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Level 6 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Ord_mantell
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Syreena
Other Sites:


  • 2. - I can't believe you fried Viidu, sweetheart. So what if he caught you talking to separatists?
    • 4. - He threatened to turn me in to Rogun the Butcher. I had to kill him. Besides, now we can finally be together.
      • 6. - Yeah... and the thing is, my cargo hold is full and I'm busy with work. I'll call you some time, though. I promise.
        • 8. - What are you talking about? You promised to get me out of here. I've done everything for you, Skavak!
          • 10. - You did it for the money, same as me. The only difference is you're not actually gettin' paid. I'll see you around, darling.
            • 12. - Captain? I... I didn't see you come in. It's wonderful you're still alive. How long have you been back?
              • 13. Option - Long enough.Player - I heard everything, Syreena.
                • 14. - Then there's no point in lying to you.
              • 21. Option - The separatists say hello.Player - Your friends in the secret base ratted you out.
                • 22. - I should've known those half-wits wouldn't kill you. No use pretending, then.
              • 383. Option - You're so dead.Player - You're a dead woman.
                • 26. - I guess you heard all that, huh? Look, I know things that can help you.
                  • 28. - Skavak used me just like he did everyone else--that man could charm the armor off a Mandalorian.
                    • 29. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 30. - I never had anything personal against you, Captain. If I promise to help you, will you let me go?
                        • 31. Option - Why should I?Player - You think you deserve to get away after what you did?
                          • 32. - You killed Viidu, Syreena. We're not taking that lightly.
                            • 34. - It was self-defense. Viidu was going to turn me over to Rogun. Guess what "the Butcher" does to his enemies?
                          • 37. - Skavak is the one who set all this up. If you want to punish someone, he's the one who deserves it.
                        • 386. Option - We'll see, won't we?Player - I'll think about it.
                          • 384. - We don't have time to negotiate.
                        • 40. Option - You deserve much worse.Player - Scum like you give the rest of us girls a bad name.
                          • 41. - I'm no different from you. We all do what we have to.
                        • 44. Option - Not likely.Player - Don't expect to sweet-talk your way out of this.
                          • 45. - Much as I might enjoy the challenge of cracking that hard shell of yours, we're a little pressed for time.
                            • 53. - Rogun the Butcher's bounty hunters are on their way right now. We don't want to be here when they arrive.
                              • 55. - Skavak took your ship and the guns to Coruscant. If you go now, he won't know you're coming for him.
                                • 56. Option - Getting there might be rough.Player - How do I get all the way to Coruscant without a ship?
                                  • 387. - You don't need your own starship to leave Ord Mantell--not anymore.
                                • 62. Option - What's he up to?Player - What kind of scam is Skavak pulling on Coruscant?
                                  • 63. - He wouldn't tell me. It's something big, though.
                                • 66. Option - That won't save you.Player - I still have plenty of time to kill you before I go.
                                  • 67. - Every second you waste threatening me lets Rogun's bounty hunters get closer. Am I really worth it?
                                    • 69. - The separatists are retreating from this island thanks to you, and the Republic just reopened the shuttle port.
                                      • 71. - I'll give you a shuttle pass to Coruscant if you let me disappear. Do we have a deal?
                                        • 390. Option - I guess we do.Player - Anything to get away from here. +100
                                          • 73. - Good. Then I'll be on my way.
                                            • 113. Option - Good riddance.Player - I'd say it's been a pleasure, but I hate to lie.
                                            • 115. Option - Straighten out your life.Player - I hope you stay out of trouble after this.
                                            • 117. Option - Leave, already.Player - Just get lost, you cheap tramp.
                                              • 118. - When you find Skavak, go easy on him. He's a two-timing liar, but... it would be nice to see him again, someday.
                                        • 389. Option - I want more.Player - I'd rather have credits.
                                          • 79. - Naturally. I always keep some money handy for moments like this. Take all of it.
                                            • 391. Option - Don't mind if I do.Player - I earned this. +50
                                            • 392. Option - Smart move.Player - I knew you'd roll over without a fight. +50
                                              • 369. - I'm glad we could be reasonable about things. Here's that shuttle pass, too.
                                                • 394. - When you find Skavak, tell him... tell him I had no choice, all right? Goodbye, Captain.
                                                  • 119. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                    • 457. - Glad that ended peacefully. I'm not one to hurt women.
                                                      • 458. Option - You're kidding, right?Player - You don't seem to have trouble hurting anyone else. Why women?
                                                        • 459. - I was raised to tip my hat and open doors for ladies, not blast them.
                                                          • 461. - You probably think I'm some dumb farm boy, huh? Head full of old-fashioned ideas?
                                                            • 462. Option - The jury is still out.Player - You have a lot to learn about women, Corso.
                                                              • 463. - No doubt about that. Sorry if I overstepped myself, Captain.
                                                            • 466. Option - You're so cute.Player - I don't think you're dumb. You're actually kind of sweet.
                                                              +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            • 470. Option - Good guess.Player - How did you guess?
                                                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                              • 471. - I can't help how I was raised--and I don't apologize for it, either.
                                                      • 474. Option - Me neither.Player - No good would've come of it.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        • 475. - I'm not letting her off for killing Viidu. I'll spread the word about what she did.
                                                      • 478. Option - What about Viidu?Player - You don't care that she killed your boss?
                                                        • 479. - 'Course I do--which is why I'm gonna make sure people know what she did to him.
                                                      • 482. Option - Who cares what you think?Player - Not really interested in your feelings 'bout this, Corso.
                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 483. - All I'm saying is, letting Syreena go was for the best. We've got enough troubles as it is.
                                                          • 485. - Poor old Viidu. I wish he could hear what we did--would've put a smile on his face.
                                                            • 486. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                              • 488. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                • 489. Option - I'd like to believe it.Player - Think we made any difference in this war?
                                                                  • 490. - We killed a hundred separatists between the two of us. They'll think twice before sending reinforcements.
                                                                • 493. Option - Sorry he's dead.Player - Wish we had time for a proper funeral, but we need to move.
                                                                  • 494. - If Viidu was alive, he'd agree.
                                                                • 497. Option - Let's keep fighting.Player - I want to go kill more separatists.
                                                                  • 498. - It's not healthy for us to stick around, Captain. I believed what Syreena said about bounty hunters coming.
                                                                    • 500. - We don't know how long Skavak will stay on Coruscant, either. Let's hop a shuttle and catch him while we can.
                                                                      • 501. Option - "We"?Player - You're planning to tag along?
                                                                        • 502. - I'm not bailing out on you now, Captain. Besides, my Torchy still needs rescuing.
                                                                      • 505. Option - Good idea.Player - Sounds like a worthy cause.
                                                                      • 507. Option - Great--I'm sick of this place.Player - I'm never coming back to this lousy planet.
                                                                        • 508. - Viidu left me some stuff. I expect he'd want me to share it with you.
                                                                          • 510. - Let's head for the shuttle port. We'll be off this planet before you know it.
                                                                            • 531. <Conversation Exit>
                                            • 86. Option - Still not enough. [Kill her]Player - Thanks for the money, but I'm killing you anyway. +150
                                              • 367. - You double-crossing scum!
                                        • 120. Option - No need. [Kill her]Player - I'll take that shuttle pass off your corpse. +100
                                          • 432. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 433. - You ladies sure can be vicious. Hope you don't ever expect me to shoot a woman.
                                              • 434. Option - Why not?Player - That bothered you?
                                              • 436. Option - Even if you had to?Player - If a woman was shooting at you, you wouldn't shoot back?
                                                • 437. - Self-defense is one thing. You backed Syreena into a corner.
                                              • 440. Option - Don't be such a baby.Player - What are you, some kind of coward?
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 441. - 'Course not--but I was raised to be respectful to ladies. Even the bad ones.
                                            • 444. - That was cold-blooded, Captain. Where I come from, real men don't shoot ladies.
                                              • 445. Option - It was justice.Player - She brought that on herself when she killed Viidu.
                                                • 446. - I appreciate the sentiment, but I was raised to treat women differently.
                                              • 449. Option - She knew too much.Player - I didn't want her warning Skavak about us.
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 450. - I see the percentage in that--but killing her was a poor way to keep her quiet.
                                              • 453. Option - Watch your mouth.Player - Where I come from, we kill anybody we want--got it?
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 454. - All I'm saying is, executing women is hard on my conscience.
                                          • 121. - You have no idea what I'm capable of, Captain. You've just signed your own death mark!
  • 124. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 125. - What more do we have to say to each other? Goodbye, Captain.
    • 127. - Please come back alive, Captain. Viidu and I are both counting on you.
  • 137. - Sorry, I don't handle unstable chemicals. That's Viidu's department.
  • 142. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 143. - Thank you for stepping in, Captain. I was so frightened.
      • 144. Option - Not a problem.Player - I couldn't let those thugs push you around.
        • 145. - Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone here. It's good to know that's not the case.
        • 148. - I've never had anyone defend me before. I wish there were more men like you in this galaxy.
      • 155. Option - I'm just glad they bought it.Player - Luckily, those boys were pretty gullible.
        • 156. - Bluff? It's closer to the truth than I want to admit.
      • 382. Option - Next time, save yourself.Player - Just don't ask me to do anything like that again.
        • 160. - Sorry to put you in that position. I usually take care of myself.
    • 163. - You... you killed them all--for me. Thank you, Captain. I don't know what else to say.
      • 175. Option - "Thank you" will do fine.Player - Don't make a big deal out if it. I hardly broke a sweat.
        • 176. - They never stood a chance against you. Does anyone?
      • 379. Option - You'll be fine.Player - You're safe now.
        • 165. - Having a friend like you means a lot to me.
        • 168. - If there's any way I can repay you, I will.
      • 179. Option - Don't flatter yourself.Player - I didn't kill them for you. I just wanted a good fight.
        • 180. - Regardless, I owe you my life. Those vile men were going to hurt me.
          • 182. - What Bracco said was true--Rogun the Butcher will kill Viidu if those blasters don't turn up.
            • 183. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 184. - I hope whatever course of action you're pursuing pays off, Captain. More lives than your own depend on it.
                • 185. Option - Then I won't let you down.Player - Everything will be alright. Trust me.
                  • 186. - Hearing you say it makes me believe it.
                • 381. Option - Well, don't look at me.Player - Don't expect help in the future.
                  • 198. - Very well. I'm glad to know where we stand.
                • 193. Option - So?Player - Why should I care if you live or die?
                  • 194. - Why would you help and then say that? I thought we were friends.
                    • 200. - I'll be sure to keep out of harm's way from now on.
              • 202. - Viidu can't protect me anymore. He's not half the man you are.
                • 203. Option - Then again, who is?Player - Chin up, Syreena. As long as I'm around, you'll be safe.
                  • 204. - You really mean that, don't you? You're so strong, so confident. I....
                • 405. Option - [Flirt] I'm more than a man.Player - What can I say? Human men lack my special qualities.
                  • 406. - I wish I'd met you before Viidu. Maybe then....
                • 207. Option - [Flirt] So why stay with him?Player - Let's find a nice quiet spot to talk about that.
                  • 208. - I... I can't do that to Viidu right now. Maybe when the danger is past....
                • 380. Option - This was a one-time deal.Player - Don't expect help in the future.
                  • 216. - But you've already done so much. I know somewhere deep down you care about me.
                    • 218. - I should go. Viidu's waiting for you. I won't forget your kindness, Captain. Farewell, for now.
    • 220. - What are you looking at, you useless worm?
      • 228. Option - The real Syreena.Player - You've got some fire in you, lady.
        • 229. - Oh, you have no idea. Keep your distance unless you want to get burned.
      • 221. Option - You were armed?Player - If you had that blaster all along, why ask for my help?
        • 222. - Because I like to know who my friends are.
        • 225. - Maybe I just wanted to see what kind of man you are. Now I know.
      • 236. Option - Watch your mouth.Player - Insult me again and you'll be sorry.
        • 237. - What makes you think I'll waste another breath on you?
          • 239. - Goodbye, Captain. Thanks for nothing.
            • 240. <Conversation Exit>
  • 513. <Conversation Exit>
  • 241. - Leave me alone, Bracco. If Viidu knew about this, he'd--
    • 243. - Viidu? That blob can't even protect himself. It's only a matter of time before Rogun the Butcher punches your fat meal ticket for good.
      • 245. - You'd better start thinking about the future, girl. When Viidu's gone, you'll need new friends.
        • 247. - Captain, thank goodness. I could use your help here.
          • 256. Option - Let's bluff them.Player - Throttle down, boys. Word is, Rogun the Butcher has his eye on Syreena. +50
            • 377. - Th--that's right, Bracco. You don't want to get on Rogun's bad side.
              • 257. - He's already scoping out his future trophies, huh? Figures. It just proves Viidu ain't long for this world.
                • 259. - Let's go, guys.
          • 266. Option - Who wants the first beat-down?Player - There's nothing wrong with you scum a good thrashing won't fix. +50
            • 399. - We don't take beatings from aliens--we give them.
            • 267. - You're cute, little girl, but not so cute we won't make an example out of you.
            • 270. - You just picked a fight with the wrong bunch of guys, pal.
              • 272. - Any last words? Nevermind--we don't care!
                • 365. <Conversation Exit>
          • 376. Option - I could really use credits.Player - What are you offering? +50
            • 402. - You only look out for your own species? Good to know.
            • 275. - You're one cold-hearted woman, aren't you?
            • 278. - And here I thought you were a real man.
              • 280. - See this blaster up my sleeve, Bracco? Unless you want a scorch mark where your face used to be, get lost!
                • 282. - Hey, hey, take--take it easy! We don't want any trouble. See? We're--we're gonna....
  • 285. - You shouldn't keep Viidu waiting. He's in his office with Corso.
  • 286. - You must be the freighter captain Viidu's expecting. It's a pleasure to meet you in person. I'm Syreena.
    • 372. Option - Hello.Player - Pleased to meet you.
      • 288. - Likewise. My father flew tramp freighters, but I never developed a taste for space travel, myself. Too dangerous for me.
      • 291. - I have to say, you're a cut above the types we usually get in here. I'd almost forgotten what a real man looks like.
    • 294. Option - What's your job here?Player - You seem a little out of place in this boy's club.
      • 295. - Viidu has a taste for life's finer things, and he's decided I'm one of them.
    • 298. Option - [Flirt] Hi there.Player - What's a knockout like you doing in this dump?
      • 299. - I'm here to enhance the aesthetics of Viidu's surroundings. He enjoys looking at pretty things while he works.
    • 306. Option - Beat it.Player - I'm busy, lady. Get lost.
      • 307. - Don't be like that. Ord Mantell is a harsh place. We girls should stick together.
      • 310. - Don't be so mean. It never hurts to have friends, and I'm a good friend to have.
        • 312. - I heard about what happened with Skavak. Can't say I'm surprised. I told Viidu not to trust that scoundrel.
          • 314. - Viidu's putting on a brave face for me, but I can tell he's terrified. Is it bad? Should I be worried?
            • 315. Option - Not a bit.Player - Actually, things are looking up.
              • 316. - That's good to hear. I hope you'll let me know if that changes.
                • 317. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 320. Option - Follow your instincts.Player - In situations like this, always trust your gut.
              • 321. - Good advice. Thank you, Captain.
                • 322. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 324. Option - [Flirt] I'll protect you.Player - Leave everything to me, sweetheart.
              • 325. - It's comforting to know a confident man like you is taking care of things. I feel safer already.
            • 373. Option - Mind your own business.Player - That's none of your business.
              • 329. - If something bad is about to happen, I'd like to be as far from it as possible. A little warning is all I ask.
                • 330. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 336. - Sorry for keeping you from your appointment. Viidu's waiting in his office. I know he's eager to speak with you.
                    • 341. Option - I should go.Player - We've got important business.
                      • 342. - I'm sure you do. Thank you for indulging me.
                    • 345. Option - Then stop talking.Player - I've wasted enough time on you.
                      • 346. - I'll try to stay out of your way from now on.
                  • 349. - I suppose I shouldn't keep you any longer. Viidu might get the wrong idea about us.
                    • 374. Option - See you later.Player - Goodbye.
                    • 352. Option - [Flirt] Or the right idea.Player - If he's gonna suspect anyway....
                      • 353. - Haha. I can see you're going to be trouble. We'll have to continue this discussion later.
                    • 360. Option - You don't interest me.Player - Stay away, lady. You're the kind of trouble I don't need.
                      • 361. - As you wish.
                        • 363. - Farewell, Captain.
                          • 364. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Welcome. My name is Syreena. If there's anything I can do for you, just ask.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.ord_mantell.class.smuggler.multi.syreena
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