • 163. <Conversation Exit>
                • 423. - Enough! We don't need his help!
                • 420. - Don't waste your energy on her. A woman has no place on the battlefield.
  • 67. - This is a private council. Leave us.
  • 1656. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1583. - Be careful--the Republic's discovered Portho's treachery. Hurry, before the Hutts escape!
    • 1255. - Portho fulfilled his promise, for once. Consider these mercenaries his payment for your mercy.
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