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Darth Baras

Darth Baras
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Korriban
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Darth Baras
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  • 2. - The shuttle to Dromund Kaas will be leaving soon, apprentice. I suggest you gather your slave, other belongings, and catch it.
  • 53. - This is only the beginning. With you as my right hand, we shall strike fear into the Empire's enemies.
    • 55. - I must convene with the Emperor and inform him of your progress. This shuttle pass will take you to Dromund Kaas. Meet me at the Citadel there.
      • 452. Option - Yes, master.Player - As you wish (my lord / Master).
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 58. Option - I'm glad to get off Korriban.Player - As fond as I am of this unyielding planet, it will be a pleasure to leave.
        • 59. - You will find Dromund Kaas to be considerably more stimulating.
      • 66. Option - My regards to the Dark Lord.Player - Tell the Emperor I said hello.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 67. - I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
          • 69. - Take the Twi'lek slave as my gift. Do with her as you wish. If she'll be of use, by all means, take her with you to Dromund Kaas.
            • 70. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 71. - Take the elevator to the Academy shuttle bay. There is a shuttle leaving soon. Be sure you're on it.
                • 611. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - I am beside myself. Not only did you get the Twi'lek to cooperate, but you completed the task and claimed the ancient lightsaber.
    • 5. - Vemrin was not in my chamber as I instructed. I take it he sought to stop you and claim the ancient weapon as his own.
      • 6. Option - Of course he did.Player - He tried and failed. Vemrin was nothing if not consistent.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 8. Option - I tried to spare him.Player - Regrettably, he wouldn't take "no" for an answer. I was forced to kill him.
        • 9. - Yes, I'm sure it was difficult to bring yourself to do it.
      • 16. Option - The fool is worm food.Player - He did. Now his carcass feeds the tomb's beasts.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 17. - No doubt he will be as tough to digest as he was to defeat.
          • 18. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 19. - I knew he would confront you. The two of you were equally strong but exact opposites--who better to test one another's mettle?
              • 21. - It was all part of my plan--one final cataclysmic trial for my two strongest acolytes. Whoever emerged would be my right hand.
                • 34. Option - You needed a test?Player - I'm disappointed. It should have been obvious I was superior.
                  • 35. - I do not rely on guesswork. I had to be sure.
                • 26. Option - Why throw away a good man?Player - If he was so strong, he could have been a valuable asset. Seems like a waste to me.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 27. - A necessary sacrifice. It had to be done to bring out your best.
                • 30. Option - You're a sneak.Player - Consider me educated. Now I know you're a master manipulator.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 31. - Yes, and don't you forget it.
                    • 37. - Bravo. I see you may indeed become one of the strongest Sith in the galaxy. Your trials are over. You are now my apprentice.
                      • 38. Option - Command me, my lord.Player - I am your humble servant, master. I bow before you.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 46. Option - I rush to your service.Player - I can hardly wait to start, my master.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 47. - Good, because it's time to unleash you.
                      • 451. Option - It's about time.Player - It's about time.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 51. - Mind your tone, my young initiate.
  • 552. <Conversation Exit>
  • 73. - Ah, you've acquired the Twi'lek slave. Good. The lightsaber is almost yours. Now make her show you the entrance to the forbidden cave in the tomb of Naga Sadow.
  • 74. - Don't make me regret selecting you to get the special lightsaber. Retrieve the Twi'lek from the slave pens and find the forbidden cave in the tomb of Naga Sadow.
  • 211. - Now, I hope you fathom how fortunate you are to be singled out. If you become my apprentice, the galaxy will bend before you.
    • 443. Option - It fills me with pride.Player - I'm honored.
    • 216. Option - It's only appropriate.Player - You're not going to regret this, Baras. I was born to be Sith.
    • 447. Option - Unleash me.Player - I can't wait to kill things.
      • 219. - The lightsaber you will seek is old and powerful. It is housed in a forbidden cavern in the tomb of Naga Sadow where few Sith have ever set foot.
        • 221. - Almost no one knows how to find the secret entrance. But there is a Twi'lek in the holding pens who was caught breaking in there.
          • 223. - I hear she is quite willful. Take her and make her show you the entrance to the forbidden cave.
            • 448. Option - Of course.Player - Of course.
            • 226. Option - I can do it myself.Player - You insult me, Baras. I do not need the help of a slave.
              • 227. - You will not find the forbidden cave without her.
            • 230. Option - Good, someone I get to break.Player - That sounds like fun. I will enjoy bending her to my will.
              • 233. - Yes, dominate her as you see fit.
                • 562. - Other acolytes seeking to complete their trials are sent to the tomb, where Academy laws are waived. They will try to murder you.
                  • 235. - This final test will determine if you become Sith. So, bolster yourself. To set foot in the tomb of Naga Sadow is to breathe in death itself.
                    • 596. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 597. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 450. Option - I like a challenge.Player - I like a challenge.
                        • 449. Option - Appreciate the advice.Player - Thanks for the warning.
                        • 242. Option - I will fill my lungs.Player - Ah, death. My favorite stench.
                          • 243. - Go then. Retrieve the Twi'lek from the Academy slave pens, then seek your lightsaber.
                            • 245. - We will see if you belong in the Sith Order, let alone deserve to be my apprentice.
                              • 246. <Conversation Exit>
  • 75. - The prodigal supplicant returns--and with all the shards from the tomb of Tulak Hord. Superb.
    • 76. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 77. - It appears Klemral was right and you were wrong, Vemrin.
      • 79. - It seems your hopes have been dashed, Vemrin.
        • 81. - Appearances can be deceptive.
          • 82. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 83. - Excuse Vemrin, supplicant. He expected you to fall on your face.
              • 84. Option - He never learns. Player - This is old hat for Vemrin. He should be used to disappointment by now.
              • 88. Option - Who cares?Player - I have little to no interest in anything Vemrin says or does, master.
              • 90. Option - I know all about him.Player - Let me explain something to you, master, I have come to realize--Vemrin is a fool.
            • 92. - Excuse Vemrin, supplicant. He didn't take kindly to you turning those young acolytes on him--even though they were only untrained novices.
              • 93. Option - He needed the practice.Player - He should thank me. Novices or not, I bet he had his hands full.
              • 95. Option - Turnabout is fair play.Player - That was a trick I learned from Vemrin himself. I was just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
              • 97. Option - I'm not sorry.Player - I hope he's not holding his breath for an apology. A blowhard like him might suffocate.
                • 100. - The tension is thick between you two. A great source of emotion to feed on. I wonder what will happen when it boils over.
                  • 421. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 102. - But first, a matter to clear up: There is very little that escapes my scrutiny and I know, acolyte, that you provided Klemral with his shards.
                      • 104. - So, since it was only by your tolerance that Klemral stands before me, I leave his fate in your hands. What should I do with him?
                        • 108. Option - He deserves to be here.Player - He still managed to succeed. The directive was by any means necessary. That kind of resourcefulness should be rewarded. +50
                          • 109. - Surviving this long is no small feat, so I agree that he should be allowed to live. But I do not find him to be Sith material.
                        • 112. Option - His training should end.Player - He recognized his limitations, which has its own merit. But those limitations mark him unworthy to continue the journey to being Sith.
                          • 113. - Yes, the next trial would destroy him instantly. While he is not Sith material, he is a survivor, so perhaps he can be of some use.
                            • 115. - Klemral, I'm assigning you to oversee the Academy prisons. It's not a glamorous post but do your job, and you'll be respected here. Report to Jailer Knash immediately.
                              • 117. - Thank you, my lord. Thank you both.
                                • 583. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 584. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 436. Option - Take care, Klemral.Player - Good luck.
                                      • 119. - And to you.
                                    • 124. Option - Fortune is smiling on you.Player - Today sure is your lucky day. You got better than you deserved.
                                      • 125. - Thanks to you. Goodbye.
                                    • 128. Option - Get out of my sight.Player - Your groveling sickens me. Prostrate yourself somewhere else.
                                      • 129. - I won't bother you anymore.
                                        • 131. - He certainly lacks backbone, but perhaps he'll rise above that someday. Now, are the two of you ready for your final trial?
                        • 136. Option - Kill him.Player - Klemral proved himself to be useless. If it's up to me, I say he should die. +50
                          • 137. - No less than he deserves.
                            • 139. - No! Please, I don't want to die!
                              • 141. - Spineless. Now, are the two of you prepared to face your final trial?
                                • 589. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 590. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 437. Option - Let's do it.Player - Let's do it.
                                      • 145. - I can't wait to show you how ready I am, Lord Baras.
                                        • 146. Option - Suck-up.Player - Nice, Vemrin. Most people have to get on their knees to lick boots like that.
                                        • 148. Option - As am I.Player - What must be done, my master?
                                        • 152. Option - Be quiet.Player - Then why don't you shut up and let the man talk?
                                    • 154. Option - I'm looking forward to this.Player - I love the sound of that--"final trial." The anticipation is killing me.
                                      • 155. - Good. It'll save me the trouble of killing you.
                                        • 440. Option - Scared, Vemrin?Player - What's the matter? Afraid?
                                    • 164. Option - My foe should stay home.Player - I'm worried about Vemrin. I sincerely doubt he's up for it.
                                      • 165. - I'm gonna make you eat those words.
                                        • 439. Option - You're all talk.Player - I find your empty chatter amusing.
                                        • 172. Option - I will kill you.Player - I think I'll eat your heart instead.
                                        • 158. Option - We don't need to fight.Player - I'm not sure why you think I'm your enemy, Vemrin.
                                          • 455. - You both stand on the precipice of becoming Sith.
                    • 175. - Yes, such delightful anger--but enough for now. You both stand on the precipice of becoming Sith. You've earned the right to face the final trial.
                      • 177. - But only one of you will have the opportunity to claim a special lightsaber and serve as my apprentice. I thought it would be you, Vemrin, but I've changed my mind.
                        • 179. - What? I've done everything you've asked. Better than any of the others! The honor should be mine!
                          • 186. Option - I deserve this.Player - This is as it should be. Get used to being in my shadow.
                          • 180. Option - I feel for you.Player - I'm sorry, Vemrin. I know how much you were gunning for this.
                          • 184. Option - Having a bad day?Player - Ignore Vemrin, Lord Baras, his world is crumbling around him.
                            • 187. - Today, Vemrin is every bit your equal but the Force is stronger with you, acolyte, and there is a power sleeping within you. It was a simple decision.
                              • 199. - Now, Vemrin, go wait in my antechamber for your instructions. This instant!
                                • 593. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 594. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 200. Option - What's next?Player - Now with that unpleasantness behind us....
                                      • 201. - This isn't done. Mark my words.
                                    • 203. Option - No hard feelings, Vemrin.Player - I know we've had our differences, Vemrin, but good luck to you, nonetheless.
                                      • 204. - Know this--when you trip up, I'll be there.
                                    • 208. Option - No, come on, let me rub it in.Player - Please, Lord Baras, I wish you'd let him stay. I want to see him cry.
                                      • 209. - This? This is what you want to represent the future of the order, Baras?
  • 247. - You have yet to acquire the shards from the tomb of Tulak Hord. I suggest you hasten yourself.
  • 284. - Now, there are sacred ruins in the tomb of Tulak Hord. The ancient inscriptions that once adorned the walls of each ruin lie in pieces.
    • 286. - You will venture through the entire tomb, search all of the ruins, and bring me a shard from each of these inscriptions. You will do this or you will die.
      • 578. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 579. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 287. Option - I hear and obey.Player - I understand what's at stake. You've made it quite clear.
          • 433. Option - Uh-huh, sure.Player - Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
            • 294. - Do not take this lightly, supplicant.
          • 297. Option - Not much of a choice.Player - Dying is never an option. I have a strict policy against it.
            • 298. - Then you had better be prepared.
              • 300. - Vemrin and my other acolytes have already been sent. There are no rules regarding how they secure the shards, and they will stop at nothing.
                • 316. - Fight your way through the tomb of Tulak Hord in the Valley of the Dark Lords, and bring me the shards from each of the ruined shrines.
                  • 317. <Conversation Exit>
  • 248. - What's this? The acolyte returns and with a bloodied weapon. I assume this means Tremel is no more. Give me his hand.
    • 249. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 250. - I'm concerned, supplicant. You left the overseer's rings. They could be valuable and serve as glorious reminders of your potency.
        • 251. Option - They're to ID the corpse.Player - I thought it best to leave them as proof.
          • 252. - Smart. They unmistakably mark the hand's owner.
        • 255. Option - I'm not a scavenger.Player - What kind of greedy beggar steals trinkets from the dead?
          • 256. - It is not greed to take what is won.
        • 263. Option - I'm not sentimental.Player - I don't need trophies to commemorate the past.
          • 264. - Foolish. We are defined by our victories and the quality of our victims.
            • 266. - Here. Take this one ring as a memento. Remembering the past can strengthen resolve and embolden the spirit.
              • 268. - I am impressed you had the fortitude to destroy him. You know, he thought of you as family. How did it feel to betray him?
                • 431. Option - It had to be done.Player - I did what I had to.
                  • 270. - You mask your feelings well. As long as you don't suppress them.
                • 273. Option - I took it hard.Player - We worked closely together. It was quite difficult, master.
                  • 274. - Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that.
                • 281. Option - It felt great.Player - It was a day I will long remember. I savored it completely.
                  • 282. - Good. Feast on that. Not every kill will be as meaningful.
                    • 523. - You have taken your first step to understanding the Sith Code. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, we gain strength.
                      • 525. - Through strength, we gain power. Through power, we gain victory, and through victory, our chains are broken. The Force shall set us free.
                        • 575. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 576. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 527. Option - I hear you.Player - I will commit that to memory, master.
                            • 526. Option - Inspirational.Player - That's beautiful. Words to live by.
                              • 531. - Without those words, you will not be alive long.
                                • 530. - By embracing the code and destroying Tremel, you have freed yourself from his shackles. And escaped his fate.
                                  • 547. Option - Different master, same fate.Player - And now I'm bound by your shackles.
                                    • 548. - You'll find they are a marked improvement, with much greater potential range.
                            • 528. Option - I'm unimpressed.Player - Is that code really supposed to be meaningful to me?
                              • 529. - Before the code, you had an indelible association with Tremel.
                                • 535. - By killing your overseer, you've broken the chain that bound you to him... and to his fate. So you tell me, is the code meaningful to you?
                                  • 536. Option - Yes, sir.Player - You've made your point. I understand.
                                  • 537. Option - Fine. Maybe.Player - Tell you what, I'll think about it.
                                    • 538. - Ha. You have a bold spirit. Rancors must be broken before they can be ridden, too.
                                  • 539. Option - I am delivered and saved.Player - I'm glad to be free of Tremel.
                                    • 540. - That's more like it. I had a feeling you'd be a fast learner.
  • 318. - You continue to loiter? My eyes are already narrowing on you. Kill Tremel and bring back his hand. Immediately.
  • 319. - Most of you will not return from this endeavor. If you die, you will be forgotten. If you give up, you will be killed. Now, out of my sight.
    • 321. - I've got a bad feeling about this.
      • 323. - You should. This is the end of the line for you, Klemral. Just make sure you stay out of my way.
        • 325. - Look here, Vemrin, I see the upstart but no sign of Dolgis.
          • 565. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 566. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 330. Option - That lackey failed.Player - Dolgis wasn't Sith enough, and neither is Vemrin.
              • 328. Option - My reputation precedes me.Player - I just arrived, and it seems everyone already knows who I am.
              • 332. Option - Pretty gutless move, Vemrin.Player - Only a coward sends others to do his dirty work. Guess that makes you a coward, Vemrin.
                • 333. - So Tremel's last gasp made it all the way here. You're gonna regret stepping into my world.
                  • 335. - Klemral, Vemrin, you have been dismissed.
                    • 337. - Yes, master.
                      • 338. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 339. - This isn't over.
                          • 569. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 340. Option - Show some respect.Player - Eventually you will have to admit I'm here to stay.
                              • 341. - It's never going to happen. Never.
                            • 426. Option - We don't have to fight.Player - I'm sure we can work this out peacefully.
                              • 344. - Once, perhaps, but not anymore. You are most certainly going to get hurt.
                            • 423. Option - You're messing with trouble.Player - Do you really think you can take me?
                              • 350. - I underestimated you by sending Dolgis. It will not happen again.
                                • 352. - Are you having trouble with acolyte Vemrin, supplicant?
                                  • 357. Option - You could say that.Player - It seems that way. I'm not sure why he's so bothered by me.
                                    • 358. - And why shouldn't he be?
                                  • 427. Option - I can handle it.Player - Nothing disturbs me.
                                    • 362. - He is thoroughly capable of backing up his threats.
                                  • 365. Option - He's playing with fire.Player - If he insists on getting in my face like that, he's going to have trouble with me.
                                    • 366. - He has been hardened into a lethal machine.
                                      • 368. - Vemrin has paid his dues. He's fought a deck stacked against him to get here. You, on the other hand....
                                        • 370. - Let me get a closer look at you. Yes, as I suspected. Overseer Tremel has done you and this Academy a great disservice.
                                          • 571. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 572. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                              • 375. Option - I disagree.Player - You don't know what you're talking about. Overseer Tremel did a fine job with me.
                                              • 379. Option - I know what you mean.Player - You don't have to tell me. I had to put up with the man.
                                                • 380. - And yet you followed Tremel's lead without question.
                                              • 383. Option - But I did so well.Player - Forget Tremel. I excelled at every single task.
                                                • 384. - Yes, you have been successful, that can't be argued. But Tremel has rushed your training.
                                                  • 496. - Your warblade came early, prisoners flown in for your convenience, even a beast here on Korriban instead of offworld in the wild.
                                                    • 386. - The pacing of the trials is deliberate. Only full immersion over time produces results. Your mind is soft, unhoned, undisciplined.
                                                      • 393. Option - Apologies, lord.Player - It was never my intention to offend.
                                                        • 394. - But it is offensive. To be presented with an acolyte who doesn't even have a rudimentary understanding of what it means to be Sith.
                                                      • 429. Option - I don't think so.Player - I don't think so.
                                                      • 401. Option - Have your fun now.Player - I'll remember that. And someday, you'll regret those words.
                                                        • 402. - I wouldn't regret destroying you where you stand.
                                                          • 503. - The first month of trials should be dedicated to philosophy, conceptual tactics, understanding of the Sith Code.
                                                            • 404. - Recite the Sith Code for me, acolyte, and explain its meaning in battle, war and politics.
                                                              • 512. Option - I can't.Player - I don't recall learning a Sith Code, my lord.
                                                              • 559. Option - [Bluff] I know the code. Player - Sure, give me a minute. Uh, well, you see there's the dark side, um... the light side, and uh... and there you have it.
                                                              • 506. Option - [Bluff] I know the code. Player - Sure, give me a minute. See, there's the dark side--
                                                                • 507. - Pathetic. I can read the lie from a nascent Force user with my eyes closed.
                                                              • 513. Option - I don't need it.Player - The only code I need to know is kill or be killed.
                                                                • 514. - Your ability is undeniable. But your readiness and understanding of the Sith way is woefully lacking.
                                                                  • 501. - I am your master now. Tremel was becoming lax before you ever arrived. His unwillingness to adapt to the evolving Sith paradigm has become a liability.
                                                                    • 406. - These are the actions of a traitor. Traitors are executed. I grant you immunity from punishment. Kill Tremel and bring back his hand as proof.
                                                                      • 430. Option - Of course.Player - As you wish (my lord / Master).
                                                                      • 409. Option - If I have to.Player - I do not like the idea of killing him, but I'll do it if I must. +50
                                                                        • 410. - I do not make requests, supplicant.
                                                                      • 417. Option - My dream come true.Player - It will be my extreme pleasure. +50
                                                                        • 418. - Now, leave. I'm sure Tremel is still in his chambers. Don't return until you've killed him.
                                                                          • 419. <Conversation Exit>
  • 420. - What are you doing here? I believe you are under Overseer Tremel's whip. You have no business here.
  • 1. - I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this intrusion was an accident. But it would be in your best interest to leave.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.sith_warrior.darth_baras
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