487. Option - A Jedi must stay humble.Player - I appreciate the compliments, but I'm not perfect. Believing I am is the first step towards the dark side.
494. Option - Are you sure about this?Player - You've got a long and interesting history, Teeseven. Do you really think you'll be satisfied staying with me from now on?
484. Option - I won't live forever.Player - I'm not a droid, Teeseven. I'm going to grow old and become one with the Force. Then you'll have to find someone else.
- T7 = confused // Senator Sydia = strong opponent of Empire // Sydia = not logical traitor
463. Option - Alert the authorities. Now.Player - If the Senator's guilty, I don't want to give her a chance to destroy the evidence.
Link to Node 683
682. Option - Maybe she's being framed.Player - If the Senator is being set up, I don't want to ruin her reputation. This needs to be handled discreetly.
Link to Node 683
453. Option - It's always who you least suspect.Player - Being an outspoken opponent of the Empire is the perfect cover for an Imperial spy.
- Jedi = too critical // Most Senators = loyal to Republic // T7 = worked for Senator long ago
404. Option - We have to keep this quiet.Player - This casts a bad light on the entire Senate. Until we know who's responsible, I don't want this to leak out.
- Eckhorn = Imperial spy // Eckhorn = compiled list of Imperial sympathizers inside Republic // Eckhorn = hid list inside Baliss estate
319. Option - Let's go get that list.Player - If we have Imperial sympathizers inside the Republic, we need to know who they are. Time to pay House Baliss a visit.
Link to Node 653
320. Option - Where's Eckhorn now?Player - Any idea if this Imperial Spy is still active?
Link to Node 653
321. Option - I need to kill this traitor.Player - Eckhorn's an Imperial spy. Someone needs to take him out.
- Eckhorn = died 20 years ago // Ship = exploded above Alderaan // Explosion = ruled accidental
654. Option - Shafu was killed the same way!Player - I'm sensing a pattern here, T7.
Link to Node 663
658. Option - I bet Eckhorn got greedy.Player - He probably tried to blackmail the Imperials. Threatened to turn his list over to the Republic. So they killed him.
255. Option - You're not a failure.Player - Shafu knew how valuable this information was. He went to extreme lengths to protect it. It's no wonder you're struggling.
- SIS + T7 = 20 years ago // T7 = only worked one mission
Link to Node 265
263. Option - Sending you was stupid.Player - If the SIS needed someone for a critical mission, they should have sent a real agent instead of a glorified trash can.
- SIS = discovered assassination plot // Muun ambassador = target of GenoHaradan // T7 = sent undercover to protect ambassador
272. Option - That's a dangerous mission.Player - The GenoHaradan are the galaxy's deadliest assassins. How could the SIS expect you to stop one of their agents?
Link to Node 275
271. Option - The GenoHaradan?Player - Who or what are the GenoHaradan?
302. Option - I don't care about your past.Player - Your previous missions mean nothing to me--I only care about here and now. So quit whining and do your job!
- Jedi = right // Past = over // T7 = focus on current mission
Link to Node 642
283. Option - You really blew it.Player - You had a chance to capture a GenoHaradan and you let him get away. You better not ever let me down like that.
- T7 = embarrassed // T7 = ashamed // T7 = believed Shafu was good guy
240. Option - In the end, he was.Player - Shafu may have been a slaver, but he changed his ways. At his heart he was a decent person. Master Zallow saw that, and so did you.
246. Option - We all make mistakes.Player - Nobody's perfect, Teeseven. You may have misjudged Shafu's character, but you can't beat yourself up over it.
- Shafu = disappeared after Master Zallow died // T7 = hopes Shafu okay
161. Option - I'm sure he's fine.Player - He probably decided to lay low after Master Zallow was killed. Get out of the game before his cover was blown.