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Watcher X

Watcher X
Level 23 Cyber Tech
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Nar_shaddaa
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Watcher X
Other Sites:


  • 1. - I'm not sure who you are. That disturbs me.
  • 1146. - You won't make it out of this. No one ever does.
    • 1147. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1084. - Guess that's done. I'd kick around his body, but the bomb in his head might go off.
        • 1086. - Too bad he decided to play you. If he'd dealt straight, bet he could've told us Keeper's real name.
          • 1087. Option - He knew your secrets.Player - Keeper's not the only one he could've exposed.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1088. - A lot of people know my secrets. I get around. But no one knows it all.
          • 1091. Option - His mistake.Player - He missed his chance. I have no pity for him.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1092. - Yeah. For a guy who thought so much of himself, he wasn't really that smart.
          • 1095. Option - I'm glad he fought us.Player - I was hoping to kill him anyway.
            • 1096. - Well, sure. Eventually.
      • 1101. - Cipher Nine, this is Watcher Two. Please respond.
        • 1103. - I need a status update on Watcher X. I'm ready to put out a general alert.
          • 1104. Option - No need for that.Player - The situation is resolved. Watcher X is dead.
          • 1106. Option - He wasn't any trouble.Player - I found him. We talked. He didn't last.
            • 1107. - That's... that's excellent news. Well done.
          • 1110. Option - Look for yourself.Player - Enjoy the sight--one dead, genetically enhanced former Watcher.
            • 1111. - I... see. Very well. That's all the evidence I need.
              • 1113. - I'll downgrade our security status. Operations will proceed as normal.
                • 1115. - For the record, Cipher--I don't enjoy violence. But I'm extremely happy that Watcher X is out of commission.
                  • 1116. Option - You're serious?Player - Why does he bother you so much?
                    • 1117. - We had nearly the same training. But he was better than me. Smarter. I... know what he was capable of.
                  • 1120. Option - I didn't want him dead.Player - I was hoping to bring him back to Shadow Town.
                    • 1121. - Then frankly, I'm glad the situation forced your hand.
                  • 1124. Option - Hypocrite.Player - Sounds like there's some violence you do enjoy.
                    • 1125. - I appreciate the outcome. That's all.
                      • 1127. - I'll send a crew to collect Watcher X's corpse; his mind and body are Imperial technology.
                        • 1129. - Consider the matter closed. Records of his presence here will be erased, and you're not to speak of this further. I'll debrief you back at the ship.
                          • 1144. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. - Look around. Note your target. Check him for weapons--held, concealed, improvised.
    • 4. - Now scan the rest of the area. Does he have allies? Are they hiding? Are you outmatched without realizing?
      • 6. - I'm disappointed in you, Cipher. I offered you information that could have given you power over your masters.
        • 7. Option - I'm a loyal agent.Player - I knew what I was doing when I took this job.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 8. - So many operatives say that.
        • 11. Option - You're not a reliable source.Player - You might be right--but I don't trust your information.
          • 12. - My fault, maybe. I should've shown you the codes. Pity.
        • 1042. Option - Finally, we get to fight.Player - I'm going to enjoy killing you.
          • 24. - I'm sure you are.
            • 26. - I owe you my release, but I have no qualms about us fighting. If you'd like to back out, you may.
              • 27. Option - I won't.Player - It's too late--for both of us.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 29. Option - You can still surrender.Player - This only ends peacefully if you go back to Shadow Town.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 33. Option - Intelligence won't let me.Player - If I let you go now, the Watchers will know.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 34. - True. Which would make working with them untenable. I understand.
                  • 40. - Goodbye, agent. Now we reach the end.
                    • 41. <Conversation Exit>
  • 42. - Congratulations, Cipher. You've struck the final blow to the terror cell.
    • 44. - Survivors will be unable to regroup. Ties to the Eagle's network have been severed. There's only one catch.
      • 62. - Destroying the network hub sent a ripple through the HoloNet. Shadow Town security momentarily failed. I took the opportunity to escape.
        • 71. Option - You planned this.Player - Escaping was your real goal all along.
          • 72. - I knew working with Intelligence would expand my options. It wasn't until we met that I formulated a plan.
            • 73. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 68. Option - I don't understand.Player - If that's true, why bother telling me?
        • 1034. Option - I'll kill you.Player - You're a dead man.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 77. - Your anger is understandable. Keep it in check.
            • 78. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 79. - Damn son of a sow....
              • 82. - Soon, one of your Watchers will notice the glitch. You'll be asked to find me. Hunt me. But I don't want you as an enemy.
                • 98. - Tell your Watcher that I remain imprisoned. Once I'm safe, I'll share my secrets. You'll know everything Intelligence keeps from its Ciphers.
                  • 99. Option - I'm listening.Player - What kind of information are we talking about?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 104. Option - I should trust you?Player - How do I know you'd keep your end of the deal?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 105. - You don't. But consider the possibilities.
                  • 1035. Option - You can't bribe me.Player - Not interested in anything you have to offer.
                    • 110. - You're not thinking clearly.
                      • 112. - Do you want the details of the eugenics program that bred myself and Watcher Two? The aliases of your "friend" Kaliyo Djannis?
                        • 117. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 118. - You sleazy freak. Think you can play? You're dead. You're so dead.
                          • 121. - It's yours. All the secrets. You only have to help me escape Nar Shaddaa.
                            • 148. Option - Not a chance.Player - If you think you can turn me, you're wasting your time.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 122. Option - I'm intrigued.Player - You know how to make a tempting offer.
                              • 123. - I can guarantee this chance won't come again.
                                • 129. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 130. - You're kidding, right? You're going to sit back and let him use you?
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    • 131. Option - Why so angry?Player - Whether he escapes shouldn't matter to you. Why do you care?
                                    • 133. Option - It's my decision.Player - I have my reasons, Kaliyo. Don't question them.
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 134. - This guy thinks he can play us. No one does that to me. You get that? Not your bosses, and not some purebred garbage.
                                    • 137. Option - Worried about your secrets?Player - Is there something you don't want me to know?
                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                      • 138. - I don't care what he tells you. I care that he thinks he can get away with manipulating us.
                                        • 144. - Apologies for interrupting. I have to get to my ship, and you have an incoming call from your masters.
                            • 150. Option - You scum.Player - I'll hunt you down, you smug creep.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 151. - I'm sorry you feel that way.
                                • 153. - Now I should be going. I have to get to my ship; you have an incoming call from your masters.
                                  • 155. - Goodbye, Cipher.
                                    • 157. - Cipher Nine? This is Watcher Two. I'm routing this call through a half-dozen city subsystems.
                                      • 173. - We intercepted a set of terrorist transmissions reporting the destruction of a company called "VerveGen."
                                        • 175. - I've sent agents to scour the company's systems for additional data. It seems the Nar Shaddaa cell has been neutralized.
                                          • 176. Option - Check my location, too.Player - I just destroyed the cell's communications hub. It could have salvageable data.
                                            • 177. - I'll alert the teams. There's also something else.
                                          • 180. Option - Situation is resolved.Player - I can confirm that the cell's been destroyed.
                                            • 181. - That's excellent. But there's something that concerns me.
                                          • 188. Option - Uh, I'm losing you.Player - Sorry--barely caught that. If you've got something to say, say it fast.
                                            • 189. - Understood. Increasing signal strength.
                                              • 191. - As I was monitoring, I noticed some unusual network activity. It's possible Shadow Town's security was breached.
                                                • 193. - I'm worried about Watcher X. He'd take advantage of a fault like that.
                                                  • 194. Option - It's already a problem.Player - That's what I was about to report. He called me before you did. +100
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 198. Option - I'll take care of him.Player - I'm going after him now. He called me to gloat. +100
                                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                                    • 199. - Damn it all. We can't have a rogue Watcher loose in the galaxy.
                                                      • 201. - Head for the spaceport. I'll try to delay any departures--but be fast. Nar Shaddaa doesn't acknowledge Imperial authority.
                                                        • 204. Option - Already working on it.Player - Don't worry--he's not getting out of the city.
                                                          • 205. - It's good to hear you say that. Watcher Two out.
                                                            • 206. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 209. Option - Are you okay?Player - You're really worried about this, aren't you?
                                                          • 210. - Watcher X unnerves me. Do whatever you can; Watcher Two out.
                                                            • 211. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 1039. Option - Just let me do my job.Player - I didn't ask for your advice.
                                                          • 215. - I won't distract you further. Watcher Two out.
                                                            • 216. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                              • 217. - That's the spirit. Let's kill that filth.
                                                  • 221. Option - There wasn't any breach.Player - I just talked to him. He's still locked up. +50
                                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                    • 224. - I... must have made a mistake, then.
                                                      • 229. - That man puts me on edge--I'm sorry you had to work with him.
                                                        • 230. Option - It's alright.Player - You don't need to apologize.
                                                          • 231. - Thank you... but my judgment may have been clouded.
                                                        • 234. Option - Me, too.Player - You're not the only one who's bothered by him.
                                                          • 235. - And I'm sure you had it worse than I did.
                                                        • 242. Option - Stay professional.Player - Learn to focus on your job--not your feelings.
                                                          • 243. - Keeping a rogue Watcher from running loose in the galaxy is part of my job.
                                                            • 245. - I won't trouble you further. I'm knee-deep in new data, and I'm sure you have business left on Nar Shaddaa.
                                                              • 268. - Contact me once you've returned to your ship. Watcher Two out.
                                                                • 1163. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                  • 226. - You cowardly piece of filth. I'm not going to forget this.
                                                                  • 269. <Conversation Exit>
  • 270. - Get to the communications hub in Network Access. End this.
  • 1151. - Excellent work. The terrorists are dead.
  • 271. - There's nothing more we can do here. Get to VerveGen and intercept the terror cell leaders.
  • 403. - Welcome back, Cipher. Glad you could visit.
    • 405. - Most people in Shadow Town seek escape. Spies. Assassins. Freedom is the only reason they'd help the Empire.
      • 407. - But Imperial Intelligence isn't offering me freedom. You know why?
        • 408. Option - Tell me.Player - I was wondering about that.
        • 416. Option - My only concern is our work.Player - I won't get sidetracked. Let's talk about VerveGen.
        • 420. Option - Intelligence isn't stupid.Player - You're insane. Letting you free would be the worst thing we could do.
          • 423. - Imperial Intelligence is scared to let me free. But the Watchers know that if I refuse to help, my mental conditioning reacts.
            • 425. - If I disobey a superior, I get headaches. They last for days. So I may as well help you--the alternative is less pleasant.
              • 432. Option - Is that "conditioning" common?Player - Has Intelligence done that to anyone else?
                • 433. - Oh, yes. But I know you're eager to get back to business.
              • 436. Option - I'm sorry.Player - For what it's worth, you have my sympathy.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 437. - I wasn't looking for pity. I thought you might be interested.
              • 428. Option - Good to know.Player - Whatever it takes to keep you under control.
                • 429. - Me, or anyone else your employers want to train.
                  • 439. - Now that we have surveillance, I've been able to monitor VerveGen's activities. The results are enlightening.
                    • 441. - As we suspected, they're manufacturing Cyclone. In fact, VerveGen is preparing a large quantity of serum for transport and distribution.
                      • 446. Option - Terrorists at work.Player - They're transferring the Cyclone to other cells in the network.
                        • 447. - That's exactly right.
                      • 1017. Option - What else?Player - Tell me more.
                      • 452. Option - I could've guessed that.Player - They weren't testing it out in the name of science.
                        • 453. - I won't argue. But this next point is more intriguing.
                          • 272. - VerveGen's day-to-day management is expecting a visit from the owners. That's when the Cyclone will be turned over.
                            • 288. - Security will increase--employees sent home, holocams activated, internal defenses powered on. But get into the meeting unnoticed and you'll find the terror cell leaders.
                              • 277. Option - Time for an ambush.Player - Then we can eliminate the terrorists and destroy the Cyclone.
                                • 278. - An appropriate solution. But the approach will require delicacy.
                              • 293. Option - I can be careful.Player - Going unnoticed is my specialty.
                                • 294. - I'm aware of that. But even Ciphers have their limits.
                              • 283. Option - Finally, some progress.Player - It's about time you came up with something useful.
                                • 284. - I'm glad you approve.
                                  • 316. - With effort, we can create a cybernetic disguise combining armor, implants and holographic technology. You would appear to be a class-five droid.
                                    • 318. - Most security devices don't screen mindless droid workers. Fitted with such a camouflage system, you could walk into VerveGen unmolested.
                                      • 319. Option - All right.Player - How do we get this working?
                                      • 323. Option - Is that safe?Player - Being covered in cybernetics and holograms doesn't exactly sound healthy.
                                        • 324. - It should be safe. Granted, I haven't seen it tested.
                                      • 327. Option - Are you joking?Player - You expect me to go undercover as a droid?
                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                        • 328. - It's the most efficient way to get inside VerveGen. More to the point, it's the only way I can think of.
                                          • 330. - I've already assembled the system's components. All that remains is to implant the cybernetics necessary to hide your life readings.
                                            • 332. - I can put you to sleep with an anesthetic before making the incisions. Otherwise, we can begin; the procedure should be swift.
                                              • 335. Option - Put me to sleep.Player - Just wake me up when the operation's done.
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                              • 337. Option - I'm not sure about this.Player - Is all that really necessary?
                                                • 338. - The implants are smaller than blaster cartridges. The disguise is needed. Really--there's no need to be squeamish.
                                                  • 340. - Now, awake or asleep?
                                                    • 341. Option - Put me out.Player - I'll go to sleep, but this had better work.
                                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                      • 348. - Of course. I'll try not to cause any damage while I'm inside.
                                                        • 349. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                          • 350. - Not that I doubt him, but I'll keep an eye out for you. 'Night.
                                                    • 1215. Option - I'll let you decide.Player - I don't care. Surprise me.
                                                    • 347. Option - Kaliyo? Watch over me.Player - Keep an eye on him. If anything goes wrong...
                                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                                      • 358. - I've got my blaster out.
                                                        • 367. - Finished. I've inserted three implants along your spinal column. You'll never feel them.
                                                    • 345. Option - Keep me awake.Player - If we're going to do this, I want to see what's happening.
                                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                              • 370. Option - Absolutely no anesthetic.Player - There's no way I'm letting you knock me out.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 371. - As you like. I'll go as fast as possible.
                                                  • 373. - There. I've inserted three implants along your spinal column. The pain should fade quickly.
                                                    • 375. - Congratulations. From now on, you'll be able to pass as a machine.
                                                      • 376. Option - Let's move.Player - We're losing time. What's next?
                                                      • 378. Option - That's so weird.Player - A droid disguise... just what I've always wanted.
                                                      • 1032. Option - This is it?Player - Are we done here?
                                                        • 383. - We're finished. Time to move on.
                                                          • 385. - It won't be long before the cell leaders arrive at VerveGen. I suggest you get to the meeting. Eliminate everyone.
                                                            • 1030. - Afterward, I'll contact you for confirmation. Good luck, Cipher.
                                                              • 1221. <Conversation Exit>
  • 456. - I need those terminals disabled if I'm going to set up surveillance around VerveGen.
  • 1064. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 457. - Hello, Cipher. Always pleasant to speak.
      • 459. - You know, I managed to slice into the Star Cluster's holocams. I got to see how you handle field work.
        • 460. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 467. - You had Jordel Tlan rather taken with you. Congratulations. I didn't think it possible to seduce a man like that.
            • 469. Option - It was easy.Player - Men like him aren't hard to manipulate.
              +200 Influence : approves.
          • 473. - I didn't think it possible to talk through a meeting with Jordel Tlan. You handled yourself adeptly.
            • 487. Option - No violence required.Player - See? And you thought I'd need to poison him.
              • 488. - It seems I was mistaken.
          • 481. - You handled the Twi'lek woman expertly. I underestimated your persuasiveness.
            • 483. Option - It was easy.Player - She was happy to share what she knew.
              • 484. - Seduction is a useful tool for you. Does that cause friction with other operatives? No matter.
            • 505. Option - You violated my privacy.Player - You had no business watching me.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 506. - There's no privacy in this work. At least I tell you when I'm watching.
          • 492. - Your questioning of Jordel Tlan was adeptly handled. You should try torturing people more often.
            • 493. Option - Can we move on?Player - Let's talk about the mission, please.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 494. - Of course. That's why I'm here.
            • 497. Option - It was necessary.Player - I learned what I needed to learn.
            • 501. Option - It wasn't torture... exactly.Player - Poisoning Tlan was blackmail. Nothing more, nothing else.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 502. - An important distinction. I apologize.
                • 508. - So. Now we know about VerveGen--a Synchet Industries medical subsidiary purchased by a shadowy group of buyers.
                  • 510. - Those buyers were presumably members of the terror cell. The company was acquired to produce Cyclone and other technologies.
                    • 515. Option - Agreed.Player - I reached the same conclusion.
                    • 519. Option - How's that possible?Player - How could terrorists afford to buy a company?
                      • 1009. - I understand you dealt with the financiers on Alderaan. You'd know the details better than I.
                      • 520. - Uncertain. It appears the Eagle's network has significant financial resources.
                    • 511. Option - They're our next target.Player - We need to take on VerveGen.
                      • 512. - Not yet. Soon, but not yet.
                        • 526. - I've located the VerveGen offices, but I'm unable to obtain personnel records. Their data is very well secured.
                          • 528. - I need you to set up surveillance. Slice into public terminals around the building perimeter, and I can use HoloNet resources to see and hear inside.
                            • 531. Option - And after that?Player - Say we're successful--then what?
                              • 1012. - We analyze the situation. Determine our best approach.
                            • 1015. Option - All right.Player - Any idea where I should start?
                            • 535. Option - We should attack now.Player - They're unprepared. Can't we just wipe the place out?
                              • 536. - We have one chance to destroy VerveGen's operations. If we attack without knowing the facts, we risk cell leaders escaping.
                                • 538. - VerveGen is located in the upper level industrial sites. The sector is overrun by corporate security--some may carry Cyclone as a last resort.
                                  • 578. - When you're done, come to Shadow Town. We'll meet in person. Watcher X out.
                                    • 581. <Conversation Exit>
  • 582. - This isn't the place for you. Get to the Star Cluster Casino and investigate Jordel Tlan.
  • 697. - Hello again, Cipher. I'm seeing everything the bioscan sees.
    • 698. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 699. - Blood. Genetic codes. Who did this sample come from? I think it was an Evocii.
      • 702. - Genetic bonding agents. Molecular webs. Pure, perfect--take Cyclone and it becomes you.
        • 704. - I'm going deeper, now, Cipher. Looking for a signature to tell us who the artist is. Curious?
          • 705. Option - Sure, I'm curious.Player - I'll play along. What've you found?
          • 713. Option - The "artist"?Player - This serum is "art" to you?
            • 714. - Of a sort. It's not hard to appreciate when you see the intricacies.
          • 709. Option - Only if it helps us.Player - I'm interested in tracing Cyclone to the terrorists. Nothing else.
            • 710. - You're very dedicated. Keeper must be pleased.
              • 583. - I have a corporate match. Cyclone's coding process is registered to Synchet Industries.
                • 599. - Synchet used to manufacture droids, food supplements, medical supplies. But Synchet declared bankruptcy five years ago. The company is gone.
                  • 600. Option - What?Player - In that case, where's the serum coming from?
                  • 602. Option - Not entirely, it seems.Player - Someone else must be using their technology.
                  • 606. Option - You messed up.Player - I should've known Cyclone was a dead end.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 611. - Synchet--a dead company--is connected to Cyclone. Cyclone is connected to the terror cell... we need more.
                      • 625. - I'm finding one former Synchet executive currently on Nar Shaddaa. He left the company just before it dissolved.
                        • 627. - Question him about Synchet. We need to know what happened to their resources, whether they had terrorist connections.
                          • 630. Option - He'll talk to me.Player - Shouldn't be hard to interrogate a rich businessman.
                          • 1000. Option - I'll do it.Player - All right, I'll go talk to him.
                          • 634. Option - He better hope he's innocent.Player - If he's involved, he's dead.
                            • 635. - Is that what Imperial Intelligence teaches now? Wasteful.
                              • 1154. - Your executive is named Jordel Tlan. Rich, eccentric, reclusive. Stays in his private casino lounge. Only associates with droids.
                                • 657. - No visitors allowed. No weapons allowed. He'll need a reason to talk to you--to be desperate to talk to you.
                                  • 1001. Option - Do I even want to know?Player - I'm not sure I care to hear your plan.
                                  • 658. Option - What're you thinking?Player - I assume you have something in mind?
                                  • 660. Option - Seduction, maybe?Player - I know how to make men desperate for me.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 661. - I doubt Tlan is tempted by flesh. He's been with his droids too long.
                                  • 664. Option - That doesn't sound good.Player - Somehow, I don't like where this is going.
                                  • 666. Option - What's our leverage?Player - Is there a way to blackmail him?
                                    • 667. - I think so.
                                      • 671. - Use the resources you have. See those medical crates? Combine their chemicals correctly and you'll have an undetectable poison.
                                        • 673. - Tlan's serving droids won't notice if you poison his drink. When he sweats and chokes, offer the antidote in return for cooperation.
                                          • 676. Option - I'll keep my options open.Player - I'll do what I have to--but I make the call myself.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                          • 1004. Option - Good thinking.Player - That's a good idea.
                                          • 1008. Option - That's sick.Player - You're sick!
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                            • 681. - Think you can talk your way into a meeting? Good luck persuading his droids.
                                              • 683. - I'm sending the formulas for poison and antidote. The important thing is to get to Tlan. Get him talking about the terrorists, Cyclone and the dissolution of Synchet.
                                                • 696. <Conversation Exit>
  • 725. - You should be in the Duros Sector. You shouldn't be talking to me.
  • 726. - This is Watcher X. I've been waiting for your call.
    • 728. - I assume you have my Cyclone specimen. Was there any trouble at the augmentations shop? Did you admire their work?
      • 729. Option - Mission complete.Player - I have the serum. The shop's been dealt with.
      • 735. Option - Their work was... something.Player - I saw what went on in there.
        • 736. - Crude, but inspired. Not as artful as what the Empire did to me. Not as skillful as what they did to Watcher Two.
      • 739. Option - Stick to the point.Player - Don't waste my time asking stupid questions.
        • 740. - Am I being unprofessional? Maybe I've forgotten how a Watcher should act. It's been a long time.
          • 742. - Now--we need to analyze the specimen. Figure out where Cyclone comes from. We'll need equipment I can't buy in Shadow Town.
            • 744. - There's an abandoned medical laboratory in the Duros Sector. If armed refugees haven't stripped it bare, you can run the analysis at the lab's bioscan.
              • 745. Option - Then what?Player - What happens once I get the analysis?
                • 746. - You send the results to me. Then I think about Cyclone's connection to the terrorists. I'm very good at thinking.
              • 749. Option - What about refugees?Player - Will these "armed refugees" pose a problem?
                • 750. - I don't see why. You're a trained killer. Kill them.
              • 757. Option - I'm tired of running errands.Player - You better not be giving me the runaround.
                • 758. - Why would I do that? If you couldn't trust me, why would Imperial Intelligence give us this assignment?
                  • 1223. <Conversation Exit>
  • 764. - Get the Cyclone specimen. It's the only way to trace the serum to the terrorists.
  • 765. - Step inside. Scan the apartment for the important things: overt threats, escape routes, access terminals.
    • 767. - Take your time.
      • 769. - Now look again. Scan for concealed weapons. Hiding places. Anything innocent is probably a bug; anything you don't recognize should be analyzed later. Play the game--I can wait.
        • 770. Option - Hello.Player - Are you Watcher X?
          • 771. - Yes. Formerly Watcher Five. Formerly Minder Eight. Not that you're authorized to know it.
            • 772. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 780. Option - Huh?Player - What are you talking about?
          • 781. - The systems of Imperial Intelligence. The training. Be vigilant--because if you aren't, you die.
            • 782. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 785. Option - You're not much of a host.Player - Nice meeting you, too, Watcher X.
          • 786. - I apologize. "I'm so glad to see you." Is that what you were expecting?
            • 787. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 788. - Got a lot of brass for someone living in filth.
              • 793. - You're a Cipher agent. Specializations in disguise, seduction, infiltration, assassination.
                • 1175. - You're brave to come to Shadow Town. This could be your future--a bomb in your head, trapped here like a criminal.
                  • 808. Option - We have business.Player - Stop stalling and start helping. Now.
                    • 1180. - Of course. Watcher Two--my "sister" in the eugenics program--told me what you need.
                  • 814. Option - Tell me about Shadow Town.Player - I'm still not completely clear what this place is.
                    • 815. - The people in the slum are spies, assassins, scientists, experiments. Most of us have done... unpleasant things. All of us know too much.
                      • 817. - The Empire keeps us because we're too valuable to kill--but it doesn't want us on its doorstep. Now do you understand?
                        • 820. Option - Let's move on.Player - I think I follow you. Now let's talk about the terrorists.
                        • 822. Option - "Too valuable"?Player - What makes you so valuable?
                          • 823. - My mind. My ability to see connections. Let me give you an example.
                        • 826. Option - You have no idea.Player - I understand more than you realize.
                          • 827. - Of course. And now we have business to discuss.
                  • 830. Option - You are a criminal.Player - Watcher Two told me about you. You deserve to be here.
                    • 1176. - Watcher Two. We were part of the same eugenics program, she and I--both of us created to be superior minds.
                      • 853. - You know that the Eagle's terrorists are using Nar Shaddaa as a supply hub. But I imagine you don't know their latest scheme.
                        • 855. - The terror cell is on the verge of acquiring mass quantities of a new genetic modification serum: Cyclone. They plan to distribute it across the Eagle's network.
                          • 856. Option - Cyclone?Player - What's this serum do?
                          • 987. Option - You're certain?Player - How do you know this?
                            • 859. - Stray HoloNet transmissions. Murmurs in the underworld.
                          • 866. Option - I'll stop them.Player - I don't intend to let any of them leave here alive.
                            • 867. - Then you'd best move quickly.
                              • 869. - Cyclone increases a user's speed and focus, transforming an average human into a natural assassin. It's also lethal--a minor defect.
                                • 1168. - We need to learn who created the serum and find their link to the terrorists. You must obtain a sample--a Cyclone dose or a user's blood specimen.
                                  • 902. Option - How do I do that?Player - Where would I get a dose of Cyclone?
                                    • 1171. - Distribution is done anonymously, but Cyclone is available to the underworld. Gangsters are excellent test subjects.
                                  • 904. Option - I'll make someone give it up.Player - You want me to go out and spill blood?
                                    • 905. - I'd rather keep things quiet.
                                  • 908. Option - I don't trust your motives.Player - Maybe you want the Cyclone for yourself.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 909. - If I want to assassinate someone, I won't need a serum.
                                      • 911. - There's an augmentation shop in the Corellian Sector--a place people go for fast, dangerous modifications. Purchase the Cyclone there.
                                        • 933. - I can give you an injection to mimic the effects of long-term genetic damage. You'll be slower and weaker, but you'd make a convincing Cyclone buyer.
                                          • 934. Option - I need every edge I can get.Player - Go ahead. I'll play the part of a genetic wreck.
                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                          • 937. Option - Slower and weaker?Player - I assume the effects are temporary?
                                            • 940. - It should last only last a short time--long enough for you to get to the shop.
                                              • 942. - I suggest you avoid excessive violence while affected, however. Now--do you want the injection or not?
                                                • 943. Option - Fine.Player - All right--but this better not be a trick.
                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                  • 949. - You're brave, agent. Brave and trusting.
                                                  • 952. - One moment, and I'll be done.
                                                    • 954. - There. Now you should be on your way.
                                                • 946. Option - I choose "not."Player - I'll take my chances without the injection.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 957. Option - No way, creep.Player - I'd rather pump myself full of toxic runoff.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                          • 959. Option - I don't think so.Player - I'm not letting you inject me with anything.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 960. - As you like.
                                              • 961. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                • 962. - Probably the smart choice. Too bad--wonder what he would've done to you.
                                                • 967. - Get to the shop. Get me my Cyclone or my blood. Then we find the link to your terrorist enemies.
                                                  • 982. <Conversation Exit>
  • 983. - You're not supposed to be here. Leave now.
  • 461. - Got yourself an admirer.
    • 462. <Non-dialogue segment.>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc3 minutes40011.0.0
Npc6 seconds4m30m35011.0.0
Npc15 seconds10m30011.0.0
Npc15 seconds4m25011.0.0
Npc9 seconds4m7011.0.0
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.nar_shaddaa.class.spy.multi.watcher_x
Appearance ID16141177281997118952
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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        "deFemale": "W\u00e4chter X"
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        "OpposingFactionIds": [],
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