- Ah, you've acquired the Twi'lek slave. Good. The lightsaber is almost yours. Now make her show you the entrance to the forbidden cave in the tomb of Naga Sadow.
- Don't make me regret selecting you to get the special lightsaber. Retrieve the Twi'lek from the slave pens and find the forbidden cave in the tomb of Naga Sadow.
- So, since it was only by your tolerance that Klemral stands before me, I leave his fate in your hands. What should I do with him?
108. Option - He deserves to be here.Player - He still managed to succeed. The directive was by any means necessary. That kind of resourcefulness should be rewarded. +50
- Surviving this long is no small feat, so I agree that he should be allowed to live. But I do not find him to be Sith material.
Link to Node 115
112. Option - His training should end.Player - He recognized his limitations, which has its own merit. But those limitations mark him unworthy to continue the journey to being Sith.
- Klemral, I'm assigning you to oversee the Academy prisons. It's not a glamorous post but do your job, and you'll be respected here. Report to Jailer Knash immediately.
- But only one of you will have the opportunity to claim a special lightsaber and serve as my apprentice. I thought it would be you, Vemrin, but I've changed my mind.
- Today, Vemrin is every bit your equal but the Force is stronger with you, acolyte, and there is a power sleeping within you. It was a simple decision.
- You will venture through the entire tomb, search all of the ruins, and bring me a shard from each of these inscriptions. You will do this or you will die.
578. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 300
579. <Non-dialogue segment.>
287. Option - I hear and obey.Player - I understand what's at stake. You've made it quite clear.
- Recite the Sith Code for me, acolyte, and explain its meaning in battle, war and politics.
512. Option - I can't.Player - I don't recall learning a Sith Code, my lord.
Link to Node 514
559. Option - [Bluff] I know the code. Player - Sure, give me a minute. Uh, well, you see there's the dark side, um... the light side, and uh... and there you have it.
Link to Node 507
506. Option - [Bluff] I know the code. Player - Sure, give me a minute. See, there's the dark side--
- I am your master now. Tremel was becoming lax before you ever arrived. His unwillingness to adapt to the evolving Sith paradigm has become a liability.