- To speed our hunt's conclusion, Corporal Sajin has led part of Yuun's team to search the first of these caves, near your current position. Could you assist him?
758. Option - Affirmative.Player - I'll meet up with Corporal Sajin right away.
- Hmm. Bloodthirst. Fury. Desperate desire for the Umbra components but limited understanding of the machine's purpose. And above all, fear of failure.
Link to Node 783
780. Option - More useless mysticism.Player - Of course you sense danger--we're in a war zone!
- Republic personnel are searching Imperial shipwrecks on Hoth. This cannot continue. Full security details will be posted at all crash sites immediately.
- If Havoc Squad attacks one of these useless sites, guards would be drawn away from the others, allowing Yuun's squad to acquire Umbra components elsewhere.
487. Option - Nice thinking.Player - Just pick a crash site and we'll move out.
- The force field cannot be disabled remotely, but its structure is familiar to Yuun. Nearby control panels may be accessed and connections severed to allow passage.
- Imperial computers in the facility will contain locations of Imperial shipwrecks. Imperial shipwrecks will contain the Umbra components we seek. Do you follow?
78. Option - Affirmative.Player - Having the Imperials' own records should speed up our search.
Link to Node 86
79. Option - I guess so.Player - Searching the Imperials' computers can't hurt.
- Before infiltration begins, Yuun asks that Havoc Squad disable motion sensors which would alert the Imperials to our intentions. They are spread across the facility's perimeter.
- Please contact Yuun from Senth Outpost nearby when your battle is complete. Holo signals transmit poorly in this area, and the transmitter there is much stronger. Yuun out.
548. <Conversation Exit>
154. Option - I'm not very technical.Player - I'm not sure how to disable a turret that way, Sergeant.
155. Option - Are you any use at all?Player - First I have to bail you out, now you can't even disable turrets!