- Approaching Drelliad village, sir. Scopes show small-arms fire and enemy movements in all quarters. Separatists are definitely moving on the objective.
- Let me tell you why we're here: The separatists have nabbed a Republic bomb off of a downed transport--a serious bomb, one of those orbital strike numbers.
Link to Node 89
149. Option - Why are we on Ord Mantell?Player - What's the mission?
- Havoc's here to find a stolen Republic bomb, one of those nasty orbital strike numbers. Apparently, a transport crashed with the bomb onboard, and the separatists got there first.
- There's no telling where these grimy bushwhackers have hidden the thing. They have popular support and hideouts everywhere. Finding this bomb won't be easy.
98. Option - We can handle this!Player - No mission is too tough for Havoc Squad!
- Driver! Driver? Blast it, he's down. Backwater separatists aren't supposed to have armor-piercing missiles! They'll tear up every convoy that passes through here!
108. Option - What should we do?Player - How should we proceed, sir?
Link to Node 121
Link to Node 119
112. Option - How could intel miss this?Player - Major hardware in enemy hands--seems like the kind of thing we should've been warned about.
- Fixing things is my specialty, kid--I'm nowhere near the fighter you are. I'll stay and get this walker moving again. You'll disable the separatists' missile launchers. Understood?
153. Option - Got it.Player - Understood, sir.
Link to Node 133
126. Option - Can you really fix the damage?Player - We were hit pretty hard. What are the odds of getting this thing moving again?
- The separatists will probably have their missile launchers piled together in a cache somewhere in the village--and you can bet that cache will be heavily guarded.